static bool avrcp_set_addressed_player(struct avctp_frame *avctp_frame, uint8_t ctype, uint8_t len, uint8_t indent) { struct l2cap_frame *frame = &avctp_frame->l2cap_frame; uint16_t id; uint8_t status; if (ctype > AVC_CTYPE_GENERAL_INQUIRY) goto response; if (!l2cap_frame_get_be16(frame, &id)) return false; print_field("%*cPlayerID: 0x%04x (%u)", (indent - 8), ' ', id, id); return true; response: if (!l2cap_frame_get_u8(frame, &status)) return false; print_field("%*cStatus: 0x%02x (%s)", (indent - 8), ' ', status, error2str(status)); return true; }
static void avrcp_set_addressed_player(int level, struct frame *frm, uint8_t ctype, uint16_t len) { uint16_t id; uint8_t status; p_indent(level, frm); if (ctype > AVC_CTYPE_GENERAL_INQUIRY) goto response; if (len < 2) { printf("PDU Malformed\n"); raw_dump(level, frm); return; } id = get_u16(frm); printf("PlayerID: 0x%04x (%u)", id, id); return; response: if (len < 1) { printf("PDU Malformed\n"); raw_dump(level, frm); return; } status = get_u8(frm); printf("Status: 0x%02x (%s)\n", status, error2str(status)); }
cs_error_t CorosyncCpg::init() { if (ready) { return CS_OK; } cpg_callbacks_t callbacks; ::memset(&callbacks, 0, sizeof(callbacks)); callbacks.cpg_deliver_fn = &globalDeliver; callbacks.cpg_confchg_fn = &globalConfigChange; // QPID_LOG(notice, "Initializing CPG"); cs_error_t err = cpg_initialize(&handle, &callbacks); int retries = 6; // @todo: make this configurable. while (err == CS_ERR_TRY_AGAIN && --retries) { LOG(WARNING)<< "cpg initialize retry " << retries; std::chrono::microseconds dura(5); std::this_thread::sleep_for(dura); err = cpg_initialize(&handle, &callbacks); } if (err != CS_OK) { LOG(ERROR)<< "cpg_initialize error, caused by " << error2str(err); return err; } if (CS_OK != cpg_context_set(handle, this)) { LOG(ERROR)<< "Cannot set CPG context"; return err; } ready = true; return CS_OK; }
void oLog::Init(int fileLogLevel, LogType logType) { SetFileLoggingLevel( fileLogLevel ); const char* logNormalFilename = NULL, *logErrorFilename = NULL; switch ( logType ) { case LOGON_LOG: { logNormalFilename = "logon-normal.log"; logErrorFilename = "logon-error.log"; break; } case WORLD_LOG: { logNormalFilename = "world-normal.log"; logErrorFilename = "world-error.log"; break; } } errno_t err = fopen_s( &m_normalFile, logNormalFilename, "a" ); if ( err ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: Error opening '%s': %s\n", __FUNCTION__, logNormalFilename, error2str(err) ); } else { tm aTm; localtime_s( &aTm, &UNIXTIME ); outBasic( "[%-4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d] " , aTm.tm_year + 1900, aTm.tm_mon + 1, aTm.tm_mday, aTm.tm_hour, aTm.tm_min, aTm.tm_sec ); } err = fopen_s( &m_errorFile, logErrorFilename, "a" ); if ( err ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: Error opening '%s': %s\n", __FUNCTION__, logErrorFilename, error2str(err) ); } else { tm aTm; localtime_s( &aTm, &UNIXTIME ); outError( "[%-4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d] " , aTm.tm_year + 1900, aTm.tm_mon + 1, aTm.tm_mday, aTm.tm_hour, aTm.tm_min, aTm.tm_sec ); } }
/* 7.10 */ static int ErrorHandler(XML_STATUS errorCode, PString context, void * usrData) { /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Data structures */ char _buf[256]; SDocData *_s = (SDocData*)usrData; /* Code */ if(!_s->m_error) { if(context) { wPrint(STR_LEN(context),STR_DATA(context), 64,_buf); if(_s->m_docURL) wmlLOGssss( WSL_LOG_ERROR, "XML error:", (char*)_s->m_docURL, (char*)error2str(errorCode), _buf); else wmlLOGsss( WSL_LOG_ERROR, "XML error: URL?:", (char*)error2str(errorCode), _buf); } else { if(_s->m_docURL) wmlLOGsss( WSL_LOG_ERROR, "XML error: ", (char*)_s->m_docURL, (char*)error2str(errorCode)); else wmlLOGss( WSL_LOG_ERROR, "XML error: URL?: %s", (char*)error2str(errorCode)); } _s->m_error = errorCode; } return 1; }
