コード例 #1
ファイル: format-col.c プロジェクト: Allen76/Embroidermodder
/*! Writes the data from \a pattern to a file with the given \a fileName.
 *  Returns \c true if successful, otherwise returns \c false. */
int writeCol(EmbPattern* pattern, const char* fileName)
    FILE* file = 0;
    int i, colorCount;
    EmbThreadList *colors;

    if(!pattern) { embLog_error("format-col.c writeCol(), pattern argument is null\n"); return 0; }
    if(!fileName) { embLog_error("format-col.c writeCol(), fileName argument is null\n"); return 0; }

    file = fopen(fileName, "w");
        embLog_error("format-col.c writeCol(), cannot open %s for writing\n", fileName);
        return 0;
    colorCount = embThreadList_count(pattern->threadList);
    fprintf(file, "%d\n\r", colorCount); /* TODO: needs to be \r\n */
    colors = pattern->threadList;
    i = 0;
        EmbColor c;
        c = colors->thread.color;
        fprintf(file, "%d,%d,%d,%d\n\r", i, (int)c.r, (int)c.g, (int)c.b); /* TODO: needs to be \r\n */
        colors = colors->next;
    return 1;
コード例 #2
void embPattern_fixColorCount(EmbPattern* p)
    /* fix color count to be max of color index. */
    int maxColorIndex = 0;
    EmbStitchList* list = 0;

    if(!p) { embLog_error("emb-pattern.c embPattern_fixColorCount(), p argument is null\n"); return; }
    list = p->stitchList;
        maxColorIndex = max(maxColorIndex, list->stitch.color);
        list = list->next;
#ifndef ARDUINO
    /* ARDUINO TODO: The while loop below never ends because memory cannot be allocated in the addThread
     *               function and thus the thread count is never incremented. Arduino or not, it's wrong.
    while((int)embThreadList_count(p->threadList) <= maxColorIndex)
        embPattern_addThread(p, embThread_getRandom());
    while(embThreadList_count(p->threadList) > (maxColorIndex + 1))
        TODO: erase last color    p->threadList.pop_back();
コード例 #3
/*! Writes the data from \a pattern to a file with the given \a fileName.
 *  Returns \c true if successful, otherwise returns \c false. */
int writeT01(EmbPattern* pattern, const char* fileName)
	EmbRect boundingRect;
	EmbFile* file = 0;
	int xx, yy, dx, dy, flags;
	int co = 1, st = 0;
	int ax, ay, mx, my;
	EmbStitchList* pointer = 0;
	if (!embStitchList_count(pattern->stitchList))
		embLog_error("format-t01.c writeDst(), pattern contains no stitches\n");
		return 0;

	/* Check for an END stitch and add one if it is not present */
	if (pattern->lastStitch->stitch.flags != END)
		embPattern_addStitchRel(pattern, 0, 0, END, 1);

	file = embFile_open(fileName, "wb");
	if (!file)
		embLog_error("format-t01.c writet01(), cannot open %s for writing\n", fileName);
		return 0;

	embPattern_correctForMaxStitchLength(pattern, 12.1, 12.1);

	xx = yy = 0;
	co = 1;
	co = embThreadList_count(pattern->threadList);
	st = 0;
	st = embStitchList_count(pattern->stitchList);
	flags = NORMAL;
	boundingRect = embPattern_calcBoundingBox(pattern);
	ax = ay = mx = my = 0;
	xx = yy = 0;
	pointer = pattern->stitchList;
	while (pointer)
		/* convert from mm to 0.1mm for file format */
		dx = roundDouble(pointer->stitch.xx * 10.0) - xx;
		dy = roundDouble(pointer->stitch.yy * 10.0) - yy;
		xx = roundDouble(pointer->stitch.xx * 10.0);
		yy = roundDouble(pointer->stitch.yy * 10.0);
		flags = pointer->stitch.flags;
		encode_record(file, dx, dy, flags);
		pointer = pointer->next;
	return 1;
コード例 #4
ファイル: format-inf.c プロジェクト: FMMT666/Embroidermodder
/*! Writes the data from \a pattern to a file with the given \a fileName.
 *  Returns \c true if successful, otherwise returns \c false. */
int writeInf(EmbPattern* pattern, const char* fileName)
    EmbThreadList* pointer = 0;
    int i = 1, bytesRemaining;
    FILE* file = 0;

    if(!pattern) { embLog_error("format-inf.c writeInf(), pattern argument is null\n"); return 0; }
    if(!fileName) { embLog_error("format-inf.c writeInf(), fileName argument is null\n"); return 0; }

    file = fopen(fileName, "wb");
        embLog_error("format-inf.c writeInf(), cannot open %s for writing\n", fileName);
        return 0;
    binaryWriteUIntBE(file, 0x01);
    binaryWriteUIntBE(file, 0x08);
    /* write place holder offset */
    binaryWriteUIntBE(file, 0x00);
    binaryWriteUIntBE(file, embThreadList_count(pattern->threadList));

    pointer = pattern->threadList;
        char buffer[50];
        EmbColor c;
        c = pointer->thread.color;
        sprintf(buffer, "RGB(%d,%d,%d)", (int)c.r, (int)c.g, (int)c.b);
        binaryWriteUShortBE(file, (unsigned short)(14 + strlen(buffer))); /* record length */
        binaryWriteUShortBE(file, (unsigned short)i); /* record number */
        binaryWriteByte(file, c.r);
        binaryWriteByte(file, c.g);
        binaryWriteByte(file, c.b);
        binaryWriteUShortBE(file, (unsigned short)i); /* needle number */
        binaryWriteBytes(file, "RGB\0", 4);
        fprintf(file, buffer);
        binaryWriteByte(file, 0);
        pointer = pointer->next;
    fseek(file, -8, SEEK_END);
    bytesRemaining = ftell(file);
    fseek(file, 8, SEEK_SET);
    binaryWriteUIntBE(file, bytesRemaining);
    return 1;
コード例 #5
void writePecStitches(EmbPattern* pattern, EmbFile* file, const char* fileName)
    EmbStitchList* tempStitches = 0;
    EmbRect bounds;
    unsigned char image[38][48];
    int i, flen, currentThreadCount, graphicsOffsetLocation, graphicsOffsetValue, height, width;
    double xFactor, yFactor;
    const char* forwardSlashPos = strrchr(fileName, '/');
    const char* backSlashPos = strrchr(fileName, '\\');
    const char* dotPos = strrchr(fileName, '.');
    const char* start = 0;

