int EMparsenode ( char *level, char *id, char *str, int dir, int *opip, int *opnp, EMbb_t *bbp ) { EMnode_t n, *np; XMLnode_t *xp; EMrec_t *recs, *drecs; int recm, drecm; if (!(xp = XMLreadstring (str, "em", TRUE, Vmheap))) { SUwarning (0, "EMparsenode", "cannot parse xml spec"); return 0; } memset (&n, 0, sizeof (EMnode_t)); memcpy (n.level, level, SZ_level); memcpy (, id, SZ_id); if ((np = dtsearch (nodedict, &n))) recs = np->recs, recm = np->recm; else recs = NULL, recm = 0; memset (&n, 0, sizeof (EMnode_t)); strncpy (n.level, "_D_", SZ_level); strncpy (, "__DEFAULT__", SZ_id); if ((np = dtsearch (nodedict, &n))) drecs = np->recs, drecm = np->recm; else drecs = NULL, drecm = 0; *opip = EMopm; if (recparse (xp, recs, recm, drecs, drecm, dir, bbp) == -1) { SUwarning (0, "EMparsenode", "cannot parse spec"); return -1; } *opnp = EMopm - *opip; return 0; }
tmain() { UNUSED(argc); UNUSED(argv); pthread_t thread[N_THREADS]; size_t k, p, n; Mydisc_t disc[2]; Obj_t *o, *list[2], obj; topts(); /* create two dictionaries to volley objects back and forth */ for (n = 0; n < 2; ++n) { if (!(Dict[n] = opendictionary(&disc[n]))) terror("Can't open dictionary %d", n); /* make objects */ if (!(list[n] = malloc((N_OBJ / 2) * sizeof(Obj_t)))) terror("malloc failed %d", n); memset(list[n], 0, (N_OBJ / 2) * sizeof(Obj_t)); for (o = list[n], k = 0; k < N_OBJ / 2; ++k, ++o) { o->value = n == 0 ? k : k + N_OBJ / 2; if (dtinsert(Dict[n], o) != o) terror("Insert failed n=%d k=%d", n, k); if (dtsearch(Dict[n], o) != o) { /* verify insert succeeded */ terror("Search failed n=%d k=%d", n, k); } o->ins[n] += 1; } } for (p = 0; p < N_THREADS; ++p) pthread_create(&thread[p], 0, volley, (void *)((long)(p % 2))); for (p = 0; p < N_THREADS; ++p) pthread_join(thread[p], 0); tinfo("\tCheck integrity"); n = dtsize(Dict[0]); p = dtsize(Dict[1]); tinfo("Dict[0]=%d Dict[1]=%d", n, p); if ((n + p) != N_OBJ) { for (k = 0; k < N_OBJ; ++k) { obj.value = k; if ((o = dtsearch(Dict[0], &obj))) continue; if ((o = dtsearch(Dict[1], &obj))) continue; terror("%d not found", k); dtsearch(Dict[0], &obj); dtsearch(Dict[1], &obj); } terror("Expecting %d objects but got (Dict[0]=%d + Dict[1]=%d) = %d", N_OBJ, n, p, n + p); } texit(0); }
Ptprefix_t* ptinsert(Pt_t* tab, Ptaddr_t min, Ptaddr_t max) { register Ptprefix_t* xp; register Ptprefix_t* pp; Ptprefix_t key; tab->entries++; key.min = key.max = min ? (min - 1) : min; if (!(xp = (Ptprefix_t*)dtsearch(tab->dict, &key))) xp = (Ptprefix_t*)dtnext(tab->dict, &key); key.min = min; key.max = max; pp = 0; if (xp) { if (key.min >= xp->min && key.max <= xp->max) return xp; if (key.max >= (xp->min ? (xp->min - 1) : 0)) { if (key.min > xp->min) key.min = xp->min; do { max = xp->max; pp = xp; xp = (Ptprefix_t*)dtnext(tab->dict, xp); dtdelete(tab->dict, pp); } while (xp && key.max >= (xp->min - 1)); if (key.max < max) key.max = max; } } return (Ptprefix_t*)dtinsert(tab->dict, &key); }
Cell *Grid::find(int i, int j) { Cell key; key.p.i = i; key.p.j = j; return reinterpret_cast<Cell*>(dtsearch(this, &key)); }
/* removeDeglist: * Remove n from list, if it is in the list. */ void removeDeglist(deglist_t * list, Agnode_t * n) { degitem key; degitem *ip; Agnode_t *np; Agnode_t *prev; key.deg = DEGREE(n); ip = (degitem *) dtsearch(list, &key); assert(ip); if (ip->np == n) { ip->np = ND_next(n); if (ip->np == NULL) dtdelete(list, ip); } else { prev = ip->np; np = ND_next(prev); while (np && (np != n)) { prev = np; np = ND_next(np); } if (np) ND_next(prev) = ND_next(np); } }
int isInPS(PointSet * ps, int x, int y) { pair p; = x; = y; return ((dtsearch(ps, &p)) ? 1 : 0); }
