コード例 #1
ファイル: p7_tophits.c プロジェクト: EddyRivasLab/hmmer
p7_hit_Compare(const P7_HIT *h1, const P7_HIT *h2, float tol)
  int d;
  int status;

  if (    strcmp(h1->name, h2->name) != 0) return eslFAIL;
  if (esl_strcmp(h1->acc,  h2->acc)  != 0) return eslFAIL;
  if (esl_strcmp(h1->desc, h2->desc) != 0) return eslFAIL;

  if ( h1->window_length != h2->window_length) return eslFAIL;
  if ( h1->ndom          != h2->ndom)          return eslFAIL;
  if ( h1->noverlaps     != h2->noverlaps)     return eslFAIL;
  if ( h1->flags         != h2->flags)         return eslFAIL;
  if ( h1->nreported     != h2->nreported)     return eslFAIL;
  if ( h1->nincluded     != h2->nincluded)     return eslFAIL;
  if ( h1->best_domain   != h2->best_domain)   return eslFAIL;
  if ( h1->seqidx        != h2->seqidx)        return eslFAIL;
  if ( h1->subseq_start  != h2->subseq_start)  return eslFAIL;
  if ( h1->offset        != h2->offset)        return eslFAIL;
  if ( esl_DCompare( h1->sortkey,   h2->sortkey,   tol ) != eslOK) return eslFAIL;
  if ( esl_FCompare( h1->score,     h2->score,     tol ) != eslOK) return eslFAIL;
  if ( esl_FCompare( h1->pre_score, h2->pre_score, tol ) != eslOK) return eslFAIL;
  if ( esl_FCompare( h1->sum_score, h2->sum_score, tol ) != eslOK) return eslFAIL;
  if ( esl_DCompare( h1->lnP,       h2->lnP,       tol ) != eslOK) return eslFAIL;
  if ( esl_DCompare( h1->pre_lnP,   h2->pre_lnP,   tol ) != eslOK) return eslFAIL;
  if ( esl_DCompare( h1->sum_lnP,   h2->sum_lnP,   tol ) != eslOK) return eslFAIL;
  if ( esl_DCompare( h1->nexpected, h2->nexpected, tol ) != eslOK) return eslFAIL;

  for (d = 0; d < h1->ndom; d++)
    if (( status = p7_domain_Compare(&(h1->dcl[d]), &(h2->dcl[d]), tol)) != eslOK) return status;
  return eslOK;
コード例 #2
ファイル: stotrace.c プロジェクト: Denis84/EPA-WorkBench
/* tests: 
 *   1. each sampled trace must validate.
 *   2. each trace must be <= viterbi trace score
 *   3. in a large # of traces, one is "equal" to the viterbi trace score.
 *      (this of course is stochastic; but it's true for the particular
 *       choice of RNG seed used in tests here.)
static void
utest_stotrace(ESL_GETOPTS *go, ESL_RANDOMNESS *rng, ESL_ALPHABET *abc, P7_PROFILE *gm, P7_OPROFILE *om, ESL_DSQ *dsq, int L, int ntrace)
  P7_GMX   *gx  = NULL;
  P7_OMX   *ox  = NULL;
  P7_TRACE *tr  = NULL;
  char      errbuf[eslERRBUFSIZE];
  int       idx;
  float     maxsc = -eslINFINITY;
  float     vsc, sc;

  if ((gx     = p7_gmx_Create(gm->M, L))        == NULL)  esl_fatal("generic DP matrix creation failed");
  if ((ox     = p7_omx_Create(gm->M, L, L))     == NULL)  esl_fatal("optimized DP matrix create failed");
  if ((tr     = p7_trace_Create())              == NULL)  esl_fatal("trace creation failed");

  if (p7_GViterbi(dsq, L, gm, gx, &vsc)         != eslOK) esl_fatal("viterbi failed");
  if (p7_Forward (dsq, L, om, ox, NULL)         != eslOK) esl_fatal("forward failed");

  for (idx = 0; idx < ntrace; idx++)
      if (p7_StochasticTrace(rng, dsq, L, om, ox, tr) != eslOK) esl_fatal("stochastic trace failed");
      if (p7_trace_Validate(tr, abc, dsq, errbuf)     != eslOK) esl_fatal("trace invalid:\n%s", errbuf);
      if (p7_trace_Score(tr, dsq, gm, &sc)            != eslOK) esl_fatal("trace scoring failed"); 

