Foam::tmp<Foam::volScalarField> Foam::diameterModels::IATEsources::dummy::R() const { return volScalarField::New ( "R", iate_.phase().U().mesh(), dimensionedScalar(dimless/dimTime, 0) ); }
void Foam::inhomogeneousMixture<ThermoType>::read(const dictionary& thermoDict) { stoicRatio_ = dimensionedScalar ( thermoDict.lookup("stoichiometricAirFuelMassRatio") ); fuel_ = ThermoType(thermoDict.lookup("fuel")); oxidant_ = ThermoType(thermoDict.lookup("oxidant")); products_ = ThermoType(thermoDict.lookup("burntProducts")); }
Foam::processorField::processorField ( const word& name, const objectRegistry& obr, const dictionary& dict, const bool loadFromFiles ) : name_(name), obr_(obr), active_(true) { // Check if the available mesh is an fvMesh otherise deactivate if (isA<fvMesh>(obr_)) { read(dict); const fvMesh& mesh = refCast<const fvMesh>(obr_); volScalarField* procFieldPtr ( new volScalarField ( IOobject ( "processorID", mesh.time().timeName(), mesh, IOobject::NO_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE ), mesh, dimensionedScalar("0", dimless, 0.0) ) ); mesh.objectRegistry::store(procFieldPtr); } else { active_ = false; WarningIn ( "processorField::processorField" "(" "const word&, " "const objectRegistry&, " "const dictionary&, " "const bool" ")" ) << "No fvMesh available, deactivating " << name_ << endl; } }
Foam::tmp<Foam::volScalarField> Foam::JohnsonJacksonFrictionalStress::muf ( const volScalarField& alpha, const dimensionedScalar& alphaMax, const volScalarField& pf, const volSymmTensorField& D, const dimensionedScalar& phi ) const { return dimensionedScalar("0.5", dimTime, 0.5)*pf*sin(phi); }
void Foam::CellAverageParticleVelocity<CloudType>::preEvolve() { if (UpPtr_.valid()) { UpPtr_->internalField() = vector::zero; } else { const fvMesh& mesh = this->owner().mesh(); UpPtr_.reset ( new volVectorField ( IOobject ( this->owner().name() + "Up", mesh.time().timeName(), mesh, IOobject::MUST_READ, IOobject::AUTO_WRITE ), mesh, dimensionedVector("zeroVector", dimVelocity, vector::zero) ) ); } if (pVolPtr_.valid()) { pVolPtr_->internalField() = scalar(0); } else { const fvMesh& mesh = this->owner().mesh(); pVolPtr_.reset ( new volScalarField ( IOobject ( this->owner().name() + "pVol", mesh.time().timeName(), mesh, IOobject::NO_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE ), mesh, dimensionedScalar("zeroVolume", dimVolume, scalar(0)) ) ); } }
Foam::tmp<Foam::volScalarField> Foam::kineticTheoryModels::frictionalStressModels::Schaeffer::nu ( const volScalarField& alpha1, const dimensionedScalar& alphaMax, const volScalarField& pf, const volSymmTensorField& D ) const { const scalar I2Dsmall = 1.0e-15; // Creating nu assuming it should be 0 on the boundary which may not be // true tmp<volScalarField> tnu ( new volScalarField ( IOobject ( "Schaeffer:nu", alpha1.mesh().time().timeName(), alpha1.mesh(), IOobject::NO_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE, false ), alpha1.mesh(), dimensionedScalar("nu", dimensionSet(0, 2, -1, 0, 0), 0.0) ) ); volScalarField& nuf = tnu(); forAll (D, celli) { if (alpha1[celli] > alphaMax.value() - 5e-2) { nuf[celli] = 0.5*pf[celli]*sin(phi_.value()) /( sqrt(1.0/6.0*(sqr(D[celli].xx() - D[celli].yy()) + sqr(D[celli].yy() - D[celli].zz()) + sqr(D[celli].zz() - D[celli].xx())) + sqr(D[celli].xy()) + sqr(D[celli].xz()) + sqr(D[celli].yz())) + I2Dsmall ); } } // Correct coupled BCs nuf.correctBoundaryConditions(); return tnu; }
void Foam::processorField::execute() { if (active_) { const volScalarField& procField = obr_.lookupObject<volScalarField>("processorID"); const_cast<volScalarField&>(procField) == dimensionedScalar("procI", dimless, Pstream::myProcNo()); } }
