コード例 #1
void CollectionShardingState::_onConfigRefreshCompleteInvalidateCachedMetadataAndNotify(
    OperationContext* opCtx,
    const BSONObj& query,
    const BSONObj& update,
    const BSONObj& updatedDoc) {
    dassert(opCtx->lockState()->isCollectionLockedForMode(_nss.ns(), MODE_IX));
    invariant(serverGlobalParams.clusterRole == ClusterRole::ShardServer);

    // Extract which collection entry is being updated
    std::string refreshCollection;
        40477, bsonExtractStringField(query, ShardCollectionType::uuid.name(), &refreshCollection));

    // Parse the '$set' update, which will contain the 'lastRefreshedCollectionVersion' if it is
    // present.
    BSONElement updateElement;
                    bsonExtractTypedField(update, StringData("$set"), Object, &updateElement));
    BSONObj setField = updateElement.Obj();

    // If 'lastRefreshedCollectionVersion' is present, then a refresh completed and the catalog
    // cache must be invalidated and the catalog cache loader notified of the new version.
    if (setField.hasField(ShardCollectionType::lastRefreshedCollectionVersion.name())) {
            new CollectionVersionLogOpHandler(opCtx, NamespaceString(refreshCollection)));
コード例 #2
ファイル: replication_recovery.cpp プロジェクト: i80and/mongo
void ReplicationRecoveryImpl::_applyToEndOfOplog(OperationContext* opCtx,
                                                 Timestamp oplogApplicationStartPoint,
                                                 Timestamp topOfOplog) {

    // Check if we have any unapplied ops in our oplog. It is important that this is done after
    // deleting the ragged end of the oplog.
    if (oplogApplicationStartPoint == topOfOplog) {
            << "No oplog entries to apply for recovery. appliedThrough is at the top of the oplog.";
        return;  // We've applied all the valid oplog we have.
    } else if (oplogApplicationStartPoint > topOfOplog) {
        severe() << "Applied op " << oplogApplicationStartPoint.toBSON()
                 << " not found. Top of oplog is " << topOfOplog.toBSON() << '.';

    log() << "Replaying stored operations from " << oplogApplicationStartPoint.toBSON()
          << " (exclusive) to " << topOfOplog.toBSON() << " (inclusive).";

    DBDirectClient db(opCtx);
    auto cursor = db.query(NamespaceString::kRsOplogNamespace.ns(),
                           QUERY("ts" << BSON("$gte" << oplogApplicationStartPoint)),
                           /*batchSize*/ 0,
                           /*skip*/ 0,
                           /*projection*/ nullptr,

    // Check that the first document matches our appliedThrough point then skip it since it's
    // already been applied.
    if (!cursor->more()) {
        // This should really be impossible because we check above that the top of the oplog is
        // strictly > appliedThrough. If this fails it represents a serious bug in either the
        // storage engine or query's implementation of OplogReplay.
        severe() << "Couldn't find any entries in the oplog >= "
                 << oplogApplicationStartPoint.toBSON() << " which should be impossible.";

    auto firstTimestampFound =
        fassertStatusOK(40291, OpTime::parseFromOplogEntry(cursor->nextSafe())).getTimestamp();
    if (firstTimestampFound != oplogApplicationStartPoint) {
        severe() << "Oplog entry at " << oplogApplicationStartPoint.toBSON()
                 << " is missing; actual entry found is " << firstTimestampFound.toBSON();

    // Apply remaining ops one at at time, but don't log them because they are already logged.
    UnreplicatedWritesBlock uwb(opCtx);

    while (cursor->more()) {
        auto entry = cursor->nextSafe();
                        SyncTail::syncApply(opCtx, entry, OplogApplication::Mode::kRecovering));
            opCtx, fassertStatusOK(40295, OpTime::parseFromOplogEntry(entry)));
コード例 #3
OpTime ReplicationCoordinatorExternalStateImpl::onTransitionToPrimary(OperationContext* opCtx,
                                                                      bool isV1ElectionProtocol) {

    // Clear the appliedThrough marker so on startup we'll use the top of the oplog. This must be
    // done before we add anything to our oplog.
    // We record this update at the 'lastAppliedOpTime'. If there are any outstanding
    // checkpoints being taken, they should only reflect this write if they see all writes up
    // to our 'lastAppliedOpTime'.
    auto lastAppliedOpTime = repl::ReplicationCoordinator::get(opCtx)->getMyLastAppliedOpTime();
        opCtx, lastAppliedOpTime.getTimestamp());

    if (isV1ElectionProtocol) {
        writeConflictRetry(opCtx, "logging transition to primary to oplog", "local.oplog.rs", [&] {
            WriteUnitOfWork wuow(opCtx);
                     << "new primary"));
    const auto opTimeToReturn = fassertStatusOK(28665, loadLastOpTime(opCtx));



    return opTimeToReturn;
コード例 #4
    : _waitingToRunMask(0),
      _now(fassertStatusOK(18653, dateFromISOString("2014-08-01T00:00:00Z"))),
      _executorNextWakeupDate(Date_t::max()) {}
OpTime ReplicationCoordinatorExternalStateImpl::onTransitionToPrimary(OperationContext* txn,
                                                                      bool isV1ElectionProtocol) {

    // Clear the appliedThrough marker so on startup we'll use the top of the oplog. This must be
    // done before we add anything to our oplog.
    _storageInterface->setAppliedThrough(txn, {});

    if (isV1ElectionProtocol) {
            ScopedTransaction scopedXact(txn, MODE_X);

            WriteUnitOfWork wuow(txn);
                     << "new primary"));
            txn, "logging transition to primary to oplog", "local.oplog.rs");
    const auto opTimeToReturn = fassertStatusOK(28665, loadLastOpTime(txn));


    return opTimeToReturn;
コード例 #6
void OplogBufferCollection::pushAllNonBlocking(OperationContext* txn,
        Batch::const_iterator begin,
        Batch::const_iterator end) {
    if (begin == end) {
    size_t numDocs = std::distance(begin, end);
    Batch docsToInsert(numDocs);
    Timestamp ts;
    std::transform(begin, end, docsToInsert.begin(), [&ts](const Value& value) {
        auto pair = addIdToDocument(value);
        invariant(ts.isNull() || pair.second > ts);
        ts = pair.second;
        return pair.first;

    stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lk(_mutex);
    auto status = _storageInterface->insertDocuments(txn, _nss, docsToInsert);
    fassertStatusOK(40161, status);

    _lastPushedTimestamp = ts;
    _count += numDocs;
    _size += std::accumulate(begin, end, 0U, [](const size_t& docSize, const Value& value) {
        return docSize + size_t(value.objsize());
コード例 #7
bool OplogBufferCollection::_peekOneSide_inlock(OperationContext* txn,
                                                Value* value,
                                                bool front) const {
    invariant(_count > 0);

    // If there is a sentinel, and it was pushed right after the last BSONObj to be popped was
    // pushed, then we return an empty BSONObj for the sentinel.
    if (!_sentinels.empty() && (_lastPoppedTimestamp == _sentinels.front())) {
        *value = BSONObj();
        return true;
    auto scanDirection = front ? StorageInterface::ScanDirection::kForward
                               : StorageInterface::ScanDirection::kBackward;
    BSONObj startKey;
    auto boundInclusion = BoundInclusion::kIncludeStartKeyOnly;

    // Previously popped documents are not actually removed from the collection. When peeking at the
    // front of the buffer, we use the last popped timestamp to skip ahead to the first document
    // that has not been popped.
    if (front && !_lastPoppedTimestamp.isNull()) {
        startKey = BSON("" << _lastPoppedTimestamp);
        boundInclusion = BoundInclusion::kIncludeEndKeyOnly;

    const auto docs =
                            txn, _nss, kIdIdxName, scanDirection, startKey, boundInclusion, 1U));
    invariant(1U == docs.size());
    *value = extractEmbeddedOplogDocument(docs.front()).getOwned();
    return true;
コード例 #8
ファイル: oplogreader.cpp プロジェクト: ksuarz/mongo
Status OplogReader::_compareRequiredOpTimeWithQueryResponse(const OpTime& requiredOpTime) {
    auto containsMinValid = more();
    if (!containsMinValid) {
        return Status(
            "remote oplog does not contain entry with optime matching our required optime");
    auto doc = nextSafe();
    const auto opTime = fassertStatusOK(40351, OpTime::parseFromOplogEntry(doc));
    if (requiredOpTime != opTime) {
        return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                      str::stream() << "remote oplog contain entry with matching timestamp "
                                    << opTime.getTimestamp().toString()
                                    << " but optime "
                                    << opTime.toString()
                                    << " does not "
                                       "match our required optime");
    if (requiredOpTime.getTerm() != opTime.getTerm()) {
        return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                      str::stream() << "remote oplog contain entry with term " << opTime.getTerm()
                                    << " that does not "
                                       "match the term in our required optime");
    return Status::OK();
コード例 #9
ファイル: strategy.cpp プロジェクト: hyrlamiranda/mongo
void Strategy::commandOp(OperationContext* txn,
                         const string& db,
                         const BSONObj& command,
                         int options,
                         const string& versionedNS,
                         const BSONObj& targetingQuery,
                         vector<CommandResult>* results) {
    QuerySpec qSpec(db + ".$cmd", command, BSONObj(), 0, 1, options);

    ParallelSortClusteredCursor cursor(qSpec, CommandInfo(versionedNS, targetingQuery));