    if(!pattern) { embLog_error("format-pec.c writePecStitches(), pattern argument is null\n"); return; }
    if(!file) { embLog_error("format-pec.c writePecStitches(), file argument is null\n"); return; }
    if(!fileName) { embLog_error("format-pec.c writePecStitches(), fileName argument is null\n"); return; }

        start = forwardSlashPos + 1;
    if(backSlashPos && backSlashPos > start)
        start = backSlashPos + 1;
        start = fileName;
    binaryWriteBytes(file, "LA:", 3);
    flen = (int)(dotPos - start);

    while(start < dotPos)
        binaryWriteByte(file, (unsigned char)*start);
    for(i = 0; i < (int)(16-flen); i++)
        binaryWriteByte(file, (unsigned char)0x20);
    binaryWriteByte(file, 0x0D);
    for(i = 0; i < 12; i++)
        binaryWriteByte(file, (unsigned char)0x20);
    binaryWriteByte(file, (unsigned char)0xFF);
    binaryWriteByte(file, (unsigned char)0x00);
    binaryWriteByte(file, (unsigned char)0x06);
    binaryWriteByte(file, (unsigned char)0x26);

    for(i = 0; i < 12; i++)
        binaryWriteByte(file, (unsigned char)0x20);
    currentThreadCount = embThreadList_count(pattern->threadList);
    binaryWriteByte(file, (unsigned char)(currentThreadCount-1));

    for(i = 0; i < currentThreadCount; i++)
        binaryWriteByte(file, (unsigned char)embThread_findNearestColorInArray(embThreadList_getAt(pattern->threadList, i).color, (EmbThread*)pecThreads, pecThreadCount));
    for(i = 0; i < (int)(0x1CF - currentThreadCount); i++)
        binaryWriteByte(file, (unsigned char)0x20);
    binaryWriteShort(file, (short)0x0000);

    graphicsOffsetLocation = embFile_tell(file);
    /* placeholder bytes to be overwritten */
    binaryWriteByte(file, (unsigned char)0x00);
    binaryWriteByte(file, (unsigned char)0x00);
    binaryWriteByte(file, (unsigned char)0x00);

    binaryWriteByte(file, (unsigned char)0x31);
    binaryWriteByte(file, (unsigned char)0xFF);
    binaryWriteByte(file, (unsigned char)0xF0);

    bounds = embPattern_calcBoundingBox(pattern);

    height = roundDouble(embRect_height(bounds));
    width = roundDouble(embRect_width(bounds));
    /* write 2 byte x size */
    binaryWriteShort(file, (short)width);
    /* write 2 byte y size */
    binaryWriteShort(file, (short)height);

    /* Write 4 miscellaneous int16's */
    binaryWriteShort(file, (short)0x1E0);
    binaryWriteShort(file, (short)0x1B0);

    binaryWriteUShortBE(file, (unsigned short)(0x9000 | -roundDouble(bounds.left)));
    binaryWriteUShortBE(file, (unsigned short)(0x9000 | -roundDouble(bounds.top)));

    pecEncode(file, pattern);
    graphicsOffsetValue = embFile_tell(file) - graphicsOffsetLocation + 2;
    embFile_seek(file, graphicsOffsetLocation, SEEK_SET);

    binaryWriteByte(file, (unsigned char)(graphicsOffsetValue & 0xFF));
    binaryWriteByte(file, (unsigned char)((graphicsOffsetValue >> 8) & 0xFF));
    binaryWriteByte(file, (unsigned char)((graphicsOffsetValue >> 16) & 0xFF));

    embFile_seek(file, 0x00, SEEK_END);

    /* Writing all colors */
    tempStitches = pattern->stitchList;

    yFactor = 32.0 / height;
    xFactor = 42.0 / width;
        int x = roundDouble((tempStitches->stitch.xx - bounds.left) * xFactor) + 3;
        int y = roundDouble((tempStitches->stitch.yy - bounds.top) * yFactor) + 3;
        image[y][x] = 1;
        tempStitches = tempStitches->next;
    writeImage(file, image);

    /* Writing each individual color */
    tempStitches = pattern->stitchList;
    for(i = 0; i < currentThreadCount; i++)
            int x = roundDouble((tempStitches->stitch.xx - bounds.left) * xFactor) + 3;
            int y = roundDouble((tempStitches->stitch.yy - bounds.top) * yFactor) + 3;
            if(tempStitches->stitch.flags & STOP)
                tempStitches = tempStitches->next;
            image[y][x] = 1;
            tempStitches = tempStitches->next;
        writeImage(file, image);
コード例 #6
ファイル: format-xxx.c プロジェクト: seeligal/Embroidermodder
int writeXxx(EmbPattern* pattern, const char* fileName)
    FILE* file = 0;
    int i;
    EmbRect rect;
    int endOfStitches;
    EmbThreadList* colors;
    int curColor = 0;

    if(!pattern) { embLog_error("format-xxx.c writeXxx(), pattern argument is null\n"); return 0; }
    if(!fileName) { embLog_error("format-xxx.c writeXxx(), fileName argument is null\n"); return 0; }

