コード例 #1
void PlayerCamera::update(float deltaTime) {
	//move player camera
	vec3f dirFront(sin(rot.y*DEG_TO_RAD)*cos(rot.x*DEG_TO_RAD), -sin(rot.x*DEG_TO_RAD), -cos(rot.y*DEG_TO_RAD)*cos(rot.x*DEG_TO_RAD));
	vec3f dirRight(-cos(rot.y*DEG_TO_RAD), 0, -sin(rot.y*DEG_TO_RAD));
	float vel = 10.0f;
	if(Input::isKeyDown(sf::Keyboard::S)) pos -= dirFront*deltaTime*vel;
	if(Input::isKeyDown(sf::Keyboard::W)) pos += dirFront*deltaTime*vel;
	if(Input::isKeyDown(sf::Keyboard::D)) pos -= dirRight*deltaTime*vel;
	if(Input::isKeyDown(sf::Keyboard::A)) pos += dirRight*deltaTime*vel;
	if(Input::getMouseDisplacement() != vec2i(0,0))
		rot += vec3f(Input::getMouseDisplacement().y*0.1f,Input::getMouseDisplacement().x*0.1f,0);
	//center mouse
コード例 #2
ファイル: main.cpp プロジェクト: Aleem21/rtabmap
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
	if(argc < 2)

	bool inv = false;
	for(int i=1; i<argc-1; ++i)
		if(strcmp(argv[i], "-inv") == 0)
			inv = true;
			printf(" Inversing option activated...\n");
		if(argc > 3)
			printf(" Not recognized option: \"%s\"\n", argv[i]);

	std::string path, pathRight;

	if(argc == 3 && !inv)
		//two paths
		path = argv[1];
		pathRight = argv[2];

		printf(" Path left = %s\n", path.c_str());
		printf(" Path right = %s\n", pathRight.c_str());
		path = argv[argc-1];
		printf(" Path = %s\n", path.c_str());

	UDirectory dir(path, "jpg bmp png tiff jpeg");
	UDirectory dirRight(pathRight, "jpg bmp png tiff jpeg");
	if(!dir.isValid() || (!pathRight.empty() && !dirRight.isValid()))
		printf("Path invalid!\n");

	std::string targetDirectory = path+"_joined";
	printf(" Creating directory \"%s\"\n", targetDirectory.c_str());

	std::string fileNameA = dir.getNextFilePath();
	std::string fileNameB;
		fileNameB = dirRight.getNextFilePath();
		fileNameB = dir.getNextFilePath();

	int i=1;
	while(!fileNameA.empty() && !fileNameB.empty())
			std::string tmp = fileNameA;
			fileNameA = fileNameB;
			fileNameB = tmp;

		std::string ext = UFile::getExtension(fileNameA);

		std::string targetFilePath = targetDirectory+UDirectory::separator()+uNumber2Str(i++)+"."+ext;

		cv::Mat imageA = cv::imread(fileNameA.c_str());
		cv::Mat imageB = cv::imread(fileNameB.c_str());


		if(!imageA.empty() && !imageB.empty())
			cv::Size sizeA = imageA.size();
			cv::Size sizeB = imageB.size();
			cv::Size targetSize(0,0);
			targetSize.width = sizeA.width + sizeB.width;
			targetSize.height = sizeA.height > sizeB.height ? sizeA.height : sizeB.height;
			cv::Mat targetImage(targetSize, imageA.type());

			cv::Mat roiA(targetImage, cv::Rect( 0, 0, sizeA.width, sizeA.height ));
			cv::Mat roiB( targetImage, cvRect( sizeA.width, 0, sizeB.width, sizeB.height ) );

			if(!cv::imwrite(targetFilePath.c_str(), targetImage))
				printf("Error : saving to \"%s\" goes wrong...\n", targetFilePath.c_str());
				printf("Saved \"%s\" \n", targetFilePath.c_str());

			fileNameA = dir.getNextFilePath();
				fileNameB = dirRight.getNextFilePath();
				fileNameB = dir.getNextFilePath();
			printf("Error: loading images failed!\n");
	printf("%d files processed\n", i-1);

