int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc < 2) error_and_exit("not enough arguments"); char* argv_exec[argc]; argv_exec[0] = argv[1]; argv_exec[1] = argv[2]; for (int i = 2; i < argc-1; ++i) { argv_exec[i] = wrap_malloc(FILDES_LEN); memset(argv_exec[i], 0, FILDES_LEN); int fildes = wrap_open(argv[i+1], O_RDONLY); sprintf(argv_exec[i], "%d", fildes); } argv_exec[argc-1] = NULL; pid_t pid = wrap_fork(); if (pid != 0) { int stat; wrap_waitpid(pid, &stat, 0); if (!(WIFEXITED(stat) && WEXITSTATUS(stat) == 0)) error_and_exit("exit status of executed program"); } else { wrap_execvp(argv_exec[0], argv_exec); _exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } for (int i = 2; i < argc-1; ++i) free(argv_exec[i]); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
/*** do reweighted coordinate descent optimization. * The weight for L1 norm is updated by calling reweighting function * cd->path->func using beta of the previous iteration. ***/ bool cdescent_do_reweighting (cdescent *cd) { int iter; double dnrm1; bool converged = true; if (!cd->rwt) error_and_exit ("cdescent_do_reweighting", "cd->rwt is empty.", __FILE__, __LINE__); if (!cd->rwt->func) error_and_exit ("cdescent_do_reweighting", "cd->rwt->func is empty.", __FILE__, __LINE__); iter = 0; do { double nrm1_prev = cd->nrm1; mm_dense *w = cd->rwt->func->function (cd, cd->rwt->func->data); cdescent_set_penalty_factor (cd, w, cd->rwt->func->tau); mm_real_free (w); if (!(converged = cdescent_do_update_one_cycle (cd))) break; if (++iter > cd->rwt->maxiter) { printf_warning ("cdescent_do_reweighting", "reaching max number of iterations.", __FILE__, __LINE__); break; } dnrm1 = fabs (cd->nrm1 - nrm1_prev); } while (dnrm1 > cd->rwt->tolerance); return converged; }
void receive_tweet(char* buffer, struct sockaddr_in* server) { struct sockaddr_in client; int transfered = 0, timeoutcount = 0; /* Get message from message server */ if (!udp_send(sock, "Gimmeh!", server, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in))) error_and_exit("Cannot send message to server", __FILE__, __LINE__); do { transfered = udp_receive(sock, buffer, BUFSIZE, &client, sizeof(client)); if (transfered == -1) { if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) { ++timeoutcount; if (timeoutcount >= MAX_TIMEOUTS) { printf("Maximum timeouts exceeded. Server is considered dead."); exit(0); } printf("Server timed out (%d).\n", timeoutcount); } error_and_exit("Cannot read from server", __FILE__, __LINE__); } else if (transfered == 0) { error_and_exit("Server has shut down", __FILE__, __LINE__); } } while (transfered <= 0); if (server->sin_addr.s_addr != client.sin_addr.s_addr) error_and_exit("Received message from unexpected server", __FILE__, __LINE__); }
/*** x(:,j)' * y(:,k) ***/ double mm_real_xj_trans_dot_yk (const mm_real *x, const int j, const mm_dense *y, const int k) { if (j < 0 || x->n <= j) error_and_exit ("mm_real_xj_trans_dot_yk", "first index out of range.", __FILE__, __LINE__); if (k < 0 || y->n <= k) error_and_exit ("mm_real_xj_trans_dot_yk", "second index out of range.", __FILE__, __LINE__); if (!mm_real_is_dense (y)) error_and_exit ("mm_real_xj_trans_dot_yk", "y must be dense.", __FILE__, __LINE__); if (mm_real_is_symmetric (y)) error_and_exit ("mm_real_xj_trans_dot_yk", "y must be general.", __FILE__, __LINE__); if (x->m != y->m) error_and_exit ("mm_real_xj_trans_dot_yk", "matrix dimensions do not match.", __FILE__, __LINE__); return (mm_real_is_sparse (x)) ? mm_real_sj_trans_dot_yk (x, j, y, k) : mm_real_dj_trans_dot_yk (x, j, y, k); }
/*** y = alpha * x(:,j) + y, atomic ***/ void mm_real_axjpy_atomic (const double alpha, const mm_real *x, const int j, mm_dense *y) { if (j < 0 || x->n <= j) error_and_exit ("mm_real_axjpy_atomic", "index out of range.", __FILE__, __LINE__); if (!mm_real_is_dense (y)) error_and_exit ("mm_real_axjpy_atomic", "y must be dense.", __FILE__, __LINE__); if (mm_real_is_symmetric (y)) error_and_exit ("mm_real_axjpy_atomic", "y must be general.", __FILE__, __LINE__); if (y->n != 1) error_and_exit ("mm_real_axjpy_atomic", "y must be vector.", __FILE__, __LINE__); if (x->m != y->m) error_and_exit ("mm_real_axjpy_atomic", "vector and matrix dimensions do not match.", __FILE__, __LINE__); return (mm_real_is_sparse (x)) ? mm_real_asjpy_atomic (alpha, x, j, y) : mm_real_adjpy_atomic (alpha, x, j, y); }
/*** x = [x1, x2] ***/ mm_real * mm_real_holzcat (const mm_real *x1, const mm_real *x2) { if ((mm_real_is_sparse (x1) && mm_real_is_dense (x1)) || (mm_real_is_dense (x1) && mm_real_is_sparse (x1))) error_and_exit ("mm_real_holzcat", "format of matrix x1 and x2 are incompatible.", __FILE__, __LINE__); if (mm_real_is_symmetric (x1) || mm_real_is_symmetric (x2)) error_and_exit ("mm_real_holzcat", "matrix must be general.", __FILE__, __LINE__); if (x1->m != x2->m) error_and_exit ("mm_real_holzcat", "matrix size is incompatible.", __FILE__, __LINE__); return (mm_real_is_sparse (x1)) ? mm_real_holzcat_sparse (x1, x2) : mm_real_holzcat_dense (x1, x2); }
