コード例 #1
ファイル: dtcore-add.c プロジェクト: cffyh/dateutils
static int
	static const char str[] = "2012-03-28T23:55:55";
	struct dt_dt_s d;
	struct dt_dt_s dur;
	int res = 0;

	fprintf(stderr, "testing %s +1d1h ...\n", str);
	d = dt_strpdt(str, NULL, NULL);

	/* we lack some lovely ctors for this */
	dur = dt_dt_initialiser();
	dt_make_sandwich(&dur, DT_DAISY, DT_TUNK);
	dur.dur = 1;
	dur.neg = 0;
	dur.d.daisy = 1;
	dur.t.dur = 1;
	dur.t.neg = 0;
	dur.t.sdur = 3600;

	/* the actual addition */
	d = dt_dtadd(d, dur);

	CHECK(d.d.typ != DT_YMD,
	      "  DATE TYPE DIFFERS %u ... should be %u\n",
	      (unsigned int)d.d.typ,
	      (unsigned int)DT_YMD);
	CHECK(d.t.typ != DT_HMS,
	      "  TIME TYPE DIFFERS %u ... should be %u\n",
	      (unsigned int)d.t.typ,
	      (unsigned int)DT_HMS);
	CHECK(d.dur, "  DURATION BIT SET\n");
	CHECK(d.neg, "  NEGATED BIT SET\n");
	CHECK(d.t.neg, "  TIME NEGATED BIT SET\n");

	CHECK_EQ((unsigned int)d.d.ymd.y, 2012U,
		 "  YEAR %u ... should be %u\n");
	CHECK_EQ((unsigned int)d.d.ymd.m, 3U,
		 "  MONTH %u ... should be %u\n");
	CHECK_EQ((unsigned int)d.d.ymd.d, 30U,
		 "  DAY %u ... should be %u\n");

	CHECK_EQ((unsigned int)d.t.hms.h, 00U,
		 "  HOUR %u ... should be %u\n");
	CHECK_EQ((unsigned int)d.t.hms.m, 55U,
		 "  MINUTE %u ... should be %u\n");
	CHECK_EQ((unsigned int)d.t.hms.s, 55U,
		 "  SECOND %u ... should be %u\n");

	/* make sure the padding leaves no garbage */
	CHECK_RES(res, d.d.ymd.u & ~0x1fffff,
		  "  PADDING NOT NAUGHT %x\n",
		  (unsigned int)(d.d.ymd.u & ~0x1fffff));
	CHECK_RES(res, d.t.hms.u & ~0x1f3f3f3fffffff,
		  (unsigned int)(d.t.hms.u & ~0x1f3f3f3fffffff));
	return res;
コード例 #2
ファイル: dt-core-tz-glue.c プロジェクト: cffyh/dateutils
 * Return a dt object that forgot about DT's zone and uses ZONE instead. */
DEFUN struct dt_dt_s
dtz_forgetz(struct dt_dt_s d, zif_t zone)
	struct dt_dt_s res;
	dt_ssexy_t d_unix;

	if (dt_sandwich_only_d_p(d) || dt_sandwich_only_t_p(d)) {
		return d;

	/* convert date/time part to unix stamp */
	d_unix = ____to_unix_epoch(d);
	d_unix = zif_utc_time(zone, d_unix);

	/* convert the date part back */
	if (d.typ > (dt_dttyp_t)DT_DUNK && d.typ < (dt_dttyp_t)DT_NDTYP) {
		int32_t sexy = __pos_mod(d_unix, 86400);

		/* temporarily go daisy */
		res.d.typ = DT_DAISY;
		res.d.daisy = d_unix / 86400 + DAISY_UNIX_BASE;
		res.d = dt_dconv(d.d.typ, res.d);

		/* set the other flags too */
		res.sandwich = d.sandwich;
		res.dur = 0;
		res.neg = 0;

