static void InitNatfeat(void) { long ver; nfOps = nf_init(); if (!nfOps) { err_init("__NF cookie not present on this system"); return; } nfOSMesaId=nfOps->get_id("OSMESA"); if (nfOSMesaId==0) { err_init("NF OSMesa functions not present on this system"); return; } ver = nfOps->call(nfOSMesaId+GET_VERSION, 0l, 0l); if (ver < ARANFOSMESA_NFAPI_VERSION) { if (err_old_nfapi()) { err_init("NF OSMesa functions in ARAnyM too old"); nfOSMesaId = 0; return; } } if (ver > ARANFOSMESA_NFAPI_VERSION) { /* * they should be backward compatible, but give a warning */ (void) Cconws("Warning: NF OSMesa functions in ARAnyM newer than library\r\n"); } }
/* * test main for conf module, usage: a.out conffile */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct opts *opts; err_init(argv[0]); setbuf(stdout, NULL); opts_init(Opttable, Opttable_cnt); opts = opts_parse(NULL, NULL, 0); if (argc != 2) err(EF_RAW, "usage: %s conffile\n", argv[0]); conf_open(argv[1], argv[1], opts); printf("conffile <%s>:\n", argv[1]); conf_print(stdout, NULL); conf_close(opts); err_done(0); /* NOTREACHED */ return (0); }
zbar_video_t *zbar_video_create () { zbar_video_t *vdo = calloc(1, sizeof(zbar_video_t)); int i; if(!vdo) return(NULL); err_init(&vdo->err, ZBAR_MOD_VIDEO); vdo->fd = -1; (void)_zbar_mutex_init(&vdo->qlock); /* pre-allocate images */ vdo->num_images = ZBAR_VIDEO_IMAGES_MAX; vdo->images = calloc(ZBAR_VIDEO_IMAGES_MAX, sizeof(zbar_image_t*)); if(!vdo->images) { zbar_video_destroy(vdo); return(NULL); } for(i = 0; i < ZBAR_VIDEO_IMAGES_MAX; i++) { zbar_image_t *img = vdo->images[i] = zbar_image_create(); if(!img) { zbar_video_destroy(vdo); return(NULL); } img->refcnt = 0; img->cleanup = _zbar_video_recycle_image; img->srcidx = i; img->src = vdo; } return(vdo); }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { err_init (argv[0]); err_set_flags (ERROR_STDERR); ipmidetectd_argp_parse (argc, argv, &cmd_args); ipmidetectd_config_setup (argc, argv); if (!cmd_args.debug) { daemonize_common (IPMIDETECTD_PIDFILE); err_set_flags (ERROR_SYSLOG); } else err_set_flags (ERROR_STDERR); daemon_signal_handler_setup (_signal_handler_callback); /* Call after daemonization, since daemonization closes currently * open fds */ openlog (argv[0], LOG_ODELAY | LOG_PID, LOG_DAEMON); _ipmidetectd_loop (); return (0); }
/* * test main for kw module, usage: a.out fname [template...] */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; struct fn *src = fn_new(NULL); struct fn *dst = fn_new(NULL); err_init(argv[0]); setbuf(stdout, NULL); Now = time(0); if (argc < 2) err(0, "first arg must be fname"); kw_init(fn_new(argv[1]), NULL); kw_print(stdout); for (i = 2; i < argc; i++) { int n; for (n = -1; n < 2; n++) { fn_renew(src, argv[i]); fn_renew(dst, NULL); printf("expand<%s> n %d hasn %d ", argv[i], n, kw_expand(src, dst, n, B_FALSE)); printf("result <%s>\n", fn_s(dst)); } } err_done(0); /* NOTREACHED */ return (0); }
