コード例 #1
ファイル: gmxfreq.c プロジェクト: zanemarkson/NEqMD.ToolKit
int main(int argc, char * argv[])

  //-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Declaring Variables o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-//
  FILE * pmass , * phess , * pEqCrd , * poutDXDR , * poutFreq ; //, *pmo2ao;

  char massFileName[ 100 ] , hessFileName[ 100 ] , EqCrdFileName[ 100 ] ;
  char outDXDRFileName[ 100 ] , outFreqFileName[ 100 ] ;

  char massunit[ 100 ] , hessunit[ 100 ] , crdunit[ 100 ] ;
  int sdouble = sizeof(double);

  int natom , ncart , nmode ;
  int iatom , icart , imode ;

  int natomselect , natomprovide , ncartselect , ncartprovide ;

  int len_hess_cart, len_tri_hess_cart;

  int j,k,m;

  int itmp; double dtmp;

  char * keyword;

  int debuggingMode = NO ;

  //char gessname[ 100 ] ;

  double * hess_cart , * hess_cart_select ;
  double * freq , * vib_freq , * dxdr , * vib_dxdr ;
  double hessconvert , crdconvert , massconvert ;

  double * mass_provide , * mass; 

  char ** pcmd ; pcmd = argv ;

  int icmd = 1 ;
  int iline , iload ;
  int irow , icol ;
  int blank_signal , groinfo ;

  char buffer[ MAXCHARINLINE ] ;
  char cache[ MAXCHARINLINE ] ;
  char tmpString[ MAXCHARINLINE ] ;


  // ---> For debugging output 

  FILE * debug;

  //-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Recording cmd-line and time stamp o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-//
  time_t current_time;

  time( &current_time );

  char now[ 300 ] ;

  strcpy( now , ctime( &current_time ) );

  int lennow = strlen( now ) ;

  *( now + lennow - 1 ) = ' ';

      printf("* G_GMXFREQ_D : Stand-Alone Utility to Calculate Normal Modes        *\n");
      printf("* From Hessian File and Mass File.                                   *\n");
      printf("*                                                                    *\n");
      printf("*  ");
  for( icmd = 0 ; icmd < argc ; icmd ++ )
    printf("%s " , *( pcmd + icmd ) );
      printf("*                                                                    *\n");
      printf("*                                                                    *\n");
      printf("* Current Time : %s                           *\n" , now );
      printf("*                                                                    *\n");
      printf("*                                                                    *\n");


  //-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Read input command-line arguments and input files while deciding some parameters ...o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-//

  // -------> Parsing the Command Line Arguments ... 
  pcmd = argv ; 
  //int exn = 10 ; int exr  = 16 ; int exR = 18 ; int exH  = 22 ; int exM = 28 ; int exL = 30 ; 

  int exc = 20 ; 
  int exs = 18 ; int exm = 88 ;
  int exH = 70 ; 
  int exo = 22 , exw = 26 ;

  char * flag ;
  int internalOrNot = NO ;
  icmd = 1 ;
  printf("\n%d command-line arguments provided ...\n" , argc );
  if( argc == 1 )
    printf("\n\nNo command-line arguments provided ... Mission aborting ...\n\n");
    printf("\nPlease refer to the usage by typing ' %s -h '\n\n" , * argv );

  while( icmd < argc )
    pcmd ++ ; 

    flag = * pcmd ;

    printf("\nNo.%d argument , Currently @ flag = %s ...\n\n" , icmd , flag );

    if( ( * flag == '-' ) && ( strlen( flag ) == 2 ) )
      switch ( *( flag + 1 ) )
	      case 'c' : strcpy( tmpString , *( ++ pcmd ) );
	                 strcpy( buffer , *( ++ pcmd ) );
	                 if( strcmp( tmpString , "none" ) == 0 )
	                   strcpy( EqCrdFileName , "dirtroad.anthem" ) ;
	                   internalOrNot = NO ;
	                   printf("\nCommand-line argument indicates : NO INPUT Eq. Coordinate ... Hence NO Internal Coordinate Transformation \n" ); 
	                   strcpy( EqCrdFileName , tmpString ) ;
	                   strcpy( crdunit , buffer ) ;
	                   if( * crdunit == '-' )
	                     printf("\nHey, you did not specify the unit of you Coordinate file ... !\n");
	                     exit( 11 ) ;
	                   internalOrNot = YES ;
	                   printf("\nCommand-line argument indicates : Input Eq. Coordinate File name : %s . Format is %s ...\n" , EqCrdFileName , crdunit ); 
	                 exc = 21 ;	           
	                 icmd = icmd + 3 ;
	                 break ;

	      case 'H' : strcpy( hessFileName , *( ++ pcmd ) );
	                 strcpy( hessunit , *( ++ pcmd ) );
	                 printf("\nCommand-line argument indicates : Input Hessian File name : %s . Unit is %s ...\n" , hessFileName , hessunit ); 
	                 if( * hessunit == '-' )
	                   printf("\nHey, you did not specify the unit of you Hessian file ... !\n");
	                   exit( 11 );
	                 exH = 71 ;	           
	                 icmd = icmd + 3 ;
	                 break ;

	      case 'm' : strcpy( massFileName , *( ++ pcmd ) );
	                 strcpy( massunit , *( ++ pcmd ) );
	                 printf("\nCommand-line argument indicates : Input Mass File name : %s . Unit is %s ...\n" , massFileName , massunit ); 
	                 if( * crdunit == '-' )
	                   printf("\nHey, you did not specify the unit of you Coordinate file ... !\n");
	                   exit( 11 );
	                 exm = 89 ;	           
	                 icmd = icmd + 3 ;
	                 break ;

