static void config_tag(void) { struct screen *s; struct tag *t; size_t i, n; struct conf_sec *sec, **ks, **mb; char *name, *tmp; int screenid; /* [tags] */ sec = fetch_section_first(NULL, "tags"); ks = fetch_section(sec, "tag"); n = fetch_section_count(ks); if (fetch_opt_first(sec, "1", "circular").boolean) W->flags |= WMFS_TAGCIRC; /* [mouse] */ if((mb = fetch_section(sec, "mouse"))) { config_mouse_section(&W->tmp_head.tag, mb); free(mb); } /* [tag] */ for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) { name = fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "tag", "name").str; screenid = fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "-1", "screen").num; SLIST_FOREACH(s, &W->h.screen, next) if(screenid == s->id || screenid == -1) { t = tag_new(s, name); t->statusctx = status_new_ctx(NULL, NULL); ISTRDUP(t->statusctx.status, fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "", "statusline").str); if(t->statusctx.status) status_parse(&t->statusctx); } } /* If no tag at all on a screen, add one anyway */ SLIST_FOREACH(s, &W->h.screen, next) if(TAILQ_EMPTY(&s->tags)) tag_new(s, "tag"); free(ks); }
static void config_launcher(void) { struct conf_sec *sec, **ks; struct launcher *l; int n, i; /* [launchers] */ sec = fetch_section_first(NULL, "launchers"); ks = fetch_section(sec, "launcher"); n = fetch_section_count(ks); SLIST_INIT(&W->h.launcher); /* [launcher] */ for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) { l = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct launcher)); l->name = xstrdup(fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "default", "name").str); l->prompt = xstrdup(fetch_opt_first(ks[i], ":", "prompt").str); l->command = xstrdup(fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "spawn", "command").str); if((l->width = fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "150", "width").num) <= 0) l->width = 150; SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&W->h.launcher, l, next); } free(ks); }
static void config_bars(void) { struct screen *s; struct theme *t; size_t i, n; struct conf_sec *sec, **ks; int screenid; char *name, *elem; enum barpos pos = BarTop; /* [bars] */ sec = fetch_section_first(NULL, "bars"); ks = fetch_section(sec, "bar"); n = fetch_section_count(ks); /* [bar] */ for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) { name = fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "default", "name").str; elem = fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "", "elements").str; screenid = fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "-1", "screen").num; t = name_to_theme(fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "default", "theme").str); pos = fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "0", "position").num; SLIST_FOREACH(s, &W->h.screen, next) if(screenid == s->id || screenid == -1) infobar_new(s, name, t, pos, elem); } free(ks); }
static void config_client(void) { struct conf_sec *sec, **mb; char *tmp; /* [client] */ sec = fetch_section_first(NULL, "client"); W->padding = fetch_opt_first(sec, "0", "padding").num; W->client_mod = modkey_keysym(fetch_opt_first(sec, "Super", "key_modifier").str); if(fetch_opt_first(sec, "0", "autofocus").boolean) W->flags |= WMFS_AUTOFOCUS; /* Get theme */ tmp = fetch_opt_first(sec, "default", "theme").str; W->ctheme = name_to_theme(tmp); /* Get focus configuration */ W->cfocus = 0; tmp = fetch_opt_first(sec, "enter", "focus").str; if(strstr(tmp, "enter")) W->cfocus |= CFOCUS_ENTER; if(strstr(tmp, "click")) W->cfocus |= CFOCUS_CLICK; /* [mouse] */ /* for client frame AND titlebar */ if((mb = fetch_section(sec, "mouse"))) { config_mouse_section(&W->tmp_head.client, mb); free(mb); } }
static void config_keybind(void) { int i, n; size_t j; struct conf_sec *sec, **ks; struct opt_type *opt; char *cmd; struct keybind *k; /* [keys] */ sec = fetch_section_first(NULL, "keys"); ks = fetch_section(sec, "key"); n = fetch_section_count(ks); SLIST_INIT(&W->h.keybind); /* [key] */ for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) { k = (struct keybind*)xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct keybind)); /* mod = {} */ opt = fetch_opt(ks[i], "", "mod"); for(j = k->mod = 0; j < fetch_opt_count(opt); ++j) k->mod |= modkey_keysym(opt[j].str); free(opt); /* key = */ k->keysym = XStringToKeysym(fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "None", "key").str); /* func = */ if(!(k->func = uicb_name_func(fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "", "func").str))) { warnxl("configuration: Unknown Function \"%s\".", fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "", "func").str); k->func = uicb_spawn; } /* cmd = */ if((cmd = fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "", "cmd").str)) k->cmd = xstrdup(cmd); SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&W->h.keybind, k, next); } wmfs_grab_keys(); free(ks); }
