コード例 #1
ファイル: iupmat_draw.c プロジェクト: sanikoyes/iup
/* Redraw a block of cells of the matrix. Handle marked cells, change
   automatically the background color of them.
   - lin1, col1 : cell coordinates that mark the left top corner of the area to be redrawn
   - lin2, col2 : cell coordinates that mark the right bottom corner of the area to be redrawn */
void iupMatrixDrawCells(Ihandle* ih, int lin1, int col1, int lin2, int col2)
  int x1, y1, x2, y2, old_x2, old_y1, old_y2;
  int alignment, lin, col, active, first_col, first_lin;
  long framecolor, emptyarea_color = -1;
  IFnii mark_cb;
  IFnii dropcheck_cb;
  IFniiiiiiC draw_cb;

  x2 = ih->data->w-1;
  y2 = ih->data->h-1;

  old_x2 = x2;
  old_y1 = 0;
  old_y2 = y2;

  if (ih->data->lines.num <= 1 ||
      ih->data->columns.num <= 1)

  if (ih->data->columns.num_noscroll>1 && col1==1 && col2==ih->data->columns.num_noscroll-1)
    first_col = 0;
    x1 = 0;
    if (col1 > ih->data->columns.last ||
        col2 < ih->data->columns.first)

    if (col1 < ih->data->columns.first)
      col1 = ih->data->columns.first;
    if (col2 > ih->data->columns.last)
      col2 = ih->data->columns.last;

    first_col = ih->data->columns.first;
    x1 = 0;
    for (col = 0; col< ih->data->columns.num_noscroll; col++)
      x1 += ih->data->columns.dt[col].size;

  if (ih->data->lines.num_noscroll>1 && lin1==1 && lin2==ih->data->lines.num_noscroll-1)
    first_lin = 0;
    y1 = 0;
    if (lin1 > ih->data->lines.last ||
        lin2 < ih->data->lines.first)

    if (lin1 < ih->data->lines.first)
      lin1 = ih->data->lines.first;
    if (lin2 > ih->data->lines.last)
      lin2 = ih->data->lines.last;

    first_lin = ih->data->lines.first;
    y1 = 0;
    for (lin = 0; lin< ih->data->lines.num_noscroll; lin++)
      y1 += ih->data->lines.dt[lin].size;

  iupMATRIX_CLIPAREA(ih, x1, x2, y1, y2);
  cdCanvasClip(ih->data->cd_canvas, CD_CLIPOFF);  /* wait for background */

  /* Find the initial position of the first column */
  if (first_col==ih->data->columns.first)
    x1 -= ih->data->columns.first_offset;
  for(col = first_col; col < col1; col++)
    x1 += ih->data->columns.dt[col].size;

  /* Find the initial position of the first line */
  if (first_lin == ih->data->lines.first)
    y1 -= ih->data->lines.first_offset;
  for(lin = first_lin; lin < lin1; lin++)
    y1 += ih->data->lines.dt[lin].size;

  /* Find the final position of the last column */
  x2 = x1;
  for( ; col <= col2; col++)
    x2 += ih->data->columns.dt[col].size;

  /* Find the final position of the last line */
  y2 = y1;
  for( ; lin <= lin2; lin++)
    y2 += ih->data->lines.dt[lin].size;

  if ((col2 == ih->data->columns.num-1) && (old_x2 > x2))
    emptyarea_color = cdIupConvertColor(ih->data->bgcolor_parent);
    cdCanvasForeground(ih->data->cd_canvas, emptyarea_color);

    /* If it was drawn until the last column and remains space in the right of it,
       then delete this area with the the background color. */
    iupMATRIX_BOX(ih, x2, old_x2, old_y1, old_y2);

  if ((lin2 == ih->data->lines.num-1) && (old_y2 > y2))
    if (emptyarea_color == -1)
      emptyarea_color = cdIupConvertColor(ih->data->bgcolor_parent);
    cdCanvasForeground(ih->data->cd_canvas, emptyarea_color);

