void game::run(){ //TODO nanti harus diganti init(); drawCanvas(0,0,0,255); drawTextCentered("GRAPHICAT",9,50,3,255,0,0,255); drawTextCentered("PLANE SHOOTER",13,150,3,255,0,0,255); drawTextCentered("Press A or D to move ship left or right",39,250,1,255,0,0,255); drawTextCentered("Press J or L to rotate the ship turret",38,300,1,255,0,0,255); drawTextCentered("Press Space to shoot",20,350,1,255,0,0,255); drawTextCentered("Press Q to change weapon",24,400,1,255,0,0,255); printToScreen(); sleep(5); while (!gameOver()){ updateControls(); updateLogic(); drawScreen(); usleep(200); } usleep(500); drawTextCentered("YOU WIN",7,300,5,255,0,0,255); printToScreen(); usleep(500); finishPrinter(); resetTermios(); sleep(2); }
void drawTextAt(Font * font, const Vec3f & pos, const std::string & text, Color color, const std::string & text2, Color color2) { // Project the 3d coordinates to get an on-screen position TexturedVertex out; EE_RTP(pos, out); if(out.p.z < 0.f) { // Don't draw text behind the camera! return; } Vec2f pos2d = Vec2f(out.p.x, out.p.y); drawTextCentered(font, pos2d, text, color); if(!text2.empty()) { pos2d.y += font->getLineHeight() + 2; drawTextCentered(font, pos2d, text2, color2); } }
static void drawDebugMaterials() { if(!ACTIVEBKG || !ACTIVEBKG->exist) { return; } PolyType skip = POLY_NODRAW | POLY_HIDE; if(GInput->isKeyPressed(Keyboard::Key_LeftShift)) { skip |= POLY_TRANS | POLY_WATER; } Vec2f point(DANAEMouse); Entity * owner = GetFirstInterAtPos(Vec2s(point)); TextureContainer * material = NULL; size_t count = 0; Vec2f pp[4]; Vec2f puv[4]; PolyType flags; float minz = std::numeric_limits<float>::max(); for(size_t k = 1; k < entities.size(); k++) { EntityHandle h = EntityHandle(k); if(!entities[h] || !entities[h]->obj) { continue; } Entity * entity = entities[h]; if((entity->ioflags & IO_CAMERA) || (entity->ioflags & IO_MARKER)) continue; if(!(entity->gameFlags & GFLAG_ISINTREATZONE)) continue; if((entity->gameFlags & GFLAG_INVISIBILITY)) continue; if((entity->gameFlags & GFLAG_MEGAHIDE)) continue; switch(entity->show) { case SHOW_FLAG_DESTROYED: continue; case SHOW_FLAG_IN_INVENTORY: continue; case SHOW_FLAG_ON_PLAYER: continue; case SHOW_FLAG_LINKED: break; case SHOW_FLAG_NOT_DRAWN: continue; case SHOW_FLAG_HIDDEN: continue; case SHOW_FLAG_MEGAHIDE: continue; case SHOW_FLAG_KILLED: continue; case SHOW_FLAG_IN_SCENE: break; case SHOW_FLAG_TELEPORTING: break; } if(!entity->bbox2D.valid()) { continue; } for(size_t j = 0; j < entity->obj->facelist.size(); j++) { const EERIE_FACE & face = entity->obj->facelist[j]; if(face.facetype & skip) { continue; } bool valid = true; bool bvalid = false; Vec3f p[3]; Vec2f uv[3]; for(size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) { unsigned short v = face.vid[i]; valid = valid && v < entity->obj->vertexlist3.size(); if(valid) { if(entity->animlayer[0].cur_anim) { p[i] = entity->obj->vertexlist3[v].vert.p; uv[i] = entity->obj->vertexlist3[v].vert.uv; } else { p[i] = entity->obj->vertexlist[v].vert.p; uv[i] = entity->obj->vertexlist[v].vert.uv; } valid = valid && (p[i].z > 0.000001f); bvalid = bvalid || (p[i].x >= g_size.left && p[i].x < g_size.right && p[i].y >= g_size.top && p[i].y < g_size.bottom); } } if(!valid || !bvalid) { continue; } float z = pointInTriangle(point, p[0], p[1], p[2]); if(z > 0 && z <= minz) { count = 3; for(size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { pp[i] = Vec2f(p[i].x, p[i].y); puv[i] = uv[i]; } if(face.texid >= 0 && size_t(face.texid) < entity->obj->texturecontainer.size()) { material = entity->obj->texturecontainer[face.texid]; } else { material = NULL; } owner = entity; minz = z; flags = face.facetype & ~(POLY_WATER | POLY_LAVA); } } } for(short z = 0; z < ACTIVEBKG->Zsize; z++) for(short x = 0; x < ACTIVEBKG->Xsize; x++) { const EERIE_BKG_INFO & feg = ACTIVEBKG->fastdata[x][z]; if(!feg.treat) { continue; } for(long l = 0; l < feg.nbpolyin; l++) { EERIEPOLY * ep = feg.polyin[l]; if(!ep) { continue; } if(ep->type & skip) { continue; } bool valid = true; bool bvalid = false; Vec3f p[4]; for(size_t i = 0; i < ((ep->type & POLY_QUAD) ? 4u : 3u); i++) { TexturedVertex tv; tv.p = EE_RT(ep->v[i].p); valid = valid && (tv.p.z > 0.000001f); EE_P(tv.p, tv); bvalid = bvalid || (tv.p.x >= g_size.left && tv.p.x < g_size.right && tv.p.y >= g_size.top && tv.p.y < g_size.bottom); p[i] = tv.p; } if(!valid || !bvalid) { continue; } float z = pointInTriangle(point, p[0], p[1], p[2]); if(z <= 0 && (ep->type & POLY_QUAD)) { z = pointInTriangle(point, p[1], p[3], p[2]); } if(z > 0 && z <= minz) { count = ((ep->type & POLY_QUAD) ? 4 : 3); for(size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { pp[i] = Vec2f(p[i].x, p[i].y); puv[i] = ep->v[i].uv; } material = ep->tex; owner = NULL; minz = z; flags = ep->type; } } } if(count) { GRenderer->SetRenderState(Renderer::DepthTest, false); drawLine2D(pp[0], pp[1], 0.1f, Color::magenta); drawLine2D(pp[2], pp[0], 0.1f, Color::magenta); if(count == 4) { drawLine2D(pp[2], pp[3], 0.1f, Color::magenta); drawLine2D(pp[3], pp[1], 0.1f, Color::magenta); } else { drawLine2D(pp[1], pp[2], 0.1f, Color::magenta); } Vec2f c = Vec2f(0.f); float miny = std::numeric_limits<float>::max(); float maxy = std::numeric_limits<float>::min(); for(size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { c += pp[i]; miny = std::min(miny, pp[i].y); maxy = std::max(maxy, pp[i].y); } c *= 1.f / count; Vec2f textpos(c.x, miny - 2 * hFontDebug->getLineHeight()); std::ostringstream oss; if(owner) { textpos.y -= hFontDebug->getLineHeight(); } if(material && material->m_pTexture) { textpos.y -= hFontDebug->getLineHeight(); } if((flags & (POLY_WATER | POLY_LAVA)) && enviro && enviro->m_pTexture) { textpos.y -= hFontDebug->getLineHeight(); } if(textpos.y < g_size.top + 5) { textpos.y = maxy + 2 * hFontDebug->getLineHeight(); } if(owner) { drawTextCentered(hFontDebug, textpos, owner->idString(), Color::cyan); textpos.y += hFontDebug->getLineHeight(); } if(material && material->m_pTexture) { drawDebugMaterialTexture(textpos, "Diffuse: ", *material->m_pTexture, Color::green); } if((flags & (POLY_WATER | POLY_LAVA)) && enviro && enviro->m_pTexture) { oss.str(std::string()); oss << "Animation: "; oss << ((flags & (POLY_LAVA)) ? "lava" : "water"); if(flags & POLY_FALL) { oss << " (flowing)"; } drawDebugMaterialTexture(textpos, oss.str(), *enviro->m_pTexture, Color::yellow); } (void)textpos; for(size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { oss.str(std::string()); oss.setf(std::ios_base::fixed, std::ios_base::floatfield); oss.precision(2); oss << '(' << puv[i].x << ',' << puv[i].y << ')'; std::string text = oss.str(); Vec2f textpos = pp[i]; if(pp[i].y < c.y) { textpos.y -= hFontDebug->getLineHeight(); } if(pp[i].x < c.x) { Vec2i size = hFontDebug->getTextSize(text); textpos.x -= size.x; } hFontDebug->draw(textpos.x, textpos.y, text, Color::gray(0.7f)); } GRenderer->SetRenderState(Renderer::DepthTest, true); } }