static int fetch_registered_part(struct mailprivacy * privacy, int (* fetch_section)(mailmessage *, struct mailmime *, char **, size_t *), struct mailmime * mime, char ** result, size_t * result_len) { mailmessage * dummy_msg; int res; char * content; size_t content_len; int r; dummy_msg = mime_message_init(NULL); if (dummy_msg == NULL) { res = MAIL_ERROR_MEMORY; goto err; } r = mime_message_set_tmpdir(dummy_msg, privacy->tmp_dir); if (r != MAIL_NO_ERROR) { res = MAIL_ERROR_MEMORY; goto free_msg; } r = fetch_section(dummy_msg, mime, &content, &content_len); if (r != MAIL_NO_ERROR) { res = r; goto free_msg; } r = register_result_mmapstr(privacy, content); if (r != MAIL_NO_ERROR) { res = r; goto free_fetch; } mailmessage_free(dummy_msg); * result = content; * result_len = content_len; return MAIL_NO_ERROR; free_fetch: mailmessage_fetch_result_free(dummy_msg, content); free_msg: mailmessage_free(dummy_msg); err: return res; }
static void config_server(void) { int i, j, n = 0; struct conf_sec **serv; struct opt_type *opt; ServInfo defsi = { "Hft", "", "", 6667, "hftircuser", " ", "HFTIrcuser", "HFTIrcuser"}; if(!(serv = fetch_section(fetch_section_first(NULL, "servers"), "server")) || !(hftirc.conf.nserv = fetch_section_count(serv))) { hftirc.conf.serv = malloc(sizeof(ServInfo)); hftirc.conf.serv[0] = defsi; hftirc.conf.nserv = 1; return; } hftirc.conf.serv = malloc(sizeof(ServInfo) * hftirc.conf.nserv); for(i = 0; i < hftirc.conf.nserv; ++i) { SSTRCPY(hftirc.conf.serv[i].adress, fetch_opt_first(serv[i], "", "adress").str); SSTRCPY(hftirc.conf.serv[i].name, fetch_opt_first(serv[i], hftirc.conf.serv[i].adress, "name").str); SSTRCPY(hftirc.conf.serv[i].password, fetch_opt_first(serv[i], "", "password").str); SSTRCPY(hftirc.conf.serv[i].nick, fetch_opt_first(serv[i], "hftircuser", "nickname").str); SSTRCPY(hftirc.conf.serv[i].username, fetch_opt_first(serv[i], "hftircuser", "username").str); SSTRCPY(hftirc.conf.serv[i].realname, fetch_opt_first(serv[i], "hftircuser", "realname").str); hftirc.conf.serv[i].port = fetch_opt_first(serv[i], "6667", "port").num; hftirc.conf.serv[i].ipv6 = fetch_opt_first(serv[i], "false", "ipv6").boolean; opt = fetch_opt(serv[i], "", "channel_autojoin"); if((n = fetch_opt_count(opt))) { if((hftirc.conf.serv[i].nautojoin = n) > 127) ui_print_buf(0, "HFTIrc configuration: section serv (%d), too many channel_autojoin (%d).", i, n); else for(j = 0; j < n; ++j) SSTRCPY(hftirc.conf.serv[i].autojoin[j], opt[j].str); } } }
static void config_rule(void) { int i, n; struct conf_sec *sec, **ks; struct rule *r; char *tn, *tmp; /* [rules] */ sec = fetch_section_first(NULL, "rules"); ks = fetch_section(sec, "rule"); n = fetch_section_count(ks); SLIST_INIT(&W->h.rule); /* [rule] */ for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) { r = (struct rule*)xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct rule)); ISTRDUP(r->class, fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "", "class").str); ISTRDUP(r->instance, fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "", "instance").str); ISTRDUP(r->role, fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "", "role").str); ISTRDUP(r->name , fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "", "name").str); ISTRDUP(r->client_machine, fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "", "client_machine").str); r->screen = fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "-1", "screen").num; r->tag = fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "-1", "tag").num; FLAGAPPLY(r->flags, fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "false", "free").boolean, RULE_FREE); FLAGAPPLY(r->flags, fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "false", "tab").boolean, RULE_TAB); FLAGAPPLY(r->flags, fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "false", "ignore_tag").boolean, RULE_IGNORE_TAG); if((tn = fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "", "theme").str)) r->theme = name_to_theme(tn); else r->theme = W->ctheme; SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&W->h.rule, r, next); } free(ks); }
static void config_client(void) { struct conf_sec *sec, **mb; char *tmp; /* [client] */ sec = fetch_section_first(NULL, "client"); W->client_mod = modkey_keysym(fetch_opt_first(sec, "Super", "key_modifier").str); tmp = fetch_opt_first(sec, "default", "theme").str; W->ctheme = name_to_theme(tmp); /* [mouse] */ /* for client frame AND titlebar */ if((mb = fetch_section(sec, "mouse"))) { config_mouse_section(&W->tmp_head.client, mb); free(mb); } }
static void conf_bar_section(void) { struct conf_sec *bar, **mouse, *selbar, *systray; char *barbg; int sc = screen_count(); bar = fetch_section_first(NULL, "bar"); = fetch_opt_first(bar, "false", "border").bool; conf.bars.height = fetch_opt_first(bar, "-1", "height").num; = getcolor((barbg = fetch_opt_first(bar, "#000000", "bg").str)); conf.colors.text = fetch_opt_first(bar, "#ffffff", "fg").str; conf.colors.bar_light_shade = fetch_opt_first(bar, "0.25", "light_shade").fnum; conf.colors.bar_dark_shade = fetch_opt_first(bar, "-0.25", "dark_shade").fnum; mouse = fetch_section(bar, "mouse"); if ((conf.bars.nmouse = fetch_section_count(mouse)) > 0) { conf.bars.mouse = xcalloc(conf.bars.nmouse, sizeof(MouseBinding)); mouse_section(conf.bars.mouse, mouse); } free(mouse); if((systray = fetch_section_first(bar, "systray"))) { = fetch_opt_first(systray, "true", "active").bool; if((conf.systray.screen = fetch_opt_first(systray, "0", "screen").num) < 0 || conf.systray.screen >= sc) conf.systray.screen = 0; if((conf.systray.spacing = fetch_opt_first(systray, "3", "spacing").num) < 0) conf.systray.spacing = 0; }
