コード例 #1
ファイル: APLIC.CPP プロジェクト: elcarva57/ACOR
void __fastcall TForm1::BGuardarClick(TObject *Sender)
  fitsfile *fptr;       /* pointer to the FITS file, defined in fitsio.h */
  int status;
  AnsiString N;

  ejex = X2;
  ejey = Y2;
  long n = X2*Y2;
    status = 0;
    N = SD1->FileName + ".fit";
    if(ffinit(&fptr, N.c_str(), &status))
      printerror( status );
      status = 0;
      if ( fits_open_file(&fptr, N.c_str(), READWRITE, &status) )

  long axes[2];
  axes[0] = ejex;
  axes[1] = ejey;
  if(ffcrim(fptr, 16, 2, axes, &status))

  unsigned short *datos;

  datos = new unsigned short [ejex*ejey];
  memset(datos, 0, ejex*ejey*2);
  for(int py = 0; py < ejey; py++)
    for (int px = ejex; px > 0; px--)
      datos[n--] = Foto[py][px];

  status = 0;
  if(fits_write_img(fptr, TSHORT, 1, ejex*ejey, datos, &status))
    printerror( status );
  delete datos;
コード例 #2
ファイル: jsfitsio.c プロジェクト: nancyirisarri/js9
// ffhist3: same as ffhist2, but does not close the original file,
// and/or replace the original file pointer 
fitsfile *ffhist3(fitsfile *fptr, /* I - ptr to table with X and Y cols*/
           char *outfile,    /* I - name for the output histogram file      */
           int imagetype,    /* I - datatype for image: TINT, TSHORT, etc   */
           int naxis,        /* I - number of axes in the histogram image   */
           char colname[4][FLEN_VALUE],   /* I - column names               */
           double *minin,     /* I - minimum histogram value, for each axis */
           double *maxin,     /* I - maximum histogram value, for each axis */
           double *binsizein, /* I - bin size along each axis               */
           char minname[4][FLEN_VALUE], /* I - optional keywords for min    */
           char maxname[4][FLEN_VALUE], /* I - optional keywords for max    */
           char binname[4][FLEN_VALUE], /* I - optional keywords for binsize */
           double weightin,        /* I - binning weighting factor          */
           char wtcol[FLEN_VALUE], /* I - optional keyword or col for weight*/
           int recip,              /* I - use reciprocal of the weight?     */
           char *selectrow,        /* I - optional array (length = no. of   */
                             /* rows in the table).  If the element is true */
                             /* then the corresponding row of the table will*/
                             /* be included in the histogram, otherwise the */
                             /* row will be skipped.  Ingnored if *selectrow*/
                             /* is equal to NULL.                           */
           int *status)
    fitsfile *histptr;
    int   bitpix, colnum[4], wtcolnum;
    long haxes[4];
    float amin[4], amax[4], binsize[4],  weight;

    if (*status > 0)

    if (naxis > 4)
        ffpmsg("histogram has more than 4 dimensions");
	*status = BAD_DIMEN;

    /* reset position to the correct HDU if necessary */
    if ((fptr)->HDUposition != ((fptr)->Fptr)->curhdu)
        ffmahd(fptr, ((fptr)->HDUposition) + 1, NULL, status);

    if (imagetype == TBYTE)
        bitpix = BYTE_IMG;
    else if (imagetype == TSHORT)
        bitpix = SHORT_IMG;
    else if (imagetype == TINT)
        bitpix = LONG_IMG;
    else if (imagetype == TFLOAT)
        bitpix = FLOAT_IMG;
    else if (imagetype == TDOUBLE)
        bitpix = DOUBLE_IMG;
        *status = BAD_DATATYPE;
    /*    Calculate the binning parameters:    */
    /*   columm numbers, axes length, min values,  max values, and binsizes.  */

    if (fits_calc_binning(
      fptr, naxis, colname, minin, maxin, binsizein, minname, maxname, binname,
      colnum, haxes, amin, amax, binsize, status) > 0)
       ffpmsg("failed to determine binning parameters");
    /* get the histogramming weighting factor, if any */
    if (*wtcol)
        /* first, look for a keyword with the weight value */
        if (fits_read_key(fptr, TFLOAT, wtcol, &weight, NULL, status) )
            /* not a keyword, so look for column with this name */
            *status = 0;

