コード例 #1
ファイル: Cities.c プロジェクト: seyko2/cfront-3
main() {

	Citygraph g;
	Cityvertex v[6];

	Map<String,Vptr> m;

	m["SFRAN"] = &v[0];
	v[0].id = "SFRAN";

	m["LA"] = &v[1];
	v[1].id = "LA";

	m["CHGO"] = &v[2];
	v[2].id = "CHGO";

	m["DLLS"] = &v[3];
	v[3].id = "DLLS";

	m["BOST"] = &v[4];
	v[4].id = "BOST";

	m["NYC"] = &v[5];
	v[5].id = "NYC";

	Cityedge e0(m["CHGO"], m["BOST"], 0);
	Cityedge e1(m["SFRAN"], m["LA"], 1);
	Cityedge e2(m["LA"], m["SFRAN"], 2);
	Cityedge e3(m["SFRAN"], m["CHGO"], 3);
	Cityedge e4(m["SFRAN"], m["NYC"], 4);
	Cityedge e5(m["SFRAN"], m["BOST"], 5);
	Cityedge e6(m["BOST"], m["SFRAN"], 6);
	Cityedge e7(m["NYC"], m["SFRAN"], 7);
	Cityedge e8(m["CHGO"], m["SFRAN"], 8);
	Cityedge e9(m["DLLS"], m["NYC"], 9);
	Cityedge e10(m["BOST"], m["LA"], 10);


	Set_of_p<Cityvertex> vpset;

	Citygraph g2 = g.induced_graph(vpset);
		//create the subgraph of these Vertices and appropriate Edges

	// Now let's verify what is in the newly-created subgraph

	for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) 
		cout << v[i].id << ": " << g2.contains(&v[i]) << "\n" << flush;

	cout << "e with id " << e0.id << ": "<< g2.contains(&e0)<< "\n"<< flush;
	cout << "e with id " << e1.id << ": "<< g2.contains(&e1)<< "\n"<< flush;
	cout << "e with id " << e2.id << ": "<< g2.contains(&e2)<< "\n"<< flush;
	cout << "e with id " << e3.id << ": "<< g2.contains(&e3)<< "\n"<< flush;
	cout << "e with id " << e4.id << ": "<< g2.contains(&e4)<< "\n"<< flush;
	cout << "e with id " << e5.id << ": "<< g2.contains(&e5)<< "\n"<< flush;
	cout << "e with id " << e6.id << ": "<< g2.contains(&e6)<< "\n"<< flush;
	cout << "e with id " << e7.id << ": "<< g2.contains(&e7)<< "\n"<< flush;
	cout << "e with id " << e8.id << ": "<< g2.contains(&e8)<< "\n"<< flush;
	cout << "e with id " << e9.id << ": "<< g2.contains(&e9)<< "\n"<< flush;
	cout << "e with id " << e10.id << ": "<< g2.contains(&e10)<< "\n"<< flush;

コード例 #2
ファイル: CQLValue.cpp プロジェクト: deleisha/neopegasus
void drive_operation()

    // Uint64 tests

    CQLValue a1(Uint64(10));
    CQLValue a2(Uint64(15));
    CQLValue a3(Uint64(25));
    CQLValue a4(Uint64(30));
    CQLValue a5(Uint64(150));

    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(a1 != a2);
    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(a5 == a5);
    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(a2 >= a1);
    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(a1 <= a2);

    // Sint64 tests

    CQLValue b1(Sint64(10));
    CQLValue b2(Sint64(15));
    CQLValue b3(Sint64(25));
    CQLValue b4(Sint64(30));
    CQLValue b5(Sint64(150));

    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(b1 != b2);
    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(b5 == b5);
    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(b2 >= b1);
    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(b1 <= b2);

    // Real64 tests

    CQLValue c1(Real64(10.00));
    CQLValue c2(Real64(15.00));
    CQLValue c3(Real64(25.00));
    CQLValue c4(Real64(30.00));
    CQLValue c5(Real64(150.00));

    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(c1 != c2);
    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(c5 == c5);
    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(c2 >= c1);
    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(c1 <= c2);

    // Misc
    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(a1 == b1);
    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(a1 == c1);
    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(b1 == a1);
    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(b1 == c1);
    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(c1 == a1);
    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(c1 == b1);

    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(a2 != b1);
    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(a2 != c1);
    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(b2 != a1);
    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(b2 != c1);
    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(c2 != a1);
    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(c2 != b1);

    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(a2 >= b1);
    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(a2 >= c1);
    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(b2 >= a1);
    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(b2 >= c1);
    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(c2 >= a1);
    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(c2 >= b1);

    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(a2 <= b3);
    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(a2 <= c3);
    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(b2 <= a3);
    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(b2 <= c3);
    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(c2 <= a3);
    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(c2 <= b3);



    //Overflow testing
    CQLValue real1(Real64(0.00000001));
    CQLValue sint1(Sint64(-1));
    CQLValue uint1(Sint64(1));
    CQLValue uint2(Uint64(0));

    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(uint1 > sint1);
    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(real1 > sint1);
    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(uint2 > sint1);
    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(real1 > uint2);

    CQLValue real2(Real64(25.00000000000001));
    CQLValue real3(Real64(24.99999999999999));
    CQLValue sint2(Sint64(25));
    CQLValue uint3(Uint64(25));

    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(real2 > real3);
    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(real2 > sint2);
    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(real2 > uint3);
    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(real3 < sint2);
    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(real3 < uint3);

    // String tests

    CQLValue d1(String("HELLO"));
    CQLValue d2(String("HEL"));
    CQLValue d3(String("LO"));
    CQLValue d4(String("AHELLO"));
    CQLValue d5(String("ZHELLO"));

    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(d1 == d2 + d3);
    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(d1 != d2 + d4);

    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(d1 <= d5);
    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(d1 <  d5);

    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(d1 >= d4);
    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(d1 >  d4);

    String str1("0x10");
    String str2("10");
    String str3("10B");
    String str4("10.10");

    CQLValue e1( str1, CQLValue::Hex);
    CQLValue e2( str2, CQLValue::Decimal);
    CQLValue e3( str3, CQLValue::Binary);
    CQLValue e4( str4, CQLValue::Real);