	      case 's' : strcpy( tmpString , *( ++ pcmd ) ) ;
	                 if( strcmp( tmpString , "all" ) == 0 || strcmp( tmpString , "All" ) == 0 )
	                   exs = 20 ;
	                   printf("\nCommand-line argument indicates : All atoms will be chosen as solute ...\n" );
	                   printf("\nReceived information : %s ...\n" , tmpString ) ;
	                   natomselect = atoi( tmpString ); 
	                   exs = 19 ;
	                   printf("\nCommand-line argument indicates : First %d atoms will be chosen as solute ...\n" , natomselect );
	                 icmd = icmd + 2 ; 
	                 break ;

	      case 'o' : strcpy( outDXDRFileName , *( ++ pcmd ) ); 
	                 printf("\nCommand-line argument indicates : Output Normal Mode file name : %s ...\n" , outDXDRFileName ); 
	                 exo = 23 ;
	                 icmd = icmd + 2 ; 
	                 break ; 
	      case 'w' : strcpy( outFreqFileName , *( ++ pcmd ) ); 
	                 printf("\nCommand-line argument indicates : Output frequency file name : %s ...\n" , outFreqFileName ); 
	                 exw = 27 ;
	                 icmd = icmd + 2 ; 
	                 break ; 

          case 'g' : strcpy( cache , *( ++ pcmd ) ) ;

                     printf("\nCommand-line argument indicates : Debugging Mode Invoking : %s ...\n" , cache );

                     if( strcmp( cache , "YES" ) == 0 || strcmp( cache , "Yes" ) == 0 || strcmp( cache , "yes" ) == 0 || strcmp( cache , "Y" ) == 0 || strcmp( cache , "y" ) == 0 )
                       debuggingMode = YES ;
                     else if( strcmp( cache , "NO" ) == 0 || strcmp( cache , "No" ) == 0 || strcmp( cache , "no" ) == 0 || strcmp( cache , "N" ) == 0 || strcmp( cache , "n" ) == 0 )
                       debuggingMode = NO ;
                       printf("\nInvalid choice of debugging mode ... Mission Aborted ...\n\n") ;

                       exit( 21 ) ;

                     icmd = icmd + 2 ;

                     break ;

	      case 'h' : printf("\nUsage:  % 15s [ -c 'input Equilibrium Geometry' ( gro / gmxcrd / g09crd )] [ -H 'Hessian file name' ' unit : au or gmx' ] [ -s # of atoms chosen as the solute ]" , * argv) ;
	                 printf("\n                        [ -m Mass file name & unit ( au or amu ) ] [ -w output frequency file name ] [ -o output dxdr file name ]\n\n");
	                 //printf("\n           [ -c 'input EqMD gro file of solvent' ][ -p P Group Name ][ -q Q Group Name ][ -N atom number of L-Shape reference atom ]");
	                 //printf("\n           [ -w whether to perform van der Waals contacting check ( YES / Yes / yes ) or ( NO / No / no ) or floating point number to indicate scaling factor ]");
	                 //printf("\n           [ -s # of atoms in solute molecule ] [ -t distance threshold to accept one alignment , unit = Angstrom ]\n\n" ); 
	                 //printf("\nNote : 1) For \"-w\" option, YES/Yes/yes will cause the vdw-check to perform with default scaling 1.00 while NO/No/no will shut down the vdw-check.\n");
	                 //printf("\n          Specifying a floating number will also cause the vdw-check to perform but the floating number will be the user-defined scaling factor (vdwFactor).\n");

	                 //printf("\n       2) For \"-t\" option, YES/Yes/yes will cause the universal-distance-check to perform with default threshold 1.20Å while NO/No/no will shut down the unidist-check.\n");
	                 //printf("\n          Specifying a floating number will also cause the unidist-check to perform but the floating number will be the user-defined distance threshold (vdwFactor).\n");

	                 printf("\nNote : 1) For \"-s\" option, [ -s all ] or [ -s All ] indicates all atoms chosen as solute;\n");
	                 printf("\n          Default for -s is all atoms when nresidue = 1  or natom in 1st residue when nresidue != 1 \n");
	                 printf("\n       2) For \"-c\" option, [ -c none none ] will turn off the internal coordinate transformation and perform regular Cartesian coordinate normal mode analysis ... \n\n\n");

	                 icmd = icmd + 1 ; 
	                 exit( 1 ) ;
	                 break ;

	      default : printf("\n\nInvalid option ' %s ' ... Please refer to the usage by typing ' %s -h '\n\n" , flag , * argv ); 
	                icmd = argc ; 

        printf("\n\nInvalid option ' %s ' ... Please refer to the usage by typing ' %s -h '\n\n" , flag , * argv );


  // -------> Default File Names

  if( internalOrNot == YES && exc == 20 )
    strcpy( crdunit , "gro" ) ;
    strcpy( EqCrdFileName , "system.gro" ) ;
    printf("\nNo input .gro file provided, default \"system.gro\" in play ...\n") ;

  int lenEqGROFileName = strlen( EqCrdFileName ) ;
  if( exo == 22 )
    strncpy( outDXDRFileName , EqCrdFileName , lenEqGROFileName - 4 ) ;
    *( outDXDRFileName + lenEqGROFileName - 4 ) = '\0' ;
    strcat( outDXDRFileName , ".dxdr" ) ;
    printf("\nBy default , output DXDR file name will be [ %s ] ...\n\n" , outDXDRFileName ) ;
  if( exw == 26 )
    strncpy( outFreqFileName , EqCrdFileName , lenEqGROFileName - 4 ) ;
    *( outFreqFileName + lenEqGROFileName - 4 ) = '\0' ;
    strcat( outFreqFileName , ".freq" ) ;
    printf("\nBy default , output DXDR file name will be [ %s ] ...\n\n" , outFreqFileName ) ;