            /* get the column number in the table */
            if (ffgcno(fptr, CASEINSEN, wtcol, &wtcolnum, status) > 0)
               "keyword or column for histogram weights doesn't exist: ");

            weight = FLOATNULLVALUE;
        weight = (float) weightin;

    if (weight <= 0. && weight != FLOATNULLVALUE)
        ffpmsg("Illegal histogramming weighting factor <= 0.");
	*status = URL_PARSE_ERROR;

    if (recip && weight != FLOATNULLVALUE)
       /* take reciprocal of weight */
       weight = (float) (1.0 / weight);

    /* size of histogram is now known, so create temp output file */
    if (fits_create_file(&histptr, outfile, status) > 0)
        ffpmsg("failed to create temp output file for histogram");

    /* create output FITS image HDU */
    if (ffcrim(histptr, bitpix, naxis, haxes, status) > 0)
        ffpmsg("failed to create output histogram FITS image");

    /* copy header keywords, converting pixel list WCS keywords to image WCS form */
    if (fits_copy_pixlist2image(fptr, histptr, 9, naxis, colnum, status) > 0)
        ffpmsg("failed to copy pixel list keywords to new histogram header");

    /* if the table columns have no WCS keywords, then write default keywords */
    fits_write_keys_histo(fptr, histptr, naxis, colnum, status);
    /* update the WCS keywords for the ref. pixel location, and pixel size */
    fits_rebin_wcs(histptr, naxis, amin, binsize,  status);      
    /* now compute the output image by binning the column values */
    if (fits_make_hist(fptr, histptr, bitpix, naxis, haxes, colnum, amin, amax,
        binsize, weight, wtcolnum, recip, selectrow, status) > 0)
        ffpmsg("failed to calculate new histogram values");
コード例 #3
ファイル: drvrmem.c プロジェクト: geechee/iraf
int mem_rawfile_open(char *filename, int rwmode, int *hdl)
  This routine creates an empty memory buffer, writes a minimal
  image header, then copies the image data from the raw file into
  memory.  It will byteswap the pixel values if the raw array
  is in little endian byte order.
    FILE *diskfile;
    fitsfile *fptr;
    short *sptr;
    int status, endian, datatype, bytePerPix, naxis;
    long dim[5] = {1,1,1,1,1}, ii, nvals, offset = 0;
    size_t filesize = 0, datasize;
    char rootfile[FLEN_FILENAME], *cptr = 0, *cptr2 = 0;
    void *ptr;

    if (rwmode != READONLY)
  "cannot open raw binary file with WRITE access (mem_rawfile_open)");

    cptr = strchr(filename, '[');   /* search for opening bracket [ */

    if (!cptr)
        ffpmsg("binary file name missing '[' character (mem_rawfile_open)");

    *rootfile = '\0';
    strncat(rootfile, filename, cptr - filename);  /* store the rootname */


    while (*cptr == ' ')
       cptr++;    /* skip leading blanks */

    /* Get the Data Type of the Image */

    if (*cptr == 'b' || *cptr == 'B')
      datatype = BYTE_IMG;
      bytePerPix = 1;
    else if (*cptr == 'i' || *cptr == 'I')
      datatype = SHORT_IMG;
      bytePerPix = 2;
    else if (*cptr == 'u' || *cptr == 'U')
      datatype = USHORT_IMG;
      bytePerPix = 2;

    else if (*cptr == 'j' || *cptr == 'J')
      datatype = LONG_IMG;
      bytePerPix = 4;
    else if (*cptr == 'r' || *cptr == 'R' || *cptr == 'f' || *cptr == 'F')
      datatype = FLOAT_IMG;
      bytePerPix = 4;
    else if (*cptr == 'd' || *cptr == 'D')
      datatype = DOUBLE_IMG;
      bytePerPix = 8;
        ffpmsg("error in raw binary file datatype (mem_rawfile_open)");