    CQLValue e5(Uint64(16));
    CQLValue e6(Uint64(10));
    CQLValue e7(Uint64(2));
    CQLValue e8(Real64(10.10));

    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(e1 == e5);
    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(e2 == e6);
    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(e3 == e7);
    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(e4 == e8);

    Array<Uint64> array1;


    Array<Sint64> array2;


    Array<Real64> array3;


    Array<Uint64> array4;


    Array<Sint64> array5;


    Array<Real64> array6;


    CIMValue cv1(array1);
    CIMValue cv2(array2);
    CIMValue cv3(array3);
    CIMValue cv4(array4);
    CIMValue cv5(array5);
    CIMValue cv6(array6);

    CQLValue vr1(cv1);
    CQLValue vr2(cv1);
    CQLValue vr3(cv2);
    CQLValue vr4(cv3);
    CQLValue vr5(cv4);
    CQLValue vr6(cv5);
    CQLValue vr7(cv6);

    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(vr1 == vr2);
    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(vr1 == vr3);
    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(vr1 == vr4);
    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(vr4 == vr3);

    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(vr1 != vr5);
    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(vr3 != vr6);
    PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(vr4 != vr7);

    const CIMName _cimName(String("CIM_OperatingSystem"));

    CIMInstance _i1(_cimName);
    CIMProperty _p1(CIMName("Description"),CIMValue(String("Dave Rules")));
    CIMProperty _p2(CIMName("EnabledState"),CIMValue(Uint16(2)));
    CIMProperty _p3(CIMName("CurrentTimeZone"),CIMValue(Sint16(-600)));
    CIMProperty _p4(CIMName("TimeOfLastStateChange"),


    CIMInstance _i2(_cimName);
    CIMProperty _p5(CIMName("Description"),
                    CIMValue(String("Dave Rules Everything")));
    CIMProperty _p6(CIMName("EnabledState"),CIMValue(Uint16(2)));
    CIMProperty _p7(CIMName("CurrentTimeZone"),CIMValue(Sint16(-600)));
    CIMProperty _p8(CIMName("TimeOfLastStateChange"),


    CQLValue cql1(_i1);
    CQLValue cql2(_i1);
    CQLValue cql3(_i2);
    CQLValue cql4(_i2);

    //PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(cql1 == cql1);

コード例 #3
ファイル: date.t.cpp プロジェクト: JensErat/task
int main (int argc, char** argv)
  UnitTest t (211);

  // Ensure environment has no influence.
  unsetenv ("TASKDATA");
  unsetenv ("TASKRC");

    Date now;
    Date yesterday;
    yesterday -= 86400;
    Date tomorrow;
    tomorrow += 86400;

    t.ok    (yesterday <= now,       "yesterday <= now");
    t.ok    (yesterday <  now,       "yesterday < now");
    t.notok (yesterday == now,       "!(yesterday == now)");
    t.ok    (yesterday != now,       "yesterday != now");
    t.ok    (now       >= yesterday, "now >= yesterday");
    t.ok    (now       >  yesterday, "now > yesterday");

    t.ok    (tomorrow >= now,        "tomorrow >= now");
    t.ok    (tomorrow >  now,        "tomorrow > now");
    t.notok (tomorrow == now,        "!(tomorrow == now)");
    t.ok    (tomorrow != now,        "tomorrow != now");
    t.ok    (now      <= tomorrow,   "now <= tomorrow");
    t.ok    (now      <  tomorrow,   "now < tomorrow");

    // Date::Date ("now")
    context.config.set ("weekstart", "monday");
    Date relative_now ("now");
    t.ok (relative_now.sameHour (now),  "Date ().sameHour (Date (now))");
    t.ok (relative_now.sameDay (now),   "Date ().sameDay (Date (now))");
    t.ok (relative_now.sameWeek (now),  "Date ().sameWeek (Date (now))");
    t.ok (relative_now.sameMonth (now), "Date ().sameMonth (Date (now))");
    t.ok (relative_now.sameYear (now),  "Date ().sameYear (Date (now))");

    // Loose comparisons.
    Date left ("7/4/2008");
    Date comp1 ("7/4/2008");
    t.ok (left.sameDay   (comp1), "7/4/2008 is on the same day as 7/4/2008");
    t.ok (left.sameWeek  (comp1), "7/4/2008 is on the same week as 7/4/2008");
    t.ok (left.sameMonth (comp1), "7/4/2008 is in the same month as 7/4/2008");
    t.ok (left.sameYear  (comp1), "7/4/2008 is in the same year as 7/4/2008");

    Date comp2 ("7/5/2008");
    t.notok (left.sameDay   (comp2), "7/4/2008 is not on the same day as 7/5/2008");
    t.ok    (left.sameMonth (comp2), "7/4/2008 is in the same month as 7/5/2008");
    t.ok    (left.sameYear  (comp2), "7/4/2008 is in the same year as 7/5/2008");

    Date comp3 ("8/4/2008");
    t.notok (left.sameDay   (comp3), "7/4/2008 is not on the same day as 8/4/2008");
    t.notok (left.sameWeek  (comp3), "7/4/2008 is not on the same week as 8/4/2008");
    t.notok (left.sameMonth (comp3), "7/4/2008 is not in the same month as 8/4/2008");
    t.ok    (left.sameYear  (comp3), "7/4/2008 is in the same year as 8/4/2008");

    Date comp4 ("7/4/2009");
    t.notok (left.sameDay   (comp4), "7/4/2008 is not on the same day as 7/4/2009");
    t.notok (left.sameWeek  (comp3), "7/4/2008 is not on the same week as 7/4/2009");
    t.notok (left.sameMonth (comp4), "7/4/2008 is not in the same month as 7/4/2009");
    t.notok (left.sameYear  (comp4), "7/4/2008 is not in the same year as 7/4/2009");

    // Validity.
    t.ok    (Date::valid (2, 29, 2008), "valid: 2/29/2008");
    t.notok (Date::valid (2, 29, 2007), "invalid: 2/29/2007");

    t.ok    (Date::valid ("2/29/2008"), "valid: 2/29/2008");
    t.notok (Date::valid ("2/29/2007"), "invalid: 2/29/2007");

    t.ok    (Date::valid (366, 2008), "valid: 366 days in 2008");
    t.notok (Date::valid (366, 2007), "invalid: 366 days in 2007");