		/* convert the time part back */
		res.t.hms.s = sexy % 60;
		res.t.hms.m = (sexy % 3600) / 60;
		res.t.hms.h = sexy / 3600;
		res.t.hms.ns = d.t.hms.ns;

		res.t.typ = DT_HMS;
		res.t.dur = 0;
		res.t.neg = 0;
		res.t.carry = 0;

	} else if (d.typ == DT_SEXY) {
		res.typ = DT_SEXY;
		res.sandwich = 0;
		res.dur = 0;
		res.neg = 0;
		res.sxepoch = d_unix;

	} else {
		res = dt_dt_initialiser();
	return res;
コード例 #3
static struct dt_dt_s
__fixup_zdiff(struct dt_dt_s dt, int32_t zdiff)
	/* apply time zone difference */
	struct dt_dt_s zd = dt_dt_initialiser();

	dt_make_t_only(&zd, DT_HMS);
	zd.t.dur = 1;
	zd.t.sdur = -zdiff;
	/* reuse dt for result */
	dt = dt_dtadd(dt, zd);
	dt.znfxd = 1;
	return dt;
コード例 #4
ファイル: dt-core.c プロジェクト: androdev4u/dateutils
static inline struct dt_dt_s
dt_conv_to_sexy(struct dt_dt_s dt)
	if (dt.typ == DT_SEXY) {
		return dt;
	} else if (dt_sandwich_only_t_p(dt)) {
		dt.sxepoch = (dt.t.hms.h * 60 + dt.t.hms.m) * 60 + dt.t.hms.s;
	} else if (dt_sandwich_p(dt) || dt_sandwich_only_d_p(dt)) {
		dt.sxepoch = __to_unix_epoch(dt);
	} else {
		dt = dt_dt_initialiser();
	/* make sure we hand out sexies */
	dt.typ = DT_SEXY;
	return dt;
コード例 #5
ファイル: dt-core.c プロジェクト: androdev4u/dateutils
static inline struct dt_dt_s
__ymdhms_to_ymd(dt_ymdhms_t x)
	struct dt_dt_s res = dt_dt_initialiser();

	res.t.hms.s = x.S;
	res.t.hms.m = x.M;
	res.t.hms.h = x.H;

	/* rest is a day-count, move to daisy */
	res.d.ymd.y = x.y;
	res.d.ymd.m = x.m;
	res.d.ymd.d = x.d;

	/* sandwichify */
	dt_make_sandwich(&res, DT_YMD, DT_HMS);
	return res;
コード例 #6
ファイル: dt-core.c プロジェクト: androdev4u/dateutils
static inline struct dt_dt_s
__sexy_to_daisy(dt_ssexy_t sx)
	struct dt_dt_s res = dt_dt_initialiser();

	res.t.hms.s = sx % SECS_PER_MIN;
	sx /= SECS_PER_MIN;
	res.t.hms.m = sx % MINS_PER_HOUR;
	res.t.hms.h = sx % HOURS_PER_DAY;

	/* rest is a day-count, move to daisy */
	res.d.daisy = sx + DAISY_UNIX_BASE;

	/* sandwichify */
	dt_make_sandwich(&res, DT_DAISY, DT_HMS);
	return res;
コード例 #7
DEFUN struct dt_dt_s
__strpdt_std(const char *str, char **ep)
/* code dupe, see __strpd_std() */
	struct dt_dt_s res = dt_dt_initialiser();
	struct strpdt_s d = strpdt_initialiser();
	const char *sp;

