コード例 #1
ファイル: race_mimic.c プロジェクト: bamhamcity/lessxpcb
static void _set_current_r_idx(int r_idx)
    if (r_idx == p_ptr->current_r_idx)

    disturb(1, 0);
    if (r_idx == MON_MIMIC && p_ptr->current_r_idx)
        msg_format("You stop mimicking %s.", r_name + r_info[p_ptr->current_r_idx].name);
    if (r_idx != MON_MIMIC)
        msg_format("You start mimicking %s.", r_name + r_info[p_ptr->current_r_idx].name);
    /* Mimics shift forms often enough to be annoying if shapes
       have dramatically different body types (e.g. dragons vs humanoids).
       Inscribe gear with @mimic to autoequip on shifing. */
コード例 #2
ファイル: race_demon.c プロジェクト: Alkalinear/poschengband
static void _cyber_move_player(void)
    /* Cyberdemons move erratically (cf get_rep_dir()) and make a lot of noise */
    if (one_in_(66))
        int i;

        cmsg_print(TERM_RED, "The dungeon trembles!");
        if (disturb_minor)
            disturb(0, 0);

        for (i = 1; i < m_max; i++)
            monster_type *m_ptr = &m_list[i];

            if (!m_ptr->r_idx) continue;
            if (m_ptr->cdis < MAX_SIGHT * 2 && MON_CSLEEP(m_ptr))
                (void)set_monster_csleep(i, 0);
コード例 #3
ファイル: wild_realm.c プロジェクト: Alkalinear/poschengband
void wild_weapon_strike(void)
    /* Note, if we get a counter slot first, then you can just regain what you lost.
       So getting the power first assures you are getting something new */
    int power = _get_random_power();
    int slot = _get_counter();
    int info = _find_type(power);

    if (info >= 0)

    p_ptr->wild_counters[slot].type = power;
    p_ptr->wild_counters[slot].counter = 2;

    if (info >= 0)
        p_ptr->redraw |= _types[info].redraw_flags;
        p_ptr->update |= _types[info].update_flags;
        if (disturb_state) disturb(0, 0);
コード例 #4
ファイル: xtra2.c プロジェクト: artes-liberales/FAangband
 * Modify the current panel to the given coordinates, adjusting only to
 * ensure the coordinates are legal, and return TRUE if anything done.
 * The town should never be scrolled around.
 * Note that monsters are no longer affected in any way by panel changes.
 * As a total hack, whenever the current panel changes, we assume that
 * the "overhead view" window should be updated.
bool modify_panel(term *t, int wy, int wx)
	int dungeon_hgt = DUNGEON_HGT;
	int dungeon_wid = DUNGEON_WID;

	/* Adjust for town */
	if (p_ptr->depth == 0) town_adjust(&dungeon_hgt, &dungeon_wid);

	/* Verify wy, adjust if needed */
	if (wy > dungeon_hgt - SCREEN_HGT) wy = dungeon_hgt - SCREEN_HGT;
	if (wy < 0) wy = 0;

	/* Verify wx, adjust if needed */
	if (wx > dungeon_wid - SCREEN_WID) wx = dungeon_wid - SCREEN_WID;
	if (wx < 0) wx = 0;

	/* React to changes */
	if ((t->offset_y != wy) || (t->offset_x != wx))
		/* Save wy, wx */
		t->offset_y = wy;
		t->offset_x = wx;

		/* Redraw map */
		p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_MAP);

		/* Redraw for big graphics */
		if ((tile_width > 1) || (tile_height > 1)) redraw_stuff();
		/* Hack -- optional disturb on "panel change" */
		if (OPT(disturb_panel) && !OPT(center_player)) disturb(0, 0);
		/* Changed */
		return (TRUE);

	/* No change */
	return (FALSE);
コード例 #5
ファイル: cmd-cave.c プロジェクト: pete-mack/angband
 * Manipulate an adjacent grid in some way
 * Attack monsters, tunnel through walls, disarm traps, open doors.
 * This command must always take energy, to prevent free detection
 * of invisible monsters.
 * The "semantics" of this command must be chosen before the player
 * is confused, and it must be verified against the new grid.
void do_cmd_alter_aux(int dir)
	int y, x;
	bool more = false;

	/* Get location */
	y = player->py + ddy[dir];
	x = player->px + ddx[dir];

	/* Take a turn */
	player->upkeep->energy_use = z_info->move_energy;

	/* Apply confusion */
	if (player_confuse_dir(player, &dir, false)) {
		/* Get location */
		y = player->py + ddy[dir];
		x = player->px + ddx[dir];

	/* Action depends on what's there */
	if (cave->squares[y][x].mon > 0)
		/* Attack monsters */
		py_attack(y, x);
	else if (square_isdiggable(cave, y, x))
		/* Tunnel through walls and rubble */
		more = do_cmd_tunnel_aux(y, x);
	else if (square_iscloseddoor(cave, y, x))
		/* Open closed doors */
		more = do_cmd_open_aux(y, x);
	else if (square_isknowntrap(cave, y, x))
		/* Disarm traps */
		more = do_cmd_disarm_aux(y, x);
		/* Oops */
		msg("You spin around.");

	/* Cancel repetition unless we can continue */
	if (!more) disturb(player, 0);
コード例 #6
 * Process a monster spell 
 * \param index is the monster spell flag (RSF_FOO)
 * \param mon is the attacking monster
 * \param seen is whether the player can see the monster at this moment
void do_mon_spell(int index, struct monster *mon, bool seen)
	char m_name[80];
	bool ident, hits = FALSE;

	/* Extract the monster level */
	int rlev = ((mon->race->level >= 1) ? mon->race->level : 1);

	const struct monster_spell *spell = monster_spell_by_index(index);

	/* Get the monster name (or "it") */
	monster_desc(m_name, sizeof(m_name), mon, MDESC_STANDARD);

	/* See if it hits */
	if (spell->hit == 100)
		hits = TRUE;
	else if (spell->hit == 0)
		hits = FALSE;
		hits = check_hit(player, spell->hit, rlev);

	/* Tell the player what's going on */
	disturb(player, 1);
	spell_message(mon, spell, seen, hits);

	if (!hits) return;

	/* Try a saving throw if available */
	if (spell->save_message &&
		randint0(100) < player->state.skills[SKILL_SAVE]) {
		msg("%s", spell->save_message);

	/* Do effects */
	effect_do(spell->effect, NULL, &ident, TRUE, 0, 0, 0);

コード例 #7
ファイル: cmd-pickup.c プロジェクト: myshkin/angband
 * Pick up everything on the floor that requires no player action
int do_autopickup(void)
	int py = player->py;
	int px = player->px;

	struct object *obj, *next;

	/* Objects picked up.  Used to determine time cost of command. */
	byte objs_picked_up = 0;

	/* Nothing to pick up -- return */
	if (!square_object(cave, py, px))
		return 0;

	/* Always pickup gold, effortlessly */

	/* Scan the remaining objects */
	obj = square_object(cave, py, px);
	while (obj) {
		next = obj->next;

		/* Ignore all hidden objects and non-objects */
		if (!ignore_item_ok(obj)) {
			/* Hack -- disturb */
			disturb(player, 0);

			/* Automatically pick up items into the backpack */
			if (auto_pickup_okay(obj)) {
				/* Pick up the object with message */
				player_pickup_aux(obj, TRUE);
		obj = next;

	return objs_picked_up;
コード例 #8
 * Allow for user abort during repeated commands, running and resting.
 * This will only check during every 128th game turn while resting.
void check_for_player_interrupt(game_event_type type, game_event_data *data,
								void *user)
	/* Check for "player abort" */
	if (player->upkeep->running ||
	    cmd_get_nrepeats() > 0 ||
	    (player_is_resting(player) && !(turn & 0x7F))) {
		ui_event e;

		/* Do not wait */
		inkey_scan = SCAN_INSTANT;

		/* Check for a key */
		e = inkey_ex();
		if (e.type != EVT_NONE) {
			/* Flush and disturb */
			disturb(player, 0);
コード例 #9
static void _water_process_world(void)
    int inven_ct = 0;
    int equip_ct = 0;
    int chance = 15;
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < INVEN_TOTAL; i++)
        object_type *o_ptr = &inventory[i];
        u32b         flgs[TR_FLAG_SIZE];
        char         o_name[MAX_NLEN];

        if (!o_ptr->k_idx) continue;
        if (!object_is_armour(o_ptr)) continue;
        if (randint0(1000) >= chance) continue;
        if (o_ptr->ac + o_ptr->to_a <= 0) continue;

        object_flags(o_ptr, flgs);
        if (have_flag(flgs, TR_IGNORE_ACID)) continue;

        object_desc(o_name, o_ptr, (OD_OMIT_PREFIX | OD_NAME_ONLY));
        msg_format("Your watery touch corrodes your %s!", o_name);

        if (i >= EQUIP_BEGIN) ++equip_ct;
        else ++inven_ct;

    if (equip_ct)
        p_ptr->update |= PU_BONUS;
        p_ptr->window |= PW_EQUIP | PW_PLAYER;

    if (equip_ct + inven_ct)
        disturb(1, 0);
コード例 #10
ファイル: cmd2.c プロジェクト: qwerty16/angband
 * Stay still.  Search.  Enter stores.
 * Pick up treasure if "pickup" is true.
void do_cmd_hold(cmd_code code, cmd_arg args[])
	/* Take a turn */
	p_ptr->energy_use = 100;

	/* Spontaneous Searching */
	if ((p_ptr->state.skills[SKILL_SEARCH_FREQUENCY] >= 50) ||
	    one_in_(50 - p_ptr->state.skills[SKILL_SEARCH_FREQUENCY]))

	/* Continuous Searching */
	if (p_ptr->searching)

	/* Pick things up, not using extra energy */

	/* Hack -- enter a store if we are on one */
	if ((cave->feat[p_ptr->py][p_ptr->px] >= FEAT_SHOP_HEAD) &&
	    (cave->feat[p_ptr->py][p_ptr->px] <= FEAT_SHOP_TAIL))
		/* Disturb */
		disturb(p_ptr, 0, 0);


		/* Free turn XXX XXX XXX */
		p_ptr->energy_use = 0;
コード例 #11
ファイル: files.c プロジェクト: essarrdee/angband
 * Save the game
void save_game(void)
	/* Disturb the player */
	disturb(p_ptr, 1, 0);

