コード例 #1
void WebMediaPlayerClientImpl::paintOnAndroid(WebCore::GraphicsContext* context, const IntRect& rect, uint8_t alpha)
    OwnPtr<blink::WebGraphicsContext3DProvider> provider = adoptPtr(blink::Platform::current()->createSharedOffscreenGraphicsContext3DProvider());
    if (!provider)
    WebGraphicsContext3D* context3D = provider->context3d();
    if (!context || !context3D || !m_webMediaPlayer || context->paintingDisabled())

    if (!context3D->makeContextCurrent())

    // Copy video texture into a RGBA texture based bitmap first as video texture on Android is GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES
    // which is not supported by Skia yet. The bitmap's size needs to be the same as the video and use naturalSize() here.
    // Check if we could reuse existing texture based bitmap.
    // Otherwise, release existing texture based bitmap and allocate a new one based on video size.
    if (!ensureTextureBackedSkBitmap(provider->grContext(), m_bitmap, m_webMediaPlayer->naturalSize(), kTopLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin, kSkia8888_GrPixelConfig))

    // Copy video texture to bitmap texture.
    WebCanvas* canvas = context->canvas();
    unsigned textureId = static_cast<unsigned>((m_bitmap.getTexture())->getTextureHandle());
    if (!m_webMediaPlayer->copyVideoTextureToPlatformTexture(context3D, textureId, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, true, false))

    // Draw the texture based bitmap onto the Canvas. If the canvas is hardware based, this will do a GPU-GPU texture copy. If the canvas is software based,
    // the texture based bitmap will be readbacked to system memory then draw onto the canvas.
    SkRect dest;
    dest.set(rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.x() + rect.width(), rect.y() + rect.height());
    SkPaint paint;
    // It is not necessary to pass the dest into the drawBitmap call since all the context have been set up before calling paintCurrentFrameInContext.
    canvas->drawBitmapRect(m_bitmap, NULL, dest, &paint);
コード例 #2
WebGLImageBufferSurface::WebGLImageBufferSurface(const IntSize& size, OpacityMode opacityMode)
    : ImageBufferSurface(size, opacityMode)
    m_contextProvider = adoptPtr(Platform::current()->createSharedOffscreenGraphicsContext3DProvider());
    if (!m_contextProvider)
    GrContext* gr = m_contextProvider->grContext();
    if (!gr)
    ensureTextureBackedSkBitmap(gr, m_bitmap, size, kDefault_GrSurfaceOrigin, kRGBA_8888_GrPixelConfig);