static virStorageVolPtr esxStorageVolLookupByKey(virConnectPtr conn, const char *key) { virStorageVolPtr volume = NULL; esxPrivate *priv = conn->storagePrivateData; char *poolName = NULL; esxVI_ScsiLun *scsiLunList = NULL; esxVI_ScsiLun *scsiLun; /* MD5_DIGEST_SIZE = VIR_UUID_BUFLEN = 16 */ unsigned char md5[MD5_DIGEST_SIZE]; char uuid_string[VIR_UUID_STRING_BUFLEN] = ""; /* key may be LUN device path */ if (STRPREFIX(key, "/")) { return esxStorageVolLookupByPath(conn, key); } if (esxVI_LookupScsiLunList(priv->primary, &scsiLunList) < 0) { goto cleanup; } for (scsiLun = scsiLunList; scsiLun; scsiLun = scsiLun->_next) { memset(uuid_string, '\0', sizeof(uuid_string)); memset(md5, '\0', sizeof(md5)); md5_buffer(scsiLun->uuid, strlen(scsiLun->uuid), md5); virUUIDFormat(md5, uuid_string); if (STREQ(key, uuid_string)) { /* Found matching UUID */ VIR_FREE(poolName); if (esxVI_LookupStoragePoolNameByScsiLunKey(priv->primary, scsiLun->key, &poolName) < 0) { goto cleanup; } volume = virGetStorageVol(conn, poolName, scsiLun->deviceName, uuid_string, &esxStorageBackendISCSI, NULL); break; } } cleanup: esxVI_ScsiLun_Free(&scsiLunList); VIR_FREE(poolName); return volume; }
static virStorageVolPtr esxStorageVolLookupByKey(virConnectPtr conn, const char *key) { virStorageVolPtr volume = NULL; esxPrivate *priv = conn->privateData; esxVI_String *propertyNameList = NULL; esxVI_ObjectContent *datastoreList = NULL; esxVI_ObjectContent *datastore = NULL; char *datastoreName = NULL; esxVI_HostDatastoreBrowserSearchResults *searchResultsList = NULL; esxVI_HostDatastoreBrowserSearchResults *searchResults = NULL; char *directoryAndFileName = NULL; size_t length; char *datastorePath = NULL; char *volumeName = NULL; esxVI_FileInfo *fileInfo = NULL; char *uuid_string = NULL; char key_candidate[VIR_UUID_STRING_BUFLEN] = ""; if (STRPREFIX(key, "[")) { /* Key is probably a datastore path */ return esxStorageVolLookupByPath(conn, key); } if (!priv->primary->hasQueryVirtualDiskUuid) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s", _("QueryVirtualDiskUuid not available, " "cannot lookup storage volume by UUID")); return NULL; } /* Lookup all datastores */ if (esxVI_String_AppendValueToList(&propertyNameList, "") < 0 || esxVI_LookupDatastoreList(priv->primary, propertyNameList, &datastoreList) < 0) { goto cleanup; } for (datastore = datastoreList; datastore; datastore = datastore->_next) { datastoreName = NULL; if (esxVI_GetStringValue(datastore, "", &datastoreName, esxVI_Occurrence_RequiredItem) < 0) { goto cleanup; } /* Lookup datastore content */ esxVI_HostDatastoreBrowserSearchResults_Free(&searchResultsList); if (esxVI_LookupDatastoreContentByDatastoreName (priv->primary, datastoreName, &searchResultsList) < 0) { goto cleanup; } /* Interpret search result */ for (searchResults = searchResultsList; searchResults; searchResults = searchResults->_next) { VIR_FREE(directoryAndFileName); if (esxUtil_ParseDatastorePath(searchResults->folderPath, NULL, NULL, &directoryAndFileName) < 0) { goto cleanup; } /* Strip trailing separators */ length = strlen(directoryAndFileName); while (length > 0 && directoryAndFileName[length - 1] == '/') { directoryAndFileName[length - 1] = '\0'; --length; } /* Build datastore path and query the UUID */ for (fileInfo = searchResults->file; fileInfo; fileInfo = fileInfo->_next) { VIR_FREE(datastorePath); if (length < 1) { if (VIR_STRDUP(volumeName, fileInfo->path) < 0) goto cleanup; } else if (virAsprintf(&volumeName, "%s/%s", directoryAndFileName, fileInfo->path) < 0) { goto cleanup; } if (virAsprintf(&datastorePath, "[%s] %s", datastoreName, volumeName) < 0) goto cleanup; if (!esxVI_VmDiskFileInfo_DynamicCast(fileInfo)) { /* Only a VirtualDisk has a UUID */ continue; } VIR_FREE(uuid_string); if (esxVI_QueryVirtualDiskUuid (priv->primary, datastorePath, priv->primary->datacenter->_reference, &uuid_string) < 0) { goto cleanup; } if (esxUtil_ReformatUuid(uuid_string, key_candidate) < 0) goto cleanup; if (STREQ(key, key_candidate)) { /* Found matching UUID */ volume = virGetStorageVol(conn, datastoreName, volumeName, key, &esxStorageBackendVMFS, NULL); goto cleanup; } } } } cleanup: esxVI_String_Free(&propertyNameList); esxVI_ObjectContent_Free(&datastoreList); esxVI_HostDatastoreBrowserSearchResults_Free(&searchResultsList); VIR_FREE(directoryAndFileName); VIR_FREE(datastorePath); VIR_FREE(volumeName); VIR_FREE(uuid_string); return volume; }