コード例 #1
ファイル: tcldcc.c プロジェクト: Estella/eggdrop-1.7
static int tcl_boot(ClientData cd, Tcl_Interp *irp,
                    int argc, char *argv[])
  char who[NOTENAMELEN + 1];
  int i, ok = 0;

  BADARGS(2, 3, " user@bot ?reason?");

  strncpyz(who, argv[1], sizeof who);

  if (strchr(who, '@') != NULL) {
    char whonick[HANDLEN + 1];

    splitc(whonick, who, '@');
    whonick[HANDLEN] = 0;
    if (!egg_strcasecmp(who, botnetnick))
      strncpyz(who, whonick, sizeof who);
    else if (remote_boots > 0) {
      i = nextbot(who);
      if (i < 0)
        return TCL_OK;
      botnet_send_reject(i, botnetnick, NULL, whonick, who,
                         argv[2] ? argv[2] : "");
    } else
      return TCL_OK;
  for (i = 0; i < dcc_total; i++)
    if (!ok && (dcc[i].type->flags & DCT_CANBOOT) &&
        !egg_strcasecmp(dcc[i].nick, who)) {
      do_boot(i, botnetnick, argv[2] ? argv[2] : "");
      ok = 1;
  return TCL_OK;
コード例 #2
ファイル: botcmd.c プロジェクト: Estella/eggdrop-1.7
/* traced <to@bot> <chain:chain..>
static void bot_traced(int idx, char *par)
  char *to, *p;
  int i, sock;

  to = newsplit(&par);
  p = strchr(to, '@');
  if (p == NULL)
    p = to;
  else {
    *p = 0;
  if (!egg_strcasecmp(p, botnetnick)) {
    time_t t = 0;
    char *p = par, *ss = TBUF;

    splitc(ss, to, ':');
    if (ss[0])
      sock = atoi(ss);
      sock = -1;
    if (par[0] == ':') {
      t = atoi(par + 1);
      p = strchr(par + 1, ':');
      if (p)
        p = par + 1;
    for (i = 0; i < dcc_total; i++)
      if ((dcc[i].type->flags & DCT_CHAT) &&
          (!egg_strcasecmp(dcc[i].nick, to)) &&
          ((sock == -1) || (sock == dcc[i].sock))) {
        if (t) {
          int j = 0;

            register char *c = p;

            for (; *c != '\0'; c++)
              if (*c == ':')
          dprintf(i, "%s -> %s (%lu secs, %d hop%s)\n", BOT_TRACERESULT, p,
                  now - t, j, (j != 1) ? "s" : "");
        } else
          dprintf(i, "%s -> %s\n", BOT_TRACERESULT, p);
  } else {
    i = nextbot(p);
    if (p != to)
      *--p = '@';
    if (i >= 0)
      botnet_send_traced(i, to, par);
コード例 #3
ファイル: seen.c プロジェクト: Abysim/NyanLion
static void wordshift(char *first, char *rest)
  char *p, *q = rest;

  do {
    p = newsplit(&q);
    strcpy(first, p);
    strcpy(rest, q);
  } while (!egg_strcasecmp(first, "and") || !egg_strcasecmp(first, "or"));
コード例 #4
ファイル: udefchan.c プロジェクト: Abysim/NyanLion
static intptr_t ngetudef(char *name, char *chan)
  struct udef_struct *l;
  struct udef_chans *ll;

  for (l = udef; l; l = l->next)
    if (!egg_strcasecmp(l->name, name)) {
      for (ll = l->values; ll; ll = ll->next)
        if (!egg_strcasecmp(ll->chan, chan))
          return ll->value;
  return 0;
コード例 #5
ファイル: flags.c プロジェクト: Estella/wraith
int deflag_translate(const char *buf)
  if (str_isdigit(buf))
    return (atoi(buf));

  if (!egg_strcasecmp(buf, "ignore"))
    return P_IGNORE;
  else if (!egg_strcasecmp(buf, "deop"))
    return P_DEOP;
  else if (!egg_strcasecmp(buf, "kick"))
    return P_KICK;
  else if (!egg_strcasecmp(buf, "delete") || !egg_strcasecmp(buf, "remove"))
    return P_DELETE;
  return P_IGNORE;
コード例 #6
ファイル: botcmd.c プロジェクト: Estella/eggdrop-1.7
/* link <from@bot> <who> <to-whom>
static void bot_link(int idx, char *par)
  char *from, *bot, *rfrom;
  int i;