//- Construct from objectRegistry arguments Foam::engineTime::engineTime ( const word& name, const fileName& rootPath, const fileName& caseName, const fileName& systemName, const fileName& constantName, const fileName& dictName ) : Time ( name, rootPath, caseName, systemName, constantName ), dict_ ( IOobject ( dictName, constant(), *this, IOobject::MUST_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE, false ) ), rpm_(dict_.lookup("rpm")), conRodLength_(dimensionedScalar("conRodLength", dimLength, 0)), bore_(dimensionedScalar("bore", dimLength, 0)), stroke_(dimensionedScalar("stroke", dimLength, 0)), clearance_(dimensionedScalar("clearance", dimLength, 0)) { // the geometric parameters are not strictly required for Time if (dict_.found("conRodLength")) { dict_.lookup("conRodLength") >> conRodLength_; }
volScalarField dynamicKEqn<BasicTurbulenceModel>::Ce() const { const volSymmTensorField D(dev(symm(fvc::grad(this->U_)))); volScalarField KK ( 0.5*(filter_(magSqr(this->U_)) - magSqr(filter_(this->U_))) ); KK.max(dimensionedScalar("small", KK.dimensions(), SMALL)); return Ce(D, KK); }
Foam::tmp<Foam::volScalarField> Foam::kineticTheoryModels::frictionalStressModels::JohnsonJackson::nu ( const phaseModel& phase, const dimensionedScalar& alphaMinFriction, const dimensionedScalar& alphaMax, const volScalarField& pf, const volSymmTensorField& D ) const { return dimensionedScalar("0.5", dimTime, 0.5)*pf*sin(phi_); }
tmp<volScalarField::Internal> kinematicSingleLayer::Srho ( const label i ) const { return volScalarField::Internal::New ( typeName + ":Srho(" + Foam::name(i) + ")", primaryMesh(), dimensionedScalar(dimMass/dimVolume/dimTime, 0) ); }
void kinematicSingleLayer::preEvolveRegion() { if (debug) { InfoInFunction << endl; } surfaceFilmRegionModel::preEvolveRegion(); transferPrimaryRegionThermoFields(); correctThermoFields(); transferPrimaryRegionSourceFields(); // Reset transfer fields availableMass_ = mass(); cloudMassTrans_ == dimensionedScalar(dimMass, 0); cloudDiameterTrans_ == dimensionedScalar(dimLength, 0); primaryMassTrans_ == dimensionedScalar(dimMass, 0); }
standardRadiation::standardRadiation ( const surfaceFilmModel& owner, const dictionary& dict ) : filmRadiationModel(typeName, owner, dict), QrPrimary_ ( IOobject ( "Qr", // same name as Qr on primary region to enable mapping owner.time().timeName(), owner.regionMesh(), IOobject::NO_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE ), owner.regionMesh(), dimensionedScalar("zero", dimMass/pow3(dimTime), 0.0), owner.mappedPushedFieldPatchTypes<scalar>() ), QrNet_ ( IOobject ( "QrNet", owner.time().timeName(), owner.regionMesh(), IOobject::NO_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE ), owner.regionMesh(), dimensionedScalar("zero", dimMass/pow3(dimTime), 0.0), zeroGradientFvPatchScalarField::typeName ), delta_(, deltaMin_(readScalar(coeffs_.lookup("deltaMin"))), beta_(readScalar(coeffs_.lookup("beta"))), kappaBar_(readScalar(coeffs_.lookup("kappaBar"))) {}
void Foam::LESModels::IDDESDelta::calcDelta() { const volScalarField& hmax = hmax_; const fvMesh& mesh = turbulenceModel_.mesh(); // Wall-normal vectors const volVectorField& n = wallDist::New(mesh).n(); tmp<volScalarField> tfaceToFacenMax ( new volScalarField ( IOobject ( "faceToFaceMax", mesh.time().timeName(), mesh, IOobject::NO_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE ), mesh, dimensionedScalar("zero", dimLength, 0.0) ) ); scalarField& faceToFacenMax = tfaceToFacenMax.ref().primitiveFieldRef(); const cellList& cells = mesh.cells(); const vectorField& faceCentres = mesh.faceCentres(); forAll(cells, celli) { scalar maxDelta = 0.0; const labelList& cFaces = cells[celli]; const vector nci = n[celli]; forAll(cFaces, cFacei) { label facei = cFaces[cFacei]; const point& fci = faceCentres[facei]; forAll(cFaces, cFacej) { label facej = cFaces[cFacej]; const point& fcj = faceCentres[facej]; scalar ndfc = nci & (fcj - fci); if (ndfc > maxDelta) { maxDelta = ndfc; } }
Foam::tmp<Foam::volScalarField> Foam::radiationModels::noRadiation::Rp() const { return volScalarField::New ( "Rp", mesh_, dimensionedScalar ( constant::physicoChemical::sigma.dimensions()/dimLength, 0 ) ); }
