コード例 #1
ファイル: test_function_node.cpp プロジェクト: adiog/tbb
void buffered_levels( size_t concurrency, Body body ) {

   // Do for lc = 1 to concurrency level
   for ( size_t lc = 1; lc <= concurrency; ++lc ) {
   tbb::flow::graph g;

   // Set the execute_counter back to zero in the harness
   harness_graph_executor<InputType, OutputType>::execute_count = 0;
   // Set the number of current executors to zero.
   harness_graph_executor<InputType, OutputType>::current_executors = 0;
   // Set the max allowed executors to lc.  There is a check in the functor to make sure this is never exceeded.
   harness_graph_executor<InputType, OutputType>::max_executors = lc;

   // Create the function_node with the appropriate concurrency level, and use default buffering
   tbb::flow::function_node< InputType, OutputType > exe_node( g, lc, body );
   tbb::flow::function_node<InputType, InputType> pass_thru( g, tbb::flow::unlimited, pass_through<InputType>());

   // Create a vector of identical exe_nodes and pass_thrus
   std::vector< tbb::flow::function_node< InputType, OutputType > > exe_vec(2, exe_node);
   std::vector< tbb::flow::function_node< InputType, InputType > > pass_thru_vec(2, pass_thru);
   // Attach each pass_thru to its corresponding exe_node
   for (size_t node_idx=0; node_idx<exe_vec.size(); ++node_idx) {
       tbb::flow::make_edge(pass_thru_vec[node_idx], exe_vec[node_idx]);

   // TODO: why the test is executed serially for the node pairs, not concurrently?
   for (size_t node_idx=0; node_idx<exe_vec.size(); ++node_idx) {
   // For num_receivers = 1 to MAX_NODES
   for (size_t num_receivers = 1; num_receivers <= MAX_NODES; ++num_receivers ) {
        // Create num_receivers counting receivers and connect the exe_vec[node_idx] to them.
        std::vector< harness_mapped_receiver<OutputType>* > receivers(num_receivers);
        for (size_t i = 0; i < num_receivers; i++) {
            receivers[i] = new harness_mapped_receiver<OutputType>(g);

        for (size_t r = 0; r < num_receivers; ++r ) {
            tbb::flow::make_edge( exe_vec[node_idx], *receivers[r] );

        // Do the test with varying numbers of senders
        harness_counting_sender<InputType> *senders = NULL;
        for (size_t num_senders = 1; num_senders <= MAX_NODES; ++num_senders ) {
            // Create num_senders senders, set there message limit each to N, and connect them to pass_thru_vec[node_idx]
            senders = new harness_counting_sender<InputType>[num_senders];
            for (size_t s = 0; s < num_senders; ++s ) {
               senders[s].my_limit = N;
               senders[s].register_successor(pass_thru_vec[node_idx] );

            // Initialize the receivers so they know how many senders and messages to check for
            for (size_t r = 0; r < num_receivers; ++r ) {
                 receivers[r]->initialize_map( N, num_senders );

            // Do the test
            NativeParallelFor( (int)num_senders, parallel_put_until_limit<InputType>(senders) );

            // confirm that each sender was requested from N times
            for (size_t s = 0; s < num_senders; ++s ) {
                size_t n = senders[s].my_received;
                ASSERT( n == N, NULL );
                ASSERT( senders[s].my_receiver == &pass_thru_vec[node_idx], NULL );
            // validate the receivers
            for (size_t r = 0; r < num_receivers; ++r ) {
            delete [] senders;
        for (size_t r = 0; r < num_receivers; ++r ) {
            tbb::flow::remove_edge( exe_vec[node_idx], *receivers[r] );
        ASSERT( exe_vec[node_idx].try_put( InputType() ) == true, NULL );
        for (size_t r = 0; r < num_receivers; ++r ) {
            // since it's detached, nothing should have changed

        for (size_t i = 0; i < num_receivers; i++) {
            delete receivers[i];

    } // for num_receivers
    } // for node_idx
    } // for concurrency level lc
コード例 #2
void buffered_levels( size_t concurrency, Body body ) {
    typedef typename std::tuple_element<0,OutputTuple>::type OutputType;
    // Do for lc = 1 to concurrency level
    for ( size_t lc = 1; lc <= concurrency; ++lc ) { 
        tbb::flow::graph g;

        // Set the execute_counter back to zero in the harness
        harness_graph_multifunction_executor<InputType, OutputTuple,tbb::spin_mutex>::execute_count = 0;
        // Set the max allowed executors to lc.  There is a check in the functor to make sure this is never exceeded.
        harness_graph_multifunction_executor<InputType, OutputTuple,tbb::spin_mutex>::max_executors = lc;

        // Create the function_node with the appropriate concurreny level, and use default buffering
        tbb::flow::multifunction_node< InputType, OutputTuple > exe_node( g, lc, body );
        //Create a vector of identical exe_nodes
        std::vector< tbb::flow::multifunction_node< InputType, OutputTuple > > exe_vec(2, exe_node);

        // exercise each of the copied nodes
        for (size_t node_idx=0; node_idx<exe_vec.size(); ++node_idx) {
            for (size_t num_receivers = 1; num_receivers <= MAX_NODES; ++num_receivers ) {
                // Create num_receivers counting receivers and connect the exe_vec[node_idx] to them.
                harness_mapped_receiver<OutputType> *receivers = new harness_mapped_receiver<OutputType>[num_receivers];
                for (size_t r = 0; r < num_receivers; ++r ) {
                    tbb::flow::make_edge( tbb::flow::output_port<0>(exe_vec[node_idx]), receivers[r] );

                // Do the test with varying numbers of senders
                harness_counting_sender<InputType> *senders = NULL;
                for (size_t num_senders = 1; num_senders <= MAX_NODES; ++num_senders ) {
                    // Create num_senders senders, set there message limit each to N, and connect them to the exe_vec[node_idx]
                    senders = new harness_counting_sender<InputType>[num_senders];
                    for (size_t s = 0; s < num_senders; ++s ) {
                        senders[s].my_limit = N;
                        tbb::flow::make_edge( senders[s], exe_vec[node_idx] );

                    // Initialize the receivers so they know how many senders and messages to check for
                    for (size_t r = 0; r < num_receivers; ++r ) {
                         receivers[r].initialize_map( N, num_senders ); 

                    // Do the test
                    NativeParallelFor( (int)num_senders, parallel_put_until_limit<InputType>(senders) );

                    // cofirm that each sender was requested from N times 
                    for (size_t s = 0; s < num_senders; ++s ) {
                        size_t n = senders[s].my_received;
                        ASSERT( n == N, NULL ); 
                        ASSERT( senders[s].my_receiver == &exe_vec[node_idx], NULL );
                    // validate the receivers
                    for (size_t r = 0; r < num_receivers; ++r ) {
                    delete [] senders;
                for (size_t r = 0; r < num_receivers; ++r ) {
                    tbb::flow::remove_edge( tbb::flow::output_port<0>(exe_vec[node_idx]), receivers[r] );
                ASSERT( exe_vec[node_idx].try_put( InputType() ) == true, NULL );
                for (size_t r = 0; r < num_receivers; ++r ) {
                    // since it's detached, nothing should have changed
                delete [] receivers;