  from = newsplit(&par);
  bot = newsplit(&par);

  if (!egg_strcasecmp(bot, botnetnick)) {
    if ((rfrom = strchr(from, ':')))
      rfrom = from;
    putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# link %s", rfrom, par);
    if (botlink(from, -1, par))
      botnet_send_priv(idx, botnetnick, from, NULL, "%s %s ...",
                       BOT_LINKATTEMPT, par);
      botnet_send_priv(idx, botnetnick, from, NULL, "%s.", BOT_CANTLINKTHERE);
  } else {
    i = nextbot(bot);
    if (i >= 0)
      botnet_send_link(i, from, bot, par);
コード例 #7
ファイル: botcmd.c プロジェクト: Estella/eggdrop-1.7
/* who <from@bot> <tobot> <chan#>
static void bot_who(int idx, char *par)
  char *from, *to, *p;
  int i, chan;

  from = newsplit(&par);
  p = strchr(from, '@');
  if (!p) {
    sprintf(TBUF, "%s@%s", from, dcc[idx].nick);
    from = TBUF;
  to = newsplit(&par);
  if (!egg_strcasecmp(to, botnetnick))
    to[0] = 0;
  if (dcc[idx].u.bot->numver < NEAT_BOTNET)
    chan = atoi(par);
    chan = base64_to_int(par);
  if (to[0]) {
    i = nextbot(to);
    if (i >= 0)
      botnet_send_who(i, from, to, chan);
  } else
    remote_tell_who(idx, from, chan);
コード例 #8
ファイル: botcmd.c プロジェクト: Estella/eggdrop-1.7
/* filereq <sock:nick@bot> <bot:file>
static void bot_filereq(int idx, char *tobot)
  char *from, *path;
  int i;

  from = newsplit(&tobot);
  if ((path = strchr(tobot, ':'))) {
    *path++ = 0;

    if (!egg_strcasecmp(tobot, botnetnick)) {   /* For me! */
      /* Process this */
      module_entry *fs = module_find("filesys", 0, 0);

      if (fs == NULL)
        botnet_send_priv(idx, botnetnick, from, NULL, MOD_NOFILESYSMOD);
      else {
        Function f = fs->funcs[FILESYS_REMOTE_REQ];

        f(idx, from, path);
    } else {                      /* Pass it on */
      i = nextbot(tobot);
      if (i >= 0)
        botnet_send_filereq(i, from, tobot, path);
コード例 #9
ファイル: botcmd.c プロジェクト: Estella/eggdrop-1.7
/* These are still here, so that they will pass the relevant
 * requests through even if no filesys is loaded.
 * filereject <bot:filepath> <sock:nick@bot> <reason...>
static void bot_filereject(int idx, char *par)
  char *path, *to, *tobot, *p;
  int i;

  path = newsplit(&par);
  to = newsplit(&par);
  if ((tobot = strchr(to, '@')))
    tobot = to;                 /* Bot wants a file?! :) */
  if (egg_strcasecmp(tobot, botnetnick)) {      /* for me! */
    p = strchr(to, ':');
    if (p != NULL) {
      *p = 0;
      for (i = 0; i < dcc_total; i++) {
        if (dcc[i].sock == atoi(to))
          dprintf(i, "%s (%s): %s\n", BOT_XFERREJECTED, path, par);
      *p = ':';
    /* No ':'? malformed */
    putlog(LOG_FILES, "*", "%s %s: %s", path, MISC_REJECTED, par);
  } else {                        /* Pass it on */
    i = nextbot(tobot);
    if (i >= 0)
      botnet_send_filereject(i, path, to, par);
コード例 #10
ファイル: udefchan.c プロジェクト: Abysim/NyanLion
static void initudef(int type, char *name, int defined)
  struct udef_struct *ul, *ul_last = NULL;

  if (strlen(name) < 1)

  for (ul = udef; ul; ul_last = ul, ul = ul->next)
    if (ul->name && !egg_strcasecmp(ul->name, name)) {
      if (defined) {
        debug1("UDEF: %s defined", ul->name);
        ul->defined = 1;

