int entermsg(struct DayDream_Message *msg, int reply, char *params) { char ebuf[1024]; int hola; int msgfd; char *s; struct DayDream_Message header; char *lineedmem; int recoff; if (toupper(current_msgbase->MSGBASE_FN_FLAGS) == 'E' && ((access1 & (1L << SECB_FIDOMESSAGE)) == 0)) { DDPut(sd[emnofidomsgstr]); return 0; } if (toupper(current_msgbase->MSGBASE_FN_FLAGS) == 'N' && ((access2 & (1L << SECB_SENDNETMAIL)) == 0)) { DDPut(sd[emnonetmsgstr]); return 0; } changenodestatus("Entering a message"); if (msg) { memcpy(&header, msg, sizeof(struct DayDream_Message)); } else { s = (char *) &header; memset(&header, 0, sizeof(struct DayDream_Message)); if (params) strncpy(header.MSG_RECEIVER, params, 25); } if (current_msgbase->MSGBASE_FLAGS & (1L << 0) && current_msgbase->MSGBASE_FLAGS & (1L << 1)) { DDPut(sd[emnomsgsstr]); return 0; } DDPut(sd[emhead1str]); DDPut(current_msgbase->MSGBASE_NAME); ebuf[0] = 0; strlcat(ebuf, sd[emhead2str], sizeof ebuf); hola = 61 - strlen(current_msgbase->MSGBASE_NAME); while (hola) { strlcat(ebuf, "-", sizeof ebuf); hola--; } DDPut(ebuf); ddprintf(sd[emhead3str], highest); DDPut(sd[emhead4str]); if ((current_msgbase->MSGBASE_FLAGS & (1L << 0)) || (header.MSG_FLAGS & (1L << 0))) { DDPut(sd[emprvstr]); header.MSG_FLAGS |= (1L << 0); } else { DDPut(sd[empubstr]); } header.MSG_CREATION = time(0); DDPut(sd[emhead5str]); DDPut(ctime(&header.MSG_CREATION)); DDPut(sd[emhead6str]); if (current_msgbase->MSGBASE_FLAGS & (1L << 2)) { strlcpy(header.MSG_AUTHOR, user.user_handle, sizeof header.MSG_AUTHOR); } else { strlcpy(header.MSG_AUTHOR, user.user_realname, sizeof header.MSG_AUTHOR); } DDPut(header.MSG_AUTHOR); for (;;) { askrec: DDPut(sd[emhead7str]); if (!(Prompt(header.MSG_RECEIVER, 25, 0))) return 0; if (header.MSG_RECEIVER[0] == 0 || (!strcasecmp(header.MSG_RECEIVER, "all")) || (!strcasecmp(header.MSG_RECEIVER, "all users"))) { if (current_msgbase->MSGBASE_FLAGS & (1L << 0)) { DDPut(sd[emhead8str]); HotKey(0); header.MSG_RECEIVER[0] = 0; } else { DDPut(sd[emhead9str]); header.MSG_RECEIVER[0] = 0; break; } } else if (!strcasecmp(header.MSG_RECEIVER, "eall")) { if (current_msgbase->MSGBASE_FLAGS & (1L << 0)) { DDPut(sd[emhead8str]); HotKey(0); header.MSG_RECEIVER[0] = 0; } else if (access1 & (1L << SECB_EALLMESSAGE)) { header.MSG_RECEIVER[0] = -1; DDPut(sd[emhead10str]); break; } else { DDPut(sd[emnopoststr]); HotKey(0); header.MSG_RECEIVER[0] = 0; } } else { if (toupper(current_msgbase->MSGBASE_FN_FLAGS) == 'L') { struct userbase user; if (!strcasecmp(header.MSG_RECEIVER, "sysop")) { recoff = 0; } else { recoff = findusername(header.MSG_RECEIVER); } if (recoff == -1 || getubentbyid(recoff, &user) == -1) { DDPut(sd[emnouserstr]); HotKey(0); goto askrec; } if (!checkconfaccess(conference()->conf.CONF_NUMBER, &user)) { DDPut(sd[emnoaccessstr]); HotKey(0); } DDPut("[5;12H [5;12H"); if (current_msgbase->MSGBASE_FLAGS & (1L << 2)) { strlcpy(header.MSG_RECEIVER, user.user_handle, sizeof header.MSG_RECEIVER); } else { strlcpy(header.MSG_RECEIVER, user.user_realname, sizeof header.MSG_RECEIVER); } DDPut(header.MSG_RECEIVER); break; } else break; } } DDPut(sd[emsubjectstr]); if (!