コード例 #1
ファイル: dqagp.c プロジェクト: ESSS/cquadpack
/* DQAGP - Integration over finite intervals. (From QUADPACK)
 *       Accepts a list of known singularities.
 *    Adaptive integration routine which handles functions
 *    to be integrated between two finite bounds.
 *    The adaptive strategy compares results of integration
 *    over the given interval with the sum of results obtained
 *    from integration over a bisected interval. Since error
 *    estimates are available from each regional integration, the
 *    region with the largest error is bisected and new results
 *    are computed. This bisection process is continued until the
 *    error is less than the prescribed limit or convergence
 *    failure is determined.
 *    f() - double precision function to be integrated.
 *    a - lower limit of integration.
 *    b - upper limit of integration.
 *    npts2 - number equal to 2 more than the number of sinularities.
 *    points - vector of dimension npts2, the first (npts2-2) elements
 *         of which are the user provided interior break points.
 *    epsabs - absolute accuracy requested.
 *    epsrel - relative accuracy requested.
double dqagp(dq_function_type f,double a,double b,int npts2,double *points,
    double epsabs,double epsrel,double *abserr,int *neval,int *ier, void* user_data)
    double abseps,alist[LIMIT],area,area1,area12,area2;
    double a1,a2,blist[LIMIT],b1,b2,correc,defabs,defab1;
    double defab2,dres,elist[LIMIT],erlarg,erlast,errbnd;
    double errmax,error1,error2,erro12,errsum,ertest,ndin[40];
    double pts[40],resa,resabs,reseps,result,res3la[3];
    double rlist[LIMIT],rlist2[52],sign,temp;

    int i,id,ierro,ind1,ind2,ip1,iord[LIMIT],iroff1,iroff2,iroff3;
    int j,jlow,jupbnd,k,ksgn,ktmin,last,levcur,level[LIMIT],levmax;
    int maxerr,nint,nintp1,npts,nres,nrmax,numrl2,limit,extrap,noext;

    limit = LIMIT - 1;

/* Test validity of parameters. */
    *ier = 0;
    *neval = 0;
    last = 0;
    result = 0.0;
    *abserr = 0.0;
    alist[0] = a;
    blist[0] = b;
    rlist[0] = 0.0;
    elist[0] = 0.0;
    iord[0] = 0;
    level[0] = 0;
    npts = npts2-2;
    if ((npts2 < 2) || (limit < npts) || ((epsabs < 0.0) &&
        (epsrel < 0.0))) *ier = 6;
    if (*ier == 6) goto _999;

/* If any break points are provided, sort them into an ascending sequence. */
    sign = (a < b) ? 1.0 : -1.0;
    pts[0] = min(a,b);
    if (npts == 0) goto _15;
    for (i = 0; i < npts; i++)
        pts[i+1] = points[i];
    pts[npts+1] = max(a,b);
    nint = npts + 1;
    a1 = pts[0];
    if (npts == 0) goto _40;
    nintp1 = nint + 1;
    for (i = 0; i < nint; i++) {
        ip1 = i + 1;
        for (j = ip1; j < nintp1; j++) {
            if (pts[i] <= pts[j])
                goto _20;
            temp = pts[i];
            pts[i] = pts[j];
            pts[j] = temp;
    if ((pts[0] != min(a,b)) || (pts[nintp1-1] != max(a,b)))
        *ier = 6;
    if (*ier == 6)
        goto _999;

/* Compute first integral and error approximations. */
    resabs = 0.0;
    for (i = 0; i < nint; i++) {
        b1 = pts[i+1];
        area1 = G_K21(f,a1,b1,&error1,&defabs,&resa, user_data);
        *abserr = *abserr + error1;
        result = result + area1;
        ndin[i] = 0;
        if ((error1 == resa) && (error1 != 0.0))
            ndin[i] = 1;
        resabs += defabs;
        level[i] = 0;
        elist[i] = error1;
        alist[i] = a1;
        blist[i] = b1;
        rlist[i] = area1;
        iord[i] = i;
        a1 = b1;
    errsum = 0.0;
    for (i = 0; i < nint; i++) {
        if (ndin[i] == 1)
            elist[i] = *abserr;
        errsum += elist[i];

/* Test on accuracy. */
/*      last = nint; */
    *neval = 21 * nint;
    dres = fabs(result);
    errbnd = max(epsabs,epsrel*dres);
    if ((*abserr <= 100.0 * epmach * resabs) && (*abserr > errbnd))
        *ier = 2;
    if (nint == 0)
        goto _80;
    for (i = 0; i < npts; i++) {
        jlow = i + 1;
        ind1 = iord[i];
        for (j = jlow; j < nint; j++) {
            ind2 = iord[j];
            if (elist[ind1] > elist[ind2])
                goto _60; /* use continue after debugging */
            ind1 = ind2;
            k = j;
        if (ind1 == iord[i])
            goto _70;
        iord[k] = iord[i];
        iord[i] = ind1;
    if (limit < npts2)
        *ier = 1;
    if ((*ier != 0) || (*abserr <= errbnd))
        goto _999;