  debug2("Creating %s (type %d)", name, type);
  ul = nmalloc(sizeof(struct udef_struct));
  ul->name = nmalloc(strlen(name) + 1);
  strcpy(ul->name, name);
  if (defined)
    ul->defined = 1;
    ul->defined = 0;
  ul->type = type;
  ul->values = NULL;
  ul->next = NULL;
  if (ul_last)
    ul_last->next = ul;
    udef = ul;
コード例 #11
ファイル: notes.c プロジェクト: ArNz8o8/Fr3shness
static void join_notes(char *nick, char *uhost, char *handle, char *par)
  int i = -1, j;
  struct chanset_t *chan = chanset;

  if (notify_onjoin) {          /* drummer */
    for (j = 0; j < dcc_total; j++)
      if ((dcc[j].type->flags & DCT_CHAT) &&
          (!egg_strcasecmp(dcc[j].nick, handle)))
        return;                 /* They already know they have notes */

    while (chan) {
      if (ismember(chan, nick))
        return;                 /* They already know they have notes */
      chan = chan->next;

    i = num_notes(handle);
    if (i) {
      dprintf(DP_HELP, NOTES_WAITING_NOTICE, nick, i, (i == 1) ? "" : "s", botname);
      dprintf(DP_HELP, "NOTICE %s :%s /MSG %s NOTES <pass> INDEX\n",
              nick, NOTES_FORLIST, botname);
コード例 #12
ファイル: tclhash.c プロジェクト: Estella/eggdrop-1.7
tcl_bind_list_t *add_bind_table(const char *nme, int flg, Function func)
  tcl_bind_list_t *tl, *tl_prev;
  int v;

  /* Do not allow coders to use bind table names longer than
   * 4 characters. */
  Assert(strlen(nme) <= 4);

  for (tl = bind_table_list, tl_prev = NULL; tl; tl_prev = tl, tl = tl->next) {
    if (tl->flags & HT_DELETED)
    v = egg_strcasecmp(tl->name, nme);
    if (!v)
      return tl;                /* Duplicate, just return old value.    */
    if (v > 0)
      break;                    /* New. Insert at start of list.        */

  tl = nmalloc_null(sizeof *tl);
  strcpy(tl->name, nme);
  tl->flags = flg;
  tl->func = func;

  if (tl_prev) {
    tl->next = tl_prev->next;
    tl_prev->next = tl;
  } else {
    tl->next = bind_table_list;
    bind_table_list = tl;

  putlog(LOG_DEBUG, "*", "Allocated bind table %s (flags %d).", nme, flg);
  return tl;
コード例 #13
ファイル: assoc.c プロジェクト: Protospace/protobot
static void zapf_assoc(char *botnick, char *code, char *par)
  int idx = nextbot(botnick);
  char *s, *s1, *nick;
  int linking = 0, chan;

  if ((idx >= 0) && !(bot_flags(dcc[idx].user) & BOT_ISOLATE)) {
    if (!egg_strcasecmp(dcc[idx].nick, botnick))
      linking = b_status(idx) & STAT_LINKING;
    s = newsplit(&par);
    chan = base64_to_int(s);
    if ((chan > 0) || (chan < GLOBAL_CHANS)) {
      nick = newsplit(&par);
      s1 = get_assoc_name(chan);
      if (linking && ((s1 == NULL) || (s1[0] == 0) ||
          (((intptr_t) get_user(find_entry_type("BOTFL"),
          dcc[idx].user) & BOT_HUB)))) {
        add_assoc(par, chan);
        botnet_send_assoc(idx, chan, nick, par);
        chanout_but(-1, chan, ASSOC_CHNAME_NAMED, nick, par);
      } else if (par[0] == '0') {
        chanout_but(-1, chan, ASSOC_CHNAME_REM, botnick, nick);
      } else if (get_assoc(par) != chan) {
        /* New one i didn't know about -- pass it on */
        s1 = get_assoc_name(chan);
        add_assoc(par, chan);
        chanout_but(-1, chan, ASSOC_CHNAME_NAMED2, botnick, nick, par);
コード例 #14
ファイル: servmsg.c プロジェクト: Estella/eggdrop-1.8
/* Got 442: not on channel
static int got442(char *from, char *msg)
  char *chname, *key;
  struct chanset_t *chan;

