int main(int argc, char **argv){ individual pop[POP_SIZE], newPop[POP_SIZE]; int generation=1; initialize_population(pop); evaluation(pop); sort(pop); while(generation <= GENERATIONS){ printf("-------------------------------------\n"); printf("Generation %d:\n", generation); print_best(pop); //print_population(pop); create_new_population(pop, newPop); evaluation(newPop); population_replacement(pop, newPop); generation++; } return 0; }
int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { // 'true' satisfaccion restricciones duras bool type = true; // 'true' selecciona mejores bool cloneSelType = true; // 'true' remplaza los mas malos bool replaceType = true; // 'true' Se clonan mediante formula bool cloneType = true; timespec ts, te; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts); population[POP].fitness = 10000; if(!checkFile(argc,argv)) return 0; changeParam(argv); // cout << "ClonationFactor: "<<clonationFactor << endl; // cout << "ClonationRate: " << clonationRate << endl; // cout << "ReplaceRate: " << replaceRate << endl; inputReading(argv[1]); generation = 0; initPopulation(type); evaluation(population, type); while(generation<GENS){ cleanPops(); selection(clonationRate, population); clonation(tmpPop, cloneType); hypermutation(); evaluation(clonePop, type); cloneSelection(clonePop, cloneSelType); cloneInsertion(); newGeneration(replaceRate, replaceType); evaluation(population, type); generation++; } clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &te); // printFile(argv[1],population[0].gene,population[0].fitness,(te.tv_sec-ts.tv_sec), (te.tv_nsec-ts.tv_nsec)); // printFile(population[0].fitness); cout << replaceRate << " " << population[0].fitness << " " << (te.tv_sec-ts.tv_sec)<<"."<<(te.tv_nsec-ts.tv_nsec) << endl; return 0; }
void Parser::expression(MethodGenerationContext* mgenc) { Peek(); if (nextSym == Assign) assignation(mgenc); else evaluation(mgenc); }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { int i, flag; flag = 0; initiate(); // 产生初始化群体 evaluation(0); // 对初始化种群进行评估、排序 for (i = 0; i < MAXloop; i++) { // 进入进化循环,当循环次数超过MAXloop所规定的值时终止循环,flag值保持为0 cross(); // 进行交叉操作 evaluation(1); // 对子种群进行评估、排序 selection(); // 从父、子种群中选择最优的NUM个作为新的父种群 if (record() == 1) { // 如果满足终止规则1时将flag置1,停止循环 flag = 1; break; } mutation(); // 进行变异操作 } showresult(flag); // 按flag值显示寻优结果 return 0; }
int application_request(int fd,data_person * users,int * newid) { binary_semaphore_wait(semaphore); person person; simple_person * simple_person; int ans=0; clsvbuff buff; if(read_msg(fd,&buff)<0) return -1; switch(buff.opc) { case GET_INFO: ans = get_info(&buff,users,newid,&person); ans_get_info(fd,&buff,ans,&person); break; case GET_MATCHS: ans = get_matchs(&buff,users,&simple_person); ans_get_matchs(fd,ans,&buff,&simple_person); break; case SHOW_PEOPLE: ans = show_people(&buff,users,newid,&simple_person); ans_show_people(fd,ans,&buff,&simple_person); break; case REGISTER: ans=register_user(&buff,users,newid); ans_register_user(fd,ans,&buff); break; case LOGIN: /*In this case ans doubles as opOK*/ ans = login(&buff,users,newid); ans_login(fd,ans,&buff); break; case EVALUATION: /*In this case ans doubles as opOK*/ users[buff.id_client-1]; if( { ans = evaluation(&buff,users); ans_evaluation(fd,ans,&buff); } else ans_evaluation(fd,0,&buff); break; default: /*OPC NOT RECOGNIZED*/ return -1; break; } binary_semaphore_post(semaphore); return 0; }
void main() { int i,flag; flag=0; initiate(); //产生初始化种群 evaluation( 0 ); //对初始化种群进行评估、排序 for( i = 0 ; i < MAXloop ; i++ ) { cross(); //进行交叉操作 evaluation( 1 ); //对子种群进行评估、排序 selection(); //对父子种群中选择最优的NUM个作为新的父种群 if( record() == 1 ) //满足终止规则1,则flag=1并停止循环 { flag = 1; break; } mutation(); //变异操作 } showresult( flag ); //按照flag显示寻优结果 }
void Parser::assignation(MethodGenerationContext* mgenc) { list<StdString> l; assignments(mgenc, l); evaluation(mgenc); list<StdString>::iterator i; for (i = l.begin(); i != l.end(); ++i) bcGen->EmitDUP(mgenc); for (i = l.begin(); i != l.end(); ++i) genPopVariable(mgenc, (*i)); }
