コード例 #1
ファイル: cuda.c プロジェクト: logicmoo/yap-6.3
int32_t Cuda_NewFacts(predicate *pe)
    dump_mat( pe->address_host_table, pe->num_rows, pe->num_columns );

#ifdef ROCKIT
    if(cf >= 0)
        facts[cf] = pe;
    facts[cf] = pe;

    return TRUE;
コード例 #2
PRIVATE int order_singletons	/* return new number of singletons */
    Int k,	    /* the number of singletons so far */
    Int head,
    Int tail,
    Int Next [ ],
    Int Xdeg [ ], Int Xperm [ ], const Int Xp [ ], const Int Xi [ ],
    Int Ydeg [ ], Int Yperm [ ], const Int Yp [ ], const Int Yi [ ]
#ifndef NDEBUG
    , char *xname, char *yname, Int nx, Int ny
    Int xpivot, x, y, ypivot, p, p2, deg ;

#ifndef NDEBUG
    Int i, k1 = k ;
    dump_singletons (head, tail, Next, xname, Xdeg, nx) ;
    dump_mat (xname, yname, nx, ny, Xp, Xi, Xdeg, Ydeg) ;
    dump_mat (yname, xname, ny, nx, Yp, Yi, Ydeg, Xdeg) ;

    while (head != EMPTY)
	/* remove the singleton at the head of the queue */
	xpivot = head ;
	DEBUG1 (("------ Order %s singleton: "ID"\n", xname, xpivot)) ;
	head = Next [xpivot] ;
	if (head == EMPTY) tail = EMPTY ;

#ifndef NDEBUG
	if (k % 100 == 0) dump_singletons (head, tail, Next, xname, Xdeg, nx) ;

	ASSERT (Xdeg [xpivot] >= 0) ;
	if (Xdeg [xpivot] != 1)
	    /* This row/column x is empty.  The matrix is singular.
	     * x will be ordered last in Xperm. */
	    DEBUG1 (("empty %s, after singletons removed\n", xname)) ;
	    continue ;

	/* find the ypivot to match with this xpivot */
#ifndef NDEBUG
	/* there can only be one ypivot, since the degree of x is 1 */
	deg = 0 ;
	p2 = Xp [xpivot+1] ;
	for (p = Xp [xpivot] ; p < p2 ; p++)
	    y = Xi [p] ;
	    DEBUG1 (("%s: "ID"\n", yname, y)) ;
	    if (Ydeg [y] >= 0)
		/* this is a live index in this xpivot vector */
		deg++ ;
	ASSERT (deg == 1) ;

	ypivot = EMPTY ;
	p2 = Xp [xpivot+1] ;
	for (p = Xp [xpivot] ; p < p2 ; p++)
	    y = Xi [p] ;
	    DEBUG1 (("%s: "ID"\n", yname, y)) ;
	    if (Ydeg [y] >= 0)
		/* this is a live index in this xpivot vector */
		ypivot = y ;
		break ;

	DEBUG1 (("Pivot %s: "ID"\n", yname, ypivot)) ;
	ASSERT (ypivot != EMPTY) ;
	DEBUG1 (("deg "ID"\n", Ydeg [ypivot])) ;
	ASSERT (Ydeg [ypivot] >= 0) ;

	/* decrement the degrees after removing this singleton */
	DEBUG1 (("p1 "ID"\n", Yp [ypivot])) ;
	DEBUG1 (("p2 "ID"\n", Yp [ypivot+1])) ;
	p2 = Yp [ypivot+1] ;
	for (p = Yp [ypivot] ; p < p2 ; p++)
	    x = Yi [p] ;
	    DEBUG1 (("    %s: "ID" deg: "ID"\n", xname, x, Xdeg [x])) ;
	    if (Xdeg [x] < 0) continue ;
	    ASSERT (Xdeg [x] > 0) ;
	    if (x == xpivot) continue ;
	    deg = --(Xdeg [x]) ;
	    ASSERT (Xdeg [x] >= 0) ;
	    if (deg == 1)
		/* this is a new singleton, put at the end of the queue */
		Next [x] = EMPTY ;
		if (head == EMPTY)
		    head = x ;
		    ASSERT (tail != EMPTY) ;
		    Next [tail] = x ;
		tail = x ;
		DEBUG1 ((" New %s singleton:  "ID"\n", xname, x)) ;
#ifndef NDEBUG
		if (k % 100 == 0)
		    dump_singletons (head, tail, Next, xname, Xdeg, nx) ;

	/* flag the xpivot and ypivot by FLIP'ing the degrees */
	Xdeg [xpivot] = FLIP (1) ;
	Ydeg [ypivot] = FLIP (Ydeg [ypivot]) ;

	/* keep track of the pivot row and column */
	Xperm [k] = xpivot ;
	Yperm [k] = ypivot ;
	k++ ;

