saga::task edge::work_start (void) { if ( state_ == Stopped ) return task_; assert ( state_ == Pending ); util::scoped_lock (mtx_); // we have work to do... state_ = Running; // lets see if we actually need to do anything try { saga::filesystem::file f_tgt (session_, tgt_url_); saga::filesystem::file f_src (session_, src_url_); if ( f_src.get_size () == f_tgt.get_size () ) { optimize_ = true; } } catch ( const saga::exception & e ) { // well, we need to run the edge operation to see what's missing... optimize_ = false; } if ( optimize_ || is_void_ ) { // fake a noop task, which does nothing: simply returnh the empty // Done task... task_ = saga::task (saga::task::Done); std::cout << " === edge run : " << get_name () << " (" << src_url_ << " -> " << tgt_url_ << ")" << " [optimized] - " << task_.get_id () << std::endl; } else { saga::filesystem::file f_src (session_, src_url_); task_ = f_src.copy <saga::task::Async> (tgt_url_, saga::filesystem::Overwrite | saga::filesystem::CreateParents); std::cout << " === edge run : " << get_name () << " (" << src_url_ << " -> " << tgt_url_ << ") - " << task_.get_id () << std::endl; } task_valid_ = true; return task_; }
// fire() checks if there is still work to do, and if so, starts // a thread to do it. void edge::fire (void) { // ### scheduler hook scheduler_->hook_edge_run_pre (dag_, this); // check if copy was done, or started, before (!Pending). // If not, mark that we start the work (Running) { if ( Pending != state_ ) return; // check if there is anything to do, at all if ( src_url_ == tgt_url_ ) { saga::filesystem::file f_src (src_url_); std::cout << " ### edge size: " << get_name_s () << " : " << f_src.get_size () << "\t (" << src_url_.get_path () << ")" << std::endl; state_ = Done; // fire dependent node tgt_node_->fire (); // ### scheduler hook scheduler_->hook_edge_run_done (dag_, this); return; } else { // we have work to do... state_ = Running; // start the threaded operation thread_run (); } } }
// thread_work is the workload, i.e. the data copy operation void edge::thread_work (void) { try { dag_->log (std::string ("edge run: ") + src_url_.get_string () + "->" + tgt_url_.get_string ()); // dump (); dag_->lock (); // the local file adaptor is not thread save if operating on the same // directory structure saga::session session = scheduler_->hook_saga_get_session (dag_); saga::filesystem::file f_src (session, src_url_); // first check if file exists bool exists = false; try { saga::filesystem::file f_tgt (session, tgt_url_); std::cout << " ### edge size: " << get_name_s () << " : " << f_tgt.get_size () << "\t (" << src_url_.get_path () << ")" << std::endl; if ( f_tgt.get_size () == f_src.get_size () ) { exists = true; } } catch ( ... ) { // does not exist } if ( ! exists ) { f_src.copy (tgt_url_, saga::filesystem::Overwrite | saga::filesystem::CreateParents); } dag_->unlock (); } catch ( const saga::exception & e ) { dag_->unlock (); // FIXME: the local adaptor is not doing nicely in multithreaded // environments. Thus, we ignore all errors for now, and rely on the // ability of the nodes to flag any missing data files. #if 1 dag_->log (std::string ("edge failed to copy data ") + src_url_.get_string () + "->" + tgt_url_.get_string () + "\n" + e.what ()); { state_ = Failed; } // ### scheduler hook scheduler_->hook_edge_run_fail (dag_, this); return; #else state_ = Done; // ### scheduler hook scheduler_->hook_edge_run_done (dag_, this); #endif } // if we are done copying data, we fire the dependend node // this fire may succeed or not - that depends on the availability // of _other_ input data to that node. Only if all data are Done, // the fire will actually do anything. Thus, only the last fire // called on a node (i.e. called from its last Pending Edge) will // result in a Running node. { if ( state_ != Stopped ) { // done state_ = Done; // fire dependent node tgt_node_->fire (); } } // ### scheduler hook scheduler_->hook_edge_run_done (dag_, this); return; }
