main() { int n1,n2,j; float scale,sumz,sume; for (n1=1,n2=npfa(n1+1); n2<NMAX; n1=n2,n2=npfa(n1+1)) { for (j=0; j<n1*n2; j++) c[j] = z[j] = cmplx(franuni(),franuni()); pfamcc(1,n1,n2,1,n1,z); pfamcc(1,n2,n1,n1,1,z); pfamcc(-1,n1,n2,1,n1,z); pfamcc(-1,n2,n1,n1,1,z); scale = 1.0/(float)(n1*n2); for (j=0; j<n1*n2; j++) z[j] = crmul(z[j],scale); for (j=0,sumz=sume=0.0; j<n1*n2; j++) { sumz += fcabs(z[j]); sume += fcabs(csub(z[j],c[j])); } printf("n1 = %d n2 = %d sume/sumz = %0.10f\n", n1,n2,sume/sumz); if (sume/sumz>1.0e-6) printf("!!! warning !!!\n"); } }
void z_log(dcomplex *r, dcomplex *z) { r->dimag = atan2(z->dimag, z->dreal); r->dreal = log( fcabs( z->dreal, z->dimag ) ); }
void c_log(complex *r, complex *z) { r->imag = atan2(z->imag, z->real); r->real = log( fcabs(z->real, z->imag) ); }
main() { int npoles,nfft,i; float f3db,zero=0.0,fpass,apass,fstop,astop; /* printf("Enter npoles f3db:\n"); scanf("%d %f",&npoles,&f3db); */ printf("Enter fpass apass fstop astop:\n"); scanf("%f %f %f %f",&fpass,&apass,&fstop,&astop); bfdesign(fpass,apass,fstop,astop,&npoles,&f3db); printf("npoles = %d f3db = %f\n",npoles,f3db); /* impulse response */ scopy(N,&zero,0,p,1); p[0] = 1.0; bflowpass(npoles,f3db,N,p,q); pp1d(stdout,"impulse response",N,0,q); /* amplitude spectrum */ nfft = npfa(N); for (i=0; i<N; i++) z[i] = cmplx(q[i],0.0); for (i=N; i<nfft; i++) z[i] = cmplx(0.0,0.0); pfacc(1,nfft,z); for (i=0; i<nfft; i++) zamp[i] = fcabs(z[i]); pp1d(stdout,"amplitude spectrum",nfft/2+1,0,zamp); }
void z_sqrt(dcomplex *r, dcomplex *z) { double mag; if( (mag = fcabs(z->dreal, z->dimag)) == 0.) r->dreal = r->dimag = 0.; else if(z->dreal > 0) { r->dreal = sqrt(0.5 * (mag + z->dreal) ); r->dimag = z->dimag / r->dreal / 2; } else { r->dimag = sqrt(0.5 * (mag - z->dreal) ); if(z->dimag < 0) z->dimag = - z->dimag; r->dreal = z->dimag / r->dimag / 2; } }
void c_sqrt(complex *r, complex *z) { double mag; if( (mag = fcabs(z->real, z->imag)) == 0.) r->real = r->imag = 0.; else if(z->real > 0) { r->real = sqrt(0.5 * (mag + z->real) ); r->imag = z->imag / r->real / 2; } else { r->imag = sqrt(0.5 * (mag - z->real) ); if(z->imag < 0) r->imag = - r->imag; r->real = z->imag / r->imag /2; } }
double z_abs(dcomplex *z) { return( fcabs( z->dreal, z->dimag ) ); }
float c_abs(complex *z) { return( fcabs( z->real, z->imag ) ); }
main(int argc, char **argv) { int nt,nx; /* numbers of samples */ float dt,dx; /* sampling intervals */ float d1,d2; /* output intervals in F, K */ float f1,f2; /* output first samples in F, K */ int it,ix; /* sample indices */ int ntfft,nxfft; /* dimensions after padding for FFT */ int nF,nK; /* transform (output) dimensions */ int iF,iK; /* transform sample indices */ register complex **ct; /* complex FFT workspace */ register float **rt; /* float FFT workspace */ FILE *tracefp; /* temp file to hold traces */ /* Hook up getpar to handle the parameters */ initargs(argc,argv); askdoc(1); /* Get info from first trace */ if (!gettr(&intrace)) err("can't get first trace"); nt = intrace.ns; /* dt is used only to set output header value d1 */ if (!getparfloat("dt", &dt)) { if (intrace.dt) { /* is dt field set? */ dt = (float) intrace.dt / 1000000.0; } else { /* dt not set, assume 4 ms */ dt = 0.004; warn("tr.dt not set, assuming dt=0.004"); } } if (!getparfloat("dx",&dx)) { if (intrace.d2) { /* is d2 field set? */ dx = intrace.d2; } else { dx = 1.0; warn("tr.d2 not set, assuming d2=1.0"); } } /* Store traces in tmpfile while getting a count */ /*tracefp = etmpfile();*/ tracefp = etempfile(NULL); nx = 0; do { ++nx; efwrite(, FSIZE, nt, tracefp); } while (gettr(&intrace)); /* Determine lengths for prime-factor FFTs */ ntfft = npfar(nt); nxfft = npfa(nx); if (ntfft >= MIN(SU_NFLTS, PFA_MAX)) err("Padded nt=%d--too big",ntfft); if (nxfft >= MIN(SU_NFLTS, PFA_MAX)) err("Padded nx=%d--too big",nxfft); /* Determine output header values */ d1 = 1.0/(ntfft*dt); d2 = 1.0/(nxfft*dx); f1 = 0.0; f2 = -1.0/(2*dx); /* Determine complex transform sizes */ nF = ntfft/2+1; nK = nxfft; /* Allocate space */ ct = alloc2complex(nF, nK); rt = alloc2float(ntfft, nxfft); /* Load traces into fft arrays and close tmpfile */ rewind(tracefp); for (ix=0; ix<nx; ++ix) { efread(rt[ix], FSIZE, nt, tracefp); /* if ix odd, negate to center transform of dimension 2 */ if (ISODD(ix)) for (it=0; it<nt; ++it) rt[ix][it] = -rt[ix][it]; /* pad dimension 1 with zeros */ for (it=nt; it<ntfft; ++it) rt[ix][it] = 0.0; } efclose(tracefp); /* Pad dimension 2 with zeros */ for (ix=nx; ix<nxfft; ++ix) for (it=0; it<ntfft; ++it) rt[ix][it] = 0.0; /* Fourier transform dimension 1 */ pfa2rc(1,1,ntfft,nx,rt[0],ct[0]); /* Fourier transform dimension 2 */ pfa2cc(-1,2,nF,nxfft,ct[0]); /* Compute and output amplitude spectrum */ for (iK=0; iK<nK; ++iK) { for (iF=0; iF<nF; ++iF)[iF] = fcabs(ct[iK][iF]); /* set header values */ outtrace.tracl = iK + 1; outtrace.ns = nF; outtrace.dt = 0; /* d1 is now the relevant step size */ outtrace.trid = KOMEGA; outtrace.d1 = d1; outtrace.f1 = f1; outtrace.d2 = d2; outtrace.f2 = f2; puttr(&outtrace); } }