static long find_tag_opt(char *tag) { int ie; long tofs,lofs,ofs; char *s,*pl,*pr; ie=0; tofs=-1L; lofs=ftell(stdin); rewind(stdin); ofs=ftell(stdin); s=get_line(); while (s!=NULL) { pl=strchr(line,'['); pr=strchr(line,']'); if ((pl==(line+strspn(line," \t")))&&(pr>pl)) { if (ofs<lofs) { ie=0; tofs=-1L; } else break; } else { pl=line+strspn(line," \t"); pr=pl+strcspn(pl," \t\n"); pr[0]='\0'; if (strcmp(pl,tag)==0) { if (tofs!=-1L) ie=1; tofs=ofs; } } ofs=ftell(stdin); s=get_line(); } if (tofs==-1L) return tofs; else { error_root(ie!=0,1,"find_tag_opt [mutils.c]", "Tag %s occurs more than once in the current section",tag); ie=fseek(stdin,tofs,SEEK_SET); error_root(ie!=0,1,"find_tag_opt [mutils.c]", "Unable to go to line with tag %s",tag); } return tofs; }
static int check_machine(void) { int ie; error_root(sizeof(stdint_t)!=4,1,"check_machine [archive_ildg.c]", "Size of a stdint_t integer is not 4"); error_root(sizeof(double)!=8,1,"check_machine [archive_ildg.c]", "Size of a double is not 8"); ie=endianness(); error_root(ie==UNKNOWN_ENDIAN,1,"check_machine [archive_ildg.c]", "Unkown endianness"); return ie; }
/* long read_line_opt(char *tag,char *defaultline,char *format,...) * * On process 0, this program reads a line of text and data from stdin * in a controlled manner. The tag cannot * be the empty string "", the program searches * for the tag in the current section. If the tag is not * found, default values are assigned to the variables. The program returns * the offset of the line from the beginning * of the file and positions the file pointer to the next line. On * processes other than 0, the program does nothing and returns -1L. * */ long read_line_opt(char *tag,char *defaultline,char *format, ...) { int my_rank,is,ic; long tofs; char *pl,*p; va_list args; MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&my_rank); if (my_rank==0) { check_tag(tag); error_root(tag[0]=='\0',1,"read_line_opt [mutils.c]", "optional parameters must have a non empty tag"); tofs=find_tag_opt(tag); if(tofs != -1L) { get_line(); pl=line+strspn(line," \t"); pl+=strcspn(pl," \t\n"); }else { /* optional parameter gets default value */ error_root(strlen(defaultline)+strlen(tag)+1>NAME_SIZE,1, "read_line_opt [mutils.c]", "default line too long"); sprintf(line,"%s %s",tag,defaultline); pl=line+strspn(line," \t"); pl+=strcspn(pl," \t\n"); } va_start(args,format); for (p=format;;) { p+=strspn(p," "); ic=0; is=2; if ((p[0]=='\0')||(p[0]=='\n')) break; else if (p==strstr(p,"%s")) ic=sscanf(pl,"%s",va_arg(args,char*)); else if (p==strstr(p,"%d")) ic=sscanf(pl,"%d",va_arg(args,int*)); else if (p==strstr(p,"%f"))
/* this is an exact copy of /modules/utils/mutils.c's version */ static void check_tag(char *tag) { if (tag[0]=='\0') return; error_root((strspn(tag," 0123456789.")!=0L)|| (strcspn(tag," \n")!=strlen(tag)),1, "check_tag [mutils.c]","Improper tag %s",tag); }
/* this is an exact copy of /modules/utils/mutils.c's version */ static char *get_line(void) { char *s,*c; s=fgets(line,NAME_SIZE+1,stdin); if (s!=NULL) { error_root(strlen(line)==NAME_SIZE,1,"get_line [mutils.c]", "Input line is longer than NAME_SIZE-1"); c=strchr(line,'#'); if (c!=NULL) c[0]='\0'; } return s; }