/* Initialization. */
    res3la[0] = 0.0;
    res3la[1] = 0.0;
    res3la[2] = 0.0;
    rlist2[0] = result;
    maxerr = iord[0];
    errmax = elist[maxerr];
    area = result;
    nrmax = 0;
    nrmax = 0;
    nres = -1;            /* nres = 0 */
    numrl2 = 0;            /* numrl2 = 1 */
    ktmin = 0;
    extrap = FALSE;
    noext = FALSE;
    erlarg = errsum;
    ertest = errbnd;
    levmax = 1;
    iroff1 = 0;
    iroff2 = 0;
    iroff3 = 0;
    ierro = 0;
    *abserr = oflow;
    ksgn = -1;
    if (dres > (1.0 - 50.0 * epmach) * resabs)
        ksgn = 1;

/* Main loop. */
    for (last = npts2; last <= limit; last++) {

/* Bisect the interval with the nrmax-th largest error estimate. */
        levcur = level[maxerr] + 1;
        a1 = alist[maxerr];
        b1 = 0.5 * (alist[maxerr] + blist[maxerr]);
        a2 = b1;
        b2 = blist[maxerr];
        erlast = errmax;
        area1 = G_K21(f,a1,b1,&error1,&resa,&defab1, user_data);
        area2 = G_K21(f,a2,b2,&error2,&resa,&defab2, user_data);
/* Improve previous approximations to integral and error
      and test for accuracy. */
          *neval += 42;
        area12 = area1 + area2;
        erro12 = error1 + error2;
        errsum = errsum + erro12 - errmax;
        area = area + area12 - rlist[maxerr];
        if ((defab1 == error1) || (defab2 == error2)) goto _95;
        if ((fabs(rlist[maxerr] - area12) > 1.0e-5 * fabs(area12))
            || (erro12 < .99 * errmax)) goto _90;
        if (extrap) iroff2++;
        else iroff1++;
        if ((last > 9) && (erro12 > errmax))    /* last > 10 */
        level[maxerr] = levcur;
        level[last] = levcur;
        rlist[maxerr] = area1;
        rlist[last] = area2;
        errbnd = max(epsabs,epsrel * fabs(area));

/* Test for roundoff error and eventually set error flag. */
        if (((iroff1 + iroff2) >= 10) || (iroff3 >= 20))
            *ier = 2;
        if (iroff2 > 5)
            *ier = 3;

/* Set error flag in the case that the number of subintervals
    equals limit. */
        if (last == limit)    /* last == limit */
            *ier = 1;

/* Set error flag in the case of bad integrand behavior at some
    points in the integration range. */
        if (max(fabs(a1),fabs(b2)) <= (1.0 +1000.0 * epmach) *
            (fabs(a2) + 1000.0*uflow))
            *ier = 4;

/* Append the newly-created intervals to the list. */
        if (error2 > error1) goto _100;
        alist[last] = a2;
        blist[maxerr] = b1;
        blist[last] = b2;
        elist[maxerr] = error1;
        elist[last] = error2;
        goto _110;
        alist[maxerr] = a2;
        alist[last] = a1;
        blist[last] = b1;
        rlist[maxerr] = area2;
        rlist[last] = area1;
        elist[maxerr] = error2;
        elist[last] = error1;

/* Call dqsort to maintain the descending ordering in the list of error
    estimates and select the subinterval with nrmax-th largest
    error estimate (to be bisected next). */
        if (errsum <= errbnd) goto _190;
        if (*ier != 0) goto _170;
        if (noext) goto _160;
        erlarg -= erlast;
        if (levcur+1 <= levmax)
            erlarg += erro12;
        if (extrap) goto _120;

/* Test whether the interval to be bisected next is the smallest interval. */
        if ((level[maxerr]+1) <= levmax)
            goto _160;
        extrap = TRUE;
        nrmax = 1;        /* nrmax = 2 */
        if ((ierro == 3) || (erlarg <= ertest)) goto _140;

/* The smallest interval has the largest error. Before bisecting, decrease
    the sum of the errors over the larger intervals (erlarg) and
        perform extrapolation.) */
        id = nrmax;
        jupbnd = last;
        if (last > (2 + limit/2))
            jupbnd = limit + 3 - last;
        for (k = id;k <= jupbnd; k++) {
            maxerr = iord[nrmax];
            errmax = elist[maxerr];
            if (level[maxerr]+1 <= levmax)
                goto _160;

/* Perform extrapolation. */
        rlist2[numrl2] = area;
        if (numrl2 <= 1) goto _155;
        if ((ktmin > 5) && (*abserr < 1.0e-3 * errsum)) *ier = 5;
        if (abseps >= *abserr) goto _150;
        ktmin = 0;
        *abserr = abseps;
        result = reseps;
        correc = erlarg;
        ertest = max(epsabs,epsrel * fabs(reseps));
        if (*abserr <= ertest) goto _170;

/* Prepare bisection of the smallest interval. */
        if (numrl2 == 0) noext = TRUE;
        if (*ier == 5) goto _170;
        maxerr = iord[0];
        errmax = elist[maxerr];
        nrmax = 0;
        extrap = FALSE;
        levmax += 1.0;
        erlarg = errsum;
    if (*abserr == oflow) goto _190;
    if ((*ier + ierro) == 0) goto _180;
    if (ierro == 3) *abserr += correc;
    if (*ier == 0) *ier = 3;
    if ((result != 0.0) && (area != 0.0)) goto _175;
    if (*abserr > errsum) goto _190;
    if (area == 0.0) goto _210;
    goto _180;
    if (*abserr/fabs(result) > errsum/fabs(area)) goto _190;