IMPLLnd_t *IMPLLfindnd (char *level, char *id) { IMPLLnd_t nd; memcpy (nd.level, level, SZ_level); memcpy (, id, SZ_id); return dtsearch (nddict, &nd); }
/* findGrid; * Return the cell, if any, corresponding to * indices i,j */ cell *findGrid(Grid * g, int i, int j) { cell key; key.p.i = i; key.p.j = j; return ((cell *) dtsearch(g->data, &key)); }
tmain() { Dt_t* dt; /* testing Dtstack */ if(!(dt = dtopen(&Disc,Dtstack)) ) terror("dtopen stack"); if((long)dtinsert(dt,1L) != 1) terror("Dtstack insert 1"); if((long)dtinsert(dt,3L) != 3) terror("Dtstack insert 3.1"); if((long)dtinsert(dt,2L) != 2) terror("Dtstack insert 2.1"); if((long)dtinsert(dt,3L) != 3) terror("Dtstack insert 3.2"); if((long)dtinsert(dt,2L) != 2) terror("Dtstack insert 2.2"); if((long)dtinsert(dt,3L) != 3) terror("Dtstack insert 3.3"); if((long)dtlast(dt) != 1) terror("Dtstack dtlast"); if((long)dtprev(dt,1L) != 3) terror("Dtstack dtprev 1"); if((long)dtprev(dt,3L) != 2) terror("Dtstack dtprev 3.1"); if((long)dtprev(dt,2L) != 3) terror("Dtstack dtprev 2.1"); if((long)dtprev(dt,3L) != 2) terror("Dtstack dtprev 3.2"); if((long)dtprev(dt,2L) != 3) terror("Dtstack dtprev 2.2"); if((long)dtprev(dt,3L) != 0) terror("Dtstack dtprev 3.2"); if((long)dtdelete(dt,NIL(Void_t*)) != 3) terror("Dtstack pop 3.3"); /* search to one of the 3 */ if((long)dtsearch(dt,3L) != 3) terror("Dtstack search 3.2"); if((long)dtdelete(dt,3L) != 3) terror("Dtstack delete 3.2"); if((long)dtdelete(dt,NIL(Void_t*)) != 2) terror("Dtstack pop 2.2"); if((long)dtdelete(dt,NIL(Void_t*)) != 2) terror("Dtstack pop 2.1"); if((long)dtdelete(dt,NIL(Void_t*)) != 3) terror("Dtstack pop 3.1"); if((long)dtdelete(dt,NIL(Void_t*)) != 1) terror("Dtstack pop 1"); if(dtsize(dt) != 0) terror("Dtstack size"); texit(0); }
poly_t *findpoly (int polyid, int cenid) { poly_t pmem, *pp; pmem.cenid = cenid; pmem.polyid = polyid; if (!(pp = dtsearch (polydict, &pmem))) return NULL; return pp; }
static int initialize(void) { register int i; register Ucs_map_t* a; register Ucs_map_t* w; if (local.fatal) return -1; = offsetof(Ucs_map_t, link); local.dtdisc.key = offsetof(Ucs_map_t, name); local.dtdisc.size = -1; if (!(w = (Ucs_map_t*)malloc(sizeof(Ucs_map_t) * (elementsof(ucs_attrs) + elementsof(ucs_names))))) { local.fatal = 1; return -1; } if (!(local.attrs = dtopen(&local.dtdisc, Dttree))) { free(w); local.fatal = 1; return -1; } if (!(local.names = dtopen(&local.dtdisc, Dttree))) { free(w); dtclose(local.attrs); local.fatal = 1; return -1; } for (i = 0; i < elementsof(ucs_attrs); i++, w++) { memcpy(w, &ucs_attrs[i], offsetof(Ucs_dat_t, table)); w->name = ucs_strings[ucs_attrs[i].table] + ucs_attrs[i].index; w->next = 0; dtinsert(local.attrs, w); } for (i = 0; i < elementsof(ucs_names); i++, w++) { memcpy(w, &ucs_names[i], offsetof(Ucs_dat_t, table)); w->name = ucs_strings[ucs_names[i].table] + ucs_names[i].index; w->next = 0; if (a = (Ucs_map_t*)dtsearch(local.names, w)) { while (a->next) a = a->next; a->next = w; } else dtinsert(local.names, w); } #if CC_NATIVE != CC_ASCII local.a2n = ccmap(CC_ASCII, CC_NATIVE); #endif return 0; }
static rep_t association(Agraph_t *model, void *obj) { Dict_t *dict; repkey_t key, rv, *p; dict = repdict(model); key.key = obj; /* i hate when other people code like this */ if ((p = dtsearch(dict,&key))) rv = *p; else {rv.val.type = 0; rv.val.p = 0;} return rv.val; }