void meson_ASCII_IO(char *filename, int rec_seek, int msg_seek) { int i,j,k=0,l=0; char buf[MAXBUF]; LimeReader *r; int status; twopt_mom *corr; n_uint64_t nbytes, bytes_left, bytes_to_copy, read_bytes; int rec, msg; char *lime_type; size_t bytes_pad; int MB_flag, ME_flag; FILE *fin=NULL; corr=malloc(NMOM_MAX*sizeof(twopt_mom)); fin=fopen(filename,"r"); error_root(fin == (FILE *)NULL,0,"meson_ASCII_IO [IOarchive.c]", "IOarchive: Unable to open file %s for reading\n", filename); /* Open LIME reader */ r = limeCreateReader(fin); error_root(r == (LimeReader *)NULL,0,"meson_ASCII_IO [IOarchive.c]", "Unable to open LimeReader\n"); /* Loop over records */ rec = 0; msg = 0; while( (status = limeReaderNextRecord(r)) != LIME_EOF ){ error_root(status != LIME_SUCCESS,0,"meson_ASCII_IO [IOarchive.c]", "IOarchive: limeReaderNextRecord returned status = %d\n",status); nbytes = limeReaderBytes(r); lime_type = limeReaderType(r); bytes_pad = limeReaderPadBytes(r); MB_flag = limeReaderMBFlag(r); ME_flag = limeReaderMEFlag(r); /* Update message and record numbers */ if(MB_flag == 1){ msg++; rec = 0; } rec++; /* Skip to next record until target record is reached */ if (msg != msg_seek || rec != rec_seek) continue; /* Buffered copy */ bytes_left = nbytes; while(bytes_left > (n_uint64_t)0){ bytes_to_copy = mino((n_uint64_t)(NMOM_MAX*sizeof(twopt_mom)),bytes_left); read_bytes = bytes_to_copy; error_root((int)read_bytes>MAXBUF,0,"meson_ASCII_IO [IOarchive.c]", "read_bytes exceeds MAXBUF"); status = limeReaderReadData((void *)buf, &read_bytes, r); error_root(status<0 && status !=LIME_EOR,1,"meson_ASCII_IO [IOarchive.c]", "LIME read error occurred: status= %d", status); error_root(read_bytes != bytes_to_copy,1,"meson_ASCII_IO [IOarchive.c]", "Read error %lld bytes wanted,%lld read\n", (unsigned long long)nbytes, (unsigned long long)read_bytes); /* Print to stdout */ corr=(twopt_mom*)buf; l=0; for(i=0;i<NMOM_MAX;i++){ for(j=0;j<TT;j++) { printf("%d %s %d %d %d %d %d %d %.16e %.16e\n", k,lime_type, (*(corr+l)).musrc, (*(corr+l)).musnk, (*(corr+l)).p[0], (*(corr+l)).p[1], (*(corr+l)).p[2], j, (*(corr+l)).corr[j].re, (*(corr+l)).corr[j].im); } l++; k++; } bytes_left -= bytes_to_copy; } /* Quit at this record */ break; } limeDestroyReader(r); fclose(fin); }
extern void import_cnfg_ildg(char *in) { int my_rank,np[4],n,ie,tag,status,prec=0; int i,l,ix,iy,iz,it,ixx; n_uint64_t read_bytes,nbytes=0; double plaq1,eps; MPI_Status stat; LimeReader *reader=NULL; FILE *fin; char lime_type_target[100]="ildg-binary-data"; char *lime_type; MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&my_rank); /* allocate IO-buffers */ if (ubuf==NULL) alloc_ubuf_ildg(my_rank); error(pud[VOLUME/2][0]==NULL,1,"import_cnfg [archive_ildg.c]", "Double-precision gauge field is not allocated"); ie=check_machine(); if (my_rank==0) { fin=fopen(in,"rb"); error_root(fin==NULL,1,"import_cnfg [archive_ildg.c]", "Unable to open input file"); reader=limeCreateReader(fin); error( reader == (LimeReader *)NULL ,1,"import_cnfg [archive_ildg.c]", "Unable to open LimeReader"); nbytes = (n_uint64_t)0; /* set the file-pointer to the beginning of the "ildg-binary-data" tag * in the LIME file */ while( (status = limeReaderNextRecord(reader)) != LIME_EOF ){ nbytes = limeReaderBytes(reader); lime_type = limeReaderType(reader); error((status!