int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i,j; double ratio; #ifdef _WIN32 WORD wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD(2,2); WSADATA wsaData; int err; err = WSAStartup(wVersionRequested, &wsaData); #endif #ifndef _WIN32 if (signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN) == SIG_ERR) return 1; #endif for (i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { for (j = 0; options[j].name; ++j) { if (!strcmp(argv[i],options[j].name)) { if (handle_option(argc,argv,&i,&options[j])<0) return 1; goto again; } } fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option '%s'\n", argv[i]); usage(); return 1; again: ; } if (cfg_help) { usage(); return 0; } cfg_tick.tv_sec = cfg_tick_msec / 1000; cfg_tick.tv_usec = (cfg_tick_msec % 1000)*1000; seconds_per_tick = ratio = cfg_tick_msec / 1000.0; cfg_connlimit *= ratio; cfg_grouplimit *= ratio; { struct timeval tv; evutil_gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); #ifdef _WIN32 srand(tv.tv_usec); #else srandom(tv.tv_usec); #endif } #ifndef EVENT__DISABLE_THREAD_SUPPORT evthread_enable_lock_debugging(); #endif return test_ratelimiting(); }
static void thread_conditions_simple(void *arg) { struct timeval tv_signal, tv_timeout, tv_broadcast; struct alerted_record alerted[NUM_THREADS]; THREAD_T threads[NUM_THREADS]; struct cond_wait cond; int i; struct timeval launched_at; struct event wake_one; struct event wake_all; struct basic_test_data *data = arg; struct event_base *base = data->base; int n_timed_out=0, n_signal=0, n_broadcast=0; tv_signal.tv_sec = tv_timeout.tv_sec = tv_broadcast.tv_sec = 0; tv_signal.tv_usec = 30*1000; tv_timeout.tv_usec = 150*1000; tv_broadcast.tv_usec = 500*1000; EVTHREAD_ALLOC_LOCK(cond.lock, EVTHREAD_LOCKTYPE_RECURSIVE); EVTHREAD_ALLOC_COND(cond.cond); tt_assert(cond.lock); tt_assert(cond.cond); for (i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; ++i) { memset(&alerted[i], 0, sizeof(struct alerted_record)); alerted[i].cond = &cond; } /* Threads 5 and 6 will be allowed to time out */ memcpy(&alerted[5].delay, &tv_timeout, sizeof(tv_timeout)); memcpy(&alerted[6].delay, &tv_timeout, sizeof(tv_timeout)); evtimer_assign(&wake_one, base, wake_one_timeout, &cond); evtimer_assign(&wake_all, base, wake_all_timeout, &cond); evutil_gettimeofday(&launched_at, NULL); /* Launch the threads... */ for (i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; ++i) { THREAD_START(threads[i], wait_for_condition, &alerted[i]); } /* Start the timers... */ tt_int_op(event_add(&wake_one, &tv_signal), ==, 0); tt_int_op(event_add(&wake_all, &tv_broadcast), ==, 0); /* And run for a bit... */ event_base_dispatch(base); /* And wait till the threads are done. */ for (i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; ++i) THREAD_JOIN(threads[i]); /* Now, let's see what happened. At least one of 5 or 6 should * have timed out. */ n_timed_out = alerted[5].timed_out + alerted[6].timed_out; tt_int_op(n_timed_out, >=, 1); tt_int_op(n_timed_out, <=, 2); for (i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; ++i) { const struct timeval *target_delay; struct timeval target_time, actual_delay; if (alerted[i].timed_out) { TT_BLATHER(("%d looks like a timeout\n", i)); target_delay = &tv_timeout; tt_assert(i == 5 || i == 6); } else if (evutil_timerisset(&alerted[i].alerted_at)) { long diff1,diff2; evutil_timersub(&alerted[i].alerted_at, &launched_at, &actual_delay); diff1 = timeval_msec_diff(&actual_delay, &tv_signal); diff2 = timeval_msec_diff(&actual_delay, &tv_broadcast); if (abs(diff1) < abs(diff2)) { TT_BLATHER(("%d looks like a signal\n", i)); target_delay = &tv_signal; ++n_signal; } else { TT_BLATHER(("%d looks like a broadcast\n", i)); target_delay = &tv_broadcast; ++n_broadcast; } } else { TT_FAIL(("Thread %d never got woken", i)); continue; } evutil_timeradd(target_delay, &launched_at, &target_time); test_timeval_diff_leq(&target_time, &alerted[i].alerted_at, 0, 50); } tt_int_op(n_broadcast + n_signal + n_timed_out, ==, NUM_THREADS); tt_int_op(n_signal, ==, 1); end: ; }