static evaluation parse_filename(const std::string& str) { //Antwoorden_Vragenlijst_NWI-I00032 (2013-01-29)_67288_Geavanceerd Programmeren.xls.csv //Results_survey_NWI-IBC017_2014-11-04_758478_Calculus and Probability Theory.csv const static boost::regex r1(".*_(?:NWI-)?([^\\_^-]+) \\((.+)\\)_([0-9]+)_(.+)\\.csv"); const static boost::regex r2(".*_(?:NWI-)?([^\\_^-]+)_(.+)_([0-9]+)_(.+)\\.csv"); boost::smatch match; if(!boost::regex_match(str, match, r1) && !boost::regex_match(str, match, r2)) throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Can not parse filename (complete): ") + str); return evaluation(match[1], match[4], match[3], match[2]); }
void mutation_function(population& p) { for(auto i = p.begin(); i != p.end(); ++i) { float prob = 1 - i->adapt; // probability of mutation float r = uniform_random(); // random float between <0,1) if(r < prob) { mutation::random_transposition(i->perm); i->eval = evaluation(i->perm); // after mutation is done we have to evaluate this specimen again } } }
/** * \brief Creates OpenCL * */ inline void svc_createOCL(){ if (baseclass_ocl_node_deviceId==NULL) { if (initOCLInstance()){ svc_SetUpOclObjects(baseclass_ocl_node_deviceId); }else{ error("FATAL ERROR: Instantiating the Device: Failed to instatiate the device!\n"); abort(); } } else if (evaluation()) { svc_releaseOclObjects(); svc_SetUpOclObjects(baseclass_ocl_node_deviceId); } }
population initial_population() { population pop; for(int i = 0; i < population_size; ++i) { specimen s; s.perm = permutation(N, permutation::type::random); s.eval = s.adapt = 0.0; pop.push_back(s); } best_specimen = pop[0]; best_specimen.eval = evaluation(pop[0].perm); return pop; }
/** * Call the evaluation function * * @param state a state to evaluate * @return the utility value of the state */ int eval( struct State * state ) { return evaluation( opposite_player( state->player), state->player, state->board ) - evaluation( state->player, opposite_player( state->player ), state->board ); }
void crossover_function(population& p) { population new_population; std::vector<int> cross_set; std::vector<int>::iterator it; float rd; // choose which specimen will crossover for(int i=0; i<population_size; i++) { rd = (randid()*1.0f) / (RAND_MAX*1.0f*population_size); if(rd > p[i].adapt) cross_set.push_back(i); } // we want even number of parents if(cross_set.size() & 1) cross_set.pop_back(); // more randomness random_shuffle ( cross_set.begin(), cross_set.end(), p_randgenid ); it = cross_set.begin(); // crossover each pair from left to right while( it != cross_set.end()) { std::pair<permutation,permutation> desc; crossover::type ctype; if(cfg.compare_operators) { switch(randid() % xop_count) { case 0: ctype = crossover::type::OX; break; case 1: ctype = crossover::type::CX; break; case 2: default: ctype = crossover::type::PMX; break; } desc = crossover::random_crossover(ctype, p[*it].perm, p[*(it+1)].perm); } else { desc = crossover::random_crossover(cfg.crossover_type, p[*it].perm, p[*(it+1)].perm); } specimen ch1, ch2; ch1.perm = desc.first; ch1.eval = evaluation(ch1.perm); ch1.adapt = 0.0; ch2.perm = desc.second; ch2.eval = evaluation(ch2.perm); ch2.adapt = 0.0; if(cfg.compare_operators && ( ((p[*it].eval + p[*(it+1)].eval) / (ch1.eval + ch2.eval)) >= 1 ) ) { switch(ctype) { case crossover::type::OX: ox_count++; break; case crossover::type::CX: cx_count++; break; case crossover::type::PMX: default: pmx_count++; break; } } it++; it++; x_count++; new_population.push_back(ch1); new_population.push_back(ch2); } p.insert(p.end(), new_population.begin(), new_population.end()); }
void evaluate_population(population& p) { for(unsigned int i=0; i<p.size(); i++) p[i].eval = evaluation(p[i].perm); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if(argc == 1) { std::cerr << "usage:" << std::endl; std::cerr << argv[0] << " imgfile" << std::endl; return -1; } //load source image as grayscale cv::Mat img_src = cv::imread(argv[1], 0); cv::Mat img_src_32, img_dst, img_dst_32, img_match_sift, img_match_kaze; //initialize img_src.convertTo(img_src_32, CV_32F, 1.0/255.0,0); //initialize SIFT feature detector descriptor cv::SiftFeatureDetector sift_detector; cv::SiftDescriptorExtractor sift_extractor; cv::BruteForceMatcher<cv::L2<float> > matcher; //SIFT feature extraction from source image std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> sift_kp_src; sift_detector.detect(img_src, sift_kp_src); cv::Mat sift_src; sift_extractor.compute(img_src, sift_kp_src, sift_src); //initialize