  if( exH == 70 )
    strncpy( hessFileName , EqCrdFileName , lenEqGROFileName - 4 ) ;
    *( hessFileName + lenEqGROFileName - 4 ) = '\0' ;
    strcat( hessFileName , ".gess" ) ;
    printf("\nBy default , searching for Hessian file with the name %s ...\n\n" , hessFileName ) ;
    strcpy( hessunit , "gmx" ) ;

  if( exm == 88 )
    strncpy( massFileName , EqCrdFileName , lenEqGROFileName - 4 ) ;
    *( massFileName + lenEqGROFileName - 4 ) = '\0' ;
    strcat( massFileName , ".mass" ) ;
    printf("\nBy default , searching for Mass file with the name %s ...\n\n" , massFileName ) ;
    strcpy( massunit , "amu" ) ;

  if( strcmp( hessunit , "au" ) == 0 )
    printf("\nThe unit this Hessian file in is ATOMIC UNIT : Hartree/(Bohr^2) ... \n");
    hessconvert = 1.0000 ;
  else if( strcmp( hessunit , "gmx" ) == 0 )
    printf("\nThe unit this Hessian file in is GMX-Unit : kJ/mol/(nm^2) ... \n");
    hessconvert = HESSAU2GMX ;
    printf("\nWhat did you say about the unit of you frequency again ??? \n");
    exit( 107 );

  printf("\n===> Done Defining Default Fila Names <===\n\n\n") ;
  // -------> Confirming File Access ... 

  if( ( pmass = fopen( massFileName ,"r" ) ) == NULL )
    printf("\nUser defined mass-file [ %s ] does not exist...\n" , massFileName );

    exit( 63 );
  if( ( pEqCrd = fopen( EqCrdFileName ,"r" ) ) == NULL && internalOrNot == YES )
    printf("\nUser defined Equilibrium Coordinate File [ %s ] does not exist...\n" , EqCrdFileName );

    exit( 63 );

  if( ( phess = fopen( hessFileName ,"r" ) ) == NULL )
    printf("\nUser defined Hessian-file [ %s ] does not exist...\n" , hessFileName );

    exit( 63 );

  printf("\n===> Done Confirming File Access <===\n\n\n") ;

  //-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Loading Eq. Coordinate , Hessian & Mass ...o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-//
  //-----> Pre-Loading Equilibrium Geometry ...
  char grotitlestring[MAXLINE];
  iline = 3 ;
  iload = 0 ;
  int natomgroline , natomgrotitle ;
  int exVelocity = NO ;

  if( internalOrNot == YES && ( strcmp( crdunit , "gro" ) ) == 0 )
    rewind( pEqCrd );
    //printf("\nCurrent character is %c ... \n" , fgetc( pEqGRO ) );
    fskip( pEqCrd , 1 );

    fscanf( pEqCrd , "%d" , &natomgrotitle );
    fskip( pEqCrd , 1 );
    printf("\n Second line of .gro file says it is describing %d atoms ... \n\n" , natomgrotitle );
    while( ( groinfo = freadline( buffer , MAXCHARINLINE , pEqCrd , ';' ) ) != 0 )
      itmp = inLineWC( buffer ) ;
      break ;
    if( itmp == 6 )
      exVelocity = NO ;
      printf("\nI see there is no velocity information in .gro file ...\n\n") ;
    else if( itmp == 9 )
      exVelocity = YES ;
      printf("\nI see velocity information is also included in .gro file ...\n\n") ;
      printf("\nPlease check the format of you .gro file ... There are %d words in one line of your molecular specification ... \n" , itmp ) ;
      exit( 456 );
    printf("\nNow let's pre-load the .gro file ans see how many atoms it is describing ... \n");
    natomgroline = preLoadGRO( pEqCrd ) ;
    printf("\nIt can be seen that this .gro file is describing %d atoms ...\n" , natomgroline );
    if( natomgrotitle > natomgroline )
      printf("\nYour .gro file is self-contradictory ... While the second line of your .gro file says there will be %d atoms, there are actually only %d atoms being described ... \n" ,  natomgrotitle , natomgroline );
      printf("\nWe will take all the atoms we can to procede ... \n");
      natom = natomgroline ;
    else if( natomgrotitle == natomgroline )
      printf("\nOkay ... Your .gro file is fine ... NAtom will be %d ... \n" , natomgrotitle );
      natom = natomgrotitle ;
    else if( natomgrotitle < natomgroline )
      printf("\nThe second line of your .gro file indicates there are %d atoms in this file but there are more atoms ( %d atoms ) being described insided ... We will take the first %d atoms ... \n" , natomgrotitle , natomgroline , natomgrotitle );
      natom = natomgrotitle ;
      printf("\nSomething is wrong with checking the .gro file ... Please take a look at it ... \n");
      exit( 81 );
    ncart = 3 * natom ;

    itmp = 0 ; 
    if( exs == 18 )
      natomselect = natom ;
    else if( exs == 19 && natomselect > natom ) // Will be dead ... 
      printf("\nThere are only %d atoms in this system ... you cannot select more than that ... \n" , natom );
      if( natomgrotitle > natomgroline && natomselect <= natomgrotitle )
        printf("\nAlthough ... the second line of your initial .gro file did indicate there were supposed to be %d atoms in system ... So go back and make sure what you are trying to do ... \n" , natomgrotitle );
      else if( natomgrotitle < natomgroline && natomselect <= natomgroline )
        printf("\nAlthough ... your initial .gro file did describe %d atoms in system ... So go back and make sure what you are trying to do ... \n" , natomgroline );
      exit( 78 );
    else if( exs == 19 && natomselect <= natom )
      printf("\nYou have selected %d atoms as solute ... There are %d atoms en toto in this system ... \n" , natomselect , natom );    