    embPattern_correctForMaxStitchLength(pattern, 124, 127);
    file = fopen(fileName, "wb");
        embLog_error("format-xxx.c writeXxx(), cannot open %s for writing\n", fileName);
        return 0;
    for(i = 0; i < 0x17; i++)
        binaryWriteByte(file, 0x00);
    binaryWriteUInt(file, (unsigned int) embStitchList_count(pattern->stitchList));
    for(i = 0; i < 0x0C; i++)
        binaryWriteByte(file, 0x00);
    binaryWriteUShort(file, (unsigned short)embThreadList_count(pattern->threadList));
    binaryWriteShort(file, 0x0000);

    rect = embPattern_calcBoundingBox(pattern);
    binaryWriteShort(file, (short)(embRect_width(rect) * 10.0));
    binaryWriteShort(file, (short)(embRect_height(rect) * 10.0));

    binaryWriteShort(file, (short)(embRect_width(rect) / 2.0 * 10));  /*TODO: xEnd from start point x=0 */
    binaryWriteShort(file, (short)(embRect_height(rect) / 2.0 * 10)); /*TODO: yEnd from start point y=0 */
    binaryWriteShort(file, (short)(embRect_width(rect)/2.0 * 10));    /*TODO: left from start x = 0     */
    binaryWriteShort(file, (short)(embRect_height(rect)/2.0 * 10));   /*TODO: bottom from start y = 0   */
    for(i = 0; i < 0xC5; i++)
        binaryWriteByte(file, 0x00);
    binaryWriteInt(file, 0x0000); /* place holder for end of stitches */

    xxxEncodeDesign(file, pattern);

    endOfStitches = ftell(file);

    fseek(file, 0xFC, SEEK_SET);

    binaryWriteUInt(file, endOfStitches);

    fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END);

    binaryWriteByte(file, 0x7F); /* is this really correct? */
    binaryWriteByte(file, 0x7F);
    binaryWriteByte(file, 0x03);
    binaryWriteByte(file, 0x14);
    binaryWriteByte(file, 0x00);
    binaryWriteByte(file, 0x00);
    colors = pattern->threadList;
        binaryWriteByte(file, 0x00);
        binaryWriteByte(file, colors->thread.color.r);
        binaryWriteByte(file, colors->thread.color.g);
        binaryWriteByte(file, colors->thread.color.b);
        colors = colors->next;
    for(i = 0; i < (22 - curColor); i++)
        binaryWriteUInt(file, 0x01000000);
    binaryWriteByte(file, 0x00);
    binaryWriteByte(file, 0x01);
    return 1;
コード例 #7
ファイル: format-csv.c プロジェクト: FMMT666/Embroidermodder
/*! Reads a file with the given \a fileName and loads the data into \a pattern.
 *  Returns \c true if successful, otherwise returns \c false. */
int readCsv(EmbPattern* pattern, const char* fileName)
    FILE* file = 0;
    int numColorChanges = 0;
    int size = 1024;
    int pos = 0;
    int c = 0;
    int cellNum = 0;
    int process = 0;
    int csvMode = CSV_MODE_NULL;
    int expect = CSV_EXPECT_QUOTE1;
    int flags = 0;
    double xx = 0.0;
    double yy = 0.0;
    unsigned char r = 0, g = 0, b = 0;
    char* buff = 0;

    if(!pattern) { embLog_error("format-csv.c readCsv(), pattern argument is null\n"); return 0; }
    if(!fileName) { embLog_error("format-csv.c readCsv(), fileName argument is null\n"); return 0; }

    buff = (char*)malloc(size);
    if(!buff) { embLog_error("format-csv.c readCsv(), unable to allocate memory for buff\n"); return 0; }

    file = fopen(fileName,"r");
        embLog_error("format-csv.c readCsv(), cannot open %s for reading\n", fileName);
        return 0;
        pos = 0;
            c = fgetc(file);
                case '"':
                    if(expect == CSV_EXPECT_QUOTE1)
                        expect = CSV_EXPECT_QUOTE2;
                    else if(expect == CSV_EXPECT_QUOTE2)
                        expect = CSV_EXPECT_COMMA;
                case ',':
                    if(expect == CSV_EXPECT_COMMA)
                        process = 1;
                case '\n':
                    if(expect == CSV_EXPECT_COMMA)
                        process = 1;
                    else if(expect == CSV_EXPECT_QUOTE1)
                        /* Do Nothing. We encountered a blank line. */
                        embLog_error("format-csv.c readCsv(), premature newline\n");
                        return 0;
            if(pos >= size - 1)
                size *= 2;
                buff = (char*)realloc(buff,size);
                if(!buff) { embLog_error("format-csv.c readCsv(), cannot re-allocate memory for buff\n"); return 0; }