	/* Clear messages */

	/* Handle stuff */

	/* Message */
	prt("Saving game...", 0, 0);

	/* Refresh */

	/* The player is not dead */
	my_strcpy(p_ptr->died_from, "(saved)", sizeof(p_ptr->died_from));

	/* Forbid suspend */

	/* Save the player */
	if (savefile_save(savefile))
		prt("Saving game... done.", 0, 0);
		prt("Saving game... failed!", 0, 0);

	/* Allow suspend again */

	/* Refresh */

	/* Note that the player is not dead */
	my_strcpy(p_ptr->died_from, "(alive and well)", sizeof(p_ptr->died_from));
コード例 #12
ファイル: avt_files.c プロジェクト: tingley/tactical
 * Handle abrupt death of the visual system
 * This routine is called only in very rare situations, and only
 * by certain visual systems, when they experience fatal errors.
 * XXX XXX Hack -- clear the death flag when creating a HANGUP
 * save file so that player can see tombstone when restart.
 * TODO: Hookify
void exit_game_panic(void)
	/* If nothing important has happened, just quit */
	if (!character_generated || character_saved) quit("panic");

	/* Mega-Hack -- see "msg_print()" */
	msg_flag = FALSE;

	/* Clear the top line */
	prt("", 0, 0);

	/* Hack -- turn off some things */
	disturb(1, 0);

	/* Hack -- Delay death XXX XXX XXX */
	if (p_ptr->chp < 0) p_ptr->is_dead = FALSE;

	/* Hardcode panic save */
	p_ptr->panic_save = 1;

	/* Forbid suspend */

	/* Indicate panic save */
	strcpy(p_ptr->died_from, "(panic save)");

	/* Panic save, or get worried */
	if (!save_player()) quit("panic save failed!");

	/* Successful panic save */
	quit("panic save succeeded!");
コード例 #13
ファイル: trap.c プロジェクト: Axydlbaaxr/angband
 * Hit a trap. 
extern void hit_trap(int y, int x)
	bool ident;
	struct trap *trap;
	struct effect *effect;

    /* Count the hidden traps here */
    int num = num_traps(cave, y, x, -1);

    /* Oops.  We've walked right into trouble. */
    if      (num == 1) msg("You stumble upon a trap!");
    else if (num >  1) msg("You stumble upon some traps!");

	/* Look at the traps in this grid */
	for (trap = square_trap(cave, y, x); trap; trap = trap->next) {
		/* Require that trap be capable of affecting the character */
		if (!trf_has(trap->kind->flags, TRF_TRAP)) continue;
		/* Disturb the player */
		disturb(player, 0);

		/* Fire off the trap */
		effect = trap->kind->effect;
		effect_do(effect, NULL, &ident, false, 0, 0, 0);

		/* Trap may have gone */
		if (!square_trap(cave, y, x)) break;

		/* Trap becomes visible (always XXX) */
		trf_on(trap->flags, TRF_VISIBLE);
		square_memorize(cave, y, x);

    /* Verify traps (remove marker if appropriate) */
    (void)square_verify_trap(cave, y, x, 0);
コード例 #14
ファイル: timed.c プロジェクト: Rydelfox/angband
 * Set "p_ptr->food", notice observable changes
 * The "p_ptr->food" variable can get as large as 20000, allowing the
 * addition of the most "filling" item, Elvish Waybread, which adds
 * 7500 food units, without overflowing the 32767 maximum limit.
 * Perhaps we should disturb the player with various messages,
 * especially messages about hunger status changes.  XXX XXX XXX
 * Digestion of food is handled in "dungeon.c", in which, normally,
 * the player digests about 20 food units per 100 game turns, more
 * when "fast", more when "regenerating", less with "slow digestion".
bool player_set_food(struct player *p, int v)
    int old_aux, new_aux;

    bool notice = FALSE;

    /* Hack -- Force good values */
    v = MIN(v, PY_FOOD_MAX);
    v = MAX(v, 0);

    /* Current value */
    if (p->food < PY_FOOD_FAINT)      old_aux = 0;
    else if (p->food < PY_FOOD_WEAK)  old_aux = 1;
    else if (p->food < PY_FOOD_ALERT) old_aux = 2;
    else if (p->food < PY_FOOD_FULL)  old_aux = 3;
    else                              old_aux = 4;

    /* New value */
    if (v < PY_FOOD_FAINT)      new_aux = 0;
    else if (v < PY_FOOD_WEAK)  new_aux = 1;
    else if (v < PY_FOOD_ALERT) new_aux = 2;
    else if (v < PY_FOOD_FULL)  new_aux = 3;
    else                        new_aux = 4;

    /* Food increase */
    if (new_aux > old_aux) {
        switch (new_aux) {
        case 1:
            msg("You are still weak.");
        case 2:
            msg("You are still hungry.");
        case 3:
            msg("You are no longer hungry.");
        case 4:
            msg("You are full!");

        /* Change */
        notice = TRUE;

    /* Food decrease */
    else if (new_aux < old_aux) {
        switch (new_aux) {
        case 0:
            msgt(MSG_NOTICE, "You are getting faint from hunger!");
        case 1:
            msgt(MSG_NOTICE, "You are getting weak from hunger!");
        case 2:
            msgt(MSG_HUNGRY, "You are getting hungry.");
        case 3:
            msgt(MSG_NOTICE, "You are no longer full.");

        /* Change */
        notice = TRUE;

    /* Use the value */
    p->food = v;

    /* Nothing to notice */
    if (!notice) return (FALSE);

    /* Disturb */
    disturb(p_ptr, 0, 0);

    /* Recalculate bonuses */
    p->update |= (PU_BONUS);

    /* Redraw hunger */
    p->redraw |= (PR_STATUS);

    /* Handle stuff */

    /* Result */
    return (TRUE);
コード例 #15
ファイル: cmd-cave.c プロジェクト: pete-mack/angband
 * Move player in the given direction.
 * This routine should only be called when energy has been expended.
 * Note that this routine handles monsters in the destination grid,
 * and also handles attempting to move into walls/doors/rubble/etc.
void move_player(int dir, bool disarm)
	int y = player->py + ddy[dir];
	int x = player->px + ddx[dir];

	int m_idx = cave->squares[y][x].mon;
	struct monster *mon = cave_monster(cave, m_idx);
	bool alterable = (square_isknowntrap(cave, y, x) ||
					  square_iscloseddoor(cave, y, x));

	/* Attack monsters, alter traps/doors on movement, hit obstacles or move */
	if (m_idx > 0) {
		/* Mimics surprise the player */
		if (is_mimicking(mon)) {

			/* Mimic wakes up */
			mon_clear_timed(mon, MON_TMD_SLEEP, MON_TMD_FLG_NOMESSAGE, false);

		} else {
			py_attack(y, x);
	} else if (disarm && square_isknown(cave, y, x) && alterable) {
		/* Auto-repeat if not already repeating */
		if (cmd_get_nrepeats() == 0)

	} else if (player->upkeep->running && square_isknowntrap(cave, y, x)) {
		/* Stop running before known traps */
		disturb(player, 0);
	} else if (!square_ispassable(cave, y, x)) {
		disturb(player, 0);

		/* Notice unknown obstacles, mention known obstacles */
		if (!square_isknown(cave, y, x)) {
			if (square_isrubble(cave, y, x)) {
					 "You feel a pile of rubble blocking your way.");
				square_memorize(cave, y, x);
				square_light_spot(cave, y, x);
			} else if (square_iscloseddoor(cave, y, x)) {
				msgt(MSG_HITWALL, "You feel a door blocking your way.");
				square_memorize(cave, y, x);
				square_light_spot(cave, y, x);
			} else {
				msgt(MSG_HITWALL, "You feel a wall blocking your way.");
				square_memorize(cave, y, x);
				square_light_spot(cave, y, x);
		} else {
			if (square_isrubble(cave, y, x))
					 "There is a pile of rubble blocking your way.");
			else if (square_iscloseddoor(cave, y, x))
				msgt(MSG_HITWALL, "There is a door blocking your way.");
				msgt(MSG_HITWALL, "There is a wall blocking your way.");
	} else {
		/* Move player */
		monster_swap(player->py, player->px, y, x);

		/* Handle store doors, or notice objects */
		if (square_isshop(cave, y, x)) {
			disturb(player, 0);
		} else {
			square_know_pile(cave, y, x);

		/* Discover invisible traps, set off visible ones */
		if (square_issecrettrap(cave, y, x)) {
			disturb(player, 0);
			hit_trap(y, x);
		} else if (square_isknowntrap(cave, y, x)) {
			disturb(player, 0);
			hit_trap(y, x);

		/* Update view and search */
		update_view(cave, player);

	player->upkeep->running_firststep = false;
コード例 #16
ファイル: cmd-cave.c プロジェクト: pete-mack/angband
 * Open a closed/locked/jammed door or a closed/locked chest.
 * Unlocking a locked chest is worth one experience point; since doors are
 * player lockable, there is no experience for unlocking doors.
void do_cmd_open(struct command *cmd)
	int y, x, dir;
	struct object *obj;
	bool more = false;
	int err;
	struct monster *m;

	/* Get arguments */
	err = cmd_get_arg_direction(cmd, "direction", &dir);
	if (err || dir == DIR_UNKNOWN) {
		int y2, x2;
		int n_closed_doors, n_locked_chests;

		n_closed_doors = count_feats(&y2, &x2, square_iscloseddoor, false);
		n_locked_chests = count_chests(&y2, &x2, CHEST_OPENABLE);

		if (n_closed_doors + n_locked_chests == 1) {
			dir = coords_to_dir(y2, x2);
			cmd_set_arg_direction(cmd, "direction", dir);
		} else if (cmd_get_direction(cmd, "direction", &dir, false)) {

	/* Get location */
	y = player->py + ddy[dir];
	x = player->px + ddx[dir];

	/* Check for chest */
	obj = chest_check(y, x, CHEST_OPENABLE);

	/* Check for door */
	if (!obj && !do_cmd_open_test(y, x)) {
		/* Cancel repeat */
		disturb(player, 0);

	/* Take a turn */
	player->upkeep->energy_use = z_info->move_energy;

	/* Apply confusion */
	if (player_confuse_dir(player, &dir, false)) {
		/* Get location */
		y = player->py + ddy[dir];
		x = player->px + ddx[dir];

