コード例 #1
ファイル: monster.cpp プロジェクト: calref/cboe
void cTownperson::import_legacy(legacy::creature_start_type old){
	number = old.number;
	start_attitude = eAttitude(old.start_attitude);
	start_loc.x = old.start_loc.x;
	start_loc.y = old.start_loc.y;
	mobility = old.mobile;
	switch(old.time_flag) {
		case 0: time_flag = eMonstTime::ALWAYS; break;
		case 1: time_flag = eMonstTime::APPEAR_ON_DAY; break;
		case 2: time_flag = eMonstTime::DISAPPEAR_ON_DAY; break;
		case 4: time_flag = eMonstTime::SOMETIMES_A; break;
		case 5: time_flag = eMonstTime::SOMETIMES_B; break;
		case 6: time_flag = eMonstTime::SOMETIMES_C; break;
		case 7: time_flag = eMonstTime::APPEAR_WHEN_EVENT; break;
		case 8: time_flag = eMonstTime::DISAPPEAR_WHEN_EVENT; break;
	spec1 = old.spec1;
	spec2 = old.spec2;
	spec_enc_code = old.spec_enc_code;
	time_code = old.time_code;
	monster_time = old.monster_time;
	personality = old.personality;
	special_on_kill = old.special_on_kill;
	facial_pic = old.facial_pic;
	if(facial_pic == 0)
		facial_pic = NO_PIC;
	else facial_pic--;
コード例 #2
ファイル: creature.cpp プロジェクト: kizzie/cboe
void cCreature::append(legacy::creature_data_type old){
	active = old.active;
	attitude = eAttitude(old.attitude);
	number = old.number;
	cur_loc.x = old.m_loc.x;
	cur_loc.y = old.m_loc.y;
	mobility = old.mobile;
	summon_time = old.summoned;
	if(summon_time >= 100) {
		party_summoned = false;
		summon_time -= 100;
	} else party_summoned = true;
	number = old.monst_start.number;
	start_attitude = eAttitude(old.monst_start.start_attitude);
	start_loc.x = old.monst_start.start_loc.x;
	start_loc.y = old.monst_start.start_loc.y;
	mobility = old.monst_start.mobile;
	switch(old.monst_start.time_flag) {
		case 0: time_flag = eMonstTime::ALWAYS; break;
		case 1: time_flag = eMonstTime::APPEAR_ON_DAY; break;
		case 2: time_flag = eMonstTime::DISAPPEAR_ON_DAY; break;
		case 4: time_flag = eMonstTime::SOMETIMES_A; break;
		case 5: time_flag = eMonstTime::SOMETIMES_B; break;
		case 6: time_flag = eMonstTime::SOMETIMES_C; break;
		case 7: time_flag = eMonstTime::APPEAR_WHEN_EVENT; break;
		case 8: time_flag = eMonstTime::DISAPPEAR_WHEN_EVENT; break;
	spec1 = old.monst_start.spec1;
	spec2 = old.monst_start.spec2;
	spec_enc_code = old.monst_start.spec_enc_code;
	time_code = old.monst_start.time_code;
	monster_time = old.monst_start.monster_time;
	personality = old.monst_start.personality;
	special_on_kill = old.monst_start.special_on_kill;
	facial_pic = old.monst_start.facial_pic;
	health = old.m_d.health;
	mp = old.m_d.mp;
	max_mp = old.m_d.max_mp;
	ap = old.m_d.ap;
	morale = old.m_d.morale;
	m_morale = old.m_d.m_morale;
	for(int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
		status[(eStatus) i] = old.m_d.status[i];
	direction = eDirection(old.m_d.direction);
コード例 #3
ファイル: creature.cpp プロジェクト: kizzie/cboe
// For charm, amount is the resulting attitude of the charmed monster; if 0, attitude is 2.