(Prompt(header.MSG_SUBJECT, 67, 0))) return 0; if (header.MSG_SUBJECT[0] == 0) { DDPut(sd[emabortedstr]); return 0; } DDPut("[11;1H [11;1H"); if (header.MSG_RECEIVER[0] == 0 || header.MSG_RECEIVER[0] == -1 || header.MSG_FLAGS & (1L << 0) || current_msgbase->MSGBASE_FLAGS & (1L << 1)) { } else { DDPut(sd[emisprivatestr]); hola = HotKey(HOT_NOYES); if (hola == 0) return 0; if (hola == 1) header.MSG_FLAGS |= MSG_FLAGS_PRIVATE; } if ((header.MSG_FLAGS & (1L << 0)) == 0 && (access1 & (1L << SECB_PUBLICMESSAGE)) == 0) { DDPut(sd[emnopubstr]); return 0; } if (toupper(current_msgbase->MSGBASE_FN_FLAGS) == 'N') { if (header.MSG_FN_DEST_NET) { snprintf(ebuf, sizeof ebuf, "%d:%d/%d.%d", header.MSG_FN_DEST_ZONE, header.MSG_FN_DEST_NET, header.MSG_FN_DEST_NODE, header.MSG_FN_DEST_POINT); } else { *ebuf = 0; } DDPut(sd[emnetaddstr]); if (!(Prompt(ebuf, 30, 0))) return 0; if (!str2addr(ebuf, &header.MSG_FN_DEST_ZONE, &header.MSG_FN_DEST_NET, &header.MSG_FN_DEST_NODE, &header.MSG_FN_DEST_POINT)) return 0; if(access2 & (1L << SECB_CRASH)) { DDPut(sd[emnetcrashstr]); if(HotKey(HOT_NOYES) == 1) { header.MSG_FLAGS |= MSG_FLAGS_CRASH; } } DDPut(sd[emnetkillstr]); if(HotKey(HOT_YESNO) == 1) { header.MSG_FLAGS |= MSG_FLAGS_KILL_SENT; } } *header.MSG_ATTACH = 0; if (current_msgbase->MSGBASE_FLAGS & (1L << 5)) { if ((header.MSG_FLAGS & (1L << 0)) && (access2 & (1L << SECB_PVTATTACH))) { *header.MSG_ATTACH = 1; } else if (((header.MSG_FLAGS & (1L << 0)) == 0) && (access2 & (1L << SECB_PUBATTACH))) { *header.MSG_ATTACH = 1; } } if (reply) { if (!askqlines()) { snprintf(ebuf, sizeof ebuf, "%s/daydream%d.msg", DDTMP, node); unlink(ebuf); } DDPut("\n\n"); } /* XXX: size should be replaced by a constant! */ lineedmem = (char *) xmalloc(80 * 500); hola = edfile(lineedmem, 80 * 500, reply, &header); if (hola == 0) { char fabuf[1024]; DDPut(sd[emaborted2str]); free(lineedmem); if (cleantemp() == -1) { DDPut(sd[tempcleanerrstr]); return 0; } snprintf(fabuf, sizeof fabuf, "%s/attachs.%d", DDTMP, node); unlink(fabuf); return 0; } DDPut(sd[emsavingstr]); getmsgptrs(); highest++; header.MSG_NUMBER = highest; if (setmsgptrs() == 0) { free(lineedmem); return 0; } if (*header.MSG_ATTACH) { char fabuf[1024]; FILE *fd; snprintf(fabuf, sizeof fabuf, "%s/attachs.%d", DDTMP, node); if ((fd = fopen(fabuf, "r"))) { char hoobab[1024]; snprintf(hoobab, sizeof hoobab, "%s/messages/base%3.3d/fa%5.5d", conference()->conf.CONF_PATH, current_msgbase->MSGBASE_NUMBER, header.MSG_NUMBER); mkdir(hoobab, 0777); setperm(hoobab, 0777); while (fgetsnolf(hoobab, 1024, fd)) { char sr[1024]; char de[1024]; snprintf(sr, sizeof sr, "%s/%s", currnode->MULTI_TEMPORARY, hoobab); snprintf(de, sizeof