		/* Check for chest */
		obj = chest_check(y, x, CHEST_OPENABLE);

	/* Monster */
	m = square_monster(cave, y, x);
	if (m) {
		/* Mimics surprise the player */
		if (is_mimicking(m)) {

			/* Mimic wakes up */
			mon_clear_timed(m, MON_TMD_SLEEP, MON_TMD_FLG_NOMESSAGE, false);
		} else {
			/* Message */
			msg("There is a monster in the way!");

			/* Attack */
			py_attack(y, x);
	} else if (obj) {
		/* Chest */
		more = do_cmd_open_chest(y, x, obj);
	} else {
		/* Door */
		more = do_cmd_open_aux(y, x);

	/* Cancel repeat unless we may continue */
	if (!more) disturb(player, 0);
コード例 #17
ファイル: cmd-cave.c プロジェクト: pete-mack/angband
 * Disarms a trap, or a chest
 * Traps must be visible, chests must be known trapped
void do_cmd_disarm(struct command *cmd)
	int y, x, dir;
	int err;

	struct object *obj;
	bool more = false;

	/* Get arguments */
	err = cmd_get_arg_direction(cmd, "direction", &dir);
	if (err || dir == DIR_UNKNOWN) {
		int y2, x2;
		int n_traps, n_chests;

		n_traps = count_feats(&y2, &x2, square_isknowntrap, true);
		n_chests = count_chests(&y2, &x2, CHEST_TRAPPED);

		if (n_traps + n_chests == 1) {
			dir = coords_to_dir(y2, x2);
			cmd_set_arg_direction(cmd, "direction", dir);
		} else if (cmd_get_direction(cmd, "direction", &dir, n_chests > 0)) {
			/* If there are chests to disarm, 5 is allowed as a direction */

	/* Get location */
	y = player->py + ddy[dir];
	x = player->px + ddx[dir];

	/* Check for chests */
	obj = chest_check(y, x, CHEST_TRAPPED);

	/* Verify legality */
	if (!obj && !do_cmd_disarm_test(y, x)) {
		/* Cancel repeat */
		disturb(player, 0);

	/* Take a turn */
	player->upkeep->energy_use = z_info->move_energy;

	/* Apply confusion */
	if (player_confuse_dir(player, &dir, false)) {
		/* Get location */
		y = player->py + ddy[dir];
		x = player->px + ddx[dir];

		/* Check for chests */
		obj = chest_check(y, x, CHEST_TRAPPED);

	/* Monster */
	if (cave->squares[y][x].mon > 0) {
		msg("There is a monster in the way!");
		py_attack(y, x);
	} else if (obj)
		/* Chest */
		more = do_cmd_disarm_chest(y, x, obj);
	else if (square_iscloseddoor(cave, y, x) &&
			 !square_islockeddoor(cave, y, x))
		/* Door to lock */
		more = do_cmd_lock_door(y, x);
		/* Disarm trap */
		more = do_cmd_disarm_aux(y, x);

	/* Cancel repeat unless told not to */
	if (!more) disturb(player, 0);
コード例 #18
ファイル: cmd1.c プロジェクト: tonberrytoby/angband
 * Search for hidden things.  Returns true if a search was attempted, returns
 * false when the player has a 0% chance of finding anything.  Prints messages
 * for negative confirmation when verbose mode is requested.
bool search(bool verbose)
	int py = p_ptr->py;
	int px = p_ptr->px;

	int y, x, chance;

	bool found = FALSE;

	object_type *o_ptr;

	/* Start with base search ability */
	chance = p_ptr->state.skills[SKILL_SEARCH];

	/* Penalize various conditions */
	if (p_ptr->timed[TMD_BLIND] || no_light()) chance = chance / 10;
	if (p_ptr->timed[TMD_CONFUSED] || p_ptr->timed[TMD_IMAGE]) chance = chance / 10;

	/* Prevent fruitless searches */
	if (chance <= 0)
		if (verbose)
			msg("You can't make out your surroundings well enough to search.");

			/* Cancel repeat */
			disturb(p_ptr, 0, 0);

		return FALSE;

	/* Search the nearby grids, which are always in bounds */
	for (y = (py - 1); y <= (py + 1); y++)
		for (x = (px - 1); x <= (px + 1); x++)
			/* Sometimes, notice things */
			if (randint0(100) < chance)
				/* Invisible trap */
				if (cave->feat[y][x] == FEAT_INVIS)
					found = TRUE;

					/* Pick a trap */
					pick_trap(y, x);

					/* Message */
					msg("You have found a trap.");

					/* Disturb */
					disturb(p_ptr, 0, 0);

				/* Secret door */
				if (cave->feat[y][x] == FEAT_SECRET)
					found = TRUE;

					/* Message */
					msg("You have found a secret door.");

					/* Pick a door */
					place_closed_door(cave, y, x);

					/* Disturb */
					disturb(p_ptr, 0, 0);

				/* Scan all objects in the grid */
				for (o_ptr = get_first_object(y, x); o_ptr; o_ptr = get_next_object(o_ptr))
					/* Skip non-chests */
					if (o_ptr->tval != TV_CHEST) continue;

					/* Skip disarmed chests */
					if (o_ptr->pval[DEFAULT_PVAL] <= 0) continue;

					/* Skip non-trapped chests */
					if (!chest_traps[o_ptr->pval[DEFAULT_PVAL]]) continue;

					/* Identify once */
					if (!object_is_known(o_ptr))
						found = TRUE;

						/* Message */
						msg("You have discovered a trap on the chest!");

						/* Know the trap */

						/* Notice it */
						disturb(p_ptr, 0, 0);

	if (verbose && !found)
		if (chance >= 100)
			msg("There are no secrets here.");
			msg("You found nothing.");

	return TRUE;
コード例 #19
ファイル: cmd1.c プロジェクト: tonberrytoby/angband
 * Move player in the given direction.
 * This routine should only be called when energy has been expended.
 * Note that this routine handles monsters in the destination grid,
 * and also handles attempting to move into walls/doors/rubble/etc.
void move_player(int dir, bool disarm)
	int py = p_ptr->py;
	int px = p_ptr->px;

	int y = py + ddy[dir];
	int x = px + ddx[dir];
	int m_idx = cave->m_idx[y][x];

	/* Attack monsters */
	if (m_idx > 0) {
		/* Mimics surprise the player */
		if (is_mimicking(m_idx)) {

			/* Mimic wakes up */
			mon_clear_timed(m_idx, MON_TMD_SLEEP, MON_TMD_FLG_NOMESSAGE);

		} else {
			py_attack(y, x);

	/* Optionally alter traps/doors on movement */
	else if (disarm && (cave->info[y][x] & CAVE_MARK) &&
			(cave_isknowntrap(cave, y, x) ||
			cave_iscloseddoor(cave, y, x)))
		/* Auto-repeat if not already repeating */
		if (cmd_get_nrepeats() == 0)


	/* Cannot walk through walls */
	else if (!cave_floor_bold(y, x))
		/* Disturb the player */
		disturb(p_ptr, 0, 0);

		/* Notice unknown obstacles */
		if (!(cave->info[y][x] & CAVE_MARK))
			/* Rubble */
			if (cave->feat[y][x] == FEAT_RUBBLE)
				msgt(MSG_HITWALL, "You feel a pile of rubble blocking your way.");
				cave->info[y][x] |= (CAVE_MARK);
				cave_light_spot(cave, y, x);

			/* Closed door */
			else if (cave->feat[y][x] < FEAT_SECRET)
				msgt(MSG_HITWALL, "You feel a door blocking your way.");
				cave->info[y][x] |= (CAVE_MARK);
				cave_light_spot(cave, y, x);

			/* Wall (or secret door) */
				msgt(MSG_HITWALL, "You feel a wall blocking your way.");
				cave->info[y][x] |= (CAVE_MARK);
				cave_light_spot(cave, y, x);

		/* Mention known obstacles */
			if (cave->feat[y][x] == FEAT_RUBBLE)
				msgt(MSG_HITWALL, "There is a pile of rubble blocking your way.");
			else if (cave->feat[y][x] < FEAT_SECRET)
				msgt(MSG_HITWALL, "There is a door blocking your way.");
				msgt(MSG_HITWALL, "There is a wall blocking your way.");

	/* Normal movement */
		/* See if trap detection status will change */
		bool old_dtrap = ((cave->info2[py][px] & (CAVE2_DTRAP)) != 0);
		bool new_dtrap = ((cave->info2[y][x] & (CAVE2_DTRAP)) != 0);

		/* Note the change in the detect status */
		if (old_dtrap != new_dtrap)
			p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_DTRAP);

		/* Disturb player if the player is about to leave the area */
		if (OPT(disturb_detect) && p_ptr->running && 
			!p_ptr->running_firststep && old_dtrap && !new_dtrap)
			disturb(p_ptr, 0, 0);

		/* Move player */
		monster_swap(py, px, y, x);
		/* New location */
		y = py = p_ptr->py;
		x = px = p_ptr->px;

		/* Searching */
		if (p_ptr->searching ||
				(p_ptr->state.skills[SKILL_SEARCH_FREQUENCY] >= 50) ||
				one_in_(50 - p_ptr->state.skills[SKILL_SEARCH_FREQUENCY]))

		/* Handle "store doors" */
		if ((cave->feat[p_ptr->py][p_ptr->px] >= FEAT_SHOP_HEAD) &&
			(cave->feat[p_ptr->py][p_ptr->px] <= FEAT_SHOP_TAIL))
			/* Disturb */
			disturb(p_ptr, 0, 0);

		/* All other grids (including traps) */
			/* Handle objects (later) */
			p_ptr->notice |= (PN_PICKUP);

		/* Discover invisible traps */
		if (cave->feat[y][x] == FEAT_INVIS)
			/* Disturb */
			disturb(p_ptr, 0, 0);

			/* Message */
			msg("You found a trap!");

			/* Pick a trap */
			pick_trap(y, x);

			/* Hit the trap */
			hit_trap(y, x);

		/* Set off an visible trap */
		else if (cave_isknowntrap(cave, y, x))
			/* Disturb */
			disturb(p_ptr, 0, 0);