=LIME_SUCCESS),1,"import_cnfg [archive_ildg.c]", "limeReaderNextRecord returned status %d and LIME_SUCCESS %d\n", status,LIME_SUCCESS); if (strcmp(lime_type,lime_type_target) != 0) continue; break; } /* Decide whether the gauge file is stored in single or * double precision format */ if ((int)nbytes==8*VOLUME*NPROC*3*3*4*2){ prec=8; message("ILDG-file contains double precision gauge field\n"); } else if ((int)nbytes==4*VOLUME*NPROC*3*3*4*2){ prec=4; message("ILDG-file contains single precision gauge field\n"); } else error(1!=0,1,"import_cnfg [archive_ildg]", "Lattice geometry doesn't match size of gauge field %d %d\n"); } /* Now read the gauge file in steps of 4 SU(3) matrices */ for (it=0;it<N0;it++){ for (iz=0;iz<N3;iz++){ for (iy=0;iy<N2;iy++){ for (ix=0;ix<N1;ix++){ if(my_rank==0){ if(prec==8){ read_bytes = (n_uint64_t)(4*18*sizeof(double)); status = limeReaderReadData((double *)vbuf,&read_bytes, reader); bswap_double(4*18,(double *)(vbuf));/* ILDG always big endian */ } else if(prec==4){ read_bytes = (n_uint64_t)(4*18*sizeof(float)); status = limeReaderReadData((void *)vbuf_s,&read_bytes, reader); bswap_float(4*18,(float *)(vbuf_s)); /* ILDG always big endian */ for (i=0;i<4;i++) su3_copy_singletodouble((vbuf_s+i),(vbuf+i)); } } np[0]=it; np[1]=ix; np[2]=iy; np[3]=iz; n=ipr_global(np); MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); if (n>0) { tag=mpi_tag(); if (my_rank==0) MPI_Send((double*)(vbuf),4*18,MPI_DOUBLE,n,tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD); if (my_rank==n) MPI_Recv((double*)(ubuf),4*18,MPI_DOUBLE,0,tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD,&stat); } else if (my_rank==0) for (l=0;l<(4);l++) ubuf[l]=vbuf[l]; ixx = ((iy%L2)*L3 + (ix%L1)*L3*L2 + (it%L0)*L1*L2*L3); if (my_rank==n) set_links_ildg(ixx,iz); } } } } plaq1=plaq_sum_dble()/(double)(6*NPROC*VOLUME); message("Plaquette %f\n",plaq1); message("Plaquette/3 %f\n",plaq1/3); message("Please check consistency of average plaquette by hand\n"); eps=sqrt((double)(6*NPROC*VOLUME))*DBL_EPSILON; }
int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { int irw,isp,ispp[2],status[6],mnkv; int bs[4],Ns,nmx,nkv,nmr,ncy,ninv; double kappa,m0,dm,mu0,mu,res,mres; double sqne,sqnp[2]; complex_dble lnw1[2],lnr,dr,drmx; solver_parms_t sp; mrw_masses_t ms; MPI_Init(&argc,&argv); MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&my_rank); if (my_rank==0) { flog=freopen("check2.log","w",stdout); fin=freopen("","r",stdin); printf("\n"); printf("Direct check of mrw2\n"); printf("----------------------\n\n"); printf("%dx%dx%dx%d lattice, ",NPROC0*L0,NPROC1*L1,NPROC2*L2,NPROC3*L3); printf("%dx%dx%dx%d process grid, ",NPROC0,NPROC1,NPROC2,NPROC3); printf("%dx%dx%dx%d local lattice\n\n",L0,L1,L2,L3); } mnkv=0; mres=0.0; for (isp=0;isp<3;isp++) { read_solver_parms(isp); sp=solver_parms(isp); if (sp.res>mres) mres=sp.res; if (sp.nkv>mnkv) mnkv=sp.nkv; } read_bc_parms(); if (my_rank==0) { find_section("SAP"); read_line("bs","%d %d %d %d",bs,bs+1,bs+2,bs+3); } MPI_Bcast(bs,4,MPI_INT,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD); set_sap_parms(bs,0,1,1); if (my_rank==0) { find_section("Deflation subspace"); read_line("bs","%d %d %d %d",bs,bs+1,bs+2,bs+3); read_line("Ns","%d",&Ns); } MPI_Bcast(bs,4,MPI_INT,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Bcast(&Ns,1,MPI_INT,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD); set_dfl_parms(bs,Ns); if (my_rank==0) { find_section("Deflation subspace generation"); read_line("kappa","%lf",&kappa); read_line("mu","%lf",&mu); read_line("ninv","%d",&ninv); read_line("nmr","%d",&nmr); read_line("ncy","%d",&ncy); } MPI_Bcast(&kappa,1,MPI_DOUBLE,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Bcast(&mu,1,MPI_DOUBLE,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Bcast(&ninv,1,MPI_INT,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Bcast(&nmr,1,MPI_INT,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Bcast(&ncy,1,MPI_INT,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD); set_dfl_gen_parms(kappa,mu,ninv,nmr,ncy); if (my_rank==0) { find_section("Deflation projection"); read_line("nkv","%d",&nkv); read_line("nmx","%d",&nmx); read_line("res","%lf",&res); fclose(fin); } MPI_Bcast(&nkv,1,MPI_INT,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Bcast(&nmx,1,MPI_INT,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Bcast(&res,1,MPI_DOUBLE,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD); set_dfl_pro_parms(nkv,nmx,res); set_lat_parms(6.0,1.0,0,NULL,1.234); print_solver_parms(status,status+1); print_sap_parms(0); print_dfl_parms(0); start_ranlux(0,1245); geometry(); mnkv=2*mnkv+2; if (mnkv<(Ns+2)) mnkv=Ns+2; if (mnkv<5) mnkv=5; alloc_ws(mnkv); alloc_wsd(7); alloc_wv(2*nkv+2); alloc_wvd(4);;; for (irw=0;irw<3;irw++) { dm=1.0e-2; for (isp=0;isp<3;isp++) { ispp[0]=isp; ispp[1]=isp; if (isp==0) { m0=1.0877; mu0=0.1; } else if (isp==1) { m0=0.0877; mu0=0.01; } else { m0=-0.0123; mu0=0.001; } random_ud(); if (isp==2) { dfl_modes(status); error_root(status[0]<0,1,"main [check2.c]", "dfl_modes failed"); } if (irw==0) { ms.m1=m0; ms.d1=dm; ms.mu1=mu0; ms.m2=m0; ms.d2=dm; ms.mu2=mu0; lnr=mrw2(ms,0,ispp,lnw1,sqnp,&sqne,status);[0].re-lnw1[1].re);[0].im-lnw1[1].im); lnr=mrw2(ms,1,ispp,lnw1,sqnp,&sqne,status);*mu0*dm+dm*dm)*sqnp[0]);[0].re-lnw1[1].re);[0]-sqnp[1]);;[0].im-lnw1[1].im); } else if (irw==1) { ms.m1=m0; ms.d1=dm; ms.mu1=mu0; ms.m2=m0; ms.d2=-dm; ms.mu2=mu0; lnr=mrw2(ms,0,ispp,lnw1,sqnp,&sqne,status);[0].re+lnw1[1].re);[0].im+lnw1[1].im); lnr=mrw2(ms,1,ispp,lnw1,sqnp,&sqne,status);*dm*sqnp[0]);[0].re+lnw1[1].re);[0]-sqnp[1]);*lnw1[0].im);[0].im+lnw1[1].im); } else { ms.m1=m0; ms.d1=dm; ms.mu1=mu0; ms.m2=m0+dm; ms.d2=-dm; ms.mu2=mu0; lnr=mrw2(ms,0,ispp,lnw1,sqnp,&sqne,status);;; } if (>; if (>; if (my_rank==0) { if (irw==0) printf("mrw2(d2=d1): "); else if (irw==1) printf("mrw2(d2=-d1): "); else printf("mrw2(m2=m1+d1,d2=-d1): "); if ((isp==0)||(isp==1)) printf("status = %d\n",status[0]); else if (isp==2) printf("status = (%d,%d,%d)\n", status[0],status[1],status[2]); printf("diff = %.1e + i%.1e\n\n",,; } error_chk(); } } if (my_rank==0) { printf("\n"); printf("max diff = %.1e + i%.1e\n",,; printf("(should be smaller than %.1e)\n\n",mres*sqrt((double)(VOLUME*NPROC*24))); fclose(flog); } MPI_Finalize(); exit(0); }