    /* get Endian: Big or Little; default is same as the local machine */
    if (*cptr == 'b' || *cptr == 'B')
        endian = 0;
    else if (*cptr == 'l' || *cptr == 'L')
        endian = 1;
        endian = BYTESWAPPED; /* byteswapped machines are little endian */

    /* read each dimension (up to 5) */

    naxis = 1;
    dim[0] = strtol(cptr, &cptr2, 10);
    if (cptr2 && *cptr2 == ',')
      naxis = 2;
      dim[1] = strtol(cptr2+1, &cptr, 10);

      if (cptr && *cptr == ',')
        naxis = 3;
        dim[2] = strtol(cptr+1, &cptr2, 10);

        if (cptr2 && *cptr2 == ',')
          naxis = 4;
          dim[3] = strtol(cptr2+1, &cptr, 10);

          if (cptr && *cptr == ',')
            naxis = 5;
            dim[4] = strtol(cptr+1, &cptr2, 10);

    cptr = maxvalue(cptr, cptr2);

    if (*cptr == ':')   /* read starting offset value */
        offset = strtol(cptr+1, 0, 10);

    nvals = dim[0] * dim[1] * dim[2] * dim[3] * dim[4];
    datasize = nvals * bytePerPix;
    filesize = nvals * bytePerPix + 2880;
    filesize = ((filesize - 1) / 2880 + 1) * 2880; 

    /* open the raw binary disk file */
    status = file_openfile(rootfile, READONLY, &diskfile);
    if (status)
        ffpmsg("failed to open raw  binary file (mem_rawfile_open)");

    /* create a memory file with corrct size for the FITS converted raw file */
    status = mem_createmem(filesize, hdl);
    if (status)
        ffpmsg("failed to create memory file (mem_rawfile_open)");

    /* open this piece of memory as a new FITS file */
    ffimem(&fptr, (void **) memTable[*hdl].memaddrptr, &filesize, 0, 0, &status);

    /* write the required header keywords */
    ffcrim(fptr, datatype, naxis, dim, &status);

    /* close the FITS file, but keep the memory allocated */
    ffclos(fptr, &status);

    if (status > 0)
        ffpmsg("failed to write basic image header (mem_rawfile_open)");
        mem_close_free(*hdl);   /* free up the memory */

    if (offset > 0)
       fseek(diskfile, offset, 0);   /* offset to start of the data */

    /* read the raw data into memory */
    ptr = *memTable[*hdl].memaddrptr + 2880;

    if (fread((char *) ptr, 1, datasize, diskfile) != datasize)
      status = READ_ERROR;

    fclose(diskfile);  /* close the raw binary disk file */

    if (status)
        mem_close_free(*hdl);   /* free up the memory */
        ffpmsg("failed to copy raw file data into memory (mem_rawfile_open)");

    if (datatype == USHORT_IMG)  /* have to subtract 32768 from each unsigned */
    {                            /* value to conform to FITS convention. More */
                                 /* efficient way to do this is to just flip  */
                                 /* the most significant bit.                 */

      sptr = (short *) ptr;

      if (endian == BYTESWAPPED)  /* working with native format */
        for (ii = 0; ii < nvals; ii++, sptr++)
          *sptr =  ( *sptr ) ^ 0x8000;
      else  /* pixels are byteswapped WRT the native format */
        for (ii = 0; ii < nvals; ii++, sptr++)
          *sptr =  ( *sptr ) ^ 0x80;

    if (endian)  /* swap the bytes if array is in little endian byte order */
      if (datatype == SHORT_IMG || datatype == USHORT_IMG)
        ffswap2( (short *) ptr, nvals);
      else if (datatype == LONG_IMG || datatype == FLOAT_IMG)
        ffswap4( (INT32BIT *) ptr, nvals);

      else if (datatype == DOUBLE_IMG)
        ffswap8( (double *) ptr, nvals);

    memTable[*hdl].currentpos = 0;           /* save starting position */
    memTable[*hdl].fitsfilesize=filesize;    /* and initial file size  */

