コード例 #1
ファイル: fx2.c プロジェクト: bioak/libfpgalink
DLLEXPORT(FLStatus) flFlashStandardFirmware(
	struct FLContext *handle, const char *newVidPid, const char *jtagPort,
	 uint32 eepromSize, const char *xsvfFile, const char **error)
	FLStatus flStatus, returnCode;
	struct Buffer i2cBuf = {0,};
	BufferStatus bStatus;
	FX2Status fxStatus;
	uint32 fwSize, xsvfSize, initSize;
	uint16 newVid, newPid, newDid;
	uint8 port, tdoBit, tdiBit, tmsBit, tckBit;
	if ( !usbValidateVidPid(newVidPid) ) {
		errRender(error, "flFlashStandardFirmware(): The supplied new VID:PID \"%s\" is invalid; it should look like 04B4:8613", newVidPid);
	newVid = (uint16)strtoul(newVidPid, NULL, 16);
	newPid = (uint16)strtoul(newVidPid+5, NULL, 16);
	newDid = (strlen(newVidPid) == 14) ? (uint16)strtoul(newVidPid+10, NULL, 16) : 0x0000;
	if ( strlen(jtagPort) != 5 ) {
		errRender(error, "flFlashStandardFirmware(): JTAG port specification must be <C|D><tdoBit><tdiBit><tmsBit><tckBit>");
	if ( (jtagPort[0] & 0xDF) == 'A' ) {
		port = 0;
	} else if ( (jtagPort[0] & 0xDF) == 'C' ) {
		port = 2;
	} else if ( (jtagPort[0] & 0xDF) == 'D' ) {
		port = 3;
	} else {
		errRender(error, "flFlashStandardFirmware(): JTAG port specification must be <A|C|D><tdoBit><tdiBit><tmsBit><tckBit>");
	if  (jtagPort[1] < '0' || jtagPort[1] > '7' || jtagPort[2] < '0' || jtagPort[2] > '7' || jtagPort[3] < '0' || jtagPort[3] > '7' || jtagPort[4] < '0' || jtagPort[4] > '7' ) {
		errRender(error, "flFlashStandardFirmware(): JTAG port specification must be <A|C|D><tdoBit><tdiBit><tmsBit><tckBit>");
	tdoBit = jtagPort[1] - '0';
	tdiBit = jtagPort[2] - '0';
	tmsBit = jtagPort[3] - '0';
	tckBit = jtagPort[4] - '0';
	if (
		port == 0 &&
		(isInvalidPortABit(tdoBit) || isInvalidPortABit(tdiBit) ||
		 isInvalidPortABit(tmsBit) || isInvalidPortABit(tckBit))
	) {
		errRender(error, "flFlashStandardFirmware(): Only bits 0, 1, 3 & 7 are available for JTAG use on port A");
	bStatus = bufInitialise(&i2cBuf, 0x4000, 0x00, error);
	CHECK_STATUS(bStatus, "flFlashStandardFirmware()", FL_ALLOC_ERR);
	if ( xsvfFile ) {
		flStatus = copyFirmwareAndRewriteIDs(
			&eepromWithBootFirmware, newVid, newPid, newDid,
			port, tdoBit, tdiBit, tmsBit, tckBit,
			&i2cBuf, error);
		CHECK_STATUS(flStatus, "flFlashStandardFirmware()", flStatus);
		fwSize = i2cBuf.length;
		flStatus = convertJtagFileToCsvf(&i2cBuf, xsvfFile, error);
		CHECK_STATUS(flStatus, "flFlashStandardFirmware()", flStatus);
		xsvfSize = i2cBuf.length - fwSize;
		if ( handle->writeBuffer.length ) {
			// Write a big-endian uint24 length for the init data, then the data itself
			const uint32 length = handle->writeBuffer.length;
			if ( length > 0x20000 ) {
					"flFlashStandardFirmware(): Cannot cope with %lu bytes of init data",
			bStatus = bufAppendByte(&i2cBuf, (uint8)((length>>16) & 0xFF), error);
			CHECK_STATUS(bStatus, "flFlashStandardFirmware()", FL_ALLOC_ERR);
			bStatus = bufAppendByte(&i2cBuf, (uint8)((length>>8) & 0xFF), error);
			CHECK_STATUS(bStatus, "flFlashStandardFirmware()", FL_ALLOC_ERR);
			bStatus = bufAppendByte(&i2cBuf, (uint8)(length & 0xFF), error);
			CHECK_STATUS(bStatus, "flFlashStandardFirmware()", FL_ALLOC_ERR);
			bStatus = bufAppendBlock(
				&i2cBuf, handle->writeBuffer.data, length, error);
			CHECK_STATUS(bStatus, "flFlashStandardFirmware()", FL_ALLOC_ERR);
			initSize = length + 3;
		} else {
			// Write a zero uint24 length so the firmware knows there's no init data to follow
			bStatus = bufAppendByte(&i2cBuf, 0x00, error);
			CHECK_STATUS(bStatus, "flFlashStandardFirmware()", FL_ALLOC_ERR);
