bool platformInitialize() override { if (!eina_init()) return false; if (!ecore_init()) { // Could not init ecore. eina_shutdown(); return false; } #ifdef HAVE_ECORE_X XSetExtensionErrorHandler(dummyExtensionErrorHandler); if (!ecore_x_init(0)) { // Could not init ecore_x. // PlatformScreenEfl and systemBeep() functions // depend on ecore_x functionality. ecore_shutdown(); eina_shutdown(); return false; } #endif if (!ecore_evas_init()) { #ifdef HAVE_ECORE_X ecore_x_shutdown(); #endif ecore_shutdown(); eina_shutdown(); return false; } if (!edje_init()) { ecore_evas_shutdown(); #ifdef HAVE_ECORE_X ecore_x_shutdown(); #endif ecore_shutdown(); eina_shutdown(); return false; } if (!ecore_main_loop_glib_integrate()) return false; SoupNetworkSession::defaultSession().setupHTTPProxyFromEnvironment(); return true; }
void EDisplayClose(void) { if (!disp) return; #ifdef USE_ECORE_X ecore_x_shutdown(); #else XCloseDisplay(disp); #endif XSetErrorHandler(NULL); XSetIOErrorHandler(NULL); disp = NULL; }
void platformFinalize() override { if (SoupCache* soupCache = SoupNetworkSession::defaultSession().cache()) { soup_cache_flush(soupCache); soup_cache_dump(soupCache); } edje_shutdown(); ecore_evas_shutdown(); #ifdef HAVE_ECORE_X ecore_x_shutdown(); #endif ecore_shutdown(); eina_shutdown(); }
void ecore_imf_xim_shutdown(void) { #ifdef ENABLE_XIM while (open_ims) { XIM_Im_Info *info = open_ims->data; Ecore_X_Display *display = ecore_x_display_get(); xim_info_display_closed(display, EINA_FALSE, info); } #endif ecore_x_shutdown(); eina_shutdown(); }
int ewk_shutdown(void) { if (--_ewkInitCount) return _ewkInitCount; #ifdef HAVE_ECORE_X ecore_x_shutdown(); #endif ecore_evas_shutdown(); ecore_shutdown(); evas_shutdown(); eina_log_domain_unregister(_ewk_log_dom); _ewk_log_dom = -1; eina_shutdown(); return 0; }
int EwkMain::finalize() { if (--m_initCount) return m_initCount; edje_shutdown(); #ifdef HAVE_ECORE_X ecore_x_shutdown(); #endif efreet_shutdown(); ecore_imf_shutdown(); ecore_evas_shutdown(); ecore_shutdown(); evas_shutdown(); eina_log_domain_unregister(m_logDomainId); m_logDomainId = -1; eina_shutdown(); return 0; }
END_TEST START_TEST(ecore_test_ecore_x_bell) { int i; int ret; ret = ecore_x_init(NULL); fail_if(ret != 1); printf("You should hear 3 beeps now.\n"); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { ret = ecore_x_bell(0); fail_if(ret != EINA_TRUE); ecore_x_sync(); sleep(1); } ecore_x_shutdown(); }
static void _ecore_imf_xim_shutdown(void) { while (open_ims) { XIM_Im_Info *info = open_ims->data; Ecore_X_Display *display = ecore_x_display_get(); _ecore_imf_xim_info_im_shutdown(display, EINA_FALSE, info); } ecore_x_shutdown(); if (_ecore_imf_xim_log_dom > 0) { eina_log_domain_unregister(_ecore_imf_xim_log_dom); _ecore_imf_xim_log_dom = -1; } eina_shutdown(); }
void EwkMain::shutdownInitializedEFLModules(EFLModuleInitFailure module) { switch (module) { case EFLModuleInitFailure::Edje: #ifdef HAVE_ECORE_X ecore_x_shutdown(); #endif case EFLModuleInitFailure::EcoreX: efreet_shutdown(); case EFLModuleInitFailure::Efreet: ecore_imf_shutdown(); case EFLModuleInitFailure::EcoreImf: ecore_evas_shutdown(); case EFLModuleInitFailure::EcoreEvas: ecore_shutdown(); case EFLModuleInitFailure::Ecore: evas_shutdown(); case EFLModuleInitFailure::Evas: eina_log_domain_unregister(m_logDomainId); m_logDomainId = -1; case EFLModuleInitFailure::EinaLog: eina_shutdown(); } }