    // Time validity.
    t.ok    (Date::valid (2, 28, 2010,  0,  0,  0), "valid 2/28/2010 0:00:00");
    t.ok    (Date::valid (2, 28, 2010, 23, 59, 59), "valid 2/28/2010 23:59:59");
    t.notok (Date::valid (2, 28, 2010, 24, 59, 59), "valid 2/28/2010 24:59:59");
    t.notok (Date::valid (2, 28, 2010, -1,  0,  0), "valid 2/28/2010 -1:00:00");

    // Leap year.
    t.ok    (Date::leapYear (2008), "2008 is a leap year");
    t.notok (Date::leapYear (2007), "2007 is not a leap year");
    t.ok    (Date::leapYear (2000), "2000 is a leap year");
    t.notok (Date::leapYear (1900), "1900 is not a leap year");

    // Days in month.
    t.is (Date::daysInMonth (2, 2008), 29, "29 days in February 2008");
    t.is (Date::daysInMonth (2, 2007), 28, "28 days in February 2007");

    // Names.
    t.is (Date::monthName (1), "January",   "1 = January");
    t.is (Date::monthName (2), "February",  "2 = February");
    t.is (Date::monthName (3), "March",     "3 = March");
    t.is (Date::monthName (4), "April",     "4 = April");
    t.is (Date::monthName (5), "May",       "5 = May");
    t.is (Date::monthName (6), "June",      "6 = June");
    t.is (Date::monthName (7), "July",      "7 = July");
    t.is (Date::monthName (8), "August",    "8 = August");
    t.is (Date::monthName (9), "September", "9 = September");
    t.is (Date::monthName (10), "October",  "10 = October");
    t.is (Date::monthName (11), "November", "11 = November");
    t.is (Date::monthName (12), "December", "12 = December");

    t.is (Date::dayName (0), "Sunday",    "0 == Sunday");
    t.is (Date::dayName (1), "Monday",    "1 == Monday");
    t.is (Date::dayName (2), "Tuesday",   "2 == Tuesday");
    t.is (Date::dayName (3), "Wednesday", "3 == Wednesday");
    t.is (Date::dayName (4), "Thursday",  "4 == Thursday");
    t.is (Date::dayName (5), "Friday",    "5 == Friday");
    t.is (Date::dayName (6), "Saturday",  "6 == Saturday");

    t.is (Date::dayOfWeek ("SUNDAY"),    0, "SUNDAY == 0");
    t.is (Date::dayOfWeek ("sunday"),    0, "sunday == 0");
    t.is (Date::dayOfWeek ("Sunday"),    0, "Sunday == 0");
    t.is (Date::dayOfWeek ("Monday"),    1, "Monday == 1");
    t.is (Date::dayOfWeek ("Tuesday"),   2, "Tuesday == 2");
    t.is (Date::dayOfWeek ("Wednesday"), 3, "Wednesday == 3");
    t.is (Date::dayOfWeek ("Thursday"),  4, "Thursday == 4");
    t.is (Date::dayOfWeek ("Friday"),    5, "Friday == 5");
    t.is (Date::dayOfWeek ("Saturday"),  6, "Saturday == 6");

    Date happyNewYear (1, 1, 2008);
    t.is (happyNewYear.dayOfWeek (), 2, "1/1/2008 == Tuesday");
    t.is (happyNewYear.month (),     1, "1/1/2008 == January");
    t.is (happyNewYear.day (),       1, "1/1/2008 == 1");
    t.is (happyNewYear.year (),   2008, "1/1/2008 == 2008");

    t.is (happyNewYear.toString (), "1/1/2008", "toString 1/1/2008");

    int m, d, y;
    happyNewYear.toMDY (m, d, y);
    t.is (m, 1, "1/1/2008 == January");
    t.is (d, 1, "1/1/2008 == 1");
    t.is (y, 2008, "1/1/2008 == 2008");

    Date epoch (9, 8, 2001);
    t.ok ((int)epoch.toEpoch () < 1000000000, "9/8/2001 < 1,000,000,000");
    epoch += 172800;
    t.ok ((int)epoch.toEpoch () > 1000000000, "9/10/2001 > 1,000,000,000");

    Date fromEpoch (epoch.toEpoch ());
    t.is (fromEpoch.toString (), epoch.toString (), "ctor (time_t)");

    Date iso (1000000000);
    t.is (iso.toISO (), "20010909T014640Z", "1,000,000,000 -> 20010909T014640Z");

    // Quantization.
    Date quant (1234526400);
    t.is (quant.startOfDay ().toString ("YMDHNS"),   "20090213000000", "1234526400 -> 2/13/2009 12:00:00 UTC -> 2/13/2009 0:00:00");
    t.is (quant.startOfWeek ().toString ("YMDHNS"),  "20090208000000", "1234526400 -> 2/13/2009 12:00:00 UTC -> 2/8/2009 0:00:00");
    t.is (quant.startOfMonth ().toString ("YMDHNS"), "20090201000000", "1234526400 -> 2/13/2009 12:00:00 UTC -> 2/1/2009 0:00:00");
    t.is (quant.startOfYear ().toString ("YMDHNS"),  "20090101000000", "1234526400 -> 2/13/2009 12:00:00 UTC -> 1/1/2009 0:00:00");

    // Date parsing.
    Date fromString1 ("1/1/2008");
    t.is (fromString1.month (),   1, "ctor (std::string) -> m");
    t.is (fromString1.day (),     1, "ctor (std::string) -> d");
    t.is (fromString1.year (), 2008, "ctor (std::string) -> y");

    Date fromString2 ("1/1/2008", "m/d/Y");
    t.is (fromString2.month (),   1, "ctor (std::string) -> m");
    t.is (fromString2.day (),     1, "ctor (std::string) -> d");
    t.is (fromString2.year (), 2008, "ctor (std::string) -> y");

    Date fromString3 ("20080101", "YMD");
    t.is (fromString3.month (),   1, "ctor (std::string) -> m");
    t.is (fromString3.day (),     1, "ctor (std::string) -> d");
    t.is (fromString3.year (), 2008, "ctor (std::string) -> y");

