コード例 #1
ファイル: simonDisplay.c プロジェクト: wg88719/zybo_samples
// I used a busy-wait delay (utils_msDelay) that uses a for-loop and just blocks until the time has passed.
// When you implement the game, you CANNOT use this function as we discussed in class. Implement the delay
// using the non-blocking state-machine approach discussed in class.
void simonDisplay_runTest(uint16_t touchCount) {
  display_init();  // Always initialize the display.
  char str[MAX_STR];   // Enough for some simple printing.
  uint8_t regionNumber;
  uint16_t touches = 0;
  // Write an informational message and wait for the user to touch the LCD.
  display_fillScreen(DISPLAY_BLACK);        // clear the screen.
  display_setCursor(0, display_height()/2); //
  display_setTextColor(DISPLAY_RED, DISPLAY_BLACK);
  sprintf(str, "Touch and release to start the Simon demo.");
  sprintf(str, "Demo will terminate after %d touches.", touchCount);
  while (!display_isTouched());       // Wait here until the screen is touched.
  while (display_isTouched());        // Now wait until the touch is released.
  display_fillScreen(DISPLAY_BLACK);  // Clear the screen.
  simonDisplay_drawAllButtons();      // Draw all of the buttons.
  bool touched = false;  	      // Keep track of when the pad is touched.
  int16_t x, y;  		      // Use these to keep track of coordinates.
  uint8_t z;      		      // This is the relative touch pressure.
  while (touches < touchCount) {  // Run the loop according to the number of touches passed in.
    if (!display_isTouched() && touched) {         // user has stopped touching the pad.
      simonDisplay_drawSquare(regionNumber, true); // Erase the square.
      simonDisplay_drawButton(regionNumber);	   // DISPLAY_REDraw the button.
      touched = false;															// Released the touch, set touched to false.
    } else if (display_isTouched() && !touched) {   // User started touching the pad.
      touched = true;                               // Just touched the pad, set touched = true.
      touches++;  																	// Keep track of the number of touches.
      display_clearOldTouchData();  // Get rid of data from previous touches.
      // Must wait this many milliseconds for the chip to do analog processing.
      display_getTouchedPoint(&x, &y, &z);                  // After the wait, get the touched point.
      regionNumber = simonDisplay_computeRegionNumber(x, y);// Compute the region number.
      simonDisplay_drawSquare(regionNumber, false);	    // Draw the square (erase = false).
  // Done with the demo, write an informational message to the user.
  display_fillScreen(DISPLAY_BLACK);        // clear the screen.
  display_setCursor(0, display_height()/2); // Place the cursor in the middle of the screen.
  display_setTextSize(2);                   // Make it readable.
  display_setTextColor(DISPLAY_RED, DISPLAY_BLACK);  // red is foreground color, black is background color.
  sprintf(str, "Simon demo terminated");    // Format a string using sprintf.
  display_println(str);                     // Print it to the LCD.
  sprintf(str, "after %d touches.", touchCount);  // Format the rest of the string.
  display_println(str);  // Print it to the LCD.
コード例 #2
ファイル: starmain.c プロジェクト: BackupTheBerlios/sfox-svn
void init()
  heightfield hf;
  heightfieldinfo hfi;
  skybox sb;
  object3d plan = create_plan_xy(100, 100, 1, 1);
  material mat = material_create(NULL, 0, &color_red, 0, 0);
  matrix4 tmp;
  vector3 cam_pos = {0,50,0};
  vector3 cam_up = {0,1,0};
  vector3 cam_look = {0,50,-1};
  viewport vp = viewport_create(0, 0, display_width(screen), display_height(screen));

  /* Camera */
  camfps = camera_create(60, ZFAR, ZNEAR, &cam_pos, &cam_look, &cam_up, vp);

  /* Heightfied creation */
  hf = heightfield_create_from_file("data/height.png", 1000, 1000, 100);
  heightfield_set_textures_from_file(hf, "data/land.jpg", "data/detail.jpg");
  heightfield_set_detail_scale(hf, 50, 50);
  matrix4_to_rot_x(tmp, -90);
  heightfield_set_world_matrix(hf, tmp);

  /* Heightfield infos*/
  hfi = heightfieldinfo_create("data/land.jpg", hf, camfps, screen, 250, 250);

  /* Skybox */
  sb = skybox_create(camfps, "data/left.jpg", "data/right.jpg", "data/front.jpg", "data/back.jpg", "data/top.jpg", "data/bottom.jpg", 10);

  /* Test plane */
  object3d_set_material(plan, mat);