      maxsc = ESL_MAX(sc, maxsc);
      if (sc > vsc) esl_fatal("sampled trace has score > optimal Viterbi path; not possible");
  if (esl_FCompare(maxsc, vsc, 0.1) != eslOK) esl_fatal("stochastic trace failed to sample the Viterbi path");
コード例 #3
/* The "basic" utest is a minimal driver for making a small DNA profile and a small DNA sequence,
 * then running Viterbi and Forward. It's useful for dumping DP matrices and profiles for debugging.
static void
utest_basic(ESL_GETOPTS *go)
  char           *query= "# STOCKHOLM 1.0\n\nseq1 GAATTC\nseq2 GAATTC\n//\n";
  int             fmt  = eslMSAFILE_STOCKHOLM;
  char           *targ = "GAATTC";
  ESL_ALPHABET   *abc  = NULL;
  ESL_MSA        *msa  = NULL;
  P7_HMM         *hmm  = NULL;
  P7_PROFILE     *gm   = NULL;
  P7_BG          *bg   = NULL;
  P7_PRIOR       *pri  = NULL;	
  ESL_DSQ        *dsq  = NULL;
  P7_GMX         *gx   = NULL;
  P7_TRACE        *tr  = NULL;
  int             L    = strlen(targ);
  float           vsc, vsc2, fsc;

  if ((abc = esl_alphabet_Create(eslDNA))          == NULL)  esl_fatal("failed to create alphabet");
  if ((pri = p7_prior_CreateNucleic())             == NULL)  esl_fatal("failed to create prior");
  if ((msa = esl_msa_CreateFromString(query, fmt)) == NULL)  esl_fatal("failed to create MSA");
  if (esl_msa_Digitize(abc, msa, NULL)             != eslOK) esl_fatal("failed to digitize MSA");
  if (p7_Fastmodelmaker(msa, 0.5, NULL, &hmm, NULL) != eslOK) esl_fatal("failed to create GAATTC model");
  if (p7_ParameterEstimation(hmm, pri)             != eslOK) esl_fatal("failed to parameterize GAATTC model");
  if (p7_hmm_SetConsensus(hmm, NULL)               != eslOK) esl_fatal("failed to make consensus");
  if ((bg = p7_bg_Create(abc))                     == NULL)  esl_fatal("failed to create DNA null model");
  if ((gm = p7_profile_Create(hmm->M, abc))        == NULL)  esl_fatal("failed to create GAATTC profile");
  if (p7_ProfileConfig(hmm, bg, gm, L, p7_UNILOCAL)!= eslOK) esl_fatal("failed to config profile");
  if (p7_profile_Validate(gm, NULL, 0.0001)        != eslOK) esl_fatal("whoops, profile is bad!");
  if (esl_abc_CreateDsq(abc, targ, &dsq)           != eslOK) esl_fatal("failed to create GAATTC digital sequence");
  if ((gx = p7_gmx_Create(gm->M, L))               == NULL)  esl_fatal("failed to create DP matrix");
  if ((tr = p7_trace_Create())                     == NULL)  esl_fatal("trace creation failed");

  p7_GViterbi   (dsq, L, gm, gx, &vsc);
  if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-v")) printf("Viterbi score: %.4f\n", vsc);
  if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-v")) p7_gmx_Dump(stdout, gx, p7_DEFAULT);

  p7_GTrace     (dsq, L, gm, gx, tr);
  p7_trace_Score(tr, dsq, gm, &vsc2);
  if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-v")) p7_trace_Dump(stdout, tr, gm, dsq);
  if (esl_FCompare(vsc, vsc2, 1e-5) != eslOK)  esl_fatal("trace score and Viterbi score don't agree.");

  p7_GForward   (dsq, L, gm, gx, &fsc);
  if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-v")) printf("Forward score: %.4f\n", fsc);
  if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-v")) p7_gmx_Dump(stdout, gx, p7_DEFAULT);

コード例 #4
/* check_msa_weights
 * Given an MSA, check if it has any weight that is 
 * different from 1.0. If yes return TRUE, if not
 * return FALSE. If it does not have weights return
static int check_msa_weights(ESL_MSA *msa)
  int i;

  if(msa->wgt == NULL) return FALSE;
  for(i = 0; i < msa->nseq; i++) { 
    if (esl_FCompare(msa->wgt[i], 1.0, eslSMALLX1) != eslOK) return TRUE;
  return FALSE;
コード例 #5
ファイル: p7_gmx.c プロジェクト: ElofssonLab/TOPCONS2
/* Function:  p7_gmx_Compare()
 * Synopsis:  Compare two DP matrices for equality within given tolerance.
 * Purpose:   Compare all the values in DP matrices <gx1> and <gx2> using
 *            <esl_FCompare()> and relative epsilon <tolerance>. If any
 *            value pairs differ by more than the acceptable <tolerance>
 *            return <eslFAIL>.  If all value pairs are identical within
 *            tolerance, return <eslOK>. 
p7_gmx_Compare(P7_GMX *gx1, P7_GMX *gx2, float tolerance)
  int i,k,x;
  if (gx1->M != gx2->M) return eslFAIL;
  if (gx1->L != gx2->L) return eslFAIL;
  for (i = 0; i <= gx1->L; i++)
      for (k = 1; k <= gx1->M; k++) /* k=0 is a boundary; doesn't need to be checked */
		  if (esl_FCompare(gx1->dp[i][k * p7G_NSCELLS + p7G_M],  gx2->dp[i][k * p7G_NSCELLS + p7G_M], tolerance) != eslOK) return eslFAIL;
		  if (esl_FCompare(gx1->dp[i][k * p7G_NSCELLS + p7G_I],  gx2->dp[i][k * p7G_NSCELLS + p7G_I], tolerance) != eslOK) return eslFAIL;
		  if (esl_FCompare(gx1->dp[i][k * p7G_NSCELLS + p7G_D],  gx2->dp[i][k * p7G_NSCELLS + p7G_D], tolerance) != eslOK) return eslFAIL;
      for (x = 0; x < p7G_NXCELLS; x++)
	if (esl_FCompare(gx1->xmx[i * p7G_NXCELLS + x], gx2->xmx[i * p7G_NXCELLS + x], tolerance) != eslOK) return eslFAIL;
  return eslOK;	
コード例 #6
ファイル: modelconfig.c プロジェクト: dboudour2002/musicHMMER
/* Note that calculate_occupancy has moved to p7_hmm.c, but
 * unit tests over there aren't hooked up yet; so leave a copy of the unit test 
 * here for now.
static void
utest_occupancy(P7_HMM *hmm)
  char  *msg = "modelconfig.c::calculate_occupancy() unit test failed";
  float *occ;
  float  x;