/*** memcpy mm_real ***/ void mm_real_memcpy (mm_real *dest, const mm_real *src) { if (mm_real_is_sparse (src)) { if (!mm_real_is_sparse (dest)) error_and_exit ("mm_real_memcpy", "destination matrix format does not match source matrix format.", __FILE__, __LINE__); mm_real_memcpy_sparse (dest, src); } else { if (!mm_real_is_dense (dest)) error_and_exit ("mm_real_memcpy", "destination matrix format does not match source matrix format.", __FILE__, __LINE__); mm_real_memcpy_dense (dest, src); } return; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { struct sockaddr_in server; struct sockaddr_in client; char buffer[BUFSIZE]; socklen_t len_client; int transfered = 0; char* msg; pthread_t thread_tweet_fetcher; if (argc < 2) { printf("USAGE: %s [port]\n", argv[0]); return 0; } atexit(at_exit); set_signal_handlers(); T = twitter_new(); printf("Reading tweets...\n"); fetch_tweets(T, 15); pthread_create(&thread_tweet_fetcher, NULL, thread_fetch_tweets, NULL); printf("Opening server...\n"); sock = udp_create_socket(&server, sizeof(server), htonl(INADDR_ANY), atoi(argv[1]), 0); if (sock < 0) error_and_exit("cannot create socket", __FILE__, __LINE__); if (bind(sock, (struct sockaddr*)&server, sizeof(server)) < 0) error_and_exit("Cannot bind to socket", __FILE__, __LINE__); len_client = sizeof(client); for (;;) { transfered = udp_receive(sock, buffer, BUFSIZE, &client, len_client); switch (transfered) { case -1: error_and_exit("Failed to receive message", __FILE__, __LINE__); case 0: error_and_exit("Client has shut down...", __FILE__, __LINE__); } msg = get_tweet(T); transfered = udp_send(sock, msg, &client, sizeof(client)); free(msg); if (!transfered) error_and_exit("Sending has failed!", __FILE__, __LINE__); } close(sock); return 0; }
int main(void) { FILE *fh = NULL; cmp_ctx_t cmp; uint32_t array_size = 0; uint32_t str_size = 0; char hello[6] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; char message_pack[12] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; fh = fopen("cmp_data.dat", "w+b"); if (fh == NULL) error_and_exit("Error opening data.dat"); cmp_init(&cmp, fh, file_reader, file_writer); if (!cmp_write_array(&cmp, 2)) error_and_exit(cmp_strerror(&cmp)); if (!cmp_write_str(&cmp, "Hello", 5)) error_and_exit(cmp_strerror(&cmp)); if (!cmp_write_str(&cmp, "MessagePack", 11)) error_and_exit(cmp_strerror(&cmp)); rewind(fh); if (!cmp_read_array(&cmp, &array_size)) error_and_exit(cmp_strerror(&cmp)); /* You can read the str byte size and then read str bytes... */ if (!cmp_read_str_size(&cmp, &str_size)) error_and_exit(cmp_strerror(&cmp)); if (str_size > (sizeof(hello) - 1)) error_and_exit("Packed 'hello' length too long\n"); if (!read_bytes(hello, str_size, fh)) error_and_exit(cmp_strerror(&cmp)); /* * ...or you can set the maximum number of bytes to read and do it all in * one call */ str_size = sizeof(message_pack); if (!cmp_read_str(&cmp, message_pack, &str_size)) error_and_exit(cmp_strerror(&cmp)); printf("Array Length: %zu.\n", array_size); printf("[\"%s\", \"%s\"]\n", hello, message_pack); fclose(fh); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
/*** x(:,j)' * y ***/ mm_dense * mm_real_xj_trans_dot_y (const mm_real *x, const int j, const mm_dense *y) { int k; mm_dense *z; if (j < 0 || x->n <= j) error_and_exit ("mm_real_xj_trans_dot_y", "first index out of range.", __FILE__, __LINE__); if (!mm_real_is_dense (y)) error_and_exit ("mm_real_xj_trans_dot_y", "y must be dense.", __FILE__, __LINE__); if (mm_real_is_symmetric (y)) error_and_exit ("mm_real_xj_trans_dot_y", "y must be general.", __FILE__, __LINE__); if (x->m != y->m) error_and_exit ("mm_real_xj_trans_dot_y", "matrix dimensions do not match.", __FILE__, __LINE__); z = mm_real_new (MM_REAL_DENSE, MM_REAL_GENERAL, 1, y->n, y->n); #pragma omp parallel for for (k = 0; k < y->n; k++) z->data[k] = mm_real_xj_trans_dot_yk (x, j, y, k); return z; }
/*** fread MatrixMarket format file ***/ mm_real * mm_real_fread (FILE *fp) { MM_typecode typecode; mm_real *x; if (mm_read_banner (fp, &typecode) != 0) error_and_exit ("mm_real_fread", "failed to read mm_real.", __FILE__, __LINE__); if (!is_type_supported (typecode)) { char msg[128]; sprintf (msg, "matrix type does not supported :[%s].", mm_typecode_to_str (typecode)); error_and_exit ("mm_real_fread", msg, __FILE__, __LINE__); } x = (mm_is_sparse (typecode)) ? mm_real_fread_sparse (fp, typecode) : mm_real_fread_dense (fp, typecode); if (!x) error_and_exit ("mm_real_fread", "failed to read mm_real.", __FILE__, __LINE__); if (mm_real_is_symmetric (x) && x->m != x->n) error_and_exit ("mm_real_fread", "symmetric matrix must be square.", __FILE__, __LINE__); return x; }
/*** do cyclic coordinate descent optimization for fixed lambda1 * repeat coordinate descent algorithm until solution is converged ***/ bool cdescent_do_update_one_cycle (cdescent *cd) { int ccd_iter = 0; bool converged = false; update_one_cycle update_func; update_func = (cd->rule == CDESCENT_SELECTION_RULE_STOCHASTIC) ? cdescent_do_update_once_cycle_stochastic : cdescent_do_update_once_cycle_cyclic; if (!cd) error_and_exit ("cdescent_do_cyclic_update", "cdescent *cd is empty.", __FILE__, __LINE__); while (!converged) { converged = update_func (cd); if (++ccd_iter >= cd->maxiter) { printf_warning ("cdescent_do_cyclic_update", "reaching max number of iterations.", __FILE__, __LINE__); break; } } cd->total_iter += ccd_iter; return converged; }
void choose_server(rcComm_t **cn, char *host, rodsEnv *env, int verb) { if (verb) { fprintf(stderr, "Chosen server is: %s\n", host); } if (host && strcmp(host, THIS_ADDRESS)) { int stat; rErrMsg_t err_msg; rcComm_t *new_cn = NULL; new_cn = rcConnect(host, env->rodsPort, env->rodsUserName, env->rodsZone, 0, &err_msg); if (!new_cn) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: rcReconnect failed with status %d. Continuing with original server.\n", err_msg.status); return; } #if IRODS_VERSION_INTEGER && IRODS_VERSION_INTEGER >= 4001008 stat = clientLogin(new_cn, "", ""); #else stat = clientLogin(new_cn); #endif if (stat < 0) { rcDisconnect(new_cn); error_and_exit(*cn, "Error: clientLogin failed with status %d:%s\n", stat, get_irods_error_name(stat, verb)); } else { rcDisconnect(*cn); *cn = new_cn; } } }
