コード例 #1
camera3d_t update_camera(camera3d_t camera) {
    scalar *view,*X,*Y,*Z,*T,*V;
    scalar d;
    //~ V[0]=-d*Z[0]-T[0]; V[1]=-d*Z[1]-T[1];	V[2]=-d*Z[2]-T[2];
    // compute invert matrix
    view[2]	=Z[0];
    view[6]	=Z[1];
    view[10]	=Z[2];
    return camera;
コード例 #2
ファイル: poser_charlesslow.c プロジェクト: UAFRMC/2017
static FLT RunOpti( SurviveObject * hmd, PoserDataFullScene * fs, int lh, int print, FLT * LighthousePos, FLT * LighthouseQuat )
	int i, p;
	FLT UsToTarget[3];
	FLT LastUsToTarget[3];
	FLT mux = .9;
	quatsetnone( LighthouseQuat );
	FLT * hmd_points  = hmd->sensor_locations;
	FLT * hmd_normals = hmd->sensor_normals;
	int dpts = hmd->nr_locations;

	int first = 1, second = 0;

	//First check to see if this is a valid viewpoint.
	//If a sensor is pointed away from where we are testing a possible lighthouse position.
	//BUT We get data from that light house, then we KNOW this is not a possible
	//lighthouse position.
	for( p = 0; p < dpts; p++ )
		int dataindex = p*(2*NUM_LIGHTHOUSES)+lh*2;
		if( fs->lengths[p][lh][0] < 0 || fs->lengths[p][lh][1] < 0 ) continue;
		FLT me_to_dot[3];
		sub3d( me_to_dot, LighthousePos, &hmd_points[p*3] );
		FLT dot = dot3d( &hmd_normals[p*3], me_to_dot );
		if( dot < -.01 ) { 	return 1000; }
	int iters = 6;

	//Iterate over a refinement of the quaternion that constitutes the
	for( i = 0; i < iters; i++ )
		first = 1;
		for( p = 0; p < dpts; p++ )
			int dataindex = p*(2*NUM_LIGHTHOUSES)+lh*2;
			if( fs->lengths[p][lh][0] < 0 || fs->lengths[p][lh][1] < 0 ) continue;

			//Find out where our ray shoots forth from.
			FLT ax = fs->angles[p][lh][0];
			FLT ay = fs->angles[p][lh][1];
			//NOTE: Inputs may never be output with cross product.
			//Create a fictitious normalized ray.  Imagine the lighthouse is pointed
			//straight in the +z direction, this is the lighthouse ray to the point.
			FLT RayShootOut[3] = { sin(ax), sin(ay), 0 };
			RayShootOut[2] = sqrt( 1 - (RayShootOut[0]*RayShootOut[0] + RayShootOut[1]*RayShootOut[1]) );
			FLT RayShootOutWorld[3];

			quatnormalize( LighthouseQuat, LighthouseQuat );
			//Rotate that ray by the current rotation estimation.
			quatrotatevector( RayShootOutWorld, LighthouseQuat, RayShootOut );

			//Find a ray from us to the target point.
			sub3d( UsToTarget, &hmd_points[p*3], LighthousePos );
			if( magnitude3d( UsToTarget ) < 0.0001 ) { continue; }
			normalize3d( UsToTarget, UsToTarget );

			FLT RotatedLastUs[3];
			quatnormalize( LighthouseQuat, LighthouseQuat );
			quatrotatevector( RotatedLastUs, LighthouseQuat, LastUsToTarget );

			//Rotate the lighthouse around this axis to point at the HMD.
			//If it's the first time, the axis is synthesized, if it's after that, use most recent point.
			FLT ConcatQuat[4];
			FLT AxisToRotate[3];
			if( first )
				cross3d( AxisToRotate, RayShootOutWorld, UsToTarget );
				if( magnitude3d(AxisToRotate) < 0.0001 ) break;
				normalize3d( AxisToRotate, AxisToRotate );
				//Don't need to worry about being negative, cross product will fix it.
				FLT RotateAmount = anglebetween3d( RayShootOutWorld, UsToTarget );
				quatfromaxisangle( ConcatQuat, AxisToRotate, RotateAmount );
				quatnormalize( ConcatQuat, ConcatQuat );
				FLT Target[3];
				FLT Actual[3];

				copy3d( AxisToRotate, LastUsToTarget );
				//Us to target = normalized ray from us to where we should be.
				//RayShootOut = where we would be pointing.
				sub3d( Target, UsToTarget, AxisToRotate );  //XXX XXX XXX WARNING THIS MESSES STUFF UP.
				sub3d( Actual, RayShootOutWorld, AxisToRotate );
				if( magnitude3d( Actual ) < 0.0001 || magnitude3d( Target ) < 0.0001 ) { continue; }
				normalize3d( Target, Target );
				normalize3d( Actual, Actual );

				cross3d( AxisToRotate, Actual, Target );  //XXX Check: AxisToRotate should be equal to LastUsToTarget.
				if( magnitude3d( AxisToRotate ) < 0.000001 ) { continue; }
				normalize3d( AxisToRotate,AxisToRotate );