    else if( exs == 20 )
      natomselect = natom ;
      printf("\nSomething is wrong with the atom selection process ... NAtom = %d , NAtomSelect = %d ... \n" , natom , natomselect );
      exit( 78 );
    ncartselect = 3 * natomselect ;
  else if( internalOrNot == YES && ( ( strcmp( crdunit , "gmxcrd" ) ) == 0 || ( strcmp( crdunit , "g09crd" ) ) == 0 ) )
    rewind( pEqCrd );
    itmp = flength( pEqCrd ) ;
    natom = itmp / 3 ;
    ncart = itmp ;
    if( exs == 18 )
      natomselect = natom ;
    else if( exs == 19 && natomselect > natom ) // Will be dead ... 
      printf("\nThere are only %d atoms in this system ... you cannot select more than that ... \n" , natom );
      exit( 78 );
    else if( exs == 19 && natomselect <= natom )
      printf("\nYou have selected %d atoms as solute ... There are %d atoms en toto in this system ... \n" , natomselect , natom );    

    else if( exs == 20 )
      natomselect = natom ;
      printf("\nSomething is wrong with the atom selection process ... NAtom = %d , NAtomSelect = %d ... \n" , natom , natomselect );
      exit( 78 );
    ncartselect = 3 * natomselect ;
  //-----> Pre-Loading Mass ...

  itmp = flength( pmass ) ;

  rewind( pmass ) ;

  if( internalOrNot == NO )
    natom = itmp ;
    ncart = 3 * natom ;
    if( exs == 18 )
      natomselect = natom ;
      printf("\nBy default, all available atoms will be chosen as solute ...\n\n") ;
    else if( exs == 20 )
      natomselect = natom ;
      printf("\nPer user's request, all available atoms will be chosen as solute ...\n\n") ;

    else if( exs == 19 )
      if( natomselect == natom )
        printf("\nOKay ... I see you provided the mass for all the atom in this system ... \n"); 
      else if( natomselect > natom ) // will be dead
        printf("\nERROR : There are only %d atoms according to mass file, I cannot select that many atoms as solute ...\n\n" , natomselect ) ;
        exit( 89 ) ;
      else if( natomselect < natom )
        printf("\nOKay ... you provided %d floating-point numbers for mass so the total NAtom in system is %d while %d atoms are selected ...\n" , itmp , natom , natomselect );

        printf("\nSo ... I will assume the first %d numbers in your mass file correspond to the selected atoms ...\n" , natomselect );
        printf("\nSomething is wrong with the mass file ... There are %d atomic mass in the file while the total NAtom in this system is %d and %d atoms are selected ... \n" , itmp , natom , natomselect );

        exit( 81 );

    ncartselect = natomselect * 3 ;
  else if( internalOrNot == YES )
    if( itmp == natomselect )
      printf("\nOKay ... I see you provided the mass info for just the selected atoms ... \n");
    else if( itmp == natom )
      printf("\nOKay ... I see you provided the mass for all the atom in this system ... \n"); 
    else if( itmp > natom )
      printf("\nOKay ... you provided %d numbers for mass. The total NAtom in system is %d while %d atoms are selected ...\n" , itmp , natom , natomselect );

      printf("\nSo ... I will assume the first %d numbers in your mass file correspond to the selected atoms ...\n" , natomselect );
      printf("\nSomething is wrong with the mass file ... There are %d atomic mass in the file while the total NAtom in this system is %d and %d atoms are selected ... \n" , itmp , natom , natomselect );

      exit( 81 );

  // ---> Loading Equilibrium Geometry ...
  GRO EqAtomList[ natomselect ] ; 
  double * EqCrd = calloc( ncartselect , sizeof( double ) ) ;
  dzeros( ncartselect , 1 , EqCrd ) ;
  double boxvector[ 3 ]; dzeros( 3 , 1 , boxvector ) ;
  char tmp_char ;
  if( internalOrNot == YES && ( strcmp( crdunit , "gro" ) ) == 0 ) // We want every coordinate to be in BOHR unit
    crdconvert = NM2BOHR ;
    rewind( pEqCrd );
    fskip( pEqCrd , 1 );

    fskip( pEqCrd , 1 );
    printf("\nNow let's read the actual .gro file  ... \n");
    iload = 0 ; iline = 0 ;
    while( ( groinfo = freadline( buffer , MAXCHARINLINE , pEqCrd , ';' ) ) != 0 )
      //printf("\n//--------------> WORKING ON NO. %d LINE ... <-------------//\n" , iline );
      blank_signal = stellblank( buffer ) ;
      if( blank_signal == 0 )
        //printf("\nNo.%d line is a blank line ... Moving on ...\n" , iline ) ;
        continue ;
      else if( blank_signal == 1 )
        //printf("\nNo.%d line is NOT a blank line ... loading ...\n" , iline );
        if( ( tmp_char = getfirst( buffer ) ) == ';' )
          //printf("\nThis is a comment line ... So nothing will be loaded ...\n");
          //fskip( pinputfile , 1 );
          continue ;
          //printf("\nLine reads : %s ...\n" , buffer );
          sscanf( buffer , "%5d%5s" , &EqAtomList[ iload ].resnumber , EqAtomList[ iload ].resname );