/* Test on divergence. */
    if ((ksgn == -1) && (max(fabs(result),fabs(area)) <= defabs * .01))
        goto _210;
    if ((0.01 > result/area) || (result/area > 100.0) ||
        (errsum > fabs(area))) *ier = 6;
    goto _210;

/* Compute global integral. */
    result = 0.0;
    for (k = 0; k <= last; k++)
        result += rlist[k];
    *abserr = errsum;
    if (*ier > 2) (*ier)--;
    result = result * sign;
    return result;
コード例 #2
ファイル: dqage.c プロジェクト: CISMM/MicroscopyPSFToolkit
/* DQAGE - Approximation to definite integral. (From QUADPACK)
 *	Allows user's choice of Gauss-Kronrod integration rule.
 *	f() - double precision function to be integrated.
 *	a - lower limit of integration.
 *	b - upper limit of integration.
 *	epsabs - absolute accuracy requested.
 *	epsrel - relative accuracy requested.
 *	irule - integration rule to be used as follows:
 *		irule = 1 -- G_K 7-15
 *		irule = 2 -- G_K 10-21
 *		irule = 3 -- G_K 15-31
 *		irule = 4 -- G_K 20-41
 *		irule = 5 -- G_K 25-51
 *		irule = 6 -- G_K 30-61
 *	limit - maximum number of subintervals.
double dqage(double f(double, void*),void * cbData,double a,double b,double epsabs,double epsrel,
    int irule,double *abserr,int *neval,int *ier,int *last)
	double area,area1,area2,area12,a1,a2,b1,b2,c,defabs;
	double defab1,defab2,errbnd,errmax,error1,error2;
	double erro12,errsum,resabs,result;
    double alist[LIMIT],blist[LIMIT],rlist[LIMIT],elist[LIMIT];
    int iroff1,iroff2,k,keyf,maxerr,nrmax,iord[LIMIT],limit;
    limit = LIMIT - 1;
	*ier = 0;
	*neval = 0;
	*last = 0;
	result = 0.0;
	*abserr = 0.0;
	alist[0] = a;
	blist[0] = b;
	rlist[0] = 0.0;
	elist[0] = 0.0;
	iord[0] = 0;
    defabs = 0.0;
    resabs = 0.0;
	if ((epsabs < 0.0) && (epsrel < 0.0))
		*ier = 6;
    if (*ier == 6) return result; 

/* First approximation to the integral. */
	keyf = irule;
	if (irule <= 0) keyf = 1;
	if (irule >= 7) keyf = 6;
	c = keyf;
	*neval = 0;
	switch (keyf) {
		case 1: 
                result = G_K15(f,cbData,a,b,abserr,&defabs,&resabs);
		case 2:
                        result = G_K21(f,cbData,a,b,abserr,&defabs,&resabs);
		case 3:
                        result = G_K31(f,cbData,a,b,abserr,&defabs,&resabs);
		case 4:
                        result = G_K41(f,cbData,a,b,abserr,&defabs,&resabs);
		case 5:
                        result = G_K51(f,cbData,a,b,abserr,&defabs,&resabs);
		case 6:
                        result = G_K61(f,cbData,a,b,abserr,&defabs,&resabs);
	*last = 0;
	rlist[0] = result;
	elist[0] = *abserr;
	iord[0] = 0;
/* Test on accuracy. */
    errbnd = max(epsabs,epsrel * fabs(result));
	if ((*abserr <= 50.0 * epmach * defabs) && (*abserr > errbnd))
		*ier = 2;
	if (limit == 0) *ier = 1;
	if ((*ier != 0) || ((*abserr <= errbnd) && (*abserr != resabs)) ||
		(*abserr == 0.0)) goto _60;
/* Initialization. */
	errmax = *abserr;
	maxerr = 0;
	area = result;
	errsum = *abserr;
	nrmax = 0;
	iroff1 = 0;
	iroff2 = 0;
/* Main Loop. */
    for (*last = 1; *last <= limit; (*last)++) {
/* Bisect the subinterval with the largest error estimate. */
		a1 = alist[maxerr];
		b1 = 0.5 * (alist[maxerr] + blist[maxerr]);
		a2 = b1;
		b2 = blist[maxerr];
		switch (keyf) {
			case 1:
                                area1 = G_K15(f,cbData,a1,b1,&error1,&resabs,&defab1);
				area2 = G_K15(f,cbData,a2,b2,&error2,&resabs,&defab2);
			case 2:
                                area1 = G_K21(f,cbData,a1,b1,&error1,&resabs,&defab1);
				area2 = G_K21(f,cbData,a2,b2,&error2,&resabs,&defab2);
			case 3:
                                area1 = G_K31(f,cbData,a1,b1,&error1,&resabs,&defab1);
				area2 = G_K31(f,cbData,a2,b2,&error2,&resabs,&defab2);
			case 4:
                                area1 = G_K41(f,cbData,a1,b1,&error1,&resabs,&defab1);
				area2 = G_K41(f,cbData,a2,b2,&error2,&resabs,&defab2);
			case 5:
                                area1 = G_K51(f,cbData,a1,b1,&error1,&resabs,&defab1);
				area2 = G_K51(f,cbData,a2,b2,&error2,&resabs,&defab2);
			case 6:
                                area1 = G_K61(f,cbData,a1,b1,&error1,&resabs,&defab1);
				area2 = G_K61(f,cbData,a2,b2,&error2,&resabs,&defab2);