	if ((sp = str) == NULL) {
		goto out;
	/* check for epoch notation */
	if (*sp == '@') {
		/* yay, epoch */
		const char *tmp;
		d.i = strtoi(++sp, &tmp);
		if (UNLIKELY(d.i == -1 && sp == tmp)) {
		} else {
			/* let's make a DT_SEXY */
			res.typ = DT_SEXY;
			res.sxepoch = d.i;
		goto out;
	/* read the year */
	if ((d.sd.y = strtoi_lim(sp, &sp, DT_MIN_YEAR, DT_MAX_YEAR)) < 0 ||
	    *sp++ != '-') {
		sp = str;
		goto try_time;
	/* check for ywd dates */
	if (UNLIKELY(*sp == 'W')) {
		/* brilliant */
		if ((sp++, d.sd.c = strtoi_lim(sp, &sp, 0, 53)) < 0 ||
		    *sp++ != '-') {
			goto try_time;
		d.sd.flags.c_wcnt_p = 1;
		d.sd.flags.wk_cnt = YWD_ISOWK_CNT;
		goto dow;
	/* read the month */
	if ((d.sd.m = strtoi_lim(sp, &sp, 0, 12)) < 0 ||
	    *sp++ != '-') {
		sp = str;
		goto out;
	/* read the day or the count */
	if ((d.sd.d = strtoi_lim(sp, &sp, 0, 31)) < 0) {
		/* didn't work, f**k off */
		sp = str;
		goto out;
	/* check the date type */
	switch (*sp) {
	case '-':
		/* it is a YMCW date */
		if ((d.sd.c = d.sd.d) > 5) {
			/* nope, it was bollocks */
		d.sd.d = 0;
		if ((d.sd.w = strtoi_lim(++sp, &sp, 0, 7)) < 0) {
			/* didn't work, f**k off */
			sp = str;
			goto out;
		/* fix up d.sd.w right away */
		d.sd.w = d.sd.w ?: DT_SUNDAY;
	case 'B':
		/* it's a bizda/YMDU before ultimo date */
		d.sd.flags.ab = BIZDA_BEFORE;
	case 'b':
		/* it's a bizda/YMDU after ultimo date */
		d.sd.flags.bizda = 1;
		d.sd.b = d.sd.d;
		d.sd.d = 0;
		/* we don't care */
	/* guess what we're doing */
	if ((res.d = __guess_dtyp(d.sd)).typ == DT_DUNK) {
		/* not much use parsing on */
		goto out;
	/* check for the d/t separator */
	switch (*sp) {
	case 'T':
	case ' ':
	case '\t':
		/* could be a time, could be something, else
		 * make sure we leave a mark */
		str = sp++;
		/* should be a no-op */
		dt_make_d_only(&res, res.d.typ);
		goto out;
	/* and now parse the time */
	if ((d.st.h = strtoi_lim(sp, &sp, 0, 23)) < 0) {
		sp = str;
		goto out;
	} else if (*sp != ':') {
		goto eval_time;
	} else if ((d.st.m = strtoi_lim(++sp, &sp, 0, 59)) < 0) {
		d.st.m = 0;
		goto eval_time;
	} else if (*sp != ':') {
		goto eval_time;
	} else if ((d.st.s = strtoi_lim(++sp, &sp, 0, 60)) < 0) {
		d.st.s = 0;
	} else if (*sp != '.') {
		goto eval_time;
	} else if ((d.st.ns = strtoi_lim(++sp, &sp, 0, 999999999)) < 0) {
		d.st.ns = 0;
		goto eval_time;
	res.t.hms.h = d.st.h;
	res.t.hms.m = d.st.m;
	res.t.hms.s = d.st.s;
	if (res.d.typ > DT_DUNK) {
		const char *tp;
		dt_make_sandwich(&res, res.d.typ, DT_HMS);
		/* check for the zone stuff */
		if ((d.zdiff = try_zone(sp, &tp))) {
			res = __fixup_zdiff(res, d.zdiff);
		} else if (tp > sp) {
			res.znfxd = 1U;
		sp = tp;
	} else {
		dt_make_t_only(&res, DT_HMS);
	/* res.typ coincides with DT_SANDWICH_D_ONLY() if we jumped here */
	if (ep != NULL) {
		*ep = (char*)sp;
	return res;