          //printf( "%s\t" , EqAtomList[ iatom ].resname );

          //sscanf( pEqGRO , "%s" , EqAtomList[ iload ].atomname );
          strpickword( buffer , 2 , cache ) ;
          strcpy( EqAtomList[ iload ].atomname , cache ) ;

          //printf( "%s" , EqAtomList[ iatom ].atomname );

          //sscanf( pEqGRO , "%d" , &EqAtomList[ iload ].atomnumber );
          strpickword( buffer , 3 , cache ) ;
          EqAtomList[ iload ].atomnumber = atoi( cache ) ;

          //printf( "\nWorking on No. %d atom ...\n" , EqAtomList[ iatom ].atomnumber );

          //sscanf( pEqGRO , "%lf" , &EqAtomList[ iload ].cx ); //printf("\n Cx is %lf ...\t" , EqAtomList[ iatom ].cx);
          strpickword( buffer , 4 , cache ) ; EqAtomList[ iload ].cx = atof( cache ) ;
          *( EqCrd + 3 * iload + 0 ) = EqAtomList[ iload ].cx / crdconvert ;
          //sscanf( pEqGRO , "%lf" , &EqAtomList[ iload ].cy ); //printf("\n Cy is %lf ...\t" , EqAtomList[ iatom ].cy);
          strpickword( buffer , 5 , cache ) ; EqAtomList[ iload ].cy = atof( cache ) ;
          *( EqCrd + 3 * iload + 1 ) = EqAtomList[ iload ].cy / crdconvert ;
          //sscanf( pEqGRO , "%lf" , &EqAtomList[ iload ].cz ); //printf("\n Cz is %lf ...\n\n" , EqAtomList[ iatom ].cz);
          strpickword( buffer , 6 , cache ) ; EqAtomList[ iload ].cz = atof( cache ) ;
          *( EqCrd + 3 * iload + 2 ) = EqAtomList[ iload ].cz / crdconvert ;
          if( exVelocity == YES )
            strpickword( buffer , 7 , cache ) ; EqAtomList[ iload ].vx = atof( cache ) ;
            strpickword( buffer , 8 , cache ) ; EqAtomList[ iload ].vy = atof( cache ) ;
            strpickword( buffer , 9 , cache ) ; EqAtomList[ iload ].vz = atof( cache ) ;
          //fscanf( pgroinput , "%lf" , &EqAtomList[ iatom ].vx ); //printf("\n Vx is %lf ...\t" , EqAtomList[ iatom ].cx);

          //fscanf( pgroinput , "%lf" , &EqAtomList[ iatom ].vy ); //printf("\n Vy is %lf ...\t" , EqAtomList[ iatom ].cy);
          //fscanf( pgroinput , "%lf" , &EqAtomList[ iatom ].vz ); //printf("\n Vz is %lf ...\n\n" , EqAtomList[ iatom ].cz);

          iload ++ ;
        //printf("\n%s\n" , buffer );
        printf("\nSomething is wrong with the reading file part ...\n");
      iline ++ ;
      if( iload == natomselect ) break ;

    if( iline < natomgroline )
      fskip( pEqCrd , natomgroline - iline ) ;
    fscanf( pgroinput , "%lf" , boxvector + 0 );

    fscanf( pgroinput , "%lf" , boxvector + 1 );

    fscanf( pgroinput , "%lf" , boxvector + 2 );
  else if( internalOrNot == YES && ( strcmp( crdunit , "grocrd" ) ) == 0 )
    crdconvert = NM2BOHR ;
    rewind( pEqCrd ) ;
    for( icart = 0 ; icart < ncartselect ; icart ++ )
      fscanf( pEqCrd , "%lf" , &dtmp ) ;
      *( EqCrd + icart ) = dtmp / crdconvert ;
  else if( internalOrNot == YES && ( strcmp( crdunit , "g09crd" ) ) == 0 )
    crdconvert = 1.0000 ;
    rewind( pEqCrd ) ;
    for( icart = 0 ; icart < ncartselect ; icart ++ )
      fscanf( pEqCrd , "%lf" , &dtmp ) ;
      *( EqCrd + icart ) = dtmp / crdconvert ;
  else if( internalOrNot == NO )
    printf("\nAlready told you ... NO INTERNAL COORDINATE BUSINESS ...\n\n") ;
    exit( 73 ) ;
  printf("\n===> Finished Loading Equilibrium Geometry <===\n\n\n") ;
  //dtranspose_nonsquare( natomselect , 3 , EqCrd , EqCrd ) ;
  debug = fopen("transposed_eqgeom.deb" , "wb+") ;
  doutput( debug , 3 , natomselect , EqCrd ) ;
  fclose( debug ) ;
  printf("\n===> Done Transposing Equilibrium Geometry <===\n\n\n") ;
  // -------> Loading Mass ...  
  mass = calloc( natomselect , sizeof( double ) );
  dzeros( natomselect , 1 , mass );
  if( strcmp( massunit , "au" ) == 0 )
    massconvert = AMU2AU ;
  else if( strcmp( massunit , "amu" ) == 0 )
    massconvert = 1.000 ;
    printf("\nUNKOWN ERROR : INVALID MASS FILE FORMAT ...\n\n");
    exit( 75 ) ;
  for( iatom = 0 ; iatom < natomselect ; iatom ++ )
    fscanf( pmass , "%lf" , &dtmp ) ;
    *( mass + iatom ) = dtmp / massconvert ;

  printf("\n===> Done Loading Mass ( in %s ) <===\n\n\n" , massunit ) ;