  occ = malloc(sizeof(float) * (hmm->M+1));
  p7_hmm_CalculateOccupancy(hmm, occ, NULL);
  x = esl_vec_FSum(occ+1, hmm->M) / (float) hmm->M;
  if (esl_FCompare(x, 0.6, 0.1) != eslOK)           esl_fatal(msg);
コード例 #7
ファイル: generic_viterbi.c プロジェクト: TuftsBCB/SMURFBuild
/* Viterbi validation is done by comparing the returned score
 * to the score of the optimal trace. Not foolproof, but catches
 * many kinds of errors.
 * Another check is that the average score should be <= 0,
 * since the random sequences are drawn from the null model.
static void
utest_viterbi(ESL_GETOPTS *go, ESL_RANDOMNESS *r, ESL_ALPHABET *abc, P7_BG *bg, P7_PROFILE *gm, int nseq, int L)
  float     avg_sc = 0.;
  char      errbuf[eslERRBUFSIZE];
  ESL_DSQ  *dsq = NULL;
  P7_GMX   *gx  = NULL;
  P7_TRACE *tr  = NULL;
  int       idx;
  float     sc1, sc2;

  if ((dsq    = malloc(sizeof(ESL_DSQ) *(L+2))) == NULL)  esl_fatal("malloc failed");
  if ((tr     = p7_trace_Create())              == NULL)  esl_fatal("trace creation failed");
  if ((gx     = p7_gmx_Create(gm->M, L))        == NULL)  esl_fatal("matrix creation failed");

  for (idx = 0; idx < nseq; idx++)
      if (esl_rsq_xfIID(r, bg->f, abc->K, L, dsq) != eslOK) esl_fatal("seq generation failed");
      if (p7_GViterbi(dsq, L, gm, gx, &sc1)       != eslOK) esl_fatal("viterbi failed");
      if (p7_GTrace  (dsq, L, gm, gx, tr)         != eslOK) esl_fatal("trace failed");
      if (p7_trace_Validate(tr, abc, dsq, errbuf) != eslOK) esl_fatal("trace invalid:\n%s", errbuf);
      if (p7_trace_Score(tr, dsq, gm, &sc2)       != eslOK) esl_fatal("trace score failed");
      if (esl_FCompare(sc1, sc2, 1e-6)            != eslOK) esl_fatal("Trace score != Viterbi score"); 
      if (p7_bg_NullOne(bg, dsq, L, &sc2)         != eslOK) esl_fatal("null score failed");

      avg_sc += (sc1 - sc2);

      if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--vv"))       
	printf("utest_viterbi: Viterbi score: %.4f (null %.4f) (total so far: %.4f)\n", sc1, sc2, avg_sc);


  avg_sc /= (float) nseq;
  if (avg_sc > 0.) esl_fatal("Viterbi scores have positive expectation (%f nats)", avg_sc);