    Date fromString4 ("12/31/2007");
    t.is (fromString4.month (),  12, "ctor (std::string) -> m");
    t.is (fromString4.day (),    31, "ctor (std::string) -> d");
    t.is (fromString4.year (), 2007, "ctor (std::string) -> y");

    Date fromString5 ("12/31/2007", "m/d/Y");
    t.is (fromString5.month (),  12, "ctor (std::string) -> m");
    t.is (fromString5.day (),    31, "ctor (std::string) -> d");
    t.is (fromString5.year (), 2007, "ctor (std::string) -> y");

    Date fromString6 ("20071231", "YMD");
    t.is (fromString6.month (),  12, "ctor (std::string) -> m");
    t.is (fromString6.day (),    31, "ctor (std::string) -> d");
    t.is (fromString6.year (), 2007, "ctor (std::string) -> y");

    Date fromString7 ("01/01/2008", "m/d/Y");
    t.is (fromString7.month (),   1, "ctor (std::string) -> m");
    t.is (fromString7.day (),     1, "ctor (std::string) -> d");
    t.is (fromString7.year (), 2008, "ctor (std::string) -> y");

    Date fromString8 ("Tue 05 Feb 2008 (06)", "a D b Y (V)");
    t.is (fromString8.month (),   2, "ctor (std::string) -> m");
    t.is (fromString8.day (),     5, "ctor (std::string) -> d");
    t.is (fromString8.year (), 2008, "ctor (std::string) -> y");

    Date fromString9 ("Tuesday, February 5, 2008", "A, B d, Y");
    t.is (fromString9.month (),   2, "ctor (std::string) -> m");
    t.is (fromString9.day (),     5, "ctor (std::string) -> d");
    t.is (fromString9.year (), 2008, "ctor (std::string) -> y");

    Date fromString10 ("w01 Tue 2008-01-01", "wV a Y-M-D");
    t.is (fromString10.month (),   1, "ctor (std::string) -> m");
    t.is (fromString10.day (),     1, "ctor (std::string) -> d");
    t.is (fromString10.year (), 2008, "ctor (std::string) -> y");

    Date fromString11 ("6/7/2010 1:23:45",  "m/d/Y h:N:S");
    t.is (fromString11.month (),     6, "ctor (std::string) -> m");
    t.is (fromString11.day (),       7, "ctor (std::string) -> d");
    t.is (fromString11.year (),   2010, "ctor (std::string) -> Y");
    t.is (fromString11.hour (),      1, "ctor (std::string) -> h");
    t.is (fromString11.minute (),   23, "ctor (std::string) -> N");
    t.is (fromString11.second (),   45, "ctor (std::string) -> S");

    Date fromString12 ("6/7/2010 01:23:45", "m/d/Y H:N:S");
    t.is (fromString12.month (),     6, "ctor (std::string) -> m");
    t.is (fromString12.day (),       7, "ctor (std::string) -> d");
    t.is (fromString12.year (),   2010, "ctor (std::string) -> Y");
    t.is (fromString12.hour (),      1, "ctor (std::string) -> h");
    t.is (fromString12.minute (),   23, "ctor (std::string) -> N");
    t.is (fromString12.second (),   45, "ctor (std::string) -> S");

    Date fromString13 ("6/7/2010 12:34:56", "m/d/Y H:N:S");
    t.is (fromString13.month (),     6, "ctor (std::string) -> m");
    t.is (fromString13.day (),       7, "ctor (std::string) -> d");
    t.is (fromString13.year (),   2010, "ctor (std::string) -> Y");
    t.is (fromString13.hour (),     12, "ctor (std::string) -> h");
    t.is (fromString13.minute (),   34, "ctor (std::string) -> N");
    t.is (fromString13.second (),   56, "ctor (std::string) -> S");

    // Day of year
    t.is (Date ("1/1/2011",   "m/d/Y").dayOfYear (),   1, "dayOfYear (1/1/2011)   ->   1");
    t.is (Date ("5/1/2011",   "m/d/Y").dayOfYear (), 121, "dayOfYear (5/1/2011)   -> 121");
    t.is (Date ("12/31/2011", "m/d/Y").dayOfYear (), 365, "dayOfYear (12/31/2011) -> 365");

    // Easter
    Date e1 (Date::easter(1980));
    t.is (e1.toString (), "4/6/1980", "Easter 4/6/1980");
    Date e2 (Date::easter(1995));
    t.is (e2.toString (), "4/16/1995", "Easter 4/16/1995");
    Date e3 (Date::easter(2000));
    t.is (e3.toString (), "4/23/2000", "Easter 4/23/2000");
    Date e4 (Date::easter(2009));
    t.is (e4.toString (), "4/12/2009", "Easter 4/12/2009");
    Date e5 (Date::easter(2010));
    t.is (e5.toString (), "4/4/2010", "Easter 4/4/2010");
    Date e6 (Date::easter(2011));
    t.is (e6.toString (), "4/24/2011", "Easter 4/24/2011");
    Date e7 (Date::easter(2012));
    t.is (e7.toString (), "4/8/2012", "Easter 4/8/2012");
    Date e8 (Date::easter(2020));
    t.is (e8.toString (), "4/12/2020", "Easter 4/12/2020");

    // Relative dates.
    Date r1 ("today");
    t.ok (r1.sameDay (now), "today = now");

    Date r4 ("sunday");
    if (now.dayOfWeek () >= 0)
      t.ok (r4.sameDay (now + (0 - now.dayOfWeek () + 7) * 86400), "next sunday");
      t.ok (r4.sameDay (now + (0 - now.dayOfWeek ()) * 86400), "next sunday");;

    Date r5 ("monday");
    if (now.dayOfWeek () >= 1)
      t.ok (r5.sameDay (now + (1 - now.dayOfWeek () + 7) * 86400), "next monday");
      t.ok (r5.sameDay (now + (1 - now.dayOfWeek ()) * 86400), "next monday");;

    Date r6 ("tuesday");
    if (now.dayOfWeek () >= 2)
      t.ok (r6.sameDay (now + (2 - now.dayOfWeek () + 7) * 86400), "next tuesday");
      t.ok (r6.sameDay (now + (2 - now.dayOfWeek ()) * 86400), "next tuesday");;