#ifndef NDEBUG
	if (k % 1000 == 0)
	    dump_mat (xname, yname, nx, ny, Xp, Xi, Xdeg, Ydeg) ;
	    dump_mat (yname, xname, ny, nx, Yp, Yi, Ydeg, Xdeg) ;

#ifndef NDEBUG
    DEBUGm4 (("%s singletons: k = "ID"\n", xname, k)) ;
    for (i = k1 ; i < k ; i++)
	DEBUG1 (("  %s: "ID" %s: "ID"\n", xname, Xperm [i], yname, Yperm [i])) ;
    ASSERT (k > 0) ;

    return (k) ;
コード例 #3
PRIVATE Int find_user_singletons	/* returns # singletons found */
    /* input, not modified: */
    Int n_row,
    Int n_col,
    const Int Ap [ ],	    /* size n_col+1 */
    const Int Ai [ ],	    /* size nz = Ap [n_col] */
    const Int Quser [ ],    /* size n_col if present */

    /* input, modified on output: */
    Int Cdeg [ ],	    /* size n_col */
    Int Rdeg [ ],	    /* size n_row */

    /* output, not defined on input */
    Int Cperm [ ],	    /* size n_col */
    Int Rperm [ ],	    /* size n_row */
    Int *p_n1r,		    /* # of row singletons */
    Int *p_n1c,		    /* # of col singletons */

    /* workspace, not defined on input or output */
    Int Rp [ ],		    /* size n_row+1 */
    Int Ri [ ],		    /* size nz */
    Int W [ ]		    /* size n_row */
    Int n1, col, row, p, p2, pivcol, pivrow, found, k, n1r, n1c ;

    n1 = 0 ;
    n1r = 0 ;
    n1c = 0 ;
    *p_n1r = 0 ;
    *p_n1c = 0 ;

    /* find singletons in the user column permutation, Quser */
    pivcol = Quser [0] ;
    found = (Cdeg [pivcol] == 1) ;
    DEBUG0 (("Is first col: "ID" a col singleton?: "ID"\n", pivcol, found)) ;
    if (!found)
	/* the first column is not a column singleton, check for a row
	 * singleton in the first column. */
	for (p = Ap [pivcol] ; p < Ap [pivcol+1] ; p++)
	    if (Rdeg [Ai [p]] == 1)
		DEBUG0 (("Row singleton in first col: "ID" row: "ID"\n",
		    pivcol, Ai [p])) ;
		found = TRUE ;
		break ;

    if (!found)
	/* no singletons in the leading part of A (:,Quser) */
	return (0) ;

    /* there is at least one row or column singleton.  Look for more. */
    create_row_form (n_row, n_col, Ap, Ai, Rdeg, Rp, Ri, W) ;

    n1 = 0 ;

    for (k = 0 ; k < n_col ; k++)
	pivcol = Quser [k] ;
	pivrow = EMPTY ;

	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
	/* check if col is a column singleton, or contains a row singleton */
	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

	found = (Cdeg [pivcol] == 1) ;

	if (found)

	    /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
	    /* pivcol is a column singleton */
	    /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */

	    DEBUG0 (("Found a col singleton: k "ID" pivcol "ID"\n", k, pivcol));

	    /* find the pivrow to match with this pivcol */
#ifndef NDEBUG
	    /* there can only be one pivrow, since the degree of pivcol is 1 */
		Int deg = 0 ;
		p2 = Ap [pivcol+1] ;
		for (p = Ap [pivcol] ; p < p2 ; p++)
		    row = Ai [p] ;
		    DEBUG1 (("row: "ID"\n", row)) ;
		    if (Rdeg [row] >= 0)
			/* this is a live index in this column vector */
			deg++ ;
		ASSERT (deg == 1) ;

	    p2 = Ap [pivcol+1] ;
	    for (p = Ap [pivcol] ; p < p2 ; p++)
		row = Ai [p] ;
		DEBUG1 (("row: "ID"\n", row)) ;
		if (Rdeg [row] >= 0)
		    /* this is a live index in this pivcol vector */
		    pivrow = row ;
		    break ;

	    DEBUG1 (("Pivot row: "ID"\n", pivrow)) ;
	    ASSERT (pivrow != EMPTY) ;
	    DEBUG1 (("deg "ID"\n", Rdeg [pivrow])) ;
	    ASSERT (Rdeg [pivrow] >= 0) ;

	    /* decrement the degrees after removing this col singleton */
	    DEBUG1 (("p1 "ID"\n", Rp [pivrow])) ;
	    DEBUG1 (("p2 "ID"\n", Rp [pivrow+1])) ;
	    p2 = Rp [pivrow+1] ;
	    for (p = Rp [pivrow] ; p < p2 ; p++)
		col = Ri [p] ;
		DEBUG1 (("    col: "ID" deg: "ID"\n", col, Cdeg [col])) ;
		if (Cdeg [col] < 0) continue ;
		ASSERT (Cdeg [col] > 0) ;
		Cdeg [col]-- ;
		ASSERT (Cdeg [col] >= 0) ;