static void config_theme(void) { struct theme *t, *p = NULL; size_t i, n; struct conf_sec *sec, **ks; char *tmp; /* [themes] */ sec = fetch_section_first(NULL, "themes"); ks = fetch_section(sec, "theme"); /* No theme section? Make one with default value anyway. */ if(!(n = fetch_section_count(ks))) ++n; SLIST_INIT(&W->h.theme); /* [theme]*/ for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) { t = (struct theme*)xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct theme)); t->name = fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "default", "name").str; wmfs_init_font(fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "fixed", "font").str, t); /* bars */ t->bars.fg = color_atoh(fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "#CCCCCC", "bars_fg").str); t-> = color_atoh(fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "#222222", "bars_bg").str); t->bars_width = fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "12", "bars_width").num; /* * Elements */ t->tags_n.fg = color_atoh(fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "#CCCCCC", "tags_normal_fg").str); t-> = color_atoh(fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "#222222", "tags_normal_bg").str); t->tags_s.fg = color_atoh(fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "#222222", "tags_sel_fg").str); t-> = color_atoh(fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "#CCCCCC", "tags_sel_bg").str); t->tags_o.fg = color_atoh(fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "#CCCCCC", "tags_occupied_fg").str); t-> = color_atoh(fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "#444444", "tags_occupied_bg").str); t->tags_u.fg = color_atoh(fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "#444444", "tags_urgent_fg").str); t-> = color_atoh(fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "#CC4444", "tags_urgent_bg").str); t->tags_border_col = color_atoh(fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "#888888", "tags_border_color").str); t->tags_border_width = fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "0", "tags_border_width").num; /* status line */ t->tags_n_sl = status_new_ctx(NULL, t); t->tags_s_sl = status_new_ctx(NULL, t); t->tags_o_sl = status_new_ctx(NULL, t); t->tags_u_sl = status_new_ctx(NULL, t); ISTRDUP(t->tags_n_sl.status, fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "", "tags_normal_statusline").str); ISTRDUP(t->tags_s_sl.status, fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "", "tags_sel_statusline").str); ISTRDUP(t->tags_o_sl.status, fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "", "tags_occupied_statusline").str); ISTRDUP(t->tags_u_sl.status, fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "", "tags_urgent_statusline").str); if(t->tags_n_sl.status) status_parse(&t->tags_n_sl); if(t->tags_s_sl.status) status_parse(&t->tags_s_sl); if(t->tags_o_sl.status) status_parse(&t->tags_o_sl); if(t->tags_u_sl.status) status_parse(&t->tags_u_sl); /* Client / frame */ t->client_n.fg = color_atoh(fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "#CCCCCC", "client_normal_fg").str); t-> = color_atoh(fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "#222222", "client_normal_bg").str); t->client_s.fg = color_atoh(fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "#222222", "client_sel_fg").str); t-> = color_atoh(fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "#CCCCCC", "client_sel_bg").str); t->frame_bg = color_atoh(fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "#555555", "frame_bg").str); t->client_titlebar_width = fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "12", "client_titlebar_width").num; t->client_border_width = fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "1", "client_border_width").num; /* status line */ t->client_n_sl = status_new_ctx(NULL, t); t->client_s_sl = status_new_ctx(NULL, t); ISTRDUP(t->client_n_sl.status, fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "", "client_normal_statusline").str); ISTRDUP(t->client_s_sl.status, fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "", "client_sel_statusline").str); if(t->client_n_sl.status) status_parse(&t->client_n_sl); if(t->client_s_sl.status) status_parse(&t->client_s_sl); SLIST_INSERT_TAIL(&W->h.theme, t, next, p); p = t; } free(ks); }
static int fetch(mailmessage * msg_info, char ** result, size_t * result_len) { return fetch_section(msg_info, msg_info->msg_mime, result, result_len); }