    Date r7 ("wednesday");
    if (now.dayOfWeek () >= 3)
      t.ok (r7.sameDay (now + (3 - now.dayOfWeek () + 7) * 86400), "next wednesday");
      t.ok (r7.sameDay (now + (3 - now.dayOfWeek ()) * 86400), "next wednesday");;

    Date r8 ("thursday");
    if (now.dayOfWeek () >= 4)
      t.ok (r8.sameDay (now + (4 - now.dayOfWeek () + 7) * 86400), "next thursday");
      t.ok (r8.sameDay (now + (4 - now.dayOfWeek ()) * 86400), "next thursday");;

    Date r9 ("friday");
    if (now.dayOfWeek () >= 5)
      t.ok (r9.sameDay (now + (5 - now.dayOfWeek () + 7) * 86400), "next friday");
      t.ok (r9.sameDay (now + (5 - now.dayOfWeek ()) * 86400), "next friday");;

    Date r10 ("saturday");
    if (now.dayOfWeek () >= 6)
      t.ok (r10.sameDay (now + (6 - now.dayOfWeek () + 7) * 86400), "next saturday");
      t.ok (r10.sameDay (now + (6 - now.dayOfWeek ()) * 86400), "next saturday");;

    Date r11 ("eow");
    t.ok (r11 < now + (8 * 86400), "eow < 7 days away");

    Date r12 ("eocw");
    t.ok (r12 > now - (8 * 86400), "eocw < 7 days in the past");

    Date r13 ("eom");
    t.ok (r13.sameMonth (now), "eom in same month as now");

    Date r14 ("eocm");
    t.ok (r14.sameMonth (now), "eocm in same month as now");

    Date r15 ("eoy");
    t.ok (r15.sameYear (now), "eoy in same year as now");

    Date r16 ("sow");
    t.ok (r16 < now + (8 * 86400), "sow < 7 days away");

    Date r23 ("socw");
    t.ok (r23 > now - (8 * 86400), "sow < 7 days in the past");

    Date r17 ("som");
    t.notok (r17.sameMonth (now), "som not in same month as now");

    Date r18 ("socm");
    t.ok (r18.sameMonth (now), "socm in same month as now");

    Date r19 ("soy");
    t.notok (r19.sameYear (now), "soy not in same year as now");

    Date first ("1st");
    t.notok (first.sameMonth (now), "1st not in same month as now");
    t.is (first.day (),   1, "1st day is 1");

    Date later ("later");
    t.is (later.month (),   1, "later -> m = 1");
    t.is (later.day (),    18, "later -> d = 18");
    t.is (later.year (), 2038, "later -> y = 2038");

    // Quarters
    Date soq ("soq");
    Date eoq ("eoq");
    t.is (soq.day (),  1,      "soq is the first day of a month");
    t.is (eoq.day () / 10,  3, "eoq is the 30th or 31th of a month");
    t.is (soq.month () % 3, 1, "soq month is 1, 4, 7 or 10");
    t.is (eoq.month () % 3, 0, "eoq month is 3, 6, 9 or 12");

    // Note: these fail during the night of daylight savings end.
    t.ok (soq.sameYear (now) ||
          (now.month () >= 10 &&
           soq.year () == now.year () + 1), "soq is in same year as now");
    t.ok (eoq.sameYear (now),  "eoq is in same year as now");

    // Date::sameHour
    Date r20 ("6/7/2010 01:00:00", "m/d/Y H:N:S");
    Date r21 ("6/7/2010 01:59:59", "m/d/Y H:N:S");
    t.ok (r20.sameHour (r21), "two dates within the same hour");

    Date r22 ("6/7/2010 00:59:59", "m/d/Y H:N:S");
    t.notok (r20.sameHour (r22), "two dates not within the same hour");

    // Date::operator-
    Date r25 (1234567890);
    t.is ((r25 - 1).toEpoch (), 1234567889, "1234567890 - 1 = 1234567889");

    // Date::operator--
    Date r26 (11, 7, 2010, 23, 59, 59);
    t.is (r26.toString ("YMDHNS"), "20101106235959", "decrement across fall DST boundary");

    Date r27 (3, 14, 2010, 23, 59, 59);
    t.is (r27.toString ("YMDHNS"), "20100313235959", "decrement across spring DST boundary");

    // Date::operator++
    Date r28 (11, 6, 2010, 23, 59, 59);
    t.is (r28.toString ("YMDHNS"), "20101107235959", "increment across fall DST boundary");

    Date r29 (3, 13, 2010, 23, 59, 59);
    t.is (r29.toString ("YMDHNS"), "20100314235959", "increment across spring DST boundary");

    // int Date::length (const std::string&);
    t.is (Date::length ("m"), 2,  "length 'm' --> 2");
    t.is (Date::length ("M"), 2,  "length 'M' --> 2");
    t.is (Date::length ("d"), 2,  "length 'd' --> 2");
    t.is (Date::length ("D"), 2,  "length 'D' --> 2");
    t.is (Date::length ("y"), 2,  "length 'y' --> 2");
    t.is (Date::length ("Y"), 4,  "length 'Y' --> 4");
    t.is (Date::length ("a"), 3,  "length 'a' --> 3");
    t.is (Date::length ("A"), 10, "length 'A' --> 10");
    t.is (Date::length ("b"), 3,  "length 'b' --> 3");
    t.is (Date::length ("B"), 10, "length 'B' --> 10");
    t.is (Date::length ("v"), 2,  "length 'v' --> 2");
    t.is (Date::length ("V"), 2,  "length 'V' --> 2");
    t.is (Date::length ("h"), 2,  "length 'h' --> 2");
    t.is (Date::length ("H"), 2,  "length 'H' --> 2");
    t.is (Date::length ("n"), 2,  "length 'n' --> 2");
    t.is (Date::length ("N"), 2,  "length 'N' --> 2");
    t.is (Date::length ("s"), 2,  "length 's' --> 2");
    t.is (Date::length ("S"), 2,  "length 'S' --> 2");
    t.is (Date::length ("j"), 3,  "length 'j' --> 3");
    t.is (Date::length ("J"), 3,  "length 'J' --> 3");

    t.is (Date::length (" "), 1, "length ' ' --> 1");