  /* Populate the scene */
  scn = scene_create();
  scene_set_camera(scn, camfps);
  scene_set_display(scn, screen);
  scene_add_object(scn, sb, (void *)skybox_to_opengl, NULL);
  scene_add_object(scn, hf, (void *)heightfield_to_opengl, NULL);
  scene_add_object(scn, plan, (void *)object3d_to_opengl, NULL);
  scene_add_object2d(scn, hfi, (void *)heightfieldinfo_to_opengl, NULL);

  font = fontgl_create("data/vera.ttf", 800, 600, 16);
  fontgl_set_color(font, 1,0,0);


コード例 #3
void ticTacToeDisplay_gameOver() {
	display_init();  // Must init all of the software and underlying hardware for LCD.
	display_fillScreen(DISPLAY_BLACK);  // Blank the screen.
	display_drawFastHLine(display_width()/3, display_height()/2, display_width()/3, DISPLAY_CYAN);

	display_println("Game Over");

コード例 #4
heightfieldinfo_create(char *landmap, heightfield hf, camera cam, display disp, float sizex, float sizey)
  matrix4 world;
  heightfieldinfo hfi = malloc(sizeof(struct heightfieldinfo));

  matrix4_to_translate(world, display_width(disp)-sizex,
		       display_height(disp)-sizey, 0);
  object2d_init(SF_OBJECT2D(hfi), sizex, sizey, world, material_create_single_texture_from_file(landmap));
  hfi->cam = cam;
  hfi->hf = hf;

  return hfi;
コード例 #5
ファイル: buttons.c プロジェクト: wg88719/zybo_samples
void buttons_runTest() {
  buttons_init();  // Initialize buttons
  display_init();  // Initialize display, which sets Rotation = 1 by default
  display_fillScreen(DISPLAY_BLACK); // blank the screen
  display_setTextColor(DISPLAY_BLACK);  // Change text color to black
  display_setTextSize(BUTTONS_TEXT_SIZE); // Make text larger

  // Set the values of the global variables
  x_max = display_width();
  y_max = display_height();

  // Set the values of screen positions
  x_fourth = FOURTH(x_max);
  x_half = HALF(x_max);
  x_three_fourths = THREE_FOURTHS(x_max);
  y_fourth = FOURTH(y_max);
  y_half = HALF(y_max);
  y_three_fourths = THREE_FOURTHS(y_max);

  // Do an initial read of button values
  int32_t buttonValues = buttons_read();

  // Until all 4 BTNS are pressed simultaneously, write info to the LCD
  while (buttonValues != BUTTONS_ALL_BTNS_ON) {

    // Draw the Rects/Text on the LCD corresponding to current buttons

    // Poll new value of buttons
    buttonValues = buttons_read();

  // After all buttons are pushed simultaneously, finish test.
  display_fillScreen(DISPLAY_BLACK);  // blank screen
  display_setTextColor(DISPLAY_CYAN); // change text color
  display_setCursor(0,0);  // reset cursor to origin
  display_println("Button Test Finished!");  // print that the test is complete
コード例 #6
ファイル: scene.c プロジェクト: BackupTheBerlios/sfox
static void
scene2d_to_opengl(scene scn)
  if(scn->disp == NULL)

   glOrtho(0, display_width(scn->disp), display_height(scn->disp), 0, -1, 1);

  glPushMatrix();	/* Not needed, here only for experimenting frustum*/


コード例 #7
ファイル: simonDisplay.c プロジェクト: wg88719/zybo_samples
int8_t simonDisplay_computeRegionNumber(int16_t x, int16_t y) {
  // Set the values of the sub box dimensions
  uint16_t x_max = display_width();
  uint16_t y_max = display_height();
  uint16_t box_width = GLOBALS_ONE_HALF(x_max);
  uint16_t box_height = GLOBALS_ONE_HALF(y_max);

  // Error condition for values off the screen
  if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x > x_max || y > y_max) {
    return SIMON_DISPLAY_ERROR;  // Invalid touch data

  // Parse through top row
  if (y < box_height) {
    // Check Region 0
    if (x < box_width) {
      return SIMON_DISPLAY_REGION_0;
    // Check Region 1
    else {
      return SIMON_DISPLAY_REGION_1;

  // Parse through bottom row
  else {
    // Check Region 2
    if (x < box_width) {
      return SIMON_DISPLAY_REGION_2;
    // Check Region 3
    else {
      return SIMON_DISPLAY_REGION_3;
コード例 #8
ファイル: simonDisplay.c プロジェクト: wg88719/zybo_samples
void simonDisplay_drawButton(uint8_t regionNumber) {
  // Set the values of the sub box dimensions
  uint16_t x_max = display_width();
  uint16_t y_max = display_height();

  // Compute dimensions of the 4 sub regions
  uint16_t box_width = GLOBALS_ONE_HALF(x_max);
  uint16_t box_height = GLOBALS_ONE_HALF(y_max);