    // Initialize the cursor

    set<ShardId> shardIds;

    for (const ShardId& shardId : shardIds) {
        CommandResult result;
        result.shardTargetId = shardId;

        result.target = fassertStatusOK(
            28739, ConnectionString::parse(cursor.getShardCursor(shardId)->originalHost()));
        result.result = cursor.getShardCursor(shardId)->peekFirst().getOwned();
コード例 #10
executor::TaskExecutor::EventHandle AsyncResultsMerger::kill() {
    stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lk(_mutex);
    if (_killCursorsScheduledEvent.isValid()) {
        invariant(_lifecycleState != kAlive);
        return _killCursorsScheduledEvent;

    _lifecycleState = kKillStarted;

    // Make '_killCursorsScheduledEvent', which we will signal as soon as we have scheduled a
    // killCursors command to run on all the remote shards.
    auto statusWithEvent = _executor->makeEvent();
    if (ErrorCodes::isShutdownError(statusWithEvent.getStatus().code())) {
        // The underlying task executor is shutting down.
        if (!haveOutstandingBatchRequests_inlock()) {
            _lifecycleState = kKillComplete;
        return executor::TaskExecutor::EventHandle();
    fassertStatusOK(28716, statusWithEvent);
    _killCursorsScheduledEvent = statusWithEvent.getValue();

    // If we're not waiting for responses from remotes, we can schedule killCursors commands on the
    // remotes now. Otherwise, we have to wait until all responses are back, and then we can kill
    // the remote cursors.
    if (!haveOutstandingBatchRequests_inlock()) {
        _lifecycleState = kKillComplete;

    return _killCursorsScheduledEvent;
コード例 #11
static vector<ConnectionString> getHosts(const vector<string> hostStrings) {
    vector<ConnectionString> hosts;
    for (const auto& host : hostStrings) {
        hosts.push_back(fassertStatusOK(28738, ConnectionString::parse(host)));

    return hosts;
コード例 #12
WriteConcernOptions MigrationSecondaryThrottleOptions::getWriteConcern() const {
    invariant(_secondaryThrottle != kOff);

    WriteConcernOptions writeConcern;
    fassertStatusOK(34414, writeConcern.parse(*_writeConcernBSON));

    return writeConcern;
コード例 #13
ファイル: system_index.cpp プロジェクト: DINKIN/mongo
void createSystemIndexes(OperationContext* opCtx, Collection* collection) {
    const NamespaceString& ns = collection->ns();
    if (ns == AuthorizationManager::usersCollectionNamespace) {
        auto indexSpec = fassertStatusOK(
                v3SystemUsersIndexSpec.toBSON(), ns, serverGlobalParams.featureCompatibility));

            40456, collection->getIndexCatalog()->createIndexOnEmptyCollection(opCtx, indexSpec));
    } else if (ns == AuthorizationManager::rolesCollectionNamespace) {
        auto indexSpec = fassertStatusOK(
                v3SystemRolesIndexSpec.toBSON(), ns, serverGlobalParams.featureCompatibility));

            40458, collection->getIndexCatalog()->createIndexOnEmptyCollection(opCtx, indexSpec));
    } else if (ns == sessionCollectionNamespace) {
        auto indexSpec = fassertStatusOK(
                v1SystemSessionsIndexSpec.toBSON(), ns, serverGlobalParams.featureCompatibility));

            40494, collection->getIndexCatalog()->createIndexOnEmptyCollection(opCtx, indexSpec));
コード例 #14
void ReplicationCoordinatorImpl::_recoverFromElectionTie(
    const executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackArgs& cbData) {
    stdx::unique_lock<stdx::mutex> lk(_mutex);

    auto now = _replExecutor->now();
    const auto status = _topCoord->checkShouldStandForElection(now);
    if (!status.isOK()) {
        LOG(2) << "ReplicationCoordinatorImpl::_recoverFromElectionTie -- " << status.reason();
    } else {
        fassertStatusOK(28817, _topCoord->becomeCandidateIfElectable(now, false));
コード例 #15
void CollectionShardingState::_onConfigDeleteInvalidateCachedMetadataAndNotify(
    OperationContext* opCtx, const BSONObj& query) {
    dassert(opCtx->lockState()->isCollectionLockedForMode(_nss.ns(), MODE_IX));
    invariant(serverGlobalParams.clusterRole == ClusterRole::ShardServer);

    // Extract which collection entry is being deleted from the _id field.
    std::string deletedCollection;
        40479, bsonExtractStringField(query, ShardCollectionType::uuid.name(), &deletedCollection));

        new CollectionVersionLogOpHandler(opCtx, NamespaceString(deletedCollection)));
コード例 #16
void ReplicationCoordinatorImpl::_recoverFromElectionTie(
    const ReplicationExecutor::CallbackArgs& cbData) {
    LockGuard topoLock(_topoMutex);

    auto now = _replExecutor.now();
    auto lastOpApplied = getMyLastAppliedOpTime();
    const auto status = _topCoord->checkShouldStandForElection(now, lastOpApplied);
    if (!status.isOK()) {
        LOG(2) << "ReplicationCoordinatorImpl::_recoverFromElectionTie -- " << status.reason();
    } else {
        fassertStatusOK(28817, _topCoord->becomeCandidateIfElectable(now, lastOpApplied, false));
コード例 #17
bool DeferredWriter::insertDocument(BSONObj obj) {
    // We can't insert documents if we haven't been started up.

    stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lock(_mutex);

    // Check if we're allowed to insert this object.
    if (_numBytes + obj.objsize() >= _maxNumBytes) {
        // If not, drop it.  We always drop new entries rather than old ones; that way the caller
        // knows at the time of the call that the entry was dropped.
        return false;

    // Add the object to the buffer.
    _numBytes += obj.objsize();
                    _pool->schedule([this, obj] { _worker(InsertStatement(obj.getOwned())); }));
    return true;
コード例 #18
ファイル: bgsync.cpp プロジェクト: mpobrien/mongo
void BackgroundSync::_produce(OperationContext* opCtx) {
    if (MONGO_FAIL_POINT(stopReplProducer)) {
        // This log output is used in js tests so please leave it.
        log() << "bgsync - stopReplProducer fail point "
                 "enabled. Blocking until fail point is disabled.";

        // TODO(SERVER-27120): Remove the return statement and uncomment the while loop.
        // Currently we cannot block here or we prevent primaries from being fully elected since
        // we'll never call _signalNoNewDataForApplier.
        //        while (MONGO_FAIL_POINT(stopReplProducer) && !inShutdown()) {
        //            mongo::sleepsecs(1);
        //        }

    // this oplog reader does not do a handshake because we don't want the server it's syncing
    // from to track how far it has synced
        stdx::unique_lock<stdx::mutex> lock(_mutex);
        if (_lastOpTimeFetched.isNull()) {
            // then we're initial syncing and we're still waiting for this to be set
            // if there is no one to sync from

        if (_state != ProducerState::Running) {

    // find a target to sync from the last optime fetched
    OpTime lastOpTimeFetched;
    HostAndPort source;
    HostAndPort oldSource = _syncSourceHost;
    SyncSourceResolverResponse syncSourceResp;
        const OpTime minValidSaved =

        stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lock(_mutex);
        if (_state != ProducerState::Running) {
        const auto requiredOpTime = (minValidSaved > _lastOpTimeFetched) ? minValidSaved : OpTime();
        lastOpTimeFetched = _lastOpTimeFetched;
        _syncSourceHost = HostAndPort();
        _syncSourceResolver = stdx::make_unique<SyncSourceResolver>(
            [&syncSourceResp](const SyncSourceResolverResponse& resp) { syncSourceResp = resp; });
    // This may deadlock if called inside the mutex because SyncSourceResolver::startup() calls
    // ReplicationCoordinator::chooseNewSyncSource(). ReplicationCoordinatorImpl's mutex has to
    // acquired before BackgroundSync's.
    // It is safe to call startup() outside the mutex on this instance of SyncSourceResolver because
    // we do not destroy this instance outside of this function which is only called from a single
    // thread.
    auto status = _syncSourceResolver->startup();
    if (ErrorCodes::CallbackCanceled == status || ErrorCodes::isShutdownError(status.code())) {
    fassertStatusOK(40349, status);
        stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lock(_mutex);

    if (syncSourceResp.syncSourceStatus == ErrorCodes::OplogStartMissing) {
        // All (accessible) sync sources were too stale.
        if (_replCoord->getMemberState().primary()) {
            warning() << "Too stale to catch up.";
            log() << "Our newest OpTime : " << lastOpTimeFetched;
            log() << "Earliest OpTime available is " << syncSourceResp.earliestOpTimeSeen
                  << " from " << syncSourceResp.getSyncSource();

        // We only need to mark ourselves as too stale once.
        if (_tooStale) {

        // Mark yourself as too stale.
        _tooStale = true;

        error() << "too stale to catch up -- entering maintenance mode";
        log() << "Our newest OpTime : " << lastOpTimeFetched;
        log() << "Earliest OpTime available is " << syncSourceResp.earliestOpTimeSeen;
        log() << "See http://dochub.mongodb.org/core/resyncingaverystalereplicasetmember";

        // Activate maintenance mode and transition to RECOVERING.
        auto status = _replCoord->setMaintenanceMode(true);
        if (!status.isOK()) {
            warning() << "Failed to transition into maintenance mode: " << status;
        status = _replCoord->setFollowerMode(MemberState::RS_RECOVERING);
        if (!status.isOK()) {
            warning() << "Failed to transition into " << MemberState(MemberState::RS_RECOVERING)
                      << ". Current state: " << _replCoord->getMemberState() << causedBy(status);
    } else if (syncSourceResp.isOK() && !syncSourceResp.getSyncSource().empty()) {
            stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lock(_mutex);
            _syncSourceHost = syncSourceResp.getSyncSource();
            source = _syncSourceHost;
        // If our sync source has not changed, it is likely caused by our heartbeat data map being
        // out of date. In that case we sleep for 1 second to reduce the amount we spin waiting
        // for our map to update.
        if (oldSource == source) {
            log() << "Chose same sync source candidate as last time, " << source
                  << ". Sleeping for 1 second to avoid immediately choosing a new sync source for "
                     "the same reason as last time.";
    } else {
        if (!syncSourceResp.isOK()) {
            log() << "failed to find sync source, received error "
                  << syncSourceResp.syncSourceStatus.getStatus();
        // No sync source found.