			/* Hit the trap */
			hit_trap(y, x);

	p_ptr->running_firststep = FALSE;
コード例 #20
 * Called from project() to affect the player
 * Called for projections with the PROJECT_PLAY flag set, which includes
 * bolt, beam, ball and breath effects.
 * \param who is the monster list index of the caster
 * \param r is the distance from the centre of the effect
 * \param y
 * \param x the coordinates of the grid being handled
 * \param dam is the "damage" from the effect at distance r from the centre
 * \param typ is the projection (GF_) type
 * \return whether the effects were obvious
 * If "r" is non-zero, then the blast was centered elsewhere; the damage
 * is reduced in project() before being passed in here.  This can happen if a
 * monster breathes at the player and hits a wall instead.
 * We assume the player is aware of some effect, and always return "TRUE".
bool project_p(int who, int r, int y, int x, int dam, int typ)
    bool blind, seen;
    bool obvious = TRUE;

    /* Source monster */
    monster_type *m_ptr;

    /* Monster name (for damage) */
    char killer[80];

    project_player_handler_f player_handler = player_handlers[typ];
    project_player_handler_context_t context = {

    /* No player here */
    if (!(cave->squares[y][x].mon < 0)) return (FALSE);

    /* Never affect projector */
    if (cave->squares[y][x].mon == who) return (FALSE);

    /* Source monster */
    m_ptr = cave_monster(cave, who);

    /* Player blind-ness */
    blind = (player->timed[TMD_BLIND] ? TRUE : FALSE);

    /* Extract the "see-able-ness" */
    seen = (!blind && mflag_has(m_ptr->mflag, MFLAG_VISIBLE));

    /* Get the monster's real name */
    monster_desc(killer, sizeof(killer), m_ptr, MDESC_DIED_FROM);

    /* Let player know what is going on */
    if (!seen)
        msg("You are hit by %s!", gf_blind_desc(typ));

    /* Adjust damage for resistance, immunity or vulnerability, and apply it */
    dam = adjust_dam(player, typ, dam, RANDOMISE,
    if (dam)
        take_hit(player, dam, killer);

    /* Handle side effects */
    if (player_handler != NULL)

    obvious = context.obvious;

    /* Disturb */
    disturb(player, 1);

    /* Return "Anything seen?" */
    return (obvious);
コード例 #21
ファイル: cmd2.c プロジェクト: NickMcConnell/RePosBand
 * Manipulate an adjacent grid in some way
 * Attack monsters, tunnel through walls, disarm traps, open doors.
 * This command must always take energy, to prevent free detection
 * of invisible monsters.
 * The "semantics" of this command must be chosen before the player
 * is confused, and it must be verified against the new grid.
void do_cmd_alter_aux(int dir)
	int y, x;

	int feat;

	bool more = FALSE;

	/* Get location */
	y = p_ptr->py + ddy[dir];
	x = p_ptr->px + ddx[dir];

	/* Original feature */
	feat = cave_feat[y][x];

	/* Must have knowledge to know feature XXX XXX */
	if (!(cave_info[y][x] & (CAVE_MARK))) feat = FEAT_NONE;

	/* Take a turn */
	p_ptr->energy_use = 100;

	/* Apply confusion */
	if (confuse_dir(&dir))
		/* Get location */
		y = p_ptr->py + ddy[dir];
		x = p_ptr->px + ddx[dir];

	/* Attack monsters */
	if (cave_m_idx[y][x] > 0)
		if (mon_list[cave_m_idx[y][x]].align & (AL_PET_MASK))
			msg_print("There is a friendly monster in the way!");
			/* Attack */
			py_attack(y, x);

	/* Tunnel through walls */
	else if (feat >= FEAT_SECRET)
		more = do_cmd_tunnel_aux(y, x);

#if 0
	/* Bash jammed doors */
	else if (feat >= FEAT_DOOR_HEAD + 0x08)
		more = do_cmd_bash_aux(y, x);

	/* Open closed doors */
	else if (feat >= FEAT_DOOR_HEAD)
		more = do_cmd_open_aux(y, x);

	/* Disarm traps */
	else if (feat >= FEAT_TRAP_HEAD)
		more = do_cmd_disarm_aux(y, x);

#if 0
	/* Close open doors */
	else if (feat == FEAT_OPEN)
		more = do_cmd_close_aux(y, x);

	/* Oops */
		msg_print("You spin around.");

	/* Cancel repetition unless we can continue */
	if (!more) disturb(0, 0);
コード例 #22
ファイル: mon-move.c プロジェクト: BardurArantsson/angband
 * Work out if a monster can move through the grid, if necessary bashing 
 * down doors in the way.
 * Returns true if the monster is able to move through the grid.
static bool process_monster_can_move(struct chunk *c, struct monster *mon,
		const char *m_name, int nx, int ny, bool *did_something)
	struct monster_lore *lore = get_lore(mon->race);

	/* Only fiery creatures can handle lava */
	if (square_isfiery(c, ny, nx) && !rf_has(mon->race->flags, RF_IM_FIRE))
		return false;

	/* Floor is open? */
	if (square_ispassable(c, ny, nx))
		return true;

	/* Permanent wall in the way */
	if (square_iswall(c, ny, nx) && square_isperm(c, ny, nx))
		return false;

	/* Normal wall, door, or secret door in the way */

	/* There's some kind of feature in the way, so learn about
	 * kill-wall and pass-wall now */
	if (mflag_has(mon->mflag, MFLAG_VISIBLE)) {
		rf_on(lore->flags, RF_PASS_WALL);
		rf_on(lore->flags, RF_KILL_WALL);

	/* Monster may be able to deal with walls and doors */
	if (rf_has(mon->race->flags, RF_PASS_WALL)) {
		return true;
	} else if (rf_has(mon->race->flags, RF_KILL_WALL)) {
		/* Remove the wall */
		square_destroy_wall(c, ny, nx);

		/* Note changes to viewable region */
		if (square_isview(c, ny, nx))
			player->upkeep->update |= (PU_UPDATE_VIEW | PU_MONSTERS);

		/* Fully update the flow since terrain changed */
		player->upkeep->update |= (PU_FORGET_FLOW | PU_UPDATE_FLOW);

		return true;
	} else if (square_iscloseddoor(c, ny, nx) ||
			   square_issecretdoor(c, ny, nx)) {
		bool may_bash = rf_has(mon->race->flags, RF_BASH_DOOR) && one_in_(2);

		/* Take a turn */
		*did_something = true;

		/* Learn about door abilities */
		if (mflag_has(mon->mflag, MFLAG_VISIBLE)) {
			rf_on(lore->flags, RF_OPEN_DOOR);
			rf_on(lore->flags, RF_BASH_DOOR);

		/* Creature can open or bash doors */
		if (!rf_has(mon->race->flags, RF_OPEN_DOOR) &&
			!rf_has(mon->race->flags, RF_BASH_DOOR))
			return false;

		/* Stuck door -- try to unlock it */
		if (square_islockeddoor(c, ny, nx)) {
			int k = square_door_power(c, ny, nx);

			if (randint0(mon->hp / 10) > k) {
				if (may_bash)
					msg("%s slams against the door.", m_name);
					msg("%s fiddles with the lock.", m_name);

				/* Reduce the power of the door by one */
				square_set_door_lock(c, ny, nx, k - 1);
		} else {
			/* Handle viewable doors */
			if (square_isview(c, ny, nx))
				player->upkeep->update |= (PU_UPDATE_VIEW | PU_MONSTERS);

			/* Closed or secret door -- open or bash if allowed */
			if (may_bash) {
				square_smash_door(c, ny, nx);

				msg("You hear a door burst open!");
				disturb(player, 0);

				/* Fall into doorway */
				return true;
			} else if (rf_has(mon->race->flags, RF_OPEN_DOOR)) {
				square_open_door(c, ny, nx);

	return false;
コード例 #23
ファイル: mon-move.c プロジェクト: BardurArantsson/angband
 * Process a monster
 * In several cases, we directly update the monster lore
 * Note that a monster is only allowed to "reproduce" if there
 * are a limited number of "reproducing" monsters on the current
 * level.  This should prevent the level from being "swamped" by
 * reproducing monsters.  It also allows a large mass of mice to
 * prevent a louse from multiplying, but this is a small price to
 * pay for a simple multiplication method.
 * XXX Monster fear is slightly odd, in particular, monsters will
 * fixate on opening a door even if they cannot open it.  Actually,
 * the same thing happens to normal monsters when they hit a door
 * In addition, monsters which *cannot* open or bash down a door
 * will still stand there trying to open it...  XXX XXX XXX
 * Technically, need to check for monster in the way combined
 * with that monster being in a wall (or door?) XXX
static void process_monster(struct chunk *c, struct monster *mon)
	struct monster_lore *lore = get_lore(mon->race);

	bool did_something = false;

	int i;
	int dir = 0;
	bool stagger = false;
	char m_name[80];

	/* Get the monster name */
	monster_desc(m_name, sizeof(m_name), mon, MDESC_CAPITAL | MDESC_IND_HID);

	/* Try to multiply - this can use up a turn */
	if (process_monster_multiply(c, mon))

	/* Attempt to cast a spell */
	if (make_attack_spell(mon)) return;

	/* Work out what kind of movement to use - AI or staggered movement */
	if (!process_monster_should_stagger(mon)) {
		if (!get_moves(c, mon, &dir)) return;
	} else {
		stagger = true;

	/* Process moves */
	for (i = 0; i < 5 && !did_something; i++) {
		int oy = mon->fy;
		int ox = mon->fx;

		/* Get the direction (or stagger) */
		int d = (stagger ? ddd[randint0(8)] : side_dirs[dir][i]);

		/* Get the destination */
		int ny = oy + ddy[d];
		int nx = ox + ddx[d];

		/* Check if we can move */
		if (!process_monster_can_move(c, mon, m_name, nx, ny, &did_something))

		/* Try to break the glyph if there is one.  This can happen multiple
		 * times per turn because failure does not break the loop */
		if (square_iswarded(c, ny, nx) &&
			!process_monster_glyph(c, mon, nx, ny))

		/* The player is in the way. */
		if (square_isplayer(c, ny, nx)) {
			/* Learn about if the monster attacks */
			if (mflag_has(mon->mflag, MFLAG_VISIBLE))
				rf_on(lore->flags, RF_NEVER_BLOW);

			/* Some monsters never attack */
			if (rf_has(mon->race->flags, RF_NEVER_BLOW))