  if (!realservername || egg_strcasecmp(from, realservername))
    return 0;
  chname = newsplit(&msg);
  chan = findchan(chname);
  if (chan && !channel_inactive(chan)) {
    module_entry *me = module_find("channels", 0, 0);

    putlog(LOG_MISC, chname, IRC_SERVNOTONCHAN, chname);
    if (me && me->funcs)
      (me->funcs[CHANNEL_CLEAR]) (chan, 1);
    chan->status &= ~CHAN_ACTIVE;

    key = chan->channel.key[0] ? chan->channel.key : chan->key_prot;
    if (key[0])
      dprintf(DP_SERVER, "JOIN %s %s\n", chan->name, key);
      dprintf(DP_SERVER, "JOIN %s\n", chan->name);
  return 0;
コード例 #15
ファイル: dns.c プロジェクト: nawawi/eggdrop1.5.4
void call_ipbyhost(char *hostn, IP ip, int ok)
  devent_t *de = dns_events, *ode = NULL, *nde = NULL;

  while (de) {
    nde = de->next;
    if ((de->lookup == RES_IPBYHOST) &&
	(!de->res_data.hostname ||
	 !egg_strcasecmp(de->res_data.hostname, hostn))) {
      /* Remove the event from the list here, to avoid conflicts if one of
       * the event handlers re-adds another event. */
      if (ode)
	ode->next = de->next;
	dns_events = de->next;

      if (de->type && de->type->event)
	de->type->event(ip, hostn, ok, de->other);
	putlog(LOG_MISC, "*", "(!) Unknown DNS event type found: %s",
	       (de->type && de->type->name) ? de->type->name : "<empty>");

      if (de->res_data.hostname)
      de = ode;
    ode = de;
    de = nde;
コード例 #16
ファイル: seen.c プロジェクト: Abysim/NyanLion
static char *getxtra(char *hand, char *field)

  struct userrec *urec;
  struct user_entry *ue;
  struct xtra_key *xk;

  urec = get_user_by_handle(userlist, hand);
  if (urec) {
    ue = find_user_entry(&USERENTRY_XTRA, urec);
    if (ue)
      for (xk = ue->u.extra; xk; xk = xk->next)
        if (xk->key && !egg_strcasecmp(xk->key, field)) {
          if (xk->data[0] == '{' && xk->data[strlen(xk->data) - 1] == '}' &&
              strlen(xk->data) > 2) {
            strncpy(fixit, &xk->data[1], strlen(xk->data) - 2);
            fixit[strlen(xk->data) - 2] = 0;
            return fixit;
          } else {
            return xk->data;
  return "";
コード例 #17
ファイル: notes.c プロジェクト: ArNz8o8/Fr3shness
/* Determine how many notes are waiting for a user.
static int num_notes(char *user)
  int tot = 0;
  FILE *f;
  char s[513], *to, *s1;

  if (!notefile[0])
    return 0;
  f = fopen(notefile, "r");
  if (f == NULL)
    return 0;
  while (!feof(f)) {
    fgets(s, 512, f);
    if (!feof(f)) {
      if (s[strlen(s) - 1] == '\n')
        s[strlen(s) - 1] = 0;
      if ((s[0]) && (s[0] != '#') && (s[0] != ';')) {   /* Not comment */
        s1 = s;
        to = newsplit(&s1);
        if (!egg_strcasecmp(to, user))
  return tot;
コード例 #18
ファイル: tclhash.c プロジェクト: Estella/eggdrop-1.7
/* Add command (remove old one if necessary)
static int bind_bind_entry(tcl_bind_list_t *tl, const char *flags,
                           const char *cmd, const char *proc)
  tcl_cmd_t *tc;
  tcl_bind_mask_t *tm;

  /* Search for matching bind in bind list. */
  for (tm = tl->first; tm; tm = tm->next) {
    if (tm->flags & TBM_DELETED)
    if (!strcmp(cmd, tm->mask))
      break;                    /* Found it! fall out! */

  /* Create bind if it doesn't exist yet. */
  if (!tm) {
    tm = nmalloc_null(sizeof *tm);
    tm->mask = nmalloc(strlen(cmd) + 1);
    strcpy(tm->mask, cmd);

    /* Link into linked list of binds. */
    tm->next = tl->first;
    tl->first = tm;

