string html_table_code(const string &in) { if (in.size()==0) return " "; else { return encodeXML(in); } }
const StringBuffer &CEspApplicationPort::getAppFrameHtml(time_t &modified, const char *inner, StringBuffer &html, IEspContext* ctx) { if (!xslp) throw MakeStringException(0,"Error - CEspApplicationPort XSLT processor not initialized"); bool embedded_url=(inner&&*inner); StringBuffer params; bool needRefresh = true; if (!getUrlParams(ctx->queryRequestParameters(), params)) { if (params.length()==0) needRefresh = false; if (ctx->getClientVersion()>0) { params.appendf("%cver_=%g", params.length()?'&':'?', ctx->getClientVersion()); needRefresh = true; } } if (needRefresh || embedded_url || !appFrameHtml.length()) { int passwordDaysRemaining = scPasswordExpired;//-1 means dont display change password screen #ifdef _USE_OPENLDAP ISecUser* user = ctx->queryUser(); ISecManager* secmgr = ctx->querySecManager(); if(user && secmgr) { passwordDaysRemaining = user->getPasswordDaysRemaining();//-1 if expired, -2 if never expires int passwordExpirationDays = (int)secmgr->getPasswordExpirationWarningDays(); if (passwordDaysRemaining == scPasswordNeverExpires || passwordDaysRemaining > passwordExpirationDays) passwordDaysRemaining = scPasswordExpired; } #endif StringBuffer xml; StringBuffer encoded_inner; if(inner && *inner) encodeXML(inner, encoded_inner); // replace & with &s; params.replaceString("&","&"); xml.appendf("<EspApplicationFrame title=\"%s\" navWidth=\"%d\" navResize=\"%d\" navScroll=\"%d\" inner=\"%s\" params=\"%s\" passwordDays=\"%d\"/>", getESPContainer()->getFrameTitle(), navWidth, navResize, navScroll, (inner&&*inner) ? encoded_inner.str() : "?main", params.str(), passwordDaysRemaining); Owned<IXslTransform> xform = xslp->createXslTransform(); xform->loadXslFromFile(StringBuffer(getCFD()).append("./xslt/appframe.xsl").str()); xform->setXmlSource(xml.str(), xml.length()+1); xform->transform( (needRefresh || embedded_url) ? html.clear() : appFrameHtml.clear()); } if (!needRefresh && !embedded_url) html.clear().append(appFrameHtml.str()); static time_t startup_time = time(NULL); modified = startup_time; return html; }
void JabberClient::startHandshake() { m_socket->writeBuffer.packetStart(); m_socket->writeBuffer << "<stream:stream to=\"" << encodeXML(getServer()) << "\" xmlns=\"jabber:client\" xmlns:stream=\"\">\n"; sendPacket(); }
void MessageGenerator::doType(StringStack& parent, int indent, const char* tag, IXmlType* type, IPTree* tmplat, StringBuffer& buf) { const char* typeName = type->queryName(); if (type->isComplexType()) { if (typeName && std::find(parent.begin(),parent.end(),typeName) != parent.end()) { //DBGLOG("Recursive type: %s, ignored", typeName); } else { int flds = type->getFieldCount(); for (int i=0; i<flds; i++) { const char* fldName = type->queryFieldName(i); buf.appendf("<%s>", fldName); IPTree* existing = tmplat->queryBranch(fldName); if (typeName) parent.push_back(typeName); if (existing) doType(parent,indent+1,fldName, type->queryFieldType(i), existing, buf); else doType(parent,indent+1,fldName,type->queryFieldType(i),buf); buf.appendf("</%s>", fldName); if (typeName) parent.pop_back(); } } } else if (type->isArray()) { if (typeName && std::find(parent.begin(),parent.end(),typeName) != parent.end()) { //DBGLOG("Recursive type: %s, ignored", typeName); } else { const char* itemName = type->queryFieldName(0); IXmlType* itemType = type->queryFieldType(0); int childCount = tmplat->numChildren(); if (typeName) parent.push_back(typeName); if (childCount>0) { Owned<IPTreeIterator> items = tmplat->getElements(itemName); for (items->first(); items->isValid(); items->next()) { buf.appendf("<%s>", itemName); doType(parent,indent+2,itemName,itemType,&items->query(),buf); buf.appendf("</%s>", itemName); } } else { for (int i=0; i<m_items; i++) { buf.appendf("<%s>", itemName); doType(parent,indent+2,itemName, itemType, buf); buf.appendf("</%s>", itemName); } if (m_ecl2esp) buf.appendf("<%s/>", itemName); } if (typeName) parent.pop_back(); } } else { const char* existing = tmplat->queryProp("."); if (existing && isNotBlank(existing)) encodeXML(existing,buf); else if (m_gx) buf.append("*** MISSING ***"); else { DefValMap::const_iterator it = m_cfgDefValues.find(tag); if (it != m_cfgDefValues.end()) buf.append(it->second.c_str()); else type->getSampleValue(buf,tag); } } }
bool QueryHelper::doit(FILE * fp) { Owned<IClientWUCreateRequest> creq = wuclient->createWUCreateRequest(); Owned<IClientWUCreateResponse> cresp = wuclient->WUCreate(creq); const IMultiException* excep = &cresp->getExceptions(); if(excep != NULL && excep->ordinality() > 0) { StringBuffer msg; excep->errorMessage(msg); printf("%s\n", msg.str()); return false; } IConstECLWorkunit* wu = &cresp->getWorkunit(); if(!wu) { printf("can't create workunit\n"); return false; } Owned<IClientWUUpdateRequest> ureq = wuclient->createWUUpdateRequest(); ureq->setWuid(wu->getWuid()); // Make a workUnit StringBuffer jobname; if(globals->hasProp("jobname")) jobname.append(globals->queryProp("jobname")); StringBuffer ecl; if (globals->getProp("ecl", ecl)) { if (ecl.length() && ecl.charAt(0)=='@') { StringBuffer filename(ecl.str()+1); ecl.clear().loadFile(filename); if (jobname.length() == 0) splitFilename(filename, NULL, NULL, &jobname, NULL); } ureq->setQueryText(ecl.str()); } else if (globals->hasProp("main")) ureq->setQueryMainDefinition(globals->queryProp("main")); else if (globals->hasProp("attr")) ureq->setQueryText(globals->queryProp("attr")); if (globals->getPropInt("compileOnly", 0)!=0) ureq->setAction(WUActionCompile); if (jobname.length()) ureq->setJobname(jobname); IArrayOf<IEspDebugValue> dvals; IArrayOf<IEspApplicationValue> avals; StringBuffer xmlParams; Owned<IPropertyIterator> it = globals->getIterator(); bool xmlSeen = false; ForEach(*it) { const char * key = it->getPropKey(); if (key && strlen(key)>1) { if(key[0] == '-') { if (key[1] == 'f') { Owned<IEspDebugValue> dval = createDebugValue(); dval->setName(&key[2]); dval->setValue(globals->queryProp(key)); dvals.append(*dval.getLink()); } //All other options are ignored. } else if(key[0] == '_') { Owned<IEspApplicationValue> aval = createApplicationValue(); aval->setApplication("eclplus"); aval->setName(&key[1]); aval->setValue(globals->queryProp(key)); avals.append(*aval.getLink()); } else if(key[0] == '/') { if (xmlSeen) throw MakeStringException(0, "query option must not be used with stored or /, and cannot appear more than once"); // The / form is expected to be used for scalars, so xmlEncode is appropriate. // To pass sets or datasets, use the xml= version xmlParams.appendf("<%s>", &key[1]); encodeXML(globals->queryProp(key), xmlParams); xmlParams.appendf("</%s>", &key[1]); } else if(stricmp(key, "stored")==0) { if (xmlSeen) throw MakeStringException(0, "query option must not be used with stored or /, and cannot appear more than once"); const char *xml = globals->queryProp(key); try { Owned<IPropertyTree> checkValid = createPTreeFromXMLString(xml); } catch (IException *E) { StringBuffer msg; E->errorMessage(msg); E->Release(); throw MakeStringException(0, "Invalid xml: %s", msg.str()); } xmlParams.append(xml); } else if(stricmp(key, "query")==0) { if (xmlSeen || xmlParams.length()) throw MakeStringException(0, "query option must not be used with stored or /, and cannot appear more than once"); xmlSeen = true; StringBuffer xml; if (!globals->getProp(key, xml)) throw