コード例 #1
ファイル: SVGUseElement.cpp プロジェクト: Chingliu/EAWebkit
void SVGUseElement::expandSymbolElementsInShadowTree(Node* element)
    if (element->hasTagName(SVGNames::symbolTag)) {
        // Spec: The referenced 'symbol' and its contents are deep-cloned into the generated tree,
        // with the exception that the 'symbol' is replaced by an 'svg'. This generated 'svg' will
        // always have explicit values for attributes width and height. If attributes width and/or
        // height are provided on the 'use' element, then these attributes will be transferred to
        // the generated 'svg'. If attributes width and/or height are not specified, the generated
        // 'svg' element will use values of 100% for these attributes.
        RefPtr<SVGSVGElement> svgElement = new SVGSVGElement(SVGNames::svgTag, document());

        // Transfer all attributes from <symbol> to the new <svg> element

        // Explicitly re-set width/height values
        String widthString = String::number(width().value());
        String heightString = String::number(height().value()); 

        svgElement->setAttribute(SVGNames::widthAttr, hasAttribute(SVGNames::widthAttr) ? widthString : "100%");
        svgElement->setAttribute(SVGNames::heightAttr, hasAttribute(SVGNames::heightAttr) ? heightString : "100%");

        ExceptionCode ec = 0;

        // Only clone symbol children, and add them to the new <svg> element    
        for (Node* child = element->firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {
            RefPtr<Node> newChild = child->cloneNode(true);
            svgElement->appendChild(newChild.release(), ec);
            ASSERT(ec == 0);
        // We don't walk the target tree element-by-element, and clone each element,
        // but instead use cloneNode(deep=true). This is an optimization for the common
        // case where <use> doesn't contain disallowed elements (ie. <foreignObject>).
        // Though if there are disallowed elements in the subtree, we have to remove them.
        // For instance: <use> on <g> containing <foreignObject> (indirect case).
        if (subtreeContainsDisallowedElement(svgElement.get()))

        // Replace <symbol> with <svg>.
        element->parentNode()->replaceChild(svgElement.release(), element, ec);
        ASSERT(ec == 0);

        // Immediately stop here, and restart expanding.

    for (RefPtr<Node> child = element->firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling())
コード例 #2
void SVGUseElement::expandSymbolElementsInShadowTree(SVGElement* element)
    if (isSVGSymbolElement(*element)) {
        // Spec: The referenced 'symbol' and its contents are deep-cloned into the generated tree,
        // with the exception that the 'symbol' is replaced by an 'svg'. This generated 'svg' will
        // always have explicit values for attributes width and height. If attributes width and/or
        // height are provided on the 'use' element, then these attributes will be transferred to
        // the generated 'svg'. If attributes width and/or height are not specified, the generated
        // 'svg' element will use values of 100% for these attributes.
        RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<SVGSVGElement> svgElement = SVGSVGElement::create(referencedScope()->document());
        // Transfer all data (attributes, etc.) from <symbol> to the new <svg> element.

        // Move already cloned elements to the new <svg> element
        for (RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<Node> child = element->firstChild(); child; ) {
            RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<Node> nextChild = child->nextSibling();
            child = nextChild.release();

        // We don't walk the target tree element-by-element, and clone each element,
        // but instead use cloneNode(deep=true). This is an optimization for the common
        // case where <use> doesn't contain disallowed elements (ie. <foreignObject>).
        // Though if there are disallowed elements in the subtree, we have to remove them.
        // For instance: <use> on <g> containing <foreignObject> (indirect case).
        if (subtreeContainsDisallowedElement(svgElement.get()))

        RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<SVGElement> replacingElement(svgElement.get());

        // Replace <symbol> with <svg>.
        element->parentNode()->replaceChild(svgElement.release(), element);

        // Expand the siblings because the *element* is replaced and we will
        // lose the sibling chain when we are back from recursion.
        element = replacingElement.get();
        for (RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<SVGElement> sibling = Traversal<SVGElement>::nextSibling(*element); sibling; sibling = Traversal<SVGElement>::nextSibling(*sibling))

    for (RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<SVGElement> child = Traversal<SVGElement>::firstChild(*element); child; child = Traversal<SVGElement>::nextSibling(*child))
コード例 #3
void SVGUseElement::buildShadowAndInstanceTree(SVGElement* target)

    // <use> creates a "user agent" shadow root. Do not build the shadow/instance tree for <use>
    // elements living in a user agent shadow tree because they will get expanded in a second
    // pass -- see expandUseElementsInShadowTree().
    if (inUseShadowTree())

    // Do not allow self-referencing.
    // 'target' may be null, if it's a non SVG namespaced element.
    if (!target || target == this || isDisallowedElement(target))

    // Set up root SVG element in shadow tree.
    RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<Element> newChild = target->cloneElementWithoutChildren();
    m_targetElementInstance = toSVGElement(newChild.get());
    ShadowRoot* shadowTreeRootElement = userAgentShadowRoot();

    // Clone the target subtree into the shadow tree, not handling <use> and <symbol> yet.