int EMparseedge ( char *level1, char *id1, char *level2, char *id2, char *str, int dir, int *opip, int *opnp, EMbb_t *bbp ) { EMedge_t e, *ep; XMLnode_t *xp; EMrec_t *recs, *drecs; int recm, drecm; if (!(xp = XMLreadstring (str, "em", TRUE, Vmheap))) { SUwarning (0, "EMparseedge", "cannot parse xml spec"); return 0; } memset (&e, 0, sizeof (EMedge_t)); memcpy (e.level1, level1, SZ_level); memcpy (e.id1, id1, SZ_id); memcpy (e.level2, level2, SZ_level); memcpy (e.id2, id2, SZ_id); if ((ep = dtsearch (edgedict, &e))) recs = ep->recs, recm = ep->recm; else recs = NULL, recm = 0; memset (&e, 0, sizeof (EMedge_t)); memcpy (e.level1, "_D_", SZ_level); memcpy (e.id1, "__DEFAULT__", SZ_id); memcpy (e.level2, "_D_", SZ_level); memcpy (e.id2, "__DEFAULT__", SZ_id); if ((ep = dtsearch (edgedict, &e))) drecs = ep->recs, drecm = ep->recm; else drecs = NULL, drecm = 0; *opip = EMopm; if (recparse (xp, recs, recm, drecs, drecm, dir, bbp) == -1) { SUwarning (0, "EMparseedge", "cannot parse spec"); return -1; } *opnp = EMopm - *opip; return 0; }
static int findMap(Dt_t * map, int a, int b) { item it; item *ip; if (a > b) { int tmp = a; a = b; b = tmp; } it.a[0] = a; it.a[1] = b; ip = (item *) dtsearch(map, &it); assert(ip); return ip->t; }
static gdImagePtr getshapeimage(char *name) { imagerec_t probe, *val; if (!name) return 0; /* cdt does not like NULL keys */ if (!ImageDict) ImageDict = dtopen(&ImageDictDisc,Dttree); = name; val = dtsearch(ImageDict,&probe); if (!val) { val = GNEW(imagerec_t); val->name = name; val->im = loadshapeimage(name); dtinsert(ImageDict,val); } return val->im; }
int ptdelete(Pt_t* tab, Ptaddr_t min, Ptaddr_t max) { register Ptprefix_t* xp; Ptprefix_t key; Ptprefix_t cur; tab->entries++; key.min = min; key.max = max; if (xp = (Ptprefix_t*)dtsearch(tab->dict, &key)) { do { cur.min = xp->min; cur.max = xp->max; dtdelete(tab->dict, xp); if (key.min > cur.min) { max = cur.max; cur.max = key.min - 1; if (!dtinsert(tab->dict, &cur)) goto bad; if (key.max < max) { cur.min = key.max + 1; cur.max = max; if (!dtinsert(tab->dict, &cur)) goto bad; break; } } else if (key.max < xp->max) { xp->min = key.max + 1; if (!dtinsert(tab->dict, xp)) goto bad; } } while (xp = (Ptprefix_t*)dtnext(tab->dict, xp)); } return 0; bad: if (tab->disc->errorf) (*tab->disc->errorf)(NiL, tab->disc, ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "out of space"); return -1; }
void agstrfree(char *s) { refstr_t *key, *r; if ((StringDict == NULL) || (s == NULL)) return; key = (refstr_t *) (s - offsetof(refstr_t, s[0])); r = (refstr_t *) dtsearch(StringDict, key); if (r) { r->refcnt--; if ((r->refcnt && CNT_BITS) == 0) { dtdelete(StringDict, r); free(r); } } else agerr(AGERR, "agstrfree lost %s\n", s); }
/* agstrdup_html: * For various purposes, including deparsing, we have to recognize * strings coming from <...> rather than "...". To do this, we set * the top bit of the refcnt field. Since the use of html strings * is localized, we allow the application to make the distinction. */ char *agstrdup_html(char *s) { refstr_t *key, *r; if (StringDict == NULL) initialize_strings(); if (s == NULL) return s; key = (refstr_t *) (s - offsetof(refstr_t, s[0])); r = (refstr_t *) dtsearch(StringDict, key); if (r) r->refcnt++; else { r = (refstr_t *) malloc(sizeof(refstr_t) + strlen(s)); r->refcnt = 1 | HTML_BIT; strcpy(r->s, s); dtinsert(StringDict, r); } return r->s; }