コード例 #8
ファイル: optacc.c プロジェクト: ElofssonLab/TOPCONS2
 * 1. Compare accscore to GOptimalAccuracy().
 * 2. Compare trace to GOATrace().
 * Note: This test is subject to some expected noise and can fail
 * for entirely innocent reasons. Generic Forward/Backward calculations with
 * p7_GForward(), p7_GBackward() use coarse-grain table lookups to sum
 * log probabilities, and sufficient roundoff error can accumulate to
 * change the optimal accuracy traceback, causing this test to fail.
 * So, if optacc_utest fails, before you go looking for bugs, first
 * go to ../logsum.c, change the #ifdef to activate the slow/accurate 
 * version, recompile and rerun optacc_utest. If the failure goes away,
 * you can ignore it.   - SRE, Wed Dec 17 09:45:31 2008
static void
utest_optacc(ESL_GETOPTS *go, ESL_RANDOMNESS *r, ESL_ALPHABET *abc, P7_BG *bg, int M, int L, int N)
  char        *msg = "optimal accuracy unit test failed";
  P7_HMM      *hmm = NULL;
  P7_PROFILE  *gm  = NULL;
  P7_OPROFILE *om  = NULL;
  ESL_SQ      *sq  = esl_sq_CreateDigital(abc);
  P7_OMX      *ox1 = p7_omx_Create(M, L, L);
  P7_OMX      *ox2 = p7_omx_Create(M, L, L);
  P7_GMX      *gx1 = p7_gmx_Create(M, L);
  P7_GMX      *gx2 = p7_gmx_Create(M, L);
  P7_TRACE    *tr  = p7_trace_CreateWithPP();
  P7_TRACE    *trg = p7_trace_CreateWithPP();
  P7_TRACE    *tro = p7_trace_CreateWithPP();
  float        accscore_o;
  float        fsc, bsc, accscore;
  float        fsc_g, bsc_g, accscore_g, accscore_g2;
  float        pptol = 0.01;
  float        sctol = 0.001;
  float        gtol;

  gtol = ( (p7_FLogsumError(-0.4, -0.5) > 0.0001) ?  0.1 : 0.001);

  if (p7_oprofile_Sample(r, abc, bg, M, L, &hmm, &gm, &om)!= eslOK) esl_fatal(msg);
  while (N--)
      if (p7_ProfileEmit(r, hmm, gm, bg, sq, tro)         != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg);

      if (p7_omx_GrowTo(ox1, M, sq->n, sq->n)             != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg);
      if (p7_omx_GrowTo(ox2, M, sq->n, sq->n)             != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg);
      if (p7_gmx_GrowTo(gx1, M, sq->n)                    != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg);
      if (p7_gmx_GrowTo(gx2, M, sq->n)                    != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg);

      if (p7_Forward (sq->dsq, sq->n, om, ox1,      &fsc) != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg);
      if (p7_Backward(sq->dsq, sq->n, om, ox1, ox2, &bsc) != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg);
      if (p7_Decoding(om, ox1, ox2, ox2)                  != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg);
      if (p7_OptimalAccuracy(om, ox2, ox1, &accscore)     != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg);

#if 0
      p7_omx_FDeconvert(ox1, gx1); 
      p7_gmx_Dump(stdout, gx1, p7_DEFAULT); 
      p7_omx_FDeconvert(ox2, gx1); 
      p7_gmx_Dump(stdout, gx1, p7_DEFAULT); 
      if (p7_OATrace(om, ox2, ox1, tr)                    != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg);
      if (p7_GForward (sq->dsq, sq->n, gm, gx1, &fsc_g)   != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg);
      if (p7_GBackward(sq->dsq, sq->n, gm, gx2, &bsc_g)   != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg);

#if 0
      p7_gmx_Dump(stdout, gx1, p7_DEFAULT); /* fwd */
      p7_gmx_Dump(stdout, gx2, p7_DEFAULT); /* bck */

      if (p7_GDecoding(gm, gx1, gx2, gx2)                 != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg);
      if (p7_GOptimalAccuracy(gm, gx2, gx1, &accscore_g)  != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg);
#if 0
      p7_gmx_Dump(stdout, gx1, p7_DEFAULT); /* oa */
      p7_gmx_Dump(stdout, gx2, p7_DEFAULT); /* pp */
      if (p7_GOATrace(gm, gx2, gx1, trg)                  != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg);

      if (p7_trace_SetPP(tro, gx2)                        != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg);

      if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "--traces"))
	  p7_trace_Dump(stdout, tro, gm, sq->dsq);
	  p7_trace_Dump(stdout, tr,  gm, sq->dsq);
	  p7_trace_Dump(stdout, trg, gm, sq->dsq);

      if (p7_trace_Validate(tr,  abc, sq->dsq, NULL)      != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg);
      if (p7_trace_Validate(trg, abc, sq->dsq, NULL)      != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg);
      if (p7_trace_Compare(tr, trg, pptol)                != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg);

      accscore_o  = p7_trace_GetExpectedAccuracy(tro); /* according to gx2; see p7_trace_SetPP() call above */
      accscore_g2 = p7_trace_GetExpectedAccuracy(trg);