/* 7.10 */ void setWmlError(WML_VALIDATION_ERROR status, PString context, SDocData *data) { /* Set the status of the document if it was clean. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Data structures */ char _buf[256]; /* Code */ if(!data->m_error) { if(context) { wPrint(STR_LEN(context),STR_DATA(context), 64,_buf); if(data->m_docURL) wmlLOGssss( WSL_LOG_ERROR, "WML error:", (char*)data->m_docURL, (char*)error2str(status), _buf); else wmlLOGsss( WSL_LOG_ERROR, "WML error: URL?:", (char*)error2str(status), _buf); } else { if(data->m_docURL) wmlLOGsss( WSL_LOG_ERROR, "WML error:", (char*)data->m_docURL, (char*)error2str(status)); else wmlLOGss( WSL_LOG_ERROR, "WML error: URL?:", (char*)error2str(status)); } data->m_error = status; } }
static bool avrcp_rejected_packet(struct l2cap_frame *frame, uint8_t indent) { uint8_t status; if (!l2cap_frame_get_u8(frame, &status)) return false; print_field("%*cError: 0x%02x (%s)", (indent - 8), ' ', status, error2str(status)); return true; }
static void avrcp_rejected_dump(int level, struct frame *frm, uint16_t len) { uint8_t status; p_indent(level, frm); if (len < 1) { printf("PDU Malformed\n"); raw_dump(level, frm); return; } status = get_u8(frm); printf("Error: 0x%02x (%s)\n", status, error2str(status)); }
static bool avrcp_add_to_now_playing(struct avctp_frame *avctp_frame, uint8_t ctype, uint8_t len, uint8_t indent) { struct l2cap_frame *frame = &avctp_frame->l2cap_frame; uint64_t uid; uint16_t uidcounter; uint8_t scope, status; if (ctype > AVC_CTYPE_GENERAL_INQUIRY) goto response; if (!l2cap_frame_get_u8(frame, &scope)) return false; print_field("%*cScope: 0x%02x (%s)", (indent - 8), ' ', scope, scope2str(scope)); if (!l2cap_frame_get_be64(frame, &uid)) return false; print_field("%*cUID: 0x%16" PRIx64 " (%" PRIu64 ")", (indent - 8), ' ', uid, uid); if (!l2cap_frame_get_be16(frame, &uidcounter)) return false; print_field("%*cUIDCounter: 0x%04x (%u)", (indent - 8), ' ', uidcounter, uidcounter); return true; response: if (!l2cap_frame_get_u8(frame, &status)) return false; print_field("%*cStatus: 0x%02x (%s)", (indent - 8), ' ', status, error2str(status)); return true; }
gboolean mcap_delete_mdl(struct mcap_mdl *mdl, mcap_mdl_notify_cb delete_cb, gpointer user_data, GDestroyNotify destroy, GError **err) { struct mcap_mcl *mcl= mdl->mcl; struct mcap_mdl_op_cb *con; GSList *l; l = g_slist_find(mcl->mdls, mdl); if (!l) { g_set_error(err, MCAP_ERROR, MCAP_ERROR_INVALID_MDL, "%s" , error2str(MCAP_INVALID_MDEP)); return FALSE; } if (mdl->state == MDL_WAITING) { g_set_error(err, MCAP_ERROR, MCAP_ERROR_FAILED, "Mdl is not created"); return FALSE; } mdl->state = MDL_DELETING; con = g_new0(struct mcap_mdl_op_cb, 1); con->mdl = mcap_mdl_ref(mdl); con->cb.notify = delete_cb; con->destroy = destroy; con->user_data = user_data; if (!send_delete_req(mcl, con, mdl->mdlid, err)) { mcap_mdl_unref(con->mdl); g_free(con); return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