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // void Foam::ChengDiringer::update() { Info<<"Updating Sigma Source terms"<<endl; //By the time, no quenching due to excesive strain is incorporated //(see the paper by Cheng & Diringer) ProdRateForSigma_ = rho_ * alphaSigma_ * turbulence_.epsilon() / (turbulence_.k() + dimensionedScalar("tol", pow(dimVelocity,2), SMALL)); DestrRateForSigma_ = rho_ * betaSigma_ * Su_ * Sigma_/(b_ + SMALL); }
Foam::tmp<Foam::volScalarField> Foam::kineticTheoryModels::frictionalStressModels::Schaeffer:: frictionalPressure ( const volScalarField& alpha1, const dimensionedScalar& alphaMinFriction, const dimensionedScalar& alphaMax ) const { return dimensionedScalar("1e24", dimensionSet(1, -1, -2, 0, 0), 1e24) //1e24*(alpha-alphaMinFriction)^10 if alpha1<Minfriction, then it is 0 *pow(Foam::max(alpha1 - alphaMinFriction, scalar(0)), 10.0); }
// Update the coefficients associated with the patch field void smoluchowskiJumpTFvPatchScalarField::updateCoeffs() { if (updated()) { return; } const fvPatchScalarField& pmu = lookupPatchField<volScalarField, scalar>("mu"); const fvPatchScalarField& prho = lookupPatchField<volScalarField, scalar>("rho"); const fvPatchField<scalar>& ppsi = lookupPatchField<volScalarField, scalar>("psi"); const fvPatchVectorField& pU = lookupPatchField<volVectorField, vector>("U"); // Prandtl number reading consistent with rhoCentralFoam const dictionary& thermophysicalProperties = db().lookupObject<IOdictionary>("thermophysicalProperties"); dimensionedScalar Pr = dimensionedScalar("Pr", dimless, 1.0); if (thermophysicalProperties.found("Pr")) { Pr = dimensionedScalar(thermophysicalProperties.lookup("Pr")); } Field<scalar> C2 = pmu/prho *sqrt(ppsi*mathematicalConstant::pi/2.0) *2.0*gamma_/Pr.value()/(gamma_ + 1.0) *(2.0 - accommodationCoeff_)/accommodationCoeff_; Field<scalar> aCoeff = prho.snGrad() - prho/C2; Field<scalar> KEbyRho = 0.5*magSqr(pU); valueFraction() = (1.0/(1.0 + patch().deltaCoeffs()*C2)); refValue() = Twall_; refGrad() = 0.0; mixedFvPatchScalarField::updateCoeffs(); }
Foam::tmp<Foam::volScalarField> Foam::kineticTheoryModels::frictionalStressModels::Schaeffer:: frictionalPressurePrime ( const volScalarField& alpha1, const dimensionedScalar& alphaMinFriction, const dimensionedScalar& alphaMax ) const { return dimensionedScalar("1e25", dimensionSet(1, -1, -2, 0, 0), 1e25) *pow(Foam::max(alpha1 - alphaMinFriction, scalar(0)), 9.0); }
Foam::ConstantRateDevolatilisation<CloudType>::ConstantRateDevolatilisation ( const dictionary& dict, CloudType& owner ) : DevolatilisationModel<CloudType>(dict, owner, typeName), A0_(dimensionedScalar(this->coeffDict().lookup("A0")).value()), volatileResidualCoeff_ ( readScalar(this->coeffDict().lookup("volatileResidualCoeff")) ) {}
singleStepCombustion<CombThermoType, ThermoType>::singleStepCombustion ( const word& modelType, const fvMesh& mesh, const word& combustionProperties, const word& phaseName ) : CombThermoType(modelType, mesh, phaseName), singleMixturePtr_(nullptr), wFuel_ ( IOobject ( IOobject::groupName("wFuel", phaseName), this->mesh().time().timeName(), this->mesh(), IOobject::NO_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE ), this->mesh(), dimensionedScalar("zero", dimMass/dimVolume/dimTime, 0.0) ), semiImplicit_(readBool(this->coeffs_.lookup("semiImplicit"))) { if (isA<singleStepReactingMixture<ThermoType>>(this->thermo())) { singleMixturePtr_ = &dynamic_cast<singleStepReactingMixture<ThermoType>&> ( this->thermo() ); } else { FatalErrorInFunction << "Inconsistent thermo package for " << this->type() << " model:\n" << " " << this->thermo().type() << nl << nl << "Please select a thermo package based on " << "singleStepReactingMixture" << exit(FatalError); } if (semiImplicit_) { Info<< "Combustion mode: semi-implicit" << endl; } else { Info<< "Combustion mode: explicit" << endl; } }