int UNIX_ONLY(main)VMS_ONLY(dbcertify)(int argc, char **argv) { DCL_THREADGBL_ACCESS; /* Initialization of scaffolding we run on */ GTM_THREADGBL_INIT; gtm_imagetype_init(DBCERTIFY_IMAGE); gtm_env_init(); gtm_utf8_mode = FALSE; /* Only ever runs in V4 database so NO utf8 mode -- ever */ psa_gbl = malloc(SIZEOF(*psa_gbl)); memset(psa_gbl, 0, SIZEOF(*psa_gbl)); UNIX_ONLY(err_init(dbcertify_base_ch)); UNIX_ONLY(sig_init(dbcertify_signal_handler, dbcertify_signal_handler, NULL)); VMS_ONLY(util_out_open(0)); VMS_ONLY(SET_EXIT_HANDLER(exi_blk, dbcertify_exit_handler, exi_condition)); /* Establish exit handler */ VMS_ONLY(ESTABLISH(dbcertify_base_ch)); process_id = getpid(); /* Structure checks .. */ assert((24 * 1024) == SIZEOF(v15_sgmnt_data)); /* Verify V4 file header hasn't suddenly increased for some odd reason */ /* Platform dependent method to get the option scan going and invoke necessary driver routine */ dbcertify_parse_and_dispatch(argc, argv); return SS_NORMAL; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { err_init(argv[0]); err_set_flags(ERROR_STDERR); #if CEREBRO_DEBUG cerebro_err_init(argv[0]); #endif /* CEREBRO_DEBUG */ _init_cerebro_stat(); _cmdline_parse(argc, argv); /* Checks in _cmdline_parse ensure only one of four below will be called */ if (event_list_flag || (event_name && !strcmp(event_name, CEREBRO_EVENT_NAMES))) _event_list(); if (metric_list_flag || (metric_name && !strcmp(metric_name, CEREBRO_METRIC_METRIC_NAMES))) _metric_list(); if (metric_name && strcmp(metric_name, CEREBRO_METRIC_METRIC_NAMES)) _metric_data(); if (event_name) _event_data(); _cleanup_cerebro_stat(); exit(0); }
int check_line(char *str) { t_error err; int i; err_init(&err); i = 0; while (str[i]) { if (str[i] == '"' && str[i - 1] != '\\') err.dquote = dquote_check(str, &i); else if (str[i] == '\'' && str[i] != '\\') err.squote = squote_check(str, &i); else if (str[i] == '`' && str[i - 1] != '\\') err.bquote = bquote_check(str, &i); else if (str[i] == '|' && str[i - 1] != '\\') err.pipe = p_check(str, &i); else if (str[i] == '(' || str[i] == ')') err.par = check_par(str, &i); ++i; } if (err.par == 2 || err.redir == 2) return (2); if (err.dquote == 1 || err.squote == 1 || err.pipe == 1 || err.bquote == 1 || err.par == 1) return (1); return (0); }
zebra_processor_t *zebra_processor_create (int threaded) { zebra_processor_t *proc = calloc(1, sizeof(zebra_processor_t)); if(!proc) return(NULL); err_init(&proc->err, ZEBRA_MOD_PROCESSOR); proc->kick_fds[0] = proc->kick_fds[1] = -1; proc->scanner = zebra_image_scanner_create(); if(!proc->scanner) { free(proc); return(NULL); } if(threaded) { #ifdef HAVE_LIBPTHREAD proc->threaded = 1; proc->sem = 1; /* FIXME check errors */ pthread_mutex_init(&proc->mutex, NULL); pthread_cond_init(&proc->cond, NULL); pthread_cond_init(&proc->event, NULL); pipe(proc->kick_fds); add_poll(proc, proc->kick_fds[0], NULL); #else /* FIXME record warning */ #endif } return(proc); }
/* * test main for lut module, usage: a.out [lhs[=rhs]...] */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct lut *r = NULL; struct lut *dupr = NULL; char *equals; err_init(argv[0]); setbuf(stdout, NULL); for (argv++; *argv; argv++) if ((equals = strchr(*argv, '=')) != NULL) { *equals++ = '\0'; r = lut_add(r, *argv, equals); } else r = lut_add(r, *argv, "NULL"); printf("lut contains:\n"); lut_walk(r, printer, r); dupr = lut_dup(r); lut_free(r, NULL); printf("dup lut contains:\n"); lut_walk(dupr, printer, dupr); lut_free(dupr, NULL); err_done(0); /* NOTREACHED */ return (0); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { DCL_THREADGBL_ACCESS; GTM_THREADGBL_INIT; set_blocksig(); gtm_imagetype_init(DSE_IMAGE); gtm_wcswidth_fnptr = gtm_wcswidth; gtm_env_init(); /* read in all environment variables */ licensed = TRUE; TREF(transform) = TRUE; op_open_ptr = op_open; patch_curr_blk = get_dir_root(); err_init(util_base_ch); GTM_ICU_INIT_IF_NEEDED; /* Note: should be invoked after err_init (since it may error out) and before CLI parsing */ sig_init(generic_signal_handler, dse_ctrlc_handler, suspsigs_handler); atexit(util_exit_handler); SET_LATCH_GLOBAL(&defer_latch, LOCK_AVAILABLE); get_page_size(); stp_init(STP_INITSIZE); rts_stringpool = stringpool; getjobname(); INVOKE_INIT_SECSHR_ADDRS; getzdir(); prealloc_gt_timers(); initialize_pattern_table(); gvinit(); region_init(FALSE); INIT_GBL_ROOT(); /* Needed for GVT initialization */ getjobnum(); util_out_print("!/File !_!AD", TRUE, DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region)); util_out_print("Region!_!AD!/", TRUE, REG_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region)); cli_lex_setup(argc, argv); CREATE_DUMMY_GBLDIR(gd_header, original_header, gv_cur_region, gd_map, gd_map_top); gtm_chk_dist(argv[0]); # ifdef DEBUG if ((gtm_white_box_test_case_enabled && (WBTEST_SEMTOOLONG_STACK_TRACE == gtm_white_box_test_case_number) )) { sgmnt_addrs * csa; node_local_ptr_t cnl; csa = &FILE_INFO(gv_cur_region)->s_addrs; cnl = csa->nl; cnl->wbox_test_seq_num = 1; /*Signal the first step and wait here*/ while (2 != cnl->wbox_test_seq_num) /*Wait for another process to get hold of the semaphore and signal next step*/ LONG_SLEEP(10); } # endif if (argc < 2) display_prompt(); io_init(TRUE); while (1) { if (!dse_process(argc)) break; display_prompt(); } dse_exit(); REVERT; }
int main(void) { if (ldg_init(&LibLdg) != 0) { err_init("This program is a LDG library"); } return 0; }
static int _setup (void) { err_init (MONITOR_NAME); err_set_dest ("cerebro"); lmt_conf_init (0, NULL); return 0; }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { int i; char *target = NULL; char *mxdir = NULL; char *propfile = NULL; FILE *file; shared_init(32*1024*1024); err_init(); log_init(LOG_LEVEL); mman_init(); while (1) { char c = getopt(argc, argv, "n:d:p:"); if (c == -1) { break; } switch (c) { case 'd': mxdir = optarg; break; case 'n': target = optarg; break; case 'p': propfile = optarg; break; } } if (argc < 2) { usage(); } else { c = mxc_create(); c->mxdir = mxdir; c->target = target; prop_addFromFile(c->props, propfile); for (i = optind; i < argc; i++) { c->filename = argv[i]; file = fopen(argv[i], "r"); err_assert(file != NULL, err_f("IOError")); yyin = file; yylineno = 1; yyparse(); } mxc_emitIncludes(c); mxc_emitExports(c); mxc_emitInterface(c); mxc_emitCode(c); mxc_emitBuildScript(c); //mxc_free(c); } shared_cleanup(); return 0; }