  //------> Hessian File :

  fskip( phess , 2 );

  len_hess_cart = flength( phess );

  if( len_hess_cart == ncart * ncart )
    printf("\nOKay ... I see you provided the Hessian for all %d atom in system ... \n" , natom );
  else if( len_hess_cart == ncartselect * ncartselect )
    printf("\nOKay ... I see you only provided the Hessian for the %d selected atoms ... \n" , natomselect );
  else if( len_hess_cart < ncart * ncart && len_hess_cart > ncartselect * ncartselect )
    printf("\nThere are %d numbers in the Hessian file which is less than the square of total %d Cartesian coordinates in system but more than that of %d Cartesian coordinates of selected atoms ... \n" , len_hess_cart , ncart , ncartselect );

    printf("\nSo I am taking the first %d number ( %d * %d ) as the Hessian for selected atoms ...\n" , ncartselect * ncartselect , ncartselect , ncartselect );

    printf("\nSomething is wrong with the Hessian file ... There are %d numbers in the Hessian file ... \n" , len_hess_cart );

    exit( 77 );


  rewind( phess );

  //-------> Allocating space for Hessian and Diagonalization Process ...

  ncartprovide = sqrt( len_hess_cart ); 
  printf("\nWell ... the Hessian file you provided is a %d * %d square matrix ...\n" , ncartprovide , ncartprovide );

  hess_cart = calloc( len_hess_cart , sizeof(double));  dzeros( len_hess_cart , 1, hess_cart );

  hess_cart_select = calloc( ncartselect * ncartselect , sizeof(double) ) ; 
  dzeros( ncartselect , ncartselect , hess_cart_select );
  double * DMatrix = calloc( ncartselect * ncartselect , sizeof( double ) ) ;
  dzeros( ncartselect , ncartselect , DMatrix ) ;
  double * tmp_hessian = calloc( ncartselect * ncartselect , sizeof(double) ) ; 
  dzeros( ncartselect , ncartselect , tmp_hessian );

  //tri_hess_cart = calloc( ncart*(ncart+1)/2 , sizeof(double)); 
  //dzeros(ncart*(ncart+1)/2, 1, tri_hess_cart);

  //-------> Loading Hessian Matrix ...

  rewind( phess );

  fskip( phess , 2 );

  fload( phess , hess_cart );

  for( j = 0 ; j < len_hess_cart ; j ++ )
    *( hess_cart + j ) = *( hess_cart + j ) / hessconvert ;

  printf("\n===> Done Loading Whole Provided Hessian <===\n\n\n") ;

  //-------> Selecting the desired part of Hessian matrix 

  for( j = 0 ; j < ncartselect ; j ++ )
    for( k = 0 ; k < ncartselect ; k ++ )
      *( hess_cart_select + j * ncartselect + k ) = *( hess_cart + j * ncartprovide + k );


  printf("\n===> Done Picking The Selected Hessian <===\n\n\n") ;

  if( debuggingMode == YES )
    debug = fopen("hess_cart.deb", "wb+");

    doutput( debug , ncart , ncart , hess_cart);


    debug = fopen("hess_cart_select.deb", "wb+");

    doutput( debug , ncartselect , ncartselect , hess_cart_select );


  //-------> Transpose Hessian_cart_select to pass into gausvib_ ...
  dtranspose( ncartselect , hess_cart_select , hess_cart_select ) ;

  printf("\n===> Done Transposing Selected Hessian <===\n\n\n") ;

  //void gausvib_( int * , double * , double * , double * , double * , double * ) ;
  //            ( natom, mass, coordxyzinp, hessianinp, Dmatrix )

  //-------> Generate D-Matrix and transform into internal coord ...

  if( internalOrNot == YES )
    gausvib_( &natomselect , mass , EqCrd , hess_cart_select , DMatrix ) ;
    dtranspose( ncartselect , DMatrix , DMatrix ) ;  
    printf("\n===> Done Generating D-Matrix ... Currently in C-Fashion <===\n\n\n") ;
  else if( internalOrNot == NO )
    for( icart = 0 ; icart < ncartselect ; icart ++ )
      *( DMatrix + icart * ncartselect + icart ) = 1.000 ;
    printf("\nUNKNOWN ERROR : [ internalOrNot ] = %d \n\n" , internalOrNot ) ;
    exit( 15 ) ;
  if( debuggingMode == YES )
    debug = fopen( "DMatrix.deb" , "wb+") ;
    doutput( debug , ncartselect , ncartselect , DMatrix ) ;
    fclose( debug ) ;


  for( j = 0 ; j < natomselect ; j ++ )   *( mass + j ) = ( *( mass + j ) ) * AMU2AU;

  printf("\n===> Done Putting Mass In AU <===\n\n\n") ;

  if( debuggingMode == YES )
    debug = fopen("mass_au.deb", "wb+");

    doutput( debug , natomselect , 1 , mass );


  //-------> Performing mass-weighting for the Force constant matrix  

  dtranspose( ncartselect , hess_cart_select , hess_cart_select ) ; 
  //transpose back to C-Fashion

  masswt( natomselect , mass , hess_cart_select , hess_cart_select );

  printf("\n===> Done Mass-Weighting Selected Hessian <===\n\n\n") ;

  if( debuggingMode == YES )
    debug = fopen("hess_masswt_select.deb", "wb+");

    doutput( debug , ncartselect , ncartselect , hess_cart_select );