コード例 #4
int ffcphd(fitsfile *infptr,    /* I - FITS file pointer to input file  */
           fitsfile *outfptr,   /* I - FITS file pointer to output file */
           int *status)         /* IO - error status     */
  copy the header keywords from infptr to outfptr.
    int nkeys, ii, inPrim = 0, outPrim = 0;
    long naxis, naxes[1];
    char *card, comm[FLEN_COMMENT];
    char *tmpbuff;

    if (*status > 0)

    if (infptr == outfptr)
        return(*status = SAME_FILE);

    /* set the input pointer to the correct HDU */
    if (infptr->HDUposition != (infptr->Fptr)->curhdu)
        ffmahd(infptr, (infptr->HDUposition) + 1, NULL, status);

    if (ffghsp(infptr, &nkeys, NULL, status) > 0) /* get no. of keywords */

    /* create a memory buffer to hold the header records */
    tmpbuff = (char*) malloc(nkeys*FLEN_CARD*sizeof(char));
    if (!tmpbuff)
        return(*status = MEMORY_ALLOCATION);

    /* read all of the header records in the input HDU */
    for (ii = 0; ii < nkeys; ii++)
      ffgrec(infptr, ii+1, tmpbuff + (ii * FLEN_CARD), status);

    if (infptr->HDUposition == 0)  /* set flag if this is the Primary HDU */
       inPrim = 1;

    /* if input is an image hdu, get the number of axes */
    naxis = -1;   /* negative if HDU is a table */
    if ((infptr->Fptr)->hdutype == IMAGE_HDU)
        ffgkyj(infptr, "NAXIS", &naxis, NULL, status);

    /* set the output pointer to the correct HDU */
    if (outfptr->HDUposition != (outfptr->Fptr)->curhdu)
        ffmahd(outfptr, (outfptr->HDUposition) + 1, NULL, status);

    /* check if output header is empty; if not create new empty HDU */
    if ((outfptr->Fptr)->headend !=
        (outfptr->Fptr)->headstart[(outfptr->Fptr)->curhdu] )
           ffcrhd(outfptr, status);   

    if (outfptr->HDUposition == 0)
        if (naxis < 0)
            /* the input HDU is a table, so we have to create */
            /* a dummy Primary array before copying it to the output */
            ffcrim(outfptr, 8, 0, naxes, status);
            ffcrhd(outfptr, status); /* create new empty HDU */
            /* set flag that this is the Primary HDU */
            outPrim = 1;

    if (*status > 0)  /* check for errors before proceeding */
    if ( inPrim == 1 && outPrim == 0 )
        /* copying from primary array to image extension */
        strcpy(comm, "IMAGE extension");
        ffpkys(outfptr, "XTENSION", "IMAGE", comm, status);

        /* copy BITPIX through NAXISn keywords */
        for (ii = 1; ii < 3 + naxis; ii++)
            card = tmpbuff + (ii * FLEN_CARD);
            ffprec(outfptr, card, status);

        strcpy(comm, "number of random group parameters");
        ffpkyj(outfptr, "PCOUNT", 0, comm, status);
        strcpy(comm, "number of random groups");
        ffpkyj(outfptr, "GCOUNT", 1, comm, status);

        /* copy remaining keywords, excluding EXTEND, and reference COMMENT keywords */
        for (ii = 3 + naxis ; ii < nkeys; ii++)
            card = tmpbuff+(ii * FLEN_CARD);
            if (FSTRNCMP(card, "EXTEND  ", 8) &&
                FSTRNCMP(card, "COMMENT   FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is", 58) && 
                FSTRNCMP(card, "COMMENT   and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 3", 47) )
                 ffprec(outfptr, card, status);
    else if ( inPrim == 0 && outPrim == 1 )
        /* copying between image extension and primary array */
        strcpy(comm, "file does conform to FITS standard");
        ffpkyl(outfptr, "SIMPLE", TRUE, comm, status);