			/* Otherwise, attack the player */
			make_attack_normal(mon, player);

			did_something = true;
		} else {
			/* Some monsters never move */
			if (rf_has(mon->race->flags, RF_NEVER_MOVE)) {
				/* Learn about lack of movement */
				if (mflag_has(mon->mflag, MFLAG_VISIBLE))
					rf_on(lore->flags, RF_NEVER_MOVE);


		/* A monster is in the way, try to push past/kill */
		if (square_monster(c, ny, nx)) {
			did_something = process_monster_try_push(c, mon, m_name, nx, ny);
		} else {
			/* Otherwise we can just move */
			monster_swap(oy, ox, ny, nx);
			did_something = true;

		/* Scan all objects in the grid, if we reached it */
		if (mon == square_monster(c, ny, nx)) {
			monster_desc(m_name, sizeof(m_name), mon,
			process_monster_grab_objects(c, mon, m_name, nx, ny);

	if (did_something) {
		/* Learn about no lack of movement */
		if (mflag_has(mon->mflag, MFLAG_VISIBLE))
			rf_on(lore->flags, RF_NEVER_MOVE);

		/* Possible disturb */
		if (mflag_has(mon->mflag, MFLAG_VISIBLE) &&
			mflag_has(mon->mflag, MFLAG_VIEW) && OPT(player, disturb_near))
			disturb(player, 0);		

	/* Hack -- get "bold" if out of options */
	if (!did_something && mon->m_timed[MON_TMD_FEAR])
		mon_clear_timed(mon, MON_TMD_FEAR, MON_TMD_FLG_NOTIFY, false);

	/* If we see an unaware monster do something, become aware of it */
	if (did_something && mflag_has(mon->mflag, MFLAG_UNAWARE))
コード例 #24
ファイル: pathfind.c プロジェクト: artes-liberales/FAangband
 * Take one step along the current "run" path
 * Called with a real direction to begin a new run, and with zero
 * to continue a run in progress.
void run_step(int dir)
    /* Start run */
    if (dir) {
	/* Paranoia */
	p_ptr->running_withpathfind = 0;

	/* Initialize */

	/* Hack -- Set the run counter */
	p_ptr->running = (p_ptr->command_arg ? p_ptr->command_arg : 1000);

	/* Calculate torch radius */
	p_ptr->update |= (PU_TORCH);

    /* Continue run */
    else {
	if (!p_ptr->running_withpathfind) {
	    /* Update run */
	    if (run_test()) {
		/* Disturb */
		disturb(0, 0);

		/* Done */

	else {
	    /* Abort if we have finished */
	    if (pf_result_index < 0) {
		disturb(0, 0);
		p_ptr->running_withpathfind = FALSE;
	    /* Abort if we would hit a wall */
	    else if (pf_result_index == 0) {
		int y, x;

		/* Get next step */
		y = p_ptr->py + ddy[pf_result[pf_result_index] - '0'];
		x = p_ptr->px + ddx[pf_result[pf_result_index] - '0'];

		/* Known wall */
		if ((cave_info[y][x] & (CAVE_MARK)) && !is_valid_pf(y, x)) {
		    disturb(0, 0);
		    p_ptr->running_withpathfind = FALSE;
	    /* Hack -- walking stick lookahead. If the player has computed a
	     * path that is going to end up in a wall, we notice this and
	     * convert to a normal run. This allows us to click on unknown
	     * areas to explore the map. We have to look ahead two, otherwise
	     * we don't know which is the last direction moved and don't
	     * initialise the run properly. */
	    else if (pf_result_index > 0) {
		int y, x;

		/* Get next step */
		y = p_ptr->py + ddy[pf_result[pf_result_index] - '0'];
		x = p_ptr->px + ddx[pf_result[pf_result_index] - '0'];

		/* Known wall */
		if ((cave_info[y][x] & (CAVE_MARK)) && !is_valid_pf(y, x)) {
		    disturb(0, 0);
		    p_ptr->running_withpathfind = FALSE;

		/* Get step after */
		y = y + ddy[pf_result[pf_result_index - 1] - '0'];
		x = x + ddx[pf_result[pf_result_index - 1] - '0'];

		/* Known wall */
		if ((cave_info[y][x] & (CAVE_MARK)) && !is_valid_pf(y, x)) {
		    p_ptr->running_withpathfind = FALSE;

		    run_init(pf_result[pf_result_index] - '0');

	    if (!player_is_crossing)
		p_ptr->run_cur_dir = pf_result[pf_result_index--] - '0';

    /* Decrease counter */

    /* Take time */
    p_ptr->energy_use = 100;

    /* Move the player */
コード例 #25
ファイル: game-world.c プロジェクト: fizzix/angband
 * Handle things that need updating once every 10 game turns
void process_world(struct chunk *c)
	int i, y, x;

	/* Compact the monster list if we're approaching the limit */
	if (cave_monster_count(cave) + 32 > z_info->level_monster_max)

	/* Too many holes in the monster list - compress */
	if (cave_monster_count(cave) + 32 < cave_monster_max(cave))

	/*** Check the Time ***/

	/* Play an ambient sound at regular intervals. */
	if (!(turn % ((10L * z_info->day_length) / 4)))

	/*** Handle stores and sunshine ***/

	if (!player->depth) {
		/* Daybreak/Nighfall in town */
		if (!(turn % ((10L * z_info->day_length) / 2))) {
			bool dawn;

			/* Check for dawn */
			dawn = (!(turn % (10L * z_info->day_length)));

			/* Day breaks */
			if (dawn)
				msg("The sun has risen.");

			/* Night falls */
				msg("The sun has fallen.");

			/* Illuminate */
			cave_illuminate(c, dawn);
	} else {
		/* Update the stores once a day (while in the dungeon).
		   The changes are not actually made until return to town,
		   to avoid giving details away in the knowledge menu. */
		if (!(turn % (10L * z_info->store_turns))) daycount++;

	/* Check for creature generation */
	if (one_in_(z_info->alloc_monster_chance))
		(void)pick_and_place_distant_monster(cave, player,
											 z_info->max_sight + 5, true,

	/*** Damage over Time ***/

	/* Take damage from poison */
	if (player->timed[TMD_POISONED])
		take_hit(player, 1, "poison");

	/* Take damage from cuts */
	if (player->timed[TMD_CUT]) {
		/* Mortal wound or Deep Gash */
		if (player->timed[TMD_CUT] > TMD_CUT_SEVERE)
			i = 3;

		/* Severe cut */
		else if (player->timed[TMD_CUT] > TMD_CUT_NASTY)
			i = 2;

		/* Other cuts */
			i = 1;

		/* Take damage */
		take_hit(player, i, "a fatal wound");

	/*** Check the Food, and Regenerate ***/

	/* Digest normally */
	if (!(turn % 100)) {
		/* Basic digestion rate based on speed */
		i = turn_energy(player->state.speed) * 2;

		/* Regeneration takes more food */
		if (player_of_has(player, OF_REGEN)) i += 30;

		/* Slow digestion takes less food */
		if (player_of_has(player, OF_SLOW_DIGEST)) i /= 5;

		/* Minimal digestion */
		if (i < 1) i = 1;

		/* Digest some food */
		player_set_food(player, player->food - i);

	/* Getting Faint */
	if (player->food < PY_FOOD_FAINT) {
		/* Faint occasionally */
		if (!player->timed[TMD_PARALYZED] && one_in_(10)) {
			/* Message */
			msg("You faint from the lack of food.");
			disturb(player, 1);

			/* Faint (bypass free action) */
			(void)player_inc_timed(player, TMD_PARALYZED, 1 + randint0(5),
								   true, false);

	/* Starve to death (slowly) */
	if (player->food < PY_FOOD_STARVE) {
		/* Calculate damage */
		i = (PY_FOOD_STARVE - player->food) / 10;

		/* Take damage */
		take_hit(player, i, "starvation");

	/* Regenerate Hit Points if needed */
	if (player->chp < player->mhp)

	/* Regenerate mana if needed */
	if (player->csp < player->msp)

	/* Timeout various things */

	/* Process light */

	/*** Process Inventory ***/

	/* Handle experience draining */
	if (player_of_has(player, OF_DRAIN_EXP)) {
		if ((player->exp > 0) && one_in_(10)) {
			s32b d = damroll(10, 6) +
				(player->exp / 100) * z_info->life_drain_percent;
			player_exp_lose(player, d / 10, false);

		equip_learn_flag(player, OF_DRAIN_EXP);

	/* Recharge activatable objects and rods */

	/* Notice things after time */
	if (!(turn % 100))

	/* Decrease trap timeouts */
	for (y = 0; y < cave->height; y++) {
		for (x = 0; x < cave->width; x++) {
			struct trap *trap = cave->squares[y][x].trap;
			while (trap) {
				if (trap->timeout) {
					if (!trap->timeout)
						square_light_spot(cave, y, x);
				trap = trap->next;

	/*** Involuntary Movement ***/

	/* Delayed Word-of-Recall */
	if (player->word_recall) {
		/* Count down towards recall */

		/* Activate the recall */
		if (!player->word_recall) {
			/* Disturbing! */
			disturb(player, 0);

			/* Determine the level */
			if (player->depth) {
				msgt(MSG_TPLEVEL, "You feel yourself yanked upwards!");
				dungeon_change_level(player, 0);
			} else {
				msgt(MSG_TPLEVEL, "You feel yourself yanked downwards!");
                /* Force descent to a lower level if allowed */
                if (OPT(player, birth_force_descend) &&
					player->max_depth < z_info->max_depth - 1 &&
					!is_quest(player->max_depth)) {
                    player->max_depth = dungeon_get_next_level(player->max_depth, 1);

				/* New depth - back to max depth or 1, whichever is deeper */
				dungeon_change_level(player, player->max_depth < 1 ? 1: player->max_depth);

	/* Delayed Deep Descent */
	if (player->deep_descent) {
		/* Count down towards recall */

		/* Activate the recall */
		if (player->deep_descent == 0) {
			int target_increment;
			int target_depth = player->max_depth;

			/* Calculate target depth */
			target_increment = (4 / z_info->stair_skip) + 1;
			target_depth = dungeon_get_next_level(player->max_depth, target_increment);

			disturb(player, 0);