/*** norm2 x(:,j) ***/ double mm_real_xj_nrm2 (const mm_real *x, const int j) { double ssq; if (j < 0 || x->n <= j) error_and_exit ("mm_real_xj_nrm2", "index out of range.", __FILE__, __LINE__); ssq = mm_real_xj_ssq (x, j); return sqrt (ssq); }
int randrange(const int start, const int end) { const int range = end - start; const int offset = start; if (range <= 0) error_and_exit("range is negative! (start = %d, end = %d)\n", start, end); return random() % range + offset; }
/*** x(:,j) += alpha ***/ void mm_real_xj_add_const (mm_real *x, const int j, const double alpha) { int k; int n; double *data; if (mm_real_is_symmetric (x)) error_and_exit ("mm_real_xj_add_const", "matrix must be general.", __FILE__, __LINE__); if (j < 0 || x->n <= j) error_and_exit ("mm_real_xj_add_const", "index out of range.", __FILE__, __LINE__); if (mm_real_is_sparse (x)) { n = x->p[j + 1] - x->p[j]; data = x->data + x->p[j]; } else { n = x->m; data = x->data + j * x->m; } for (k = 0; k < n; k++) data[k] += alpha; return; }
/*** x(:,j) *= alpha ***/ void mm_real_xj_scale (mm_real *x, const int j, const double alpha) { int n; double *data; if (mm_real_is_symmetric (x)) error_and_exit ("mm_real_xj_scale", "matrix must be general.", __FILE__, __LINE__); if (j < 0 || x->n <= j) error_and_exit ("mm_real_xj_scale", "index out of range.", __FILE__, __LINE__); if (mm_real_is_sparse (x)) { int p = x->p[j]; n = x->p[j + 1] - p; data = x->data + p; } else { n = x->m; data = x->data + j * x->m; } dscal_ (&n, &alpha, data, &ione); return; }
/* 设置网卡模式成混帐模式,这样的话可以截获以太网帧数据 */ int set_card_promisc( char * interface_name, int sock ) { /* 用于套接口ioctl的接口请求结构体 */ struct ifreq ifr; /* 复制网卡名称进入请求结构体的名称元素 */ strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, interface_name ,strlen( interface_name )+1); /* 通过ioctl获得相应信息 */ if((ioctl(sock, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &ifr) == -1)) { error_and_exit("ioctl", 2); } /* 设置网卡模式标志为混杂模式 */ ifr.ifr_flags |= IFF_PROMISC; /* 通过ioctl把参数传递给网卡 */ if(ioctl(sock, SIOCSIFFLAGS, &ifr) == -1 ) error_and_exit("ioctl", 3); }
/*** create new mm_real object * MMRealFormat format: MM_REAL_DENSE or MM_REAL_SPARSE * MMRealSymm symm : MM_REAL_GENERAL, MM_REAL_SYMMETRIC_UPPER or MM_REAL_SYMMETRIC_LOWER * int m, n : rows and columns of the matrix * int nnz : number of nonzero elements of the matrix ***/ mm_real * mm_real_new (MMRealFormat format, MMRealSymm symm, const int m, const int n, const int nnz) { mm_real *x; bool symmetric; if (!is_format_valid (format)) error_and_exit ("mm_real_new", "invalid MMRealFormat format.", __FILE__, __LINE__); if (!is_symm_valid (symm)) error_and_exit ("mm_real_new", "invalid MMRealSymm symm.", __FILE__, __LINE__); symmetric = symm & MM_SYMMETRIC; if (symmetric && m != n) error_and_exit ("mm_real_new", "symmetric matrix must be square.", __FILE__, __LINE__); x = mm_real_alloc (); if (x == NULL) error_and_exit ("mm_real_new", "failed to allocate object.", __FILE__, __LINE__); x->m = m; x->n = n; x->nnz = nnz; // typecode[1] = 'C' or 'A' if (format == MM_REAL_SPARSE) { mm_set_coordinate (&x->typecode); x->i = (int *) malloc (x->nnz * sizeof (int)); x->p = (int *) malloc ((x->n + 1) * sizeof (int)); if (x->i == NULL || x->p == NULL) error_and_exit ("mm_real_new", "cannot allocate memory.", __FILE__, __LINE__); // initialize x->p[0] x->p[0] = 0; } else mm_set_array (&x->typecode); x->symm = symm; // typecode[3] = 'G' -> 'S' if (symmetric) mm_set_symmetric (&x->typecode); if (!is_type_supported (x->typecode)) { char msg[128]; sprintf (msg, "matrix type does not supported :[%s].", mm_typecode_to_str (x->typecode)); error_and_exit ("mm_real_new", msg, __FILE__, __LINE__); } // allocate arrays x->data = (double *) malloc (x->nnz * sizeof (double)); if (x->data == NULL) error_and_exit ("mm_real_new", "cannot allocate memory.", __FILE__, __LINE__); return x; }
/*** alpha * x * y, where x is sparse/dense matrix and y is dense matrix ***/ void mm_real_x_dot_y (const bool trans, const double alpha, const mm_real *x, const mm_dense *y, const double beta, mm_dense *z) { int k; if (!mm_real_is_dense (y)) error_and_exit ("mm_real_x_dot_y", "y must be dense.", __FILE__, __LINE__); if (mm_real_is_symmetric (y)) error_and_exit ("mm_real_x_dot_y", "y must be general.", __FILE__, __LINE__); if ((trans && x->m != y->m) || (!trans && x->n != y->m)) error_and_exit ("mm_real_x_dot_y", "dimensions of x and y do not match.", __FILE__, __LINE__); if (!mm_real_is_dense (z)) error_and_exit ("mm_real_x_dot_y", "z must be dense.", __FILE__, __LINE__); if (mm_real_is_symmetric (z)) error_and_exit ("mm_real_x_dot_y", "z must be general.", __FILE__, __LINE__); if ((trans && x->n != z->m) || (!trans && x->m != z->m)) error_and_exit ("mm_real_x_dot_y", "dimensions of x and z do not match.", __FILE__, __LINE__); #pragma omp parallel for for (k = 0; k < y->n; k++) mm_real_x_dot_yk (trans, alpha, x, y, k, beta, z); return; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { struct sockaddr_in server; int chan; PaStream *stream; PaStreamParameters output_parameters; PaError err; voice = NULL; srand(time(NULL)); atexit(at_exit); set_signal_handlers(); init(); if (argc != 4) return usage(argv[0]); set_output_parameters(&output_parameters, atoi(argv[3])); /* connect to server */ sock = udp_create_socket(&server, sizeof(server), inet_addr(argv[1]), atoi(argv[2]), WAIT_FOR_RECEIVE); if (sock < 0) error_and_exit("Cannot create socket", __FILE__, __LINE__); /* create speech thingies */ si.w = malloc(sizeof(cst_wave) * si.channel_count); si.pos = malloc(sizeof(long) * si.channel_count); si.done = malloc(sizeof(int) * si.channel_count); si.cur_delay = malloc(sizeof(double) * si.channel_count); si.rate_delay = malloc(sizeof(double) * si.channel_count); for (chan = 0; chan < si.channel_count; ++chan) { si.w[chan] = NULL; next_tweet(&server, chan); } err = Pa_OpenStream(&stream, NULL, &output_parameters, 44100., 0, paNoFlag, say_text_callback, &si); if (paNoError != err) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open stream: %s\n", Pa_GetErrorText(err)); exit(-1); } /* Pa_OpenDefaultStream(&stream, 0, si.channel_count, paInt16, si.w->sample_rate, 0, say_text_callback, &si); */ err = Pa_StartStream(stream); if (paNoError != err) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot start stream: %s\n", Pa_GetErrorText(err)); exit(-1); } while (1) { usleep(100); for (chan = 0; chan < si.channel_count; ++chan) { if (si.done[chan]) next_tweet(&server, chan); } } //Pa_StopStream(stream); return 0; }
/*** n x n identity matrix ***/ mm_real * mm_real_eye (MMRealFormat format, const int n) { if (n <= 0) error_and_exit ("mm_real_eye", "invalid size.", __FILE__, __LINE__); return (format == MM_REAL_SPARSE) ? mm_real_seye (n) : mm_real_deye (n); }
/*** do pathwise cyclic coordinate descent optimization. * The regression is starting at the smallest value lambda1_max for which * the entire vector beta = 0, and decreasing sequence of values for lambda1 * while log10(lambda1) >= path->log10_lambda1_lower. * log10(lambda1_max) is identical with log10 ( max ( abs(X' * y) ) ), where this * value is stored in cd->lreg->log10camax. * The interval of decreasing sequence on the log10 scale is path->dlog10_lambda1. ***/ bool cdescent_do_pathwise_optimization (cdescent *cd) { int iter = 0; double logt; bool stop_flag = false; bool converged; FILE *fp_path = NULL; FILE *fp_bic = NULL; if (!cd) error_and_exit ("cdescent_do_pathwise_optimization", "cdescent *cd is empty.", __FILE__, __LINE__); if (!cd->path) error_and_exit ("cdescent_do_pathwise_optimization", "cd->path is empty.", __FILE__, __LINE__); // reset cdescent object if need if (cd->was_modified) cdescent_reset (cd); // reset pathwise object if need if (cd->path->was_modified) pathwise_reset (cd->path); /* warm start */ stop_flag = set_logt (cd->path->log10_lambda_lower, cd->path->log10_lambda_upper, &logt); if (cd->path->output_fullpath) { if (!(fp_path = fopen (cd->path->fn_path, "w"))) { char msg[80]; sprintf (msg, "cannot open file %s.", cd->path->fn_path); printf_warning ("cdescent_do_pathwise_optimization", msg, __FILE__, __LINE__); } if (fp_path) fprintf_solutionpath (fp_path, iter, cd->beta); } if (cd->path->output_bic_info) { if (!(fp_bic = fopen (cd->path->fn_bic, "w"))) { char msg[80]; sprintf (msg, "cannot open file %s.", cd->path->fn_bic); printf_warning ("cdescent_do_pathwise_optimization", msg, __FILE__, __LINE__); } // output BIC info headers if (fp_bic) fprintf (fp_bic, "# nrm1\t\tBIC\t\tRSS\t\tdf\t\tnrm2\t\tlambda1\tlambda2\n"); } if (cd->path->verbos) fprintf (stderr, "starting pathwise optimization.\n"); while (1) { bic_info *info; iter++; cdescent_set_log10_lambda (cd, logt); if (cd->path->verbos) fprintf (stderr, "%d-th iteration lambda1 = %.4e, lamba2 = %.4e ", iter, cd->lambda1, cd->lambda2); if (!(converged = cdescent_do_update_one_cycle (cd))) break; // reweighting if (cd->rwt && !(converged = cdescent_do_reweighting (cd))) break; // output solution path if (fp_path) fprintf_solutionpath (fp_path, iter, cd->beta); info = cdescent_eval_bic (cd); // if bic_val < min_bic_val, update min_bic_val, lambda1_opt, nrm1_opt and beta_opt if (info->bic_val < cd->path->min_bic_val) { store_optimal (cd, iter); cd->path->min_bic_val = info->bic_val; if (!cd->path->was_modified) cd->path->was_modified = true; } if (cd->path->verbos) fprintf (stderr, "bic = %.4e ... ", info->bic_val); // output BIC info if (fp_bic) { // |beta| BIC RSS df ||beta||^2 lambda2 fprintf (fp_bic, "%.8e\t%.8e\t%.8e\t%.8e\t%.8e\t%.8e\t%.8e\n", cd->nrm1, info->bic_val, info->rss, info->df, mm_real_xj_ssq (cd->beta, 0), cd->lambda1, cd->lambda2); fflush (fp_bic); } free (info); if (stop_flag) break; /* if logt - dlog10_lambda1 < log10_lambda1, logt = log10_lambda1 and stop_flag is set to true * else logt -= dlog10_lambda1 */ stop_flag = set_logt (cd->path->log10_lambda_lower, logt - cd->path->dlog10_lambda, &logt); if (cd->path->verbos) fprintf (stderr, "done.\n"); } if (fp_path) fclose (fp_path); if (fp_bic) fclose (fp_bic); return converged; }
int main( int argc, char ** argv ) { /* 用于存储套接口文件描述符 */ int sockfd; /* 初始化全局变量 */ init_global( &global ); if( argc == 1 ) { /* 表示打印所有包头信息 */ global.print_flag_frame = 1; global.print_flag_arp = 1; global.print_flag_ip = 1; global.print_flag_rarp = 1; global.print_flag_tcp = 1; global.print_flag_udp = 1; global.print_flag_icmp = 1; global.print_flag_igmp = 1; } else { /* 帮助 或者 通过指定协议名称只打印某层些协议 */ if( !strcasecmp( argv[1], "-h" ) ){ help(); exit( 0 ); } else { int i; for( i=1; i < argc; i++ ){ if( !strcasecmp( argv[i], "frame" ) ) global.print_flag_frame = 1; else if( !strcasecmp( argv[i], "arp" ) ) global.print_flag_arp = 1; else if( !strcasecmp( argv[i], "rarp" ) ) global.print_flag_rarp = 1; else if( !strcasecmp( argv[i], "ip" ) ) global.print_flag_ip = 1; else if( !strcasecmp( argv[i], "tcp" ) ) global.print_flag_tcp = 1; else if( !strcasecmp( argv[i], "udp" ) ) global.print_flag_udp = 1; else if( !strcasecmp( argv[i], "icmp" ) ) global.print_flag_icmp = 1; else if( !strcasecmp( argv[i], "igmp" ) ) global.print_flag_igmp = 1; } } } /* 通过协议族AF_PACKET类信SOCK_RAW, 类型SOCK_RAW创建一个用于可以接受网卡帧数据的套接口,同时返回套就口文件描述符 */ if( (sockfd = socket(AF_PACKET, SOCK_RAW, htons(ETH_P_ALL)) ) == -1 ) error_and_exit( "socket", 1 ); /* 如果发生错误,返回错误值, 并退出 */ /* 设定网卡eth0成混杂模式 */ set_card_promisc( "eth0", sockfd ); /* 设定信号处理函数, 下面是设置当我们按下ctrl-c时所调用的处理函数 */ signal( SIGINT, sig_int ); /* 无限循环接收以太网卡数据帧, 并进行数据分用,直到你按下ctrl-c */ while( 1 ){ do_frame( sockfd ); } return 0; }