    // If we find a good sync source after having gone too stale, disable maintenance mode so we can
    // transition to SECONDARY.
    if (_tooStale) {

        _tooStale = false;

        log() << "No longer too stale. Able to sync from " << _syncSourceHost;

        auto status = _replCoord->setMaintenanceMode(false);
        if (!status.isOK()) {
            warning() << "Failed to leave maintenance mode: " << status;

    long long lastHashFetched;
        stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lock(_mutex);
        if (_state != ProducerState::Running) {
        lastOpTimeFetched = _lastOpTimeFetched;
        lastHashFetched = _lastFetchedHash;

    if (!_replCoord->getMemberState().primary()) {

    // Set the applied point if unset. This is most likely the first time we've established a sync
    // source since stepping down or otherwise clearing the applied point. We need to set this here,
    // before the OplogWriter gets a chance to append to the oplog.
    if (_replicationProcess->getConsistencyMarkers()->getAppliedThrough(opCtx).isNull()) {
            opCtx, _replCoord->getMyLastAppliedOpTime());

    // "lastFetched" not used. Already set in _enqueueDocuments.
    Status fetcherReturnStatus = Status::OK();
    DataReplicatorExternalStateBackgroundSync dataReplicatorExternalState(
        _replCoord, _replicationCoordinatorExternalState, this);
    OplogFetcher* oplogFetcher;
    try {
        auto onOplogFetcherShutdownCallbackFn = [&fetcherReturnStatus](const Status& status) {
            fetcherReturnStatus = status;
        // The construction of OplogFetcher has to be outside bgsync mutex, because it calls
        // replication coordinator.
        auto oplogFetcherPtr = stdx::make_unique<OplogFetcher>(
            OpTimeWithHash(lastHashFetched, lastOpTimeFetched),
            true /* requireFresherSyncSource */,
        stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lock(_mutex);
        if (_state != ProducerState::Running) {
        _oplogFetcher = std::move(oplogFetcherPtr);
        oplogFetcher = _oplogFetcher.get();
    } catch (const mongo::DBException& ex) {
        fassertFailedWithStatus(34440, exceptionToStatus());

    const auto logLevel = Command::testCommandsEnabled ? 0 : 1;
    LOG(logLevel) << "scheduling fetcher to read remote oplog on " << _syncSourceHost
                  << " starting at " << oplogFetcher->getFindQuery_forTest()["filter"];
    auto scheduleStatus = oplogFetcher->startup();
    if (!scheduleStatus.isOK()) {
        warning() << "unable to schedule fetcher to read remote oplog on " << source << ": "
                  << scheduleStatus;

    LOG(1) << "fetcher stopped reading remote oplog on " << source;

    // If the background sync is stopped after the fetcher is started, we need to
    // re-evaluate our sync source and oplog common point.
    if (getState() != ProducerState::Running) {
        log() << "Replication producer stopped after oplog fetcher finished returning a batch from "
                 "our sync source.  Abandoning this batch of oplog entries and re-evaluating our "
                 "sync source.";

    if (fetcherReturnStatus.code() == ErrorCodes::OplogOutOfOrder) {
        // This is bad because it means that our source
        // has not returned oplog entries in ascending ts order, and they need to be.

        warning() << redact(fetcherReturnStatus);
        // Do not blacklist the server here, it will be blacklisted when we try to reuse it,
        // if it can't return a matching oplog start from the last fetch oplog ts field.
    } else if (fetcherReturnStatus.code() == ErrorCodes::OplogStartMissing) {
        auto storageInterface = StorageInterface::get(opCtx);
        _runRollback(opCtx, fetcherReturnStatus, source, syncSourceResp.rbid, storageInterface);
    } else if (fetcherReturnStatus == ErrorCodes::InvalidBSON) {
        Seconds blacklistDuration(60);
        warning() << "Fetcher got invalid BSON while querying oplog. Blacklisting sync source "
                  << source << " for " << blacklistDuration << ".";
        _replCoord->blacklistSyncSource(source, Date_t::now() + blacklistDuration);
    } else if (!fetcherReturnStatus.isOK()) {
        warning() << "Fetcher stopped querying remote oplog with error: "
                  << redact(fetcherReturnStatus);
コード例 #19
void OplogReader::connectToSyncSource(OperationContext* txn,
                                      const OpTime& lastOpTimeFetched,
                                      ReplicationCoordinator* replCoord) {
    const Timestamp sentinelTimestamp(duration_cast<Seconds>(Milliseconds(curTimeMillis64())), 0);
    const OpTime sentinel(sentinelTimestamp, std::numeric_limits<long long>::max());
    OpTime oldestOpTimeSeen = sentinel;

    invariant(conn() == NULL);

    while (true) {
        HostAndPort candidate = replCoord->chooseNewSyncSource(lastOpTimeFetched.getTimestamp());

        if (candidate.empty()) {
            if (oldestOpTimeSeen == sentinel) {
                // If, in this invocation of connectToSyncSource(), we did not successfully
                // connect to any node ahead of us,
                // we apparently have no sync sources to connect to.
                // This situation is common; e.g. if there are no writes to the primary at
                // the moment.

            // Connected to at least one member, but in all cases we were too stale to use them
            // as a sync source.
            error() << "too stale to catch up";
            log() << "our last optime : " << lastOpTimeFetched;
            log() << "oldest available is " << oldestOpTimeSeen;
            log() << "See http://dochub.mongodb.org/core/resyncingaverystalereplicasetmember";
            setMinValid(txn, oldestOpTimeSeen);
            bool worked = replCoord->setFollowerMode(MemberState::RS_RECOVERING);
            if (!worked) {
                warning() << "Failed to transition into " << MemberState(MemberState::RS_RECOVERING)
                          << ". Current state: " << replCoord->getMemberState();

        if (!connect(candidate)) {
            LOG(2) << "can't connect to " << candidate.toString() << " to read operations";
            replCoord->blacklistSyncSource(candidate, Date_t::now() + Seconds(10));
        // Read the first (oldest) op and confirm that it's not newer than our last
        // fetched op. Otherwise, we have fallen off the back of that source's oplog.
        BSONObj remoteOldestOp(findOne(rsOplogName.c_str(), Query()));
        OpTime remoteOldOpTime = fassertStatusOK(28776, OpTime::parseFromBSON(remoteOldestOp));

        // remoteOldOpTime may come from a very old config, so we cannot compare their terms.
        if (!lastOpTimeFetched.isNull() &&
            lastOpTimeFetched.getTimestamp() < remoteOldOpTime.getTimestamp()) {
            // We're too stale to use this sync source.
            replCoord->blacklistSyncSource(candidate, Date_t::now() + Minutes(1));
            if (oldestOpTimeSeen.getTimestamp() > remoteOldOpTime.getTimestamp()) {
                warning() << "we are too stale to use " << candidate.toString()
                          << " as a sync source";
                oldestOpTimeSeen = remoteOldOpTime;

        // Got a valid sync source.
    }  // while (true)
コード例 #20
ファイル: drop_database.cpp プロジェクト: DINKIN/mongo
Status dropDatabase(OperationContext* opCtx, const std::string& dbName) {
            "Cannot drop a database in read-only mode",
    // TODO (Kal): OldClientContext legacy, needs to be removed
        stdx::lock_guard<Client> lk(*opCtx->getClient());

    auto replCoord = repl::ReplicationCoordinator::get(opCtx);
    std::size_t numCollectionsToDrop = 0;

    // We have to wait for the last drop-pending collection to be removed if there are no
    // collections to drop.
    repl::OpTime latestDropPendingOpTime;

    using Result = boost::optional<Status>;
    // Get an optional result--if it's there, early return; otherwise, wait for collections to drop.
    auto result = writeConflictRetry(opCtx, "dropDatabase_collection", dbName, [&] {
        Lock::GlobalWrite lk(opCtx);
        AutoGetDb autoDB(opCtx, dbName, MODE_X);
        Database* const db = autoDB.getDb();
        if (!db) {
            return Result(Status(ErrorCodes::NamespaceNotFound,
                                 str::stream() << "Could not drop database " << dbName
                                               << " because it does not exist"));

        bool userInitiatedWritesAndNotPrimary =
            opCtx->writesAreReplicated() && !replCoord->canAcceptWritesForDatabase(opCtx, dbName);

        if (userInitiatedWritesAndNotPrimary) {
            return Result(
                       str::stream() << "Not primary while dropping database " << dbName));

        log() << "dropDatabase " << dbName << " - starting";
        db->setDropPending(opCtx, true);