	    /* flag the pivcol and pivrow by FLIP'ing the degrees */
	    Cdeg [pivcol] = FLIP (1) ;
	    Rdeg [pivrow] = FLIP (Rdeg [pivrow]) ;
	    n1c++ ;


	    /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
	    /* pivcol may contain a row singleton */
	    /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */

	    p2 = Ap [pivcol+1] ;
	    for (p = Ap [pivcol] ; p < p2 ; p++)
		pivrow = Ai [p] ;
		if (Rdeg [pivrow] == 1)
		    DEBUG0 (("Row singleton in pivcol: "ID" row: "ID"\n",
			pivcol, pivrow)) ;
		    found = TRUE ;
		    break ;

	    if (!found)
		DEBUG0 (("End of user singletons\n")) ;
		break ;

#ifndef NDEBUG
	    /* there can only be one pivrow, since the degree of pivcol is 1 */
		Int deg = 0 ;
		p2 = Rp [pivrow+1] ;
		for (p = Rp [pivrow] ; p < p2 ; p++)
		    col = Ri [p] ;
		    DEBUG1 (("col: "ID" cdeg::: "ID"\n", col, Cdeg [col])) ;
		    if (Cdeg [col] >= 0)
			/* this is a live index in this column vector */
			ASSERT (col == pivcol) ;
			deg++ ;
		ASSERT (deg == 1) ;

	    DEBUG1 (("Pivot row: "ID"\n", pivrow)) ;
	    DEBUG1 (("pivcol deg "ID"\n", Cdeg [pivcol])) ;
	    ASSERT (Cdeg [pivcol] > 1) ;

	    /* decrement the degrees after removing this row singleton */
	    DEBUG1 (("p1 "ID"\n", Ap [pivcol])) ;
	    DEBUG1 (("p2 "ID"\n", Ap [pivcol+1])) ;
	    p2 = Ap [pivcol+1] ;
	    for (p = Ap [pivcol] ; p < p2 ; p++)
		row = Ai [p] ;
		DEBUG1 (("    row: "ID" deg: "ID"\n", row, Rdeg [row])) ;
		if (Rdeg [row] < 0) continue ;
		ASSERT (Rdeg [row] > 0) ;
		Rdeg [row]-- ;
		ASSERT (Rdeg [row] >= 0) ;

	    /* flag the pivcol and pivrow by FLIP'ing the degrees */
	    Cdeg [pivcol] = FLIP (Cdeg [pivcol]) ;
	    Rdeg [pivrow] = FLIP (1) ;
	    n1r++ ;

	/* keep track of the pivot row and column */
	Cperm [k] = pivcol ;
	Rperm [k] = pivrow ;
	n1++ ;

#ifndef NDEBUG
	dump_mat ("col", "row", n_col, n_row, Ap, Ai, Cdeg, Rdeg) ;
	dump_mat ("row", "col", n_row, n_col, Rp, Ri, Rdeg, Cdeg) ;


    DEBUGm4 (("User singletons found: "ID"\n", n1)) ;
    ASSERT (n1 > 0) ;

    *p_n1r = n1r ;
    *p_n1c = n1c ;
    return (n1) ;
コード例 #4
ファイル: levenmar.c プロジェクト: martinhoefling/gromacs
gmx_bool gaussj(real **a, int n, real **b, int m)
  int *indxc,*indxr,*ipiv;
  int i,icol=0,irow=0,j,k,l,ll;
  real big,dum,pivinv;
  for (j=1;j<=n;j++) ipiv[j]=0;
  for (i=1;i<=n;i++) {
    for (j=1;j<=n;j++)
      if (ipiv[j] != 1)
	for (k=1;k<=n;k++) {
	  if (ipiv[k] == 0) {
	    if (fabs(a[j][k]) >= big) {
	  } else if (ipiv[k] > 1) {
	    nrerror("GAUSSJ: Singular Matrix-1", FALSE);
	    return FALSE;
    if (irow != icol) {
      for (l=1;l<=n;l++) SWAP(a[irow][l],a[icol][l])
	for (l=1;l<=m;l++) SWAP(b[irow][l],b[icol][l])
    if (a[icol][icol] == 0.0) {
      fprintf(stderr,"irow = %d, icol = %d\n",irow,icol);
      nrerror("GAUSSJ: Singular Matrix-2", FALSE);
      return FALSE;
    for (l=1;l<=n;l++) a[icol][l] *= pivinv;
    for (l=1;l<=m;l++) b[icol][l] *= pivinv;
    for (ll=1;ll<=n;ll++)
      if (ll != icol) {
	for (l=1;l<=n;l++) a[ll][l] -= a[icol][l]*dum;
	for (l=1;l<=m;l++) b[ll][l] -= b[icol][l]*dum;
  for (l=n;l>=1;l--) {
    if (indxr[l] != indxc[l])
      for (k=1;k<=n;k++)
  return TRUE;