  /* Proc already defined? If so, replace. */
  for (tc = tm->first; tc; tc = tc->next) {
    if (tc->attributes & TC_DELETED)
    if (!egg_strcasecmp(tc->func_name, proc)) {
      tc->flags.match = FR_GLOBAL | FR_CHAN;
      break_down_flags(flags, &(tc->flags), NULL);
      return 1;

  /* If this bind list is not stackable, remove the
   * old entry from this bind. */
  if (!(tl->flags & HT_STACKABLE)) {
    for (tc = tm->first; tc; tc = tc->next) {
      if (tc->attributes & TC_DELETED)
      /* NOTE: We assume there's only one not-yet-deleted entry. */
      tc->attributes |= TC_DELETED;

  tc = nmalloc_null(sizeof *tc);
  tc->flags.match = FR_GLOBAL | FR_CHAN;
  break_down_flags(flags, &(tc->flags), NULL);
  tc->func_name = nmalloc(strlen(proc) + 1);
  strcpy(tc->func_name, proc);

  /* Link into linked list of the bind's command list. */
  tc->next = tm->first;
  tm->first = tc;

  return 1;
コード例 #19
ファイル: tclhash.c プロジェクト: Estella/eggdrop-1.7
static int unbind_bind_entry(tcl_bind_list_t *tl, const char *flags,
                             const char *cmd, const char *proc)
  tcl_bind_mask_t *tm;

  /* Search for matching bind in bind list. */
  for (tm = tl->first; tm; tm = tm->next) {
    if (tm->flags & TBM_DELETED)
    if (!strcmp(cmd, tm->mask))
      break;                    /* Found it! fall out! */

  if (tm) {
    tcl_cmd_t *tc;

    /* Search for matching proc in bind. */
    for (tc = tm->first; tc; tc = tc->next) {
      if (tc->attributes & TC_DELETED)
      if (!egg_strcasecmp(tc->func_name, proc)) {
        /* Erase proc regardless of flags. */
        tc->attributes |= TC_DELETED;
        return 1;               /* Match.       */
  return 0;                     /* No match.    */
コード例 #20
ファイル: dns.c プロジェクト: nawawi/eggdrop1.5.4
void dcc_dnsipbyhost(char *hostn)
  devent_t *de = dns_events;

  while (de) {
    if (de->type && (de->type == &DNS_DCCEVENT_IPBYHOST) &&
	(de->lookup == RES_IPBYHOST)) {
      if (de->res_data.hostname &&
	  !egg_strcasecmp(de->res_data.hostname, hostn))
	/* No need to add anymore. */
    de = de->next;

  de = nmalloc(sizeof(devent_t));
  egg_bzero(de, sizeof(devent_t));

  /* Link into list. */
  de->next = dns_events;
  dns_events = de;

  de->lookup = RES_IPBYHOST;
  de->res_data.hostname = nmalloc(strlen(hostn) + 1);
  strcpy(de->res_data.hostname, hostn);

  /* Send request. */
コード例 #21
ファイル: shell.c プロジェクト: Estella/wraith
int det_translate(const char *word)
  if (word && word[0]) {
    if (!egg_strcasecmp(word, STR("ignore")))
      return DET_IGNORE;
    else if (!egg_strcasecmp(word, STR("warn")))
      return DET_WARN;
    else if (!egg_strcasecmp(word, STR("reject")))
      return DET_REJECT;
    else if (!egg_strcasecmp(word, STR("die")))
      return DET_DIE;
    else if (!egg_strcasecmp(word, STR("suicide")))
      return DET_SUICIDE;
  return DET_IGNORE;
コード例 #22
ファイル: notes.c プロジェクト: ArNz8o8/Fr3shness
/* Change someone's handle.
static void notes_change(char *oldnick, char *newnick)
  FILE *f, *g;
  char s[513], *to, *s1;
  int tot = 0;