/* Improve previous approximations to integral and error,
		and test for accuracy. */
		(*neval) += 1;
		area12 = area1 + area2;
		erro12 = error1 + error2;
		errsum = errsum + erro12 - errmax;
		area = area + area12 - rlist[maxerr];
        if ((defab1 != error1) && (defab2 != error2)) {
            if ((fabs(rlist[maxerr]-area12) <= 1.0e-5 * fabs(area12)) &&
                (erro12 >= .99 * errmax)) 
            if ((*last > 9) && (erro12 > errmax)) 
		rlist[maxerr] = area1;
		rlist[*last] = area2;
        errbnd = max(epsabs,epsrel * fabs(area));
        if (errsum > errbnd)  {

/* Test for roundoff error and eventually set error flag. */
            if ((iroff1 > 6) || (iroff2 > 20))  
                *ier = 2;

/* Set error flag in the case that the number of subintervals
	equals the limit. */
            if (*last == limit)
                *ier = 1;
/* Set error flag in the case of bad integrand behavior at a
	point of the integration range. */
            if (max(fabs(a1),fabs(b2)) <= (1.0 + c * 1000.0 * epmach) *
                (fabs(a2)+1.0e4 * uflow))
            *ier = 3;
/* Append the newly-created intervals to the list. */

        if (error2 <= error1) {
            alist[*last] = a2;
            blist[maxerr] = b1;
            blist[*last] = b2;
            elist[maxerr] = error1;
            elist[*last] = error2;
        else {
            alist[maxerr] = a2;
            alist[*last] = a1;
            blist[*last] = b1;
            rlist[maxerr] = area2;
            rlist[*last] = area1;
            elist[maxerr] = error2;
            elist[*last] = error1;
/* Call DQSORT to maintain the descending ordering in the list of
	error estimates and select the subinterval with the
	largest error estimate (to be bisected next). */

        if ((*ier != 0) || (errsum <= errbnd)) break;
/* Compute final result. */

	result = 0.0;
    for (k = 0; k <= *last; k++) {
		result += rlist[k];
	*abserr = errsum;
	if (keyf != 1)
		*neval = (10 * keyf + 1) * (2 * (*neval) + 1);
		*neval = 30 * (*neval) + 15;

	return result;
コード例 #3
ファイル: dqfour.c プロジェクト: ESSS/cquadpack
double dqfour(dq_function_type f,double a,double b,double omega,
    int sincos,double epsabs,double epsrel,
    int icall,int maxp1,double *abserr,
    int *neval,int *ier,
    int *momcom,double **chebmo, void* user_data)
    double abseps,area,area1,area12,area2;
    double a1,a2,b1,b2,correc,defabs,defab1;
    double defab2,domega,dres,erlarg,erlast,errbnd;
    double errmax,error1,error2,erro12,errsum,ertest;
    double resabs,reseps,result,res3la[3];
    double alist[LIMIT],blist[LIMIT],rlist[LIMIT];
    double elist[LIMIT],rlist2[52],small,width;

    int id,ierro,iroff1,iroff2,iroff3,jupbnd,k,ksgn,limit;
    int ktmin,last,maxerr,nev,nres,nrmax,nrmom,numrl2;
    int extrap,noext,extall,iord[LIMIT],nnlog[LIMIT];

    limit = LIMIT - 1;
/* Test validity of parameters. */
    *ier = 0;
    *neval = 0;
//    last = 0;
    result = 0.0;
    *abserr = 0.0;
    alist[0] = a;
    blist[0] = b;
    rlist[0] = 0.0;
    elist[0] = 0.0;
    iord[0] = 0;
    nnlog[0] = 0;
    if (((sincos != COSINE) && (sincos != SINE)) || ((epsabs < 0.0) &&
        (epsrel < 0.0)) || (icall < 1) || (maxp1 < 1)) *ier = 6;
    if (*ier == 6) return result;

/* First approximation to the integral. */
    domega = fabs(omega);
    nrmom = 0;
    if (icall <= 1)
        *momcom = 0;
    result = dqc25o(f,a,b,domega,sincos,nrmom,maxp1,0,
        abserr,neval,&defabs,&resabs,momcom,chebmo, user_data);
/* Test on accuracy. */
    dres = fabs(result);
    errbnd = max(epsabs,epsrel*dres);
    rlist[0] = result;
    elist[0] = *abserr;
    iord[0] = 0;
    if ((*abserr <= 100.0 * epmach * defabs) && (*abserr > errbnd))
        *ier = 2;
    if (limit == 0) *ier = 1;
    if ((*ier != 0) || (*abserr <= errbnd) && (*abserr != resabs) ||
        (*abserr == 0.0)) goto _200;

/* Initialization. */
    errmax = *abserr;
    maxerr = 0;             /* maxerr = 1 */
    area = result;
    errsum = *abserr;
    *abserr = oflow;
    nrmax = 0;
    extrap = FALSE;
    noext = FALSE;
    ierro = 0;
    iroff1 = 0;
    iroff2 = 0;
    iroff3 = 0;
    ktmin = 0;
    small = fabs(b-a) * 0.75;
    nres = 0;
    numrl2 = -1;
    extall = FALSE;
    if ((0.5 * fabs(b-a) * domega) > 2.0)
        goto _10;
    numrl2 = 0;
    extall = TRUE;
    rlist2[0] = result;
    if ((0.25 * fabs(b-a) * domega) <= 2.0)
        extall = TRUE;
    ksgn = -1;
    if (dres > (1.0 - 50.0 * epmach) * defabs)
        ksgn = 1;