void Foam::epsilonWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField::createAveragingWeights() { const volScalarField& epsilon = static_cast<const volScalarField&>(this->internalField()); const volScalarField::Boundary& bf = epsilon.boundaryField(); const fvMesh& mesh = epsilon.mesh(); if (initialised_ && !mesh.changing()) { return; } volScalarField weights ( IOobject ( "weights", mesh.time().timeName(), mesh, IOobject::NO_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE, false // do not register ), mesh, dimensionedScalar(dimless, 0) ); DynamicList<label> epsilonPatches(bf.size()); forAll(bf, patchi) { if (isA<epsilonWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField>(bf[patchi])) { epsilonPatches.append(patchi); const labelUList& faceCells = bf[patchi].patch().faceCells(); forAll(faceCells, i) { weights[faceCells[i]]++; } } } cornerWeights_.setSize(bf.size()); forAll(epsilonPatches, i) { label patchi = epsilonPatches[i]; const fvPatchScalarField& wf = weights.boundaryField()[patchi]; cornerWeights_[patchi] = 1.0/wf.patchInternalField(); }
tmp<DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh> > thermoSingleLayer::Srho ( const label i ) const { const label vapId = thermo_.carrierId(thermo_.liquids().components()[liquidId_]); tmp<DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh> > tSrho ( new DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh> ( IOobject ( "thermoSingleLayer::Srho(" + Foam::name(i) + ")", time_.timeName(), primaryMesh(), IOobject::NO_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE, false ), primaryMesh(), dimensionedScalar("zero", dimMass/dimVolume/dimTime, 0.0) ) ); if (vapId == i) { scalarField& Srho = tSrho(); const scalarField& V = primaryMesh().V(); const scalar dt = time().deltaTValue(); forAll(intCoupledPatchIDs_, i) { const label filmPatchI = intCoupledPatchIDs_[i]; const mapDistribute& distMap = mappedPatches_[filmPatchI].map(); scalarField patchMass = primaryMassPCTrans_.boundaryField()[filmPatchI]; distMap.distribute(patchMass); const label primaryPatchI = primaryPatchIDs()[i]; const unallocLabelList& cells = primaryMesh().boundaryMesh()[primaryPatchI].faceCells(); forAll(patchMass, j) { Srho[cells[j]] = patchMass[j]/(V[cells[j]]*dt); } } }
Foam::InjectionModel<CloudType>::InjectionModel ( const dictionary& dict, CloudType& owner, const word& type ) : dict_(dict), owner_(owner), coeffDict_(dict.subDict(type + "Coeffs")), SOI_(readScalar(coeffDict_.lookup("SOI"))), volumeTotal_(0.0), massTotal_(dimensionedScalar(coeffDict_.lookup("massTotal")).value()), massInjected_(0.0), nInjections_(0), parcelsAddedTotal_(0), parcelBasis_(pbNumber), time0_(owner.db().time().value()), timeStep0_(0.0) { // Provide some info // - also serves to initialise mesh dimensions - needed for parallel runs // due to lazy evaluation of valid mesh dimensions Info<< " Constructing " << owner.mesh().nGeometricD() << "-D injection" << endl; word parcelBasisType = coeffDict_.lookup("parcelBasisType"); if (parcelBasisType == "mass") { parcelBasis_ = pbMass; } else if (parcelBasisType == "number") { parcelBasis_ = pbNumber; } else { FatalErrorIn ( "Foam::InjectionModel<CloudType>::InjectionModel" "(" "const dictionary&, " "CloudType&, " "const word&" ")" )<< "parcelBasisType must be either 'number' or 'mass'" << nl << exit(FatalError); } readProps(); }
Foam::dimensionedScalar Foam::equationReader::evaluateDimensionedScalar ( const label equationIndex, const label cellIndex, const label geoIndex ) const { return dimensionedScalar ( operator[](equationIndex).name(), evaluateDimensions(equationIndex), evaluateScalar(equationIndex, cellIndex, geoIndex) ); }