	return 0;
コード例 #3
ファイル: Funnel.cpp プロジェクト: argenos/Menge
	void FunnelPlanner::computeCrossing( float radius, const Vector2 & startPos, PortalPath * path, size_t startPortal ) {
		assert( path->getPortalCount() > 0 && "Funnel planner should only be applied to PortalPaths with at least one portal" );
		FunnelApex apex( startPortal - 1, startPos );	// if startPortal is zero, this should go to all 1s...i.e. -1 > all other size_t values
		const WayPortal * portal = path->getPortal( startPortal );
		Vector2 pLeft( portal->getLeft( radius ) );
		Vector2 pRight( portal->getRight( radius ) );
		Vector2 dirLeft( pLeft - apex._pos );
		Vector2 dirRight( pRight - apex._pos );
		FunnelEdge funnelLeft( startPortal, dirLeft );
		FunnelEdge funnelRight( startPortal, dirRight );
		size_t currPortal = startPortal + 1;
		const size_t PORTAL_COUNT = path->getPortalCount();
		while ( currPortal < PORTAL_COUNT ) {
			portal = path->getPortal( currPortal );
			pLeft.set( portal->getLeft( radius ) );
			pRight.set( portal->getRight( radius ) );
			dirLeft.set( pLeft - apex._pos );
			dirRight.set( pRight - apex._pos );

			// test left side of the funnel
			if ( funnelRight.isOnRight( dirLeft ) ) {
				// the portal's funnel is on the right of the current funnel
				Vector2 oldApex = apex._pos;
				Vector2 newApex = funnelRight._dir + apex._pos;
				//if ( apex._id != -1 && apex._id < currPortal ) {
					path->setWaypoints( apex._id + 1, funnelRight._id + 1, newApex, norm( funnelRight._dir ) );
				apex.set( funnelRight._id, newApex );
				currPortal = funnelRight._id + 1;

				portal = path->getPortal( currPortal );
				pLeft.set( portal->getLeft( radius ) );
				pRight.set( portal->getRight( radius ) );
				dirLeft.set( pLeft - apex._pos );
				dirRight.set( pRight - apex._pos );
				funnelLeft.set( currPortal, dirLeft );
				funnelRight.set( currPortal, dirRight );
			} else if ( funnelLeft.isOnRight( dirLeft ) ) {
				funnelLeft.set( currPortal, dirLeft );

			// test right side of the funnel
			if ( funnelLeft.isOnLeft( dirRight ) ) {
				// the portal's funnel is on the left of the current funnel
				Vector2 oldApex = apex._pos;
				Vector2 newApex = funnelLeft._dir + apex._pos;
				//if ( apex._id != -1 && apex._id < currPortal ) {
					path->setWaypoints( apex._id + 1, funnelLeft._id + 1, newApex, norm( funnelLeft._dir ) );
				apex.set( funnelLeft._id, newApex );
				currPortal = funnelLeft._id + 1;

				portal = path->getPortal( currPortal );
				pLeft.set( portal->getLeft( radius ) );
				pRight.set( portal->getRight( radius ) );
				dirLeft.set( pLeft - apex._pos );
				dirRight.set( pRight - apex._pos );
				funnelLeft.set( currPortal, dirLeft );
				funnelRight.set( currPortal, dirRight );
			} else if ( funnelRight.isOnLeft( dirRight ) ) {
				funnelRight.set( currPortal, dirRight );

		// Now handle goal
		const Vector2 goalPt = path->getGoalCentroid();
		Vector2 goalDir( goalPt - apex._pos );

		if ( funnelLeft.isOnLeft( goalDir ) ) {
			// The goal point is on the left side of the funnel
			if ( apex._id != -1 && apex._id < PORTAL_COUNT ) {
				path->setWaypoints( apex._id + 1, PORTAL_COUNT, apex._pos + funnelLeft._dir, norm( funnelLeft._dir ) );
		} else if ( funnelRight.isOnRight( goalDir ) ) {
			// The goal point is on the right side of the funnel
			if ( apex._id != -1 && apex._id < PORTAL_COUNT ) {
				path->setWaypoints( apex._id + 1, PORTAL_COUNT, apex._pos + funnelRight._dir, norm( funnelRight._dir ) );

		if ( apex._id + 1 < PORTAL_COUNT ) {
			path->setWaypoints( (size_t)apex._id + 1, (size_t)PORTAL_COUNT, goalPt, norm( goalPt - apex._pos ) );

		_left.push_back( FunnelEdge( startPortal - 1, startPortal, dirLeft, startPos ) );
		_right.push_back( FunnelEdge( startPortal - 1, startPortal, dirRight, startPos ) );
		const size_t PORTAL_COUNT = path->getPortalCount();
		for ( size_t i = startPortal + 1; i < PORTAL_COUNT; ++i ) {
			portal = path->getPortal( i );