/* Main loop. */
    for (last = 1; last < limit; last++) {

/* Bisect the interval with the nrmax-th largest error estimate. */
        nrmom = nnlog[maxerr] + 1;
        a1 = alist[maxerr];
        b1 = 0.5 * (alist[maxerr] + blist[maxerr]);
        a2 = b1;
        b2 = blist[maxerr];
        erlast = errmax;
        area1 = dqc25o(f,a1,b1,domega,sincos,nrmom,maxp1,0,
            &error1,&nev,&resabs,&defab1,momcom,chebmo, user_data);
        *neval += nev;
        area2 = dqc25o(f,a2,b2,domega,sincos,nrmom,maxp1,1,
            &error2,&nev,&resabs,&defab2,momcom,chebmo, user_data);
        *neval += nev;

/* Improve previous approximations to integral and error
      and test for accuracy. */
        area12 = area1 + area2;
        erro12 = error1 + error2;
        errsum = errsum + erro12 - errmax;
        area = area + area12 - rlist[maxerr];
        if ((defab1 == error1) || (defab2 == error2)) goto _25;
        if ((fabs(rlist[maxerr] - area12) > 1.0e-5 * fabs(area12))
            || (erro12 < .99 * errmax)) goto _20;
        if (extrap) iroff2++;
        else iroff1++;
        if ((last > 9) && (erro12 > errmax))    /* last > 10 */
        rlist[maxerr] = area1;
        rlist[last] = area2;
        nnlog[maxerr] = nrmom;
        nnlog[last] = nrmom;
        errbnd = max(epsabs,epsrel * fabs(area));

/* Test for roundoff error and eventually set error flag. */
        if (((iroff1 + iroff2) >= 10) || (iroff3 >= 20))
            *ier = 2;
        if (iroff2 >= 5)
            *ier = 3;

/* Set error flag in the case that the number of subintervals
    equals limit. */
        if (last == limit)    /* last == limit */
            *ier = 1;

/* Set error flag in the case of bad integrand behavior at some
    points in the integration range. */
        if (max(fabs(a1),fabs(b2)) <= (1.0 +1000.0 * epmach) *
            (fabs(a2) + 1000.0*uflow))
            *ier = 4;

/* Append the newly-created intervals to the list. */
        if (error2 <= error1) {
            alist[last] = a2;
            blist[maxerr] = b1;
            blist[last] = b2;
            elist[maxerr] = error1;
            elist[last] = error2;
        else {
            alist[maxerr] = a2;
            alist[last] = a1;
            blist[last] = b1;
            rlist[maxerr] = area2;
            rlist[last] = area1;
            elist[maxerr] = error2;
            elist[last] = error1;
/* Call dqsort to maintain the descending ordering in the list of error
    estimates and select the subinterval with nrmax-th largest
    error estimate (to be bisected next). */

        if (errsum <= errbnd) goto _170;
        if (*ier != 0) goto _150;
        if ((last == 1) && (extall)) goto _120;    /* last == 2 */
        if (noext) goto _140;
        if (!extall) goto _50;
        erlarg -= erlast;
        if (fabs(b1-a1) > small)
            erlarg += erro12;
        if (extrap) goto _70;

/* Test whether the interval to be bisected next is the smallest interval. */
        width = fabs(blist[maxerr] - alist[maxerr]);
        if (width > small)
            goto _140;
        if (extall)
            goto _60;

/* Test whether we can start with the extrapolation procedure (we do
 * this if we integrate over the next interval with use of a Gauss-
 * Kronrod rule) - see routine dqc25o. */
         small *= 0.5;
         if ((0.25 * width * domega) > 2.0)
             goto _140;
         extall = TRUE;
         goto _130;
        extrap = TRUE;
        nrmax = 1;        /* FORTRAN: nrmax = 2 */
        if ((ierro == 3) || (erlarg <= ertest))
            goto _90;

/* The smallest interval has the largest error. Before bisecting, decrease
    the sum of the erorrs over the larger intervals (erlarg) and
        perform extrapolation. */
        jupbnd = last;
        if (last > (2 + limit/2))
            jupbnd = limit + 3 - last;
        id = nrmax;
        for (k = id;k <= jupbnd; k++) {
            maxerr = iord[nrmax];
            errmax = elist[maxerr];
            if (fabs(blist[maxerr] - alist[maxerr]) > small)
                goto _140;

/* Perform extrapolation. */
        rlist2[numrl2] = area;
        if (numrl2 < 2)
            goto _110;
        reseps = dqext(&numrl2,rlist2,&abseps,res3la,&nres);
        if ((ktmin > 5) && (*abserr < 1.0e-3 * errsum)) *ier = 5;
        if (abseps >= *abserr) goto _100;
        ktmin = 0;
        *abserr = abseps;
        result = reseps;
        correc = erlarg;
        ertest = max(epsabs,epsrel * fabs(reseps));
        if (*abserr <= ertest) goto _150;

/* Prepare bisection of the smallest interval. */
        if (numrl2 == 0) noext = TRUE;
        if (*ier == 5) goto _150;
        maxerr = iord[0];
        errmax = elist[maxerr];
        nrmax = 0;
        extrap = FALSE;
        small *= 0.5;
        erlarg = errsum;
        goto _140;
        small *= 0.5;
        rlist2[numrl2] = area;
        erlarg = errsum;
        ertest = errbnd;

