コード例 #1
ファイル: tray.c プロジェクト: arinity/gchat2
static WinStatus
	session *sess = sess_list->data;

	switch (fe_gui_info(sess, 0))
		case 0:
			return WS_NORMAL;
		case 1:
			return WS_FOCUSED;
		case 2:
			return WS_HIDDEN;
コード例 #2
ファイル: plugin.c プロジェクト: IotaSpencer/hexchat
const char *
hexchat_get_info (hexchat_plugin *ph, const char *id)
	session *sess;
	guint32 hash;

	/*                 1234567890 */
	if (!strncmp (id, "event_text", 10))
		char *e = (char *)id + 10;
		if (*e == ' ') e++;	/* 2.8.0 only worked without a space */
		return text_find_format_string (e);

	hash = str_hash (id);
	/* do the session independant ones first */
	switch (hash)
		case 0x325acab5:	/* libdirfs */
			return plugin_get_libdir ();
			return NULL;

		case 0x14f51cd8: /* version */

		case 0xdd9b1abd:	/* xchatdir */
		case 0xe33f6c4a:	/* xchatdirfs */
		case 0xd00d220b:	/* configdir */
			return get_xdir ();

	sess = ph->context;
	if (!is_session (sess))
		DEBUG(PrintTextf(0, "%s\thexchat_get_info called without a valid context.\n", ph->name));
		return NULL;

	switch (hash)
	case 0x2de2ee: /* away */
		if (sess->server->is_away)
			return sess->server->last_away_reason;
		return NULL;

  	case 0x2c0b7d03: /* channel */
		return sess->channel;

	case 0x2c0d614c: /* charset */
			const char *locale;

			if (sess->server->encoding)
				return sess->server->encoding;

			locale = NULL;
			g_get_charset (&locale);
			return locale;

	case 0x30f5a8: /* host */
		return sess->server->hostname;

	case 0x1c0e99c1: /* inputbox */
		return fe_get_inputbox_contents (sess);

	case 0x633fb30:	/* modes */
		return sess->current_modes;

	case 0x6de15a2e:	/* network */
		return server_get_network (sess->server, FALSE);

	case 0x339763: /* nick */
		return sess->server->nick;

	case 0x4889ba9b: /* password */
	case 0x438fdf9: /* nickserv */
		if (sess->server->network)
			return ((ircnet *)sess->server->network)->pass;
		return NULL;

	case 0xca022f43: /* server */
		if (!sess->server->connected)
			return NULL;
		return sess->server->servername;

	case 0x696cd2f: /* topic */
		return sess->topic;

	case 0x3419f12d: /* gtkwin_ptr */
		return fe_gui_info_ptr (sess, 1);

	case 0x506d600b: /* native win_ptr */
		return fe_gui_info_ptr (sess, 0);

	case 0x6d3431b5: /* win_status */
		switch (fe_gui_info (sess, 0))	/* check window status */
		case 0: return "normal";
		case 1: return "active";
		case 2: return "hidden";
		return NULL;

	return NULL;
コード例 #3
ファイル: plugin.cpp プロジェクト: wowzaman12/libPChat
const char* xchat_get_info(xchat_plugin *ph, const char *id)
	session *sess;
	unsigned int hash;

	// 1234567890
	if (!strncmp(id, "event_text", 10))
		char *e = (char*)id + 10;
		if (*e == ' ') e++;	// 2.8.0 only worked without a space
		return text_find_format_string(e);

	hash = str_hash(id);
	// do the session independant ones first
	switch (hash)
	case 0x325acab5:	// libdirfs

	case 0x14f51cd8: // version

	case 0xdd9b1abd:	// xchatdir
		return get_xdir_utf8();

	case 0xe33f6c4a:	// xchatdirfs
		return get_xdir_fs();

	sess = ph->context;
	if (!is_session(sess))
		DEBUG(PrintTextf(0, "%s\txchat_get_info called without a valid context.\n", ph->name));
		return nullptr;

	switch (hash)
	case 0x2de2ee: // away
		if (sess->server->is_away)
			return sess->server->last_away_reason;
		return nullptr;

	case 0x2c0b7d03: // channel
		return sess->channel;

	case 0x2c0d614c: // charset
			const char *locale;

			if (sess->server->encoding)
				return sess->server->encoding;

			locale = nullptr;
			return locale;

	case 0x30f5a8: // host
		return sess->server->hostname;

	case 0x1c0e99c1: // inputbox
		return fe_get_inputbox_contents(sess);

	case 0x633fb30:	// modes
		return sess->current_modes;

	case 0x6de15a2e:	// network
		return server_get_network(sess->server, FALSE);

	case 0x339763: // nick
		return sess->server->nick;

	case 0x438fdf9: // nickserv
		if (sess->server->network)
			return ((ircnet*)sess->server->network)->nickserv;
		return nullptr;

	case 0xca022f43: // server
		if (!sess->server->connected)
			return nullptr;
		return sess->server->servername;

	case 0x696cd2f: // topic
		return sess->topic;

	case 0x3419f12d: // gtkwin_ptr
		return (const char*)fe_gui_info_ptr(sess, 1);

	case 0x506d600b: // native win_ptr
		return (const char*)fe_gui_info_ptr(sess, 0);

	case 0x6d3431b5: // win_status
		switch (fe_gui_info(sess, 0))	// check window status
		case 0: return "normal";
		case 1: return "active";
		case 2: return "hidden";
		return nullptr;

	return nullptr;