  //-------> Calculating f_int = (D.') * f_mwc * D ;
  double done = 1.0000 ;
  double dzero = 0.0000 ;
  int nmode_trans_rot , nvibmodes ;
  if( natom == 2 )
    nmode_trans_rot = 5 ;
  else if( natom >= 3 )
    nmode_trans_rot = 6 ;
  nvibmodes = ncartselect - nmode_trans_rot ;
  double * hess_int_mwc = calloc( ncartselect * ncartselect , sizeof( double ) ) ;
  dzeros( ncartselect , ncartselect , hess_int_mwc ) ;
  double * vib_hess_int_mwc = calloc( nvibmodes * nvibmodes , sizeof( double ) ) ;
  dzeros( nvibmodes , nvibmodes , vib_hess_int_mwc ) ;
  dgemm_( "N" , "T" , &ncartselect , &ncartselect , &ncartselect , &done , DMatrix , &ncartselect , hess_cart_select , &ncartselect , &dzero , tmp_hessian , &ncartselect ) ;

  dgemm_( "N" , "T" , &ncartselect , &ncartselect , &ncartselect , &done , tmp_hessian , &ncartselect , DMatrix , &ncartselect , &dzero , hess_int_mwc , &ncartselect ) ;


  printf("\n===> Done Calculating f_int = (D.') * f_mwc * D <===\n\n\n") ;
  if( debuggingMode == YES )
    debug = fopen( "hess_int_mwc.deb" , "wb+") ;
    doutput( debug , ncartselect , ncartselect , hess_int_mwc ) ;
    fclose( debug ) ;
  //-------> Performing matrix-diagonalization for Hess_Cart and l=D*L ( for internalOrNot == YES )
  freq = calloc( ncartselect , sizeof( double ) ) ; dzeros( ncartselect , 1 , freq );

  vib_freq = calloc( nvibmodes , sizeof(double));  dzeros( nvibmodes , 1 , vib_freq );

  dxdr = calloc( ncartselect * ncartselect , sizeof(double));  
  dzeros( ncartselect * ncartselect , 1 , dxdr );
  vib_dxdr = calloc( ncartselect * nvibmodes , sizeof( double ) );  
  dzeros( ncartselect * nvibmodes , 1 , vib_dxdr ) ;
  double * tmp_dxdr = calloc( nvibmodes * nvibmodes , sizeof( double ) ) ;
  dzeros( nvibmodes , nvibmodes , tmp_dxdr ) ;
  double * tmp_dxdr_2 = calloc( nvibmodes * nvibmodes , sizeof( double ) ) ;
  dzeros( nvibmodes , nvibmodes , tmp_dxdr_2 ) ;

  if( internalOrNot == YES )
    // ---> Taking the vibrational ( 3N - 6 )-by-( 3N - 6 ) block 
    for( icart = nmode_trans_rot ; icart < ncartselect ; icart ++ )
      for( itmp = nmode_trans_rot ; itmp < ncartselect ; itmp ++ ) 
        *( vib_hess_int_mwc + ( icart - nmode_trans_rot ) * nvibmodes + ( itmp - nmode_trans_rot ) ) = *( hess_int_mwc + icart * ncartselect + itmp ) ;

    if( debuggingMode == YES )
      debug = fopen( "vib_hess_int_mwc.deb" , "wb+" ) ;
      doutput( debug , nvibmodes , nvibmodes , vib_hess_int_mwc ) ;
      fclose( debug ) ;
    // ---> Diagonalization
    dsyev_f2c( nvibmodes , vib_hess_int_mwc , tmp_dxdr, vib_freq  );

    dtranspose( nvibmodes , tmp_dxdr , tmp_dxdr );
    if( debuggingMode == YES )
      debug = fopen( "vib_dxdr_internal.deb" , "wb+" ) ;
      doutput( debug , nvibmodes , nvibmodes , tmp_dxdr ) ;
      fclose( debug ) ;
      debug = fopen( "vib_freq_internal.deb" , "wb+" ) ;
      doutput( debug , nvibmodes , 1 , vib_freq ) ;
      fclose( debug ) ;

    printf("\n===> Done Diagonalizing ( 3N - 6 )-by-( 3N - 6 ) internal coordinate mass-weighted Hessian and transpose 3N-6 normal modes back to C <===\n\n\n") ;
    // ---> Putting ( 3N - 6 )-by-( 3N - 6 ) dxdr into vib_dxdr which is 3N-by-( 3N - 6 )

    for( icart = nmode_trans_rot ; icart < ncartselect ; icart ++ )
      for( imode = 0 ; imode < nvibmodes ; imode ++ ) 
        *( vib_dxdr + icart * nvibmodes + imode ) = *( tmp_dxdr + ( icart - nmode_trans_rot ) * nvibmodes + imode ) ;
    printf("\n===> Done Putting ( 3N - 6 )-by-( 3N - 6 ) dxdr into vib_dxdr which is 3N-by-( 3N - 6 ) <===\n\n\n") ;
    if( debuggingMode == YES )
      debug = fopen( "vib_dxdr_internal.deb" , "wb+" ) ;
      doutput( debug , ncartselect , nvibmodes , vib_dxdr ) ;
      printf("\n[===> Debug <===] [\t%lf\t%lf\t%lf\t]" , *( vib_dxdr + 10 ) , *( vib_dxdr + 19 ) , *( vib_dxdr + 38 ) ) ;
      fclose( debug ) ;
    //---> Performing l = D*L
    dtranspose_nonsquare( ncartselect , nvibmodes , vib_dxdr , vib_dxdr ) ;

    dgemm_( "T" , "N" , &ncartselect , &nvibmodes , &ncartselect , &done , DMatrix , &ncartselect , vib_dxdr , &ncartselect , &dzero , tmp_dxdr_2 , &ncartselect ) ;
    dtranspose_nonsquare( nvibmodes , ncartselect , tmp_dxdr_2 , tmp_dxdr_2 ) ;

    if( debuggingMode == YES )
      debug = fopen( "vib_dxdr_Cartesian.deb" , "wb+" ) ;
      doutput( debug , ncartselect , nvibmodes , tmp_dxdr_2 ) ;
      fclose( debug ) ;
   // ---> Putting l into the 3N-by-3N dxdr matrix ...