int main(void) { FILE *fh = NULL; cmp_ctx_t cmp; uint16_t year = 1983; uint8_t month = 5; uint8_t day = 28; int64_t sint = 0; uint64_t uint = 0; float flt = 0.0f; double dbl = 0.0; bool boolean = false; uint8_t fake_bool = 0; uint32_t string_size = 0; uint32_t array_size = 0; uint32_t binary_size = 0; uint32_t map_size = 0; int8_t ext_type = 0; uint32_t ext_size = 0; char sbuf[12] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; fh = fopen("cmp_data.dat", "w+b"); if (fh == NULL) error_and_exit("Error opening data.dat"); cmp_init(&cmp, fh, file_reader, file_skipper, file_writer); /* * When you write an array, you first specify the number of array * elements, then you write that many elements. */ if (!cmp_write_array(&cmp, 9)) error_and_exit(cmp_strerror(&cmp)); if (!cmp_write_sint(&cmp, -14)) error_and_exit(cmp_strerror(&cmp)); if (!cmp_write_uint(&cmp, 38)) error_and_exit(cmp_strerror(&cmp)); if (!cmp_write_float(&cmp, 1.8f)) error_and_exit(cmp_strerror(&cmp)); if (!cmp_write_double(&cmp, 300.4)) error_and_exit(cmp_strerror(&cmp)); if (!cmp_write_nil(&cmp)) error_and_exit(cmp_strerror(&cmp)); if (!cmp_write_true(&cmp)) error_and_exit(cmp_strerror(&cmp)); if (!cmp_write_false(&cmp)) error_and_exit(cmp_strerror(&cmp)); if (!cmp_write_bool(&cmp, false)) error_and_exit(cmp_strerror(&cmp)); if (!cmp_write_u8_as_bool(&cmp, 1)) error_and_exit(cmp_strerror(&cmp)); /* Array full */ /* * Maps work similar to arrays, but the length is in "pairs", so this * writes 2 pairs to the map. Subsequently, pairs are written in key, * value order. */ if (!cmp_write_map(&cmp, 2)) error_and_exit(cmp_strerror(&cmp)); /* You can write string data all at once... */ if (!cmp_write_str(&cmp, "Greeting", 8)) error_and_exit(cmp_strerror(&cmp)); if (!cmp_write_str(&cmp, "Hello", 5)) error_and_exit(cmp_strerror(&cmp)); if (!cmp_write_str(&cmp, "Name", 4)) error_and_exit(cmp_strerror(&cmp)); /* ...or in chunks */ if (!cmp_write_str_marker(&cmp, 5)) error_and_exit(cmp_strerror(&cmp)); if (file_writer(&cmp, "Li", 2) != 2) error_and_exit(strerror(errno)); if (file_writer(&cmp, "nus", 3) != 3) error_and_exit(strerror(errno)); /* Map full */ /* Binary data functions the same as string data */ if (!cmp_write_bin(&cmp, "MessagePack", 11)) error_and_exit(cmp_strerror(&cmp)); if (!cmp_write_bin_marker(&cmp, 8)) error_and_exit(cmp_strerror(&cmp)); if (file_writer(&cmp, "is ", 3) != 3) error_and_exit(strerror(errno)); if (file_writer(&cmp, "great", 5) != 5) error_and_exit(strerror(errno)); /* * With extended types, you can create your own custom types. Here we * create a simple date type. */ /* cmp_write_ext_marker(type, size) */ if (!cmp_write_ext_marker(&cmp, 1, 4)) error_and_exit(cmp_strerror(&cmp)); file_writer(&cmp, &year, sizeof(uint16_t)); file_writer(&cmp, &month, sizeof(uint8_t)); file_writer(&cmp, &day, sizeof(uint8_t)); /* Now we can read the data back just as easily */ rewind(fh); if (!cmp_read_array(&cmp, &array_size)) error_and_exit(cmp_strerror(&cmp)); if (array_size != 9) error_and_exit("Array size was not 9"); if (!cmp_read_sinteger(&cmp, &sint)) error_and_exit(cmp_strerror(&cmp)); if (sint != -14) error_and_exit("Signed int was not -14"); if (!cmp_read_uinteger(&cmp, &uint)) error_and_exit(cmp_strerror(&cmp)); if (uint != 38) error_and_exit("Unsigned int was not 38"); if (!cmp_read_float(&cmp, &flt)) error_and_exit(cmp_strerror(&cmp)); if (flt != 1.8f) error_and_exit("Float was not 1.8f"); if (!cmp_read_double(&cmp, &dbl)) error_and_exit(cmp_strerror(&cmp)); if (dbl != 300.4) error_and_exit("Double was not 300.f"); if (!cmp_read_nil(&cmp)) error_and_exit(cmp_strerror(&cmp)); if (!cmp_read_bool(&cmp, &boolean)) error_and_exit(cmp_strerror(&cmp)); if (boolean != true) error_and_exit("First boolean was not true"); if (!cmp_read_bool(&cmp, &boolean)) error_and_exit(cmp_strerror(&cmp)); if (boolean != false) error_and_exit("Second boolean was not false"); if (!cmp_read_bool(&cmp, &boolean)) error_and_exit(cmp_strerror(&cmp)); if (boolean != false) error_and_exit("Third boolean was not false"); if (!cmp_read_bool_as_u8(&cmp, &fake_bool)) error_and_exit(cmp_strerror(&cmp)); if (fake_bool != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "%u.