#if 0
      printf("%f %f %f %f\n", accscore, accscore_g, accscore_g2, accscore_o);

      if (esl_FCompare(fsc,        bsc,         sctol)    != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg);
      if (esl_FCompare(fsc_g,      bsc_g,       gtol)     != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg);
      if (esl_FCompare(fsc,        fsc_g,       gtol)     != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg);
      if (esl_FCompare(accscore,   accscore_g,  gtol)     != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg);
      if (esl_FCompare(accscore_g, accscore_g2, gtol)     != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg);
      if (accscore_g2 < accscore_o)                                 esl_fatal(msg);
      /* the above deserves explanation:
       *  - accscore_o is the accuracy of the originally emitted trace, according
       *      to the generic posterior decoding matrix <gx2>. This is a lower bound
       *      on the expected # of accurately aligned residues found by a DP 
       *      optimization.
       *  - accscore is the accuracy found by the fast (vector) code DP implementation.
       *  - accscore_g is the accuracy found by the generic DP implementation.
       *      accscore and accscore_g should be nearly identical,
       *      within tolerance of roundoff error accumulation and
       *      the imprecision of Logsum() tables.
       *  - accscore_g2 is the accuracy of the traceback identified by the generic
       *      DP implementation. It should be identical (within order-of-evaluation
       *      roundoff error) to accscore_g.
       * the "accscore_g2 < accscore_o" test is carefully contrived.
       * accscore_o is a theoretical lower bound but because of fp error, 
       * accscore and (much more rarely) even accscore_g can exceed accscore_o.
       * accscore_g2, however, is calculated with identical order of evaluation
       * as accscore_o if the optimal trace does turn out to be identical to 
       * the originally emitted trace. It should be extremely unlikely (though
       * not impossible) for accscore_o to exceed accscore_g2. (The DP algorithm
       * would have to identify a trace that was different than the original trace,
       * which the DP algorithm, by order-of-evaluation, assigned higher accuracy,
       * but order-of-evaluation in traceback dependent code assigned lower accuracy.
       * [xref J5/29]


コード例 #9
ファイル: p7_bg.c プロジェクト: dboudour2002/musicHMMER
/* Function:  p7_bg_Read()
 * Synopsis:  Read background frequencies from a file.
 * Purpose:   Read new background frequencies from file <bgfile>,
 *            overwriting the frequencies previously in the 
 *            <P7_BG> object <bg>.
 *            Note that <bg> is already created by the caller, not
 *            created here. Also note that <p7_bg_Read()> only reads
 *            residue background frequencies used for the "null
 *            model", whereas a <P7_BG> object contains additional
 *            information for the bias filter and for the biased
 *            composition correction.
 * Args:      bgfile  - file to read.
 *            bg      - existing <P7_BG> object provided by the caller.
 *            errbuf  - OPTIONAL: space for an error message, upon parse errors; or NULL.
 * Returns:   <eslOK> on success, and background frequencies in <bg>
 *            are overwritten.
 *            <eslENOTFOUND> if <bgfile> can't be opened for reading.
 *            <eslEFORMAT> if parsing of <bgfile> fails for some
 *            reason.  In both cases, <errbuf> contains a
 *            user-directed error message upon return, including (if
 *            relevant) the file name <bgfile> and the line number on
 *            which an error was detected. <bg> is unmodified.
 * Throws:    <eslEMEM> on allocation failure; <bg> is unmodified,
 *            and <errbuf> is empty.
p7_bg_Read(char *bgfile, P7_BG *bg, char *errbuf)
  float          *fq    = NULL;
  int             n     = 0;
  char           *tok;
  int             toklen;
  int             alphatype;
  ESL_DSQ         x;
  int             status;

  if (errbuf) errbuf[0] = '\0';

  status =  esl_fileparser_Open(bgfile, NULL, &efp);
  if      (status == eslENOTFOUND) ESL_XFAIL(eslENOTFOUND, errbuf, "couldn't open bg file  %s for reading", bgfile);
  else if (status != eslOK)        goto ERROR;

  esl_fileparser_SetCommentChar(efp, '#');

  /* First token is alphabet type: amino | DNA | RNA */
  status = esl_fileparser_GetToken(efp, &tok, &toklen);
  if      (status == eslEOF) ESL_XFAIL(eslEFORMAT, errbuf, "premature end of file [line %d of bgfile %s]", efp->linenumber, bgfile);
  else if (status != eslOK)  goto ERROR;

  alphatype = esl_abc_EncodeType(tok);
  if      (alphatype == eslUNKNOWN)    ESL_XFAIL(eslEFORMAT, errbuf, "expected alphabet type but saw \"%s\" [line %d of bgfile %s]", tok, efp->linenumber, bgfile);
  else if (alphatype != bg->abc->type) ESL_XFAIL(eslEFORMAT, errbuf, "bg file's alphabet is %s; expected %s [line %d, %s]", tok, esl_abc_DecodeType(bg->abc->type), efp->linenumber, bgfile);
  ESL_ALLOC(fq, sizeof(float) * bg->abc->K);
  esl_vec_FSet(fq, bg->abc->K, -1.0);

  while ((status = esl_fileparser_NextLine(efp)) == eslOK)
      status = esl_fileparser_GetTokenOnLine(efp, &tok, &toklen);
      if      (status == eslEOL) ESL_XFAIL(eslEFORMAT, errbuf, "premature end of file [line %d of bgfile %s", efp->linenumber, bgfile);
      else if (status != eslOK)  goto ERROR;