			/* Determine the level */
			if (target_depth > player->depth) {
				msgt(MSG_TPLEVEL, "The floor opens beneath you!");
				dungeon_change_level(player, target_depth);
			} else {
				/* Otherwise do something disastrous */
				msgt(MSG_TPLEVEL, "You are thrown back in an explosion!");
				effect_simple(EF_DESTRUCTION, "0", 0, 5, 0, NULL);
コード例 #26
ファイル: cmd2.c プロジェクト: NickMcConnell/RePosBand
 * Disarms a trap, or a chest
void do_cmd_disarm(cmd_code code, cmd_arg args[])
	int y, x, dir;

	s16b o_idx;

	bool more = FALSE;

	dir = args[0].direction;

	/* Get location */
	y = p_ptr->py + ddy[dir];
	x = p_ptr->px + ddx[dir];

	/* Check for chests */
	o_idx = chest_check(y, x);

	/* Verify legality */
	if (!o_idx && !do_cmd_disarm_test(y, x))
		/* Cancel repeat */
		disturb(0, 0);

	/* Take a turn */
	p_ptr->energy_use = 100;

	/* Apply confusion */
	if (confuse_dir(&dir))
		/* Get location */
		y = p_ptr->py + ddy[dir];
		x = p_ptr->px + ddx[dir];

		/* Check for chests */
		o_idx = chest_check(y, x);

	/* Monster */
	if (cave_m_idx[y][x] > 0)
		/* Message */
		msg_print("There is a monster in the way!");

		/* Attack */
		py_attack(y, x);

	/* Chest */
	else if (o_idx)
		/* Disarm the chest */
		more = do_cmd_disarm_chest(y, x, o_idx);

	/* Disarm trap */
		/* Disarm the trap */
		more = do_cmd_disarm_aux(y, x);

	/* Cancel repeat unless told not to */
	if (!more) disturb(0, 0);
コード例 #27
ファイル: project-player.c プロジェクト: datatypevoid/angband
 * Called from project() to affect the player
 * Called for projections with the PROJECT_PLAY flag set, which includes
 * bolt, beam, ball and breath effects.
 * \param src is the origin of the effect
 * \param r is the distance from the centre of the effect
 * \param y the coordinates of the grid being handled
 * \param x the coordinates of the grid being handled
 * \param dam is the "damage" from the effect at distance r from the centre
 * \param typ is the projection (PROJ_) type
 * \return whether the effects were obvious
 * If "r" is non-zero, then the blast was centered elsewhere; the damage
 * is reduced in project() before being passed in here.  This can happen if a
 * monster breathes at the player and hits a wall instead.
 * We assume the player is aware of some effect, and always return "true".
bool project_p(struct source origin, int r, int y, int x, int dam, int typ)
	bool blind = (player->timed[TMD_BLIND] ? true : false);
	bool seen = !blind;
	bool obvious = true;

	/* Monster or trap name (for damage) */
	char killer[80];

	project_player_handler_f player_handler = player_handlers[typ];
	project_player_handler_context_t context = {

	/* No player here */
	if (!square_isplayer(cave, y, x)) {
		return false;

	switch (origin.what) {
		case SRC_PLAYER:
			/* Never affect projector */
			return false;

		case SRC_MONSTER: {
			struct monster *mon = cave_monster(cave, origin.which.monster);

			/* Check it is visible */
			if (!monster_is_visible(mon))
				seen = false;

			/* Get the monster's real name */
			monster_desc(killer, sizeof(killer), mon, MDESC_DIED_FROM);


		case SRC_TRAP: {
			struct trap *trap = origin.which.trap;

			/* Get the trap name */
			strnfmt(killer, sizeof(killer), "a %s", trap->kind->desc);


		case SRC_OBJECT: {
			struct object *obj = origin.which.object;
			object_desc(killer, sizeof(killer), obj, ODESC_PREFIX | ODESC_BASE);

		case SRC_NONE: {
			/* Assume the caller has set the killer variable */

	/* Let player know what is going on */
	if (!seen) {
		msg("You are hit by %s!", projections[typ].blind_desc);

	/* Adjust damage for resistance, immunity or vulnerability, and apply it */
	dam = adjust_dam(player,
	if (dam) {
		take_hit(player, dam, killer);

	/* Handle side effects */
	if (player_handler != NULL && player->is_dead == false) {

	/* Disturb */
	disturb(player, 1);

	/* Return "Anything seen?" */
	return context.obvious;
コード例 #28
ファイル: cmd1.c プロジェクト: tonberrytoby/angband
int do_autopickup(void)
	int py = p_ptr->py;
	int px = p_ptr->px;

	s16b this_o_idx, next_o_idx = 0;

	object_type *o_ptr;

	/* Objects picked up.  Used to determine time cost of command. */
	byte objs_picked_up = 0;

	size_t floor_num = 0;
	int floor_list[MAX_FLOOR_STACK + 1];

	/* Nothing to pick up -- return */
	if (!cave->o_idx[py][px]) return (0);

	/* Always pickup gold, effortlessly */

	/* Scan the remaining objects */
	for (this_o_idx = cave->o_idx[py][px]; this_o_idx; this_o_idx = next_o_idx)
		/* Get the object and the next object */
		o_ptr = object_byid(this_o_idx);
		next_o_idx = o_ptr->next_o_idx;

		/* Ignore all hidden objects and non-objects */
		if (squelch_item_ok(o_ptr) || !o_ptr->kind) continue;

		/* XXX Hack -- Enforce limit */
		if (floor_num >= N_ELEMENTS(floor_list)) break;

		/* Hack -- disturb */
		disturb(p_ptr, 0, 0);

		/* Automatically pick up items into the backpack */
		if (auto_pickup_okay(o_ptr))
			/* Pick up the object with message */
			py_pickup_aux(this_o_idx, TRUE);


		/* Tally objects and store them in an array. */

		/* Remember this object index */
		floor_list[floor_num] = this_o_idx;

		/* Count non-gold objects that remain on the floor. */

	return objs_picked_up;
コード例 #29
ファイル: melee1.c プロジェクト: BackupTheBerlios/nangband
 * Attack the player via physical attacks.
bool make_attack_normal(int m_idx)
	monster_type *m_ptr = &mon_list[m_idx];

	monster_race *r_ptr = &r_info[m_ptr->r_idx];

	monster_lore *l_ptr = &l_list[m_ptr->r_idx];

	int ap_cnt;

	int i, k, tmp, ac, rlev;
	int do_cut, do_stun;

	s32b gold;

	object_type *o_ptr;

	char o_name[80];

	char m_name[80];

	char ddesc[80];

	bool blinked;

	/* Not allowed to attack */
	if (r_ptr->flags1 & (RF1_NEVER_BLOW)) return (FALSE);

	/* Total armor */
	ac = p_ptr->ac + p_ptr->to_a;

	/* Extract the effective monster level */
	rlev = ((r_ptr->level >= 1) ? r_ptr->level : 1);

	/* Get the monster name (or "it") */
	monster_desc(m_name, sizeof(m_name), m_ptr, 0);

	/* Get the "died from" information (i.e. "a kobold") */
	monster_desc(ddesc, sizeof(ddesc), m_ptr, 0x88);

	/* Assume no blink */
	blinked = FALSE;

	/* Scan through all blows */
	for (ap_cnt = 0; ap_cnt < MONSTER_BLOW_MAX; ap_cnt++)
		bool visible = FALSE;
		bool obvious = FALSE;

		int power = 0;
		int damage = 0;

		cptr act = NULL;

		/* Extract the attack infomation */
		int effect = r_ptr->blow[ap_cnt].effect;
		int method = r_ptr->blow[ap_cnt].method;
		int d_dice = r_ptr->blow[ap_cnt].d_dice;
		int d_side = r_ptr->blow[ap_cnt].d_side;

		/* Hack -- no more attacks */
		if (!method) break;

		/* Handle "leaving" */
		if (p_ptr->leaving) break;

		/* Extract visibility (before blink) */
		if (m_ptr->ml) visible = TRUE;

		/* Extract the attack "power" */
		switch (effect)
			case RBE_HURT:      power = 60; break;
			case RBE_POISON:    power =  5; break;
			case RBE_UN_BONUS:  power = 20; break;
			case RBE_UN_POWER:  power = 15; break;
			case RBE_EAT_GOLD:  power =  5; break;
			case RBE_EAT_ITEM:  power =  5; break;
			case RBE_EAT_FOOD:  power =  5; break;
			case RBE_EAT_LITE:  power =  5; break;
			case RBE_ACID:      power =  0; break;
			case RBE_ELEC:      power = 10; break;
			case RBE_FIRE:      power = 10; break;
			case RBE_COLD:      power = 10; break;
			case RBE_BLIND:     power =  2; break;
			case RBE_CONFUSE:   power = 10; break;
			case RBE_TERRIFY:   power = 10; break;
			case RBE_PARALYZE:  power =  2; break;
			case RBE_LOSE_STR:  power =  0; break;
			case RBE_LOSE_DEX:  power =  0; break;
			case RBE_LOSE_CON:  power =  0; break;
			case RBE_LOSE_INT:  power =  0; break;
			case RBE_LOSE_WIS:  power =  0; break;
			case RBE_LOSE_CHR:  power =  0; break;
			case RBE_LOSE_ALL:  power =  2; break;
			case RBE_SHATTER:   power = 60; break;
			case RBE_EXP_10:    power =  5; break;
			case RBE_EXP_20:    power =  5; break;
			case RBE_EXP_40:    power =  5; break;
			case RBE_EXP_80:    power =  5; break;
			case RBE_HALLU:     power = 10; break;

		/* Monster hits player */
		if (!effect || check_hit(power, rlev))
			/* Always disturbing */
			disturb(1, 0);

			/* Hack -- Apply "protection from evil" */
			if ((p_ptr->protevil > 0) &&
			    (r_ptr->flags3 & (RF3_EVIL)) &&
			    (p_ptr->lev >= rlev) &&
			    ((rand_int(100) + p_ptr->lev) > 50))
				/* Remember the Evil-ness */
				if (m_ptr->ml)
					l_ptr->flags3 |= (RF3_EVIL);

				/* Message */
				msg_format("%^s is repelled.", m_name);

				/* Hack -- Next attack */

			/* Assume no cut or stun */
			do_cut = do_stun = 0;