    for( icart = 0 ; icart < ncartselect ; icart ++ )
      for( imode = nmode_trans_rot ; imode < ncartselect ; imode ++ ) 
        *( dxdr + icart * ncartselect + imode ) = *( tmp_dxdr_2 + icart * nvibmodes + ( imode - nmode_trans_rot ) ) ;
    printf("\n===> Done Calculating l = D * L <===\n\n\n") ;
    // ---> Assemble variable "freq" from "vib_freq"
    for( imode = nmode_trans_rot ; imode < ncartselect ; imode ++ ) 
      *( freq + imode ) = *( vib_freq + imode - nmode_trans_rot ) ;
  else if( internalOrNot == NO )
    dsyev_f2c( ncartselect , hess_int_mwc , dxdr, freq  );

    dtranspose( ncartselect , dxdr , dxdr );
  } ////////// ________________________  //////////
  if( debuggingMode == YES )
    debug = fopen( "dxdr.deb" , "wb+" ) ;
    doutput( debug , ncartselect , ncartselect , dxdr ) ;
    fclose( debug ) ;

    debug = fopen("allfrequency.deb", "wb+");

    doutput( debug , ncartselect , 1 , freq );

    fclose( debug );
  //-------> Arranging frequencies and w=sqrt(lambda) ... 

  if( natomselect == 1 )
    printf("\nSeriously? Only one atom ? NO WAYYYYYY ... \n");

    exit( 90 );
  else if( natomselect == 2  )
    *( freq + 5 ) = sqrt( *( freq + 5 ) ) * 219474.6313705 ;

    for( j = 0 ; j < ncartselect ; j ++ )
      if( *( freq + j ) >= 0.000 )
	      *( freq + j ) = sqrt( *( freq + j ) ) * 219474.6313705 ;
	      //*( freq + j ) = -1.000 * sqrt( -1.0000 * ( *( freq + j ) ) ) * 219474.6313705 ;
	      *( freq + j ) = 0.0000 ;


  // Here, no matter it is internal or not, after unit change, we will need to assign freq into vib_freq again ...
  for( imode = 0 ; imode < nvibmodes ; imode ++ )
    *( vib_freq + imode ) = *( freq + imode + nmode_trans_rot ) ;

  printf("\n===> Done Putting Vib-Frequencies Together <===\n\n\n") ;


  poutDXDR = fopen( outDXDRFileName , "wb+" ) ;
  doutput( poutDXDR , ncartselect , ncartselect , dxdr ) ;

  fclose( poutDXDR ) ;

  poutFreq = fopen( outFreqFileName, "wb+");

  doutput( poutFreq , ncartselect , 1 , freq );

  fclose( poutFreq );

  printf("\n\nI assume it's Allllllll Done   ...\n\n");


  FILE * pmass , * phess , * pEqCrd , * poutDXDR , * poutFreq ; //, *pmo2ao;

  char massFileName[ 100 ] , hessFileName[ 100 ] , EqCrdFileName[ 100 ] ;
  char outDXDRFileName[ 100 ] , outFreqFileName[ 100 ] ;


  return( 0 ) ;

コード例 #2
ファイル: pfi.c プロジェクト: maropu/pfi_intrn
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
        int     i;
        int     j;
        int     size;
        int     bcnt[2];
        int     nwrite;
        char    ans;
        char    *str;
        char    *end;
        double  r;

        if(argc < 2)
                size = NSTRING;
                size = strtol(argv[1], &end, 10);

        if(size < 10 || size > MAX_NSTRING || errno == ERANGE)
                _usage("Range Exception (10 <= x <= %d)\n", MAX_NSTRING);

        /* Initialization */

        ans = 0;
        str = malloc(sizeof(char) * size);

        if(str == NULL)
                eoutput("Can't allocate memories");

        memset(str, ANSWER_CHAR, sizeof(char) * size);

        nwrite = size / 2 - rand() % (size / 2);

        doutput(CONSOLE_OUTPUT, "nwrite: %d\n", nwrite);

        for (i = 0; i < size && nwrite > 0; i++) {
                r = (double)rand() / UINT_MAX;

                doutput(CONSOLE_OUTPUT, "r: %lf\n", r);

                if(r < 0.20) {
                        str[i] = 'b' + rand() % 25;

#ifdef DEBUG
        for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
                fprintf(stdout, "%c ", str[i]);
        fprintf(stdout, "\n");
#endif /* DEBUG */

        /* Start solving ... */
        for(i = 0; i < sizeof(char) * 8; i++) {
                memset(&bcnt[0], 0x00, sizeof(int) * 2);

                for(j = 0; j < size; j++) {
                       bcnt[BITCOUNT(str[j], i)]++;

                        if(j > size / 2 && (bcnt[0] > size / 2 || bcnt[1] > size / 2))

                ans |= ((bcnt[0] > bcnt[1])? 0 : 1) << i;

        doutput(CONSOLE_OUTPUT, "answer: %c\n", ans);

        if(ans == ANSWER_CHAR)
                fprintf(stdout, "Done correctly\n");
                fprintf(stdout, "Done wrongly\n");

        return EXIT_SUCCESS;