static void avrcp_set_browsed_player(int level, struct frame *frm, uint8_t ctype, uint16_t len) { uint32_t items; uint16_t id, uids, charset; uint8_t status, folders; p_indent(level, frm); if (ctype > AVC_CTYPE_GENERAL_INQUIRY) goto response; if (len < 2) { printf("PDU Malformed\n"); raw_dump(level, frm); return; } id = get_u16(frm); printf("PlayerID: 0x%04x (%u)", id, id); return; response: if (len != 1 && len < 10) { printf("PDU Malformed\n"); raw_dump(level, frm); return; } status = get_u8(frm); printf("Status: 0x%02x (%s)\n", status, error2str(status)); if (len == 1) return; p_indent(level, frm); uids = get_u16(frm); printf("UIDCounter: 0x%04x (%u)", uids, uids); p_indent(level, frm); items = get_u32(frm); printf("Number of Items: 0x%04x (%u)", items, items); p_indent(level, frm); charset = get_u16(frm); printf("CharsetID: 0x%04x (%s)\n", charset, charset2str(charset)); p_indent(level, frm); folders = get_u8(frm); printf("Folder Depth: 0x%02x (%u)", folders, folders); for (; folders > 0; folders--) { uint16_t len; p_indent(level, frm); len = get_u8(frm); printf("Folder: "); for (; len > 0; len--) { uint8_t c = get_u8(frm); printf("%1c", isprint(c) ? c : '.'); } printf("\n"); } }
/** * Add domain. Create users as specified in configuration file. * For each users create many configuration entries as specified * in configuration file. For each pair user,pfix call user_conf_ls * and check whether it returns all entries as in configuration * file. Also for each pair call user_conf_ls_by_type and check results. * Remove domain. */ void case10() { const char * dom = ""; std_try { typedef std::deque< std::string > string_array; CORBA::String_var dom_id; test_dom_user_add(dom, dom_id); string_array conf; std::ifstream ifs("data/case10/conf"); BOOST_REQUIRE(sys::getlines<std::string>(ifs, conf)); ifs.close(); ::vq::ivq::auth_info ai; ai.id_domain = dom_id; ai.pass = static_cast<const char *>("asdasd"); ai.flags = 0; string_array::const_iterator bc, be, fc, fe, pfix; string_array fields, uia; ::vq::ivq::user_conf_info ui; for( bc=conf.begin(), be=conf.end(); bc!=be; ++bc ) { if( '#' == (*bc)[0] ) continue; fields = text::split(*bc, " "); fc = fields.begin(); fe = fields.end(); BOOST_REQUIRE(fc != fe); ai.login = fc->c_str(); err = auth->user_add(ai, FALSE); if( err->ec != ::vq::ivq::err_no && err->ec != ::vq::ivq::err_exists ) { BOOST_ERROR(error2str(err)); } ++fc; if( fc == fe ) continue; for( pfix=fc, ++fc; fc!=fe; ++fc ) { uia = text::split(*fc, ","); BOOST_REQUIRE(uia.size() == 2); ui.type = boost::lexical_cast<CORBA::UShort> (uia[0].c_str()); ui.val = uia[1].c_str(); IVQ_ERROR_EQUAL( auth->user_conf_add(dom_id, ai.login, pfix->c_str(), ui), ::vq::ivq::err_no); } } for( bc=conf.begin(), be=conf.end(); bc!=be; ++bc ) { if( '#' == (*bc)[0] ) continue; fields = text::split(*bc, " "); fc = fields.begin(); fe = fields.end(); ai.login = fc->c_str(); ++fc; if( fc == fe ) continue; pfix = fc++; ::vq::ivq::user_conf_info_list_var uis; IVQ_ERROR_EQUAL(auth->user_conf_ls(dom_id, ai.login, pfix->c_str(), uis ), ::vq::ivq::err_no ); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(uis->length(), fields.size()-2); for( ; fc!=fe; ++fc ) { uia = text::split(*fc, ","); ui.type = boost::lexical_cast<CORBA::UShort> (uia[0].c_str()); ui.val = uia[1].c_str(); bool has = false; CORBA::ULong type_cnt=0; for( CORBA::ULong i=0, s=uis->length(); i<s; ++i ) { if( uis[i].type == ui.type ) { ++type_cnt; if( uis[i].val == ui.val ) has = true; } } BOOST_CHECK(has); ::vq::ivq::user_conf_info_list_var uistype; IVQ_ERROR_EQUAL(auth->user_conf_ls_by_type(dom_id, ai.login, pfix->c_str(), ui.type, uistype ), ::vq::ivq::err_no ); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(uistype->length(), type_cnt); has = false; for( CORBA::ULong i=0, s=uistype->length(); i<s; ++i ) { if( uistype[i].type == ui.type && uistype[i].val == ui.val ) { has = true; break; } } BOOST_CHECK(has); } } } std_catch test_dom_rm(dom); }