				//printf( "%f %f %f === %f %f %f : ", PFTHREE( AxisToRotate ), PFTHREE( LastUsToTarget ) );
				FLT RotateAmount = anglebetween3d( Actual, Target ) * mux;
				//printf( "FA: %f (O:%f)\n", acos( dot3d( Actual, Target ) ), RotateAmount );
				quatfromaxisangle( ConcatQuat, AxisToRotate, RotateAmount );
				quatnormalize( ConcatQuat, ConcatQuat );

			quatnormalize( ConcatQuat, ConcatQuat );
			quatnormalize( LighthouseQuat, LighthouseQuat );
			quatrotateabout( LighthouseQuat, ConcatQuat, LighthouseQuat );  //Checked.  This appears to be 

			mux = mux * 0.94;
			if( second ) { second = 0; }
			if( first ) { first = 0; second = 1; }
			copy3d( LastUsToTarget, RayShootOutWorld );

	//Step 2: Determine error.
	FLT errorsq = 0.0;
	int count = 0;
	for( p = 0; p < dpts; p++ )
		int dataindex = p*(2*NUM_LIGHTHOUSES)+lh*2;
		if( fs->lengths[p][lh][0] < 0 || fs->lengths[p][lh][1] < 0 ) continue;

		//Find out where our ray shoots forth from.
		FLT ax = fs->angles[p][lh][0];
		FLT ay = fs->angles[p][lh][1];
		FLT RayShootOut[3] = { sin(ax), sin(ay), 0 };
		RayShootOut[2] = sqrt( 1 - (RayShootOut[0]*RayShootOut[0] + RayShootOut[1]*RayShootOut[1]) );

		//Rotate that ray by the current rotation estimation.
		quatrotatevector( RayShootOut, LighthouseQuat, RayShootOut );

		//Point-line distance.
		//Line defined by LighthousePos & Direction: RayShootOut

		//Find a ray from us to the target point.
		sub3d( UsToTarget, &hmd_points[p*3], LighthousePos );
		FLT xproduct[3];
		cross3d( xproduct, UsToTarget, RayShootOut );
		FLT dist = magnitude3d( xproduct );
		errorsq += dist*dist;
		//if( print ) printf( "%f (%d(%d/%d))\n", dist, p, cd->ctsweeps[dataindex+0], cd->ctsweeps[dataindex+1] );
	if( print ) printf( " = %f\n", sqrt( errorsq ) );
	return sqrt(errorsq);
コード例 #3
ファイル: 3dutils.c プロジェクト: cnlohr/bridgesim
//WARNING: This function probably doesn't work AT ALL!
float * CalculateTangentSpace( int Triangles, int VertexCount, int * Indices, float * verts, float * normals, float * texs )
	//Here is the place to calculate the Tangent values.
	//It is a vector pointing in the direction of increasing u.
	int i;
	float * tans = 0;

	if( normals && texs && verts )
		//If we have both Texture coords and normals, we can calculate a tangent matrix.
		tans = malloc( VertexCount * sizeof( float ) * 4 );
		memset( tans, 0, VertexCount * sizeof( float ) * 4 );

		//Process modeled after: http://www.terathon.com/code/tangent.html

		float * tan1 = malloc( VertexCount * sizeof( float ) * 3 );
		float * tan2 = malloc( VertexCount * sizeof( float ) * 3 );

		memset( tan1, 0, VertexCount * sizeof( float ) * 3 );
		memset( tan2, 0, VertexCount * sizeof( float ) * 3 );

		for( i = 0; i < Triangles; i++ )
			int v1 = Indices[i*3+0];
			int v2 = Indices[i*3+1];
			int v3 = Indices[i*3+2];

			float * t1 = &texs[v1*3];
			float * t2 = &texs[v2*3];
			float * t3 = &texs[v3*3];
			float * p1 = &verts[v1*3];
			float * p2 = &verts[v2*3];
			float * p3 = &verts[v3*3];

			float vec1[3];
			float vec2[3];
			float tex1[3];
			float tex2[3];

			sub3d( vec1, p2, p1 ); //(x,y,z)
			sub3d( vec2, p3, p1 );
			sub3d( tex1, t2, t1 ); //(s,t,u)
			sub3d( tex2, t3, t1 );

	        float r = 1.0f / ( tex1[0] * tex2[1] - tex2[0] * tex1[1] );
			float sdir[3] = {
				(tex2[1] * vec1[0] - tex1[1] * vec2[0]) * r,
				(tex2[1] * vec1[1] - tex1[1] * vec2[1]) * r,
                (tex2[1] * vec1[2] - tex1[1] * vec2[2]) * r };
			float tdir[3] = {
				(tex1[0] * vec2[0] - tex2[0] * vec1[0]) * r,
				(tex1[0] * vec2[1] - tex2[0] * vec1[1]) * r,
                (tex1[0] * vec2[2] - tex2[0] * vec1[2]) * r };

			add3d( &tan1[v1*3], &tan1[v1*3], sdir );
			add3d( &tan1[v2*3], &tan1[v2*3], sdir );
			add3d( &tan1[v3*3], &tan1[v3*3], sdir );

			add3d( &tan2[v1*3], &tan2[v1*3], sdir );
			add3d( &tan2[v2*3], &tan2[v2*3], sdir );
			add3d( &tan2[v3*3], &tan2[v3*3], sdir );

		//Normalize and orthoganlize.
		for (i = 0; i < VertexCount; i++)
		    const float * n = &normals[i*3];
		    const float * t = &tan1[i*3];
		    // Gram-Schmidt orthogonalize
			float tmp[3];
			float tdn[3];
			float thisdot = dot3d( n, t );
			scale3d( tdn, n, thisdot );
			sub3d( tmp, t, tdn );
			normalize3d( &tans[i*4], tmp );

			cross3d( tmp, n, t );
			tans[i*4+3] = (dot3d( tmp, &tan2[i*3] ) < 0)?-1:1; //set handedness

	return tans;