    // SVG specification does not say a word about <use> & cycles. My view on this is: just ignore it!
    // Non-appearing <use> content is easier to debug, then half-appearing content.
    if (!buildShadowTree(target, m_targetElementInstance.get(), false)) {

    if (instanceTreeIsLoading(m_targetElementInstance.get()))

    // Assure shadow tree building was successfull
    ASSERT(m_targetElementInstance->correspondingUseElement() == this);
    ASSERT(m_targetElementInstance->correspondingElement() == target);

    // Expand all <use> elements in the shadow tree.
    // Expand means: replace the actual <use> element by what it references.
    if (!expandUseElementsInShadowTree(m_targetElementInstance.get())) {

    // Expand all <symbol> elements in the shadow tree.
    // Expand means: replace the actual <symbol> element by the <svg> element.

    m_targetElementInstance = toSVGElement(shadowTreeRootElement->firstChild());
    transferUseWidthAndHeightIfNeeded(*this, m_targetElementInstance.get(), *m_targetElementInstance->correspondingElement());

    ASSERT(m_targetElementInstance->parentNode() == shadowTreeRootElement);

    // Update relative length information.
コード例 #4
void SVGUseElement::buildShadowAndInstanceTree(SVGShadowTreeRootElement* shadowRoot)
    String id = SVGURIReference::getTarget(href());
    Element* targetElement = document()->getElementById(id);
    if (!targetElement) {
        // The only time we should get here is when the use element has not been
        // given a resource to target.

    // Do not build the shadow/instance tree for <use> elements living in a shadow tree.
    // The will be expanded soon anyway - see expandUseElementsInShadowTree().
    Node* parent = parentNode();
    while (parent) {
        if (parent->isShadowNode())

        parent = parent->parentNode();
    SVGElement* target = 0;
    if (targetElement && targetElement->isSVGElement())
        target = static_cast<SVGElement*>(targetElement);

    if (m_targetElementInstance)
        m_targetElementInstance = 0;

    // Do not allow self-referencing.
    // 'target' may be null, if it's a non SVG namespaced element.
    if (!target || target == this)

    // Why a seperated instance/shadow tree? SVG demands it:
    // The instance tree is accesable from JavaScript, and has to
    // expose a 1:1 copy of the referenced tree, whereas internally we need
    // to alter the tree for correct "use-on-symbol", "use-on-svg" support.  
    // Build instance tree. Create root SVGElementInstance object for the first sub-tree node.
    // Spec: If the 'use' element references a simple graphics element such as a 'rect', then there is only a
    // single SVGElementInstance object, and the correspondingElement attribute on this SVGElementInstance object
    // is the SVGRectElement that corresponds to the referenced 'rect' element.
    m_targetElementInstance = SVGElementInstance::create(this, target);

    // Eventually enter recursion to build SVGElementInstance objects for the sub-tree children
    bool foundProblem = false;
    buildInstanceTree(target, m_targetElementInstance.get(), foundProblem);

    // SVG specification does not say a word about <use> & cycles. My view on this is: just ignore it!
    // Non-appearing <use> content is easier to debug, then half-appearing content.
    if (foundProblem) {
        m_targetElementInstance = 0;

    // Assure instance tree building was successfull
    ASSERT(m_targetElementInstance->correspondingUseElement() == this);
    ASSERT(m_targetElementInstance->correspondingElement() == target);

    // Build shadow tree from instance tree
    // This also handles the special cases: <use> on <symbol>, <use> on <svg>.
    buildShadowTree(shadowRoot, target, m_targetElementInstance.get());

    // Expand all <use> elements in the shadow tree.
    // Expand means: replace the actual <use> element by what it references.
    expandUseElementsInShadowTree(shadowRoot, shadowRoot);

    // Expand all <symbol> elements in the shadow tree.
    // Expand means: replace the actual <symbol> element by the <svg> element.
    expandSymbolElementsInShadowTree(shadowRoot, shadowRoot);

    // Now that the shadow tree is completly expanded, we can associate
    // shadow tree elements <-> instances in the instance tree.
    associateInstancesWithShadowTreeElements(shadowRoot->firstChild(), m_targetElementInstance.get());