      if      (toklen != 1 ||   ! esl_abc_CIsCanonical(bg->abc, *tok))
	ESL_XFAIL(eslEFORMAT, errbuf, "expected to parse a residue letter; saw %s [line %d of bgfile %s]", tok, efp->linenumber, bgfile);

      x = esl_abc_DigitizeSymbol(bg->abc, *tok);
      if (fq[x] != -1.0)         ESL_XFAIL(eslEFORMAT, errbuf, "already parsed probability of %c [line %d of bgfile %s]", bg->abc->sym[x], efp->linenumber, bgfile);

      status = esl_fileparser_GetTokenOnLine(efp, &tok, &toklen);
      if      (status == eslEOL) ESL_XFAIL(eslEFORMAT, errbuf, "premature end of file, expected a probability [line %d of bgfile %s]", efp->linenumber, bgfile);
      else if (status != eslOK)  goto ERROR;
      if (! esl_str_IsReal(tok)) ESL_XFAIL(eslEFORMAT, errbuf, "expected a probability, saw %s [line %d of bgfile %s]", tok, efp->linenumber, bgfile);

      fq[x] = atof(tok);

      status = esl_fileparser_GetTokenOnLine(efp, &tok, &toklen);
      if      (status == eslOK)  ESL_XFAIL(eslEFORMAT, errbuf, "extra unexpected data found [line %d of bgfile %s]", efp->linenumber, bgfile);
      else if (status != eslEOL) goto ERROR;
  if (status != eslEOF) goto ERROR;

  if ( n != bg->abc->K) 
    ESL_XFAIL(eslEFORMAT, errbuf, "expected %d residue frequencies, but found %d in bgfile %s", bg->abc->K, n, bgfile);
  if ( esl_FCompare(esl_vec_FSum(fq, bg->abc->K), 1.0, 0.001) != eslOK) 
    ESL_XFAIL(eslEFORMAT, errbuf, "residue frequencies do not sum to 1.0 in bgfile %s", bgfile);
  /* all checking complete. no more error cases. overwrite bg with the new frequencies */
  esl_vec_FNorm(fq, bg->abc->K);
  esl_vec_FCopy(fq, bg->abc->K, bg->f);

  return eslOK;

  if (fq)  free(fq);
  if (efp) esl_fileparser_Close(efp);
  return status;
コード例 #10
/* "singlemulti" test.
 * Use p7_modelsample_SinglePathedASC() to create a
 * profile/sequence/anchorset comparison that has only a single
 * possible path when anchor set constrained. Now the expected true
 * envelope(s) are known, from that single path, and we can compare.
 * In order to guarantee only one possible path, while allowing
 * multiple domains, the profile is limited to glocal-only.
 * We test:
 *     1. Trace and envelopes agree on number of domains.
 *     2. For each domain, oa==ia, ob==ib, and these coords
 *        agree with the trace.
 *     3. In the case of a single domain (D=1), the envelope
 *        score == the trace score.
static void
utest_singlemulti(ESL_RANDOMNESS *rng, int M, const ESL_ALPHABET *abc, int N)
  char          msg[] = "reference_envelopes singlemulti unit test failed";
  P7_BG        *bg    = p7_bg_Create(abc);
  P7_HMM       *hmm   = NULL;
  P7_PROFILE   *gm    = NULL;
  ESL_DSQ      *dsq   = NULL;
  int           L;
  P7_TRACE     *gtr   = NULL;
  P7_ANCHOR    *anch  = NULL;
  int           D;
  P7_REFMX     *afu   = p7_refmx_Create(M, 20);
  P7_REFMX     *afd   = p7_refmx_Create(M, 20);
  P7_REFMX     *apu   = p7_refmx_Create(M, 20);
  P7_REFMX     *apd   = p7_refmx_Create(M, 20);
  P7_ENVELOPES *env   = p7_envelopes_Create();
  float         gsc;
  float         tol   = 0.001;
  int           idx;
  int           d;
  for (idx = 0; idx < N; idx++)
      if ( p7_modelsample_SinglePathedASC(rng, M, bg, &hmm, &gm, &dsq, &L, &gtr, &anch, &D, &gsc) != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg);

      if ( p7_ReferenceASCForward (dsq, L, gm, anch, D, afu, afd, NULL)               != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg);
      if ( p7_ReferenceASCBackward(dsq, L, gm, anch, D, apu, apd, NULL)               != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg);
      if ( p7_ReferenceASCDecoding(dsq, L, gm, anch, D, afu, afd, apu, apd, apu, apd) != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg);

      if ( p7_reference_Envelopes (dsq, L, gm, anch, D, apu, apd, afu, afd, env)      != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg);

      /* Test 1. Domain #'s agree */
      if (! (gtr->ndom == D && env->D == D)) esl_fatal(msg);