\n", fake_bool); error_and_exit("Third boolean (u8) was not 1"); } if (!cmp_read_map(&cmp, &map_size)) error_and_exit(cmp_strerror(&cmp)); if (map_size != 2) error_and_exit("Map size was not 2"); /* * String reading here. Note that normally strings are encoded using * UTF-8. I have cleverly restricted this example to ASCII, which overlaps * UTF-8 encoding, but this must not be assumed in real-world code. * * You can read strings in two ways. Either you can read the string's size * in bytes and then read the bytes manually... */ if (!cmp_read_str_size(&cmp, &string_size)) error_and_exit(cmp_strerror(&cmp)); if (string_size != 8) error_and_exit("Greeting string key size was not 8"); if (!read_bytes(sbuf, 8, fh)) error_and_exit(strerror(errno)); sbuf[string_size] = 0; if (strncmp(sbuf, "Greeting", 8) != 0) error_and_exit("Greeting string key name was not 'Greeting'"); /* * ...or you can set the maximum number of bytes to read and do it all in * one call. cmp_read_str will write no more than "size" bytes, including * the terminating NULL, to the passed buffer. If the string's size * exceeds the passed buffer size, the "size" input is set to the number of * bytes necessary, not including the terminating NULL. Otherwise, the * "size" input is set to the number of bytes written, not including the * terminating NULL. */ string_size = sizeof(sbuf); if (!cmp_read_str(&cmp, sbuf, &string_size)) error_and_exit(cmp_strerror(&cmp)); if (strncmp(sbuf, "Hello", 5) != 0) error_and_exit("Greeting string value was not 'Hello'"); string_size = sizeof(sbuf); if (!cmp_read_str(&cmp, sbuf, &string_size)) error_and_exit(cmp_strerror(&cmp)); if (strncmp(sbuf, "Name", 4) != 0) error_and_exit("Name key name was not 'Name'"); string_size = sizeof(sbuf); if (!cmp_read_str(&cmp, sbuf, &string_size)) error_and_exit(cmp_strerror(&cmp)); if (strncmp(sbuf, "Linus", 5) != 0) error_and_exit("Name key value was not 'Linus'"); memset(sbuf, 0, sizeof(sbuf)); binary_size = sizeof(sbuf); if (!cmp_read_bin(&cmp, &sbuf, &binary_size)) error_and_exit(cmp_strerror(&cmp)); if (memcmp(sbuf, "MessagePack", 11) != 0) error_and_exit("1st binary value was not 'MessagePack'"); memset(sbuf, 0, sizeof(sbuf)); binary_size = sizeof(sbuf); if (!cmp_read_bin(&cmp, &sbuf, &binary_size)) error_and_exit(cmp_strerror(&cmp)); if (memcmp(sbuf, "is great", 8) != 0) error_and_exit("2nd binary value was not 'is great'"); if (!cmp_read_ext_marker(&cmp, &ext_type, &ext_size)) error_and_exit(cmp_strerror(&cmp)); if (!read_bytes(&year, sizeof(uint16_t), fh)) error_and_exit(strerror(errno)); if (!read_bytes(&month, sizeof(uint8_t), fh)) error_and_exit(strerror(errno)); if (!read_bytes(&day, sizeof(uint8_t), fh)) error_and_exit(strerror(errno)); if (year != 1983) error_and_exit("Year was not 1983"); if (month != 5) error_and_exit("Month was not 5"); if (day != 28) error_and_exit("Day was not 28"); rewind(fh); /* Alternately, you can read objects until the stream is empty */ while (1) { cmp_object_t obj; if (!cmp_read_object(&cmp, &obj)) { if (feof(fh)) break; error_and_exit(cmp_strerror(&cmp)); } switch (obj.type) { case CMP_TYPE_POSITIVE_FIXNUM: case CMP_TYPE_UINT8: printf("Unsigned Integer: %u\n",; break; case CMP_TYPE_FIXMAP: case CMP_TYPE_MAP16: case CMP_TYPE_MAP32: printf("Map: %u\n",; break; case CMP_TYPE_FIXARRAY: case CMP_TYPE_ARRAY16: case CMP_TYPE_ARRAY32: printf("Array: %u\n",; break; case CMP_TYPE_FIXSTR: case CMP_TYPE_STR8: case CMP_TYPE_STR16: case CMP_TYPE_STR32: if (!read_bytes(sbuf,, fh)) error_and_exit(strerror(errno)); sbuf[] = 0; printf("String: %s\n", sbuf); break; case CMP_TYPE_BIN8: case CMP_TYPE_BIN16: case CMP_TYPE_BIN32: memset(sbuf, 0, sizeof(sbuf)); if (!read_bytes(sbuf,, fh)) error_and_exit(strerror(errno)); printf("Binary: %s\n", sbuf); break; case CMP_TYPE_NIL: printf("NULL\n"); break; case CMP_TYPE_BOOLEAN: if ( printf("Boolean: true\n"); else printf("Boolean: false\n"); break; case CMP_TYPE_EXT8: case CMP_TYPE_EXT16: case CMP_TYPE_EXT32: case CMP_TYPE_FIXEXT1: case CMP_TYPE_FIXEXT2: case CMP_TYPE_FIXEXT4: case CMP_TYPE_FIXEXT8: case CMP_TYPE_FIXEXT16: if ( == 1) { /* Date object */ if (!read_bytes(&year, sizeof(uint16_t), fh)) error_and_exit(strerror(errno)); if (!read_bytes(&month, sizeof(uint8_t), fh)) error_and_exit(strerror(errno)); if (!read_bytes(&day, sizeof(uint8_t), fh)) error_and_exit(strerror(errno)); printf("Date: %u/%u/%u\n", year, month, day); } else { printf("Extended type {%d, %u}: ",, ); while ( { read_bytes(sbuf, sizeof(uint8_t), fh); printf("%02x ", sbuf[0]); } printf("\n"); } break; case CMP_TYPE_FLOAT: printf("Float: %f\n",; break; case CMP_TYPE_DOUBLE: printf("Double: %f\n",; break; case CMP_TYPE_UINT16: printf("Unsigned Integer: %u\n",; break; case CMP_TYPE_UINT32: printf("Unsigned Integer: %u\n",; break; case CMP_TYPE_UINT64: printf("Unsigned Integer: %" PRIu64 "\n",; break; case CMP_TYPE_NEGATIVE_FIXNUM: case CMP_TYPE_SINT8: printf("Signed Integer: %d\n",; break; case CMP_TYPE_SINT16: printf("Signed Integer: %d\n",; break; case CMP_TYPE_SINT32: printf("Signed Integer: %d\n",; break; case CMP_TYPE_SINT64: printf("Signed Integer: %" PRId64 "\n",; break; default: printf("Unrecognized object type %u\n", obj.type); break; } } fclose(fh); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { rcComm_t *conn = NULL; rodsEnv irods_env; rErrMsg_t err_msg; dataObjInp_t data_obj; openedDataObjInp_t open_obj; int open_fd; char *new_host = NULL; int status; char *obj_name = NULL; char *buffer; char prog_name[255]; size_t buf_size = DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE; int verbose = 0; int opt; unsigned long total_written = 0; int write_to_irods = 1; int server_set = 0; while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "b:vhrdw")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'b': buf_size = atoi(optarg); if (buf_size <= 0) { error_and_exit(conn, "Error: buffer size must be greater than 0.\n"); } break; case 'v': verbose = 1; break; case 'r': write_to_irods = 0; break; case 'w': // dummy write option to be enforced later break; case 'd': server_set = 1; break; case 'h': usage_and_exit(argv[0], EXIT_SUCCESS); break; default: usage_and_exit(argv[0], EXIT_FAILURE); break; } } if (optind >= argc) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Missing iRODS file.