    /* If it was drawn until the last line visible and remains space below it,
       then delete this area with the the background color. */
    iupMATRIX_BOX(ih, 0, old_x2, y2, old_y2);

  /* after the background */
  cdCanvasClip(ih->data->cd_canvas, CD_CLIPAREA);

  /***** Draw the cell values and frame */
  old_y1 = y1;
  framecolor = cdIupConvertColor(iupAttribGetStr(ih, "FRAMECOLOR"));
  active = iupdrvIsActive(ih);

  mark_cb = (IFnii)IupGetCallback(ih, "MARK_CB");
  dropcheck_cb = (IFnii)IupGetCallback(ih, "DROPCHECK_CB");
  draw_cb = (IFniiiiiiC)IupGetCallback(ih, "DRAW_CB");

  for(col = col1; col <= col2; col++)  /* For all the columns in the region */
    if (ih->data->columns.dt[col].size == 0)

    alignment = iMatrixDrawGetColAlignment(ih, col);

    x2 = x1 + ih->data->columns.dt[col].size;

    for(lin = lin1; lin <= lin2; lin++)     /* For all lines in the region */
      int drop = 0;
      int marked = 0;

      if (ih->data->lines.dt[lin].size == 0)

      y2 = y1 + ih->data->lines.dt[lin].size;

      /* If the cell is marked, then draw it with attenuation color */
      marked = iupMatrixMarkCellGet(ih, lin, col, mark_cb);

      iMatrixDrawBackground(ih, x1, x2, y1, y2, marked, active, lin, col);

      iMatrixDrawFrameRectCell(ih, lin, col, x1, x2, y1, y2, framecolor);

      if (dropcheck_cb)
        int ret = dropcheck_cb(ih, lin, col);
        if (ret == IUP_DEFAULT)
          drop = IMAT_DROPBOX_W+IMAT_PADDING_W/2;
          iMatrixDrawDropFeedback(ih, x2, y1, y2, active, framecolor);
        else if (ret == IUP_CONTINUE)
          iMatrixDrawToggle(ih, x2, y1, y2, lin, col, marked, active);
      /* draw the cell contents */
      iMatrixDrawCellValue(ih, x1, x2-drop, y1, y2, alignment, marked, active, lin, col, draw_cb, framecolor);

      y1 = y2;

    x1 = x2;
    y1 = old_y1;  /* must reset also y */

  cdCanvasClip(ih->data->cd_canvas, CD_CLIPOFF);
コード例 #2
ファイル: iupmat_draw.c プロジェクト: svn2github/iup-iup
/* Redraw a block of cells of the matrix. Handle marked cells, change
   automatically the background color of them.
   - lin1, col1 : cell coordinates that mark the left top corner of the area to be redrawn
   - lin2, col2 : cell coordinates that mark the right bottom corner of the area to be redrawn */
void iupMatrixDrawCells(Ihandle* ih, int lin1, int col1, int lin2, int col2)
  int x1, y1, x2, y2, old_x2, old_y1, old_y2;
  int alignment, lin, col, active;
  long framecolor, emptyarea_color = -1;
  char str[100];
  IFnii mark_cb;
  IFnii dropcheck_cb;
  IFniiiiiiC draw_cb;

  x1 = 0;
  x2 = ih->data->w-1;
  y1 = 0;
  y2 = ih->data->h-1;

  old_x2 = x2;
  old_y1 = y1;
  old_y2 = y2;

  if (col1 > ih->data->columns.last ||
      col2 < ih->data->columns.first ||
      lin1 > ih->data->lines.last ||
      lin2 < ih->data->lines.first)

  if (col1 < ih->data->columns.first)
    col1 = ih->data->columns.first;
  if (col2 > ih->data->columns.last)
    col2 = ih->data->columns.last;
  if (lin1 < ih->data->lines.first)
    lin1 = ih->data->lines.first;
  if (lin2 > ih->data->lines.last)
    lin2 = ih->data->lines.last;

  /* Find the initial position of the first column */
  x1 += ih->data->columns.sizes[0];
  for(col = ih->data->columns.first; col < col1; col++)
    x1 += ih->data->columns.sizes[col];

