コード例 #1
void StepperControlAxis::checkMovement()


  // Handle movement if destination is not already reached or surpassed
  if (
          (coordDestinationPoint > coordSourcePoint && coordCurrentPoint < coordDestinationPoint) ||
          (coordDestinationPoint < coordSourcePoint && coordCurrentPoint > coordDestinationPoint) ||
          coordHomeAxis) &&

    // home or destination not reached, keep moving

    // If end stop reached or the encoder doesn't move anymore, stop moving motor, otherwise set the timing for the next step
    if ((coordHomeAxis && !endStopAxisReached(false)) || (!coordHomeAxis && !endStopAxisReached(!movementToHome)))

      // Get the axis speed, in steps per second
      axisSpeed = calculateSpeed(coordSourcePoint, coordCurrentPoint, coordDestinationPoint,
                                 motorSpeedMin, motorSpeedMax, motorStepsAcc);

//      // Set the moments when the step is set to true and false
//      if (axisSpeed > 0)
//      {

        // Take the requested speed (steps / second) and divide by the interrupt speed (interrupts per seconde)
        // This gives the number of interrupts (called ticks here) before the pulse needs to be set for the next step
//        stepOnTick = moveTicks + (1000.0 * 1000.0 / motorInterruptSpeed / axisSpeed / 2);
//        stepOffTick = moveTicks + (1000.0 * 1000.0 / motorInterruptSpeed / axisSpeed);
//      }
      axisActive = false;
    // Destination or home reached. Deactivate the axis.
    axisActive = false;

  // If end stop for home is active, set the position to zero
  if (endStopAxisReached(false))
    coordCurrentPoint = 0;
コード例 #2
void StepperControlAxis::setStepAxis() {

	if (coordHomeAxis && coordCurrentPoint == 0) {

		// Keep moving toward end stop even when position is zero
		// but end stop is not yet active
		if (motorHomeIsUp) {
			coordCurrentPoint = -1;
		} else {
			coordCurrentPoint =  1;

	if (coordCurrentPoint < coordDestinationPoint) {
	} else if (coordCurrentPoint > coordDestinationPoint) {

	// set a step on the motors

	// if the home end stop is reached, set the current position
	if (endStopAxisReached(false))
		coordCurrentPoint = 0;