  if (!egg_strcasecmp(oldnick, newnick))
  if (!notefile[0])
  f = fopen(notefile, "r");
  if (f == NULL)
  sprintf(s, "%s~new", notefile);
  g = fopen(s, "w");
  if (g == NULL) {
  chmod(s, userfile_perm);      /* Use userfile permissions. */
  while (!feof(f)) {
    fgets(s, 512, f);
    if (!feof(f)) {
      if (s[strlen(s) - 1] == '\n')
        s[strlen(s) - 1] = 0;
      if ((s[0]) && (s[0] != '#') && (s[0] != ';')) {   /* Not comment */
        s1 = s;
        to = newsplit(&s1);
        if (!egg_strcasecmp(to, oldnick)) {
          fprintf(g, "%s %s\n", newnick, s1);
        } else
          fprintf(g, "%s %s\n", to, s1);
      } else
        fprintf(g, "%s\n", s);
  sprintf(s, "%s~new", notefile);
  movefile(s, notefile);
  putlog(LOG_MISC, "*", NOTES_SWITCHED_NOTES, tot, tot == 1 ? "" : "s",
         oldnick, newnick);
コード例 #23
ファイル: tcldcc.c プロジェクト: Estella/eggdrop-1.7
static int tcl_setchan(ClientData cd, Tcl_Interp *irp,
                       int argc, char *argv[])
  int idx, chan;
  module_entry *me;

  BADARGS(3, 3, " idx channel");

  idx = findidx(atoi(argv[1]));
  if (idx < 0 || (dcc[idx].type != &DCC_CHAT &&
      dcc[idx].type != &DCC_SCRIPT)) {
    Tcl_AppendResult(irp, "invalid idx", NULL);
    return TCL_ERROR;
  if (argv[2][0] < '0' || argv[2][0] > '9') {
    if (!strcmp(argv[2], "-1") || !egg_strcasecmp(argv[2], "off"))
      chan = -1;
    else {
      Tcl_SetVar(irp, "chan", argv[2], 0);
      if (Tcl_VarEval(irp, "assoc ", "$chan", NULL) != TCL_OK ||
          !interp->result[0]) {
        Tcl_AppendResult(irp, "channel name is invalid", NULL);
        return TCL_ERROR;
      chan = atoi(interp->result);
  } else
    chan = atoi(argv[2]);
  if ((chan < -1) || (chan > 199999)) {
    Tcl_AppendResult(irp, "channel out of range; must be -1 through 199999",
    return TCL_ERROR;
  if (dcc[idx].type == &DCC_SCRIPT)
    dcc[idx].u.script->u.chat->channel = chan;
  else {
    int oldchan = dcc[idx].u.chat->channel;

    if (dcc[idx].u.chat->channel >= 0) {
      if ((chan >= GLOBAL_CHANS) && (oldchan < GLOBAL_CHANS))
        botnet_send_part_idx(idx, "*script*");
      check_tcl_chpt(botnetnick, dcc[idx].nick, dcc[idx].sock,
    dcc[idx].u.chat->channel = chan;
    if (chan < GLOBAL_CHANS)
      botnet_send_join_idx(idx, oldchan);
    check_tcl_chjn(botnetnick, dcc[idx].nick, chan, geticon(idx),
                   dcc[idx].sock, dcc[idx].host);
  /* Console autosave. */
  if ((me = module_find("console", 1, 1))) {
    Function *func = me->funcs;

    (func[CONSOLE_DOSTORE]) (idx);
  return TCL_OK;
コード例 #24
ファイル: adns.c プロジェクト: Estella/wraith
static int cache_find(const char *query)
	int i;

	for (i = 0; i < ncache; i++)
		if (!egg_strcasecmp(cache[i].query, query)) return (i);

	return (-1);
コード例 #25
ファイル: assoc.c プロジェクト: Protospace/protobot
static int get_assoc(char *name)
  assoc_t *a;

  for (a = assoc; a; a = a->next)
    if (!egg_strcasecmp(a->name, name))
      return a->channel;
  return -1;
コード例 #26
ファイル: adns.c プロジェクト: Estella/wraith
dns_query_t *find_query(const char *host)
  dns_query_t *q = NULL;

  for (q = query_head; q; q = q->next)
    if (!egg_strcasecmp(q->query, host))
      return q;
  return NULL;
コード例 #27
ファイル: cmdsserv.c プロジェクト: Estella/eggdrop-1.7
static void cmd_clearqueue(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par)
  int msgs;