/** * This function must be optimize later. */ int NetLoop::getSystemTime() { timeval tv; evutil_gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); return tv.tv_sec; }
static void timer_callback(evutil_socket_t fd, short what, void *arg) { evutil_gettimeofday(&timer_end, NULL); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i; struct timeval start, end, total; long long usec; double throughput; #ifdef _WIN32 WSADATA WSAData; WSAStartup(0x101, &WSAData); #endif resource = "/ref"; setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0); base = event_base_new(); for (i=0; i < PARALLELISM; ++i) { if (launch_request() < 0) perror("launch"); } evutil_gettimeofday(&start, NULL); event_base_dispatch(base); evutil_gettimeofday(&end, NULL); evutil_timersub(&end, &start, &total); usec = total_time.tv_sec * (long long)1000000 + total_time.tv_usec; if (!total_n_handled) { puts("Nothing worked. You probably did something dumb."); return 0; } throughput = total_n_handled / (total.tv_sec+ ((double)total.tv_usec)/1000000.0); #ifdef _WIN32 #define I64_FMT "%I64d" #define I64_TYP __int64 #else #define I64_FMT "%lld" #define I64_TYP long long int #endif printf("\n%d requests in %d.%06d sec. (%.2f throughput)\n" "Each took about %.02f msec latency\n" I64_FMT "bytes read. %d errors.\n", total_n_handled, (int)total.tv_sec, (int)total.tv_usec, throughput, (double)(usec/1000) / total_n_handled, (I64_TYP)total_n_bytes, n_errors); #ifdef _WIN32 WSACleanup(); #endif return 0; }
static void http_chunked_test(void) { struct bufferevent *bev; int fd; const char *http_request; short port = -1; struct timeval tv_start, tv_end; struct evhttp_connection *evcon = NULL; struct evhttp_request *req = NULL; int i; test_ok = 0; fprintf(stdout, "Testing Chunked HTTP Reply: "); http = http_setup(&port, NULL); fd = http_connect("", port); /* Stupid thing to send a request */ bev = bufferevent_new(fd, http_chunked_readcb, http_chunked_writecb, http_chunked_errorcb, NULL); http_request = "GET /chunked HTTP/1.1\r\n" "Host: somehost\r\n" "Connection: close\r\n" "\r\n"; bufferevent_write(bev, http_request, strlen(http_request)); evutil_gettimeofday(&tv_start, NULL); event_dispatch(); evutil_gettimeofday(&tv_end, NULL); evutil_timersub(&tv_end, &tv_start, &tv_end); if (tv_end.tv_sec >= 1) { fprintf(stdout, "FAILED (time)\n"); exit (1); } if (test_ok != 2) { fprintf(stdout, "FAILED\n"); exit(1); } /* now try again with the regular connection object */ evcon = evhttp_connection_new("", port); if (evcon == NULL) { fprintf(stdout, "FAILED\n"); exit(1); } /* make two requests to check the keepalive behavior */ for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { test_ok = 0; req = evhttp_request_new(http_chunked_request_done, NULL); /* Add the information that we care about */ evhttp_add_header(req->output_headers, "Host", "somehost"); /* We give ownership of the request to the connection */ if (evhttp_make_request(evcon, req, EVHTTP_REQ_GET, "/chunked") == -1) { fprintf(stdout, "FAILED\n"); exit(1); } event_dispatch(); if (test_ok != 1) { fprintf(stdout, "FAILED\n"); exit(1); } } evhttp_connection_free(evcon); evhttp_free(http); fprintf(stdout, "OK\n"); }