    // If no shadow tree element is present, this means that the reference root
    // element was removed, as it is disallowed (ie. <use> on <foreignObject>)
    // Do NOT leave an inconsistent instance tree around, instead destruct it.
    if (!m_targetElementInstance->shadowTreeElement()) {
        m_targetElementInstance = 0;

    // Consistency checks - this is assumed in updateContainerOffset().
    ASSERT(m_targetElementInstance->shadowTreeElement()->parentNode() == shadowRoot);

    // Eventually dump instance tree
    String text;
    unsigned int depth = 0;

    dumpInstanceTree(depth, text, m_targetElementInstance.get());
    fprintf(stderr, "\nDumping <use> instance tree:\n%s\n", text.latin1().data());

    // Eventually dump shadow tree
    ExceptionCode ec = 0;

    PassRefPtr<XMLSerializer> serializer = XMLSerializer::create();

    String markup = serializer->serializeToString(shadowRoot, ec);

    fprintf(stderr, "Dumping <use> shadow tree markup:\n%s\n", markup.latin1().data());

    // Transfer event listeners assigned to the referenced element to our shadow tree elements.

    // Update container offset/size
コード例 #5
void SVGUseElement::buildShadowAndInstanceTree(SVGElement* target)

    // Do not build the shadow/instance tree for <use> elements living in a shadow tree.
    // The will be expanded soon anyway - see expandUseElementsInShadowTree().
    if (isInShadowTree())

    // Do not allow self-referencing.
    // 'target' may be null, if it's a non SVG namespaced element.
    if (!target || target == this)

    // Why a seperated instance/shadow tree? SVG demands it:
    // The instance tree is accesable from JavaScript, and has to
    // expose a 1:1 copy of the referenced tree, whereas internally we need
    // to alter the tree for correct "use-on-symbol", "use-on-svg" support.

    // Build instance tree. Create root SVGElementInstance object for the first sub-tree node.
    // Spec: If the 'use' element references a simple graphics element such as a 'rect', then there is only a
    // single SVGElementInstance object, and the correspondingElement attribute on this SVGElementInstance object
    // is the SVGRectElement that corresponds to the referenced 'rect' element.
    m_targetElementInstance = SVGElementInstance::create(this, this, target);

    // Eventually enter recursion to build SVGElementInstance objects for the sub-tree children
    bool foundProblem = false;
    buildInstanceTree(target, m_targetElementInstance.get(), foundProblem, false);

    if (instanceTreeIsLoading(m_targetElementInstance.get()))

    // SVG specification does not say a word about <use> & cycles. My view on this is: just ignore it!
    // Non-appearing <use> content is easier to debug, then half-appearing content.
    if (foundProblem) {

    // Assure instance tree building was successfull
    ASSERT(m_targetElementInstance->correspondingUseElement() == this);
    ASSERT(m_targetElementInstance->directUseElement() == this);
    ASSERT(m_targetElementInstance->correspondingElement() == target);

    ShadowRoot* shadowTreeRootElement = shadowRoot();

    // Build shadow tree from instance tree
    // This also handles the special cases: <use> on <symbol>, <use> on <svg>.
    buildShadowTree(target, m_targetElementInstance.get());

    // Expand all <use> elements in the shadow tree.
    // Expand means: replace the actual <use> element by what it references.

    // Expand all <symbol> elements in the shadow tree.
    // Expand means: replace the actual <symbol> element by the <svg> element.

    // Now that the shadow tree is completly expanded, we can associate
    // shadow tree elements <-> instances in the instance tree.
    associateInstancesWithShadowTreeElements(shadowTreeRootElement->firstChild(), m_targetElementInstance.get());

    // If no shadow tree element is present, this means that the reference root
    // element was removed, as it is disallowed (ie. <use> on <foreignObject>)
    // Do NOT leave an inconsistent instance tree around, instead destruct it.
    if (!m_targetElementInstance->shadowTreeElement()) {

    ASSERT(m_targetElementInstance->shadowTreeElement()->parentNode() == shadowTreeRootElement);

    // Transfer event listeners assigned to the referenced element to our shadow tree elements.

    // Update relative length information.