KAZE feature detector descriptor toptions kazeopt_src = get_default_toptions(img_src.cols, img_src.rows); KAZE kazeevol_src(kazeopt_src); //KAZE feature extraction from source image kazeevol_src.Create_Nonlinear_Scale_Space(img_src_32); std::vector<Ipoint> kaze_kp_src; kazeevol_src.Feature_Detection(kaze_kp_src); kazeevol_src.Feature_Description(kaze_kp_src); translate(img_src, img_dst, 0, 1.0, 0, 0); toptions kazeopt_dst = get_default_toptions(img_dst.cols, img_dst.rows); KAZE kazeevol_dst(kazeopt_dst); double rot = 0.0; double scale = 1.0; int noise = 0; double blur = 0; int key; while(key = cv::waitKey(10)) { bool show = true; if(key == 65362) scale = std::min(scale + 0.1, 1.5); else if(key == 65364) scale = std::max(scale - 0.1, 0.5); else if(key == 65361) rot += 5; else if(key == 65363) rot -= 5; else if(key == 'z') noise = std::min(noise + 5, 50); else if(key == 'x') noise = std::max(noise - 5, 0); else if(key == 'c') blur = std::min(blur + 0.5, 20.0); else if(key == 'v') blur = std::max(blur - 0.5, 0.0); else show = false; if(show) { std::cout << "**********" << std::endl; std::cout << "scale factor : " << scale << std::endl; std::cout << "rotation : " << rot << " degree" << std::endl; std::cout << "white noise max power : " << noise << std::endl; std::cout << "gaussian blur sigma : " << blur << std::endl; } const cv::Mat m = translate(img_src, img_dst, rot, scale, noise, blur); //feature extraction from destination image std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> sift_kp_dst; sift_detector.detect(img_dst, sift_kp_dst); cv::Mat sift_dst; sift_extractor.compute(img_dst, sift_kp_dst, sift_dst); //match SIFT cv::vector<cv::DMatch> corr; matcher.match(sift_src, sift_dst, corr); cv::drawMatches(img_src, sift_kp_src, img_dst, sift_kp_dst, corr, img_match_sift); cv::putText(img_match_sift, "SIFT", cv::Point(30, 30), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255), 3); //initialize KAZE feature detector descriptor img_dst.convertTo(img_dst_32, CV_32F, 1.0/255.0,0); //KAZE feature extraction from source image kazeevol_dst.Create_Nonlinear_Scale_Space(img_dst_32); std::vector<Ipoint> kaze_kp_dst; kazeevol_dst.Feature_Detection(kaze_kp_dst); kazeevol_dst.Feature_Description(kaze_kp_dst); //match KAZE std::vector<int> kaze_corr; Matching_Descriptor(kaze_kp_src, kaze_kp_dst, kaze_corr); //draw KAZEmatch const std::vector<cv::DMatch> kaze_corr2 = convert_KAZEMatch_DMatch(kaze_corr); const std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> kaze_kp1 = convert_Ipoint_Keypoint(kaze_kp_src); const std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> kaze_kp2 = convert_Ipoint_Keypoint(kaze_kp_dst); cv::drawMatches(img_src, kaze_kp1, img_dst, kaze_kp2, kaze_corr2, img_match_kaze); cv::putText(img_match_kaze, "KAZE", cv::Point(30, 30), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255), 3); cv::Mat result; cv::Mat src[] = {img_match_sift, img_match_kaze}; cv::vconcat(src, 2, result); cv::imshow("hoge", result); if(show) { std::cout << "SIFT:"; evaluation(sift_kp_src, sift_kp_dst, corr, m); std::cout << "KAZE:"; evaluation(kaze_kp1, kaze_kp2, kaze_corr2, m); } } }
void pose_estimation_from_line_correspondence(Eigen::MatrixXf start_points, Eigen::MatrixXf end_points, Eigen::MatrixXf directions, Eigen::MatrixXf points, Eigen::MatrixXf &rot_cw, Eigen::VectorXf &pos_cw) { int n = start_points.cols(); if(n != directions.cols()) { return; } if(n<4) { return; } float condition_err_threshold = 1e-3; Eigen::VectorXf cosAngleThreshold(3); cosAngleThreshold << 1.1, 0.9659, 0.8660; Eigen::MatrixXf optimumrot_cw(3,3); Eigen::VectorXf optimumpos_cw(3); std::vector<float> lineLenVec(n,1); vfloat3 l1; vfloat3 l2; vfloat3 nc1; vfloat3 Vw1; vfloat3 Xm; vfloat3 Ym; vfloat3 Zm; Eigen::MatrixXf Rot(3,3); std::vector<vfloat3> nc_bar(n,vfloat3(0,0,0)); std::vector<vfloat3> Vw_bar(n,vfloat3(0,0,0)); std::vector<vfloat3> n_c(n,vfloat3(0,0,0)); Eigen::MatrixXf Rx(3,3); int line_id; for(int HowToChooseFixedTwoLines = 1 ; HowToChooseFixedTwoLines <=3 ; HowToChooseFixedTwoLines++) { if(HowToChooseFixedTwoLines==1) { #pragma omp parallel for for(int i = 0; i < n ; i++ ) { // to correct float lineLen = 10; lineLenVec[i] = lineLen; } std::vector<float>::iterator result; result = std::max_element(lineLenVec.begin(), lineLenVec.end()); line_id = std::distance(lineLenVec.begin(), result); vfloat3 temp; temp = start_points.col(0); start_points.col(0) = start_points.col(line_id); start_points.col(line_id) = temp; temp = end_points.col(0); end_points.col(0) = end_points.col(line_id); end_points.col(line_id) = temp; temp = directions.col(line_id); directions.col(0) = directions.col(line_id); directions.col(line_id) = temp; temp = points.col(0); points.col(0) = points.col(line_id); points.col(line_id) = temp; lineLenVec[line_id] = lineLenVec[1]; lineLenVec[1] = 0; l1 = start_points.col(0) - end_points.col(0); l1 = l1/l1.norm(); } for(int i = 1; i < n; i++) { std::vector<float>::iterator result; result = std::max_element(lineLenVec.begin(), lineLenVec.end()); line_id = std::distance(lineLenVec.begin(), result); l2 = start_points.col(line_id) - end_points.col(line_id); l2 = l2/l2.norm(); lineLenVec[line_id] = 0; MatrixXf cosAngle(3,3); cosAngle = (l1.transpose()*l2).cwiseAbs(); if(cosAngle.maxCoeff() < cosAngleThreshold[HowToChooseFixedTwoLines]) { break; } } vfloat3 temp; temp = start_points.col(1); start_points.col(1) = start_points.col(line_id); start_points.col(line_id) = temp; temp = end_points.col(1); end_points.col(1) = end_points.col(line_id); end_points.col(line_id) = temp; temp = directions.col(1); directions.col(1) = directions.col(line_id); directions.col(line_id) = temp; temp = points.col(1); points.col(1) = points.col(line_id); points.col(line_id) = temp; lineLenVec[line_id] = lineLenVec[1]; lineLenVec[1] = 0; // The rotation matrix R_wc is decomposed in way which is slightly different from the description in the paper, // but the framework is the same. // R_wc = (Rot') * R * Rot = (Rot') * (Ry(theta) * Rz(phi) * Rx(psi)) * Rot nc1 = x_cross(start_points.col(1),end_points.col(1)); nc1 = nc1/nc1.norm(); Vw1 = directions.col(1); Vw1 = Vw1/Vw1.norm(); //the X axis of Model frame Xm = x_cross(nc1,Vw1); Xm = Xm/Xm.norm(); //the Y axis of Model frame Ym = nc1; //the Z axis of Model frame Zm = x_cross(Xm,Zm); Zm = Zm/Zm.norm(); //Rot * [Xm, Ym, Zm] = I. Rot.col(0) = Xm; Rot.col(1) = Ym; Rot.col(2) = Zm; Rot = Rot.transpose(); //rotate all the vector by Rot. //nc_bar(:,i) = Rot * nc(:,i) //Vw_bar(:,i) = Rot * Vw(:,i) #pragma omp parallel for for(int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) { vfloat3 nc = x_cross(start_points.col(1),end_points.col(1)); nc = nc/nc.norm(); n_c[i] = nc; nc_bar[i] = Rot * nc; Vw_bar[i] = Rot * directions.col(i); } //Determine the angle psi, it is the angle between z axis and Vw_bar(:,1). //The rotation matrix Rx(psi) rotates Vw_bar(:,1) to z axis float cospsi = (Vw_bar[1])[2];//the angle between z axis and Vw_bar(:,1); cospsi=[0,0,1] * Vw_bar(:,1);. float sinpsi= sqrt(1 - cospsi*cospsi); Rx.row(0) = vfloat3(1,0,0); Rx.row(1) = vfloat3(0,cospsi,-sinpsi); Rx.row(2) = vfloat3(0,sinpsi,cospsi); vfloat3 Zaxis = Rx * Vw_bar[1]; if(1-fabs(Zaxis[3]) > 1e-5) { Rx = Rx.transpose(); } //estimate the rotation angle phi by least square residual. //i.e the rotation matrix Rz(phi) vfloat3 Vm2 = Rx * Vw_bar[1]; float A2 = Vm2[0]; float B2 = Vm2[1]; float C2 = Vm2[2]; float x2 = (nc_bar[1])[0]; float y2 = (nc_bar[1])[1]; float z2 = (nc_bar[1])[2]; Eigen::PolynomialSolver<double, Eigen::Dynamic> solver; Eigen::VectorXf coeff(9); std::vector<float> coef(9,0); //coefficients of equation (7) Eigen::VectorXf polyDF = VectorXf::Zero(16); //%dF = ployDF(1) * t^15 + ployDF(2) * t^14 + ... + ployDF(15) * t + ployDF(16); //construct the polynomial F' #pragma omp parallel for for(int i = 3 ; i < n ; i++) { vfloat3 Vm3 = Rx*Vw_bar[i]; float A3 = Vm3[0]; float B3 = Vm3[1]; float C3 = Vm3[2]; float x3 = (nc_bar[i])[0]; float y3 = (nc_bar[i])[1]; float z3 = (nc_bar[i])[2]; float u11 = -z2*A2*y3*B3 + y2*B2*z3*A3; float u12 = -y2*A2*z3*B3 + z2*B2*y3*A3; float u13 = -y2*B2*z3*B3 + z2*B2*y3*B3 + y2*A2*z3*A3 - z2*A2*y3*A3; float u14 = -y2*B2*x3*C3 + x2*C2*y3*B3; float u15 = x2*C2*y3*A3 - y2*A2*x3*C3; float u21 = -x2*A2*y3*B3 + y2*B2*x3*A3; float u22 = -y2*A2*x3*B3 + x2*B2*y3*A3; float u23 = x2*B2*y3*B3 - y2*B2*x3*B3 - x2*A2*y3*A3 + y2*A2*x3*A3; float u24 = y2*B2*z3*C3 - z2*C2*y3*B3; float u25 = y2*A2*z3*C3 - z2*C2*y3*A3; float u31 = -x2*A2*z3*A3 + z2*A2*x3*A3; float u32 = -x2*B2*z3*B3 + z2*B2*x3*B3; float u33 = x2*A2*z3*B3 - z2*A2*x3*B3 + x2*B2*z3*A3 - z2*B2*x3*A3; float u34 = z2*A2*z3*C3 + x2*A2*x3*C3 - z2*C2*z3*A3 - x2*C2*x3*A3; float u35 = -z2*B2*z3*C3 - x2*B2*x3*C3 + z2*C2*z3*B3 + x2*C2*x3*B3; float u36 = -x2*C2*z3*C3 + z2*C2*x3*C3; float a4 = u11*u11 + u12*u12 - u13*u13 - 2*u11*u12 + u21*u21 + u22*u22 - u23*u23 -2*u21*u22 - u31*u31 - u32*u32 + u33*u33 + 2*u31*u32; float a3 =2*(u11*u14 - u13*u15 - u12*u14 + u21*u24 - u23*u25 - u22*u24 - u31*u34 + u33*u35 + u32*u34); float a2 =-2*u12*u12 + u13*u13 + u14*u14 - u15*u15 + 2*u11*u12 - 2*u22*u22 + u23*u23 + u24*u24 - u25*u25 +2*u21*u22+ 2*u32*u32 - u33*u33 - u34*u34 + u35*u35 -2*u31*u32- 2*u31*u36 + 2*u32*u36; float a1 =2*(u12*u14 + u13*u15 + u22*u24 + u23*u25 - u32*u34 - u33*u35 - u34*u36); float a0 = u12*u12 + u15*u15+ u22*u22 + u25*u25 - u32*u32 - u35*u35 - u36*u36 - 2*u32*u36; float b3 =2*(u11*u13 - u12*u13 + u21*u23 - u22*u23 - u31*u33 + u32*u33); float b2 =2*(u11*u15 - u12*u15 + u13*u14 + u21*u25 - u22*u25 + u23*u24 - u31*u35 + u32*u35 - u33*u34); float b1 =2*(u12*u13 + u14*u15 + u22*u23 + u24*u25 - u32*u33 - u34*u35 - u33*u36); float b0 =2*(u12*u15 + u22*u25 - u32*u35 - u35*u36); float d0 = a0*a0 - b0*b0; float d1 = 2*(a0*a1 - b0*b1); float d2 = a1*a1 + 2*a0*a2 + b0*b0 - b1*b1 - 2*b0*b2; float d3 = 2*(a0*a3 + a1*a2 + b0*b1 - b1*b2 - b0*b3); float d4 = a2*a2 + 2*a0*a4 + 2*a1*a3 + b1*b1 + 2*b0*b2 - b2*b2 - 2*b1*b3; float d5 = 2*(a1*a4 + a2*a3 + b1*b2 + b0*b3 - b2*b3); float d6 = a3*a3 + 2*a2*a4 + b2*b2 - b3*b3 + 2*b1*b3; float d7 = 2*(a3*a4 + b2*b3); float d8 = a4*a4 + b3*b3; std::vector<float> v { a4, a3, a2, a1, a0, b3, b2, b1, b0 }; Eigen::VectorXf vp; vp << a4, a3, a2, a1, a0, b3, b2, b1, b0 ; //coef = coef + v; coeff = coeff + vp; polyDF[0] = polyDF[0] + 8*d8*d8; polyDF[1] = polyDF[1] + 15* d7*d8; polyDF[2] = polyDF[2] + 14* d6*d8 + 7*d7*d7; polyDF[3] = polyDF[3] + 13*(d5*d8 + d6*d7); polyDF[4] = polyDF[4] + 12*(d4*d8 + d5*d7) + 6*d6*d6; polyDF[5] = polyDF[5] + 11*(d3*d8 + d4*d7 + d5*d6); polyDF[6] = polyDF[6] + 10*(d2*d8 + d3*d7 + d4*d6) + 5*d5*d5; polyDF[7] = polyDF[7] + 9 *(d1*d8 + d2*d7 + d3*d6 + d4*d5); polyDF[8] = polyDF[8] + 8 *(d1*d7 + d2*d6 + d3*d5) + 4*d4*d4 + 8*d0*d8; polyDF[9] = polyDF[9] + 7 *(d1*d6 + d2*d5 + d3*d4) + 7*d0*d7; polyDF[10] = polyDF[10] + 6 *(d1*d5 + d2*d4) + 3*d3*d3 + 6*d0*d6; polyDF[11] = polyDF[11] + 5 *(d1*d4 + d2*d3)+ 5*d0*d5; polyDF[12] = polyDF[12] + 4 * d1*d3 + 2*d2*d2 + 4*d0*d4; polyDF[13] = polyDF[13] + 3 * d1*d2 + 3*d0*d3; polyDF[14] = polyDF[14] + d1*d1 + 2*d0*d2; polyDF[15] = polyDF[15] + d0*d1; } Eigen::VectorXd coefficientPoly = VectorXd::Zero(16); for(int j =0; j < 16 ; j++) { coefficientPoly[j] = polyDF[15-j]; } //solve polyDF solver.compute(coefficientPoly); const Eigen::PolynomialSolver<double, Eigen::Dynamic>::RootsType & r = solver.roots(); Eigen::VectorXd rs(r.rows()); Eigen::VectorXd is(r.rows()); std::vector<float> min_roots; for(int j =0;j<r.rows();j++) { rs[j] = fabs(r[j].real()); is[j] = fabs(r[j].imag()); } float maxreal = rs.maxCoeff(); for(int j = 0 ; j < rs.rows() ; j++ ) { if(is[j]/maxreal <= 0.001) { min_roots.push_back(rs[j]); } } std::vector<float> temp_v(15); std::vector<float> poly(15); for(int j = 0 ; j < 15 ; j++) { temp_v[j] = j+1; } for(int j = 0 ; j < 15 ; j++) { poly[j] = polyDF[j]*temp_v[j]; } Eigen::Matrix<double,16,1> polynomial; Eigen::VectorXd evaluation(min_roots.size()); for( int j = 0; j < min_roots.size(); j++ ) { evaluation[j] = poly_eval( polynomial, min_roots[j] ); } std::vector<float> minRoots; for( int j = 0; j < min_roots.size(); j++ ) { if(!evaluation[j]<=0) { minRoots.push_back(min_roots[j]); } } if(minRoots.size()==0) { cout << "No solution" << endl; return; } int numOfRoots = minRoots.size(); //for each minimum, we try to find a solution of the camera pose, then //choose the one with the least reprojection residual as the optimum of the solution. float minimalReprojectionError = 100; // In general, there are two solutions which yields small re-projection error // or condition error:"n_c * R_wc * V_w=0". One of the solution transforms the // world scene behind the camera center, the other solution transforms the world // scene in front of camera center. While only the latter one is correct. // This can easily be checked by verifying