bool operator()() { if (conn) { obj_dosync(); ext_send(); ext_poll(); if (!conn->good()) { conn = 0; } } if (die.try_wait()) { in_queue.clear(); out_queue.clear(); dead.signal(); return false; } else { return true; } }
/* ###### Main program ################################################### */ int main(int argc, char** argv) { union sockaddr_union localAddress; struct pollfd ufds; struct SimpleRedBlackTree objectStorage; struct SimpleRedBlackTree objectDisplay; struct SimpleRedBlackTreeNode* node; unsigned long long now; unsigned long long updateInterval = 1000000; unsigned long long purgeInterval = 30000000; unsigned long long lastUpdate = 0; size_t lastElements = ~0; size_t elements; int result; int reuse; int sd; int n; if(checkIPv6()) { string2address("[::]:0", &localAddress); setPort(&, 2960); } else { string2address("", &localAddress); setPort(&, 2960); } for(n = 1;n < argc;n++) { if(!(strncmp(argv[n], "-localaddress=", 14))) { if(string2address((char*)&argv[n][14], &localAddress) == false) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Bad local address <%s>\n", (char*)&argv[n][14]); exit(1); } } else if(!(strncmp(argv[n], "-updateinterval=", 16))) { updateInterval = 1000 * atol((char*)&argv[n][16]); if(updateInterval < 100000) { updateInterval = 100000; } } else if(!(strncmp(argv[n], "-purgeinterval=", 15))) { purgeInterval = 1000 * atol((const char*)&argv[n][15]); if(purgeInterval < 1000000) { purgeInterval = 1000000; } } else if(!(strncmp(argv[n], "-maxpr=", 7))) { maxPRs = atoi((const char*)&argv[n][7]); } else if(!(strncmp(argv[n], "-maxpe=", 7))) { maxPEs = atoi((const char*)&argv[n][7]); } else if(!(strncmp(argv[n], "-maxpu=", 7))) { maxPUs = atoi((const char*)&argv[n][7]); } else if(!(strncmp(argv[n], "-maxlocationsize=", 17))) { maxLocationSize = atoi((const char*)&argv[n][17]); } else if(!(strcmp(argv[n], "-compact"))) { useCompactMode = true; } else if(!(strcmp(argv[n], "-full"))) { useCompactMode = false; } else { printf("Bad argument \"%s\"!\n" ,argv[n]); fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s {-localaddress=address:port} {-updateinterval=milliseconds} {-purgeinterval=milliseconds} {-compact|-full} {-maxpr=PRs} {-maxpe=PEs} {-maxpu=PUs} {-maxlocationsize=characters}\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } } sd = ext_socket(, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); if(sd < 0) { perror("Unable to create socket"); exit(1); } reuse = 1; if(ext_setsockopt(sd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &reuse, sizeof(reuse)) < 0) { perror("setsockopt() with SO_REUSEADDR failed"); } if(bindplus(sd, &localAddress, 1) == false) { fputs("ERROR: Unable to bind socket to local address\n", stderr); exit(1); } simpleRedBlackTreeNew(&objectStorage, NULL, cspObjectStorageComparison); simpleRedBlackTreeNew(&objectDisplay, cspObjectDisplayPrint, cspObjectDisplayComparison); puts("Component Status Monitor - Version 1.0"); puts("======================================\n"); installBreakDetector(); printf("\x1b[;H\x1b[2J"); /* The first update should be in 1 second ... */ lastUpdate = getMicroTime() + 1000000 - updateInterval; while(!breakDetected()) { ufds.fd = sd; = POLLIN; now = getMicroTime(); while(now - lastUpdate < updateInterval) { now = getMicroTime(); result = ext_poll(&ufds, 1, ((lastUpdate + updateInterval) > now) ? (int)((lastUpdate + updateInterval - now) / 1000) : 0); if((result > 0) && (ufds.revents & POLLIN)) { handleMessage(sd, &objectStorage, &objectDisplay); } else if((result < 0) && (errno == EINTR)) { goto finished; } } purgeCSPObjects(&objectStorage, &objectDisplay, purgeInterval); elements = simpleRedBlackTreeGetElements(&objectStorage); if( (elements != lastElements) || (elements > 0) ) { printf("\x1b[;H"); printTimeStamp(stdout); printf("Current Component Status -- \x1b[31;1m%u PRs\x1b[0m, \x1b[34;1m%u PEs\x1b[0m, \x1b[32;1m%u PUs\x1b[0m\x1b[0K\n\x1b[0K\n\x1b[0K\x1b[;H\n", totalPRs, totalPEs, totalPUs); maxObjectLabelSize = 0; currentPRs = 0; currentPEs = 0; currentPUs = 0; node = simpleRedBlackTreeGetFirst(&objectDisplay); while(node != NULL) { cspObjectDisplayPrint(node, stdout); node = simpleRedBlackTreeGetNext(&objectDisplay, node); } currentObjectLabelSize = maxObjectLabelSize; printf("\x1b[0J"); fflush(stdout); } lastElements = elements; lastUpdate = now; } finished: ext_close(sd); simpleRedBlackTreeDelete(&objectStorage); puts("\nTerminated!"); return(0); }