/* swap objects from one dictionary to another */ static void *volley(void *arg) { int deldt, insdt, n_move, dir, k; Obj_t obj, *o, *rv; Nthreads += 1; /* wait until all threads have been started */ while (Nthreads < N_THREADS) tmsleep(0, 1); if ((deldt = (int)((long)arg)) < 0 || deldt > 1) { terror("Thread number must be 0 or 1, not %d", deldt); } insdt = !deldt; n_move = 0; for (dir = 1; dir >= -1; dir -= 2) { for (k = dir > 0 ? 0 : N_OBJ - 1; k >= 0 && k < N_OBJ; k += dir) { obj.value = k; if (!(o = dtsearch(Dict[deldt], &obj))) continue; if ((rv = dtdelete(Dict[deldt], o)) == o) { asoincint(&o->del[deldt]); if ((rv = dtinsert(Dict[insdt], o)) != o) terror("Insert %d failed", o->value); asoincint(&o->ins[insdt]); n_move += 1; } else if (rv) { terror("Unknown object %d", rv->value); } if (k % 100 == 0) tmsleep(0, 1); } } tinfo("Move %d (Dict[%d] -> Dict[%d])", n_move, deldt, insdt); return 0; }
static void write_subg(Agraph_t * g, FILE * fp, Agraph_t * par, int indent, printdict_t * state) { Agraph_t *subg, *meta; Agnode_t *n, *pn; Agedge_t *e, *pe; Dict_t *save_e, *save_n; if (indent) { tabover(fp, indent++); if (dtsearch(state->subgleft, g->meta_node)) { if (strncmp(g->name, "_anonymous", 10)) fprintf(fp, "subgraph %s {\n", agcanonical(g->name)); else fprintf(fp, "{\n"); /* no name printed for anonymous subg */ write_diffattr(fp, indent, g, par, g->univ->globattr); /* The root node and edge environment use the dictionaries, * not the proto node or edge, so the next level down must * record differences with the dictionaries. */ if (par == g->root) { pn = NULL; pe = NULL; } else { pn = par->proto->n; pe = par->proto->e; } write_diffattr(fp, indent, g->proto->n, pn, g->univ->nodeattr); write_diffattr(fp, indent, g->proto->e, pe, g->univ->edgeattr); dtdelete(state->subgleft, g->meta_node); } else { fprintf(fp, "subgraph %s;\n", agcanonical(g->name)); return; } } else write_diffattr(fp, ++indent, g, NULL, g->univ->globattr); save_n = state->n_insubg; save_e = state->e_insubg; meta = g->meta_node->graph; state->n_insubg = dtopen(&agNamedisc, Dttree); state->e_insubg = dtopen(&agOutdisc, Dttree); for (e = agfstout(meta, g->meta_node); e; e = agnxtout(meta, e)) { subg = agusergraph(e->head); write_subg(subg, fp, g, indent, state); } for (n = agfstnode(g); n; n = agnxtnode(g, n)) { if (dtsearch(state->nodesleft, n)) { agwrnode(g, fp, n, TRUE, indent); dtdelete(state->nodesleft, n); } else { if (dtsearch(state->n_insubg, n) == NULL) { agwrnode(g, fp, n, FALSE, indent); } } dtinsert(save_n, n); } dtdisc(g->outedges, &agEdgedisc, 0); /* sort by id */ for (e = (Agedge_t *) dtfirst(g->outedges); e; e = (Agedge_t *) dtnext(g->outedges, e)) { if (dtsearch(state->edgesleft, e)) { tabover(fp, indent); agwredge(g, fp, e, TRUE); dtdelete(state->edgesleft, e); } else { if (dtsearch(state->e_insubg, e) == NULL) { tabover(fp, indent); agwredge(g, fp, e, FALSE); } } dtinsert(save_e, e); } dtdisc(g->outedges, &agOutdisc, 0); /* sort by name */ dtclose(state->n_insubg); state->n_insubg = save_n; dtclose(state->e_insubg); state->e_insubg = save_e; if (indent > 1) { tabover(fp, indent - 1); fprintf(fp, "}\n"); } }
static int validate_sel(Cx_t* cx, Cxexpr_t* expr, void* data, Cxdisc_t* disc) { register State_t* state = (State_t*)expr->data; register Field_t* field; register Cxconstraint_t*constraint; Cxoperand_t o; Cxinstruction_t x; Invalid_t key; Invalid_t* ip; size_t n; for (field = state->field; field; field = field->next) { = field->variable; if ((*state->getf)(cx, &x, &o, NiL, NiL, data, disc)) return -1; if (field->variable-> { if (cxisstring(field->variable->type)) { if (cxstr2num(cx, &field->variable->format,, o.value.string.size, NiL)) { if (state->verbose && disc->errorf) (*disc->errorf)(NiL, disc, 1, "%s%s: %-.