                buff[pos] = 0;
                pos = 0;
                process = 0;
                expect = CSV_EXPECT_QUOTE1;
                if(csvMode == CSV_MODE_NULL)
                    if     (!strcmp(buff, "#")) { csvMode = CSV_MODE_COMMENT; }
                    else if(!strcmp(buff, ">")) { csvMode = CSV_MODE_VARIABLE; }
                    else if(!strcmp(buff, "$")) { csvMode = CSV_MODE_THREAD; }
                    else if(!strcmp(buff, "*")) { csvMode = CSV_MODE_STITCH; }
                    else { /* TODO: error */ return 0; }
                else if(csvMode == CSV_MODE_COMMENT)
                    /* Do Nothing */
                else if(csvMode == CSV_MODE_VARIABLE)
                    /* Do Nothing */
                else if(csvMode == CSV_MODE_THREAD)
                    if(cellNum == 2)
                        /* Do Nothing. Ignore Thread Number */
                    else if(cellNum == 3)
                        r = (unsigned char)atoi(buff);
                    else if(cellNum == 4)
                        g = (unsigned char)atoi(buff);
                    else if(cellNum == 5)
                        b = (unsigned char)atoi(buff);
                    else if(cellNum == 6)
                        /* TODO: Thread Description */
                    else if(cellNum == 7)
                        /* TODO: Thread Catalog Number */
                        EmbThread t;
                        t.color.r = r;
                        t.color.g = g;
                        t.color.b = b;
                        t.description = "TODO:DESCRIPTION";
                        t.catalogNumber = "TODO:CATALOG_NUMBER";
                        embPattern_addThread(pattern, t);
                        csvMode = CSV_MODE_NULL;
                        cellNum = 0;
                        /* TODO: error */
                        return 0;
                else if(csvMode == CSV_MODE_STITCH)
                    if(cellNum == 2)
                        flags = csvStrToStitchFlag(buff);
                        if(flags == STOP)
                    else if(cellNum == 3)
                        xx = atof(buff);
                    else if(cellNum == 4)
                        yy = atof(buff);
                        embPattern_addStitchAbs(pattern, xx, yy, flags, 1);
                        csvMode = CSV_MODE_NULL;
                        cellNum = 0;
                        /* TODO: error */
                        return 0;

                if(c == '\n')
                    csvMode = CSV_MODE_NULL;
                    cellNum = 0;
                if(expect == CSV_EXPECT_QUOTE2 && c != '"')
                    buff[pos++] = (char)c;
        while(c != EOF);

    /* if not enough colors defined, fill in random colors */
    while(embThreadList_count(pattern->threadList) < numColorChanges)
        embPattern_addThread(pattern, embThread_getRandom());

    buff = 0;

    return 1;
コード例 #8
ファイル: format-csv.c プロジェクト: FMMT666/Embroidermodder
/*! Writes the data from \a pattern to a file with the given \a fileName.
 *  Returns \c true if successful, otherwise returns \c false. */
int writeCsv(EmbPattern* pattern, const char* fileName)
    FILE* file = 0;
    EmbStitchList* sList = 0;
    EmbThreadList* tList = 0;
    EmbRect boundingRect;
    int i = 0;
    int stitchCount = 0;
    int threadCount = 0;

    if(!pattern) { embLog_error("format-csv.c writeCsv(), pattern argument is null\n"); return 0; }
    if(!fileName) { embLog_error("format-csv.c writeCsv(), fileName argument is null\n"); return 0; }

    sList = pattern->stitchList;
    stitchCount = embStitchList_count(sList);

    tList = pattern->threadList;
    threadCount = embThreadList_count(tList);

    boundingRect = embPattern_calcBoundingBox(pattern);

        embLog_error("format-csv.c writeCsv(), pattern contains no stitches\n");
        return 0;

    /* Check for an END stitch and add one if it is not present */
    if(pattern->lastStitch->stitch.flags != END)
        embPattern_addStitchRel(pattern, 0, 0, END, 1);

    file = fopen(fileName, "w");
        embLog_error("format-csv.c writeCsv(), cannot open %s for writing\n", fileName);
        return 0;

    /* write header */
    fprintf(file, "\"#\",\"Embroidermodder 2 CSV Embroidery File\"\n");
    fprintf(file, "\"#\",\"http://embroidermodder.github.io\"\n");
    fprintf(file, "\n");
    fprintf(file, "\"#\",\"General Notes:\"\n");
    fprintf(file, "\"#\",\"This file can be read by Excel or LibreOffice as CSV (Comma Separated Value) or with a text editor.\"\n");
    fprintf(file, "\"#\",\"Lines beginning with # are comments.\"\n");
    fprintf(file, "\"#\",\"Lines beginning with > are variables: [VAR_NAME], [VAR_VALUE]\"\n");
    fprintf(file, "\"#\",\"Lines beginning with $ are threads: [THREAD_NUMBER], [RED], [GREEN], [BLUE], [DESCRIPTION], [CATALOG_NUMBER]\"\n");
    fprintf(file, "\"#\",\"Lines beginning with * are stitch entries: [STITCH_TYPE], [X], [Y]\"\n");
    fprintf(file, "\n");
    fprintf(file, "\"#\",\"Stitch Entry Notes:\"\n");
    fprintf(file, "\"#\",\"STITCH instructs the machine to move to the position [X][Y] and then make a stitch.\"\n");
    fprintf(file, "\"#\",\"JUMP instructs the machine to move to the position [X][Y] without making a stitch.\"\n");
    fprintf(file, "\"#\",\"TRIM instructs the machine to cut the thread before moving to the position [X][Y] without making a stitch.\"\n");
    fprintf(file, "\"#\",\"COLOR instructs the machine to stop temporarily so that the user can change to a different color thread before resuming.\"\n");
    fprintf(file, "\"#\",\"END instructs the machine that the design is completed and there are no further instructions.\"\n");
    fprintf(file, "\"#\",\"UNKNOWN encompasses instructions that may not be supported currently.\"\n");
    fprintf(file, "\"#\",\"[X] and [Y] are absolute coordinates in millimeters (mm).\"\n");
    fprintf(file, "\n");