\n"); usage_and_exit(argv[0], EXIT_FAILURE); } obj_name = argv[optind]; if ((buffer = malloc(buf_size)) == NULL) { error_and_exit(conn, "Error: unable to set buffer to size %ld\n", buf_size); } // set the client name so iRODS knows what program is connecting to it sprintf(prog_name, "%s:%s", PACKAGE_NAME, PACKAGE_VERSION); if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "Setting client name to: %s\n", prog_name); } setenv(SP_OPTION, prog_name, 1); // lets get the irods environment if ((status = getRodsEnv(&irods_env)) < 0) { error_and_exit(conn, "Error: getRodsEnv failed with status %d:%s\n", status, get_irods_error_name(status, verbose)); } if ((status = irods_uri_check(obj_name, &irods_env, verbose)) < 0) { error_and_exit(conn, "Error: invalid uri: %s\n", obj_name); } else if (status > 0) { server_set = 1; } if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "host %s\nzone %s\nuser %s\nport %d\n", irods_env.rodsHost, irods_env.rodsZone, irods_env.rodsUserName, irods_env.rodsPort); } #if IRODS_VERSION_INTEGER && IRODS_VERSION_INTEGER >= 4001008 init_client_api_table(); #endif // make the irods connections conn = rcConnect(irods_env.rodsHost, irods_env.rodsPort, irods_env.rodsUserName, irods_env.rodsZone, 0, &err_msg); if (!conn) { print_irods_error("Error: rcConnect failed:", &err_msg); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } #if IRODS_VERSION_INTEGER && IRODS_VERSION_INTEGER >= 4001008 status = clientLogin(conn, "", ""); #else status = clientLogin(conn); #endif if (status < 0) { error_and_exit(conn, "Error: clientLogin failed with status %d:%s\n", status, get_irods_error_name(status, verbose)); } // set up the data object memset(&data_obj, 0, sizeof(data_obj)); strncpy(data_obj.objPath, obj_name, MAX_NAME_LEN); if (write_to_irods) { data_obj.openFlags = O_WRONLY; } else { data_obj.openFlags = O_RDONLY; } data_obj.dataSize = 0; // talk to server if (write_to_irods) { if (!server_set) { if ((status = rcGetHostForPut(conn, &data_obj, &new_host)) < 0) { error_and_exit(conn, "Error: rcGetHostForPut failed with status %d:%s\n", status, get_irods_error_name(status, verbose)); } choose_server(&conn, new_host, &irods_env, verbose); free(new_host); } if ((open_fd = rcDataObjCreate(conn, &data_obj)) < 0) { error_and_exit(conn, "Error: rcDataObjCreate failed with status %d:%s\n", open_fd, get_irods_error_name(open_fd, verbose)); } } else { if (!server_set) { if ((status = rcGetHostForGet(conn, &data_obj, &new_host)) < 0) { error_and_exit(conn, "Error: rcGetHostForGet failed with status %d:%s\n", status, get_irods_error_name(status, verbose)); } choose_server(&conn, new_host, &irods_env, verbose); free(new_host); } if ((open_fd = rcDataObjOpen(conn, &data_obj)) < 0) { error_and_exit(conn, "Error: rcDataObjOpen failed with status %d:%s\n", open_fd, get_irods_error_name(open_fd, verbose)); } } // the read/write loop while (1) { bytesBuf_t data_buffer; long read_in; long written_out; // set up common data elements memset(&open_obj, 0, sizeof(open_obj)); open_obj.l1descInx = open_fd; data_buffer.buf = buffer; // time to read something if (write_to_irods) { read_in = fread(buffer, 1, buf_size, stdin); open_obj.len = read_in; data_buffer.len = open_obj.len; } else { open_obj.len = buf_size; data_buffer.len = open_obj.len; if ((read_in = rcDataObjRead(conn, &open_obj, &data_buffer)) < 0) { error_and_exit(conn, "Error: rcDataObjRead failed with status %ld:%s\n", read_in, get_irods_error_name(read_in, verbose)); } } if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "%ld bytes read\n", read_in); } if (!read_in) break; // now try and write something if (write_to_irods) { open_obj.len = read_in; data_buffer.len = open_obj.len; if ((written_out = rcDataObjWrite(conn, &open_obj, &data_buffer)) < 0) { error_and_exit(conn, "Error: rcDataObjWrite failed with status %ld\n", written_out, get_irods_error_name(written_out, verbose)); } } else { written_out = fwrite(buffer, 1, read_in, stdout); } if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "%ld bytes written\n", written_out); } total_written += written_out; if (read_in != written_out) { error_and_exit(conn, "Error: write fail %ld written, should be %ld.\n", written_out, read_in); } }; if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "Total bytes written %ld\n", total_written); } if ((status = rcDataObjClose(conn, &open_obj)) < 0) { error_and_exit(conn, "Error: rcDataObjClose failed with status %d:%s\n", status, get_irods_error_name(status, verbose)); } rcDisconnect(conn); free(buffer); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { if( 1 >= argc){ printf("usage: %s file offset length\n", basename(argv[0])); return 0; } FILE *fh = NULL; cmp_ctx_t cmp; uint16_t year = 1983; uint8_t month = 5; uint8_t day = 28; int64_t sint = 0; uint64_t uint = 0; float flt = 0.0f; double dbl = 0.0; bool boolean = false; uint8_t fake_bool = 0; uint32_t string_size = 0; uint32_t array_size = 0; uint32_t binary_size = 0; uint32_t map_size = 0; int8_t ext_type = 0; uint32_t ext_size = 0; char sbuf[12] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; fh = fopen(argv[1], "rb"); if (fh == NULL){ error_and_exit(strerror(errno)); } cmp_init(&cmp, fh, file_reader, file_writer); /* Alternately, you can read objects until the stream is empty */ while (1) { cmp_object_t obj; if (!cmp_read_object(&cmp, &obj)) { if (feof(fh)) break; error_and_exit(cmp_strerror(&cmp)); } switch (obj.type) { case CMP_TYPE_POSITIVE_FIXNUM: case CMP_TYPE_UINT8: //printf("Unsigned Integer: %u\n",; printf("Unsigned Integer: %u\n",; break; case CMP_TYPE_FIXMAP: case CMP_TYPE_MAP16: case CMP_TYPE_MAP32: printf("Map: %u\n",; break; case CMP_TYPE_FIXARRAY: case CMP_TYPE_ARRAY16: case CMP_TYPE_ARRAY32: printf("Array: %u\n",; break; case CMP_TYPE_FIXSTR: case CMP_TYPE_STR8: case CMP_TYPE_STR16: case CMP_TYPE_STR32: if (!read_bytes(sbuf,, fh)) error_and_exit(strerror(errno)); sbuf[] = 0; printf("String: %s\n", sbuf); break; case CMP_TYPE_BIN8: case CMP_TYPE_BIN16: case CMP_TYPE_BIN32: memset(sbuf, 0, sizeof(sbuf)); if (!read_bytes(sbuf,, fh)) error_and_exit(strerror(errno)); printf("Binary: %s\n", sbuf); break; case CMP_TYPE_NIL: printf("NULL\n"); break; case CMP_TYPE_BOOLEAN: if ( printf("Boolean: true\n"); else printf("Boolean: false\n"); break; case CMP_TYPE_EXT8: case CMP_TYPE_EXT16: case CMP_TYPE_EXT32: case CMP_TYPE_FIXEXT1: case CMP_TYPE_FIXEXT2: case CMP_TYPE_FIXEXT4: case CMP_TYPE_FIXEXT8: case CMP_TYPE_FIXEXT16: if ( == 1) { /* Date object */ if (!read_bytes(&year, sizeof(uint16_t), fh)) error_and_exit(strerror(errno)); if (!read_bytes(&month, sizeof(uint8_t), fh)) error_and_exit(strerror(errno)); if (!read_bytes(&day, sizeof(uint8_t), fh)) error_and_exit(strerror(errno)); printf("Date: %u/%u/%u\n", year, month, day); } else { printf("Extended type {%d, %u}: ",,; while ( { read_bytes(sbuf, sizeof(uint8_t), fh); printf("%02x ", sbuf[0]); } printf("\n"); } break; case CMP_TYPE_FLOAT: printf("Float: %f\n",; break; case CMP_TYPE_DOUBLE: printf("Double: %f\n",; break; case CMP_TYPE_UINT16: printf("Unsigned Integer: %u\n",; break; case CMP_TYPE_UINT32: printf("Unsigned Integer: %u\n",; break; case CMP_TYPE_UINT64: printf("Unsigned Integer: %" PRIu64 "\n",; break; case CMP_TYPE_NEGATIVE_FIXNUM: case CMP_TYPE_SINT8: printf("Signed Integer: %d\n",; break; case CMP_TYPE_SINT16: printf("Signed Integer: %d\n",; break; case CMP_TYPE_SINT32: printf("Signed Integer: %d\n",; break; case CMP_TYPE_SINT64: printf("Signed Integer: %" PRId64 "\n",; break; default: printf("Unrecognized object type %u\n", obj.type); break; } } fclose(fh); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
/*** sum x(:,j) ***/ double mm_real_xj_sum (const mm_real *x, const int j) { if (j < 0 || x->n <= j) error_and_exit ("mm_real_xj_sum", "index out of range.", __FILE__, __LINE__); return (mm_real_is_sparse (x)) ? mm_real_sj_sum (x, j) : mm_real_dj_sum (x, j); }
/*** create new linregmodel object * INPUT: * mm_dense *y: dense vector * mm_sparse *x: sparse general / symmetric matrix * const double lambda2: regularization parameter * const mm_real *d: general linear operator of penalty * const mm_real *w: L1 penalty factor * PreProc proc: specify pre-processing for y and x * DO_CENTERING_Y: do centering of y * DO_CENTERING_X: do centering of each column of x * DO_NORMALIZING_X: do normalizing of each column of x * DO_STANDARDIZING_X: do centering and normalizing of each column of x ***/ linregmodel * linregmodel_new (mm_real *y, mm_real *x, const mm_real *d, PreProc proc) { int j; linregmodel *lreg; /* check whether x and y are not empty */ if (!y) error_and_exit ("linregmodel_new", "y is empty.", __FILE__, __LINE__); if (!x) error_and_exit ("linregmodel_new", "x is empty.", __FILE__, __LINE__); /* check whether y is vector */ if (y->n != 1) error_and_exit ("linregmodel_new", "y must be vector.", __FILE__, __LINE__); /* check dimensions of x and y */ if (y->m != x->m) error_and_exit ("linregmodel_new", "dimensions of x and y do not match.", __FILE__, __LINE__); /* check dimensions of x and d */ if (d && x->n != d->n) error_and_exit ("linregmodel_new", "dimensions of x and d do not match.", __FILE__, __LINE__); lreg = linregmodel_alloc (); if (lreg == NULL) error_and_exit ("linregmodel_new", "failed to allocate memory for linregmodel object.", __FILE__, __LINE__); lreg->y = y; lreg->ycentered = calc_sum (lreg->y, &lreg->sy); /* if DO_CENTERING_Y is set and y is not already centered */ if ((proc & DO_CENTERING_Y) && !lreg->ycentered) { /* if lreg->y is sparse, convert to dense vector */ if (mm_real_is_sparse (lreg->y)) mm_real_sparse_to_dense (lreg->y); do_centering (lreg->y, lreg->sy); lreg->ycentered = true; } lreg->x = x; lreg->xcentered = calc_sum (lreg->x, &lreg->sx); /* if DO_CENTERING_X is set and x is not already centered */ if ((proc & DO_CENTERING_X) && !lreg->xcentered) { /* if lreg->x is sparse, convert to dense matrix */ if (mm_real_is_sparse (lreg->x)) mm_real_sparse_to_dense (lreg->x); /* if lreg->x is symmetric, convert to general matrix */ if (mm_real_is_symmetric (lreg->x)) mm_real_symmetric_to_general (lreg->x); do_centering (lreg->x, lreg->sx); lreg->xcentered = true; }; lreg->xnormalized = calc_ssq (lreg->x, &lreg->xtx); /* if DO_NORMALIZING_X is set and x is not already normalized */ if ((proc & DO_NORMALIZING_X) && !lreg->xnormalized) { /* if lreg->x is symmetric, convert to general matrix */ if (mm_real_is_symmetric (lreg->x)) mm_real_symmetric_to_general (lreg->x); do_normalizing (lreg->x, lreg->xtx); lreg->xnormalized = true; } /* copy d */ if (d) { lreg->d = d; lreg->dtd = (double *) malloc (lreg->d->n * sizeof (double)); #pragma omp parallel for for (j = 0; j < lreg->d->n; j++) { lreg->dtd[j] = mm_real_xj_ssq (lreg->d, j); } } // c = X' * y lreg->c = mm_real_new (MM_REAL_DENSE, MM_REAL_GENERAL, lreg->x->n, 1, lreg->x->n); #pragma omp parallel for for (j = 0; j < lreg->x->n; j++) { lreg->c->data[j] = mm_real_xj_trans_dot_yk (lreg->x, j, lreg->y, 0); } // camax = max ( abs (c) ) lreg->camax = fabs (lreg->c->data[idamax_ (&lreg->c->nnz, lreg->c->data, &ione) - 1]); return lreg; }