        /* copy BITPIX through NAXISn keywords */
        for (ii = 1; ii < 3 + naxis; ii++)
            card = tmpbuff + (ii * FLEN_CARD);
            ffprec(outfptr, card, status);

        /* add the EXTEND keyword */
        strcpy(comm, "FITS dataset may contain extensions");
        ffpkyl(outfptr, "EXTEND", TRUE, comm, status);

      /* write standard block of self-documentating comments */
      "COMMENT   FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'Astronomy",
      "COMMENT   and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..359H",

        /* copy remaining keywords, excluding pcount, gcount */
        for (ii = 3 + naxis; ii < nkeys; ii++)
            card = tmpbuff+(ii * FLEN_CARD);
            if (FSTRNCMP(card, "PCOUNT  ", 8) && FSTRNCMP(card, "GCOUNT  ", 8))
                 ffprec(outfptr, card, status);
        /* input and output HDUs are same type; simply copy all keywords */
        for (ii = 0; ii < nkeys; ii++)
            card = tmpbuff+(ii * FLEN_CARD);
            ffprec(outfptr, card, status);

コード例 #5
ファイル: histo.c プロジェクト: agnwinds/python
int ffhist(fitsfile **fptr,  /* IO - pointer to table with X and Y cols;    */
                             /*     on output, points to histogram image    */
           char *outfile,    /* I - name for the output histogram file      */
           int imagetype,    /* I - datatype for image: TINT, TSHORT, etc   */
           int naxis,        /* I - number of axes in the histogram image   */
           char colname[4][FLEN_VALUE],   /* I - column names               */
           double *minin,     /* I - minimum histogram value, for each axis */
           double *maxin,     /* I - maximum histogram value, for each axis */
           double *binsizein, /* I - bin size along each axis               */
           char minname[4][FLEN_VALUE], /* I - optional keywords for min    */
           char maxname[4][FLEN_VALUE], /* I - optional keywords for max    */
           char binname[4][FLEN_VALUE], /* I - optional keywords for binsize */
           double weightin,        /* I - binning weighting factor          */
           char wtcol[FLEN_VALUE], /* I - optional keyword or col for weight*/
           int recip,              /* I - use reciprocal of the weight?     */
           char *selectrow,        /* I - optional array (length = no. of   */
                             /* rows in the table).  If the element is true */
                             /* then the corresponding row of the table will*/
                             /* be included in the histogram, otherwise the */
                             /* row will be skipped.  Ingnored if *selectrow*/
                             /* is equal to NULL.                           */
           int *status)
    int ii, datatype, repeat, imin, imax, ibin, bitpix, tstatus, use_datamax = 0;
    long haxes[4];
    fitsfile *histptr;
    char errmsg[FLEN_ERRMSG], keyname[FLEN_KEYWORD], card[FLEN_CARD];
    tcolumn *colptr;
    iteratorCol imagepars[1];
    int n_cols = 1, nkeys;
    long  offset = 0;
    long n_per_loop = -1;  /* force whole array to be passed at one time */
    histType histData;    /* Structure holding histogram info for iterator */
    float amin[4], amax[4], binsize[4], maxbin[4];
    float datamin = FLOATNULLVALUE, datamax = FLOATNULLVALUE;
    char svalue[FLEN_VALUE];
    double dvalue;
    char cpref[4][FLEN_VALUE];
    char *cptr;

    if (*status > 0)

    if (naxis > 4)
        ffpmsg("histogram has more than 4 dimensions");
        return(*status = BAD_DIMEN);

    /* reset position to the correct HDU if necessary */
    if ((*fptr)->HDUposition != ((*fptr)->Fptr)->curhdu)
        ffmahd(*fptr, ((*fptr)->HDUposition) + 1, NULL, status);

    histData.tblptr     = *fptr;
    histData.himagetype = imagetype;
    histData.haxis      = naxis;
    histData.rowselector = selectrow;

    if (imagetype == TBYTE)
        bitpix = BYTE_IMG;
    else if (imagetype == TSHORT)
        bitpix = SHORT_IMG;
    else if (imagetype == TINT)
        bitpix = LONG_IMG;
    else if (imagetype == TFLOAT)
        bitpix = FLOAT_IMG;
    else if (imagetype == TDOUBLE)
        bitpix = DOUBLE_IMG;
        return(*status = BAD_DATATYPE);