  // Compute dimensions of half the button sizes for convenience in drawing
  uint16_t button_half_width = GLOBALS_ONE_HALF(SIMON_DISPLAY_BUTTON_WIDTH);
  uint16_t button_half_height = GLOBALS_ONE_HALF(SIMON_DISPLAY_BUTTON_HEIGHT);

  // Variables to be used in computing the centerpoint of each subregion
  uint16_t origin_x, origin_y;

  // The dimensions of the button is define by the header file
  switch (regionNumber) {
      // Compute the origin point of the box
      origin_x = GLOBALS_ONE_HALF(box_width) - button_half_width;
      origin_y = GLOBALS_ONE_HALF(box_height) - button_half_height;

      // Draw the RED square
      display_fillRect( origin_x,                           // x0
                        origin_y,                           // y0
                        SIMON_DISPLAY_BUTTON_WIDTH,         // width
                        SIMON_DISPLAY_BUTTON_HEIGHT,        // height
                        DISPLAY_RED                         // color
      // Compute the origin point of the box
      origin_x = box_width;
      origin_y = 0;
      origin_x = GLOBALS_ONE_HALF(box_width) - button_half_width + origin_x;
      origin_y = GLOBALS_ONE_HALF(box_height) - button_half_height + origin_y;

      // Draw the YELLOW square
      display_fillRect( origin_x,                           // x0
                        origin_y,                           // y0
                        SIMON_DISPLAY_BUTTON_WIDTH,         // width
                        SIMON_DISPLAY_BUTTON_HEIGHT,        // height
                        DISPLAY_YELLOW                      // color
      // Compute the origin point of the box
      origin_x = 0;
      origin_y = box_height;
      origin_x = GLOBALS_ONE_HALF(box_width) - button_half_width + origin_x;
      origin_y = GLOBALS_ONE_HALF(box_height) - button_half_height + origin_y;

      // Draw the BLUE square
      display_fillRect( origin_x,                           // x0
                        origin_y,                           // y0
                        SIMON_DISPLAY_BUTTON_WIDTH,         // width
                        SIMON_DISPLAY_BUTTON_HEIGHT,        // height
                        DISPLAY_BLUE                        // color
      // Compute the origin point of the box
      origin_x = box_width;
      origin_y = box_height;
      origin_x = GLOBALS_ONE_HALF(box_width) - button_half_width + origin_x;
      origin_y = GLOBALS_ONE_HALF(box_height) - button_half_height + origin_y;

      // Draw the GREEN square
      display_fillRect( origin_x,                           // x0
                        origin_y,                           // y0
                        SIMON_DISPLAY_BUTTON_WIDTH,         // width
                        SIMON_DISPLAY_BUTTON_HEIGHT,        // height
                        DISPLAY_GREEN                       // color
      printf("Draw button default case hit\n"); // shouldn't hit this
コード例 #9
ファイル: simonDisplay.c プロジェクト: wg88719/zybo_samples
void simonDisplay_drawSquare(uint8_t regionNo, bool erase) {
  // Set the values of the sub box dimensions
  uint16_t x_max = display_width();
  uint16_t y_max = display_height();

  // Compute dimensions of the 4 sub regions
  uint16_t box_width = GLOBALS_ONE_HALF(x_max);
  uint16_t box_height = GLOBALS_ONE_HALF(y_max);

  // Variables to be used in computing the centerpoint of each subregion
  uint16_t origin_x, origin_y;

  // The dimensions of the button is define by the header file
  switch (regionNo) {
      // Compute the origin point of the box
      origin_x = 0;
      origin_y = 0;

      if (erase) {
        // Draw BLACK to erase the square
        display_fillRect( origin_x,          // x0
                          origin_y,          // y0
                          box_width,         // width
                          box_height,        // height
                          DISPLAY_BLACK      // color
      else {
        // Draw the RED square
        display_fillRect( origin_x,          // x0
                          origin_y,          // y0
                          box_width,         // width
                          box_height,        // height
                          DISPLAY_RED        // color
      // Compute the origin point of the box
      origin_x = box_width;
      origin_y = 0;

      if (erase) {
        // Draw BLACK to erase the square
        display_fillRect( origin_x,          // x0
                          origin_y,          // y0
                          box_width,         // width
                          box_height,        // height
                          DISPLAY_BLACK      // color
      else {
        // Draw the YELLOW square
        display_fillRect( origin_x,          // x0
                          origin_y,          // y0
                          box_width,         // width
                          box_height,        // height
                          DISPLAY_YELLOW     // color
      // Compute the origin point of the box
      origin_x = 0;
      origin_y = box_height;

      if (erase) {
        // Draw BLACK to erase the square
        display_fillRect( origin_x,          // x0
                          origin_y,          // y0
                          box_width,         // width
                          box_height,        // height
                          DISPLAY_BLACK      // color
      else {
        // Draw the BLUE square
        display_fillRect( origin_x,          // x0
                          origin_y,          // y0
                          box_width,         // width
                          box_height,        // height
                          DISPLAY_BLUE       // color
      // Compute the origin point of the box
      origin_x = box_width;
      origin_y = box_height;