their Z coordinates in the camera frame. // P_c(Z) must be larger than 0 if it's in front of the camera. for(int rootId = 0 ; rootId < numOfRoots ; rootId++) { float cosphi = minRoots[rootId]; float sign1 = sign_of_number(coeff[0] * pow(cosphi,4) + coeff[1] * pow(cosphi,3) + coeff[2] * pow(cosphi,2) + coeff[3] * cosphi + coeff[4]); float sign2 = sign_of_number(coeff[5] * pow(cosphi,3) + coeff[6] * pow(cosphi,2) + coeff[7] * cosphi + coeff[8]); float sinphi= -sign1*sign2*sqrt(abs(1-cosphi*cosphi)); Eigen::MatrixXf Rz(3,3); Rz.row(0) = vfloat3(cosphi,-sinphi,0); Rz.row(1) = vfloat3(sinphi,cosphi,0); Rz.row(2) = vfloat3(0,0,1); //now, according to Sec4.3, we estimate the rotation angle theta //and the translation vector at a time. Eigen::MatrixXf RzRxRot(3,3); RzRxRot = Rz*Rx*Rot; //According to the fact that n_i^C should be orthogonal to Pi^c and Vi^c, we //have: scalarproduct(Vi^c, ni^c) = 0 and scalarproduct(Pi^c, ni^c) = 0. //where Vi^c = Rwc * Vi^w, Pi^c = Rwc *(Pi^w - pos_cw) = Rwc * Pi^w - pos; //Using the above two constraints to construct linear equation system Mat about //[costheta, sintheta, tx, ty, tz, 1]. Eigen::MatrixXf Matrice(2*n-1,6); #pragma omp parallel for for(int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) { float nxi = (nc_bar[i])[0]; float nyi = (nc_bar[i])[1]; float nzi = (nc_bar[i])[2]; Eigen::VectorXf Vm(3); Vm = RzRxRot * directions.col(i); float Vxi = Vm[0]; float Vyi = Vm[1]; float Vzi = Vm[2]; Eigen::VectorXf Pm(3); Pm = RzRxRot * points.col(i); float Pxi = Pm(1); float Pyi = Pm(2); float Pzi = Pm(3); //apply the constraint scalarproduct(Vi^c, ni^c) = 0 //if i=1, then scalarproduct(Vi^c, ni^c) always be 0 if(i>1) { Matrice(2*i-3, 0) = nxi * Vxi + nzi * Vzi; Matrice(2*i-3, 1) = nxi * Vzi - nzi * Vxi; Matrice(2*i-3, 5) = nyi * Vyi; } //apply the constraint scalarproduct(Pi^c, ni^c) = 0 Matrice(2*i-2, 0) = nxi * Pxi + nzi * Pzi; Matrice(2*i-2, 1) = nxi * Pzi - nzi * Pxi; Matrice(2*i-2, 2) = -nxi; Matrice(2*i-2, 3) = -nyi; Matrice(2*i-2, 4) = -nzi; Matrice(2*i-2, 5) = nyi * Pyi; } //solve the linear system Mat * [costheta, sintheta, tx, ty, tz, 1]' = 0 using SVD, JacobiSVD<MatrixXf> svd(Matrice, ComputeThinU | ComputeThinV); Eigen::MatrixXf VMat = svd.matrixV(); Eigen::VectorXf vec(2*n-1); //the last column of Vmat; vec = VMat.col(5); //the condition that the last element of vec should be 1. vec = vec/vec[5]; //the condition costheta^2+sintheta^2 = 1; float normalizeTheta = 1/sqrt(vec[0]*vec[1]+vec[1]*vec[1]); float costheta = vec[0]*normalizeTheta; float sintheta = vec[1]*normalizeTheta; Eigen::MatrixXf Ry(3,3); Ry << costheta, 0, sintheta , 0, 1, 0 , -sintheta, 0, costheta; //now, we get the rotation matrix rot_wc and translation pos_wc Eigen::MatrixXf rot_wc(3,3); rot_wc = (Rot.transpose()) * (Ry * Rz * Rx) * Rot; Eigen::VectorXf pos_wc(3); pos_wc = - Rot.transpose() * vec.segment(2,4); //now normalize the camera pose by 3D alignment. We first translate the points //on line in the world frame Pw to points in the camera frame Pc. Then we project //Pc onto the line interpretation plane as Pc_new. So we could call the point //alignment algorithm to normalize the camera by aligning Pc_new and Pw. //In order to improve the accuracy of the aligment step, we choose two points for each //lines. The first point is Pwi, the second point is the closest point on line i to camera center. //(Pw2i = Pwi - (Pwi'*Vwi)*Vwi.) Eigen::MatrixXf Pw2(3,n); Pw2.setZero(); Eigen::MatrixXf Pc_new(3,n); Pc_new.setZero(); Eigen::MatrixXf Pc2_new(3,n); Pc2_new.setZero(); for(int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) { vfloat3 nci = n_c[i]; vfloat3 Pwi = points.col(i); vfloat3 Vwi = directions.col(i); //first point on line i vfloat3 Pci; Pci = rot_wc * Pwi + pos_wc; Pc_new.col(i) = Pci - (Pci.transpose() * nci) * nci; //second point is the closest point on line i to camera center. vfloat3 Pw2i; Pw2i = Pwi - (Pwi.transpose() * Vwi) * Vwi; Pw2.col(i) = Pw2i; vfloat3 Pc2i; Pc2i = rot_wc * Pw2i + pos_wc; Pc2_new.col(i) = Pc2i - ( Pc2i.transpose() * nci ) * nci; } MatrixXf XXc(Pc_new.rows(), Pc_new.cols()+Pc2_new.cols()); XXc << Pc_new, Pc2_new; MatrixXf XXw(points.rows(), points.cols()+Pw2.cols()); XXw << points, Pw2; int nm = points.cols()+Pw2.cols(); cal_campose(XXc,XXw,nm,rot_wc,pos_wc); pos_cw = -rot_wc.transpose() * pos_wc; //check the condition n_c^T * rot_wc * V_w = 0; float conditionErr = 0; for(int i =0 ; i < n ; i++) { float val = ( (n_c[i]).transpose() * rot_wc * directions.col(i) ); conditionErr = conditionErr + val*val; } if(conditionErr/n < condition_err_threshold || HowToChooseFixedTwoLines ==3) { //check whether the world scene is in front of the camera. int numLineInFrontofCamera = 0; if(HowToChooseFixedTwoLines<3) { for(int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) { vfloat3 P_c = rot_wc * (points.col(i) - pos_cw); if(P_c[2]>0) { numLineInFrontofCamera++; } } } else { numLineInFrontofCamera = n; } if(numLineInFrontofCamera > 0.5*n) { //most of the lines are in front of camera, then check the reprojection error. int reprojectionError = 0; for(int i =0; i < n ; i++) { //line projection function vfloat3 nc = rot_wc * x_cross(points.col(i) - pos_cw , directions.col(i)); float h1 = nc.transpose() * start_points.col(i); float h2 = nc.transpose() * end_points.col(i); float lineLen = (start_points.col(i) - end_points.col(i)).norm()/3; reprojectionError += lineLen * (h1*h1 + h1*h2 + h2*h2) / (nc[0]*nc[0]+nc[1]*nc[1]); } if(reprojectionError < minimalReprojectionError) { optimumrot_cw = rot_wc.transpose(); optimumpos_cw = pos_cw; minimalReprojectionError = reprojectionError; } } } } if(optimumrot_cw.rows()>0) { break; } } pos_cw = optimumpos_cw; rot_cw = optimumrot_cw; }
int Heuristic::minMax(int level, int alpha, int beta, unsigned long long downArray[]) { int tmp = 0; // temporary value which is compared to max value int winCheck=0; set<unsigned long long int> tempMoveSet; set<unsigned long long int>::iterator iter, iterEnd, iterTmp; if (!aiPlayer->working) { // if timeout! return 0; // value doesn't matter } winCheck = b->terminal(); if (winCheck == color+2) // computer wins return PLUS_INFINITY / level; if (winCheck == 1) // draw return 0; if (winCheck != 0) // opponent wins return MINUS_INFINITY; // Leaf if (level == maxLevel) { iteration++; return evaluation(); } // MAX if (level % 2 == 0) { // getting possible moves b->calculatePossibleMoves(color); tempMoveSet = b->getPossibleMoves(color); if (firstMove) { if (level == maxLevel-2) { // in next minMax call start exploring tree without first move path firstMove = false; } tempMoveSet.erase(bestLeafPath[level]); // delete best move from the set // copied part from above b->movePiece(bestLeafPath[level], color); // do the best move unsigned long long * upArray; // array given to upper minMax call upArray = new unsigned long long [ARRAY_SIZE]; memset(upArray,0,sizeof(unsigned long long)*ARRAY_SIZE); // cleaning array with 0 tmp = minMax(level+1, alpha, beta, upArray); b->undoMove(); b->clean(); b->calculatePossibleMoves(color); if (tmp > alpha) { alpha = tmp; downArray[level] = bestLeafPath[level]; // store best move so far (at current level) for(int i = level+1; i<maxLevel; ++i) { // copy good moves from higher levels downArray[i] = upArray[i]; } if (level == 0) { actualMoveMutex.acquire(); actualMove = bestLeafPath[level]; actualMoveMutex.release(); } } delete[] upArray; } iter = tempMoveSet.begin(); iterEnd = tempMoveSet.end(); for (; iter != iterEnd; ++iter) { if (alpha >= beta) // while (alpha < beta) break; b->movePiece(*iter, color); unsigned long long * upArray; // array given to upper minMax call upArray = new unsigned long long [ARRAY_SIZE]; memset(upArray,0,sizeof(unsigned long long)*ARRAY_SIZE); // cleaning array with 0 tmp = minMax(level+1, alpha, beta, upArray); b->undoMove(); b->clean(); b->calculatePossibleMoves(color); if (tmp > alpha) { alpha = tmp; downArray[level] = *iter; // store best move so far (at current level) for(int i = level+1; i<maxLevel; ++i) { // copy good moves from higher levels downArray[i] = upArray[i]; } if (level == 0) { actualMoveMutex.acquire(); actualMove = *iter; actualMoveMutex.release(); } } delete[] upArray; } return alpha; } // MIN else { // getting possible moves b->calculatePossibleMoves(!color); tempMoveSet = b->getPossibleMoves(!color); if (firstMove) { if (level == maxLevel-2) { // in next minMax call start exploring tree without first move path firstMove = false; } tempMoveSet.erase(bestLeafPath[level]); // delete best move from the set // copied