    /* The CPREF keyword, if it exists, gives the preferred columns. */
    /* Otherwise, assume "X", "Y", "Z", and "T"  */

    tstatus = 0;
    ffgky(*fptr, TSTRING, "CPREF", cpref[0], NULL, &tstatus);

    if (!tstatus)
        /* Preferred column names are given;  separate them */
        cptr = cpref[0];

        /* the first preferred axis... */
        while (*cptr != ',' && *cptr != '\0')

        if (*cptr != '\0')
           *cptr = '\0';
           while (*cptr == ' ')

           strcpy(cpref[1], cptr);
           cptr = cpref[1];

          /* the second preferred axis... */
          while (*cptr != ',' && *cptr != '\0')

          if (*cptr != '\0')
             *cptr = '\0';
             while (*cptr == ' ')

             strcpy(cpref[2], cptr);
             cptr = cpref[2];

            /* the third preferred axis... */
            while (*cptr != ',' && *cptr != '\0')

            if (*cptr != '\0')
               *cptr = '\0';
               while (*cptr == ' ')

               strcpy(cpref[3], cptr);


    for (ii = 0; ii < naxis; ii++)

      /* get the min, max, and binsize values from keywords, if specified */

      if (*minname[ii])
         if (ffgky(*fptr, TDOUBLE, minname[ii], &minin[ii], NULL, status) )
             ffpmsg("error reading histogramming minimum keyword");

      if (*maxname[ii])
         if (ffgky(*fptr, TDOUBLE, maxname[ii], &maxin[ii], NULL, status) )
             ffpmsg("error reading histogramming maximum keyword");

      if (*binname[ii])
         if (ffgky(*fptr, TDOUBLE, binname[ii], &binsizein[ii], NULL, status) )
             ffpmsg("error reading histogramming binsize keyword");

      if (binsizein[ii] == 0.)
        ffpmsg("error: histogram binsize = 0");
        return(*status = ZERO_SCALE);

      if (*colname[ii] == '\0')
         strcpy(colname[ii], cpref[ii]); /* try using the preferred column */
         if (*colname[ii] == '\0')
           if (ii == 0)
              strcpy(colname[ii], "X");
           else if (ii == 1)
              strcpy(colname[ii], "Y");
           else if (ii == 2)
              strcpy(colname[ii], "Z");
           else if (ii == 3)
              strcpy(colname[ii], "T");

      /* get the column number in the table */
      if (ffgcno(*fptr, CASEINSEN, colname[ii], histData.hcolnum+ii, status)
              > 0)
        strcpy(errmsg, "column for histogram axis doesn't exist: ");
        strcat(errmsg, colname[ii]);

      colptr = ((*fptr)->Fptr)->tableptr;
      colptr += (histData.hcolnum[ii] - 1);

      repeat = (int) colptr->trepeat;  /* vector repeat factor of the column */
      if (repeat > 1)
        strcpy(errmsg, "Can't bin a vector column: ");
        strcat(errmsg, colname[ii]);
        return(*status = BAD_DATATYPE);

      /* get the datatype of the column */
      fits_get_coltype(*fptr, histData.hcolnum[ii], &datatype,
         NULL, NULL, status);

      if (datatype < 0 || datatype == TSTRING)
        strcpy(errmsg, "Inappropriate datatype; can't bin this column: ");
        strcat(errmsg, colname[ii]);
        return(*status = BAD_DATATYPE);