			bStatus = bufAppendByte(&i2cBuf, 0x00, error);
			CHECK_STATUS(bStatus, "flFlashStandardFirmware()", FL_ALLOC_ERR);
			bStatus = bufAppendByte(&i2cBuf, 0x00, error);
			CHECK_STATUS(bStatus, "flFlashStandardFirmware()", FL_ALLOC_ERR);
			initSize = 3;
	} else {
コード例 #2
ファイル: fx2.c プロジェクト: bioak/libfpgalink
// Load the standard FPGALink firmware into the FX2 at currentVid/currentPid.
DLLEXPORT(FLStatus) flLoadStandardFirmware(
	const char *curVidPid, const char *newVidPid, const char *jtagPort, const char **error)
	FLStatus flStatus, returnCode;
	struct Buffer ramBuf = {0,};
	BufferStatus bStatus;
	FX2Status fxStatus;
	struct USBDevice *device = NULL;
	int uStatus;
	uint16 newVid, newPid, newDid;
	uint8 port, tdoBit, tdiBit, tmsBit, tckBit;
	if ( !usbValidateVidPid(newVidPid) ) {
		errRender(error, "flLoadStandardFirmware(): The supplied VID:PID:DID \"%s\" is invalid; it should look like 1D50:602B or 1D50:602B:0001", newVidPid);
	newVid = (uint16)strtoul(newVidPid, NULL, 16);
	newPid = (uint16)strtoul(newVidPid+5, NULL, 16);
	newDid = (strlen(newVidPid) == 14) ? (uint16)strtoul(newVidPid+10, NULL, 16) : 0x0000;
	if ( strlen(jtagPort) != 5 ) {
		errRender(error, "flLoadStandardFirmware(): JTAG port specification must be <C|D><tdoBit><tdiBit><tmsBit><tckBit>");
	if ( (jtagPort[0] & 0xDF) == 'A' ) {
		port = 0;
	} else if ( (jtagPort[0] & 0xDF) == 'C' ) {
		port = 2;
	} else if ( (jtagPort[0] & 0xDF) == 'D' ) {
		port = 3;
	} else {
		errRender(error, "flLoadStandardFirmware(): JTAG port specification must be <A|C|D><tdoBit><tdiBit><tmsBit><tckBit>");
	if  (jtagPort[1] < '0' || jtagPort[1] > '7' || jtagPort[2] < '0' || jtagPort[2] > '7' || jtagPort[3] < '0' || jtagPort[3] > '7' || jtagPort[4] < '0' || jtagPort[4] > '7' ) {
		errRender(error, "flLoadStandardFirmware(): JTAG port specification must be <A|C|D><tdoBit><tdiBit><tmsBit><tckBit>");
	tdoBit = jtagPort[1] - '0';
	tdiBit = jtagPort[2] - '0';
	tmsBit = jtagPort[3] - '0';
	tckBit = jtagPort[4] - '0';
	if (
		port == 0 &&
		(isInvalidPortABit(tdoBit) || isInvalidPortABit(tdiBit) ||
		 isInvalidPortABit(tmsBit) || isInvalidPortABit(tckBit))
	) {
		errRender(error, "flFlashStandardFirmware(): Only bits 0, 1, 3 & 7 are available for JTAG use on port A");
	uStatus = usbOpenDevice(curVidPid, 1, 0, 0, &device, error);
	CHECK_STATUS(uStatus, "flLoadStandardFirmware()", FL_USB_ERR);
	bStatus = bufInitialise(&ramBuf, 0x4000, 0x00, error);
	CHECK_STATUS(bStatus, "flLoadStandardFirmware()", FL_ALLOC_ERR);
	flStatus = copyFirmwareAndRewriteIDs(
		&ramFirmware, newVid, newPid, newDid,
		port, tdoBit, tdiBit, tmsBit, tckBit,
		&ramBuf, error);
	CHECK_STATUS(flStatus, "flLoadStandardFirmware()", flStatus);
	fxStatus = fx2WriteRAM(device, ramBuf.data, ramBuf.length, error);
	CHECK_STATUS(fxStatus, "flLoadStandardFirmware()", FL_FX2_ERR);
	returnCode = FL_SUCCESS;
	if ( device ) {
		usbCloseDevice(device, 0);
	return returnCode;
コード例 #3
ファイル: csvfplay.c プロジェクト: vaesumed/libfpgalink
// Play the CSVF stream into the JTAG port.
FLStatus csvfPlay(struct FLContext *handle, const uint8 *csvfData, const char **error) {
	FLStatus returnCode = FL_SUCCESS;
	FLStatus fStatus;
	uint8 thisByte, numBits;
	uint32 numBytes;
	uint8 *tdoPtr, *tdiPtr;
	uint8 i;
	uint32 xsdrSize = 0;
	uint32 xruntest = 0;
	uint8 tdoMask[CSVF_BUF_SIZE];
	uint8 tdiData[CSVF_BUF_SIZE];
	uint8 tdoData[CSVF_BUF_SIZE];
	uint8 tdoExpected[CSVF_BUF_SIZE];
	char data[CSVF_BUF_SIZE*2+1];
	char mask[CSVF_BUF_SIZE*2+1];
	char expected[CSVF_BUF_SIZE*2+1];
	uint8 *tdiAll;
	const uint8 *ptr = csvfData;