de, "%s/messages/base%3.3d/fa%5.5d/%s", conference()->conf.CONF_PATH, current_msgbase->MSGBASE_NUMBER, header.MSG_NUMBER, hoobab); newrename(sr, de); } fclose(fd); snprintf(hoobab, sizeof hoobab, "%s/messages/base%3.3d/msf%5.5d", conference()->conf.CONF_PATH, current_msgbase->MSGBASE_NUMBER, header.MSG_NUMBER); newrename(fabuf, hoobab); } else { *header.MSG_ATTACH = 0; } } if (toupper(current_msgbase->MSGBASE_FN_FLAGS) != 'L') { header.MSG_FN_ORIG_ZONE = current_msgbase->MSGBASE_FN_ZONE; header.MSG_FN_ORIG_NET = current_msgbase->MSGBASE_FN_NET; header.MSG_FN_ORIG_NODE = current_msgbase->MSGBASE_FN_NODE; header.MSG_FN_ORIG_POINT = current_msgbase->MSGBASE_FN_POINT; header.MSG_FLAGS |= (1L << 2); } if ((msgfd = ddmsg_open_base(conference()->conf.CONF_PATH, current_msgbase->MSGBASE_NUMBER, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0666)) == -1) { DDPut(sd[emwriteerrstr]); free(lineedmem); return 0; } fsetperm(msgfd, 0666); lseek(msgfd, 0, SEEK_END); safe_write(msgfd, &header, sizeof(struct DayDream_Message)); ddmsg_close_base(msgfd); if ((msgfd = ddmsg_open_msg(conference()->conf.CONF_PATH, current_msgbase->MSGBASE_NUMBER, header.MSG_NUMBER, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0666)) == -1) { DDPut(sd[emwriteerrstr]); free(lineedmem); return 0; } fsetperm(msgfd, 0666); if (toupper(current_msgbase->MSGBASE_FN_FLAGS) == 'E') { char ub[128]; int uq; strlcpy(ub, current_msgbase->MSGBASE_FN_TAG, sizeof ub); strupr(ub); snprintf(ebuf, sizeof ebuf, "AREA:%s\n", ub); safe_write(msgfd, ebuf, strlen(ebuf)); if ((uq = getfidounique())) { snprintf(ebuf, sizeof ebuf, "\001MSGID: %d:%d/%d.%d %8.8x\n", current_msgbase->MSGBASE_FN_ZONE, current_msgbase->MSGBASE_FN_NET, current_msgbase->MSGBASE_FN_NODE, current_msgbase->MSGBASE_FN_POINT, uq); safe_write(msgfd, ebuf, strlen(ebuf)); if (header.MSG_ORIGINAL) { if (getreplyid(header.MSG_ORIGINAL, ebuf, sizeof ebuf)) safe_write(msgfd, ebuf, strlen(ebuf)); } } } else if (toupper(current_msgbase->MSGBASE_FN_FLAGS) == 'N') { snprintf(ebuf, sizeof ebuf, "\001INTL %d:%d/%d %d:%d/%d\n", header.MSG_FN_DEST_ZONE, header.MSG_FN_DEST_NET, header.MSG_FN_DEST_NODE, header.MSG_FN_ORIG_ZONE, header.MSG_FN_ORIG_NET, header.MSG_FN_ORIG_NODE); safe_write(msgfd, ebuf, strlen(ebuf)); if (header.MSG_FN_DEST_POINT) { snprintf(ebuf, sizeof ebuf, "\001TOPT %d\n", header.MSG_FN_DEST_POINT); safe_write(msgfd, ebuf, strlen(ebuf)); } if (header.MSG_FN_ORIG_POINT) { snprintf(ebuf, sizeof ebuf, "\001FMPT %d\n", header.MSG_FN_ORIG_POINT); safe_write(msgfd, ebuf, strlen(ebuf)); } } s = lineedmem; while (hola) { snprintf(ebuf, sizeof ebuf, "%s\n", s); safe_write(msgfd, ebuf, strlen(ebuf)); hola--; s = &s[80]; } // place holder, user auto-sig goes here // snprintf(ebuf, sizeof ebuf, "signature here"); // safe_write(msgfd, ebuf, strlen(ebuf)); if (toupper(current_msgbase->MSGBASE_FN_FLAGS) == 'E') { snprintf(ebuf, sizeof ebuf, "\n--- DayDream BBS/UNIX (" UNAME ") %s\n * Origin: %s (%d:%d/%d)\nSEEN-BY: %d/%d\n", versionstring, current_msgbase->MSGBASE_FN_ORIGIN, current_msgbase->MSGBASE_FN_ZONE, current_msgbase->MSGBASE_FN_NET, current_msgbase->MSGBASE_FN_NODE, current_msgbase->MSGBASE_FN_NET, current_msgbase->MSGBASE_FN_NODE); safe_write(msgfd, ebuf, strlen(ebuf)); } else if (toupper(current_msgbase->MSGBASE_FN_FLAGS) != 'L') { snprintf(ebuf, sizeof ebuf, "\n--- DayDream BBS/UNIX (" UNAME ") %s\n", versionstring); safe_write(msgfd, ebuf, strlen(ebuf)); } ddmsg_close_msg(msgfd); DDPut(sd[emdonestr]); free(lineedmem); if (header.MSG_FLAGS & (1L << 0)) { user.user_pvtmessages++; clog.cl_pvtmessages++; } else { user.user_pubmessages++; clog.cl_pubmessages++; } return 1; }
/* * Write a file. */ void wop(bool dofname) /* bool dofname; / * if 1 call filename, else use savedfile */ { register int c, exclam, nonexist; line *saddr1, *saddr2; struct stat stbuf; c = 0; exclam = 0; if (dofname) { if (peekchar() == '!') exclam++, ignchar(); ignore(skipwh()); while (peekchar() == '>') ignchar(), c++, ignore(skipwh()); if (c != 0 && c != 2) error("Write forms are 'w' and 'w>>'"); filename('w'); } else { if (savedfile[0] == 0) error("No file|No current filename"); saddr1=addr1; saddr2=addr2; addr1=one; addr2=dol; CP(file, savedfile); if (inopen) { vclrech(0); splitw++; } lprintf("\"%s\"", file); } nonexist = stat(file, &stbuf); switch (c) { case 0: if (!exclam && (!value(WRITEANY) || value(READONLY))) switch (edfile()) { case NOTEDF: if (nonexist) break; if ((stbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFCHR) { if (samei(&stbuf, "/dev/null")) break; if (samei(&stbuf, "/dev/tty")) break; } io = open(file, O_WRONLY); if (io < 0) syserror(); if (!isatty(io)) serror(" File exists| File exists - use \"w! %s\" to overwrite", file); close(io); break; case EDF: if (value(READONLY)) error(" File is read only"); break; case PARTBUF: if (value(READONLY)) error(" File is read only"); error(" Use \"w!\" to write partial buffer"); } cre: /* synctmp(); */ #ifdef V6 io = creat(file, 0644); #else io = creat(file, 0666); #endif if (io < 0) syserror(); writing = 1; if (hush == 0) { if (nonexist) ex_printf(" [New file]"); else if (value(WRITEANY) && edfile() != EDF) ex_printf(" [Existing file]"); } break; case 2: io = open(file, O_WRONLY); if (io < 0) { if (exclam || value(WRITEANY)) goto cre; syserror(); } lseek(io, 0l, SEEK_END); break; } putfile(); ignore(iostats()); if (c != 2 && addr1 == one && addr2 == dol) { if (eq(file, savedfile)) edited = 1; ex_sync(); } if (!dofname) { addr1 = saddr1; addr2 = saddr2; } writing = 0; }
/* * Write a file. */ void wop(bool dofname) /* bool dofname; / * if 1 call filename, else use savedfile */ { register int c, exclam, nonexist; line *saddr1, *saddr2; struct stat stbuf; #ifdef FLOCKFILE int *lp, *iop ; #endif c = 0; exclam = 0; saddr1=addr1; saddr2=addr2; if (dofname) { if (peekchar() == '!') exclam++, ignchar(); ignore(skipwh()); while (peekchar() == '>') ignchar(), c++, ignore(skipwh()); if (c != 0 && c != 2) error("Write forms are 'w' and 