コード例 #1
ファイル: dijkstra.cpp プロジェクト: CGAL/releases
main(int argc,char* argv[])
  const char* filename = (argc > 1) ? argv[1] : "data/points.xy";
  std::ifstream input(filename);
  Triangulation t;
  Filter is_finite(t);
  Finite_triangulation ft(t, is_finite, is_finite);

  Point p ;
  while(input >> p){

  vertex_iterator vit, ve;
  // Associate indices to the vertices
  int index = 0;
  // boost::tie assigns the first and second element of the std::pair
  // returned by boost::vertices to the variables vit and ve
  for(boost::tie(vit,ve)=boost::vertices(ft); vit!=ve; ++vit ){
    vertex_descriptor  vd = *vit;
    vertex_id_map[vd]= index++;

  // Dijkstra's shortest path needs property maps for the predecessor and distance
  // We first declare a vector
  std::vector<vertex_descriptor> predecessor(boost::num_vertices(ft));
  // and then turn it into a property map
    predecessor_pmap(predecessor.begin(), vertex_index_pmap);

  std::vector<double> distance(boost::num_vertices(ft));
    distance_pmap(distance.begin(), vertex_index_pmap);

  // start at an arbitrary vertex
  vertex_descriptor source = *boost::vertices(ft).first;
  std::cout << "\nStart dijkstra_shortest_paths at " << source->point() <<"\n";

  boost::dijkstra_shortest_paths(ft, source,

  for(boost::tie(vit,ve)=boost::vertices(ft); vit!=ve; ++vit ){
    vertex_descriptor vd = *vit;
    std::cout << vd->point() << " [" <<  vertex_id_map[vd] << "] ";
    std::cout << " has distance = "  << boost::get(distance_pmap,vd)
	      << " and predecessor ";
    vd =  boost::get(predecessor_pmap,vd);
    std::cout << vd->point() << " [" <<  vertex_id_map[vd] << "]\n ";

  return 0;
コード例 #2
DijkstraResult dijkstra (const Graph& g, const GraphVertex& src)
  // Define some additional map types to store the weights and indices
  // used within Dijkstra's algorithm
  typedef map<GraphEdge, double> WeightMap;
  typedef map<GraphVertex, unsigned> IndexMap;

  // dijkstra_shortest_paths further requires std::map to be
  // wrapped in a "Property Map"
  typedef boost::associative_property_map<DistanceMap> DistancePMap;
  typedef boost::associative_property_map<PredecessorMap> PredecessorPMap;
  typedef boost::associative_property_map<WeightMap> WeightPMap;
  typedef boost::associative_property_map<IndexMap> IndexPMap;

  // OK, step 1: set the indices arbitrarily, because bgl won't do this for you
  IndexMap imap;
  IndexPMap index_pmap(imap);
    unsigned ind=0;
    BOOST_FOREACH (const GraphVertex& v, vertices(g))
      imap[v] = ind++;

  // Step 2: set the weights, using the edge lengths
  WeightMap wmap;
  WeightPMap weight_pmap(wmap);
  BOOST_FOREACH (const GraphEdge& e, edges(g))
    const double l = util::length(g[e].constraint.constraint.pose.position);
    wmap[e] = l;

  // Step 3: set up output maps
  DistanceMap dmap;
  DistancePMap distance_pmap(dmap);
  PredecessorMap pmap;
  PredecessorPMap predecessor_pmap(pmap);

  // Step 4: make the call
  boost::dijkstra_shortest_paths(g, src, weight_map(weight_pmap).vertex_index_map(index_pmap).

  // Step 5: Return
  return DijkstraResult(dmap, pmap);