        // If Database::dropCollectionEventIfSystem() fails, we should reset the drop-pending state
        // on Database.
        auto dropPendingGuard = MakeGuard([&db, opCtx] { db->setDropPending(opCtx, false); });

        for (auto collection : *db) {
            const auto& nss = collection->ns();
            if (nss.isDropPendingNamespace() && replCoord->isReplEnabled() &&
                opCtx->writesAreReplicated()) {
                log() << "dropDatabase " << dbName << " - found drop-pending collection: " << nss;
                latestDropPendingOpTime = std::max(
                    latestDropPendingOpTime, uassertStatusOK(nss.getDropPendingNamespaceOpTime()));
            if (replCoord->isOplogDisabledFor(opCtx, nss) || nss.isSystemDotIndexes()) {
            log() << "dropDatabase " << dbName << " - dropping collection: " << nss;
            WriteUnitOfWork wunit(opCtx);
            fassertStatusOK(40476, db->dropCollectionEvenIfSystem(opCtx, nss));

        // If there are no collection drops to wait for, we complete the drop database operation.
        if (numCollectionsToDrop == 0U && latestDropPendingOpTime.isNull()) {
            return Result(_finishDropDatabase(opCtx, dbName, db));

        return Result(boost::none);

    if (result) {
        return *result;

    // If waitForWriteConcern() returns an error or throws an exception, we should reset the
    // drop-pending state on Database.
    auto dropPendingGuardWhileAwaitingReplication = MakeGuard([dbName, opCtx] {
        Lock::GlobalWrite lk(opCtx);
        AutoGetDb autoDB(opCtx, dbName, MODE_X);
        if (auto db = autoDB.getDb()) {
            db->setDropPending(opCtx, false);

        // Holding of any locks is disallowed while awaiting replication because this can
        // potentially block for long time while doing network activity.
        // Even though dropDatabase() does not explicitly acquire any locks before awaiting
        // replication, it is possible that the caller of this function may already have acquired
        // a lock. The applyOps command is an example of a dropDatabase() caller that does this.
        // Therefore, we have to release any locks using a TempRelease RAII object.
        // TODO: Remove the use of this TempRelease object when SERVER-29802 is completed.
        // The work in SERVER-29802 will adjust the locking rules around applyOps operations and
        // dropDatabase is expected to be one of the operations where we expect to no longer acquire
        // the global lock.
        Lock::TempRelease release(opCtx->lockState());

        if (numCollectionsToDrop > 0U) {
            auto status =
                replCoord->awaitReplicationOfLastOpForClient(opCtx, kDropDatabaseWriteConcern)
            if (!status.isOK()) {
                return Status(status.code(),
                              str::stream() << "dropDatabase " << dbName << " failed waiting for "
                                            << numCollectionsToDrop
                                            << " collection drops to replicate: "
                                            << status.reason());

            log() << "dropDatabase " << dbName << " - successfully dropped " << numCollectionsToDrop
                  << " collections. dropping database";
        } else {
            auto status =
                    ->awaitReplication(opCtx, latestDropPendingOpTime, kDropDatabaseWriteConcern)
            if (!status.isOK()) {
                return Status(
                        << "dropDatabase "
                        << dbName
                        << " failed waiting for pending collection drops (most recent drop optime: "
                        << latestDropPendingOpTime.toString()
                        << ") to replicate: "
                        << status.reason());

            log() << "dropDatabase " << dbName
                  << " - pending collection drops completed. dropping database";


    return writeConflictRetry(opCtx, "dropDatabase_database", dbName, [&] {
        Lock::GlobalWrite lk(opCtx);
        AutoGetDb autoDB(opCtx, dbName, MODE_X);
        if (auto db = autoDB.getDb()) {
            return _finishDropDatabase(opCtx, dbName, db);

        return Status(ErrorCodes::NamespaceNotFound,
                      str::stream() << "Could not drop database " << dbName
                                    << " because it does not exist after dropping "
                                    << numCollectionsToDrop
                                    << " collection(s).");
コード例 #21
ファイル: sync_tail.cpp プロジェクト: Jaryli/mongo
/* tail an oplog.  ok to return, will be re-called. */
void SyncTail::oplogApplication() {
    ReplicationCoordinator* replCoord = getGlobalReplicationCoordinator();
    ApplyBatchFinalizer finalizer(replCoord);

    OperationContextImpl txn;
    OpTime originalEndOpTime(getMinValid(&txn).end);

    while (!inShutdown()) {
        OpQueue ops;

        Timer batchTimer;
        int lastTimeChecked = 0;

        do {
            int now = batchTimer.seconds();

            // apply replication batch limits
            if (!ops.empty()) {
                if (now > replBatchLimitSeconds)
                if (ops.getDeque().size() > replBatchLimitOperations)
            // occasionally check some things
            // (always checked in the first iteration of this do-while loop, because
            // ops is empty)
            if (ops.empty() || now > lastTimeChecked) {
                BackgroundSync* bgsync = BackgroundSync::get();
                if (bgsync->getInitialSyncRequestedFlag()) {
                    // got a resync command
                lastTimeChecked = now;
                // can we become secondary?
                // we have to check this before calling mgr, as we must be a secondary to
                // become primary
                tryToGoLiveAsASecondary(&txn, replCoord);

            const int slaveDelaySecs = durationCount<Seconds>(replCoord->getSlaveDelaySecs());
            if (!ops.empty() && slaveDelaySecs > 0) {
                const BSONObj lastOp = ops.back();
                const unsigned int opTimestampSecs = lastOp["ts"].timestamp().getSecs();

                // Stop the batch as the lastOp is too new to be applied. If we continue
                // on, we can get ops that are way ahead of the delay and this will
                // make this thread sleep longer when handleSlaveDelay is called
                // and apply ops much sooner than we like.
                if (opTimestampSecs > static_cast<unsigned int>(time(0) - slaveDelaySecs)) {

            if (MONGO_FAIL_POINT(rsSyncApplyStop)) {

            // keep fetching more ops as long as we haven't filled up a full batch yet
        } while (!tryPopAndWaitForMore(&txn, &ops, replCoord) &&  // tryPopAndWaitForMore returns
                                                                  // true when we need to end a
                                                                  // batch early
                 (ops.getSize() < replBatchLimitBytes) &&

        // For pausing replication in tests
        while (MONGO_FAIL_POINT(rsSyncApplyStop)) {
            if (inShutdown())

        if (ops.empty()) {

        const BSONObj lastOp = ops.back();

        // Set minValid to the last OpTime that needs to be applied, in this batch or from the
        // (last) failed batch, whichever is larger.
        // This will cause this node to go into RECOVERING state
        // if we should crash and restart before updating finishing.
        const OpTime start(getLastSetTimestamp(), OpTime::kUninitializedTerm);

        // Take the max of the first endOptime (if we recovered) and the end of our batch.
        const auto lastOpTime = fassertStatusOK(28773, OpTime::parseFromOplogEntry(lastOp));

        // Setting end to the max of originalEndOpTime and lastOpTime (the end of the batch)
        // ensures that we keep pushing out the point where we can become consistent
        // and allow reads. If we recover and end up doing smaller batches we must pass the
        // originalEndOpTime before we are good.
        // For example:
        // batch apply, 20-40, end = 40
        // batch failure,
        // restart
        // batch apply, 20-25, end = max(25, 40) = 40
        // batch apply, 25-45, end = 45
        const OpTime end(std::max(originalEndOpTime, lastOpTime));

        // This write will not journal/checkpoint.
        setMinValid(&txn, {start, end});

        OpTime finalOpTime = multiApply(&txn, ops);

        setMinValid(&txn, end, DurableRequirement::None);
void ReplicationCoordinatorExternalStateImpl::_shardingOnTransitionToPrimaryHook(
    OperationContext* txn) {
    auto status = ShardingStateRecovery::recover(txn);

    if (ErrorCodes::isShutdownError(status.code())) {
        // Note: callers of this method don't expect exceptions, so throw only unexpected fatal
        // errors.

    fassertStatusOK(40107, status);

    if (serverGlobalParams.clusterRole == ClusterRole::ConfigServer) {
        status = Grid::get(txn)->catalogManager()->initializeConfigDatabaseIfNeeded(txn);
        if (!status.isOK() && status != ErrorCodes::AlreadyInitialized) {
            if (ErrorCodes::isShutdownError(status.code())) {
                // Don't fassert if we're mid-shutdown, let the shutdown happen gracefully.

                                               << "Failed to initialize config database on config "
                                                  "server's first transition to primary"
                                               << causedBy(status)));

        if (status.isOK()) {
            // Load the clusterId into memory. Use local readConcern, since we can't use majority
            // readConcern in drain mode because the global lock prevents replication. This is
            // safe, since if the clusterId write is rolled back, any writes that depend on it will
            // also be rolled back.
            // Since we *just* wrote the cluster ID to the config.version document (via
            // ShardingCatalogManager::initializeConfigDatabaseIfNeeded), this should always
            // succeed.
            status = ClusterIdentityLoader::get(txn)->loadClusterId(
                txn, repl::ReadConcernLevel::kLocalReadConcern);

            if (ErrorCodes::isShutdownError(status.code())) {
                // Don't fassert if we're mid-shutdown, let the shutdown happen gracefully.

            fassertStatusOK(40217, status);

        // For upgrade from 3.2 to 3.4, check if any shards in config.shards are not yet marked as
        // shard aware, and attempt to initialize sharding awareness on them.
        auto shardAwareInitializationStatus =
        if (!shardAwareInitializationStatus.isOK()) {
            warning() << "Error while attempting to initialize sharding awareness on sharding "
                         "unaware shards "
                      << causedBy(shardAwareInitializationStatus);

        // If this is a config server node becoming a primary, start the balancer
    } else if (ShardingState::get(txn)->enabled()) {
        const auto configsvrConnStr =
        auto status = ShardingState::get(txn)->updateShardIdentityConfigString(
            txn, configsvrConnStr.toString());
        if (!status.isOK()) {
            warning() << "error encountered while trying to update config connection string to "
                      << configsvrConnStr << causedBy(status);