'w>>'"); filename('w'); } else { if (savedfile[0] == 0) error("No file|No current filename"); addr1=one; addr2=dol; CP(file, savedfile); if (inopen) { vclrech(0); splitw++; } lprintf("\"%s\"", file); } nonexist = stat(file, &stbuf); #ifdef FLOCKFILE /* * if this is either the saved or alternate file or current file, * point to the appropriate descriptor and file lock status. */ if (strcmp (file,savedfile) == 0) { lp = &lock_savedfile ; iop = &io_savedfile ; } else if (strcmp (file,altfile) == 0) { lp = &lock_altfile ; iop = &io_altfile ; } else { lp = &lock_curr ; iop = &io_curr ; } if (!*iop && !nonexist){ *lp = 0 ; if ((*iop = open(file, O_WRONLY)) < 0) *iop = 0 ; } #endif switch (c) { case 0: if (!exclam && (!value(WRITEANY) || value(READONLY))) switch (edfile()) { case NOTEDF: if (nonexist) break; if ((stbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFCHR) { if (samei(&stbuf, _PATH_DEVNULL)) break; if (samei(&stbuf, _PATH_TTY)) break; } io = open(file, O_WRONLY); if (io < 0) syserror(); if (!isatty(io)) serror(" File exists| File exists - use \"w! %s\" to overwrite", file); close(io); break; case EDF: if (value(READONLY)) error(" File is read only"); break; case PARTBUF: if (value(READONLY)) error(" File is read only"); error(" Use \"w!\" to write partial buffer"); } cre: /* synctmp(); */ #ifdef FLOCKFILE if (*iop && !*lp != LOCK_EX && !exclam) { /* * upgrade to a exclusive lock. if can't get, someone else * has the exclusive lock. bitch to the user. */ if (flock(*iop, LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB) < 0 && errno == EWOULDBLOCK) error (" File being modified by another process - use \"w!\" to write"); else *lp = LOCK_EX ; } #endif #ifdef V6 io = creat(file, 0644); #else io = creat(file, 0666); #ifdef vms /* to retain file protection modes on newer version of file */ if (!nonexist) chmod(file, stbuf.st_mode & 0777); #endif #endif if (io < 0) syserror(); writing = 1; if (hush == 0) { if (nonexist) ex_printf(" [New file]"); else if (value(WRITEANY) && edfile() != EDF) ex_printf(" [Existing file]"); } #ifdef FLOCKFILE if (!*iop) *iop = dup(io) ; #endif break; case 2: io = open(file, O_WRONLY); if (io < 0) { if (exclam || value(WRITEANY)) goto cre; syserror(); } lseek(io, 0l, SEEK_END); #ifdef FLOCKFILE if (!*iop) *iop = dup(io) ; if (*lp != LOCK_EX && !exclam) { /* * upgrade to a exclusive lock. if can't get, * someone else has the exclusive lock. * bitch to the user. */ if (flock(*iop, LOCK_SH|LOCK_NB) < 0 && errno == EWOULDBLOCK) error ( " File being modified by another process - use \"w!>>\" to write"); else *lp = LOCK_EX ; } #endif break; } #ifdef FLOCKFILE if (flock(*iop, LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB) >= 0) *lp = LOCK_EX ; #endif putfile(0); #ifndef vms (void) fsync(io); #endif ignore(iostats()); if (c != 2 && addr1 == one && addr2 == dol) { if (eq(file, savedfile)) edited = 1; ex_sync(); } if (!dofname) { addr1 = saddr1; addr2 = saddr2; } writing = 0; }