void UmlArtifact::generate() { if (! managed) { managed = TRUE; if (stereotype() == "text") { generate_text(); return; } else if (stereotype() != "source") return; package_of_generated_artifact = package(); const WrapperStr hdef = cppHeader(); QLOG_INFO() << "Read header as: " + hdef.operator QString(); const WrapperStr srcdef = cppSource(); if (hdef.isEmpty() && srcdef.isEmpty()) { if (verbose()) UmlCom::trace(WrapperStr("<hr><font face=helvetica>artifact <i>") + name() + "</i> has an empty C++ definition</font><br>"); return; } const WrapperStr & name = UmlArtifact::name(); UmlPackage * pack = package(); WrapperStr h_path = pack->header_path(name); WrapperStr src_path = pack->source_path(name); WrapperStr nasp_start; WrapperStr nasp_end; const char * cnasp = pack->cppNamespace(); WrapperStr nasp = ((cnasp[0] == ':') && (cnasp[1] == ':')) ? cnasp + 2 : cnasp; if (!nasp.isEmpty()) { int index = 0; int index2; WrapperStr closed = "\n} // namespace "; while ((index2 = nasp.find(':', index)) != -1) { WrapperStr na = nasp.mid(index, index2 - index); nasp_start += WrapperStr("namespace ") + na + " {\n\n"; closed += na; nasp_end = closed + "\n" + nasp_end; closed += "::"; nasp.replace(index2, 2, "_"); index = index2 + 1; } nasp_start += WrapperStr("namespace ") + nasp.mid(index) + " {\n\n"; closed += nasp.mid(index); nasp_end = closed + "\n" + nasp_end; } else { WrapperStr s; if (!hdef.isEmpty()) s = " in <i> " + h_path + "</i>"; if (!srcdef.isEmpty()) { if (!hdef.isEmpty()) s += " and <i> " + src_path + "</i>"; else s = " in <i> " + src_path + "</i>"; } UmlCom::message(name); if (verbose()) UmlCom::trace(WrapperStr("<hr><font face=helvetica>Generate code for <i> ") + name + "</i>" + s + "</font><br>"); else set_trace_header(WrapperStr("<font face=helvetica>Generate code for <i> ") + name + "</i>" + s + "</font><br>"); } // get bodies if preserve const Q3PtrVector<UmlClass> & cls = associatedClasses(); if (preserve()) UmlOperation::read_bodies(h_path, src_path); // compute dependencies bool all_in_h = (hdef.find("${all_includes}") != -1); Q3PtrList<CppRefType> dependencies; unsigned n = cls.count(); unsigned index; for (index = 0; index != n; index += 1) cls[index]->compute_dependencies(dependencies, all_in_h); // generate header file WrapperStr h_incl; WrapperStr src_incl; WrapperStr decl; bool incl_computed = FALSE; if (!hdef.isEmpty()) { //headerFile->append("Test DAta"); QLOG_INFO() << "openign file for writing: "; //QTextStream f_h(; //[lgfreitas] Now QTextStream receives a pointer to a byte array... QSharedPointer<QByteArray> headerFile(new QByteArray()); QTextStream f_h(, QFile::WriteOnly); f_h.setCodec(QTextCodec::codecForLocale()); //QTextStream f_h(, QIODevice::WriteOnly); //QString h_copy = QString(hdef.operator QString()); const char * p = hdef; const char * pp = 0; for (;;) { QLOG_INFO() << "At this point P is: " << QString(p); if (*p == 0) { if (pp == 0) break; // comment management done p = pp; pp = 0; if (*p == 0) break; } if (*p == '@') manage_alias(p, f_h); else if (*p != '$') { QTextCodec* codec = QTextCodec::codecForLocale(); //f_h << codec->fromUnicode(*p,1); //p++; f_h << toLocale(p); } else if (!strncmp(p, "${comment}", 10)) manage_comment(p, pp, CppSettings::isGenerateJavadocStyleComment()); else if (!strncmp(p, "${description}", 14)) manage_description(p, pp); else if (!strncmp(p, "${name}", 7)) { p += 7; f_h << name; } else if (!strncmp(p, "${Name}", 7)) { p += 7; //QLOG_INFO() << "Outputting name: " << name; f_h << capitalize(name); } else if (!strncmp(p, "${NAME}", 7)) { p += 7; f_h << name.upper(); } else if (!strncmp(p, "${nAME}", 7)) { p += 7; f_h << name.lower(); } else if (!strncmp(p, "${namespace}", 12)) { p += 12; f_h << nasp; } else if (!strncmp(p, "${NAMESPACE}", 12)) { p += 12; f_h << nasp.upper(); } else if (!strncmp(p, "${includes}", 11) || !strncmp(p, "${all_includes}", 15)) { QLOG_INFO() << "REaDING INCLUDES"; p += (p[2] == 'a') ? 