/* Set the final result. */
    if ((*abserr == oflow) || (nres == 0)) goto _170;
    if ((*ier + ierro) == 0) goto _165;
    if (ierro == 3) *abserr += correc;
    if (*ier == 0) *ier = 3;
    if ((result != 0.0) && (area != 0.0)) goto _160;
    if (*abserr > errsum) goto _170;
    if (area == 0.0) goto _190;
    goto _165;
    if (*abserr/fabs(result) > errsum/fabs(area)) goto _170;

/* Test on divergence. */
    if ((ksgn == -1) && (max(fabs(result),fabs(area)) <= defabs * .01))
        goto _190;
    if ((0.01 > result/area) || (result/area > 100.0) ||
        (errsum > fabs(area))) *ier = 6;
    goto _190;

/* Compute global integral. */
    result = 0.0;
    for (k = 0; k <= last; k++)
        result += rlist[k];
    *abserr = errsum;
    if (*ier > 2) (*ier)--;
    if ((sincos == SINE) && (omega < 0.0))
        result = - result;
    return result;
コード例 #4
ファイル: dqags.c プロジェクト: ESSS/cquadpack
/* DQAGS - Integration over finite intervals. (From QUADPACK)
 *    Adaptive integration routine which handles functions
 *    to be integrated between two finite bounds.
 *    The adaptive strategy compares results of integration
 *    over the given interval with the sum of results obtained
 *    from integration over a bisected interval. Since error
 *    estimates are available from each regional integration, the
 *    region with the largest error is bisected and new results
 *    are computed. This bisection process is continued until the
 *    error is less than the prescribed limit or convergence
 *    failure is determined.
 *    f() - double precision function to be integrated.
 *    a - lower limit of integration.
 *    b - upper limit of integration.
 *    epsabs - absolute accuracy requested.
 *    epsrel - relative accuracy requested.
double dqags(dq_function_type f,double a,double b,double epsabs,
    double epsrel,double *abserr,int *neval,int *ier, void* user_data)
    double abseps,alist[LIMIT],area,area1,area12,area2;
    double a1,a2,blist[LIMIT],b1,b2,correc,defabs,defab1;
    double defab2,dres,elist[LIMIT],erlarg,erlast,errbnd;
    double errmax,error1,error2,erro12,errsum,ertest;
    double resabs,reseps,result,res3la[3],rlist[LIMIT];
    double rlist2[52],small = 0; /* small will be initialized in _80 */

    int id,ierro,iord[LIMIT],iroff1,iroff2,iroff3,jupbnd,k,ksgn;
    int ktmin,last,maxerr,nres,nrmax,numrl2;
    int limit;
    int extrap,noext;

    limit = LIMIT -1;
/* Test validity of parameters. */
    *ier = 0;
    *neval = 0;
    result = 0.0;
    *abserr = 0.0;
    alist[0] = a;
    blist[0] = b;
    rlist[0] = 0.0;
    elist[0] = 0.0;
    if ((epsabs < 0.0) && (epsrel < 0.0)) *ier = 6;
    if (*ier == 6) return result;

/* First approximation to the integral. */
    ierro = 0;
    result = G_K21(f,a,b,abserr,&defabs,&resabs, user_data);

/* Test on accuracy. */
    dres = fabs(result);
    errbnd = max(epsabs,epsrel*dres);
    last = 1;
    rlist[0] = result;
    elist[0] = *abserr;
    iord[0] = 0;
    if ((*abserr <= 100.0 * epmach * defabs) && (*abserr > errbnd))
        *ier = 2;
    if (limit == 0) *ier = 1;
    if ((*ier != 0) || ((*abserr <= errbnd) && (*abserr != resabs)) ||
        (*abserr == 0.0)) goto _140;

/* Initialization. */
    rlist2[0] = result;
    errmax = *abserr;
    maxerr = 0;             /* maxerr = 1 */
    area = result;
    errsum = *abserr;
    *abserr = oflow;
    nrmax = 0;
    nres = 0;          /* nres = 0 */
    numrl2 = 1;            /* numrl2 = 2 */
    ktmin = 0;
    extrap = FALSE;
    noext = FALSE;
    ierro = 0;
    iroff1 = 0;
    iroff2 = 0;
    iroff3 = 0;
    ksgn = -1;
    if (dres > (1.0 - 50.0 * epmach) * defabs)
        ksgn = 1;

/* Main loop. */
    for (last = 1; last <= limit; last++) {

/* Bisect the interval with the nrmax-th largest error estimate. */
        a1 = alist[maxerr];
        b1 = 0.5 * (alist[maxerr] + blist[maxerr]);
        a2 = b1;
        b2 = blist[maxerr];
        erlast = errmax;
        area1 = G_K21(f,a1,b1,&error1,&resabs,&defab1, user_data);
        area2 = G_K21(f,a2,b2,&error2,&resabs,&defab2, user_data);

/* Improve previous approximation's to integral and error
      and test for accuracy. */
        area12 = area1 + area2;
        erro12 = error1 + error2;
        errsum = errsum + erro12 - errmax;
        area = area + area12 - rlist[maxerr];
        if ((defab1 == error1) || (defab2 == error2)) goto _15;
        if ((fabs(rlist[maxerr] - area12) > 1.0e-5 * fabs(area12))
            || (erro12 < .99 * errmax)) goto _10;
        if (extrap) iroff2++;
        else iroff1++;
        if ((last > 9) && (erro12 > errmax))    /* last > 10 */
        rlist[maxerr] = area1;
        rlist[last] = area2;
        errbnd = max(epsabs,epsrel * fabs(area));

