コード例 #1
ファイル: qgsfeatureiterator.cpp プロジェクト: Aladar64/QGIS
bool QgsAbstractFeatureIterator::nextFeature( QgsFeature& f )
  bool dataOk = false;

  switch ( mRequest.filterType() )
    case QgsFeatureRequest::FilterExpression:
      dataOk = nextFeatureFilterExpression( f );

    case QgsFeatureRequest::FilterFids:
      dataOk = nextFeatureFilterFids( f );

      dataOk = fetchFeature( f );

  // simplify the geometry using the simplifier configured
  if ( dataOk && mLocalSimplification )
    QgsGeometry* geometry = f.geometry();
    if ( geometry ) simplify( f );
  return dataOk;
コード例 #2
bool QgsOgrFeatureIterator::nextFeatureFilterExpression( QgsFeature& f )
  if ( !mExpressionCompiled )
    return QgsAbstractFeatureIterator::nextFeatureFilterExpression( f );
    return fetchFeature( f );
コード例 #3
ファイル: qgsfeatureiterator.cpp プロジェクト: Aladar64/QGIS
bool QgsAbstractFeatureIterator::nextFeatureFilterFids( QgsFeature& f )
  while ( fetchFeature( f ) )
    if ( mRequest.filterFids().contains( f.id() ) )
      return true;
  return false;
コード例 #4
ファイル: qgsfeatureiterator.cpp プロジェクト: Aladar64/QGIS
bool QgsAbstractFeatureIterator::nextFeatureFilterExpression( QgsFeature& f )
  while ( fetchFeature( f ) )
    if ( mRequest.filterExpression()->evaluate( f ).toBool() )
      return true;
  return false;
コード例 #5
ファイル: qgsfeatureiterator.cpp プロジェクト: avautour/QGIS
bool QgsAbstractFeatureIterator::nextFeature( QgsFeature& f )
    bool dataOk = false;
    if ( mRequest.limit() >= 0 && mFetchedCount >= mRequest.limit() )
        return false;

    if ( mUseCachedFeatures )
        if ( mFeatureIterator != mCachedFeatures.constEnd() )
            f = mFeatureIterator->mFeature;
            dataOk = true;
            dataOk = false;
            // even the zombie dies at this point...
            mZombie = false;
        switch ( mRequest.filterType() )
        case QgsFeatureRequest::FilterExpression:
            dataOk = nextFeatureFilterExpression( f );

        case QgsFeatureRequest::FilterFids:
            dataOk = nextFeatureFilterFids( f );

            dataOk = fetchFeature( f );

    // simplify the geometry using the simplifier configured
    if ( dataOk && mLocalSimplification )
        if ( f.constGeometry() )
            simplify( f );
    if ( dataOk )

    return dataOk;
コード例 #6
ファイル: qgsmaptip.cpp プロジェクト: CSRedRat/QGIS
void QgsMapTip::showMapTip( QgsMapLayer *thepLayer,
                            QgsPoint & theMapPosition,
                            QPoint & thePixelPosition,
                            QgsMapCanvas *thepMapCanvas )
  // Do the search using the active layer and the preferred label
  // field for the layer. The label field must be defined in the layer configuration
  // file/database. The code required to do this is similar to identify, except
  // we only want the first qualifying feature and we will only display the
  // field defined as the label field in the layer configuration file/database.
  // TODO: Define the label (display) field for each map layer in the map configuration file/database

  // Show the maptip on the canvas
  QString myTipText = fetchFeature( thepLayer, theMapPosition, thepMapCanvas );
  mMapTipVisible = !myTipText.isEmpty();

  if ( mMapTipVisible )
    QToolTip::showText( thepMapCanvas->mapToGlobal( thePixelPosition ), myTipText, thepMapCanvas );
    // store the point so we can use it to clear the maptip later
    mLastPosition = thePixelPosition;
コード例 #7
ファイル: qgsmaptip.cpp プロジェクト: wongjimsan/QGIS
void QgsMapTip::showMapTip( QgsMapLayer *pLayer,
                            QgsPoint & mapPosition,
                            QPoint & thePixelPosition,
                            QgsMapCanvas *pMapCanvas )
  // Do the search using the active layer and the preferred label field for the
  // layer. The label field must be defined in the layer configuration
  // file/database. The code required to do this is similar to identify, except
  // we only want the first qualifying feature and we will only display the
  // field defined as the label field in the layer configuration file/database

  // Show the maptip on the canvas
  QString tipText, lastTipText, tipHtml, bodyStyle, containerStyle,
  backgroundColor, borderColor;

  delete mWidget;
  mWidget = new QWidget( pMapCanvas );
  mWebView = new QgsWebView( mWidget );

  mWebView->page()->setLinkDelegationPolicy( QWebPage::DelegateAllLinks );//Handle link clicks by yourself
  mWebView->setContextMenuPolicy( Qt::NoContextMenu ); //No context menu is allowed if you don't need it
  connect( mWebView, SIGNAL( linkClicked( QUrl ) ), this, SLOT( onLinkClicked( QUrl ) ) );

    QWebSettings::DeveloperExtrasEnabled, true );
    QWebSettings::JavascriptEnabled, true );

  QHBoxLayout* layout = new QHBoxLayout;
  layout->addWidget( mWebView );

  mWidget->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding );
  mWidget->setLayout( layout );

  //assure the map tip is never larger than half the map canvas
  const int MAX_WIDTH = pMapCanvas->geometry().width() / 2;
  const int MAX_HEIGHT = pMapCanvas->geometry().height() / 2;
  mWidget->setMaximumSize( MAX_WIDTH, MAX_HEIGHT );

  // start with 0 size,
  // the content will automatically make it grow up to MaximumSize
  mWidget->resize( 0, 0 );

  backgroundColor = mWidget->palette().base().color().name();
  borderColor = mWidget->palette().shadow().color().name();
  mWidget->setStyleSheet( QString(
                            "border: 1px solid %1;"
                            "background-color: %2;}" ).arg(
                            borderColor, backgroundColor ) );

  tipText = fetchFeature( pLayer, mapPosition, pMapCanvas );

  mMapTipVisible = !tipText.isEmpty();
  if ( !mMapTipVisible )

  if ( tipText == lastTipText )

  bodyStyle = QString(
                "background-color: %1;"
                "margin: 0;" ).arg( backgroundColor );

  containerStyle = QString(
                     "display: inline-block;"
                     "margin: 0px" );

  tipHtml = QString(
              "<body style='%1'>"
              "<div id='QgsWebViewContainer' style='%2'>%3</div>"
              "</html>" ).arg( bodyStyle, containerStyle, tipText );

  mWidget->move( thePixelPosition.x(),
                 thePixelPosition.y() );

  mWebView->setHtml( tipHtml );
  lastTipText = tipText;


  int scrollbarWidth = mWebView->page()->mainFrame()->scrollBarGeometry(
                         Qt::Vertical ).width();
  int scrollbarHeight = mWebView->page()->mainFrame()->scrollBarGeometry(
                          Qt::Horizontal ).height();

  if ( scrollbarWidth > 0 || scrollbarHeight > 0 )
    // Get the content size
    QWebElement container = mWebView->page()->mainFrame()->findFirstElement(
                              QStringLiteral( "#QgsWebViewContainer" ) );
    int width = container.geometry().width() + 5 + scrollbarWidth;
    int height = container.geometry().height() + 5 + scrollbarHeight;

    mWidget->resize( width, height );