    /* write variables */
    fprintf(file, "\">\",\"STITCH_COUNT:\",\"%u\"\n",   (unsigned int)stitchCount);
    fprintf(file, "\">\",\"THREAD_COUNT:\",\"%u\"\n",   (unsigned int)threadCount);
    fprintf(file, "\">\",\"EXTENTS_LEFT:\",\"%f\"\n",   boundingRect.left);
    fprintf(file, "\">\",\"EXTENTS_TOP:\",\"%f\"\n",    boundingRect.top);
    fprintf(file, "\">\",\"EXTENTS_RIGHT:\",\"%f\"\n",  boundingRect.right);
    fprintf(file, "\">\",\"EXTENTS_BOTTOM:\",\"%f\"\n", boundingRect.bottom);
    fprintf(file, "\">\",\"EXTENTS_WIDTH:\",\"%f\"\n",  embRect_width(boundingRect));
    fprintf(file, "\">\",\"EXTENTS_HEIGHT:\",\"%f\"\n", embRect_height(boundingRect));

    /* write colors */
    fprintf(file, "\"#\",\"[THREAD_NUMBER]\",\"[RED]\",\"[GREEN]\",\"[BLUE]\",\"[DESCRIPTION]\",\"[CATALOG_NUMBER]\"\n");
    i = 1;
        fprintf(file, "\"$\",\"%d\",\"%d\",\"%d\",\"%d\",\"%s\",\"%s\"\n", i, /* TODO: fix segfault that backtraces here when libembroidery-convert from dst to csv. */
        tList = tList->next;
    fprintf(file, "\n");

    /* write stitches */
    fprintf(file, "\"#\",\"[STITCH_TYPE]\",\"[X]\",\"[Y]\"\n");
        EmbStitch s = sList->stitch;
        fprintf(file, "\"*\",\"%s\",\"%f\",\"%f\"\n", csvStitchFlagToStr(s.flags), s.xx, s.yy);
        sList = sList->next;

    return 1;
コード例 #9
/*! Writes the data from \a pattern to a file with the given \a fileName.
 *  Returns \c true if successful, otherwise returns \c false. */
int writeVip(EmbPattern* pattern, const char* fileName)
    EmbRect boundingRect;
    int stitchCount, minColors, patternColor;
    int attributeSize = 0;
    int xCompressedSize = 0;
    int yCompressedSize = 0;
    double previousX = 0;
    double previousY = 0;
    unsigned char* xValues = 0, *yValues = 0, *attributeValues = 0;
    EmbStitchList* pointer = 0;
    double xx = 0.0;
    double yy = 0.0;
    int flags = 0;
    int i = 0;
    unsigned char* attributeCompressed = 0, *xCompressed = 0, *yCompressed = 0, *decodedColors = 0, *encodedColors = 0;
    unsigned char prevByte = 0;
    EmbThreadList* colorPointer = 0;
    EmbFile* file = 0;

    if(!pattern) { embLog_error("format-vip.c writeVip(), pattern argument is null\n"); return 0; }
    if(!fileName) { embLog_error("format-vip.c writeVip(), fileName argument is null\n"); return 0; }

    stitchCount = embStitchList_count(pattern->stitchList);
        embLog_error("format-vip.c writeVip(), pattern contains no stitches\n");
        return 0;

    /* Check for an END stitch and add one if it is not present */
    if(pattern->lastStitch && pattern->lastStitch->stitch.flags != END)
        embPattern_addStitchRel(pattern, 0, 0, END, 1);

    file = embFile_open(fileName, "wb");
    if(file == 0)
        embLog_error("format-vip.c writeVip(), cannot open %s for writing\n", fileName);
        return 0;

    minColors = embThreadList_count(pattern->threadList);
    decodedColors = (unsigned char*)malloc(minColors << 2);
    if(!decodedColors) return 0;
    encodedColors = (unsigned char*)malloc(minColors << 2);
    if(encodedColors) /* TODO: review this line. It looks clearly wrong. If not, note why. */
        decodedColors = 0;
        return 0;
    /* embPattern_correctForMaxStitchLength(pattern, 0x7F, 0x7F); */

    patternColor = minColors;
    if(minColors > 24) minColors = 24;

    binaryWriteUInt(file, 0x0190FC5D);
    binaryWriteUInt(file, stitchCount);
    binaryWriteUInt(file, minColors);

    boundingRect = embPattern_calcBoundingBox(pattern);
    binaryWriteShort(file, (short) roundDouble(boundingRect.right * 10.0));
    binaryWriteShort(file, (short) -roundDouble(boundingRect.top * 10.0 - 1.0));
    binaryWriteShort(file, (short) roundDouble(boundingRect.left * 10.0));
    binaryWriteShort(file, (short) -roundDouble(boundingRect.bottom * 10.0 - 1.0));

    binaryWriteUInt(file, 0x38 + (minColors << 3));

    xValues = (unsigned char*)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*(stitchCount));
    yValues = (unsigned char*)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*(stitchCount));
    attributeValues = (unsigned char*)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*(stitchCount));
    if(xValues && yValues && attributeValues)
        pointer = pattern->stitchList;
            xx = pointer->stitch.xx;
            yy = pointer->stitch.yy;
            flags = pointer->stitch.flags;
            xValues[i] = vipEncodeByte((xx - previousX) * 10.0);
            previousX = xx;
            yValues[i] = vipEncodeByte((yy - previousY) * 10.0);
            previousY = yy;
            attributeValues[i] = vipEncodeStitchType(flags);
            pointer = pointer->next;
        attributeCompressed = vipCompressData(attributeValues, stitchCount, &attributeSize);
        xCompressed = vipCompressData(xValues, stitchCount, &xCompressedSize);
        yCompressed = vipCompressData(yValues, stitchCount, &yCompressedSize);

        binaryWriteUInt(file, (unsigned int) (0x38 + (minColors << 3) + attributeSize));
        binaryWriteUInt(file, (unsigned int) (0x38 + (minColors << 3) + attributeSize + xCompressedSize));
        binaryWriteUInt(file, 0x00000000);
        binaryWriteUInt(file, 0x00000000);
        binaryWriteUShort(file, 0x0000);

        binaryWriteInt(file, minColors << 2);