    // There is a slight chance that some stale metadata might have been loaded before the latest
    // optime has been recovered, so throw out everything that we have up to now
コード例 #23
Status MigrationSourceManager::commitDonateChunk(OperationContext* txn) {
    invariant(_state == kCriticalSection);
    auto scopedGuard = MakeGuard([&] { cleanupOnError(txn); });

    // Tell the recipient shard to fetch the latest changes
    Status commitCloneStatus = _cloneDriver->commitClone(txn);

    if (MONGO_FAIL_POINT(failMigrationCommit) && commitCloneStatus.isOK()) {
        commitCloneStatus = {ErrorCodes::InternalError,
                             "Failing _recvChunkCommit due to failpoint."};

    if (!commitCloneStatus.isOK()) {
        return {commitCloneStatus.code(),
                str::stream() << "commit clone failed due to " << commitCloneStatus.toString()};

    // Generate the next collection version.
    ChunkVersion uncommittedCollVersion = _committedMetadata->getCollVersion();

    // applyOps preparation for reflecting the uncommitted metadata on the config server

    // Preconditions
    BSONArrayBuilder preCond;
        BSONObjBuilder b;
        b.append("ns", ChunkType::ConfigNS);
                 BSON("query" << BSON(ChunkType::ns(_args.getNss().ns())) << "orderby"
                              << BSON(ChunkType::DEPRECATED_lastmod() << -1)));
            BSONObjBuilder bb(b.subobjStart("res"));

            // TODO: For backwards compatibility, we can't yet require an epoch here


    // Update for the chunk which is being donated
    BSONArrayBuilder updates;
        BSONObjBuilder op;
        op.append("op", "u");
        op.appendBool("b", false);  // No upserting
        op.append("ns", ChunkType::ConfigNS);

        BSONObjBuilder n(op.subobjStart("o"));
        n.append(ChunkType::name(), ChunkType::genID(_args.getNss().ns(), _args.getMinKey()));
        uncommittedCollVersion.addToBSON(n, ChunkType::DEPRECATED_lastmod());
        n.append(ChunkType::ns(), _args.getNss().ns());
        n.append(ChunkType::min(), _args.getMinKey());
        n.append(ChunkType::max(), _args.getMaxKey());
        n.append(ChunkType::shard(), _args.getToShardId());

        BSONObjBuilder q(op.subobjStart("o2"));
        q.append(ChunkType::name(), ChunkType::genID(_args.getNss().ns(), _args.getMinKey()));


    // Update for the chunk being moved

    // Version at which the next highest lastmod will be set. If the chunk being moved is the last
    // in the shard, nextVersion is that chunk's lastmod otherwise the highest version is from the
    // chunk being bumped on the FROM-shard.
    ChunkVersion nextVersion = uncommittedCollVersion;

    // If we have chunks left on the FROM shard, update the version of one of them as well. We can
    // figure that out by grabbing the metadata as it has been changed.
    if (_committedMetadata->getNumChunks() > 1) {
        ChunkType bumpChunk;
        invariant(_committedMetadata->getDifferentChunk(_args.getMinKey(), &bumpChunk));

        BSONObj bumpMin = bumpChunk.getMin();
        BSONObj bumpMax = bumpChunk.getMax();

        dassert(bumpMin.woCompare(_args.getMinKey()) != 0);

        BSONObjBuilder op;
        op.append("op", "u");
        op.appendBool("b", false);
        op.append("ns", ChunkType::ConfigNS);

        BSONObjBuilder n(op.subobjStart("o"));
        n.append(ChunkType::name(), ChunkType::genID(_args.getNss().ns(), bumpMin));
        nextVersion.addToBSON(n, ChunkType::DEPRECATED_lastmod());
        n.append(ChunkType::ns(), _args.getNss().ns());
        n.append(ChunkType::min(), bumpMin);
        n.append(ChunkType::max(), bumpMax);
        n.append(ChunkType::shard(), _args.getFromShardId());

        BSONObjBuilder q(op.subobjStart("o2"));
        q.append(ChunkType::name(), ChunkType::genID(_args.getNss().ns(), bumpMin));


        log() << "moveChunk updating self version to: " << nextVersion << " through " << bumpMin
              << " -> " << bumpMax << " for collection '" << _args.getNss().ns() << "'";
    } else {
        log() << "moveChunk moved last chunk out for collection '" << _args.getNss().ns() << "'";


    Status applyOpsStatus = grid.catalogClient(txn)->applyChunkOpsDeprecated(
        txn, updates.arr(), preCond.arr(), _args.getNss().ns(), nextVersion);

    if (MONGO_FAIL_POINT(failCommitMigrationCommand)) {
        applyOpsStatus = Status(ErrorCodes::InternalError,
                                "Failpoint 'failCommitMigrationCommand' generated error");

    if (applyOpsStatus.isOK()) {
        // Now that applyOps succeeded and the new collection version is committed, update the
        // collection metadata to the new collection version and forget the migrated chunk.
        ScopedTransaction scopedXact(txn, MODE_IX);
        AutoGetCollection autoColl(txn, _args.getNss(), MODE_IX, MODE_X);

        ChunkType migratingChunkToForget;
        _committedMetadata =
            _committedMetadata->cloneMigrate(migratingChunkToForget, uncommittedCollVersion);
        auto css = CollectionShardingState::get(txn, _args.getNss().ns());
    } else {
        // This could be an unrelated error (e.g. network error). Check whether the metadata update
        // succeeded by refreshing the collection metadata from the config server and checking that
        // the original chunks no longer exist.

        warning() << "Migration metadata commit may have failed: refreshing metadata to check"
                  << causedBy(applyOpsStatus);

        // Need to get the latest optime in case the refresh request goes to a secondary --
        // otherwise the read won't wait for the write that applyChunkOpsDeprecated may have done.
        Status status = grid.catalogClient(txn)->logChange(
            BSON("min" << _args.getMinKey() << "max" << _args.getMaxKey() << "from"
                       << _args.getFromShardId()
                       << "to"
                       << _args.getToShardId()));
        if (!status.isOK()) {
                 str::stream() << "applyOps failed to commit chunk [" << _args.getMinKey() << ","
                               << _args.getMaxKey()
                               << ") due to "
                               << causedBy(applyOpsStatus)
                               << ", and updating the optime with a write before refreshing the "
                               << "metadata also failed: "
                               << causedBy(status)});

        ShardingState* const shardingState = ShardingState::get(txn);
        ChunkVersion shardVersion;
        Status refreshStatus =
            shardingState->refreshMetadataNow(txn, _args.getNss().ns(), &shardVersion);
                         str::stream() << "applyOps failed to commit chunk [" << _args.getMinKey()
                                       << ","
                                       << _args.getMaxKey()
                                       << ") due to "
                                       << causedBy(applyOpsStatus)
                                       << ", and refreshing collection metadata failed: "
                                       << causedBy(refreshStatus)});

            ScopedTransaction scopedXact(txn, MODE_IS);
            AutoGetCollection autoColl(txn, _args.getNss(), MODE_IS);

            auto css = CollectionShardingState::get(txn, _args.getNss());
            std::shared_ptr<CollectionMetadata> refreshedMetadata = css->getMetadata();

            if (refreshedMetadata->keyBelongsToMe(_args.getMinKey())) {
                invariant(refreshedMetadata->getCollVersion() ==

                // After refresh, the collection metadata indicates that the donor shard still owns
                // the chunk, so no migration changes were written to the config server metadata.
                return {applyOpsStatus.code(),
                        str::stream() << "Migration was not committed, applyOps failed: "
                                      << causedBy(applyOpsStatus)};

            ChunkVersion refreshedCollectionVersion = refreshedMetadata->getCollVersion();
            if (!refreshedCollectionVersion.equals(nextVersion)) {
                // The refreshed collection metadata's collection version does not match the control
                // chunk's updated collection version, which should now be the highest. The control
                // chunk was not committed, but the migrated chunk was. This state is not
                // recoverable.
                                 str::stream() << "Migration was partially committed, state is "
                                               << "unrecoverable. applyOps error: "
                                               << causedBy(applyOpsStatus)});



