コード例 #1
/* See if wv is contained within wsu.  If so, deallocate wv and return
   the index of the already-present copy.  If not, add wv to both the
   vec2ix and ix2vec mappings and return its index. 
static WordSet add_or_dealloc_WordVec( WordSetU* wsu, WordVec* wv_new )
   Bool     have;
   WordVec* wv_old;
   Word/*Set*/ ix_old = -1;
   /* Really WordSet, but need something that can safely be casted to
      a Word* in the lookupFM.  Making it WordSet (which is 32 bits)
      causes failures on a 64-bit platform. */
   tl_assert(wv_new->owner == wsu);
   have = HG_(lookupFM)( wsu->vec2ix, 
                         (Word*)&wv_old, (Word*)&ix_old,
                         (Word)wv_new );
   if (have) {
      tl_assert(wv_old != wv_new);
      tl_assert(wv_old->owner == wsu);
      tl_assert(ix_old < wsu->ix2vec_used);
      tl_assert(wsu->ix2vec[ix_old] == wv_old);
      delete_WV( wv_new );
      return (WordSet)ix_old;
   } else {
      ensure_ix2vec_space( wsu );
      tl_assert(wsu->ix2vec_used < wsu->ix2vec_size);
      wsu->ix2vec[wsu->ix2vec_used] = wv_new;
      HG_(addToFM)( wsu->vec2ix, (Word)wv_new, (Word)wsu->ix2vec_used );
      if (0) VG_(printf)("aodW %d\n", (Int)wsu->ix2vec_used );
      tl_assert(wsu->ix2vec_used <= wsu->ix2vec_size);
      return (WordSet)(wsu->ix2vec_used - 1);
コード例 #2
static WordSet add_or_dealloc_WordVec( WordSetU* wsu, WordVec* wv_new )
   Bool     have;
   WordVec* wv_old;
   UWord ix_old = -1;
   tl_assert(wv_new->owner == wsu);
   have = VG_(lookupFM)( wsu->vec2ix, 
                         (Word*)&wv_old, (Word*)&ix_old,
                         (Word)wv_new );
   if (have) {
      tl_assert(wv_old != wv_new);
      tl_assert(wv_old->owner == wsu);
      tl_assert(ix_old < wsu->ix2vec_used);
      tl_assert(wsu->ix2vec[ix_old] == wv_old);
      delete_WV( wv_new );
      return (WordSet)ix_old;
   } else if (wsu->ix2vec_free) {
      WordSet ws;
      ws = wsu->ix2vec_free - &(wsu->ix2vec[0]);
      tl_assert(wsu->ix2vec[ws] == NULL || is_dead(wsu,wsu->ix2vec[ws]));
      wsu->ix2vec_free = (WordVec **) wsu->ix2vec[ws];
      wsu->ix2vec[ws] = wv_new;
      VG_(addToFM)( wsu->vec2ix, (Word)wv_new, ws );
      if (HG_DEBUG) VG_(printf)("aodW %s re-use free %d %p\n", wsu->cc, (Int)ws, wv_new );
      return ws;
   } else {
      ensure_ix2vec_space( wsu );
      tl_assert(wsu->ix2vec_used < wsu->ix2vec_size);
      wsu->ix2vec[wsu->ix2vec_used] = wv_new;
      VG_(addToFM)( wsu->vec2ix, (Word)wv_new, (Word)wsu->ix2vec_used );
      if (HG_DEBUG) VG_(printf)("aodW %s %d %p\n", wsu->cc, (Int)wsu->ix2vec_used, wv_new  );
      tl_assert(wsu->ix2vec_used <= wsu->ix2vec_size);
      return (WordSet)(wsu->ix2vec_used - 1);