        colorPointer = pattern->threadList;

        for(i = 0; i < minColors; i++)
            int byteChunk = i << 2;
            EmbColor currentColor = colorPointer->thread.color;
            decodedColors[byteChunk] = currentColor.r;
            decodedColors[byteChunk + 1] = currentColor.g;
            decodedColors[byteChunk + 2] = currentColor.b;
            decodedColors[byteChunk + 3] = 0x01;
            colorPointer = colorPointer->next;

        for(i = 0; i < minColors << 2; ++i)
            unsigned char tmpByte = (unsigned char) (decodedColors[i] ^ vipDecodingTable[i]);
            prevByte = (unsigned char) (tmpByte ^ prevByte);
            binaryWriteByte(file, prevByte);
        for(i = 0; i <= minColors; i++)
            binaryWriteInt(file, 1);
        binaryWriteUInt(file, 0); /* string length */
        binaryWriteShort(file, 0);
        binaryWriteBytes(file, (char*) attributeCompressed, attributeSize);
        binaryWriteBytes(file, (char*) xCompressed, xCompressedSize);
        binaryWriteBytes(file, (char*) yCompressed, yCompressedSize);

    if(attributeCompressed) { free(attributeCompressed); attributeCompressed = 0; }
    if(xCompressed) { free(xCompressed); xCompressed = 0; }
    if(yCompressed) { free(yCompressed); yCompressed = 0; }

    if(attributeValues) { free(attributeValues); attributeValues = 0; }
    if(xValues) { free(xValues); xValues = 0; }
    if(yValues) { free(yValues); yValues = 0; }

    if(decodedColors) { free(decodedColors); decodedColors = 0; }
    if(encodedColors) { free(encodedColors); encodedColors = 0; }

    return 1;
コード例 #10
ファイル: format-pcs.c プロジェクト: Allen76/Embroidermodder
/*! Writes the data from \a pattern to a file with the given \a fileName.
 *  Returns \c true if successful, otherwise returns \c false. */
int writePcs(EmbPattern* pattern, const char* fileName)
    EmbStitchList* pointer = 0;
    EmbThreadList* threadPointer = 0;
    EmbFile* file = 0;
    int i = 0;
    unsigned char colorCount = 0;
    double xx = 0.0, yy = 0.0;

    if(!pattern) { embLog_error("format-pcs.c writePcs(), pattern argument is null\n"); return 0; }
    if(!fileName) { embLog_error("format-pcs.c writePcs(), fileName argument is null\n"); return 0; }

        embLog_error("format-pcs.c writePcs(), pattern contains no stitches\n");
        return 0;

    /* Check for an END stitch and add one if it is not present */
    if(pattern->lastStitch->stitch.flags != END)
        embPattern_addStitchRel(pattern, 0, 0, END, 1);

    file = embFile_open(fileName, "wb");
        embLog_error("format-pcs.c writePcs(), cannot open %s for writing\n", fileName);
        return 0;

    binaryWriteByte(file, (unsigned char)'2');
    binaryWriteByte(file, 3); /* TODO: select hoop size defaulting to Large PCS hoop */
    colorCount = (unsigned char)embThreadList_count(pattern->threadList);
    binaryWriteUShort(file, (unsigned short)colorCount);
    threadPointer = pattern->threadList;
    i = 0;
        EmbColor color = threadPointer->thread.color;
        binaryWriteByte(file, color.r);
        binaryWriteByte(file, color.g);
        binaryWriteByte(file, color.b);
        binaryWriteByte(file, 0);
        threadPointer = threadPointer->next;

    for(; i < 16; i++)
        binaryWriteUInt(file, 0); /* write remaining colors to reach 16 */

    binaryWriteUShort(file, (unsigned short)embStitchList_count(pattern->stitchList));
    /* write stitches */
    xx = yy = 0;
    pointer = pattern->stitchList;
        pcsEncode(file, roundDouble(pointer->stitch.xx * 10.0), roundDouble(pointer->stitch.yy * 10.0), pointer->stitch.flags);
        pointer = pointer->next;
    return 1;
コード例 #11
ファイル: format-jef.c プロジェクト: FMMT666/Embroidermodder
/*! Writes the data from \a pattern to a file with the given \a fileName.
 *  Returns \c true if successful, otherwise returns \c false. */
int writeJef(EmbPattern* pattern, const char* fileName)
    int colorlistSize, minColors, designWidth, designHeight, i;
    EmbRect boundingRect;
    FILE* file = 0;
    EmbTime time;
    EmbThreadList* threadPointer = 0;
    EmbStitch c;
    EmbStitchList* pointer = 0;
    double prevX, prevY;

    if(!pattern) { embLog_error("format-jef.c writeJef(), pattern argument is null\n"); return 0; }
    if(!fileName) { embLog_error("format-jef.c writeJef(), fileName argument is null\n"); return 0; }

        embLog_error("format-jef.c writeJef(), pattern contains no stitches\n");
        return 0;

    /* Check for an END stitch and add one if it is not present */
    if(pattern->lastStitch->stitch.flags != END)
        embPattern_addStitchRel(pattern, 0, 0, END, 1);

    file = fopen(fileName, "wb");
        embLog_error("format-jef.c writeJef(), cannot open %s for writing\n", fileName);
        return 0;

    embPattern_correctForMaxStitchLength(pattern, 127, 127);

    colorlistSize = embThreadList_count(pattern->threadList);
    minColors = max(colorlistSize, 6);
    binaryWriteInt(file, 0x74 + (minColors * 4));
    binaryWriteInt(file, 0x0A);


    fprintf(file, "%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d", (int)(time.year + 1900),
            (int)(time.month + 1), (int)(time.day), (int)(time.hour),
            (int)(time.minute), (int)(time.second));
    binaryWriteByte(file, 0x00);
    binaryWriteByte(file, 0x00);
    binaryWriteInt(file, embThreadList_count(pattern->threadList));
    binaryWriteInt(file, embStitchList_count(pattern->stitchList) + max(0, (6 - colorlistSize) * 2) + 1);

    boundingRect = embPattern_calcBoundingBox(pattern);

    designWidth = (int)(embRect_width(boundingRect) * 10.0);
    designHeight = (int)(embRect_width(boundingRect) * 10.0);

    binaryWriteInt(file, jefGetHoopSize(designWidth, designHeight));