part from above b->movePiece(bestLeafPath[level], !color); // do the best move unsigned long long * upArray; // array given to upper minMax call upArray = new unsigned long long [ARRAY_SIZE]; memset(upArray,0,sizeof(unsigned long long)*ARRAY_SIZE); // cleaning array with 0 tmp = minMax(level+1, alpha, beta, upArray); b->undoMove(); b->clean(); b->calculatePossibleMoves(!color); if (tmp < beta) { beta = tmp; downArray[level] = bestLeafPath[level]; // store best move so far (at current level) for(int i = level+1; i<maxLevel; ++i) { // copy good moves from higher levels downArray[i] = upArray[i]; } } delete[] upArray; } iter = tempMoveSet.begin(); iterEnd = tempMoveSet.end(); for (; iter != iterEnd; ++iter) { if (alpha >= beta) // while (alpha < beta) break; b->movePiece(*iter, !color); unsigned long long * upArray; // array given to upper minMax call upArray = new unsigned long long [ARRAY_SIZE]; memset(upArray,0,sizeof(unsigned long long)*ARRAY_SIZE); // cleaning array with 0 tmp = minMax(level+1, alpha, beta, upArray); b->undoMove(); b->clean(); b->calculatePossibleMoves(!color); if (tmp < beta) { beta = tmp; downArray[level] = *iter; // store best move so far (at current level) for(int i = level+1; i<maxLevel; ++i) { // copy good moves from higher levels downArray[i] = upArray[i]; } } delete[] upArray; } return beta; } }
int othello_ai::turn(othello16 o_upper, int player, int backpoint, int depth) { // 检查超时 int runtime = get_time(); if (runtime > 1800) { std::cerr<<"time "<<runtime<<" overflow"<<std::endl; return (player == o.mycolor) ? MAXVALUE : -MAXVALUE; } -- depth; // std::cerr<<"player "<<player<<" my color "<<o.mycolor<<std::endl; othello16 o_t; int value_t, value_mark; std::pair<int, int> step_mark (-1, -1); // 初始化value_mark if (player == o.mycolor) { value_mark = -MAXVALUE; } else { value_mark = MAXVALUE; } std::vector< std::pair<int, int> > nextlist = o_upper.allmove(player); std::string map = o_upper.tostring(); if ( nextlist.size() == 0 ) { // 无可下点 std::cerr<<"nowhere to move "; return (player == o.mycolor) ? -MAXVALUE : MAXVALUE; } else if (depth <= 0) { // 到达最深层,计算估价函数值 // std::cerr<<"tree hight "<<depth<<std::endl; std::vector< std::pair<int, int> >::iterator it; for (it = nextlist.begin() ; it != nextlist.end(); ++ it) { // 初始化当前棋盘 o_t.init(o.mycolor, map); // 落子, (*it).first, (*it).second); // string2map(o_t.tostring()); value_t = evaluation(o_t, player); std::cerr<<std::endl<<"depth "<<DEPTH - depth<<":"; for (int k = 0; k < DEPTH - depth; k ++) std::cerr<<" "; std::cerr<<"leaf ("<<(*it).first<<", "<<(*it).second<<") value "<<value_t<<", "; if ( (player == o.mycolor && value_t >= value_mark) || (player != o.mycolor && value_t <= value_mark) ) { value_mark = value_t; } // 剪枝 if (player == o.mycolor && value_mark >= backpoint) { std::cerr<<"cut beta parent value "<<backpoint<<" current value "<<value_mark<<std::endl; return value_mark; } else if (player != o.mycolor && value_mark <= backpoint) { std::cerr<<"cut alpha parent value "<<backpoint<<" current value "<<value_mark<<std::endl; return value_mark; } } return value_mark; } else { // 普通情况 std::vector< std::pair<int, int> >::iterator it; for (it = nextlist.begin() ; it != nextlist.end(); ++ it) { // 初始化当前棋盘 o_t.init(o.mycolor, map); // 落子, (*it).first, (*it).second); // string2map(o_t.tostring()); value_t = turn(o_t, 3 - player, value_mark, depth); if (value_t == MAXVALUE || value_t == -MAXVALUE) { // 子问题超时 break; } std::cerr<<std::endl<<"depth "<<DEPTH - depth<<":"; for (int k = 0; k < DEPTH - depth; k ++) std::cerr<<" "; std::cerr<<"node ("<<(*it).first<<", "<<(*it).second<<") value "<<value_t<<", "; if ( (player == o.mycolor && value_t >= value_mark)// 己方落子 || (player != o.mycolor && value_t <= value_mark) ) {//对方落子 value_mark = value_t; step_mark.first = (*it).first; step_mark.second = (*it).second; } // 剪枝 if (player == o.mycolor && value_mark >= backpoint) { std::cerr<<"cut beta parent value "<<backpoint<<" current value "<<value_mark<<std::endl; break; } else if (player != o.mycolor && value_mark <= backpoint) { std::cerr<<"cut alpha parent value "<<backpoint<<" current value "<<value_mark<<std::endl; break; } } if (depth = DEPTH - 1) { next.first = step_mark.first; next.second = step_mark.second; } return value_mark; } }