void thermoSingleLayer::preEvolveRegion() { if (debug) { tabAdd(); Info<<tab.c_str()<< "thermoSingleLayer::preEvolveRegion()" << endl; } surfaceFilmModel::preEvolveRegion();//kvm, added to map T_pyrolysis to film model // correctHsForMappedT(); kinematicSingleLayer::preEvolveRegion(); // Update phase change primaryMassPCTrans_ == dimensionedScalar("zero", dimMass, 0.0); primaryEnergyPCTrans_ == dimensionedScalar("zero", dimEnergy, 0.0); if (debug) { Info<<tab.c_str()<< "leaving thermoSingleLayer::preEvolveRegion()" << endl; tabSubtract(); } }
Foam::tmp<Foam::volScalarField> Foam::SchaefferFrictionalStress::muf ( const volScalarField& alpha, const dimensionedScalar& alphaMax, const volScalarField& pf, const volSymmTensorField& D, const dimensionedScalar& phi ) const { const scalar I2Dsmall = 1.0e-15; // Creating muf assuming it should be 0 on the boundary which may not be // true tmp<volScalarField> tmuf ( new volScalarField ( IOobject ( "muf", alpha.mesh().time().timeName(), alpha.mesh() ), alpha.mesh(), dimensionedScalar("muf", dimensionSet(1, -1, -1, 0, 0), 0.0) ) ); volScalarField& muff = tmuf(); forAll (D, celli) { if (alpha[celli] > alphaMax.value() - 5e-2) { muff[celli] = 0.5*pf[celli]*sin(phi.value()) /( sqrt(1.0/6.0*(sqr(D[celli].xx() - D[celli].yy()) + sqr(D[celli].yy() - D[celli].zz()) + sqr(D[celli].zz() - D[celli].xx())) + sqr(D[celli].xy()) + sqr(D[celli].xz()) + sqr(D[celli].yz())) + I2Dsmall ); } } muff.correctBoundaryConditions(); return tmuf; }
void Foam::IDDESDelta::calcDelta() { const volScalarField& hmax = hmax_(); // initialise wallNorm wallDistReflection wallNorm(mesh()); const volVectorField& n = wallNorm.n(); tmp<volScalarField> tfaceToFacenMax ( new volScalarField ( IOobject ( "faceToFaceMax", mesh().time().timeName(), mesh(), IOobject::NO_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE ), mesh(), dimensionedScalar("zrero", dimLength, 0.0) ) ); scalarField& faceToFacenMax = tfaceToFacenMax().internalField(); const cellList& cells = mesh().cells(); const vectorField& faceCentres = mesh().faceCentres(); forAll(cells, cellI) { scalar deltaMaxTmp = 0.0; const labelList& cFaces = cells[cellI]; const vector nCell = n[cellI]; forAll(cFaces, cFaceI) { label faceI = cFaces[cFaceI]; const point& faceCentreI = faceCentres[faceI]; forAll(cFaces, cFaceJ) { label faceJ = cFaces[cFaceJ]; const point& faceCentreJ = faceCentres[faceJ]; scalar tmp = (faceCentreJ - faceCentreI) & nCell; if (tmp > deltaMaxTmp) { deltaMaxTmp = tmp; } }
Foam::CourantNo::CourantNo ( const word& name, const objectRegistry& obr, const dictionary& dict, const bool loadFromFiles ) : name_(name), obr_(obr), active_(true), phiName_("phi"), rhoName_("rho") { // Check if the available mesh is an fvMesh, otherwise deactivate if (!isA<fvMesh>(obr_)) { active_ = false; WarningInFunction << "No fvMesh available, deactivating " << name_ << nl << endl; } read(dict); if (active_) { const fvMesh& mesh = refCast<const fvMesh>(obr_); volScalarField* CourantNoPtr ( new volScalarField ( IOobject ( type(), mesh.time().timeName(), mesh, IOobject::NO_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE ), mesh, dimensionedScalar("0", dimless, 0.0), zeroGradientFvPatchScalarField::typeName ) ); mesh.objectRegistry::store(CourantNoPtr); } }
Foam::solidChemistryModel<CompType, SolidThermo>:: solidChemistryModel ( const fvMesh& mesh ) : CompType(mesh), ODESystem(), Ys_(this->solidThermo().composition().Y()), reactions_ ( dynamic_cast<const reactingMixture<SolidThermo>& > ( this->solidThermo() ) ), solidThermo_ ( dynamic_cast<const reactingMixture<SolidThermo>& > ( this->solidThermo() ).speciesData() ), nSolids_(Ys_.size()), nReaction_(reactions_.size()), RRs_(nSolids_), reactingCells_(mesh.nCells(), true) { // create the fields for the chemistry sources forAll(RRs_, fieldI) { RRs_.set ( fieldI, new DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh> ( IOobject ( "RRs." + Ys_[fieldI].name(), mesh.time().timeName(), mesh, IOobject::NO_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE ), mesh, dimensionedScalar("zero", dimMass/dimVolume/dimTime, 0.0) ) ); }