*s: unknown map name", cxlocation(cx, data), field->variable->name, o.value.string.size,; goto invalid; } } else if (cxisnumber(field->variable->type)) { if (cxnum2str(cx, &field->variable->format, (Cxinteger_t)o.value.number, NiL)) { if (state->verbose && disc->errorf) (*disc->errorf)(NiL, disc, 1, "%s%s: %I*d: unknown map value", cxlocation(cx, data), field->variable->name, sizeof(Cxinteger_t), (Cxinteger_t)o.value.number); goto invalid; } } } if (constraint = field->variable->format.constraint) { if (constraint->constraintf) ; if (cxisnumber(field->variable->type)) { if (constraint->min && o.value.number < constraint->min->number) { if (state->verbose && disc->errorf) (*disc->errorf)(NiL, disc, 1, "%s%s: %1.15Lg violates min constraint %1.15Lg", cxlocation(cx, data), field->variable->name, o.value.number, constraint->min->number); goto invalid; } if (constraint->max && o.value.number > constraint->max->number) { if (state->verbose && disc->errorf) (*disc->errorf)(NiL, disc, 1, "%s%s: %1.15Lg violates max constraint %1.15Lg", cxlocation(cx, data), field->variable->name, o.value.number, constraint->max->number); goto invalid; } } if (constraint->expression) ; if (constraint->pattern) ; } continue; invalid: if (state->invalid) { key.variable = field->variable; key.value = o.value; if (!(ip = (Invalid_t*)dtsearch(state->invalid, &key))) { n = cxsize(field->variable->type, &o.value); if (!(ip = vmnewof(state->vm, 0, Invalid_t, 1, n))) { if (disc->errorf) (*disc->errorf)(NiL, disc, ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "out of space"); return -1; } *ip = key; ip->value = o.value; if (n) { ip-> = (void*)(ip + 1); memcpy(ip->,, n); } dtinsert(state->invalid, ip); ip->count = 0; } ip->count++; } if (state->setf && constraint && constraint->def) { o.type = field->variable->type; o.value = *constraint->def; if ((*state->setf)(cx, &x, &o, &o, NiL, data, disc)) return -1; field->repaired++; } else if (state->discard) { field->discarded++; return 0; } else field->invalid++; } return 1; }
IMPLLnd_t *IMPLLinsertnd (char *level, char *id, short nclass, char *attrstr) { IMPLLnd_t nd, *ndp, *ndmem; UTattr_t *ap; EMbb_t bb; char *s1; memcpy (nd.level, level, SZ_level); memcpy (, id, SZ_id); if ((ndp = dtsearch (nddict, &nd))) return ndp; if (!(ndmem = vmalloc (Vmheap, sizeof (IMPLLnd_t)))) { SUwarning (0, "IMPLLinsertnd", "cannot allocate ndmem"); return NULL; } memset (ndmem, 0, sizeof (IMPLLnd_t)); memcpy (ndmem->level, level, SZ_level); memcpy (ndmem->id, id, SZ_id); if ((ndp = dtinsert (nddict, ndmem)) != ndmem) { SUwarning (0, "IMPLLinsertnd", "cannot insert nd"); vmfree (Vmheap, ndmem); return NULL; } ndp->nclass = nclass; if (UTsplitattr (UT_ATTRGROUP_NODE, attrstr) == -1) { SUwarning (0, "IMPLLinsertnd", "cannot parse attrstr"); return NULL; } if (UTgetattrs (UT_ATTRGROUP_NODE) == -1) { SUwarning (0, "IMPLLinsertnd", "cannot get node attr"); return NULL; } ap = &UTattrgroups[UT_ATTRGROUP_NODE][UT_ATTR_WIDTH]; if (ap->value && ap->value[0]) ndp->w = atoi (ap->value); else ndp->w = 100; ap = &UTattrgroups[UT_ATTRGROUP_NODE][UT_ATTR_HEIGHT]; if (ap->value && ap->value[0]) ndp->h = atoi (ap->value); else ndp->h = 50; ap = &UTattrgroups[UT_ATTRGROUP_NODE][UT_ATTR_LABEL]; if ( ap->value && strcmp (ap->name, "label") == 0 && strncmp (ap->value, "EMBED:", 6) == 0 ) { if (EMparsenode ( ndp->level, ndp->id, ap->value + 6, EM_DIR_V, &ndp->opi, &ndp->opn, &bb ) == -1) { SUwarning (0, "IMPLLinsertnd", "cannot parse node EM contents"); return NULL; } if (ndp->w < bb.w) ndp->w = bb.w; if (ndp->h < bb.h) ndp->h = bb.h; } ap = &UTattrgroups[UT_ATTRGROUP_NODE][UT_ATTR_LINEWIDTH]; ndp->lw = (ap->value && ap->value[0]) ? atoi (ap->value) : 1; ap = &UTattrgroups[UT_ATTRGROUP_NODE][UT_ATTR_BGCOLOR]; if (!