			/* Describe the attack method */
			switch (method)
				case RBM_HIT:
					act = "hits you.";
					do_cut = do_stun = 1;

				case RBM_TOUCH:
					act = "touches you.";

				case RBM_PUNCH:
					act = "punches you.";
					do_stun = 1;

				case RBM_KICK:
					act = "kicks you.";
					do_stun = 1;

				case RBM_CLAW:
					act = "claws you.";
					do_cut = 1;

				case RBM_BITE:
					act = "bites you.";
					do_cut = 1;

				case RBM_STING:
					act = "stings you.";

				case RBM_XXX1:
					act = "XXX1's you.";

				case RBM_BUTT:
					act = "butts you.";
					do_stun = 1;

				case RBM_CRUSH:
					act = "crushes you.";
					do_stun = 1;

				case RBM_ENGULF:
					act = "engulfs you.";

				case RBM_XXX2:
					act = "XXX2's you.";

				case RBM_CRAWL:
					act = "crawls on you.";

				case RBM_DROOL:
					act = "drools on you.";

				case RBM_SPIT:
					act = "spits on you.";

				case RBM_XXX3:
					act = "XXX3's on you.";

				case RBM_GAZE:
					act = "gazes at you.";

				case RBM_WAIL:
					act = "wails at you.";

				case RBM_SPORE:
					act = "releases spores at you.";

				case RBM_XXX4:
					act = "projects XXX4's at you.";

				case RBM_BEG:
					act = "begs you for money.";

				case RBM_INSULT:
					act = desc_insult[rand_int(MAX_DESC_INSULT)];

				case RBM_MOAN:
					act = desc_moan[rand_int(MAX_DESC_MOAN)];

				case RBM_XXX5:
					act = "XXX5's you.";

			/* Message */
			if (act) msg_format("%^s %s", m_name, act);

			/* Hack -- assume all attacks are obvious */
			obvious = TRUE;

			/* Roll out the damage */
			damage = damroll(d_dice, d_side);

			/* Apply appropriate damage */
			switch (effect)
				case 0:
					/* Hack -- Assume obvious */
					obvious = TRUE;

					/* Hack -- No damage */
					damage = 0;


				case RBE_HURT:
					/* Obvious */
					obvious = TRUE;

					/* Hack -- Player armor reduces total damage */
					damage -= (damage * ((ac < 150) ? ac : 150) / 250);

					/* Take damage */
					take_hit(damage, ddesc);


				case RBE_POISON:
					/* Take damage */
					take_hit(damage, ddesc);

					/* Take "poison" effect */
					if (!(p_ptr->resist_pois || p_ptr->oppose_pois))
						if (set_poisoned(p_ptr->poisoned + randint(rlev) + 5))
							obvious = TRUE;

					/* Learn about the player */
					update_smart_learn(m_idx, DRS_RES_POIS);


				case RBE_UN_BONUS:
					/* Take damage */
					take_hit(damage, ddesc);

					/* Allow complete resist */
					if (!p_ptr->resist_disen)
						/* Apply disenchantment */
						if (apply_disenchant(0)) obvious = TRUE;

					/* Learn about the player */
					update_smart_learn(m_idx, DRS_RES_DISEN);


				case RBE_UN_POWER:
					/* Take damage */
					take_hit(damage, ddesc);

					/* Find an item */
					for (k = 0; k < 10; k++)
						/* Pick an item */
						i = rand_int(INVEN_PACK);

						/* Obtain the item */
						o_ptr = &inventory[i];

						/* Skip non-objects */
						if (!o_ptr->k_idx) continue;

						/* Drain charged wands/staffs */
						if (((o_ptr->tval == TV_STAFF) ||
						     (o_ptr->tval == TV_WAND)) &&
						    (o_ptr->pval > 0))
							/* Calculate healed hitpoints */
							int heal = rlev * o_ptr->pval * o_ptr->number;

							/* Don't heal more than max hp */
							heal = MIN(heal, m_ptr->maxhp - m_ptr->hp);

							/* Message */
							msg_print("Energy drains from your pack!");

							/* Obvious */
							obvious = TRUE;

							/* Heal */
							m_ptr->hp += heal;

							/* Redraw (later) if needed */
							if (p_ptr->health_who == m_idx)
								p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_HEALTH);

							/* Uncharge */
							o_ptr->pval = 0;

							/* Combine / Reorder the pack */
							p_ptr->notice |= (PN_COMBINE | PN_REORDER);

							/* Window stuff */
							p_ptr->window |= (PW_INVEN);

							/* Done */


				case RBE_EAT_GOLD:
					/* Take damage */
					take_hit(damage, ddesc);

					/* Obvious */
					obvious = TRUE;

					/* Saving throw (unless paralyzed) based on dex and level */
					if (!p_ptr->paralyzed &&
					    (rand_int(100) < (adj_dex_safe[p_ptr->stat_ind[A_DEX]] +
						/* Saving throw message */
						msg_print("You quickly protect your money pouch!");

						/* Occasional blink anyway */
						if (rand_int(3)) blinked = TRUE;

					/* Eat gold */
						gold = (p_ptr->au / 10) + randint(25);
						if (gold < 2) gold = 2;
						if (gold > 5000) gold = (p_ptr->au / 20) + randint(3000);
						if (gold > p_ptr->au) gold = p_ptr->au;
						p_ptr->au -= gold;
						if (gold <= 0)
							msg_print("Nothing was stolen.");
						else if (p_ptr->au)
							msg_print("Your purse feels lighter.");
							msg_format("%ld coins were stolen!", (long)gold);
							msg_print("Your purse feels lighter.");
							msg_print("All of your coins were stolen!");

						/* Redraw gold */
						p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_GOLD);

						/* Window stuff */
						p_ptr->window |= (PW_PLAYER_0 | PW_PLAYER_1);

						/* Blink away */
						blinked = TRUE;


				case RBE_EAT_ITEM:
					/* Take damage */
					take_hit(damage, ddesc);

					/* Saving throw (unless paralyzed) based on dex and level */
					if (!p_ptr->paralyzed &&
					    (rand_int(100) < (adj_dex_safe[p_ptr->stat_ind[A_DEX]] +
						/* Saving throw message */
						msg_print("You grab hold of your backpack!");

						/* Occasional "blink" anyway */
						blinked = TRUE;

						/* Obvious */
						obvious = TRUE;

						/* Done */

					/* Find an item */
					for (k = 0; k < 10; k++)
						object_type *i_ptr;
						object_type object_type_body;

						/* Pick an item */
						i = rand_int(INVEN_PACK);

						/* Obtain the item */
						o_ptr = &inventory[i];

						/* Skip non-objects */
						if (!o_ptr->k_idx) continue;

						/* Skip artifacts */
						if (artifact_p(o_ptr)) continue;

						/* Get a description */
						object_desc(o_name, sizeof(o_name), o_ptr, FALSE, 3);

						/* Message */
						msg_format("%sour %s (%c) was stolen!",
						           ((o_ptr->number > 1) ? "One of y" : "Y"),
						           o_name, index_to_label(i));

						/* Get local object */
						i_ptr = &object_type_body;

						/* Obtain local object */
						object_copy(i_ptr, o_ptr);

						/* Modify number */
						i_ptr->number = 1;

						/* Carry the object */
						(void)monster_carry(m_idx, i_ptr);

						/* Steal the items */
						inven_item_increase(i, -1);

						/* Obvious */
						obvious = TRUE;

						/* Blink away */
						blinked = TRUE;

						/* Done */


				case RBE_EAT_FOOD:
					/* Take damage */
					take_hit(damage, ddesc);

					/* Steal some food */
					for (k = 0; k < 10; k++)
						/* Pick an item from the pack */
						i = rand_int(INVEN_PACK);

						/* Get the item */
						o_ptr = &inventory[i];

						/* Skip non-objects */
						if (!o_ptr->k_idx) continue;

						/* Skip non-food objects */
						if (o_ptr->tval != TV_FOOD) continue;

						/* Get a description */
						object_desc(o_name, sizeof(o_name), o_ptr, FALSE, 0);

						/* Message */
						msg_format("%sour %s (%c) was eaten!",
						           ((o_ptr->number > 1) ? "One of y" : "Y"),
						           o_name, index_to_label(i));

						/* Steal the items */
						inven_item_increase(i, -1);

						/* Obvious */
						obvious = TRUE;

						/* Done */


				case RBE_EAT_LITE:
					/* Take damage */
					take_hit(damage, ddesc);

					/* Get the lite */
					o_ptr = &inventory[INVEN_LITE];

					/* Drain fuel */
					if ((o_ptr->pval > 0) && (!artifact_p(o_ptr)))
						/* Reduce fuel */
						o_ptr->pval -= (250 + randint(250));
						if (o_ptr->pval < 1) o_ptr->pval = 1;

						/* Notice */
						if (!p_ptr->blind)
							msg_print("Your light dims.");
							obvious = TRUE;

						/* Window stuff */
						p_ptr->window |= (PW_EQUIP);


				case RBE_ACID:
					/* Obvious */
					obvious = TRUE;

					/* Message */
					msg_print("You are covered in acid!");

					/* Special damage */
					acid_dam(damage, ddesc);

					/* Learn about the player */
					update_smart_learn(m_idx, DRS_RES_ACID);


				case RBE_ELEC:
					/* Obvious */
					obvious = TRUE;

					/* Message */
					msg_print("You are struck by electricity!");

					/* Take damage (special) */
					elec_dam(damage, ddesc);

					/* Learn about the player */
					update_smart_learn(m_idx, DRS_RES_ELEC);


				case RBE_FIRE:
					/* Obvious */
					obvious = TRUE;

					/* Message */
					msg_print("You are enveloped in flames!");

					/* Take damage (special) */
					fire_dam(damage, ddesc);

					/* Learn about the player */
					update_smart_learn(m_idx, DRS_RES_FIRE);


				case RBE_COLD:
					/* Obvious */
					obvious = TRUE;

					/* Message */
					msg_print("You are covered with frost!");

					/* Take damage (special) */
					cold_dam(damage, ddesc);

					/* Learn about the player */
					update_smart_learn(m_idx, DRS_RES_COLD);


				case RBE_BLIND:
					/* Take damage */
					take_hit(damage, ddesc);

					/* Increase "blind" */
					if (!p_ptr->resist_blind)
						if (set_blind(p_ptr->blind + 10 + randint(rlev)))
							obvious = TRUE;

					/* Learn about the player */
					update_smart_learn(m_idx, DRS_RES_BLIND);


				case RBE_CONFUSE:
					/* Take damage */
					take_hit(damage, ddesc);