  /* Find the final position of the last column */
  x2 = x1;
  for( ; col <= col2; col++)
    x2 += ih->data->columns.sizes[col];

  /* Find the initial position of the first line */
  y1 += ih->data->lines.sizes[0];
  for(lin = ih->data->lines.first; lin < lin1; lin++)
    y1 += ih->data->lines.sizes[lin];

  /* Find the final position of the last line */
  y2 = y1;
  for( ; lin <= lin2; lin++)
    y2 += ih->data->lines.sizes[lin];

  if ((col2 == ih->data->columns.num-1) && (old_x2 > x2))
    emptyarea_color = cdIupConvertColor(ih->data->bgcolor_parent);
    cdCanvasForeground(ih->data->cddbuffer, emptyarea_color);

    /* If it was drawn until the last column and remains space in the right of it,
       then delete this area with the the background color. */
    IUPMAT_BOX(ih, x2, old_x2, old_y1, old_y2);

  if ((lin2 == ih->data->lines.num-1) && (old_y2 > y2))
    if (emptyarea_color == -1)
      emptyarea_color = cdIupConvertColor(ih->data->bgcolor_parent);
    cdCanvasForeground(ih->data->cddbuffer, emptyarea_color);

    /* If it was drawn until the last line visible and remains space below it,
       then delete this area with the the background color. */
    IUPMAT_BOX(ih, 0, old_x2, y2, old_y2);

  /***** Draw the cell values and frame */
  old_y1 = y1;
  framecolor = cdIupConvertColor(iupAttribGetStr(ih, "FRAMECOLOR"));
  active = iupdrvIsActive(ih);

  mark_cb = (IFnii)IupGetCallback(ih, "MARK_CB");
  dropcheck_cb = (IFnii)IupGetCallback(ih, "DROPCHECK_CB");
  draw_cb = (IFniiiiiiC)IupGetCallback(ih, "DRAW_CB");

  for(col = col1; col <= col2; col++)  /* For all the columns in the region */
    if (ih->data->columns.sizes[col] == 0)

    alignment = iMatrixDrawGetColAlignment(ih, col, str);

    x2 = x1 + ih->data->columns.sizes[col];

    for(lin = lin1; lin <= lin2; lin++)     /* For all lines in the region */
      if (ih->data->lines.sizes[lin] == 0)

      y2 = y1 + ih->data->lines.sizes[lin];

      if (col==1 && ih->data->columns.sizes[0] == 0)
        /* If does not have titles then draw the left line of the cell frame */
        iMatrixDrawFrameVertLineCell(ih, lin, col, x1, y1, y2-1-1, framecolor, str);

      if (lin==1 && ih->data->lines.sizes[0] == 0)
        /* If does not have titles then draw the top line of the cell frame */
        iMatrixDrawFrameHorizLineCell(ih, lin, col, x1, x2-1-1, y1, framecolor, str);

      /* draw the cell contents */
        int drop = 0;
        int marked = 0;

        if (dropcheck_cb && dropcheck_cb(ih, lin, col) == IUP_DEFAULT)
          drop = IMAT_COMBOBOX_W;

        /* If the cell is marked, then draw it with attenuation color */
        marked = iupMatrixMarkCellGet(ih, lin, col, mark_cb, str);

        iMatrixDrawBackground(ih, x1, x2, y1, y2, marked, active, lin, col);
        iMatrixDrawCellValue(ih, x1, x2-drop, y1, y2, alignment, marked, active, lin, col, draw_cb);

        if (drop)
          iMatrixDrawComboFeedback(ih, x2, y1, y2, lin, col, marked, active, framecolor);

      /* bottom line */
      iMatrixDrawFrameHorizLineCell(ih, lin, col, x1, x2-1, y2-1, framecolor, str);
      /* rigth line */
      iMatrixDrawFrameVertLineCell(ih, lin, col, x2-1, y1, y2-1, framecolor, str);

      y1 = y2;

    x1 = x2;
    y1 = old_y1;  /* must reset also y */