                                       BSON("min" << _args.getMinKey() << "max" << _args.getMaxKey()
                                                  << "from"
                                                  << _args.getFromShardId()
                                                  << "to"
                                                  << _args.getToShardId()));

    return Status::OK();
コード例 #24
ファイル: bgsync.cpp プロジェクト: gormanb/mongo
void BackgroundSync::_produce(OperationContext* txn) {

    while (MONGO_FAIL_POINT(pauseRsBgSyncProducer)) {

    // this oplog reader does not do a handshake because we don't want the server it's syncing
    // from to track how far it has synced
        stdx::unique_lock<stdx::mutex> lock(_mutex);
        if (_lastOpTimeFetched.isNull()) {
            // then we're initial syncing and we're still waiting for this to be set
            // if there is no one to sync from

        if (!_replCoord->isCatchingUp() &&
            (_replCoord->isWaitingForApplierToDrain() || _replCoord->getMemberState().primary())) {

        if (_inShutdown_inlock()) {

    // find a target to sync from the last optime fetched
    OpTime lastOpTimeFetched;
    HostAndPort source;
    SyncSourceResolverResponse syncSourceResp;
    SyncSourceResolver* syncSourceResolver;
    OpTime minValid;
    if (_replCoord->getMemberState().recovering()) {
        auto minValidSaved = StorageInterface::get(txn)->getMinValid(txn);
        if (minValidSaved > lastOpTimeFetched) {
            minValid = minValidSaved;
        stdx::unique_lock<stdx::mutex> lock(_mutex);
        lastOpTimeFetched = _lastOpTimeFetched;
        _syncSourceHost = HostAndPort();
        _syncSourceResolver = stdx::make_unique<SyncSourceResolver>(
            [&syncSourceResp](const SyncSourceResolverResponse& resp) { syncSourceResp = resp; });
        syncSourceResolver = _syncSourceResolver.get();
    // This may deadlock if called inside the mutex because SyncSourceResolver::startup() calls
    // ReplicationCoordinator::chooseNewSyncSource(). ReplicationCoordinatorImpl's mutex has to
    // acquired before BackgroundSync's.
    // It is safe to call startup() outside the mutex on this instance of SyncSourceResolver because
    // we do not destroy this instance outside of this function.
    auto status = _syncSourceResolver->startup();
    if (ErrorCodes::CallbackCanceled == status || ErrorCodes::isShutdownError(status.code())) {
    fassertStatusOK(40349, status);
    syncSourceResolver = nullptr;
        stdx::unique_lock<stdx::mutex> lock(_mutex);

    if (syncSourceResp.syncSourceStatus == ErrorCodes::OplogStartMissing) {
        // All (accessible) sync sources were too stale.
        if (_replCoord->isCatchingUp()) {
            warning() << "Too stale to catch up.";
            log() << "Our newest OpTime : " << lastOpTimeFetched;
            log() << "Earliest OpTime available is " << syncSourceResp.earliestOpTimeSeen
                  << " from " << syncSourceResp.getSyncSource();

        error() << "too stale to catch up -- entering maintenance mode";
        log() << "Our newest OpTime : " << lastOpTimeFetched;
        log() << "Earliest OpTime available is " << syncSourceResp.earliestOpTimeSeen;
        log() << "See http://dochub.mongodb.org/core/resyncingaverystalereplicasetmember";
        auto status = _replCoord->setMaintenanceMode(true);
        if (!status.isOK()) {
            warning() << "Failed to transition into maintenance mode: " << status;
        bool worked = _replCoord->setFollowerMode(MemberState::RS_RECOVERING);
        if (!worked) {
            warning() << "Failed to transition into " << MemberState(MemberState::RS_RECOVERING)
                      << ". Current state: " << _replCoord->getMemberState();
    } else if (syncSourceResp.isOK() && !syncSourceResp.getSyncSource().empty()) {
        stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lock(_mutex);
        _syncSourceHost = syncSourceResp.getSyncSource();
        source = _syncSourceHost;
    } else {
        if (!syncSourceResp.isOK()) {
            log() << "failed to find sync source, received error "
                  << syncSourceResp.syncSourceStatus.getStatus();
        // No sync source found.

    long long lastHashFetched;
        stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lock(_mutex);
        if (_stopped) {
        lastOpTimeFetched = _lastOpTimeFetched;
        lastHashFetched = _lastFetchedHash;
        if (!_replCoord->isCatchingUp()) {

    // Set the applied point if unset. This is most likely the first time we've established a sync
    // source since stepping down or otherwise clearing the applied point. We need to set this here,
    // before the OplogWriter gets a chance to append to the oplog.
    if (StorageInterface::get(txn)->getAppliedThrough(txn).isNull()) {
        StorageInterface::get(txn)->setAppliedThrough(txn, _replCoord->getMyLastAppliedOpTime());

    // "lastFetched" not used. Already set in _enqueueDocuments.
    Status fetcherReturnStatus = Status::OK();
    DataReplicatorExternalStateBackgroundSync dataReplicatorExternalState(
        _replCoord, _replicationCoordinatorExternalState, this);
    OplogFetcher* oplogFetcher;
    try {
        auto executor = _replicationCoordinatorExternalState->getTaskExecutor();
        auto config = _replCoord->getConfig();
        auto onOplogFetcherShutdownCallbackFn =
            [&fetcherReturnStatus](const Status& status, const OpTimeWithHash& lastFetched) {
                fetcherReturnStatus = status;

        stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lock(_mutex);
        _oplogFetcher = stdx::make_unique<OplogFetcher>(
            OpTimeWithHash(lastHashFetched, lastOpTimeFetched),
        oplogFetcher = _oplogFetcher.get();
    } catch (const mongo::DBException& ex) {
        fassertFailedWithStatus(34440, exceptionToStatus());

    LOG(1) << "scheduling fetcher to read remote oplog on " << _syncSourceHost << " starting at "
           << oplogFetcher->getCommandObject_forTest()["filter"];
    auto scheduleStatus = oplogFetcher->startup();
    if (!scheduleStatus.isOK()) {
        warning() << "unable to schedule fetcher to read remote oplog on " << source << ": "
                  << scheduleStatus;

    LOG(1) << "fetcher stopped reading remote oplog on " << source;

    // If the background sync is stopped after the fetcher is started, we need to
    // re-evaluate our sync source and oplog common point.
    if (isStopped()) {

    if (fetcherReturnStatus.code() == ErrorCodes::OplogOutOfOrder) {
        // This is bad because it means that our source
        // has not returned oplog entries in ascending ts order, and they need to be.

        warning() << redact(fetcherReturnStatus);
        // Do not blacklist the server here, it will be blacklisted when we try to reuse it,
        // if it can't return a matching oplog start from the last fetch oplog ts field.
    } else if (fetcherReturnStatus.code() == ErrorCodes::OplogStartMissing ||
               fetcherReturnStatus.code() == ErrorCodes::RemoteOplogStale) {
        if (_replCoord->isCatchingUp()) {
            warning() << "Rollback situation detected in catch-up mode; catch-up mode will end.";

        // Rollback is a synchronous operation that uses the task executor and may not be
        // executed inside the fetcher callback.
        const int messagingPortTags = 0;
        ConnectionPool connectionPool(messagingPortTags);
        std::unique_ptr<ConnectionPool::ConnectionPtr> connection;
        auto getConnection = [&connection, &connectionPool, source]() -> DBClientBase* {
            if (!connection.get()) {
                connection.reset(new ConnectionPool::ConnectionPtr(
                    &connectionPool, source, Date_t::now(), kRollbackOplogSocketTimeout));
            return connection->get();

            stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lock(_mutex);
            lastOpTimeFetched = _lastOpTimeFetched;

        log() << "Starting rollback due to " << redact(fetcherReturnStatus);

        // Wait till all buffered oplog entries have drained and been applied.
        auto lastApplied = _replCoord->getMyLastAppliedOpTime();
        if (lastApplied != lastOpTimeFetched) {
            log() << "Waiting for all operations from " << lastApplied << " until "
                  << lastOpTimeFetched << " to be applied before starting rollback.";
            while (lastOpTimeFetched > (lastApplied = _replCoord->getMyLastAppliedOpTime())) {
                if (isStopped() || inShutdown()) {
        // check that we are at minvalid, otherwise we cannot roll back as we may be in an
        // inconsistent state
        const auto minValid = StorageInterface::get(txn)->getMinValid(txn);
        if (lastApplied < minValid) {
                                  str::stream() << "need to rollback, but in inconsistent state. "
                                                << "minvalid: "
                                                << minValid.toString()
                                                << " > our last optime: "
                                                << lastApplied.toString()));

        _rollback(txn, source, getConnection);
    } else if (fetcherReturnStatus == ErrorCodes::InvalidBSON) {
        Seconds blacklistDuration(60);
        warning() << "Fetcher got invalid BSON while querying oplog. Blacklisting sync source "
                  << source << " for " << blacklistDuration << ".";
        _replCoord->blacklistSyncSource(source, Date_t::now() + blacklistDuration);
    } else if (!fetcherReturnStatus.isOK()) {
        warning() << "Fetcher stopped querying remote oplog with error: "
                  << redact(fetcherReturnStatus);
コード例 #25
StatusWith<Shard::QueryResponse> ShardLocal::_exhaustiveFindOnConfig(
    OperationContext* txn,
    const ReadPreferenceSetting& readPref,
    const repl::ReadConcernLevel& readConcernLevel,
    const NamespaceString& nss,
    const BSONObj& query,
    const BSONObj& sort,
    boost::optional<long long> limit) {
    auto replCoord = repl::ReplicationCoordinator::get(txn);

    if (readConcernLevel == repl::ReadConcernLevel::kMajorityReadConcern) {
        // Set up operation context with majority read snapshot so correct optime can be retrieved.
        Status status = txn->recoveryUnit()->setReadFromMajorityCommittedSnapshot();

        // Wait for any writes performed by this ShardLocal instance to be committed and visible.
        Status readConcernStatus = replCoord->waitUntilOpTimeForRead(
            txn, repl::ReadConcernArgs{_getLastOpTime(), readConcernLevel});
        if (!readConcernStatus.isOK()) {
            if (readConcernStatus == ErrorCodes::ShutdownInProgress ||
                ErrorCodes::isInterruption(readConcernStatus.code())) {
                return readConcernStatus;

            fassertStatusOK(40188, readConcernStatus);

        // Inform the storage engine to read from the committed snapshot for the rest of this
        // operation.
        status = txn->recoveryUnit()->setReadFromMajorityCommittedSnapshot();
        fassertStatusOK(40189, status);
    } else {
        invariant(readConcernLevel == repl::ReadConcernLevel::kLocalReadConcern);