					/* Increase "confused" */
					if (!p_ptr->resist_confu)
						if (set_confused(p_ptr->confused + 3 + randint(rlev)))
							obvious = TRUE;

					/* Learn about the player */
					update_smart_learn(m_idx, DRS_RES_CONFU);


				case RBE_TERRIFY:
					/* Take damage */
					take_hit(damage, ddesc);

					/* Increase "afraid" */
					if (p_ptr->resist_fear)
						msg_print("You stand your ground!");
						obvious = TRUE;
					else if (rand_int(100) < p_ptr->skill_sav)
						msg_print("You stand your ground!");
						obvious = TRUE;
						if (set_afraid(p_ptr->afraid + 3 + randint(rlev)))
							obvious = TRUE;

					/* Learn about the player */
					update_smart_learn(m_idx, DRS_RES_FEAR);


				case RBE_PARALYZE:
					/* Hack -- Prevent perma-paralysis via damage */
					if (p_ptr->paralyzed && (damage < 1)) damage = 1;

					/* Take damage */
					take_hit(damage, ddesc);

					/* Increase "paralyzed" */
					if (p_ptr->free_act)
						msg_print("You are unaffected!");
						obvious = TRUE;
					else if (rand_int(100) < p_ptr->skill_sav)
						msg_print("You resist the effects!");
						obvious = TRUE;
						if (set_paralyzed(p_ptr->paralyzed + 3 + randint(rlev)))
							obvious = TRUE;

					/* Learn about the player */
					update_smart_learn(m_idx, DRS_FREE);


				case RBE_LOSE_STR:
					/* Take damage */
					take_hit(damage, ddesc);

					/* Damage (stat) */
					if (do_dec_stat(A_STR)) obvious = TRUE;


				case RBE_LOSE_INT:
					/* Take damage */
					take_hit(damage, ddesc);

					/* Damage (stat) */
					if (do_dec_stat(A_INT)) obvious = TRUE;


				case RBE_LOSE_WIS:
					/* Take damage */
					take_hit(damage, ddesc);

					/* Damage (stat) */
					if (do_dec_stat(A_WIS)) obvious = TRUE;


				case RBE_LOSE_DEX:
					/* Take damage */
					take_hit(damage, ddesc);

					/* Damage (stat) */
					if (do_dec_stat(A_DEX)) obvious = TRUE;


				case RBE_LOSE_CON:
					/* Take damage */
					take_hit(damage, ddesc);

					/* Damage (stat) */
					if (do_dec_stat(A_CON)) obvious = TRUE;


				case RBE_LOSE_CHR:
					/* Take damage */
					take_hit(damage, ddesc);

					/* Damage (stat) */
					if (do_dec_stat(A_CHR)) obvious = TRUE;


				case RBE_LOSE_ALL:
					/* Take damage */
					take_hit(damage, ddesc);

					/* Damage (stats) */
					if (do_dec_stat(A_STR)) obvious = TRUE;
					if (do_dec_stat(A_DEX)) obvious = TRUE;
					if (do_dec_stat(A_CON)) obvious = TRUE;
					if (do_dec_stat(A_INT)) obvious = TRUE;
					if (do_dec_stat(A_WIS)) obvious = TRUE;
					if (do_dec_stat(A_CHR)) obvious = TRUE;


				case RBE_SHATTER:
					/* Obvious */
					obvious = TRUE;

					/* Hack -- Reduce damage based on the player armor class */
					damage -= (damage * ((ac < 150) ? ac : 150) / 250);

					/* Take damage */
					take_hit(damage, ddesc);

					/* Radius 8 earthquake centered at the monster */
					if (damage > 23) earthquake(m_ptr->fy, m_ptr->fx, 8);


				case RBE_EXP_10:
					/* Obvious */
					obvious = TRUE;

					/* Take damage */
					take_hit(damage, ddesc);

					if (p_ptr->hold_life && (rand_int(100) < 95))
						msg_print("You keep hold of your life force!");
						s32b d = damroll(10, 6) + (p_ptr->exp/100) * MON_DRAIN_LIFE;
						if (p_ptr->hold_life)
							msg_print("You feel your life slipping away!");
							msg_print("You feel your life draining away!");

				case RBE_EXP_20:
					/* Obvious */
					obvious = TRUE;

					/* Take damage */
					take_hit(damage, ddesc);

					if (p_ptr->hold_life && (rand_int(100) < 90))
						msg_print("You keep hold of your life force!");
						s32b d = damroll(20, 6) + (p_ptr->exp / 100) * MON_DRAIN_LIFE;

						if (p_ptr->hold_life)
							msg_print("You feel your life slipping away!");
							lose_exp(d / 10);
							msg_print("You feel your life draining away!");

				case RBE_EXP_40:
					/* Obvious */
					obvious = TRUE;

					/* Take damage */
					take_hit(damage, ddesc);

					if (p_ptr->hold_life && (rand_int(100) < 75))
						msg_print("You keep hold of your life force!");
						s32b d = damroll(40, 6) + (p_ptr->exp / 100) * MON_DRAIN_LIFE;

						if (p_ptr->hold_life)
							msg_print("You feel your life slipping away!");
							lose_exp(d / 10);
							msg_print("You feel your life draining away!");

				case RBE_EXP_80:
					/* Obvious */
					obvious = TRUE;

					/* Take damage */
					take_hit(damage, ddesc);

					if (p_ptr->hold_life && (rand_int(100) < 50))
						msg_print("You keep hold of your life force!");
						s32b d = damroll(80, 6) + (p_ptr->exp / 100) * MON_DRAIN_LIFE;

						if (p_ptr->hold_life)
							msg_print("You feel your life slipping away!");
							lose_exp(d / 10);
							msg_print("You feel your life draining away!");

				case RBE_HALLU:
					/* Take damage */
					take_hit(damage, ddesc);

					/* Increase "image" */
					if (!p_ptr->resist_chaos)
						if (set_image(p_ptr->image + 3 + randint(rlev / 2)))
							obvious = TRUE;

					/* Learn about the player */
					update_smart_learn(m_idx, DRS_RES_CHAOS);


			/* Hack -- only one of cut or stun */
			if (do_cut && do_stun)
				/* Cancel cut */
				if (rand_int(100) < 50)
					do_cut = 0;

				/* Cancel stun */
					do_stun = 0;

			/* Handle cut */
			if (do_cut)
				int k;

				/* Critical hit (zero if non-critical) */
				tmp = monster_critical(d_dice, d_side, damage);

				/* Roll for damage */
				switch (tmp)
					case 0: k = 0; break;
					case 1: k = randint(5); break;
					case 2: k = randint(5) + 5; break;
					case 3: k = randint(20) + 20; break;
					case 4: k = randint(50) + 50; break;
					case 5: k = randint(100) + 100; break;
					case 6: k = 300; break;
					default: k = 500; break;

				/* Apply the cut */
				if (k) (void)set_cut(p_ptr->cut + k);

			/* Handle stun */
			if (do_stun)
				int k;

				/* Critical hit (zero if non-critical) */
				tmp = monster_critical(d_dice, d_side, damage);

				/* Roll for damage */
				switch (tmp)
					case 0: k = 0; break;
					case 1: k = randint(5); break;
					case 2: k = randint(10) + 10; break;
					case 3: k = randint(20) + 20; break;
					case 4: k = randint(30) + 30; break;
					case 5: k = randint(40) + 40; break;
					case 6: k = 100; break;
					default: k = 200; break;

				/* Apply the stun */
				if (k) (void)set_stun(p_ptr->stun + k);

		/* Monster missed player */
			/* Analyze failed attacks */
			switch (method)
				case RBM_HIT:
				case RBM_TOUCH:
				case RBM_PUNCH:
				case RBM_KICK:
				case RBM_CLAW:
				case RBM_BITE:
				case RBM_STING:
				case RBM_XXX1:
				case RBM_BUTT:
				case RBM_CRUSH:
				case RBM_ENGULF:
				case RBM_XXX2:

				/* Visible monsters */
				if (m_ptr->ml)
					/* Disturbing */
					disturb(1, 0);

					/* Message */
					msg_format("%^s misses you.", m_name);


		/* Analyze "visible" monsters only */
		if (visible)
			/* Count "obvious" attacks (and ones that cause damage) */
			if (obvious || damage || (l_ptr->blows[ap_cnt] > 10))
				/* Count attacks of this type */
				if (l_ptr->blows[ap_cnt] < MAX_UCHAR)

	/* Blink away */
	if (blinked)
		msg_print("There is a puff of smoke!");
		teleport_away(m_idx, MAX_SIGHT * 2 + 5);

	/* Always notice cause of death */
	if (p_ptr->is_dead && (l_ptr->deaths < MAX_SHORT))

	/* Assume we attacked */
	return (TRUE);
コード例 #30
ファイル: cmd2.c プロジェクト: NickMcConnell/RePosBand
 * Open a closed/locked/jammed door or a closed/locked chest.
 * Unlocking a locked door/chest is worth one experience point.
void do_cmd_open(cmd_code code, cmd_arg args[])
	int y, x, dir;

	s16b o_idx;

	bool more = FALSE;

	dir = args[0].direction;

	/* Get location */
	y = p_ptr->py + ddy[dir];
	x = p_ptr->px + ddx[dir];

	/* Check for chests */
	o_idx = chest_check(y, x);

	/* Verify legality */
	if (!o_idx && !do_cmd_open_test(y, x))
		/* Cancel repeat */
		disturb(0, 0);

	/* Take a turn */
	p_ptr->energy_use = 100;

	/* Apply confusion */
	if (confuse_dir(&dir))
		/* Get location */
		y = p_ptr->py + ddy[dir];
		x = p_ptr->px + ddx[dir];

		/* Check for chest */
		o_idx = chest_check(y, x);

	/* Monster */
	if (cave_m_idx[y][x] > 0)
		if (mon_list[cave_m_idx[y][x]].align & (AL_PET_MASK))
			msg_print("There is a friendly monster in the way!");
			/* Message */
			msg_print("There is a monster in the way!");

			/* Attack */
			py_attack(y, x);

	/* Chest */
	else if (o_idx)
		/* Open the chest */
		more = do_cmd_open_chest(y, x, o_idx);

	/* Door */
		/* Open the door */
		more = do_cmd_open_aux(y, x);

	/* Cancel repeat unless we may continue */
	if (!more) disturb(0, 0);