    // Depletion requirement.
    Date r30 ("Mon Jun 30 2014", "a b D Y", false, false);
    t.is (r30.toString ("YMDHNS"), "20140630000000", "Depletion required on complex format with spaces");

    std::string::size_type i = 0;
    Date r31 ("Mon Jun 30 2014 xxx", i, "a b D Y", false, false);
    t.is (r31.toString ("YMDHNS"), "20140630000000", "Depletion not required on complex format with spaces");
    t.is ((int)i, 15,                                "Depletion not required on complex format with spaces, 15 chars");

  catch (const std::string& e)
    t.fail ("Exception thrown.");
    t.diag (e);

  return 0;
コード例 #4
int main()
    tQ4 a4( 1.1 );
    tQ4 b4( 1 );
    tQ12 a12( 3.3 );
    tQ12 b12( 3 );
    tQ18 a18;
    double ad;
    double bd;
    tQ8 a8( -2.3 );
    tQ8 b8( 2 );
    tQ8 c8( Q8CONST( -2,3 ) );
    tQ8 d8( a8 );
    tQ8 e8( a4 );
//  tQ8 f8( a12 );      // Warning: left shift count is negative
    tQ8 g8( a12.roundedTo< tQ8 >() );
    tQ8 h8( a12.roundedTo< 8 >() );
//  a8 = a4.roundedTo( h8 );  //Warning: left/right shift is negative
    a8 = 1;
    a8 = -2;
    a8 = 3;
    a8 = Q8CONST( 3,001 );
    a8 = tQ8( 3.001 );
    a8 = tQ8::truncated( 3.001 );
    a8 = tQ8::rounded( 3.001 );
    a8.setTruncated( 3.2 );
    a8.setRounded( 3.3 );
    a8 = tQ8( 123, 8 );
    a8 = tQ8::create( 123 << 8 );
    a8 = a4;
    a8 = a8;
//  a8 = a12;          // Warning: left shift count is negative
    a8 = a12.roundedTo< tQ8 >();
    a8 = a12.roundedTo( a8 );
    a8.setRounded( a12 );
    a8 = -a4;
    a8 = -a8;

    a8 += 3;
    a8 += 4u;
    a8 += 5l;
    a8 += 6lu;
    a8 += tQ8( 3.2 );
    a8 += truncatedTo( a8, 3.3 );
    a8 += roundedTo( a8, 3.4 );
    a8 += a4;
//  a8 += a12;          // Warning: left shift count is negative
    a8 += a12.roundedTo< tQ8 >();
    a8 += a12.roundedTo( a8 );
    a8 = a8 + 2;
    a8 = 3 + a8;
    a8 = a8 + a4;
//  a8 = a4 + a8;       // Warning: left shift count is negative
    a8 -= 3;
    a8 -= 4u;
    a8 -= 5l;
    a8 -= 6lu;
    a8 -= roundedTo< tQ8::cQBits >( 3.2 );
    a8 -= roundedTo( a8, 3.3 );
    a8 -= a4;
//  a8 -= a12;          // Warning: left shift count is negative
    a8 -= a12.roundedTo< tQ8 >();
    a8 -= a12.roundedTo( a8 );
    a8 = a8 - 2;
    a8 = 3 - a8;
    a8 = a8 - a4;
//  a8 = a4 - a8;       // Warning: left shift count is negative
    a8 *= 3;
    a8 *= 4u;
    a8 *= 5l;
    a8 *= 6lu;
//  a8 *= 3.2;          // Warning: converting to int from double
    a8 *= a4;
    a8 *= a12;
    a8 = a8 * 2;
    a8 = 3 * a8;
    a12 = a8 * a4;
    a12 = a4 * a8;
    a8 /= 3;
    a8 /= 4u;
    a8 /= 5l;
    a8 /= 6lu;
//  a8 /= 3.2;          // Warning: converting to int from double
    a8 /= a4;           // Note: possible overflow due to pre-shifting "(a8 << 4) / a4"
//  a8 /= a12;          // Warning: left shift count is negative
    a8 = a8.increasedBy( a12 ) / a12;
    a8 = a8 / 2;
//  a8 = 3 / a8;        // Error: no match for 'operator/'
    a8 = tQ16( 3 ) / a8;
    a12 = a8 / a4;
    a12 = a4 / a8;
    a8 == 3;
    a8 == 4u;
    a8 == 5l;
    a8 == 6lu;
    a8 == tQ8( 3.2 );
    a8 == truncatedTo( a8, 3.3 );
    a8 == roundedTo( a8, 3.4 );
    a8 == a4;
//  a8 == a12;          // Warning: left shift count is negative
    a8 == a12.roundedTo< tQ8 >();
    a8 == a12.roundedTo( a8 );
    3 == a8;
    int(4u) == a8;
    int(5l) == a8;
    int(6lu) == a8;
    a8 < 3;
    a8 < 4u;
    a8 < 5l;
    a8 < 6lu;
    a8 < tQ8( 3.2 );
    a8 < a4;
//  a8 < a12;          // Warning: left shift count is negative
    3 < a8;
    int(4u) < a8;
    int(5l) < a8;
    int(6lu) < a8;
    a8 > 3;
    a8 > 4u;
    a8 > 5l;
    a8 > 6lu;
    a8 > tQ8( 3.2 );
    a8 > a4;
//  a8 > a12;          // Warning: left shift count is negative
    3 > a8;
    int(4u) > a8;
    int(5l) > a8;
    int(6lu) > a8;
    int intPart = a8.intPart();
    int fracPart = a8.fracPart();
    int fracPlaces = a8.fracPlaces( 3 );
    unsigned abs = a8.absolute();

    ad = a8.toDouble();
    a8 = ad;
//  a8.set( ad );    // Warning: conversion from int to double, possible loss of data
    a8.setRounded( ad );
    a8 = truncatedTo( a8, ad );
    a8 = truncatedTo<8>( ad );
    a8 = truncatedTo<tQ8>( ad );
//  tBigQ36 aB36( 123567890 );     // Error: ambiguous
    tBigQ36 aB36( 123567890ll );
    tBigQ36 bB36( a8 );
    aB36 = tBigQ18( a18 ) * a18;
コード例 #5
ファイル: ldmacho.c プロジェクト: Ahmah2009/golang
static int
unpackcmd(uchar *p, MachoObj *m, MachoCmd *c, uint type, uint sz)
	uint32 (*e4)(uchar*);
	uint64 (*e8)(uchar*);
	MachoSect *s;
	int i;