MakeStringException(0, "Invalid value for query= parameter"); if (xml.length() && xml.charAt(0)=='@') { StringBuffer filename(xml.str()+1); xml.clear().loadFile(filename); } try { Owned<IPropertyTree> checkValid = createPTreeFromXMLString(xml); } catch (IException *E) { StringBuffer msg; E->errorMessage(msg); E->Release(); throw MakeStringException(0, "Invalid xml: %s", msg.str()); } xmlParams.append(xml); } } } if(dvals.length() > 0) ureq->setDebugValues(dvals); if(avals.length() > 0) ureq->setApplicationValues(avals); if (xmlParams.length()) { if (!xmlSeen) { xmlParams.insert(0, "<Query>"); xmlParams.append("</Query>"); } ureq->setXmlParams(xmlParams); } Owned<IClientWUUpdateResponse> uresp = wuclient->WUUpdate(ureq); const IMultiException* uexcep = &uresp->getExceptions(); if(uexcep != NULL && uexcep->ordinality() > 0) { StringBuffer msg; uexcep->errorMessage(msg); printf("%s\n", msg.str()); return false; } // Execute it return doSubmitWorkUnit(fp, wu->getWuid(), globals->queryProp("cluster")); }
bool gdioutput::writeHTML(const wstring &file, const string &title, int refreshTimeOut) const { ofstream fout(file.c_str()); if (fout.bad()) return false; fout << "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\"\n" << " \"\">\n\n"; fout << "<html>\n<head>\n"; fout << "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\">\n"; if (refreshTimeOut > 0) fout << "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"" << refreshTimeOut << "\">\n"; fout << "<title>" << toUTF8(title) << "</title>\n"; map< pair<gdiFonts, string>, pair<string, string> > styles; generateStyles(fout, false, TL, styles); /* fout << "<style type=\"text/css\">\n"; fout << "body {background-color: rgb(250, 250,255)}\n"; fout << "h1 {font-family:arial,sans-serif;font-size:24px;font-weight:normal;white-space:nowrap}\n"; fout << "h2 {font-family:arial,sans-serif;font-size:20px;font-weight:normal;white-space:nowrap}\n"; fout << "h3 {font-family:arial,sans-serif;font-size:16px;font-weight:normal;white-space:nowrap}\n"; fout << "p {font-family:arial,sans-serif;font-size:12px;font-weight:normal;white-space:nowrap}\n"; fout << "</style>\n"; */ fout << "</head>\n"; fout << "<body>\n"; list<TextInfo>::const_iterator it = TL.begin(); double yscale = 1.2; double xscale = 1.1; while (it!=TL.end()) { string estyle; if (it->format!=1 && it->format!=boldSmall) { if (it->format & textRight) estyle = " style=\"position:absolute;left:" + itos(int(xscale *it->xp)) + "px;top:" + itos(int(yscale*it->yp)) + "px\""; else estyle = " style=\"position:absolute;left:" + itos(int(xscale *it->xp)) + "px;top:" + itos(int(yscale*it->yp)) + "px\""; } else { if (it->format & textRight) estyle = " style=\"font-weight:bold;position:absolute;left:" + itos(int(xscale *it->xp)) + "px;top:" + itos(int(yscale*it->yp)) + "px\""; else estyle = " style=\"font-weight:bold;position:absolute;left:" + itos(int(xscale *it->xp)) + "px;top:" + itos(int(yscale*it->yp)) + "px\""; } string starttag, endtag; getStyle(styles, it->getGdiFont(), it->font, estyle, starttag, endtag); if (!it->text.empty()) fout << starttag << toUTF8(encodeXML(it->text)) << endtag << endl; //fout << "</" << element << ">\n"; ++it; } fout << "<p style=\"position:absolute;left:10px;top:" << int(yscale*MaxY)+15 << "px\">"; char bf1[256]; char bf2[256]; GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, NULL, NULL, bf2, 256); GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, NULL, NULL, bf1, 256); //fout << "Skapad av <i>MeOS</i>: " << bf1 << " "<< bf2 << "\n"; fout << toUTF8("Skapad av ")) + "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><i>MeOS</i></a>: " << bf1 << " "<< bf2 << "\n"; fout << "</p>\n"; fout << "</body>\n"; fout << "</html>\n"; return false; }