(ndp->bg = vmstrdup ( Vmheap, (ap->value && ap->value[0]) ? ap->value : "white" ))) { SUwarning (0, "IMPLLinsertnd", "cannot copy node bgcolor"); return NULL; } ap = &UTattrgroups[UT_ATTRGROUP_NODE][UT_ATTR_COLOR]; if (!(ndp->cl = vmstrdup ( Vmheap, (ap->value && ap->value[0]) ? ap->value : "black" ))) { SUwarning (0, "IMPLLinsertnd", "cannot copy node color"); return NULL; } ap = &UTattrgroups[UT_ATTRGROUP_NODE][UT_ATTR_FONTNAME]; if (!(ndp->fn = vmstrdup ( Vmheap, (ap->value && ap->value[0]) ? ap->value : "abc" ))) { SUwarning (0, "IMPLLinsertnd", "cannot copy node font name"); return NULL; } ap = &UTattrgroups[UT_ATTRGROUP_NODE][UT_ATTR_FONTSIZE]; if (!(ndp->fs = vmstrdup ( Vmheap, (ap->value && ap->value[0]) ? ap->value : "10" ))) { SUwarning (0, "IMPLLinsertnd", "cannot copy node font size"); return NULL; } ap = &UTattrgroups[UT_ATTRGROUP_NODE][UT_ATTR_INFO]; if (!(ndp->info = vmstrdup ( Vmheap, (ap->value && ap->value[0]) ? ap->value : id ))) { SUwarning (0, "IMPLLinsertnd", "cannot copy node info"); return NULL; } ndp->havecoord = FALSE; ap = &UTattrgroups[UT_ATTRGROUP_NODE][UT_ATTR_COORD]; if (ap->value && ap->value[0] && (s1 = strchr (ap->value, ' '))) { *s1 = 0; ndp->llx = atof (ap->value), ndp->lly = atof (s1 + 1); *s1 = ' '; ndp->havecoord = TRUE; } return ndp; }
tmain() { UNUSED(argc); UNUSED(argv); int i, k; Dt_t *dt; Dtdisc_t disc; char *ks, tmp[16]; /* max 7-digit numbers */ /* create a permutation of size N_obj */ for (i = 0; i < N_obj; ++i) Perm[i] = i; #if RANDOM for (i = N_obj; i > 1; --i) { k = ((unsigned int)rand()) % i; t = Perm[k]; Perm[k] = Perm[i - 1]; Perm[i - 1] = t; } #endif /* make key */ for (i = 0; i < N_obj; ++i) sprintf(Key[i], Pat, Perm[i]); disc.key = disc.size = 0; = -1; disc.makef = 0; disc.freef = 0; disc.comparf = 0; disc.hashf = 0; disc.memoryf = 0; disc.eventf = 0; dt = dtopen(&disc, Dtset); /* insert into table */ for (i = 0; i < N_obj; ++i) { dtinsert(dt, Key[i]); if (((i + 1) % 1000) == 0) { if (dtsize(dt) != i + 1) terror("Bad size=%d, should be %d", k, i + 1); for (k = 0; k < 1000; ++k) { sprintf(tmp, Pat, ((unsigned int)rand()) % (i + 1)); if (!(ks = (char *)dtsearch(dt, tmp))) terror("Not finding '%s'", tmp); } } } /* search in order of insertion */ for (Count = 0, i = 0; i < N_obj; ++i) { if (!(ks = (char *)dtsearch(dt, Key[i]))) terror("Not finding '%s'", Key[i]); if (strcmp(ks, Key[i]) == 0) Count += 1; } if (Count != N_obj) terror("Count=%d but should be %d", Count, N_obj); /* search in a random order */ for (Count = 0, i = 0; i < N_obj; ++i) { sprintf(tmp, Pat, ((unsigned int)rand()) % N_obj); if (!(ks = (char *)dtsearch(dt, tmp))) terror("Not finding '%s'", Key[i]); if (strcmp(ks, tmp) == 0) Count += 1; } if (Count != N_obj) terror("Count=%d but should be %d", Count, N_obj); /* search in increasing order */ for (Count = 0, i = 0; i < N_obj; ++i) { sprintf(tmp, Pat, i); if (!(ks = (char *)dtsearch(dt, tmp))) terror("Not finding '%s'", tmp); if (strcmp(ks, tmp) == 0) Count += 1; } if (Count != N_obj) terror("Count=%d but should be %d", Count, N_obj); texit(0); }
static int load (char *id, char *file) { EMnode_t n, *np, *nmem; EMedge_t e, *ep, *emem; EMrec_t *rp, **rsp; int *rnp, *rmp; Sfio_t *fp; char *line, *s1, *s2, *s3, *s4, *s5, *s6, *s7; if (!(fp = sfopen (NULL, file, "r"))) { SUwarning (0, "load", "cannot open embed info file"); return 0; } while ((line = sfgetr (fp, '\n', 1))) { np = NULL; ep = NULL; if (!(s1 = strchr (line, '|'))) { SUwarning (0, "load", "bad line(1): %s", line); continue; } *s1++ = 0; if (line[0] == 'N' || line[0] == 'n') { if (!(s2 = strchr (s1, '|')) || !