/* Test for roundoff error and eventually set error flag. */
        if (((iroff1 + iroff2) >= 10) || (iroff3 >= 20))
            *ier = 2;
        if (iroff2 > 5)
            ierro = 3;

/* Set error flag in the case that the number of subintervals
    equals limit. */
        if (last == limit)    /* last == limit */
            *ier = 1;

/* Set error flag in the case of bad integrand behavior at some
    points in the integration range. */
        if (max(fabs(a1),fabs(b2)) <= (1.0 +1000.0 * epmach) *
            (fabs(a2) + 1000.0*uflow))
            *ier = 4;

/* Append the newly-created intervals to the list. */
        if (error2 > error1) goto _20;
        alist[last] = a2;
        blist[maxerr] = b1;
        blist[last] = b2;
        elist[maxerr] = error1;
        elist[last] = error2;
        goto _30;
        alist[maxerr] = a2;
        alist[last] = a1;
        blist[last] = b1;
        rlist[maxerr] = area2;
        rlist[last] = area1;
        elist[maxerr] = error2;
        elist[last] = error1;

/* Call dqsort to maintain the descending ordering in the list of error
    estimates and select the subinterval with nrmax-th largest
    error estimate (to be bisected next). */
        if (errsum <= errbnd) goto _115;
        if (*ier != 0) goto _100;
        if (last == 1) goto _80;    /* last == 2 */
        if (noext) goto _90;        /* goto 90 */
        erlarg -= erlast;
        if (fabs(b1-a1) > small)
            erlarg += erro12;
        if (extrap) goto _40;

/* Test whether the interval to be bisected next is the smallest interval. */
        if ((fabs(blist[maxerr] - alist[maxerr])) > small)
            goto _90;    /* goto 90 */
        extrap = TRUE;
        nrmax = 1;        /* nrmax = 2 */
        if ((ierro == 3) || (erlarg <= ertest)) goto _60;

/* The smallest interval has the largest error. Before bisecting, decrease
    the sum of the errors over the larger intervals (erlarg) and
        perform extrapolation.) */
        id = nrmax;
        jupbnd = last;
        if (last > (2 + limit/2))
            jupbnd = limit + 3 - last;
        for (k = id;k <= jupbnd; k++) {
            maxerr = iord[nrmax];
            errmax = elist[maxerr];
            if (fabs(blist[maxerr] - alist[maxerr]) > small)
                goto _90;    /* goto 90 */

/* Perform extrapolation. */
        rlist2[numrl2] = area;
        if ((ktmin > 5) && (*abserr < 1.0e-3 * errsum)) *ier = 5;
        if (abseps >= *abserr) goto _70;
        ktmin = 0;
        *abserr = abseps;
        result = reseps;
        correc = erlarg;
        ertest = max(epsabs,epsrel * fabs(reseps));
        if (*abserr <= ertest) goto _100;

/* Prepare bisection of the smallest interval. */
        if (numrl2 == 0) noext = TRUE;
        if (*ier == 5) goto _100;
        maxerr = iord[0];
        errmax = elist[maxerr];
        nrmax = 0;
        extrap = FALSE;
        small = small * 0.5;
        erlarg = errsum;
        goto _90;        /* goto 90 */
        small = fabs(b-a)*0.375;
        erlarg = errsum;
        ertest = errbnd;
        rlist2[1] = area;
    }                    /* 90: */
    if (*abserr == oflow) goto _115;
    if ((*ier + ierro) == 0) goto _110;
    if (ierro == 3) *abserr += correc;
    if (*ier == 0) *ier = 3;
    if ((result != 0.0) && (area != 0.0)) goto _105;
    if (*abserr > errsum) goto _115;
    if (area == 0.0) goto _130;
    goto _110;
    if (*abserr/fabs(result) > errsum/fabs(area)) goto _115;

/* Test on divergence. */
    if ((ksgn == -1) && (max(fabs(result),fabs(area)) <= defabs * .01))
        goto _130;
    if ((0.01 > result/area) || (result/area > 100.0) ||
        (errsum > fabs(area))) *ier = 6;
    goto _130;

/* Compute global integral. */
    result = 0.0;
    for (k = 0; k <= last; k++)
        result += rlist[k];
    *abserr = errsum;
    if (*ier > 2) (*ier)--;
    *neval = 42 * last - 21;
    return result;
コード例 #5
ファイル: dqawse.c プロジェクト: CISMM/MicroscopyPSFToolkit
/*  DQAWSE - Approximation to integral with algebraic and/or logarithmic
 *          singularities.
 *      f() - double precision function to be integrated.
 *      a   - double lower limit of integration.
 *      b   - upper limit of integration.
 *      alfa - parameter in the weight function.
 *      beta - parameter in the weight function.
 *      wgtfunc - indicates which weight function is to be used.
 *                  = 1:    (x-a)^alfa * (b-x)^beta
 *                  = 2:    (x-a)^alfa * (b-x)^beta * log(x-a)
 *                  = 3:    (x-a)^alfa * (b-x)^beta * log(b-x)
 *                  = 4:    (x-a)^alfa * (b-x)^beta * log(x-a) * log(b-x)
 *      epsabs  - absolute accuracy requested.
 *      epsrel  - relative accuracy requested.
double dqawse(double f(double, void *),void * cbData,double a,double b,double alfa,double beta,
        int wgtfunc,double epsabs,double epsrel,double *abserr,
        int *neval,int *ier)
    double alist[LIMIT],blist[LIMIT],rlist[LIMIT],elist[LIMIT];
    double ri[25],rj[25],rh[25],rg[25];
    double area,area1,area12,area2,a1,a2,b1,b2,centre;
    double errbnd,errmax,error1,erro12,error2,errsum;
    double resas1,resas2,result;