int ewk_init(void) { if (_ewkInitCount) return ++_ewkInitCount; if (!eina_init()) goto error_eina; _ewk_log_dom = eina_log_domain_register("ewebkit2", EINA_COLOR_ORANGE); if (_ewk_log_dom < 0) { EINA_LOG_CRIT("could not register log domain 'ewebkit2'"); goto error_log_domain; } if (!evas_init()) { CRITICAL("could not init evas."); goto error_evas; } if (!ecore_init()) { CRITICAL("could not init ecore."); goto error_ecore; } if (!ecore_evas_init()) { CRITICAL("could not init ecore_evas."); goto error_ecore_evas; } if (!ecore_imf_init()) { CRITICAL("could not init ecore_imf."); goto error_ecore_imf; } if (!efreet_init()) { CRITICAL("could not init efreet."); goto error_efreet; } #ifdef HAVE_ECORE_X if (!ecore_x_init(0)) { CRITICAL("could not init ecore_x."); goto error_ecore_x; } #endif if (!edje_init()) { CRITICAL("Could not init edje."); goto error_edje; } if (!ecore_main_loop_glib_integrate()) { WARN("Ecore was not compiled with GLib support, some plugins will not " "work (ie: Adobe Flash)"); } return ++_ewkInitCount; error_edje: #ifdef HAVE_ECORE_X ecore_x_shutdown(); error_ecore_x: #else efreet_shutdown(); #endif error_efreet: ecore_imf_shutdown(); error_ecore_imf: ecore_evas_shutdown(); error_ecore_evas: ecore_shutdown(); error_ecore: evas_shutdown(); error_evas: eina_log_domain_unregister(_ewk_log_dom); _ewk_log_dom = -1; error_log_domain: eina_shutdown(); error_eina: return 0; }
/** * @param argc: Number of command line arguments supplied. * @param argv: Char* array containing the command line arguments supplied. * @return: To the system, normally 0. * @brief: The first function once enotes is called. */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int note_count; /* IPC Check */ ecore_ipc_init(); dml("IPC Initiated Successfully", 1); /* loading will increment this if there are notes if not we may need to * create a blank one */ note_count = 0; if ((ecore_config_init("enotes")) == ECORE_CONFIG_ERR_FAIL) { ecore_ipc_shutdown(); return (-1); } ecore_app_args_set(argc, (const char **) argv); ecore_config_app_describe("E-Notes - Sticky Notes for Enlightenment\n\ Copyright (c) Thomas Fletcher\n\ Usage: enotes [options]"); /* Read the Usage and Configurations */ main_config = mainconfig_new(); if (read_configuration(main_config) != ECORE_CONFIG_PARSE_CONTINUE) { ecore_config_shutdown(); ecore_ipc_shutdown(); ecore_shutdown(); mainconfig_free(main_config); return (-1); } dml("Successfully Read Configurations and Usage", 1); process_note_storage_locations(); if (find_server() != 0) { if (remotecmd != NULL) send_to_server(remotecmd); else send_to_server("DEFNOTE"); } else { dml("Server wasn't found.. Creating one", 1); /* Setup Server */ setup_server(); /* Initialise the E-Libs */ ecore_init(); ecore_x_init(NULL); ecore_app_args_set(argc, (const char **) argv); if (!ecore_evas_init()) { mainconfig_free(main_config); return -1; } ewl_init(&argc, argv); edje_init(); dml("Efl Successfully Initiated", 1); autoload(); /* create autosave timer */ update_autosave(); if (remotecmd != NULL) handle_ipc_message(remotecmd); /* Begin the Control Centre */ if (main_config->controlcentre == 1) { setup_cc(); dml("Control Centre Setup", 1); } else { dml("No Control Centre - Displaying Notice", 1); if (get_note_count() == 0) new_note(); } if (main_config->welcome == 1) { open_welcome(); } /* Begin the main loop */ dml("Starting Main Loop", 1); ecore_main_loop_begin(); dml("Main Loop Ended", 1); /* Save Controlcentre Settings */ set_cc_pos(); autosave(); if (autosave_timer) ecore_timer_del(autosave_timer); /* Save and Free the Configuration */ ecore_config_save(); dml("Configuration Saved", 1); mainconfig_free(main_config); dml("Configuration Structure Free'd", 1); /* Shutdown the E-Libs */ edje_shutdown(); ecore_evas_shutdown(); ecore_x_shutdown(); ecore_shutdown(); dml("Efl Shutdown", 1); } /* End IPC */ ecore_ipc_shutdown(); dml("IPC Shutdown", 1); dml("Leaving.", 1); return (0); }