  if (!par[0]) {
    dprintf(idx, "Usage: clearqueue <mode|server|help|all>\n");
  if (!egg_strcasecmp(par, "all")) {
    msgs = modeq.tot + mq.tot + hq.tot;
    double_warned = burst = 0;
    dprintf(idx, "Removed %d message%s from all queues.\n", msgs,
            (msgs != 1) ? "s" : "");
  } else if (!egg_strcasecmp(par, "mode")) {
    msgs = modeq.tot;
    if (mq.tot == 0)
      burst = 0;
    double_warned = 0;
    dprintf(idx, "Removed %d message%s from the mode queue.\n", msgs,
            (msgs != 1) ? "s" : "");
  } else if (!egg_strcasecmp(par, "help")) {
    msgs = hq.tot;
    double_warned = 0;
    dprintf(idx, "Removed %d message%s from the help queue.\n", msgs,
            (msgs != 1) ? "s" : "");
  } else if (!egg_strcasecmp(par, "server")) {
    msgs = mq.tot;
    if (modeq.tot == 0)
      burst = 0;
    double_warned = 0;
    dprintf(idx, "Removed %d message%s from the server queue.\n", msgs,
            (msgs != 1) ? "s" : "");
  } else {
    dprintf(idx, "Usage: clearqueue <mode|server|help|all>\n");
  putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# clearqueue %s", dcc[idx].nick, par);
コード例 #28
ファイル: servmsg.c プロジェクト: Estella/eggdrop-1.8
/* Got nick change.
static int gotnick(char *from, char *msg)
  char *nick, *alt = get_altbotnick();

  nick = splitnick(&from);
  check_queues(nick, msg);
  if (match_my_nick(nick)) {
    /* Regained nick! */
    strncpyz(botname, msg, NICKLEN);
    altnick_char = 0;
    if (!strcmp(msg, origbotname)) {
      putlog(LOG_SERV | LOG_MISC, "*", "Regained nickname '%s'.", msg);
      nick_juped = 0;
    } else if (alt[0] && !strcmp(msg, alt))
      putlog(LOG_SERV | LOG_MISC, "*", "Regained alternate nickname '%s'.",
    else if (keepnick && strcmp(nick, msg)) {
      putlog(LOG_SERV | LOG_MISC, "*", "Nickname changed to '%s'???", msg);
      if (!rfc_casecmp(nick, origbotname)) {
        putlog(LOG_MISC, "*", IRC_GETORIGNICK, origbotname);
        dprintf(DP_SERVER, "NICK %s\n", origbotname);
      } else if (alt[0] && !rfc_casecmp(nick, alt) &&
               egg_strcasecmp(botname, origbotname)) {
        putlog(LOG_MISC, "*", IRC_GETALTNICK, alt);
        dprintf(DP_SERVER, "NICK %s\n", alt);
    } else
      putlog(LOG_SERV | LOG_MISC, "*", "Nickname changed to '%s'???", msg);
  } else if ((keepnick) && (rfc_casecmp(nick, msg))) {
    /* Only do the below if there was actual nick change, case doesn't count */
    if (!rfc_casecmp(nick, origbotname)) {
      putlog(LOG_MISC, "*", IRC_GETORIGNICK, origbotname);
      dprintf(DP_SERVER, "NICK %s\n", origbotname);
    } else if (alt[0] && !rfc_casecmp(nick, alt) &&
             egg_strcasecmp(botname, origbotname)) {
      putlog(LOG_MISC, "*", IRC_GETALTNICK, altnick);
      dprintf(DP_SERVER, "NICK %s\n", altnick);
  return 0;
コード例 #29
ファイル: notes.c プロジェクト: ArNz8o8/Fr3shness
static void away_notes(char *bot, int sock, char *msg)
  int idx = findanyidx(sock);

  if (egg_strcasecmp(bot, botnetnick))
  if (msg && msg[0])
    dprintf(idx, "%s\n", NOTES_STORED);
    notes_read(dcc[idx].nick, 0, "+", idx);
コード例 #30
ファイル: chanprog.c プロジェクト: asterIRC/kaosdal
/* Shortcut for get_user_by_handle -- might have user record in channels
struct userrec *check_chanlist_hand(const char *hand)
  register struct chanset_t *chan;
  register memberlist *m;

  for (chan = chanset; chan; chan = chan->next)
    for (m = chan->channel.member; m && m->nick[0]; m = m->next)
      if (m->user && !egg_strcasecmp(m->user->handle, hand))
        return m->user;
  return NULL;