	fStatus = jtagClockFSM(handle, 0x0000001F, 6, error);  // Reset TAP, goto Run-Test/Idle
	CHECK_STATUS(fStatus, "csvfPlay()", fStatus);

	thisByte = *ptr++;
	while ( thisByte != XCOMPLETE ) {
		switch ( thisByte ) {
		case XTDOMASK:
			#ifdef DEBUG
			numBytes = bitsToBytes(xsdrSize);
			tdoPtr = tdoMask;
			while ( numBytes-- ) {
				thisByte = *ptr++;
				#ifdef DEBUG
					printf("%02X", thisByte);
				*tdoPtr++ = thisByte;
			#ifdef DEBUG

		case XRUNTEST:
			xruntest = *ptr++;
			xruntest <<= 8;
			xruntest |= *ptr++;
			xruntest <<= 8;
			xruntest |= *ptr++;
			xruntest <<= 8;
			xruntest |= *ptr++;
			#ifdef DEBUG
				printf("XRUNTEST(%08X)\n", xruntest);

		case XSIR:
			fStatus = jtagClockFSM(handle, 0x00000003, 4, error);  // -> Shift-IR
			CHECK_STATUS(fStatus, "csvfPlay()", fStatus);
			numBits = *ptr++;
			#ifdef DEBUG
				printf("XSIR(%02X, ", numBits);
			numBytes = bitsToBytes(numBits);
			tdiPtr = tdiData;
			while ( numBytes-- ) {
				thisByte = *ptr++;
				#ifdef DEBUG
					printf("%02X", thisByte);
				*tdiPtr++ = thisByte;
			#ifdef DEBUG
			fStatus = jtagShift(handle, numBits, tdiData, NULL, true, error);  // -> Exit1-DR
			CHECK_STATUS(fStatus, "csvfPlay()", fStatus);
			fStatus = jtagClockFSM(handle, 0x00000001, 2, error);  // -> Run-Test/Idle
			CHECK_STATUS(fStatus, "csvfPlay()", fStatus);
			if ( xruntest ) {
				fStatus = jtagClocks(handle, xruntest, error);
				CHECK_STATUS(fStatus, "csvfPlay()", fStatus);