    /* Distance from center of Hoop */
    binaryWriteInt(file, (int) (designWidth / 2));  /* left */
    binaryWriteInt(file, (int) (designHeight / 2)); /* top */
    binaryWriteInt(file, (int) (designWidth / 2));  /* right */
    binaryWriteInt(file, (int) (designHeight / 2)); /* bottom */

    /* Distance from default 110 x 110 Hoop */
    if(min(550 - designWidth / 2, 550 - designHeight / 2) >= 0)
        binaryWriteInt(file, (int) max(-1, 550 - designWidth / 2));  /* left */
        binaryWriteInt(file, (int) max(-1, 550 - designHeight / 2)); /* top */
        binaryWriteInt(file, (int) max(-1, 550 - designWidth / 2));  /* right */
        binaryWriteInt(file, (int) max(-1, 550 - designHeight / 2)); /* bottom */
        binaryWriteInt(file, -1);
        binaryWriteInt(file, -1);
        binaryWriteInt(file, -1);
        binaryWriteInt(file, -1);

    /* Distance from default 50 x 50 Hoop */
    if(min(250 - designWidth / 2, 250 - designHeight / 2) >= 0)
        binaryWriteInt(file, (int) max(-1, 250 - designWidth / 2));  /* left */
        binaryWriteInt(file, (int) max(-1, 250 - designHeight / 2)); /* top */
        binaryWriteInt(file, (int) max(-1, 250 - designWidth / 2));  /* right */
        binaryWriteInt(file, (int) max(-1, 250 - designHeight / 2)); /* bottom */
        binaryWriteInt(file, -1);
        binaryWriteInt(file, -1);
        binaryWriteInt(file, -1);
        binaryWriteInt(file, -1);

    /* Distance from default 140 x 200 Hoop */
    binaryWriteInt(file, (int) (700 - designWidth / 2));   /* left */
    binaryWriteInt(file, (int) (1000 - designHeight / 2)); /* top */
    binaryWriteInt(file, (int) (700 - designWidth / 2));   /* right */
    binaryWriteInt(file, (int) (1000 - designHeight / 2)); /* bottom */

    /* repeated Distance from default 140 x 200 Hoop */
    /* TODO: Actually should be distance to custom hoop */
    binaryWriteInt(file, (int) (630 - designWidth / 2));  /* left */
    binaryWriteInt(file, (int) (550 - designHeight / 2)); /* top */
    binaryWriteInt(file, (int) (630 - designWidth / 2));  /* right */
    binaryWriteInt(file, (int) (550 - designHeight / 2)); /* bottom */

    threadPointer = pattern->threadList;

        binaryWriteInt(file, embThread_findNearestColorInArray(threadPointer->thread.color, (EmbThread*)jefThreads, 79));
        threadPointer = threadPointer->next;
    for(i = 0; i < (minColors - colorlistSize); i++)
        binaryWriteInt(file, 0x0D);
    pointer = pattern->stitchList;

    prevX = pointer->stitch.xx;
    prevY = pointer->stitch.yy;
    jefEncode(file, (unsigned char) prevX, (unsigned char) prevY, pointer->stitch.flags);
    pointer = pointer->next;
        c = pointer->stitch;
        jefEncode(file, (unsigned char) (c.xx - prevX), (unsigned char) (c.yy - prevY), c.flags);
        prevX = c.xx;
        prevY = c.yy;
        pointer = pointer->next;
    return 1;
コード例 #12
ファイル: format-dst.c プロジェクト: craftoid/Embroidermodder
/*! Writes the data from \a pattern to a file with the given \a fileName.
 *  Returns \c true if successful, otherwise returns \c false. */
int writeDst(EmbPattern* pattern, const char* fileName)
    EmbRect boundingRect;
    FILE* file = 0;
    int xx, yy, dx, dy, flags;
    int i;
    int co = 1, st = 0;
    int ax, ay, mx, my;
    char* pd = 0;
    EmbStitchList* pointer = 0;

    if(!pattern) { embLog_error("format-dst.c writeDst(), pattern argument is null\n"); return 0; }
    if(!fileName) { embLog_error("format-dst.c writeDst(), fileName argument is null\n"); return 0; }

    file = fopen(fileName, "wb");
        embLog_error("format-dst.c writeDst(), cannot open %s for writing\n", fileName);
        return 0;
    embPattern_correctForMaxStitchLength(pattern, 12.1, 12.1);

    xx = yy = 0;
    co = 1;
    co = embThreadList_count(pattern->threadList);
    st = 0;
    st = embStitchList_count(pattern->stitchList);
    flags = NORMAL;
    boundingRect = embPattern_calcBoundingBox(pattern);
    /* TODO: review the code below
    if (pattern->get_variable("design_name") != NULL)
    char *la = stralloccopy(pattern->get_variable("design_name"));
    if (strlen(la)>16) la[16]='\0';

    free (la);
    fprintf(file, "LA:%-16s\x0d", "Untitled");
    /*} */
    fprintf(file, "ST:%7d\x0d", st);
    fprintf(file, "CO:%3d\x0d", co - 1); /* number of color changes, not number of colors! */
    fprintf(file, "+X:%5d\x0d", (int)(boundingRect.right * 10.0));
    fprintf(file, "-X:%5d\x0d", (int)(fabs(boundingRect.left) * 10.0));
    fprintf(file, "+Y:%5d\x0d", (int)(boundingRect.bottom * 10.0));
    fprintf(file, "-Y:%5d\x0d", (int)(fabs(boundingRect.top) * 10.0));

    ax = ay = mx = my = 0;
    /* TODO: review the code below */
    /*ax=pattern->get_variable_int("ax"); */ /* will return 0 if not defined */
    /*ay=pattern->get_variable_int("ay"); */
    /*mx=pattern->get_variable_int("mx"); */
    /*my=pattern->get_variable_int("my"); */

