コード例 #1
ファイル: ndf.c プロジェクト: timj/starlink-pyndf
static int
raiseNDFException( int *status )
  char param[ERR__SZPAR+1];
  char opstr[ERR__SZMSG+1];
  int parlen = 0;
  int oplen = 0;
  size_t stringlen = 1;
  PyObject * thisexc = NULL;
  char * errstring = NULL;

  if (*status == SAI__OK) {
    return 0;

  // We can translate some internal errors into standard python exceptions
  switch (*status) {
  case DAT__FILNF:
    thisexc = PyExc_IOError;
    thisexc = StarlinkNDFError;

  // Start with a nul terminated buffer
  errstring = malloc( stringlen );
  if (!errstring) PyErr_NoMemory();
  errstring[0] = '\0';

  // Build up a string with the full error message
  while (*status != SAI__OK && errstring) {
    errLoad( param, sizeof(param), &parlen, opstr, sizeof(opstr), &oplen, status );
    if (*status != SAI__OK) {
      char *newstring;
      stringlen += oplen + 1;
      newstring = realloc( errstring, stringlen );
      if (newstring) {
        errstring = newstring;
        strcat( errstring, opstr );
        strcat( errstring, "\n" );
     } else {
        if (errstring) free(errstring);

  if (errstring) {
    PyErr_SetString( thisexc, errstring );

  return 1;
コード例 #2
ファイル: write_ndf.c プロジェクト: Starlink/starlink
int write_ndf( int argc, void *argv[]) {
** Declare variables
void *arr;         /* Pointer to the data array */
int n_dims;        /* The number of dimensions */
int *arr_bnds;     /* The dimensions */
IDL_STRING *ndf_name;  /* The name of the NDF to be created */
IDL_STRING *comp;      /* The component name */
IDL_STRING *type;      /* The HDS type of the NDF to be created */
int badset;        /* Whether bad value is set */
void *bad_value;   /* Pointer to the bad value */

int status;        /* Starlink status */

int lbnd[5]={1L,1L,1L,1L,1L}; /* Lower bounds array */
int ndf;           /* NDF identifier */
int place;         /* NDF placeholder */
int npix;          /* Number of pixels */
void *ptr[3];      /* Pointer to mapped NDF data Fortran style */
size_t nbytes;     /* Number of bytes in NDF */
int bpix=1;        /* Number of bits/pixel */
int idltype=1;     /* Pixel type code */

int fstat;              /* Final status (before errLoad) */
int errn=0;             /* Error sequence number */
char param[ERR__SZPAR]; /* Error message parameter name */
int parlen;             /* Length of error message parameter name */
char opstr[ERR__SZMSG]; /* Error message */
int oplen;              /* Length of error message */

** Start Error context
   status = SAI__OK;

** Check that the correct number of arguments were passed in
   if(argc != 8) {
   ** Print an error message and return
      status = SAI__ERROR;
      errRep( " ", "write_ndf: Incorrect number of arguments", &status );

   } else {
   ** Extract the arguments to comprehensible names
      arr = argv[0];
      n_dims = *(int *)argv[1];
      arr_bnds = (int *)argv[2];
      ndf_name = (IDL_STRING *)argv[3];
      comp = (IDL_STRING *)argv[4];
      type = (IDL_STRING *)argv[5];
      badset = *(int *)argv[6];
      bad_value = (void *)argv[7];

   ** Enable NDF calls

      if ( !strcmp( comp->s, "DATA" ) ) {
      ** Create the NDF
         ndfOpen( NULL, ndf_name->s, "WRITE", "NEW", &ndf, &place, &status );
         ndfNew( type->s, n_dims, lbnd, arr_bnds, &place, &ndf, &status );

      } else {
         if ( !strcmp( comp->s, "QUALITY") && strcmp(type->s, "_UBYTE")) {
            status = SAI__ERROR;
            errRep( " ", "write_ndf: Incorrect type for QUALITY", &status );
      ** Open existing NDF
         ndfOpen( NULL, ndf_name->s, "UPDATE", "OLD", &ndf, &place, &status );

   **  Check the number of pixels is same in given array and NDF for QUALITY
   **  and VARIANCE.
      if ( strcmp( comp->s, "DATA" ) ) {
         ndfSize( ndf, &npix, &status );

         if ( ( status == SAI__OK ) && ( npix != arr_bnds[n_dims+1] ) ) {
         **  Array size and NDF size do not agree
            status = SAI__ERROR;
            errRep( " ",
              "write_ndf: Incorrect number elements supplied", &status );

   **  Obtain mapped access to the array component of the NDF
      ndfMap( ndf, comp->s, type->s, "WRITE", ptr, &npix, &status );

   **  Now copy the values from ARR into the mapped NDF
      if ( status == SAI__OK ) {
      **  First check the returned pointer is good
         if ( ptr[0] == NULL ) {
         **  Fortran to C pointer conversion failed
            status = SAI__ERROR;
            errRep( " ",
              "write_ndf: Fortran to C pointer conversion failed", &status );

         } else {
         **  then get the IDL type code and number of bytes per pixel
            if (!strcmp(type->s, "_REAL")) {
               idltype = 4;
               bpix = 4;
            } else if (!strcmp(type->s, "_INTEGER")) {
               idltype = 3;
               bpix = 4;
            } else if (!strcmp(type->s, "_WORD")) {
               idltype = 2;
               bpix = 2;
            } else if (!strcmp(type->s, "_DOUBLE")) {
               idltype = 5;
               bpix = 8;
            } else if (!strcmp(type->s, "_UBYTE")) {
               idltype = 1;
               bpix = 1;
            } else {
               status = SAI__ERROR;
               msgSetc( "TYPE", type->s );
               errRep( " ", "Illegal type ^TYPE", &status );