int gtm_init() { rhdtyp *base_addr; unsigned char *transfer_addr; error_def(ERR_CITPNESTED); error_def(ERR_CIMAXLEVELS); if (!gtm_startup_active) { /* call-in invoked from C as base. GT.M hasn't been started up yet. */ image_type = GTM_IMAGE; gtm_env_init(); /* read in all environment variables */ err_init(stop_image_conditional_core); cli_lex_setup(0, NULL); /* Initialize msp to the maximum so if errors occur during GT.M startup below, * the unwind logic in gtmci_ch() will get rid of the whole stack. */ msp = (unsigned char*)-1; } ESTABLISH_RET(gtmci_ch, mumps_status); if (!gtm_startup_active) { /* GT.M is not active yet. Create GT.M startup environment */ invocation_mode = MUMPS_CALLIN; init_gtm(); gtm_savetraps(); /* nullify default $ZTRAP handling */ assert(gtm_startup_active); assert(frame_pointer->flags & SFF_CI); nested_level = 1; } else if (!(frame_pointer->flags & SFF_CI)) { /* Nested call-in: setup a new CI environment (SFF_CI frame on top of base-frame) */ /* Mark the beginning of the new stack so that initialization errors in * call-in frame do not unwind entries of the previous stack (see gtmci_ch).*/ fgncal_stack = msp; /* Report if condition handlers stack may overrun during this callin level. * Every underlying level can not have more than 2 active condition handlers, * plus extra MAX_HANDLERS are reserved for this level. */ if (chnd_end - ctxt <= MAX_HANDLERS) rts_error(VARLSTCNT(3) ERR_CIMAXLEVELS, 1, nested_level); /* Disallow call-ins within a TP boundary since TP restarts are not supported * currently across nested call-ins. When we implement TP restarts across call-ins, * this error needs be changed to a Warning or Notification */ if (0 < dollar_tlevel) rts_error(VARLSTCNT(1) ERR_CITPNESTED); base_addr = make_cimode(); transfer_addr = PTEXT_ADR(base_addr); gtm_init_env(base_addr, transfer_addr); SET_CI_ENV(ci_ret_code_exit); gtmci_isv_save(); nested_level++; } /* Now that GT.M is initialized. Mark the new stack pointer (msp) so that errors * while executing an M routine do not unwind stack below this mark. It important that * the call-in frames (SFF_CI), that hold nesting information (eg. $ECODE/$STACK data * of the previous stack), are kept from being unwound. */ fgncal_stack = msp; REVERT; return 0; }
zbar_window_t *zbar_window_create (void) { zbar_window_t *w = calloc(1, sizeof(zbar_window_t)); if(!w) return(NULL); err_init(&w->err, ZBAR_MOD_WINDOW); w->overlay = 1; (void)_zbar_mutex_init(&w->imglock); return(w); }
/* On OSF/1 (Digital Unix), pointers are 64 bits wide; the only exception to this is C programs for which one may * specify compiler and link editor options in order to use (and allocate) 32-bit pointers. However, since C is * the only exception and, in particular because the operating system does not support such an exception, the argv * array passed to the main program is an array of 64-bit pointers. Thus the C program needs to declare argv[] * as an array of 64-bit pointers and needs to do the same for any pointer it sets to an element of argv[]. */ int main(int argc, char_ptr_t argv[]) { omi_conn_ll conns; bool set_pset(); int ret_val; DCL_THREADGBL_ACCESS; GTM_THREADGBL_INIT; ctxt = NULL; common_startup_init(GTCM_SERVER_IMAGE); SPRINTF(image_id,"%s=gtcm_server", image_id); # ifdef SEQUOIA if (!set_pset()) exit(-1); # endif /* Initialize everything but the network */ err_init(gtcm_exit_ch); gtm_chk_dist(argv[0]); omi_errno = OMI_ER_NO_ERROR; ctxt = ctxt; ESTABLISH_RET(omi_dbms_ch, -1); /* any return value to signify error return */ gtcm_init(argc, argv); gtcm_ltime = gtcm_stime = (int4)time(0); # ifdef GTCM_RC rc_create_cpt(); # endif REVERT; if (OMI_ER_NO_ERROR != omi_errno) exit(omi_errno); /* Initialize the network interface */ if (0 != (ret_val = gtcm_bgn_net(&conns))) /* Warning - assignment */ { gtcm_rep_err("Error initializing TCP", ret_val); gtcm_exi_condition = ret_val; gtcm_exit(); } SPRINTF(image_id,"%s(pid=%d) %s %s %s -id %d -service %s", image_id, omi_pid, ( history ? "-hist" : "" ), ( authenticate ? "-auth" : "" ), ( ping_keepalive ? "-ping" : "" ), rc_server_id, omi_service ); OPERATOR_LOG_MSG; omi_conns = &conns; /* Should be forever, unless an error occurs */ gtcm_loop(&conns); /* Clean up */ gtcm_end_net(&conns); gtcm_exit(); return 0; }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { err_init (argv[0]); lmt_conf_init (1, NULL); lmt_conf_set_proto_debug (1); parse_utils (); parse_legacy (); parse_current (); parse_current_short (); parse_current_long (); exit (0); }
/* call-seq: parse_obj(xml) => Object * * Parses an XML document String that is in the object format and returns an * Object of the type represented by the XML. This function expects an * optimized XML formated String. For other formats use the more generic * Ox.load() method. Raises an exception if the XML is malformed or the * classes specified in the file are not valid. * @param [String] xml XML String in optimized Object format. * @return [Object] deserialized Object. */ static VALUE to_obj(VALUE self, VALUE ruby_xml) { char *xml, *x; size_t len; VALUE obj; struct _Options options = ox_default_options; struct _Err err; err_init(&err); Check_Type(ruby_xml, T_STRING); /* the xml string gets modified so make a copy of it */ len = RSTRING_LEN(ruby_xml) + 1; x = defuse_bom(StringValuePtr(ruby_xml), &options); if (SMALL_XML < len) { xml = ALLOC_N(char, len); } else {
zbar_processor_t *zbar_processor_create (int threaded) { zbar_processor_t *proc = calloc(1, sizeof(zbar_processor_t)); if(!proc) return(NULL); err_init(&proc->err, ZBAR_MOD_PROCESSOR); proc->scanner = zbar_image_scanner_create(); if(!proc->scanner) { free(proc); return(NULL); } proc->threaded = !_zbar_mutex_init(&proc->mutex) && threaded; _zbar_processor_init(proc); return(proc); }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { int res; DCL_THREADGBL_ACCESS; GTM_THREADGBL_INIT; set_blocksig(); gtm_imagetype_init(MUPIP_IMAGE); invocation_mode = MUMPS_UTILTRIGR; gtm_wcswidth_fnptr = gtm_wcswidth; gtm_env_init(); /* read in all environment variables */ err_init(util_base_ch); UNICODE_ONLY(gtm_strToTitle_ptr = >m_strToTitle); GTM_ICU_INIT_IF_NEEDED; /* Note: should be invoked after err_init (since it may error out) and before CLI parsing */ sig_init(generic_signal_handler, NULL, suspsigs_handler, continue_handler); /* Note: no ^C handler is defined (yet) */ atexit(mupip_exit_handler); licensed = TRUE; in_backup = FALSE; op_open_ptr = mu_op_open; mu_get_term_characterstics(); cli_lex_setup(argc,argv); if (argc < 2) /* Interactive mode */ display_prompt(); /* this call should be after cli_lex_setup() due to S390 A/E conversion */ gtm_chk_dist(argv[0]); INIT_GBL_ROOT(); /* Needed for GVT initialization */ init_gtm(); while (TRUE) { func = 0; if ((res = parse_cmd()) == EOF) break; else if (res) { if (1 < argc) rts_error(VARLSTCNT(4) res, 2, LEN_AND_STR(cli_err_str)); else gtm_putmsg(VARLSTCNT(4) res, 2, LEN_AND_STR(cli_err_str)); } if (func) func(); if (argc > 1) /* Non-interactive mode, exit after command */ break; display_prompt(); } mupip_exit(SS_NORMAL); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const char *func = __FUNCTION__; int rv = 0; err_init(argv[0]); err_set_flags(ERROR_STDERR); #if CEREBRO_DEBUG cerebro_err_init(argv[0]); #endif /* CEREBRO_DEBUG */ _init_cerebro_admin(); _cmdline_parse(argc, argv); if (operation == CEREBRO_ADMIN_REGISTER) rv = cerebro_register_metric(handle, metric_name); else if (operation == CEREBRO_ADMIN_UNREGISTER) rv = cerebro_unregister_metric(handle, metric_name); else if (operation == CEREBRO_ADMIN_UPDATE) rv = cerebro_update_metric_value(handle, metric_name, metric_value_type, metric_value_len, metric_value_ptr); else if (operation == CEREBRO_ADMIN_RESEND) rv = cerebro_resend_metric(handle, metric_name); else if (operation == CEREBRO_ADMIN_FLUSH) rv = cerebro_flush_metric(handle, metric_name); if (rv < 0) { char *msg = cerebro_strerror(cerebro_errnum(handle)); _clean_err_exit(cerebro_errnum(handle)); err_exit("%s: %s", func, msg); } _cleanup_cerebro_stat(); exit(0); }
result_t core_init(uint flags) { if (BIT_CHECK(flags, CORE_INIT_CRASHDUMP)) { if (IS_FAIL(crash_init())) return RET_FAIL; } if (IS_FAIL(mem_init(BIT_CHECK(flags, CORE_INIT_TRACEMEM)))) return RET_FAIL; if (IS_FAIL(log_init())) return RET_FAIL; if (BIT_CHECK(flags, CORE_INIT_ERRORS)) { if (IS_FAIL(err_init())) return RET_FAIL; } rand_seed(); if (BIT_CHECK(flags, CORE_INIT_JSON)) { if (IS_FAIL(json_init())) return RET_FAIL; } if (BIT_CHECK(flags, CORE_INIT_FILEIO)) { if (IS_FAIL(fio_initmgr())) return RET_FAIL; } if (BIT_CHECK(flags, CORE_INIT_TIMER)) { if (IS_FAIL(timer_initmgr())) return RET_FAIL; } if (BIT_CHECK(flags, CORE_INIT_SOCKET)) { if (IS_FAIL(sock_init())) return RET_FAIL; } return RET_OK; }
/* * test main for conf module, usage: a.out conffile */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { err_init(argv[0]); setbuf(stdout, NULL); if (argc != 2) err(EF_RAW, "usage: %s conffile\n", argv[0]); conf_open(argv[1], 1); printf("conffile <%s>:\n", argv[1]); conf_print(stdout); conf_close(opts_parse(NULL, 0)); err_done(0); /* NOTREACHED */ return (0); }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { err_init (argv[0]); err_set_flags (ERROR_STDERR); ipmi_disable_coredump (); bmc_watchdog_argp_parse (argc, argv, &cmd_args); /* Early initialization. Daemon must do all initialization in * daemon_init() b/c daemon_init() needs to close all formerly open * file descriptors. */ if (!cmd_args.daemon) _init_bmc_watchdog (); if (cmd_args.set) _set_cmd (); else if (cmd_args.get) _get_cmd (); else if (cmd_args.reset) _reset_cmd (); else if (cmd_args.start) _start_cmd (); else if (cmd_args.stop) _stop_cmd (); else if (cmd_args.clear) _clear_cmd (); else if (cmd_args.daemon) _daemon_cmd (argv[0]); else err_exit ("internal error, command not set"); ipmi_ctx_close (ipmi_ctx); ipmi_ctx_destroy (ipmi_ctx); closelog (); exit (EXIT_SUCCESS); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { CURL *h; int c; err_init(basename(argv[0])); while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, OPTIONS, longopts, NULL)) != EOF) { switch (c) { case 'u': /* --url */ url = xstrdup(optarg); break; default: usage(); break; } } if (optind < argc) usage(); if (curl_global_init(CURL_GLOBAL_ALL) != 0) err_exit(FALSE, "curl_global_init failed"); if ((h = curl_easy_init()) == NULL) err_exit(FALSE, "curl_easy_init failed"); curl_easy_setopt(h, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 5); curl_easy_setopt(h, CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER, errbuf); curl_easy_setopt(h, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, 1); shell(h); curl_easy_cleanup(h); if (userpwd) xfree(userpwd); if (url) xfree(url); exit(0); }
void amain () { static bool amain_called; if (amain_called) panic ("amain called recursively\n"); amain_called = true; // It's cheap to initialize the profiler, just do it here even // if we'll never use it. sfs_profiler::init (); START_ACHECK_TIMER (); ainit (); err_init (); timecb_check (); STOP_ACHECK_TIMER (); for (;;) _acheck (); }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { DCL_THREADGBL_ACCESS; GTM_THREADGBL_INIT; set_blocksig(); gtm_imagetype_init(LKE_IMAGE); gtm_wcswidth_fnptr = gtm_wcswidth; gtm_env_init(); /* read in all environment variables */ licensed = TRUE; err_init(util_base_ch); GTM_ICU_INIT_IF_NEEDED; /* Note: should be invoked after err_init (since it may error out) and before CLI parsing */ sig_init(generic_signal_handler, lke_ctrlc_handler, suspsigs_handler); atexit(util_exit_handler); SET_LATCH_GLOBAL(&defer_latch, LOCK_AVAILABLE); get_page_size(); stp_init(STP_INITSIZE); rts_stringpool = stringpool; getjobname(); INVOKE_INIT_SECSHR_ADDRS; getzdir(); prealloc_gt_timers(); initialize_pattern_table(); gvinit(); region_init(TRUE); getjobnum(); cli_lex_setup(argc, argv); /* this should be after cli_lex_setup() due to S390 A/E conversion */ gtm_chk_dist(argv[0]); while (1) { if (!lke_process(argc) || 2 <= argc) break; } lke_exit(); }
/* * Initialize the error subsystem for the compiler */ void CTcMain::tc_err_init(size_t param_stack_size, CResLoader *res_loader) { /* initialize the error stack */ err_init(1024); /* if this is the first initializer, set things up */ if (err_refs_ == 0) { /* if we haven't loaded external compiler messages, load them */ if (!err_no_extern_messages_ && tc_messages == &tc_messages_english[0]) { osfildef *fp; /* try finding a message file */ fp = res_loader->open_res_file("t3make.msg", 0, "XMSG"); if (fp != 0) { /* try loading it */ err_load_message_file(fp, &tc_messages, &tc_message_count, &tc_messages_english[0], tc_message_count_english); /* done with the file */ osfcls(fp); } else { /* note the failure, so we don't try again */ err_no_extern_messages_ = FALSE; } } } /* count the reference depth */ ++err_refs_; }
/*=========================================================================*/ sns_err_code_e sns_init_dsps( void ) { MSG(MSG_SSID_QDSP6, DBG_HIGH_PRIO, "DSPS INIT"); sns_err_code_e rv = SNS_SUCCESS; // Return Value #ifdef DALSYS_UCOS_SHIM DALSYS_InitMod(NULL); OS_CPU_INT_FREE(); // Make sure interrupts are enabled #endif #ifdef FEATURE_SMDL smem_init(); smsm_init(); err_init(); smd_init(); if( 0 != smdl_init( 0 ) ) { rv = SNS_ERR_FAILED; } #endif #if !defined (SNS_PCSIM) && !defined (QDSP6) timetick_offset_init(); #endif smr_set_qmi_service_obj (); sns_init_done(); return rv; }