    // Eventually dump instance tree
    String text;
    unsigned int depth = 0;

    dumpInstanceTree(depth, text, m_targetElementInstance.get());
    fprintf(stderr, "\nDumping <use> instance tree:\n%s\n", text.latin1().data());

    // Eventually dump shadow tree
    RefPtr<XMLSerializer> serializer = XMLSerializer::create();
    String markup = serializer->serializeToString(shadowTreeRootElement, ASSERT_NO_EXCEPTION);
    fprintf(stderr, "Dumping <use> shadow tree markup:\n%s\n", markup.latin1().data());
コード例 #6
ファイル: SVGUseElement.cpp プロジェクト: Chingliu/EAWebkit
void SVGUseElement::buildPendingResource()
    String id = SVGURIReference::getTarget(href());
    Element* targetElement = document()->getElementById(id);

    if (!targetElement) {
        // TODO: We want to deregister as pending resource, if our href() changed!
        // TODO: Move to svgAttributeChanged, once we're fixing use & the new dynamic update concept.
        document()->accessSVGExtensions()->addPendingResource(id, this);

    // Do not build the shadow/instance tree for <use> elements living in a shadow tree.
    // The will be expanded soon anyway - see expandUseElementsInShadowTree().
    Node* parent = parentNode();
    while (parent) {
        if (parent->isShadowNode())

        parent = parent->parentNode();
    SVGElement* target = 0;
    if (targetElement && targetElement->isSVGElement())
        target = static_cast<SVGElement*>(targetElement);

    // Do not allow self-referencing.
    // 'target' may be null, if it's a non SVG namespaced element.
    if (!target || target == this) {
        m_targetElementInstance = 0;
        m_shadowTreeRootElement = 0;

    // Why a seperated instance/shadow tree? SVG demands it:
    // The instance tree is accesable from JavaScript, and has to
    // expose a 1:1 copy of the referenced tree, whereas internally we need
    // to alter the tree for correct "use-on-symbol", "use-on-svg" support.  
    // Build instance tree. Create root SVGElementInstance object for the first sub-tree node.
    // Spec: If the 'use' element references a simple graphics element such as a 'rect', then there is only a
    // single SVGElementInstance object, and the correspondingElement attribute on this SVGElementInstance object
    // is the SVGRectElement that corresponds to the referenced 'rect' element.
    m_targetElementInstance = new SVGElementInstance(this, target);

    // Eventually enter recursion to build SVGElementInstance objects for the sub-tree children
    bool foundProblem = false;
    buildInstanceTree(target, m_targetElementInstance.get(), foundProblem);

    // SVG specification does not say a word about <use> & cycles. My view on this is: just ignore it!
    // Non-appearing <use> content is easier to debug, then half-appearing content.
    if (foundProblem) {
        m_targetElementInstance = 0;
        m_shadowTreeRootElement = 0;

    // Assure instance tree building was successfull
    ASSERT(m_targetElementInstance->correspondingUseElement() == this);

    // Setup shadow tree root node
    m_shadowTreeRootElement = new SVGGElement(SVGNames::gTag, document());

    // Spec: An additional transformation translate(x,y) is appended to the end
    // (i.e., right-side) of the transform attribute on the generated 'g', where x
    // and y represent the values of the x and y attributes on the 'use' element. 
    if (x().value() != 0.0 || y().value() != 0.0) {
        String transformString = String::format("translate(%f, %f)", x().value(), y().value());
        m_shadowTreeRootElement->setAttribute(SVGNames::transformAttr, transformString);

    // Build shadow tree from instance tree
    // This also handles the special cases: <use> on <symbol>, <use> on <svg>.
    buildShadowTree(target, m_targetElementInstance.get());

    // Expand all <use> elements in the shadow tree.
    // Expand means: replace the actual <use> element by what it references.

    // Expand all <symbol> elements in the shadow tree.
    // Expand means: replace the actual <symbol> element by the <svg> element.


    // Now that the shadow tree is completly expanded, we can associate
    // shadow tree elements <-> instances in the instance tree.
    associateInstancesWithShadowTreeElements(m_shadowTreeRootElement->firstChild(), m_targetElementInstance.get());

    // Eventually dump instance tree
    String text;
    unsigned int depth = 0;

    dumpInstanceTree(depth, text, m_targetElementInstance.get());
    fprintf(stderr, "\nDumping <use> instance tree:\n%s\n", text.latin1().data());

    // Eventually dump shadow tree
    ExceptionCode ec = 0;

    PassRefPtr<XMLSerializer> serializer = XMLSerializer::create();

    String markup = serializer->serializeToString(m_shadowTreeRootElement.get(), ec);
    ASSERT(ec == 0);

    fprintf(stderr, "Dumping <use> shadow tree markup:\n%s\n", markup.latin1().data());

    // The DOM side is setup properly. Now we have to attach the root shadow
    // tree element manually - using attach() won't work for "shadow nodes".