コード例 #1
bool sampleCloud(const octomap::point3d_list& cloud,
                 const double& spacing,
                 const double& r_multiple,
                 const octomath::Vector3& position,
                 double& intensity,
                 octomath::Vector3& gradient)
  intensity = 0.f;
  gradient = octomath::Vector3(0,0,0);

  double R = r_multiple*spacing; // TODO magic number!
  //double T = 0.5; // TODO magic number!

  int NN = cloud.size();
  if(NN == 0)
    return false;

  // variables for Wyvill
  double a=0, b=0, c=0, R2=0, R4=0, R6=0, a1=0, b1=0, c1=0, a2=0, b2=0, c2=0;
  bool WYVILL = true;

  octomap::point3d_list::const_iterator it;
  for ( it = cloud.begin(); it != cloud.end(); it++ )
    octomath::Vector3 v = (*it);

      R2 = R*R;
      R4 = R2*R2;
      R6 = R4*R2;
      a = -4.0/9.0; b  = 17.0/9.0; c = -22.0/9.0;
      a1 = a/R6; b1 = b/R4; c1 = c/R2;
      a2 = 6*a1; b2 = 4*b1; c2 = 2*c1;
      logError("This should not be called!");

    double f_val = 0;
    octomath::Vector3 f_grad(0,0,0);

    octomath::Vector3 pos = position-v;
    double r = pos.norm();
    pos = pos*(1.0/r);
    if(r > R)  // must skip points outside valid bounds.
    double r2 = r*r;
    double r3 = r*r2;
    double r4 = r2*r2;
    double r5 = r3*r2;
    double r6 = r3*r3;

      f_val = (a1*r6 + b1*r4 + c1*r2 + 1);
      f_grad = pos*(a2*r5 + b2*r3 + c2*r);
      logError("This should not be called!");
      double r_scaled = r/R;
      // TODO still need to address the scaling...
      f_val = pow((1-r_scaled),4)*(4*r_scaled + 1);
      f_grad = pos*(-4.0/R*pow(1.0-r_scaled,3)*(4.0*r_scaled+1.0)+4.0/R*pow(1-r_scaled,4));

    // TODO:  The whole library should be overhauled to follow the "gradient points out"
    //        convention of implicit functions.
    intensity += f_val;
    gradient += f_grad;
  // implicit surface gradient convention points out, so we flip it.
  gradient *= -1.0;
  return true; // it worked
コード例 #2
int main()
	cv::FileStorage fs("config.yml", cv::FileStorage::READ);

	std::string folder_name = static_cast<std::string>(fs["folder_name"]);
	double c = static_cast<double>(fs["f_edge_scale"]);
	std::cout << c << " a" << folder_name << std::endl;
	std::stringstream    stream_result;
	stream_result << folder_name << "/result.csv";
	std::string fileName_result = stream_result.str();
	std::ofstream ofs( fileName_result );
	ofs  << "thita" << "," << "fay" << "," << "f_edge" << "," << "f_grad" << "," << "f_var" << "," << "f_mean" << "," << "f_hist" << "," << "f_dir" << "," 	<< "f_Q" << std::endl;
	std::vector< std::vector <double> > f_e_all, f_g_all, f_v_all, f_m_all, f_h_all, f_q_all;
	double min[6] = {1000000,1000000,1000000,1000000,1000000,1000000};
	double max[6]= {-1000000,-1000000,-1000000,-1000000,-1000000,-1000000};
	std::cout << "|----------|" << std::endl;
	std::cout << " ";
	for(int i = 0; i <= 9; ++i )
		std::vector<double> f_e_tmp, f_g_tmp, f_v_tmp, f_m_tmp, f_h_tmp, f_q_tmp;
		std::cout << "+";
		for(int j = 0; j < 36; ++j)
			if(j!=0 && i==0) break;
			std::stringstream    stream;
			stream << folder_name << "/"  << "sita" << i*10 << "fay" << j*10 << ".png";
			std::string fileName = stream.str();
			std::stringstream    stream_pim;
			stream_pim << folder_name << "/PIM.bmp";
			std::string fileName_pim = stream_pim.str();
			cv::Mat raw_img = cv::imread(fileName,0);
			cv::Mat PIM = cv::imread(fileName_pim,0);

			double f_e = f_edge(raw_img, PIM);
			double f_g = f_grad(raw_img, PIM);
			double f_v = f_var(raw_img, PIM);
			double f_m = f_mean(raw_img, PIM);
			double f_h = f_hist(raw_img, PIM);
			double f_d = f_dir(raw_img, PIM);
			double f_q =  f_Q( f_g, f_e, f_v, f_m, f_h,f_d);


			if(min[0] > f_e) min[0] = f_e;
			if(min[1] > f_g) min[1] = f_g;
			if(min[2] > f_v) min[2] = f_v;
			if(min[3] > f_m) min[3] = f_m;
			if(min[4] > f_h) min[4] = f_h;
			if(min[5] > f_q) min[5] = f_q;