    DBDirectClient client(txn);
    Query fullQuery(query);
    if (!sort.isEmpty()) {
    fullQuery.readPref(readPref.pref, BSONArray());

    try {
        std::unique_ptr<DBClientCursor> cursor =
            client.query(nss.ns().c_str(), fullQuery, limit.get_value_or(0));

        if (!cursor) {
            return {ErrorCodes::OperationFailed,
                    str::stream() << "Failed to establish a cursor for reading " << nss.ns()
                                  << " from local storage"};

        std::vector<BSONObj> documentVector;
        while (cursor->more()) {
            BSONObj document = cursor->nextSafe().getOwned();

        return Shard::QueryResponse{std::move(documentVector),
    } catch (const DBException& ex) {
        return ex.toStatus();
コード例 #26
ファイル: initial_sync.cpp プロジェクト: EmielZuurbier/mongo
/* applies oplog from "now" until endOpTime using the applier threads for initial sync*/
void InitialSync::_applyOplogUntil(OperationContext* txn, const OpTime& endOpTime) {
    unsigned long long bytesApplied = 0;
    unsigned long long entriesApplied = 0;
    while (true) {
        OpQueue ops;

        auto replCoord = repl::ReplicationCoordinator::get(txn);
        while (!tryPopAndWaitForMore(txn, &ops)) {
            // nothing came back last time, so go again
            if (ops.empty())

            // Check if we reached the end
            const BSONObj currentOp = ops.back().raw;
            const OpTime currentOpTime =
                fassertStatusOK(28772, OpTime::parseFromOplogEntry(currentOp));

            // When we reach the end return this batch
            if (currentOpTime == endOpTime) {
            } else if (currentOpTime > endOpTime) {
                severe() << "Applied past expected end " << endOpTime << " to " << currentOpTime
                         << " without seeing it. Rollback?";

            // apply replication batch limits
            if (ops.getSize() > replBatchLimitBytes)
            if (ops.getDeque().size() > replBatchLimitOperations)

        if (ops.empty()) {
            severe() << "got no ops for batch...";

        const BSONObj lastOp = ops.back().raw.getOwned();

        // Tally operation information
        bytesApplied += ops.getSize();
        entriesApplied += ops.getDeque().size();

        const OpTime lastOpTime = multiApply(txn, ops);


        if (inShutdown()) {

        // if the last op applied was our end, return
        if (lastOpTime == endOpTime) {
            LOG(1) << "SyncTail applied " << entriesApplied << " entries (" << bytesApplied
                   << " bytes) and finished at opTime " << endOpTime;
    }  // end of while (true)
コード例 #27
ファイル: replication_recovery.cpp プロジェクト: DINKIN/mongo
void ReplicationRecoveryImpl::recoverFromOplog(OperationContext* opCtx) try {
    if (_consistencyMarkers->getInitialSyncFlag(opCtx)) {
        log() << "No recovery needed. Initial sync flag set.";
        return;  // Initial Sync will take over so no cleanup is needed.

    const auto truncateAfterPoint = _consistencyMarkers->getOplogTruncateAfterPoint(opCtx);
    const auto appliedThrough = _consistencyMarkers->getAppliedThrough(opCtx);

    if (!truncateAfterPoint.isNull()) {
        log() << "Removing unapplied entries starting at: " << truncateAfterPoint.toBSON();
        _truncateOplogTo(opCtx, truncateAfterPoint);

    // Clear the truncateAfterPoint so that we don't truncate the next batch of oplog entries
    // erroneously.
    _consistencyMarkers->setOplogTruncateAfterPoint(opCtx, {});

    // TODO (SERVER-30556): Delete this line since the old oplog delete from point cannot exist.

    auto topOfOplogSW = _getLastAppliedOpTime(opCtx);
    boost::optional<OpTime> topOfOplog = boost::none;
    if (topOfOplogSW.getStatus() != ErrorCodes::CollectionIsEmpty &&
        topOfOplogSW.getStatus() != ErrorCodes::NamespaceNotFound) {
        fassertStatusOK(40290, topOfOplogSW);
        topOfOplog = topOfOplogSW.getValue();

    // If we have a checkpoint timestamp, then we recovered to a timestamp and should set the
    // initial data timestamp to that. Otherwise, we simply recovered the data on disk so we should
    // set the initial data timestamp to the top OpTime in the oplog once the data is consistent
    // there. If there is nothing in the oplog, then we do not set the initial data timestamp.
    auto checkpointTimestamp = _consistencyMarkers->getCheckpointTimestamp(opCtx);
    if (!checkpointTimestamp.isNull()) {

        // If we have a checkpoint timestamp, we set the initial data timestamp now so that
        // the operations we apply below can be given the proper timestamps.

    // Oplog is empty. There are no oplog entries to apply, so we exit recovery. If there was a
    // checkpointTimestamp then we already set the initial data timestamp. Otherwise, there is
    // nothing to set it to.
    if (!topOfOplog) {
        log() << "No oplog entries to apply for recovery. Oplog is empty.";

    if (auto startPoint = _getOplogApplicationStartPoint(checkpointTimestamp, appliedThrough)) {
        _applyToEndOfOplog(opCtx, startPoint.get(), topOfOplog->getTimestamp());

    // If we don't have a checkpoint timestamp, then we are either not running a storage engine
    // that supports "recover to stable timestamp" or we just upgraded from a version that didn't.
    // In both cases, the data on disk is not consistent until we have applied all oplog entries to
    // the end of the oplog, since we do not know which ones actually got applied before shutdown.
    // As a result, we do not set the initial data timestamp until after we have applied to the end
    // of the oplog.
    if (checkpointTimestamp.isNull()) {

} catch (...) {
    severe() << "Caught exception during replication recovery: " << exceptionToStatus();
コード例 #28
ファイル: bgsync.cpp プロジェクト: himanshugpt/mongo
void BackgroundSync::_fetcherCallback(const StatusWith<Fetcher::QueryResponse>& result,
                                      BSONObjBuilder* bob,
                                      const HostAndPort& source,
                                      OpTime lastOpTimeFetched,
                                      long long lastFetchedHash,
                                      Milliseconds fetcherMaxTimeMS,
                                      Status* remoteOplogStartStatus) {
    // if target cut connections between connecting and querying (for
    // example, because it stepped down) we might not have a cursor
    if (!result.isOK()) {

    if (inShutdown()) {

    // Check if we have been paused.
    if (isPaused()) {

    const auto& queryResponse = result.getValue();

    // Forward metadata (containing liveness information) to replication coordinator.
    bool receivedMetadata =
    if (receivedMetadata) {
        auto metadataResult =
        if (!metadataResult.isOK()) {
            error() << "invalid replication metadata from sync source " << source << ": "
                    << metadataResult.getStatus() << ": " << queryResponse.otherFields.metadata;
        const auto& metadata = metadataResult.getValue();
        if (metadata.getPrimaryIndex() != rpc::ReplSetMetadata::kNoPrimary) {

    const auto& documents = queryResponse.documents;
    auto documentBegin = documents.cbegin();
    auto documentEnd = documents.cend();

    // Check start of remote oplog and, if necessary, stop fetcher to execute rollback.
    if (queryResponse.first) {
        auto getNextOperation = [&documentBegin, documentEnd]() -> StatusWith<BSONObj> {
            if (documentBegin == documentEnd) {
                return Status(ErrorCodes::OplogStartMissing, "remote oplog start missing");
            return *(documentBegin++);

        *remoteOplogStartStatus =
            checkRemoteOplogStart(getNextOperation, lastOpTimeFetched, lastFetchedHash);
        if (!remoteOplogStartStatus->isOK()) {
            // Stop fetcher and execute rollback.

        // If this is the first batch and no rollback is needed, we should have advanced
        // the document iterator.
        invariant(documentBegin != documents.cbegin());

    // process documents
    int currentBatchMessageSize = 0;
    for (auto documentIter = documentBegin; documentIter != documentEnd; ++documentIter) {
        if (inShutdown()) {

        // If we are transitioning to primary state, we need to leave
        // this loop in order to go into bgsync-pause mode.
        if (_replCoord->isWaitingForApplierToDrain() || _replCoord->getMemberState().primary()) {
            LOG(1) << "waiting for draining or we are primary, not adding more ops to buffer";

        // At this point, we are guaranteed to have at least one thing to read out
        // of the fetcher.
        const BSONObj& o = *documentIter;
        currentBatchMessageSize += o.objsize();

        if (MONGO_FAIL_POINT(stepDownWhileDrainingFailPoint)) {

            stdx::unique_lock<stdx::mutex> lock(_mutex);
            _appliedBuffer = false;

            LOG(2) << "bgsync buffer has " << _buffer.size() << " bytes";


            stdx::unique_lock<stdx::mutex> lock(_mutex);
            _lastFetchedHash = o["h"].numberLong();
            _lastOpTimeFetched = fassertStatusOK(28770, OpTime::parseFromOplogEntry(o));
            LOG(3) << "lastOpTimeFetched: " << _lastOpTimeFetched;

    // record time for each batch


    // Check some things periodically
    // (whenever we run out of items in the
    // current cursor batch)
    if (currentBatchMessageSize > 0 && currentBatchMessageSize < BatchIsSmallish) {
        // on a very low latency network, if we don't wait a little, we'll be
        // getting ops to write almost one at a time.  this will both be expensive
        // for the upstream server as well as potentially defeating our parallel
        // application of batches on the secondary.
        // the inference here is basically if the batch is really small, we are
        // "caught up".