         **  Now copy the data from the array to the NDF.
         **  If we need to check for bad values in the array, use copybadout.
         **  If any bad values are found copybadout will replace them with the
         **  appropriate PRIMDAT bad value. The NDF bad pixel flag is then set
         **  depending on whether copybadout detected any bad values.
         **  If we need not check for bad pixels just copy the whole lot;
            if ( status == SAI__OK ) {
               if ( badset ) {
                  if ( !copybadout( ptr[0], arr, npix, idltype, bad_value ) )
                     ndfSbad( 0, ndf, comp->s, &status);
               } else {
                  nbytes = bpix * npix;
                  memcpy( ptr[0], arr, nbytes );

   **  Close NDF
      ndfEnd( &status );

**  Report any error messages
**  Adding Starlink-style !! and ! prefix
   fstat = status;
   while ( status != SAI__OK ) {
        param, ERR__SZPAR, &parlen, opstr, ERR__SZMSG, &oplen, &status );
      if ( status != SAI__OK )
         printf( "%s %s\r\n", errn++?"! ":"!!", opstr );

**  That's it, return to the calling routine
   return( fstat == SAI__OK );

コード例 #3
ファイル: read_ndf.c プロジェクト: Starlink/starlink
int read_ndf( int argc, void *argv[] ) {
** Declare variables
IDL_STRING *ndf_name;  /* The name of the NDF to be read */
IDL_STRING *comp;      /* The component name */
IDL_STRING *type;      /* The HDS type of the component to be read */
void *arr;         /* Pointer to the data array */
int badset;        /* Whether bad value is set */
void *bad_value;   /* Pointer to the bad value */

int status;        /* Starlink status */

int ndf;           /* NDF identifier */
int place;         /* NDF placeholder */
int npix;          /* Number of pixels */
void *ptr[3];      /* Pointer to mapped NDF data Fortran style */
size_t nbytes;     /* Number of bytes in NDF */
int bpix=1;        /* Number of bits/pixel */
int idltype=1;     /* Pixel type code */
int bad;           /* If bad pixels need handling */

int fstat;              /* Final status (before errLoad) */
int errn=0;             /* Error sequence number */
char param[ERR__SZPAR]; /* Error message parameter name */
int parlen;             /* Length of error message parameter name */
char opstr[ERR__SZMSG]; /* Error message */
int oplen;              /* Length of error message */

** Start Error context
   status = SAI__OK;

** Check that the correct number of arguments were passed in
   if(argc != 6) {
   ** Print an error message and return
      status = SAI__ERROR;
      errRep( " ", "read_ndf: Incorrect number of arguments", &status );
   } else {
   ** Extract the arguments to comprehensible names
      ndf_name = (IDL_STRING *)argv[0];
      comp = (IDL_STRING *)argv[1];
      type = (IDL_STRING *)argv[2];
      arr = argv[3];
      badset = *(int *)argv[4];
      bad_value = (void *)argv[5];

   ** Enable NDF calls
/*      ptr[2]=malloc(256);*/
   ** Open the NDF
      ndfOpen( NULL, ndf_name->s, "READ", "OLD", &ndf, &place, &status );
   **  Obtain mapped access to the array component of the first NDF
      ndfMap( ndf, comp->s, type->s, "READ", ptr, &npix, &status );
   **  Now copy the values from the mapped NDF into ARR
      if ( status == SAI__OK ) {
      **  First check the returned pointer is good
         if ( ptr[0] == NULL ) {
         **  Fortran to C pointer conversion failed
            status = SAI__ERROR;
            errRep( " ",
              "read_ndf: Fortran to C pointer conversion failed", &status );

         } else {
         **  then get the IDL type and number of bytes per pixel
            if (!strcmp(type->s, "_REAL")) {
               idltype = 4;
               bpix = 4;
            } else if (!strcmp(type->s, "_INTEGER")) {
               idltype = 3;
               bpix = 4;
            } else if (!strcmp(type->s, "_WORD")) {
               idltype = 2;
               bpix = 2;
            } else if (!strcmp(type->s, "_DOUBLE")) {
               idltype = 5;
               bpix = 8;
            } else if (!strcmp(type->s, "_UBYTE")) {
               idltype = 1;
               bpix = 1;
            } else {
               status = SAI__ERROR;
               msgSetc( "TYPE", type->s );
               errRep( " ", "Illegal type ^TYPE", &status );
         **  If badset is false, we can just copy everything; otherwise see if
         **  bad pixels may be set and act accordingly. Set bad if we need to check
         **  for bad pixels.
            bad = 0;
            if ( badset ) ndfBad( ndf, "DATA", 0, &bad, &status );

         **  Now copy the data from the NDF to the array.
         **  If we need not check for bad pixels just copy the whole lot
            if ( status == SAI__OK ) {
               if ( bad ) {
                  copybadin( arr, ptr[0], npix, idltype, bad_value );
               } else {
                  nbytes = bpix * npix;
                  memcpy( arr, ptr[0], nbytes );

   **  Close NDF
      ndfEnd( &status );

**  Report any error messages
**  Adding Starlink-style !! and ! prefix
   fstat = status;
   while ( status != SAI__OK ) {
         param, ERR__SZPAR, &parlen, opstr, ERR__SZMSG, &oplen, &status );
      if ( status != SAI__OK )
         printf( "%s %s\r\n", errn++?"! ":"!!", opstr );

**  That's it, return to the calling routine
   return( fstat == SAI__OK );