			// investigate the left point
			pLeft.set( portal->getLeft( radius ) );			
			bool apexMoved = false;
			while ( !_right.empty() ) {
				std::list< FunnelEdge >::iterator itr = _right.begin();
				Vector2 dir = pLeft - itr->_origin;
				if ( itr->isOnRight( dir ) ) {
					apexMoved = true;
					Vector2 newApex = itr->_origin + itr->_dir;
					path->setWaypoints( itr->_id + 1, itr->_endID + 1, newApex, norm( itr->_dir ) );
					apex.set( itr->_endID, newApex );
				} else {
			if ( apexMoved ) {
				_left.push_back( FunnelEdge( apex._id, i, pLeft - apex._pos, apex._pos ) );
			} else {
				std::list< FunnelEdge >::reverse_iterator itr = _left.rbegin();
				while ( ! _left.empty() ) {
					Vector2 dir = pLeft - itr->_origin;
					if ( itr->isOnRight( dir ) ) {
						itr = _left.rbegin();
					} else {
				if ( _left.empty() ) {
					_left.push_back( FunnelEdge( apex._id, i, pLeft - apex._pos, apex._pos ) );
				} else {
					Vector2 origin( itr->_origin + itr->_dir );
					_left.push_back( FunnelEdge( itr->_endID, i, pLeft - origin, origin ) );

			// investigate the right point
			pRight.set( portal->getRight( radius ) );
			apexMoved = false;
			while ( !_left.empty() ) {
				std::list< FunnelEdge >::iterator itr = _left.begin();
				Vector2 dir = pRight - itr->_origin;
				if ( itr->isOnLeft( dir ) ) {
					apexMoved = true;
					Vector2 newApex = itr->_origin + itr->_dir;
					path->setWaypoints( itr->_id + 1, itr->_endID + 1, newApex, norm( itr->_dir ) );
					apex.set( itr->_endID, newApex );
				} else {
			if ( apexMoved ) {
				_right.push_back( FunnelEdge( apex._id, i, pRight - apex._pos, apex._pos ) );
			} else {
				std::list< FunnelEdge >::reverse_iterator itr = _right.rbegin();
				while ( ! _right.empty() ) {
					Vector2 dir = pRight - itr->_origin;
					if ( itr->isOnLeft( dir ) ) {
						itr = _right.rbegin();
					} else {
				if ( _right.empty() ) {
					_right.push_back( FunnelEdge( apex._id, i, pRight - apex._pos, apex._pos ) );
				} else {
					Vector2 origin( itr->_origin + itr->_dir );
					_right.push_back( FunnelEdge( itr->_endID, i, pRight - origin, origin ) );
		// handle the goal
		const Vector2 goalPt = path->getGoalCentroid();
		Vector2 goalDir;

		bool apexMoved = false;
		while ( !_left.empty() ) {
			std::list< FunnelEdge >::iterator itr = _left.begin();
			goalDir.set( goalPt - itr->_origin );
			if ( itr->isOnLeft( goalDir ) ) {
				apexMoved = true;
				Vector2 newApex = itr->_origin + itr->_dir;
				apex.set( itr->_endID, newApex );
				path->setWaypoints( itr->_id + 1, itr->_endID + 1, newApex, norm( itr->_dir ) );
			} else {
		if ( apexMoved ) {
			goalDir.set( goalPt - apex._pos );
			path->setWaypoints( apex._id + 1, PORTAL_COUNT, goalPt, norm( goalDir ) );
		} else {
			// apexMoved is already false -- it is the only way to reach this branch
			while ( !_right.empty() ) {
				std::list< FunnelEdge >::iterator itr = _right.begin();
				goalDir.set( goalPt - itr->_origin );
				if ( itr->isOnRight( goalDir ) ) {
					apexMoved = true;
					Vector2 newApex = itr->_origin + itr->_dir;
					apex.set( itr->_endID, newApex );
					path->setWaypoints( itr->_id + 1, itr->_endID + 1, newApex, norm( itr->_dir ) );
				} else {

			goalDir.set( goalPt - apex._pos );
			path->setWaypoints( apex._id + 1, PORTAL_COUNT, goalPt, norm( goalDir ) );

	#endif	// SIMPLE_FUNNEL