(s3 = strchr (s2 + 1, '|'))) { SUwarning (0, "load", "bad line(2): %s", s1); continue; } *s2++ = 0, *s3++ = 0; memset (&n, 0, sizeof (EMnode_t)); strcpy (n.level, s1); strcpy (, s2); if (!(np = dtsearch (nodedict, &n))) { if (!(nmem = vmalloc (Vmheap, sizeof (EMnode_t)))) { SUwarning (0, "load", "cannot allocate nmem"); return -1; } memset (nmem, 0, sizeof (EMnode_t)); strcpy (nmem->level, s1); strcpy (nmem->id, s2); if (!(np = dtinsert (nodedict, nmem))) { SUwarning (0, "load", "cannot insert node"); vmfree (Vmheap, nmem); return -1; } } s1 = s3; rsp = &np->recs, rnp = &np->recn, rmp = &np->recm; } else if (line[0] == 'E' || line[0] == 'e') { if (!(s2 = strchr (s1, '|')) || !(s3 = strchr (s2 + 1, '|'))) { SUwarning (0, "load", "bad line(3): %s", s1); continue; } *s2++ = *s3++ = 0; if (!(s4 = strchr (s3, '|')) || !(s5 = strchr (s4 + 1, '|'))) { SUwarning (0, "load", "bad line(4): %s", s3); continue; } *s4++ = 0, *s5++ = 0; memset (&e, 0, sizeof (EMedge_t)); strcpy (e.level1, s1); strcpy (e.id1, s2); strcpy (e.level2, s3); strcpy (e.id2, s4); if (!(ep = dtsearch (edgedict, &e))) { if (!(emem = vmalloc (Vmheap, sizeof (EMedge_t)))) { SUwarning (0, "load", "cannot allocate emem"); return -1; } memset (emem, 0, sizeof (EMedge_t)); strcpy (emem->level1, s1); strcpy (emem->id1, s2); strcpy (emem->level2, s3); strcpy (emem->id2, s4); if (!(ep = dtinsert (edgedict, emem))) { SUwarning (0, "load", "cannot insert edge"); vmfree (Vmheap, emem); return -1; } } s1 = s5; rsp = &ep->recs, rnp = &ep->recn, rmp = &ep->recm; } if (!(s2 = strchr (s1, '|'))) { SUwarning (0, "load", "bad line(5): %s", s1); continue; } *s2++ = 0; if (*rmp >= *rnp) { if (!(*rsp = vmresize ( Vmheap, *rsp, (*rnp + 5) * sizeof (EMrec_t), VM_RSCOPY ))) { SUwarning (0, "load", "cannot grow recs array"); return -1; } *rnp += 5; } rp = &(*rsp)[*rmp], (*rmp)++; if (!(rp->id = vmstrdup (Vmheap, id))) { SUwarning (0, "load", "cannot copy id"); return -1; } if (s1[0] == 'I' || s1[0] == 'i') { if (!(s3 = strchr (s2, '|'))) { SUwarning (0, "load", "bad line(6): %s", s2); continue; } if (!(s4 = strchr (s3 + 1, '|')) || !(s5 = strchr (s4 + 1, '|'))) { SUwarning (0, "load", "bad line(7): %s", s3); continue; } if (!(s6 = strchr (s5 + 1, '|')) || !(s7 = strchr (s6 + 1, '|'))) { SUwarning (0, "load", "bad line(8): %s", s5); continue; } *s3++ = *s4++ = *s5++ = *s6++ = *s7++ = 0; rp->type = EM_TYPE_I; if (!(rp->u.i.file = vmstrdup (Vmheap, s2))) { SUwarning (0, "load", "cannot copy file"); return -1; } rp->u.i.x1 = atoi (s3), rp->u.i.y1 = atoi (s4); rp->u.i.x2 = atoi (s5), rp->u.i.y2 = atoi (s6); } else if (s1[0] == 'S' || s1[0] == 's') { if (!(s3 = strchr (s2, '|'))) { SUwarning (0, "load", "bad line(9): %s", s2); continue; } if (!(s4 = strchr (s3 + 1, '|')) || !(s5 = strchr (s4 + 1, '|'))) { SUwarning (0, "load", "bad line(10): %s", s3); continue; } if (!(s6 = strchr (s5 + 1, '|')) || !(s7 = strchr (s6 + 1, '|'))) { SUwarning (0, "load", "bad line(11): %s", s5); continue; } *s3++ = *s4++ = *s5++ = *s6++ = *s7++ = 0; rp->type = EM_TYPE_S; if ( !(rp->u.s.fn = vmstrdup (Vmheap, s2)) || !(rp->u.s.fs = vmstrdup (Vmheap, s3)) || !(rp->u.s.flcl = vmstrdup (Vmheap, s4)) || !(rp->u.s.lncl = vmstrdup (Vmheap, s5)) || !(rp->u.s.fncl = vmstrdup (Vmheap, s6)) ) { SUwarning (0, "load", "cannot copy style"); return -1; } } if (!(rp->im = vmstrdup (Vmheap, s7))) { SUwarning (0, "load", "cannot copy image map"); return -1; } } sfclose (fp); return 0; }