	e4 = m->e->e32;
	e8 = m->e->e64;

	c->type = type;
	c->size = sz;
		return -1;
	case MachoCmdSegment:
		if(sz < 56)
			return -1;
		strecpy(c->seg.name, c->seg.name+sizeof c->seg.name, (char*)p+8);
		c->seg.vmaddr = e4(p+24);
		c->seg.vmsize = e4(p+28);
		c->seg.fileoff = e4(p+32);
		c->seg.filesz = e4(p+36);
		c->seg.maxprot = e4(p+40);
		c->seg.initprot = e4(p+44);
		c->seg.nsect = e4(p+48);
		c->seg.flags = e4(p+52);
		c->seg.sect = mal(c->seg.nsect * sizeof c->seg.sect[0]);
		if(sz < 56+c->seg.nsect*68)
			return -1;
		p += 56;
		for(i=0; i<c->seg.nsect; i++) {
			s = &c->seg.sect[i];
			strecpy(s->name, s->name+sizeof s->name, (char*)p+0);
			strecpy(s->segname, s->segname+sizeof s->segname, (char*)p+16);
			s->addr = e4(p+32);
			s->size = e4(p+36);
			s->off = e4(p+40);
			s->align = e4(p+44);
			s->reloff = e4(p+48);
			s->nreloc = e4(p+52);
			s->flags = e4(p+56);
			s->res1 = e4(p+60);
			s->res2 = e4(p+64);
			p += 68;
	case MachoCmdSegment64:
		if(sz < 72)
			return -1;
		strecpy(c->seg.name, c->seg.name+sizeof c->seg.name, (char*)p+8);
		c->seg.vmaddr = e8(p+24);
		c->seg.vmsize = e8(p+32);
		c->seg.fileoff = e8(p+40);
		c->seg.filesz = e8(p+48);
		c->seg.maxprot = e4(p+56);
		c->seg.initprot = e4(p+60);
		c->seg.nsect = e4(p+64);
		c->seg.flags = e4(p+68);
		c->seg.sect = mal(c->seg.nsect * sizeof c->seg.sect[0]);
		if(sz < 72+c->seg.nsect*80)
			return -1;
		p += 72;
		for(i=0; i<c->seg.nsect; i++) {
			s = &c->seg.sect[i];
			strecpy(s->name, s->name+sizeof s->name, (char*)p+0);
			strecpy(s->segname, s->segname+sizeof s->segname, (char*)p+16);
			s->addr = e8(p+32);
			s->size = e8(p+40);
			s->off = e4(p+48);
			s->align = e4(p+52);
			s->reloff = e4(p+56);
			s->nreloc = e4(p+60);
			s->flags = e4(p+64);
			s->res1 = e4(p+68);
			s->res2 = e4(p+72);
			// p+76 is reserved
			p += 80;
	case MachoCmdSymtab:
		if(sz < 24)
			return -1;
		c->sym.symoff = e4(p+8);
		c->sym.nsym = e4(p+12);
		c->sym.stroff = e4(p+16);
		c->sym.strsize = e4(p+20);
	case MachoCmdDysymtab:
		if(sz < 80)
			return -1;
		c->dsym.ilocalsym = e4(p+8);
		c->dsym.nlocalsym = e4(p+12);
		c->dsym.iextdefsym = e4(p+16);
		c->dsym.nextdefsym = e4(p+20);
		c->dsym.iundefsym = e4(p+24);
		c->dsym.nundefsym = e4(p+28);
		c->dsym.tocoff = e4(p+32);
		c->dsym.ntoc = e4(p+36);
		c->dsym.modtaboff = e4(p+40);
		c->dsym.nmodtab = e4(p+44);
		c->dsym.extrefsymoff = e4(p+48);
		c->dsym.nextrefsyms = e4(p+52);
		c->dsym.indirectsymoff = e4(p+56);
		c->dsym.nindirectsyms = e4(p+60);
		c->dsym.extreloff = e4(p+64);
		c->dsym.nextrel = e4(p+68);
		c->dsym.locreloff = e4(p+72);
		c->dsym.nlocrel = e4(p+76);
	return 0;
コード例 #6
ファイル: test.cpp プロジェクト: bvakili-evault/janssonxx
int json_cpp_tests() {
	json::Value e1(json::load_file("test.json"));
	json::Value e2(e1);
	json::Value e3;
	json::Value e4(json::load_string("{\"foo\": true, \"bar\": \"test\"}"));

	ASSERT_TRUE(e1.is_object(), "e1 is not an object");
	ASSERT_TRUE(e2.is_object(), "e2 is not an object");
	ASSERT_TRUE(e3.is_undefined(), "e3 has a defined value");
	ASSERT_TRUE(e4.is_object(), "e4 is not an object");

	ASSERT_EQ(e1.size(), 1, "e1 has too many properties");
	ASSERT_EQ(e2.size(), 1, "e2 has too many properties");
	ASSERT_EQ(e4.size(), 2, "e4 does not have 2 elements");

	ASSERT_TRUE(e1.get("web-app").is_object(), "e1[0].web-app is not an object");
	ASSERT_EQ(e1.get("web-app").get("servlet").at(0).get("servlet-class").as_string(), "org.cofax.cds.CDSServlet", "property has incorrect value");
	ASSERT_EQ(e1["web-app"]["servlet"][0]["servlet-class"].as_string(), "org.cofax.cds.CDSServlet", "property has incorrect value");

	ASSERT_EQ(e4["foo"].as_boolean(), true, "property has incorrect value");