/* Testing code for event_base_dump_events(). Notes that just because we have code to exercise this function, doesn't mean that *ANYTHING* about the output format is guaranteed to remain in the future. */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { #define N_EVENTS 13 int i; struct event *ev[N_EVENTS]; evutil_socket_t pair1[2]; evutil_socket_t pair2[2]; struct timeval tv_onesec = {1,0}; struct timeval tv_two5sec = {2,500*1000}; const struct timeval *tv_onesec_common; const struct timeval *tv_two5sec_common; struct event_base *base; struct timeval now; #ifdef _WIN32 WORD wVersionRequested; WSADATA wsaData; wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD(2, 2); WSAStartup(wVersionRequested, &wsaData); #endif #ifdef _WIN32 #define LOCAL_SOCKETPAIR_AF AF_INET #else #define LOCAL_SOCKETPAIR_AF AF_UNIX #endif if (evutil_make_internal_pipe_(pair1) < 0 || evutil_make_internal_pipe_(pair2) < 0) { sock_perror("evutil_make_internal_pipe_"); return 1; } if (!(base = event_base_new())) { fprintf(stderr,"Couldn't make event_base\n"); return 2; } tv_onesec_common = event_base_init_common_timeout(base, &tv_onesec); tv_two5sec_common = event_base_init_common_timeout(base, &tv_two5sec); ev[0] = event_new(base, pair1[0], EV_WRITE, callback1, NULL); ev[1] = event_new(base, pair1[1], EV_READ|EV_PERSIST, callback1, NULL); ev[2] = event_new(base, pair2[0], EV_WRITE|EV_PERSIST, callback2, NULL); ev[3] = event_new(base, pair2[1], EV_READ, callback2, NULL); /* For timers */ ev[4] = evtimer_new(base, callback1, NULL); ev[5] = evtimer_new(base, callback1, NULL); ev[6] = evtimer_new(base, callback1, NULL); ev[7] = event_new(base, -1, EV_PERSIST, callback2, NULL); ev[8] = event_new(base, -1, EV_PERSIST, callback2, NULL); ev[9] = event_new(base, -1, EV_PERSIST, callback2, NULL); /* To activate */ ev[10] = event_new(base, -1, 0, callback1, NULL); ev[11] = event_new(base, -1, 0, callback2, NULL); /* Signals */ ev[12] = evsignal_new(base, SIGINT, callback2, NULL); event_add(ev[0], NULL); event_add(ev[1], &tv_onesec); event_add(ev[2], tv_onesec_common); event_add(ev[3], tv_two5sec_common); event_add(ev[4], tv_onesec_common); event_add(ev[5], tv_onesec_common); event_add(ev[6], &tv_onesec); event_add(ev[7], tv_two5sec_common); event_add(ev[8], tv_onesec_common); event_add(ev[9], &tv_two5sec); event_active(ev[10], EV_READ, 1); event_active(ev[11], EV_READ|EV_WRITE|EV_TIMEOUT, 1); event_active(ev[1], EV_READ, 1); event_add(ev[12], NULL); evutil_gettimeofday(&now,NULL); puts("=====expected"); printf("Now= %ld.%06d\n",(long)now.tv_sec,(int)now.tv_usec); puts("Inserted:"); printf(" %p [fd %ld] Write\n",ev[0],(long)pair1[0]); printf(" %p [fd %ld] Read Persist Timeout=T+1\n",ev[1],(long)pair1[1]); printf(" %p [fd %ld] Write Persist Timeout=T+1\n",ev[2],(long)pair2[0]); printf(" %p [fd %ld] Read Timeout=T+2.5\n",ev[3],(long)pair2[1]); printf(" %p [fd -1] Timeout=T+1\n",ev[4]); printf(" %p [fd -1] Timeout=T+1\n",ev[5]); printf(" %p [fd -1] Timeout=T+1\n",ev[6]); printf(" %p [fd -1] Persist Timeout=T+2.5\n",ev[7]); printf(" %p [fd -1] Persist Timeout=T+1\n",ev[8]); printf(" %p [fd -1] Persist Timeout=T+2.5\n",ev[9]); printf(" %p [sig %d] Signal Persist\n", ev[12], (int)SIGINT); puts("Active:"); printf(" %p [fd -1, priority=0] Read active\n", ev[10]); printf(" %p [fd -1, priority=0] Read Write Timeout active\n", ev[11]); printf(" %p [fd %ld, priority=0] Read active\n", ev[1], (long)pair1[1]); puts("======received"); event_base_dump_events(base, stdout); for (i = 0; i < N_EVENTS; ++i) { event_free(ev[i]); } event_base_free(base); return 0; }