extern void srcfld(spinor_dble *rnd, spinor_dble *sd, srcdef src, int idirac, int icolor) { int my_rank; int i; set_sd2zero(VOLUME, sd); /***************************************************************************/ if (strcmp(src.type, "pt") == 0) { /***************************************************************************/ pointsource(sd, src, idirac, icolor); } /***************************************************************************/ else if (strcmp(src.type, "Z4") == 0) { /***************************************************************************/ int ix = 0; double *in, *out; spinor_dble *rpk; MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_rank); if (my_rank == 0) message("Creating Z4 source on time-slice %d\n", src.pos[0]); if (icolor == 1) { for (rpk = sd; rpk < (sd + VOLUME); rpk++) { if (coords[ix].t == src.pos[0]) { in = (double *) (rnd + ix); out = (double *) rpk; for (i = 0; i < 24; i++) { *(out + i) = *(in + i); } } ix++; } } } else if (strcmp(src.type, "Z2") == 0) { /***************************************************************************/ int ix = 0; double *in, *out; spinor_dble *rpk; MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_rank); if (my_rank == 0) message("Creating Z2 source on time-slice %d\n", src.pos[0]); if (icolor == 1) { for (rpk = sd; rpk < (sd + VOLUME); rpk++) { if (coords[ix].t == src.pos[0]) { in = (double *) (rnd + ix); out = (double *) rpk; for (i = 0; i < 24; i = i + 2) { *(out + i) = *(in + i); } } ix++; } } } /***************************************************************************/ else if (strcmp(src.type, "Z4spin") == 0) { /***************************************************************************/ int ix = 0; double *in, *out; spinor_dble *rpk; MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_rank); if (my_rank == 0) message("Creating Z4spin source on time-slice %d\n", src.pos[0]); if (icolor == 1) { for (rpk = sd; rpk < (sd + VOLUME); rpk++) { if (coords[ix].t == src.pos[0]) { in = (double *) (rnd + ix); out = (double *) rpk; for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { *(out + (idirac - 1) * 6 + i) = *(in + i); } } ix++; } } } /***************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************/ else if ((strcmp(src.type, "J_thin") == 0) || (strcmp(src.type, "J_HYP") == 0) || (strcmp(src.type, "J_APE") == 0)) { /***************************************************************************/ pointsource(sd, src, idirac, icolor); /* transform_sd(sd,sd); */jacobi_source(sd, src, idirac, icolor); } /**************************************************************************/ else { error_root(1, 1, "srcfld [source.c]", "Couldn't find specified source type %s\n", src.type); } }