    // If we are transitioning to primary state, we need to leave
    // this loop in order to go into bgsync-pause mode.
    if (_replCoord->isWaitingForApplierToDrain() || _replCoord->getMemberState().primary()) {

    // re-evaluate quality of sync target
    if (_shouldChangeSyncSource(source)) {

    // Check if we have been paused.
    if (isPaused()) {

    // We fill in 'bob' to signal the fetcher to process with another getMore.
    bob->append("getMore", queryResponse.cursorId);
    bob->append("collection", queryResponse.nss.coll());
    bob->append("maxTimeMS", durationCount<Milliseconds>(fetcherMaxTimeMS));
    if (receivedMetadata) {
        bob->append("term", _replCoord->getTerm());
        _replCoord->getLastCommittedOpTime().append(bob, "lastKnownCommittedOpTime");
void ReplicationCoordinatorExternalStateImpl::cleanUpLastApplyBatch(OperationContext* txn) {
    if (_storageInterface->getInitialSyncFlag(txn)) {
        return;  // Initial Sync will take over so no cleanup is needed.

    const auto deleteFromPoint = _storageInterface->getOplogDeleteFromPoint(txn);
    const auto appliedThrough = _storageInterface->getAppliedThrough(txn);

    const bool needToDeleteEndOfOplog = !deleteFromPoint.isNull() &&
        // This version should never have a non-null deleteFromPoint with a null appliedThrough.
        // This scenario means that we downgraded after unclean shutdown, then the downgraded node
        // deleted the ragged end of our oplog, then did a clean shutdown.
        !appliedThrough.isNull() &&
        // Similarly we should never have an appliedThrough higher than the deleteFromPoint. This
        // means that the downgraded node deleted our ragged end then applied ahead of our
        // deleteFromPoint and then had an unclean shutdown before upgrading. We are ok with
        // applying these ops because older versions wrote to the oplog from a single thread so we
        // know they are in order.
        !(appliedThrough.getTimestamp() >= deleteFromPoint);
    if (needToDeleteEndOfOplog) {
        log() << "Removing unapplied entries starting at: " << deleteFromPoint;
        truncateOplogTo(txn, deleteFromPoint);
    _storageInterface->setOplogDeleteFromPoint(txn, {});  // clear the deleteFromPoint

    if (appliedThrough.isNull()) {
        // No follow-up work to do.

    // Check if we have any unapplied ops in our oplog. It is important that this is done after
    // deleting the ragged end of the oplog.
    const auto topOfOplog = fassertStatusOK(40290, loadLastOpTime(txn));
    if (topOfOplog >= appliedThrough) {
        return;  // We've applied all the valid oplog we have.

    log() << "Replaying stored operations from " << appliedThrough << " (exclusive) to "
          << topOfOplog << " (inclusive).";

    DBDirectClient db(txn);
    auto cursor = db.query(rsOplogName,
                           QUERY("ts" << BSON("$gte" << appliedThrough.getTimestamp())),
                           /*batchSize*/ 0,
                           /*skip*/ 0,
                           /*projection*/ nullptr,

    // Check that the first document matches our appliedThrough point then skip it since it's
    // already been applied.
    if (!cursor->more()) {
        // This should really be impossible because we check above that the top of the oplog is
        // strictly > appliedThrough. If this fails it represents a serious bug in either the
        // storage engine or query's implementation of OplogReplay.
        severe() << "Couldn't find any entries in the oplog >= " << appliedThrough
                 << " which should be impossible.";
    auto firstOpTimeFound = fassertStatusOK(40291, OpTime::parseFromOplogEntry(cursor->nextSafe()));
    if (firstOpTimeFound != appliedThrough) {
        severe() << "Oplog entry at " << appliedThrough << " is missing; actual entry found is "
                 << firstOpTimeFound;

    // Apply remaining ops one at at time, but don't log them because they are already logged.
    const bool wereWritesReplicated = txn->writesAreReplicated();
    ON_BLOCK_EXIT([&] { txn->setReplicatedWrites(wereWritesReplicated); });

    while (cursor->more()) {
        auto entry = cursor->nextSafe();
        fassertStatusOK(40294, SyncTail::syncApply(txn, entry, true));
            txn, fassertStatusOK(40295, OpTime::parseFromOplogEntry(entry)));
コード例 #30
ファイル: bgsync.cpp プロジェクト: AnkyrinRepeat/mongo
void BackgroundSync::_fetcherCallback(const StatusWith<Fetcher::QueryResponse>& result,
                                      BSONObjBuilder* bob,
                                      const HostAndPort& source,
                                      OpTime lastOpTimeFetched,
                                      long long lastFetchedHash,
                                      Milliseconds fetcherMaxTimeMS,
                                      Status* returnStatus) {
    // if target cut connections between connecting and querying (for
    // example, because it stepped down) we might not have a cursor
    if (!result.isOK()) {
        LOG(2) << "Error returned from oplog query: " << result.getStatus();
        *returnStatus = result.getStatus();

    if (inShutdown()) {
        LOG(2) << "Interrupted by shutdown while querying oplog. 1";  // 1st instance.

    // Check if we have been stopped.
    if (isStopped()) {
        LOG(2) << "Interrupted by stop request while querying the oplog. 1";  // 1st instance.

    const auto& queryResponse = result.getValue();
    bool syncSourceHasSyncSource = false;
    OpTime sourcesLastOpTime;

    // Forward metadata (containing liveness information) to replication coordinator.
    bool receivedMetadata =
    if (receivedMetadata) {
        auto metadataResult =
        if (!metadataResult.isOK()) {
            error() << "invalid replication metadata from sync source " << source << ": "
                    << metadataResult.getStatus() << ": " << queryResponse.otherFields.metadata;
        const auto& metadata = metadataResult.getValue();
        if (metadata.getPrimaryIndex() != rpc::ReplSetMetadata::kNoPrimary) {
        syncSourceHasSyncSource = metadata.getSyncSourceIndex() != -1;
        sourcesLastOpTime = metadata.getLastOpVisible();

    const auto& documents = queryResponse.documents;
    auto firstDocToApply = documents.cbegin();
    auto lastDocToApply = documents.cend();

    if (!documents.empty()) {
        LOG(2) << "fetcher read " << documents.size()
               << " operations from remote oplog starting at " << documents.front()["ts"]
               << " and ending at " << documents.back()["ts"];
    } else {
        LOG(2) << "fetcher read 0 operations from remote oplog";

    // Check start of remote oplog and, if necessary, stop fetcher to execute rollback.
    if (queryResponse.first) {
        auto getNextOperation = [&firstDocToApply, lastDocToApply]() -> StatusWith<BSONObj> {
            if (firstDocToApply == lastDocToApply) {
                return Status(ErrorCodes::OplogStartMissing, "remote oplog start missing");
            return *(firstDocToApply++);

        *returnStatus = checkRemoteOplogStart(getNextOperation, lastOpTimeFetched, lastFetchedHash);
        if (!returnStatus->isOK()) {
            // Stop fetcher and execute rollback.

        // If this is the first batch and no rollback is needed, we should have advanced
        // the document iterator.
        invariant(firstDocToApply != documents.cbegin());

    // No work to do if we are draining/primary.
    if (_replCoord->isWaitingForApplierToDrain() || _replCoord->getMemberState().primary()) {
        LOG(2) << "Interrupted by waiting for applier to drain "
               << "or becoming primary while querying the oplog. 1";  // 1st instance.

    // The count of the bytes of the documents read off the network.
    int networkDocumentBytes = 0;
    Timestamp lastTS;
        stdx::unique_lock<stdx::mutex> lock(_mutex);
        // If we are stopped then return without queueing this batch to apply.
        if (_stopped) {
            LOG(2) << "Interrupted by stop request while querying the oplog. 2";  // 2nd instance.
        lastTS = _lastOpTimeFetched.getTimestamp();
    int count = 0;
    for (auto&& doc : documents) {
        networkDocumentBytes += doc.objsize();

        // If this is the first response (to the $gte query) then we already applied the first doc.
        if (queryResponse.first && count == 1) {

        // Check to see if the oplog entry goes back in time for this document.
        const auto docOpTime = OpTime::parseFromOplogEntry(doc);
        fassertStatusOK(34362, docOpTime.getStatus());  // entries must have a "ts" field.
        const auto docTS = docOpTime.getValue().getTimestamp();

        if (lastTS >= docTS) {
            *returnStatus = Status(
                str::stream() << "Reading the oplog from" << source.toString()
                              << " returned out of order entries. lastTS: " << lastTS.toString()
                              << " outOfOrderTS:" << docTS.toString() << " at count:" << count);
        lastTS = docTS;

    // These numbers are for the documents we will apply.
    auto toApplyDocumentCount = documents.size();
    auto toApplyDocumentBytes = networkDocumentBytes;
    if (queryResponse.first) {
        // The count is one less since the first document found was already applied ($gte $ts query)
        // and we will not apply it again. We just needed to check it so we didn't rollback, or
        // error above.
        const auto alreadyAppliedDocument = documents.cbegin();
        toApplyDocumentBytes -= alreadyAppliedDocument->objsize();

    if (toApplyDocumentBytes > 0) {
        // Wait for enough space.

            LOG(2) << "bgsync buffer has " << _buffer.size() << " bytes";

        // Buffer docs for later application.
        std::vector<BSONObj> objs{firstDocToApply, lastDocToApply};

        // Inc stats.
        opsReadStats.increment(documents.size());  // we read all of the docs in the query.

        // Update last fetched info.
        auto lastDoc = objs.back();
            stdx::unique_lock<stdx::mutex> lock(_mutex);
            _lastFetchedHash = lastDoc["h"].numberLong();
            _lastOpTimeFetched = fassertStatusOK(28770, OpTime::parseFromOplogEntry(lastDoc));
            LOG(3) << "batch resetting _lastOpTimeFetched: " << _lastOpTimeFetched;