IMPLLed_t *IMPLLinserted (IMPLLnd_t *ndp1, IMPLLnd_t *ndp2, char *attrstr) { IMPLLed_t ed, *edp, *edmem; UTattr_t *ap; EMbb_t bb; ed.ndp1 = ndp1; ed.ndp2 = ndp2; if ((edp = dtsearch (eddict, &ed))) return edp; if (!(edmem = vmalloc (Vmheap, sizeof (IMPLLed_t)))) { SUwarning (0, "IMPLLinserted", "cannot allocate edmem"); return NULL; } memset (edmem, 0, sizeof (IMPLLed_t)); edmem->ndp1 = ndp1, edmem->ndp2 = ndp2; if ((edp = dtinsert (eddict, edmem)) != edmem) { SUwarning (0, "IMPLLinserted", "cannot insert ed"); vmfree (Vmheap, edmem); return NULL; } if (UTsplitattr (UT_ATTRGROUP_EDGE, attrstr) == -1) { SUwarning (0, "IMPLLinserted", "cannot parse attrstr"); return NULL; } if (UTgetattrs (UT_ATTRGROUP_EDGE) == -1) { SUwarning (0, "IMPLLinserted", "cannot get edge attr"); return NULL; } ap = &UTattrgroups[UT_ATTRGROUP_EDGE][UT_ATTR_LABEL]; if ( ap->value && strcmp (ap->name, "label") == 0 && strncmp (ap->value, "EMBED:", 6) == 0 ) { if (EMparseedge ( ndp1->level, ndp1->id, ndp2->level, ndp2->id, ap->value + 6, EM_DIR_V, &edp->opi, &edp->opn, &bb ) == -1) { SUwarning (0, "IMPLLinserted", "cannot parse edge EM contents"); return NULL; } } ap = &UTattrgroups[UT_ATTRGROUP_EDGE][UT_ATTR_LINEWIDTH]; edp->lw = (ap->value && ap->value[0]) ? atoi (ap->value) : 1; ap = &UTattrgroups[UT_ATTRGROUP_EDGE][UT_ATTR_COLOR]; if (!(edp->cl = vmstrdup ( Vmheap, (ap->value && ap->value[0]) ? ap->value : "black" ))) { SUwarning (0, "IMPLLinserted", "cannot copy edge color"); return NULL; } ap = &UTattrgroups[UT_ATTRGROUP_EDGE][UT_ATTR_FONTNAME]; if (!(edp->fn = vmstrdup ( Vmheap, (ap->value && ap->value[0]) ? ap->value : "abc" ))) { SUwarning (0, "IMPLLinserted", "cannot copy edge font name"); return NULL; } ap = &UTattrgroups[UT_ATTRGROUP_EDGE][UT_ATTR_FONTSIZE]; if (!(edp->fs = vmstrdup ( Vmheap, (ap->value && ap->value[0]) ? ap->value : "10" ))) { SUwarning (0, "IMPLLinserted", "cannot copy edge font size"); return NULL; } ap = &UTattrgroups[UT_ATTRGROUP_EDGE][UT_ATTR_INFO]; if (!(edp->info = vmstrdup ( Vmheap, (ap->value && ap->value[0]) ? ap->value : "" ))) { SUwarning (0, "IMPLLinserted", "cannot copy edge info"); return NULL; } return edp; }
tmain() { Dt_t* dt; /* testing Dtlist */ if(!(dt = dtopen(&Disc,Dtlist)) ) terror("dtopen list"); if((long)dtinsert(dt,1L) != 1) terror("Dtlist insert 1"); if((long)dtappend(dt,2L) != 2) terror("Dtlist append 2"); if((long)dtappend(dt,3L) != 3) terror("Dtlist append 3"); if((long)dtappend(dt,1L) != 1) terror("Dtlist append 1"); if((long)dtappend(dt,2L) != 2) terror("Dtlist append 2"); if((long)dtappend(dt,3L) != 3) terror("Dtlist append 3"); if((long)dtlast(dt) != 3) terror("Dtlist dtlast"); if((long)dtprev(dt,3L) != 2) terror("Dtlist dtprev 2"); if((long)dtprev(dt,2L) != 1) terror("Dtlist dtprev 1"); if((long)dtprev(dt,1L) != 3) terror("Dtlist dtprev 3"); if((long)dtprev(dt,3L) != 2) terror("Dtlist dtprev 2"); if((long)dtprev(dt,2L) != 1) terror("Dtlist dtprev 1"); /* search to the first 3 */ if((long)dtfirst(dt) != 1) terror("Dtlist dtfirst 1"); if((long)dtsearch(dt,3L) != 3) terror("Dtlist search 3"); if((long)dtinsert(dt,4L) != 4) terror("Dtlist insert 4"); if((long)dtnext(dt,4L) != 3) terror("Dtlist next 3"); if((long)dtappend(dt,5L) != 5) terror("Dtlist append 5"); if((long)dtfirst(dt) != 1) terror("Dtlist dtfirst 1"); if((long)dtnext(dt,1L) != 2) terror("Dtlist next 2"); if((long)dtnext(dt,2L) != 4) terror("Dtlist next 4"); if((long)dtnext(dt,4L) != 3) terror("Dtlist next 3"); if((long)dtnext(dt,3L) != 5) terror("Dtlist next 5"); if((long)dtnext(dt,5L) != 1) terror("Dtlist next 1"); if((long)dtnext(dt,1L) != 2) terror("Dtlist next 2"); if((long)dtnext(dt,2L) != 3) terror("Dtlist next 3"); texit(0); }
int inPS(PointSet * ps, point pt) { pair p; = pt; return ((dtsearch(ps, &p)) ? 1 : 0); }