void shutdown_efl() { edje_shutdown(); ecore_evas_shutdown(); ecore_x_shutdown(); ecore_shutdown(); }
WK_EXPORT int WebProcessMainEfl(int argc, char* argv[]) { // WebProcess should be launched with an option. if (argc != 2) return 1; if (!eina_init()) return 1; if (!ecore_init()) { // Could not init ecore. eina_shutdown(); return 1; } #ifdef HAVE_ECORE_X XSetExtensionErrorHandler(dummyExtensionErrorHandler); if (!ecore_x_init(0)) { // Could not init ecore_x. // PlatformScreenEfl and systemBeep() functions // depend on ecore_x functionality. ecore_shutdown(); eina_shutdown(); return 1; } #endif #if !GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 35, 0) g_type_init(); #endif if (!ecore_main_loop_glib_integrate()) return 1; JSC::initializeThreading(); WTF::initializeMainThread(); RunLoop::initializeMainRunLoop(); SoupSession* session = WebCore::ResourceHandle::defaultSession(); const char* httpProxy = getenv("http_proxy"); if (httpProxy) { const char* noProxy = getenv("no_proxy"); SoupProxyURIResolver* resolverEfl = soupProxyResolverWkNew(httpProxy, noProxy); soup_session_add_feature(session, SOUP_SESSION_FEATURE(resolverEfl)); g_object_unref(resolverEfl); } // Set SOUP cache. String soupCacheDirectory = String::fromUTF8(efreet_cache_home_get()) + "/WebKitEfl"; SoupCache* soupCache = soup_cache_new(soupCacheDirectory.utf8().data(), SOUP_CACHE_SINGLE_USER); soup_session_add_feature(session, SOUP_SESSION_FEATURE(soupCache)); soup_cache_load(soupCache); int socket = atoi(argv[1]); ChildProcessInitializationParameters parameters; parameters.connectionIdentifier = socket; WebProcess::shared().initialize(parameters); RunLoop::run(); soup_cache_flush(soupCache); soup_cache_dump(soupCache); g_object_unref(soupCache); ecore_x_shutdown(); ecore_shutdown(); eina_shutdown(); return 0; }
WK_EXPORT int WebProcessMainEfl(int argc, char* argv[]) { // WebProcess should be launched with an option. if (argc != 2) return 1; if (!eina_init()) return 1; if (!ecore_init()) { // Could not init ecore. eina_shutdown(); return 1; } #ifdef HAVE_ECORE_X XSetExtensionErrorHandler(dummyExtensionErrorHandler); if (!ecore_x_init(0)) { // Could not init ecore_x. // PlatformScreenEfl and systemBeep() functions // depend on ecore_x functionality. ecore_shutdown(); eina_shutdown(); return 1; } #endif if (!ecore_evas_init()) { #ifdef HAVE_ECORE_X ecore_x_shutdown(); #endif ecore_shutdown(); eina_shutdown(); return 1; } if (!edje_init()) { ecore_evas_shutdown(); #ifdef HAVE_ECORE_X ecore_x_shutdown(); #endif ecore_shutdown(); eina_shutdown(); return 1; } #if !GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 35, 0) g_type_init(); #endif if (!ecore_main_loop_glib_integrate()) return 1; InitializeWebKit2(); SoupSession* session = WebCore::ResourceHandle::defaultSession(); const char* httpProxy = getenv("http_proxy"); if (httpProxy) { const char* noProxy = getenv("no_proxy"); SoupProxyURIResolver* resolverEfl = soupProxyResolverWkNew(httpProxy, noProxy); soup_session_add_feature(session, SOUP_SESSION_FEATURE(resolverEfl)); g_object_unref(resolverEfl); } int socket = atoi(argv[1]); ChildProcessInitializationParameters parameters; parameters.connectionIdentifier = socket; WebProcess::shared().initialize(parameters); RunLoop::run(); if (SoupSessionFeature* soupCache = soup_session_get_feature(session, SOUP_TYPE_CACHE)) { soup_cache_flush(SOUP_CACHE(soupCache)); soup_cache_dump(SOUP_CACHE(soupCache)); } edje_shutdown(); ecore_evas_shutdown(); #ifdef HAVE_ECORE_X ecore_x_shutdown(); #endif ecore_shutdown(); eina_shutdown(); return 0; }