コード例 #1
ファイル: filemodel.cpp プロジェクト: rstanislav/brummbeere
void FileModel::initDav(const QString &davUrl,
                        const QString &davUser,
                        const QString &davPassword)
    mDavUrl = davUrl;
    if (!mDavUrl.endsWith("/"))
        mDavUrl += "/";
    mDavUrl = mDavUrl + "remote.php/webdav";
    mAuthUrl = mDavUrl;
    if (mAuthUrl.startsWith("http://"))
        mAuthUrl = mAuthUrl.replace("http://", "http://" + davUser + ":" + davPassword + "@");
    else if (mAuthUrl.startsWith("https://"))
        mAuthUrl = mAuthUrl.replace("https://", "https://" + davUser + ":" + davPassword + "@");
    // parse Url to get parts
    QUrl qtUrl(mDavUrl);
    mDavClient = new QWebDAV();

    connect(mDavClient, SIGNAL(directoryListingReady(QList<QWebDAV::FileInfo>)),
        this, SLOT(addDavFiles(QList<QWebDAV::FileInfo>)));

    mDavClient->initialize(mDavUrl, davUser, davPassword, qtUrl.path());

    emit davSettingsChanged();
コード例 #2
void QWebDAV::processDirList(QByteArray xml, QString url)
    syncDebug() << "\n\n\n" << xml;
    QList<QWebDAV::FileInfo> list;
    QDomDocument domDocument;
    QString errorStr;
    int errorLine;
    int errorColumn;

    if (!domDocument.setContent(xml, true, &errorStr, &errorLine,
                                &errorColumn)) {
        syncDebug() << "Error at line " << errorLine << " column " << errorColumn;
        syncDebug() << errorStr;
        emit directoryListingError(url);

    QDomElement root = domDocument.documentElement();
    if( root.tagName() != "multistatus" ) {
        syncDebug() << "Badly formatted XML!" << xml;
        emit directoryListingError(url);

    QString name;
    QString size;
    QString last;
    QString type;
    QString available;
    bool locked;
    QDomElement response = root.firstChildElement("response");
    while (!response.isNull()) {
        // Parse first response
        QDomElement child = response.firstChildElement();
        while (!child.isNull()) {
            //syncDebug() << "ChildName: " << child.tagName();
            if ( child.tagName() == "href" ) {
                name = child.text();
            } else if ( child.tagName() == "propstat") {
                QDomElement prop = child.firstChildElement("prop")
                while(!prop.isNull()) {
                    //syncDebug() << "PropName: " << prop.tagName();
                    if( prop.tagName() == "getlastmodified") {
                        last = prop.text();
                    } else if ( prop.tagName() == "getcontentlength" ||
                                prop.tagName() == "quota-used-bytes") {
                        size = prop.text();
                    } else if ( prop.tagName() == "quota-available-bytes") {
                        available = prop.text();
                    } else if ( prop.tagName() == "resourcetype") {
                        QDomElement resourseType = prop.firstChildElement("");
                        type = resourseType.tagName();
                    } else if ( prop.tagName() == "lockdiscovery") {
                        if(prop.text() == "" ) { // Not locked
                            locked = false;
                        } else { // Locked
                            QDomElement lock = prop.firstChildElement("activelock");
                            while(!lock.isNull()) {
                                if( prop.tagName() == "lockscope" &&
                                        prop.text() == "exclusive" ) {
                                    locked = true;
                                lock = lock.nextSiblingElement();

                    prop = prop.nextSiblingElement();
            child = child.nextSiblingElement();
//        syncDebug() << "Name: " << name << "\nSize: " << size << "\nLastModified: "
//                 << last << "\nSizeAvailable: " << available << "\nType: "
//                 << type << "\n";
        // Filter out the requested directory from this list
        //syncDebug() << "Type: " << type << "Name: " << name << " URL: " << url;
        name = QUrl::fromPercentEncoding(name.toLatin1());
        if( !(type == "collection" && name == url) ) {
            // Filter out the pathname from the filename and decode URL

            // Store lastmodified as an EPOCH format
            last.replace(" +0000","");
            QDateTime date = QDateTime::fromString(last,
                                                   "ddd dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss");
            last = QString("%1").arg(date.toMSecsSinceEpoch());
        name = size = last = type = available = "";
        response = response.nextSiblingElement();
    //for(int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++ ) {
    //    list[i].print();

    // Let whoever is listening know that we have their stuff ready!
    emit directoryListingReady(list);