	// verify iterator results (note that they can be returned in any order)
	json::Iterator i(e1.get("web-app"));
	std::set<std::string> iteratorResults;
	for ( int ii = 0; ii < 3; ++ii ) {
		ASSERT_FALSE(i.key().empty(), "iterator returned a null value");
	ASSERT_FALSE(i.valid(), "iterator has more values than expected");
	ASSERT_EQ(iteratorResults.size(), 3, "iterator did not return enough values");

	json::Value e5(json::Value(12.34));
	ASSERT_TRUE(e5.is_number(), "e5 is not a number after assignment");
	ASSERT_EQ(e5.as_real(), 12.34, "e5 has incorrect value after assignment");

	json::Value e6(json::Value(true));
	ASSERT_TRUE(e6.is_boolean(), "e6 is not a boolean after assignment");
	ASSERT_EQ(e6.as_boolean(), true, "e6 has incorrect value after assignment");

	json::Value e7(json::Value("foobar"));
	ASSERT_TRUE(e7.is_string(), "e7 is not a string after assignment");
	ASSERT_EQ(e7.as_string(), "foobar", "e7 has incorrect value after assignment");

	json::Value e8(json::object());
	ASSERT_TRUE(e8.is_object(), "e8 is not an object after assignment");

	json::Value e9(json::null());
	ASSERT_TRUE(e9.is_null(), "e9 is not null after assignment");

	json::Value e10(json::array());
	ASSERT_TRUE(e10.is_array(), "e10 is not an array after index assignment");

	e10.set_at(0, json::Value("foobar"));
	ASSERT_EQ(e10.size(), 1, "e10 has incorrect number of elements after assignment");
	ASSERT_EQ(e10[0].as_string(), "foobar", "e10[0] has incorrect value after assignment");

	e10.set_at(1, json::Value("foobar"));
	ASSERT_TRUE(e10.is_array(), "e10 is not an array after index assignment");
	ASSERT_EQ(e10.size(), 2, "e10 has incorrect number of elements after assignment");
	ASSERT_EQ(e10[1].as_string(), "foobar", "e10[0] has incorrect value after assignment");

	e10.set_at(0, json::Value("barfoo"));
	ASSERT_TRUE(e10.is_array(), "e10 is not an array after index assignment");
	ASSERT_EQ(e10.size(), 2, "e10 has incorrect number of elements after assignment");
	ASSERT_EQ(e10[0].as_string(), "barfoo", "e10[0] has incorrect value after assignment");

	e10.set_at(100, json::null());
	ASSERT_TRUE(e10.is_array(), "e10 is not an array after index assignment");
	ASSERT_EQ(e10.size(), 2, "e10 has incorrect number of elements after assignment");

	e10.insert_at(1, json::Value("new"));
	ASSERT_EQ(e10.size(), 3, "e10 has incorrect size after insert");
	ASSERT_EQ(e10[1].as_string(), "new", "e10[1] has incorrect value after insert");
	ASSERT_EQ(e10[2].as_string(), "foobar", "e10[2] has incorrect value after insert");

	ASSERT_EQ(e10.size(), 2, "e10 has incorrect size after delete");
	ASSERT_EQ(e10[1].as_string(), "foobar", "e10[1] has incorrect value after delete");

	ASSERT_EQ(e10.size(), 0, "e10 has incorrect number of elements after clear");

	json::Value e11(json::object());
	ASSERT_TRUE(e11.is_object(), "e11 is not an object after property assignment");

	e11.set_key("foo", json::Value("test"));
	ASSERT_EQ(e11.size(), 1, "e11 has incorrect number of properties after assignment");
	ASSERT_EQ(e11["foo"].as_string(), "test", "e11.foo has incorrect value after assignment");

	e11.set_key("foo", json::Value("again"));
	ASSERT_TRUE(e11.is_object(), "e11 is not an object after property assignment");
	ASSERT_EQ(e11.size(), 1, "e11 has incorrect number of properties after assignment");
	ASSERT_EQ(e11["foo"].as_string(), "again", "e11.foo has incorrect value after assignment");

	e11.set_key("bar", json::Value("test"));
	ASSERT_TRUE(e11.is_object(), "e11 is not an object after property assignment");
	ASSERT_EQ(e11.size(), 2, "e11 has incorrect number of properties after assignment");
	ASSERT_EQ(e11["bar"].as_string(), "test", "e11.foo has incorrect value after assignment");

	ASSERT_EQ(e11.size(), 0, "e11 has incorrect number of properties after clear");

	json::Value e12(json::object());
	e12.set_key("foo", json::Value("test"));
	e12.set_key("bar", json::Value(3));
	char* out_cstr = e12.save_string(JSON_COMPACT);
	std::string out(out_cstr);
	ASSERT_EQ(out, "{\"bar\":3,\"foo\":\"test\"}", "object did not serialize as expected");

	std::istringstream instr(out);
	instr >> e12;
	ASSERT_TRUE(e12.is_object(), "e12 is not an object after stream read");
	ASSERT_EQ(e12.size(), 2, "e12 has wrong size after stream read");
	ASSERT_EQ(e12.get("bar").as_integer(), 3, "e12.bar has incorrect value after stream read");
	ASSERT_EQ(e12.get("foo").as_string(), "test", "ee12.test has incorrect value after stream read");

	std::ostringstream outstr;
	outstr << e12;
	ASSERT_EQ(instr.str(), "{\"bar\":3,\"foo\":\"test\"}", "object did not serialize as expected");

	const json::Value e13(e12);
	ASSERT_EQ(e13["bar"].as_integer(), 3, "e13.bar has incorrect value after copy");

	json::Value e14(json::object());
	ASSERT_TRUE(e14.is_object(), "e14 is not an object after construction");
	e14.set_key("foo", json::object());
	ASSERT_TRUE(e14["foo"].is_object(), "e14.foo is not an object after assignment");
	e14["foo"]["bar"] = json::Value(42);
	ASSERT_EQ(e14["foo"]["bar"].as_integer(), 42, "e14.foo.bar has incorrect value after assignment");

	json::Value e15(json::array());
	ASSERT_TRUE(e15.is_array(), "e15 is not an array after construction");
	e15.set_at(0, json::Value(42));
	ASSERT_EQ(e15[0].as_integer(), 42, "e15[0] has incorrect value after assignment");
	e15[0] = json::Value("foo");
	ASSERT_EQ(e15[0].as_string(), "foo", "e15[0] has incorrecy value after assignment");
	return 0;