			if(max[0] < f_e) max[0] = f_e;
			if(max[1] < f_g) max[1] = f_g;
			if(max[2] < f_v) max[2] = f_v;
			if(max[3] < f_m) max[3] = f_m;
			if(max[4] < f_h) max[4] = f_h;
			if(max[5] < f_q) max[5] = f_q;


			ofs  << i*10 << ","	<< j*10 << "," << f_e << ","<< f_g << "," << f_v << ","<< 
				f_m << ","	<< f_h << "," << f_d << ","<< f_q << std::endl;
	std::cout << std::endl;

	std::vector<cv::Mat> results;
	for(int k = 0; k < 6; ++k)
		results.push_back(cv::Mat::zeros(600, 600, CV_8UC3));
		int angle = 270;
		cv::ellipse(results[k], cv::Point(300, 300), cv::Size(250, 250), angle, angle, angle+360, cv::Scalar(255,255,255), 3, CV_AA);
		for( int i = 9; i >= 0; --i )
			for( int j = 35; j >= 0; --j )
				double color = 0.0;
				/*if      (k == 0) color = f_e_all[i][j] == 0 ? 0 : 255 - (255 * (max[k] - f_e_all[i][j]) / (max[k] - min[k]));
				else if (k == 1) color = f_g_all[i][j] == 0 ? 0 : 255 - (255 * (max[k] - f_g_all[i][j]) / (max[k] - min[k]));
				else if (k == 2) color = f_v_all[i][j] == 0 ? 0 : 255 - (255 * (max[k] - f_v_all[i][j]) / (max[k] - min[k]));
				else if (k == 3) color = f_m_all[i][j] == 0 ? 0 : 255 - (255 * (max[k] - f_m_all[i][j]) / (max[k] - min[k]));
				else if (k == 4) color = f_h_all[i][j] == 0 ? 0 : 255 - (255 * (max[k] - f_h_all[i][j]) / (max[k] - min[k]));
				else if (k == 5) color = f_q_all[i][j] == 0 ? 0 : 255 - (255 * (max[k] - f_q_all[i][j]) / (max[k] - min[k]));
				if      (k == 0) color = f_e_all[i][j] == 0 ? 0 : 255 - (255 * (f_e_all[i][j] - min[k]) / (max[k] - min[k]));
				else if (k == 1) color = f_g_all[i][j] == 0 ? 0 : 255 - (255 * (f_g_all[i][j] - min[k]) / (max[k] - min[k]));
				else if (k == 2) color = f_v_all[i][j] == 0 ? 0 : 255 - (255 * (f_v_all[i][j] - min[k]) / (max[k] - min[k]));
				else if (k == 3) color = f_m_all[i][j] == 0 ? 0 : 255 - (255 * (f_m_all[i][j] - min[k]) / (max[k] - min[k]));
				else if (k == 4) color = f_m_all[i][j] == 0 ? 0 : 255 - (255 * (f_h_all[i][j] - min[k]) / (max[k] - min[k]));
				else if (k == 5) color = f_q_all[i][j] == 0 ? 0 : 255 - (255 * (f_q_all[i][j] - min[k]) / (max[k] - min[k]));

				/*if      (k == 0) color = f_e_all[i][j] == 0 ? 0 : (255 * (1 - f_e_all[i][j]) / (1 - 0));
				else if (k == 1) color = f_g_all[i][j] == 0 ? 0 : (255 * (1 - f_g_all[i][j]) / (1 - 0));
				else if (k == 2) color = f_v_all[i][j] == 0 ? 0 : (255 * (1 - f_v_all[i][j]) / (1 - 0));
				else if (k == 3) color = f_m_all[i][j] == 0 ? 0 : (255 * (1 - f_m_all[i][j]) / (1 - 0));
				else if (k == 4) color = f_m_all[i][j] == 0 ? 0 : (255 * (1 - f_h_all[i][j]) / (1 - 0));
				else if (k == 5) color = f_q_all[i][j] == 0 ? 0 : (255 * (max[k] - f_q_all[i][j]) / (max[k] - min[k]));


				if(i==0 && j == 0){
					cv::ellipse(results[k], cv::Point(300, 300), cv::Size(25, 25), angle, angle-90, angle-90+360, cv::Scalar(color,color,color), -1, CV_AA);
				else if(i==0 && j != 0) ;
				else		cv::ellipse(results[k], cv::Point(300, 300), cv::Size(250*(i+1)/10.0, 250*(i+1)/10.0), angle, angle-90-10*(j), angle-90-10*(j+1), cv::Scalar(color,color,color), -1, CV_AA);

		if(k==0) cv::imwrite("f_edge.jpg",results[k]);
		else if(k==1) cv::imwrite("f_grad.jpg",results[k]);
		else if(k==2) cv::imwrite("f_var.jpg",results[k]);
		else if(k==3) cv::imwrite("f_mean.jpg",results[k]);
		else if(k==4) cv::imwrite("f_hist.jpg",results[k]);
		else if(k==5) cv::imwrite("f_Q.jpg",results[k]);
		cv::waitKey( 0 );

	return 0;