      /* Test 2. Envelope coords (and outer env coords) match trace.
       *         (Beware, trace domains are numbered 0..D-1, env domains are 1..D )
      for (d = 1; d <= D; d++)
	  if (! (env->arr[d].ia == gtr->sqfrom[d-1] &&
		 env->arr[d].ia == env->arr[d].oa)) esl_fatal(msg);
	  if (! (env->arr[d].ib == gtr->sqto[d-1] &&
		 env->arr[d].ib == env->arr[d].ob)) esl_fatal(msg);

      /* Test 3. If D == 1, envelope score == trace score. */
      if (D == 1 &&  esl_FCompare(env->arr[1].env_sc, gsc, tol) != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg);

      p7_refmx_Reuse(afu); p7_refmx_Reuse(afd);
      p7_refmx_Reuse(apu); p7_refmx_Reuse(apd);

  p7_refmx_Destroy(afu); p7_refmx_Destroy(afd);
  p7_refmx_Destroy(apu); p7_refmx_Destroy(apd);
コード例 #11
ファイル: generic_vtrace.c プロジェクト: TuftsBCB/SMURFBuild
/* Function: p7_GTrace()
 * Incept:   SRE, Thu Feb  1 10:25:56 2007 [UA 8018 St. Louis to Dulles]
 * Purpose:  Traceback of a Viterbi matrix: retrieval 
 *           of optimum alignment.
 *           This function is currently implemented as a
 *           reconstruction traceback, rather than using a shadow
 *           matrix. Because H3 uses floating point scores, and we
 *           can't compare floats for equality, we have to compare
 *           floats for near-equality and therefore, formally, we can
 *           only guarantee a near-optimal traceback. However, even in
 *           the unlikely event that a suboptimal is returned, the
 *           score difference from true optimal will be negligible.
 * Args:     dsq    - digital sequence aligned to, 1..L 
 *           L      - length of <dsq>
 *           gm     - profile
 *           mx     - Viterbi matrix to trace, L x M
 *           tr     - storage for the recovered traceback.
 * Return:   <eslOK> on success.
 *           <eslFAIL> if even the optimal path has zero probability;
 *           in this case, the trace is set blank (<tr->N = 0>).
 * Note:     Care is taken to evaluate the prev+tsc+emission
 *           calculations in exactly the same order that Viterbi did
 *           them, lest you get numerical problems with
 *           a+b+c = d; d-c != a+b because d,c are nearly equal.
 *           (This bug appeared in dev: xref J1/121.)
p7_GTrace(const ESL_DSQ *dsq, int L, const P7_PROFILE *gm, const P7_GMX *gx, P7_TRACE *tr)
  int          i   = L;		/* position in seq (1..L)         */
  int          k   = 0;		/* position in model (1..M)       */
  int          M   = gm->M;
  float      **dp  = gx->dp;	/* so {MDI}MX() macros work       */
  float       *xmx = gx->xmx;	/* so XMX() macro works           */
  float        tol = 1e-5;	/* floating point "equality" test */
  float const *tsc = gm->tsc;
  int     sprv, scur;		/* previous, current state in trace */
  int     status;

#ifdef p7_DEBUGGING
  if (tr->N != 0) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslEINVAL, "trace isn't empty: forgot to Reuse()?");

  if ((status = p7_trace_Append(tr, p7T_T, k, i)) != eslOK) return status;
  if ((status = p7_trace_Append(tr, p7T_C, k, i)) != eslOK) return status;
  sprv = p7T_C;
  while (sprv != p7T_S) {
    float const *rsc = (i>0 ? gm->rsc[dsq[i]] : NULL);

    switch (sprv) {
    case p7T_C:		/* C(i) comes from C(i-1) or E(i) */
      if   (XMX(i,p7G_C) == -eslINFINITY) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslFAIL, "impossible C reached at i=%d", i);

      if      (esl_FCompare(XMX(i, p7G_C), XMX(i-1, p7G_C) + gm->xsc[p7P_C][p7P_LOOP], tol) == eslOK)  scur = p7T_C; 
      else if (esl_FCompare(XMX(i, p7G_C), XMX(i,   p7G_E) + gm->xsc[p7P_E][p7P_MOVE], tol) == eslOK)  scur = p7T_E; 
      else ESL_EXCEPTION(eslFAIL, "C at i=%d couldn't be traced", i);

    case p7T_E:		/* E connects from any M state. k set here */
      if (XMX(i, p7G_E) == -eslINFINITY) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslFAIL, "impossible E reached at i=%d", i);

      if (p7_profile_IsLocal(gm))
	  scur = p7T_M;		/* can't come from D, in a *local* Viterbi trace. */
	  for (k = M; k >= 1; k--) if (esl_FCompare(XMX(i, p7G_E), MMX(i,k), tol) == eslOK) break;
	  if (k == 0) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslFAIL, "E at i=%d couldn't be traced", i);
      else 			/* glocal mode: we either come from D_M or M_M */
	  if      (esl_FCompare(XMX(i, p7G_E), MMX(i,M), tol) == eslOK) { scur = p7T_M; k = M; }
	  else if (esl_FCompare(XMX(i, p7G_E), DMX(i,M), tol) == eslOK) { scur = p7T_D; k = M; }
	  else    ESL_EXCEPTION(eslFAIL, "E at i=%d couldn't be traced", i);