    /*pd=pattern->get_variable("pd");*/ /* will return null pointer if not defined */
    pd = 0;
    if(pd == 0 || strlen(pd) != 6)
        /* pd is not valid, so fill in a default consisting of "******" */
        pd = "******";
    fprintf(file, "AX:+%5d\x0d", ax);
    fprintf(file, "AY:+%5d\x0d", ay);
    fprintf(file, "MX:+%5d\x0d", mx);
    fprintf(file, "MY:+%5d\x0d", my);
    fprintf(file, "PD:%6s\x0d", pd);
    binaryWriteByte(file, 0x1a); /* 0x1a is the code for end of section. */

    /* pad out header to proper length */
    for(i = 125; i < 512; i++)
        fprintf(file, " ");

    /* write stitches */
    xx = yy = 0;
    pointer = pattern->stitchList;
        /* convert from mm to 0.1mm for file format */
        dx = roundDouble(pointer->stitch.xx * 10.0) - xx;
        dy = roundDouble(pointer->stitch.yy * 10.0) - yy;
        xx = roundDouble(pointer->stitch.xx * 10.0);
        yy = roundDouble(pointer->stitch.yy * 10.0);
        flags = pointer->stitch.flags;
        encode_record(file, dx, dy, flags);
        pointer = pointer->next;
    binaryWriteByte(file, 0xA1); /* finish file with a terminator character */
    binaryWriteShort(file, 0);
    return 1;
コード例 #13
int writeHus(EmbPattern* pattern, const char* fileName)
    EmbRect boundingRect;
    int stitchCount, minColors, patternColor;
    int attributeSize = 0;
    int xCompressedSize = 0;
    int yCompressedSize = 0;
    double previousX = 0;
    double previousY = 0;
    unsigned char* xValues, *yValues, *attributeValues;
    EmbStitchList* pointer = 0;
    double xx = 0.0;
    double yy = 0.0;
    int flags = 0;
    int i = 0;
    unsigned char* attributeCompressed, *xCompressed, *yCompressed;
    FILE* file = 0;

    file = fopen(fileName, "wb");
        /*TODO: set status here "Error opening HUS file for write:" */
        return 0;

    stitchCount = embStitchList_count(pattern->stitchList);
    /* embPattern_correctForMaxStitchLength(pattern, 0x7F, 0x7F); */
    minColors = embThreadList_count(pattern->threadList);
    patternColor = minColors;
    if(minColors > 24) minColors = 24;
    binaryWriteUInt(file, 0x00C8AF5B);
    binaryWriteUInt(file, stitchCount);
    binaryWriteUInt(file, minColors);

    boundingRect = embPattern_calcBoundingBox(pattern);
    binaryWriteShort(file, (short) roundDouble(boundingRect.right * 10.0));
    binaryWriteShort(file, (short) -roundDouble(boundingRect.top * 10.0 - 1.0));
    binaryWriteShort(file, (short) roundDouble(boundingRect.left * 10.0));
    binaryWriteShort(file, (short) -roundDouble(boundingRect.bottom * 10.0 - 1.0));

    binaryWriteUInt(file, 0x2A + 2 * minColors);

    xValues = (unsigned char*)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*(stitchCount));
    /* TODO: malloc fail error */
    yValues = (unsigned char*)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*(stitchCount));
    /* TODO: malloc fail error */
    attributeValues = (unsigned char*)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*(stitchCount));
    /* TODO: malloc fail error */

    pointer = pattern->stitchList;
        xx = pointer->stitch.xx;
        yy = pointer->stitch.yy;
        flags = pointer->stitch.flags;
        xValues[i] = husEncodeByte((xx - previousX) * 10.0);
        previousX = xx;
        yValues[i] = husEncodeByte((yy - previousY) * 10.0);
        previousY = yy;
        attributeValues[i] = husEncodeStitchType(flags);
        pointer = pointer->next;
    attributeCompressed = husCompressData(attributeValues, stitchCount, &attributeSize);
    xCompressed = husCompressData(xValues, stitchCount, &xCompressedSize);
    yCompressed = husCompressData(yValues, stitchCount, &yCompressedSize);
    /* TODO: error if husCompressData returns zero? */

    binaryWriteUInt(file, (unsigned int) (0x2A + 2 * patternColor + attributeSize));
    binaryWriteUInt(file, (unsigned int) (0x2A + 2 * patternColor + attributeSize + xCompressedSize));
    binaryWriteUInt(file, 0x00000000);
    binaryWriteUInt(file, 0x00000000);
    binaryWriteUShort(file, 0x0000);

    for(i = 0; i < patternColor; i++)
        binaryWriteShort(file, (short)embThread_findNearestColorInArray(embThreadList_getAt(pattern->threadList, i).color, (EmbThread*)husThreads, husThreadCount));

    binaryWriteBytes(file, (char*) attributeCompressed, attributeSize);
    binaryWriteBytes(file, (char*) xCompressed, xCompressedSize);
    binaryWriteBytes(file, (char*) yCompressed, yCompressedSize);


    return 1;