		case XSDRSIZE:
			xsdrSize = *ptr++;
			xsdrSize <<= 8;
			xsdrSize |= *ptr++;
			xsdrSize <<= 8;
			xsdrSize |= *ptr++;
			xsdrSize <<= 8;
			xsdrSize |= *ptr++;
			#ifdef DEBUG
				printf("XSDRSIZE(%08X)\n", xsdrSize);

		case XSDRTDO:
			numBytes = bitsToBytes(xsdrSize);
			tdiPtr = tdiData;
			tdoPtr = tdoExpected;
			while ( numBytes-- ) {
				*tdiPtr++ = *ptr++;
				*tdoPtr++ = *ptr++;
			numBytes = bitsToBytes(xsdrSize);
			i = 0;
			do {
				fStatus = jtagClockFSM(handle, 0x00000001, 3, error);  // -> Shift-DR
				CHECK_STATUS(fStatus, "csvfPlay()", fStatus);
				fStatus = jtagShift(handle, xsdrSize, tdiData, tdoData, true, error);  // -> Exit1-DR
				CHECK_STATUS(fStatus, "csvfPlay()", fStatus);
				fStatus = jtagClockFSM(handle, 0x0000001A, 6, error);  // -> Run-Test/Idle
				CHECK_STATUS(fStatus, "csvfPlay()", fStatus);
				if ( xruntest ) {
					fStatus = jtagClocks(handle, xruntest, error);
					CHECK_STATUS(fStatus, "csvfPlay()", fStatus);
				#ifdef DEBUG
					dumpSimple(tdoData, numBytes, data);
					dumpSimple(tdoMask, numBytes, mask);
					dumpSimple(tdoExpected, numBytes, expected);
					printf("XSDRTDO(attempt: %d; mask: %s; expecting: %s; got: %s)\n", i, mask, expected, data);
			} while ( tdoMatchFailed(tdoData, tdoMask, tdoExpected, numBytes) && i < 32 );

			if ( i == 32 ) {
				dumpSimple(tdoData, numBytes, data);
				dumpSimple(tdoMask, numBytes, mask);
				dumpSimple(tdoExpected, numBytes, expected);
					"csvfPlay(): XSDRTDO failed:\n  Got: %s\n  Mask: %s\n  Expecting: %s",
					data, mask, expected);

		case XSDR:
			#ifdef DEBUG
				// TODO: Need to print actual TDO data too
				printf("XSDR(%08X)\n", xsdrSize);
			fStatus = jtagClockFSM(handle, 0x00000001, 3, error);  // -> Shift-DR
			CHECK_STATUS(fStatus, "csvfPlay()", fStatus);
			numBytes = bitsToBytes(xsdrSize);
			tdiAll = malloc(numBytes);
			tdiPtr = tdiAll;
			while ( numBytes-- ) {
				*tdiPtr++ = *ptr++;
			fStatus = jtagShift(handle, xsdrSize, tdiAll, NULL, true, error);  // -> Exit1-DR
			CHECK_STATUS(fStatus, "csvfPlay()", fStatus);
			fStatus = jtagClockFSM(handle, 0x00000001, 2, error);  // -> Run-Test/Idle
			CHECK_STATUS(fStatus, "csvfPlay()", fStatus);
			if ( xruntest ) {
				fStatus = jtagClocks(handle, xruntest, error);
				CHECK_STATUS(fStatus, "csvfPlay()", fStatus);

			errRender(error, "csvfPlay(): Unsupported command 0x%02X", thisByte);
		thisByte = *ptr++;
	return returnCode;