    case p7T_M:			/* M connects from i-1,k-1, or B */
      if (MMX(i,k) == -eslINFINITY) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslFAIL, "impossible M reached at k=%d,i=%d", k,i);

      if      (esl_FCompare(MMX(i,k), XMX(i-1,p7G_B) + TSC(p7P_BM, k-1) + MSC(k), tol) == eslOK) scur = p7T_B;
      else if (esl_FCompare(MMX(i,k), MMX(i-1,k-1)   + TSC(p7P_MM, k-1) + MSC(k), tol) == eslOK) scur = p7T_M;
      else if (esl_FCompare(MMX(i,k), IMX(i-1,k-1)   + TSC(p7P_IM, k-1) + MSC(k), tol) == eslOK) scur = p7T_I;
      else if (esl_FCompare(MMX(i,k), DMX(i-1,k-1)   + TSC(p7P_DM, k-1) + MSC(k), tol) == eslOK) scur = p7T_D;
      else ESL_EXCEPTION(eslFAIL, "M at k=%d,i=%d couldn't be traced", k,i);
      k--; i--;

    case p7T_D:			/* D connects from M,D at i,k-1 */
      if (DMX(i, k) == -eslINFINITY) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslFAIL, "impossible D reached at k=%d,i=%d", k,i);

      if      (esl_FCompare(DMX(i,k), MMX(i, k-1) + TSC(p7P_MD, k-1), tol) == eslOK) scur = p7T_M;
      else if (esl_FCompare(DMX(i,k), DMX(i, k-1) + TSC(p7P_DD, k-1), tol) == eslOK) scur = p7T_D;
      else ESL_EXCEPTION(eslFAIL, "D at k=%d,i=%d couldn't be traced", k,i);

    case p7T_I:			/* I connects from M,I at i-1,k*/
      if (IMX(i,k) == -eslINFINITY) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslFAIL, "impossible I reached at k=%d,i=%d", k,i);

      if      (esl_FCompare(IMX(i,k), MMX(i-1,k) + TSC(p7P_MI, k) + ISC(k), tol) == eslOK) scur = p7T_M;
      else if (esl_FCompare(IMX(i,k), IMX(i-1,k) + TSC(p7P_II, k) + ISC(k), tol) == eslOK) scur = p7T_I;
      else ESL_EXCEPTION(eslFAIL, "I at k=%d,i=%d couldn't be traced", k,i);

    case p7T_N:			/* N connects from S, N */
      if (XMX(i, p7G_N) == -eslINFINITY) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslFAIL, "impossible N reached at i=%d", i);
      scur = ( (i == 0) ? p7T_S : p7T_N);

    case p7T_B:			/* B connects from N, J */
      if (XMX(i,p7G_B) == -eslINFINITY) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslFAIL, "impossible B reached at i=%d", i);

      if      (esl_FCompare(XMX(i,p7G_B), XMX(i, p7G_N) + gm->xsc[p7P_N][p7P_MOVE], tol) == eslOK) scur = p7T_N;
      else if (esl_FCompare(XMX(i,p7G_B), XMX(i, p7G_J) + gm->xsc[p7P_J][p7P_MOVE], tol) == eslOK) scur = p7T_J;
      else  ESL_EXCEPTION(eslFAIL, "B at i=%d couldn't be traced", i);

    case p7T_J:			/* J connects from E(i) or J(i-1) */
      if (XMX(i,p7G_J) == -eslINFINITY) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslFAIL, "impossible J reached at i=%d", i);

      if      (esl_FCompare(XMX(i,p7G_J), XMX(i-1,p7G_J) + gm->xsc[p7P_J][p7P_LOOP], tol) == eslOK) scur = p7T_J; 
      else if (esl_FCompare(XMX(i,p7G_J), XMX(i,  p7G_E) + gm->xsc[p7P_E][p7P_LOOP], tol) == eslOK) scur = p7T_E; 
      else  ESL_EXCEPTION(eslFAIL, "J at i=%d couldn't be traced", i);

    default: ESL_EXCEPTION(eslFAIL, "bogus state in traceback");
    } /* end switch over statetype[tpos-1] */

    /* Append this state and the current i,k to be explained to the growing trace */
    if ((status = p7_trace_Append(tr, scur, k, i)) != eslOK) return status;

    /* For NCJ, we had to defer i decrement. */
    if ( (scur == p7T_N || scur == p7T_J || scur == p7T_C) && scur == sprv) i--;

    sprv = scur;
  } /* end traceback, at S state */

  tr->M = gm->M;
  tr->L = L;
  return p7_trace_Reverse(tr);