15 : 11; QLOG_INFO() << "Modified p 1 to be" << QString(p); if (!incl_computed) { incl_computed = TRUE; CppRefType::compute(dependencies, hdef.operator QString(), srcdef, h_incl, decl, src_incl, this); QLOG_INFO() << "Modified hdef to be: " << hdef.operator QString(); } QLOG_INFO() << "Modified p 2 to be" << QString(p); if (!h_incl.isEmpty()) { f_h << h_incl; if (*p != '\n') f_h << '\n'; } else if (*p == '\n') p += 1; QLOG_INFO() << "FINISHED INCLUDES"; } else if (!strncmp(p, "${declarations}", 15)) { p += 15; if (!incl_computed) { incl_computed = TRUE; CppRefType::compute(dependencies, hdef.operator QString(), srcdef, h_incl, decl, src_incl, this); } QLOG_INFO() << "DECLS IS: " << decl.operator QString(); if (!decl.isEmpty()) { f_h << decl; if (*p != '\n') f_h << '\n'; } else if (*p == '\n') p += 1; } else if (!strncmp(p, "${namespace_start}", 18)) { p += 18; if (!nasp_start.isEmpty()) f_h << nasp_start; if (*p == '\n') p += 1; } else if (!strncmp(p, "${namespace_end}", 16)) { p += 16; if (!nasp_end.isEmpty()) f_h << nasp_end; if (*p == '\n') p += 1; } else if (!strncmp(p, "${definition}", 13)) { p += 13; for (index = 0; index != n; index += 1) cls[index]->generate_decl(f_h, current_indent(p, hdef.operator QString())); if (*p == '\n') p += 1; } else // strange f_h << toLocale(p); } f_h << '\000'; f_h.flush(); if (must_be_saved(h_path, headerFile->data())) { QLOG_INFO() << "this is essentially what goes to the header file: " << headerFile->size(); write_trace_header(); //FILE * fp_h; QFile file(h_path); if (! { UmlCom::trace(WrapperStr("<font color=\"red\"><b><i> ") + name + "</i> : cannot open <i> " + h_path + "</i>, edit the <i> generation settings</i> (tab directory) or the <i>" + pack->name() + "</i> C++ directory specification</b></font><br>"); incr_error(); } else { QLOG_INFO() << "this is essentially what goes to the file: " << headerFile->constData(); QTextCodec* codec = QTextCodec::codecForLocale(); QTextStream out(&file); out.setCodec(QTextCodec::codecForLocale()); QString temp(*; out << codec->toUnicode(temp); //out << *; out.flush(); } } else { WrapperStr th = get_trace_header(); if (th.isEmpty()) UmlCom::trace(WrapperStr("<br><font face=helvetica><i> ") + h_path + "</i> not modified</font><br>"); else set_trace_header(th + "<font face=helvetica><i> " + h_path + "</i> not modified</font><br>"); } } // generate source file if (!srcdef.isEmpty()) { QSharedPointer<QByteArray> file(new QByteArray()); QTextStream f_src(, QIODevice::WriteOnly); const char * p = srcdef; const char * pp = 0; for (;;) { if (*p == 0) { if (pp == 0) break; // comment management done p = pp; pp = 0; if (*p == 0) break; } if (*p == '@') manage_alias(p, f_src); else if (*p != '$') f_src << toLocale(p); else if (!strncmp(p, "${comment}", 10)) manage_comment(p, pp, CppSettings::isGenerateJavadocStyleComment()); else if (!strncmp(p, "${description}", 14)) manage_description(p, pp); else if (!strncmp(p, "${name}", 7)) { // for file header p += 7; f_src << name; } else if (!strncmp(p, "${includes}", 11)) { p += 11; if (!incl_computed) { incl_computed = TRUE; CppRefType::compute(dependencies, hdef.operator QString(), srcdef, h_incl, decl, src_incl, this); } if (!src_incl.isEmpty()) { f_src << src_incl; if (*p != '\n') f_src << '\n'; } else if (*p == '\n') p += 1; } else if (!strncmp(p, "${members}", 10)) { p += 10; for (index = 0; index != n; index += 1) cls[index]->generate_def(f_src, current_indent(p, srcdef), FALSE); if (*p == '\n') p += 1; } else if (!strncmp(p, "${namespace_start}", 18)) { p += 18; if (!nasp_start.isEmpty()) f_src << nasp_start; if (*p == '\n') p += 1; } else if (!strncmp(p, "${namespace_end}", 16)) { p += 16; if (!nasp_end.isEmpty()) f_src << nasp_end; if (*p == '\n') p += 1; } else // strange f_src << toLocale(p); } f_src << '\000'; f_src.flush(); if (must_be_saved(src_path, file->data())) { write_trace_header(); FILE * fp_src; if ((fp_src = fopen((const char *) src_path, "wb")) == 0) { write_trace_header(); UmlCom::trace(WrapperStr("<font color=\"red\"><b><i> ") + name + " : </i> cannot open <i> " + src_path + "</i>, edit the <i> generation settings</i> (tab directory) or the <i>" + pack->name() + "</i> C++ directory specification</b></font><br>"); incr_error(); } else { fputs((const char *) file->data(), fp_src); fclose(fp_src); } } else if (get_trace_header().isEmpty()) UmlCom::trace(WrapperStr("<font face=helvetica><i> ") + src_path + "</i> not modified</font><br>"); } } }