void FalagardAnimate::drawSelf(float z) { if( d_needsRedraw ) { d_renderCache.clearCachedImagery(); d_needsRedraw = false; // normal 状态是作为永远显示模式出现的 drawNormal( z ); if (isDisabled(true) ) { drawDisabled(z); } else { //If pushed or checked draw "Pushed" Layer if (isPushed() ) { drawPushed(z); } //Draw "Hover" Layer if (isHovering() ) { drawHover(z); } } } Window::drawSelf(z); }
QColor TalkablePainter::textColor() const { const QPalette::ColorGroup colorGroup = drawDisabled() ? QPalette::Disabled : QPalette::Normal; const QPalette::ColorRole colorRole = drawSelected() ? QPalette::HighlightedText : QPalette::Text; return Option.palette.color(colorGroup, colorRole); }
QTextDocument *TalkablePainter::getDescriptionDocument(int width) { if (DescriptionDocument) return DescriptionDocument; fixColors(); const QColor &color = drawSelected() || drawDisabled() || !Configuration->useConfigurationColors() ? textColor() : Configuration->descriptionColor(); DescriptionDocument = createDescriptionDocument(Index.data(DescriptionRole).toString(), width, color); return DescriptionDocument; }
/************************************************************************* Draw method *************************************************************************/ void TabButton::drawSelf(float z) { if (isDisabled()) { drawDisabled(z); } else if (isHovering()) { drawHover(z); } else if (d_selected) { drawPushed(z); } else { drawNormal(z); } }
/************************************************************************* Perform the rendering for this widget. *************************************************************************/ void ButtonBase::drawSelf(float z) { if (isHovering()) { drawHover(z); } else if (isPushed()) { drawPushed(z); } else if (isDisabled()) { drawDisabled(z); } else { drawNormal(z); } }
void TalkablePainter::paint(QPainter *painter) { ItemRect = Option.rect; ItemRect.adjust(HFrameMargin, VFrameMargin, -HFrameMargin, -VFrameMargin); computeLayout(); fixColors(); // some bit of broken logic if (drawSelected() || drawDisabled() || !Configuration->useConfigurationColors()) painter->setPen(textColor()); else { Buddy buddy = Index.data(BuddyRole).value<Buddy>(); Contact contact = Index.data(ContactRole).value<Contact>(); if (buddy.isBlocked() || contact.isBlocking()) painter->setPen(QColor(255, 0, 0)); else painter->setPen(Configuration->fontColor()); } paintCheckbox(painter); paintIcon(painter); paintAvatar(painter); paintIdentityName(painter); paintName(painter); paintDescription(painter); /* paintDebugRect(painter, ItemRect, QColor(255, 0, 0)); paintDebugRect(painter, CheckboxRect, QColor(255, 255, 0)); paintDebugRect(painter, IconRect, QColor(0, 255, 0)); paintDebugRect(painter, AvatarRect, QColor(0, 0, 255)); paintDebugRect(painter, IdentityNameRect, QColor(255, 0, 255)); paintDebugRect(painter, NameRect, QColor(0, 255, 255)); paintDebugRect(painter, DescriptionRect, QColor(0, 0, 0)); */ }
void FalagardActionButton::drawSelf( float z ) { if (d_needsRedraw ) { d_renderCache.clearCachedImagery(); d_needsRedraw = false; const StateImagery* imagery; // get WidgetLookFeel for the assigned look. const WidgetLookFeel& wlf = WidgetLookManager::getSingleton().getWidgetLook(d_lookName); if( wlf.isStateImageryPresent( "BackgroundImage" ) ) { imagery = &wlf.getStateImagery( "BackgroundImage" ); // peform the rendering operation. imagery->render(*this); } // 画背景 d_BackImage.draw(d_renderCache); //Empty if(isEmpty()) { if((isHovering() || isPushed()) && !isDisabled(true) )//&& !isGloom()) { drawHover(z); } } else { //Draw normal image drawNormal(z); //Draw percentage Img if(isPercentagePresent()) { drawPercentageImg(z); } //Notin Dragging if(d_dragging && !isGloom()) { drawPushed(z); } else { //Draw disable mask only when disabled if (isDisabled(true) || isGloom() ) { drawDisabled(z); if (isPushed() || isChecked()) { drawPushed(z); } drawAnimate(z); } else { //If pushed or checked draw "Pushed" Layer if (isPushed() || isChecked()) { drawPushed(z); } //Draw "Hover" Layer if (isHovering() && !isChecked()) { drawHover(z); } drawAnimate(z); // If default if(isDefault()) { drawDefault(z); } } //Draw corner character drawCorner(z); drawFlash( z ); } } } Window::drawSelf(z); }
void FalagardActionButton::drawSelf( float z ) { if (d_needsRedraw ) { d_renderCache.clearCachedImagery(); d_needsRedraw = false; //Empty if(isEmpty()) { if((isHovering() || isPushed()) && !isDisabled(true) )//&& !isGloom()) { drawHover(z); } } else { //Draw normal image drawNormal(z); //Notin Dragging if(d_dragging && !isGloom()) { drawPushed(z); } else { //Draw disable mask only when disabled if (isDisabled(true) || isGloom() ) { drawDisabled(z); if (isPushed() || isChecked()) { drawPushed(z); } } else { //If pushed or checked draw "Pushed" Layer if (isPushed() || isChecked()) { drawPushed(z); } //Draw "Hover" Layer if (isHovering() && !isChecked()) { drawHover(z); } drawAnimate(z); // If default if(isDefault()) { drawDefault(z); } } //Draw corner character drawCorner(z); } } } Window::drawSelf(z); }