void cCreature::sleep(eStatus which_status,int amount,int penalty) {
	if(which_status != eStatus::CHARM && amount < 0) {
		status[which_status] -= amount;
		if(which_status != eStatus::ASLEEP)
			status[which_status] = max(0, status[which_status]);
	if((which_status == eStatus::ASLEEP) &&
	   (m_type == eRace::UNDEAD || m_type == eRace::SKELETAL || m_type == eRace::SLIME ||
		m_type == eRace::STONE || m_type == eRace::PLANT))
	short r1 = get_ran(1,1,100);
	if(magic_res > 0) {
		r1 *= 100;
		r1 /= magic_res;
	} else r1 = 200;
	r1 += penalty;
	if(which_status == eStatus::FORCECAGE && (mu > 0 || cl > 0))
		r1 += 5;
	if(which_status == eStatus::ASLEEP)
		r1 -= 25;
	if(which_status == eStatus::PARALYZED)
		r1 -= 15;
	if(which_status == eStatus::ASLEEP && abil[eMonstAbil::FIELD].active && abil[eMonstAbil::FIELD].gen.fld == eFieldType::CLOUD_SLEEP)
	if(r1 > charm_odds[level / 2]) {
	else {
		if(which_status == eStatus::CHARM) {
			if(amount <= 0 || amount > 3) amount = 2;
			attitude = eAttitude(amount);
		} else if(which_status == eStatus::FORCECAGE) {
			status[eStatus::FORCECAGE] = amount;
		} else {
			status[which_status] = amount;
			if(which_status == eStatus::ASLEEP && (amount >= 0))
			if(which_status == eStatus::PARALYZED && (amount >= 0))
			if(amount < 0)
コード例 #4
ファイル: monster.cpp プロジェクト: calref/cboe
void cMonster::import_legacy(legacy::monster_record_type& old){
	level = old.level;
	m_name = std::string((char*) old.m_name, 26);
	m_name.erase(m_name.begin() + m_name.find_first_of('\0'), m_name.end());
	m_health = old.m_health;
	armor = old.armor;
	skill = old.skill;
	for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		a[i].dice = old.a[i] / 100;
		a[i].sides = old.a[i] % 100;
	a[0].type = eMonstMelee(old.a1_type);
	a[1].type = a[2].type = eMonstMelee(old.a23_type);
	// Unless human, add 3 to the monster's type to get its race
	// This is because nephil, slith, and vahnatai were inserted
	if(old.m_type) m_type = eRace(old.m_type + 3);
	else m_type = eRace::HUMAN;
	speed = old.speed;
	mu = old.mu;
	cl = old.cl;
	treasure = old.treasure;
	invisible = mindless = invuln = guard = false;
	switch(old.spec_skill) {
		case 1: addAbil(eMonstAbilTemplate::THROWS_DARTS); break;
		case 2: addAbil(eMonstAbilTemplate::SHOOTS_ARROWS); break;
		case 3: addAbil(eMonstAbilTemplate::THROWS_SPEARS); break;
		case 4: addAbil(eMonstAbilTemplate::THROWS_ROCKS1); break;
		case 5: addAbil(eMonstAbilTemplate::THROWS_ROCKS2); break;
		case 6: addAbil(eMonstAbilTemplate::THROWS_ROCKS3); break;
		case 7: addAbil(eMonstAbilTemplate::THROWS_RAZORDISKS); break;
		case 8: addAbil(eMonstAbilTemplate::RAY_PETRIFY); break;
		case 9: addAbil(eMonstAbilTemplate::RAY_SP_DRAIN); break;
		case 10: addAbil(eMonstAbilTemplate::RAY_HEAT); break;
		case 11: invisible = true; break;
		case 12: addAbil(eMonstAbilTemplate::SPLITS); break;
		case 13: mindless = true; break;
		case 14: addAbil(eMonstAbilTemplate::BREATH_FOUL); break;
		case 15: addAbil(eMonstAbilTemplate::TOUCH_ICY); break;
		case 17: addAbil(eMonstAbilTemplate::TOUCH_ICY_DRAINING); break;
		case 16: addAbil(eMonstAbilTemplate::TOUCH_XP_DRAIN); break;
		case 18: addAbil(eMonstAbilTemplate::TOUCH_STUN); break;
		case 19: addAbil(eMonstAbilTemplate::SHOOTS_WEB); break;
		case 20: addAbil(eMonstAbilTemplate::GOOD_ARCHER); break;