      if (erase) {
        // Draw BLACK to erase the square
        display_fillRect( origin_x,          // x0
                          origin_y,          // y0
                          box_width,         // width
                          box_height,        // height
                          DISPLAY_BLACK      // color
      else {
        // Draw the GREEN square
        display_fillRect( origin_x,          // x0
                          origin_y,          // y0
                          box_width,         // width
                          box_height,        // height
                          DISPLAY_GREEN      // color
      printf("Draw square default case hit\n"); // shouldn't hit this
コード例 #10
// This will draw the four board lines.
void ticTacToeDisplay_drawBoardLines() {
	display_drawFastVLine(display_width()/3, 0, display_height(), DISPLAY_CYAN);
	display_drawFastVLine(2*(display_width()/3), 0, display_height(), DISPLAY_CYAN);
	display_drawFastHLine(0, display_height()/3, display_width(), DISPLAY_CYAN);
	display_drawFastHLine(0,(2*display_height()/3), display_width(), DISPLAY_CYAN);
コード例 #11
// After a touch has been detected and after the proper delay, this sets the row and column arguments
// according to where the user touched the board.
void ticTacToeDisplay_touchScreenComputeBoardRowColumn(uint8_t* row, uint8_t* column) {
	int16_t x = 0;
	int16_t y = 0;
	uint8_t z = 0;
	uint8_t rowval;
	uint8_t columnval;
	if(display_isTouched()) {
		display_getTouchedPoint(&x, &y, &z);
		*row = 0;
		*column = 0;
		// column 0
		if (x <= display_width()/3) {

			//row 0
			if (y <=  display_height()/3) {
				rowval = 0;
				columnval = 0;
				if (ticTacToeDisplay_SW()) {
					ticTacToeDisplay_drawO(rowval, columnval);
				else {
					ticTacToeDisplay_drawX(rowval, columnval);
				printf("row 0 column 0 \n\r" );
			//row 1
			else if (y <= 2* display_height()/3) {
				rowval = 1;
				columnval = 0;
				if (ticTacToeDisplay_SW()) {
					ticTacToeDisplay_drawO(rowval, columnval);
				else {
					ticTacToeDisplay_drawX(rowval, columnval);
				printf("row 1 column 0 \n\r" );
			//row 2
			else {
				rowval = 2;
				columnval = 0;
				if (ticTacToeDisplay_SW()) {
					ticTacToeDisplay_drawO(rowval, columnval);
				else {
					ticTacToeDisplay_drawX(rowval, columnval);
				printf("row 2 column 0 \n\r" );


		// column 1
		else if (x <= 2*(display_width()/3) ) {

			//row 0
			if (y <=  display_height()/3) {
				rowval = 0;
				columnval = 1;
				if (ticTacToeDisplay_SW()) {
					ticTacToeDisplay_drawO(rowval, columnval);
				else {
					ticTacToeDisplay_drawX(rowval, columnval);
				printf("row 0 column 0 \n\r" );
			//row 1
			else if (y <= 2* display_height()/3) {
				rowval = 1;
				columnval = 1;
				if (ticTacToeDisplay_SW()) {
					ticTacToeDisplay_drawO(rowval, columnval);
				else {
					ticTacToeDisplay_drawX(rowval, columnval);
				printf("row 1 column 0 \n\r" );
			//row 2
			else {
				rowval = 2;
				columnval = 1;
				if (ticTacToeDisplay_SW()) {
					ticTacToeDisplay_drawO(rowval, columnval);
				else {
					ticTacToeDisplay_drawX(rowval, columnval);
				printf("row 2 column 0 \n\r" );


		// column 2
		else {

			//row 0
			if (y <=  display_height()/3) {
				rowval = 0;
				columnval = 2;
				if (ticTacToeDisplay_SW()) {
					ticTacToeDisplay_drawO(rowval, columnval);
				else {
					ticTacToeDisplay_drawX(rowval, columnval);
				printf("row 0 column 0 \n\r" );
			//row 1
			else if (y <= 2* display_height()/3) {
				rowval = 1;
				columnval = 2;
				if (ticTacToeDisplay_SW()) {
					ticTacToeDisplay_drawO(rowval, columnval);
				else {
					ticTacToeDisplay_drawX(rowval, columnval);
				printf("row 1 column 0 \n\r" );
			//row 2
			else {
				rowval = 2;
				columnval = 2;
				if (ticTacToeDisplay_SW()) {
					ticTacToeDisplay_drawO(rowval, columnval);
				else {
					ticTacToeDisplay_drawX(rowval, columnval);
				printf("row 2 column 0 \n\r" );