    int iord[LIMIT],iroff1,iroff2,k,last,limit,maxerr,nev,nrmax;

    limit = LIMIT - 1;
/*  Test on validity of parameters. */
    *ier = 6;
    *neval = 0;
    rlist[0] = 0.0;
    elist[0] = 0.0;
    iord[0] = 0;
    result = 0.0;
    *abserr = 0.0;
    if ((b <= a) || ((epsabs < 0.0) && (epsrel < 0.0)) ||
        (alfa <= -1.0) || (beta <= -1.0) || (wgtfunc < 1) ||
        (wgtfunc > 4) || (limit < 1)) goto _999;
    *ier = 0;

/*  Compute the modified Chebyshev moments. */

/*  Integrate over the invervals (a,(a+b)/2) and ((a+b)/2,b). */
    centre = 0.5 * (a+b);
    area1 = dqc25s(f,cbData,a,b,a,centre,alfa,beta,ri,rj,rg,rh,&error1,
    *neval = *neval + nev;
    area2 = dqc25s(f,cbData,a,b,centre,b,alfa,beta,ri,rj,rg,rh,&error2,
    *neval = *neval + nev;
    result = area1 + area2;
    *abserr = error1 + error2;

/* Test on accuracy. */
    errbnd = max(epsabs,epsrel * fabs(result));

/*  Initialization. */
    if (error1 >= error2) {
        alist[0] = a;
        alist[1] = centre;
        blist[0] = centre;
        blist[1] = b;
        rlist[0] = area1;
        rlist[1] = area2;
        elist[0] = error1;
        elist[1] = error2;
    else {
        alist[0] = centre;
        alist[1] = a;
        blist[0] = b;
        blist[1] = centre;
        rlist[0] = area2;
        rlist[1] = area1;
        elist[0] = error2;
        elist[1] = error1;
    iord[0] = 0;
    iord[1] = 1;
    if (limit == 1) *ier = 1;
    if ((*abserr <= errbnd) || (*ier == 1)) goto _999;
    errmax = elist[0];
    maxerr = 0;
    nrmax = 0;
    area = result;
    errsum = maxerr;
    iroff1 = 0;
    iroff2 = 0;

/*  Main loop. */
    for (last = 2;last < limit;last++) {
        a1 = alist[maxerr];
        b1 = 0.5 * (alist[maxerr]+blist[maxerr]);
        a2 = b1;
        b2 = blist[maxerr];

        area1 = dqc25s(f,cbData,a,b,a1,b1,alfa,beta,ri,rj,rg,rh,&error1,
        *neval = *neval + nev;
        area2 = dqc25s(f,cbData,a,b,a2,b2,alfa,beta,ri,rj,rg,rh,&error2,
        *neval = *neval + nev;

/*  Improve previous approximation and error test for accuracy. */
        area12 = area1 + area2;
        erro12 = error1 + error2;
        errsum += (erro12 - errmax);
        area += (area12-rlist[maxerr]);
        if ((a == a1) || (b == b2)) goto _30;
        if ((resas1 == error1) || (resas2 == error2)) goto _30;

/*  Test for roundoff error. */
        if ((fabs(rlist[maxerr]-area12) < (1.0e-5 * fabs(area12))) &&
            (erro12 >= (0.99 *errmax))) iroff1++;
        if ((last > 9) && (erro12 > errmax)) iroff2++;
        rlist[maxerr] = area1;
        rlist[last] = area2;

/*  Test on accuracy. */
        errbnd = max(epsabs,epsrel*fabs(area));
        if (errsum <= errbnd) goto _35;

/*  Set error flag in the case that number of intervals exceeds limit. */
        if (last == limit) *ier = 1;

/*  Set error flag in the case of roundoff error. */
        if ((iroff1 > 5) || (iroff2 > 19)) *ier = 2;

/*  Set error flag in case of bad integrand behavior at interior points. */
        if ( max(fabs(a1),fabs(b2)) <= ((1.0 + 1.0e3 * epmach) *
                (fabs(a2)+1.0e3 * uflow)) ) *ier = 3;
/*  Append the newly created intervals to the list. */
        if (error2 <= error1) {
            alist[last] = a2;
            blist[maxerr] = b1;
            blist[last] = b2;
            elist[maxerr] = error1;
            elist[last] = error2;
        else {
            alist[maxerr] = a2;
            alist[last] = a1;
            blist[last] = b1;
            rlist[maxerr] = area2;
            rlist[last] = area1;
            elist[maxerr] = error2;
            elist[last] = error1;

/*  Call subroutine qsort to maintain the descending ordering. */

/*  Jump out of loop. */
    if ((*ier != 0) || (errsum <= errbnd)) break;
    result = 0.0;
    for (k=0;k<=last;k++) {
        result += rlist[k];
    *abserr = errsum;
    return result;