		case 21: addAbil(eMonstAbilTemplate::TOUCH_STEAL_FOOD); break;
		case 22: addAbil(eMonstAbilTemplate::MARTYRS_SHIELD); break;
		case 23: addAbil(eMonstAbilTemplate::RAY_PARALYSIS); break;
		case 24: addAbil(eMonstAbilTemplate::TOUCH_DUMB); break;
		case 25: addAbil(eMonstAbilTemplate::TOUCH_DISEASE); break;
		case 26: addAbil(eMonstAbilTemplate::ABSORB_SPELLS); break;
		case 27: addAbil(eMonstAbilTemplate::TOUCH_WEB); break;
		case 28: addAbil(eMonstAbilTemplate::TOUCH_SLEEP); break;
		case 29: addAbil(eMonstAbilTemplate::TOUCH_PARALYSIS); break;
		case 30: addAbil(eMonstAbilTemplate::TOUCH_PETRIFY); break;
		case 31: addAbil(eMonstAbilTemplate::TOUCH_ACID); break;
		case 32: addAbil(eMonstAbilTemplate::BREATH_SLEEP); break;
		case 33: addAbil(eMonstAbilTemplate::SPIT_ACID); break;
		case 34: addAbil(eMonstAbilTemplate::SHOOTS_SPINES); break;
		case 35: addAbil(eMonstAbilTemplate::TOUCH_DEATH); break;
		case 36: invuln = true; break;
		case 37: guard = true; break;
	switch(old.radiate_1) {
		case 1: addAbil(eMonstAbilTemplate::RADIATE_FIRE, old.radiate_2); break;
		case 2: addAbil(eMonstAbilTemplate::RADIATE_ICE, old.radiate_2); break;
		case 3: addAbil(eMonstAbilTemplate::RADIATE_SHOCK, old.radiate_2); break;
		case 4: addAbil(eMonstAbilTemplate::RADIATE_ANTIMAGIC, old.radiate_2); break;
		case 5: addAbil(eMonstAbilTemplate::RADIATE_SLEEP, old.radiate_2); break;
		case 6: addAbil(eMonstAbilTemplate::RADIATE_STINK, old.radiate_2); break;
		case 10: addAbil(eMonstAbilTemplate::SUMMON_5, old.radiate_2); break;
		case 11: addAbil(eMonstAbilTemplate::SUMMON_20, old.radiate_2); break;
		case 12: addAbil(eMonstAbilTemplate::SUMMON_50, old.radiate_2); break;
		case 15: addAbil(eMonstAbilTemplate::DEATH_TRIGGERS, old.radiate_2); break;
	if(old.poison > 0) addAbil(eMonstAbilTemplate::TOUCH_POISON, old.poison);
	if(old.breath > 0) {
		switch(old.breath_type) {
			case 0: addAbil(eMonstAbilTemplate::BREATH_FIRE, old.breath); break;
			case 1: addAbil(eMonstAbilTemplate::BREATH_FROST, old.breath); break;
			case 2: addAbil(eMonstAbilTemplate::BREATH_ELECTRICITY, old.breath); break;
			case 3: addAbil(eMonstAbilTemplate::BREATH_DARKNESS, old.breath); break;
	corpse_item = old.corpse_item;
	corpse_item_chance = old.corpse_item_chance;
	if(old.immunities & 2)
		resist[eDamageType::MAGIC] = 0;
	else if(old.immunities & 1)
		resist[eDamageType::MAGIC] = 50;
	else resist[eDamageType::MAGIC] = 100;
	if(old.immunities & 8)
		resist[eDamageType::FIRE] = 0;
	else if(old.immunities & 4)
		resist[eDamageType::FIRE] = 50;
	else resist[eDamageType::FIRE] = 100;
	if(old.immunities & 32)
		resist[eDamageType::COLD] = 0;
	else if(old.immunities & 16)
		resist[eDamageType::COLD] = 50;
	else resist[eDamageType::COLD] = 100;
	if(old.immunities & 128)
		resist[eDamageType::POISON] = 0;
	else if(old.immunities & 64)
		resist[eDamageType::POISON] = 50;
	else resist[eDamageType::POISON] = 100;
	x_width = old.x_width;
	y_width = old.y_width;
	default_attitude = eAttitude(old.default_attitude);
	summon_type = old.summon_type;
	default_facial_pic = old.default_facial_pic;
	if(default_facial_pic == 0)
		default_facial_pic = NO_PIC;
	else default_facial_pic--;
	picture_num = old.picture_num;
	if(picture_num == 122) picture_num = 119;
	see_spec = -1;