      /* use TLMINn and TLMAXn keyword values if min and max were not given */
      /* else use actual data min and max if TLMINn and TLMAXn don't exist */
      if (minin[ii] == DOUBLENULLVALUE)
        ffkeyn("TLMIN", histData.hcolnum[ii], keyname, status);
        if (ffgky(*fptr, TFLOAT, keyname, amin+ii, NULL, status) > 0)
            /* use actual data minimum value for the histogram minimum */
            *status = 0;
            if (fits_get_col_minmax(*fptr, histData.hcolnum[ii], amin+ii, &datamax, status) > 0)
                strcpy(errmsg, "Error calculating datamin and datamax for column: ");
                strcat(errmsg, colname[ii]);
        amin[ii] = (float) minin[ii];

      if (maxin[ii] == DOUBLENULLVALUE)
        ffkeyn("TLMAX", histData.hcolnum[ii], keyname, status);
        if (ffgky(*fptr, TFLOAT, keyname, &amax[ii], NULL, status) > 0)
          *status = 0;
          if(datamax != FLOATNULLVALUE)  /* already computed max value */
             amax[ii] = datamax;
             /* use actual data maximum value for the histogram maximum */
             if (fits_get_col_minmax(*fptr, histData.hcolnum[ii], &datamin, &amax[ii], status) > 0)
                 strcpy(errmsg, "Error calculating datamin and datamax for column: ");
                 strcat(errmsg, colname[ii]);
        use_datamax = 1;  /* flag that the max was determined by the data values */
                          /* and not specifically set by the calling program */
        amax[ii] = (float) maxin[ii];

      /* use TDBINn keyword or else 1 if bin size is not given */
      if (binsizein[ii] == DOUBLENULLVALUE)
         tstatus = 0;
         ffkeyn("TDBIN", histData.hcolnum[ii], keyname, &tstatus);

         if (ffgky(*fptr, TDOUBLE, keyname, binsizein + ii, NULL, &tstatus) > 0)
	    /* make at least 10 bins */
            binsizein[ii] = (amax[ii] - amin[ii]) / 10. ;
            if (binsizein[ii] > 1.)
                binsizein[ii] = 1.;  /* use default bin size */

      if ( (amin[ii] > amax[ii] && binsizein[ii] > 0. ) ||
           (amin[ii] < amax[ii] && binsizein[ii] < 0. ) )
          binsize[ii] = (float) -binsizein[ii];  /* reverse the sign of binsize */
          binsize[ii] =  (float) binsizein[ii];  /* binsize has the correct sign */

      ibin = (int) binsize[ii];
      imin = (int) amin[ii];
      imax = (int) amax[ii];

      /* Determine the range and number of bins in the histogram. This  */
      /* depends on whether the input columns are integer or floats, so */
      /* treat each case separately.                                    */

      if (datatype <= TLONG && (float) imin == amin[ii] &&
                               (float) imax == amax[ii] &&
                               (float) ibin == binsize[ii] )
        /* This is an integer column and integer limits were entered. */
        /* Shift the lower and upper histogramming limits by 0.5, so that */
        /* the values fall in the center of the bin, not on the edge. */

        haxes[ii] = (imax - imin) / ibin + 1;  /* last bin may only */
                                               /* be partially full */
        maxbin[ii] = (float) (haxes[ii] + 1.);  /* add 1. instead of .5 to avoid roundoff */

        if (amin[ii] < amax[ii])
          amin[ii] = (float) (amin[ii] - 0.5);
          amax[ii] = (float) (amax[ii] + 0.5);
          amin[ii] = (float) (amin[ii] + 0.5);
          amax[ii] = (float) (amax[ii] - 0.5);
      else if (use_datamax)  
        /* Either the column datatype and/or the limits are floating point, */
        /* and the histogram limits are being defined by the min and max */
        /* values of the array.  Add 1 to the number of histogram bins to */
        /* make sure that pixels that are equal to the maximum or are */
        /* in the last partial bin are included.  */

        maxbin[ii] = (amax[ii] - amin[ii]) / binsize[ii]; 
        haxes[ii] = (long) (maxbin[ii] + 1);
        /*  float datatype column and/or limits, and the maximum value to */
        /*  include in the histogram is specified by the calling program. */
        /*  The lower limit is inclusive, but upper limit is exclusive    */
        maxbin[ii] = (amax[ii] - amin[ii]) / binsize[ii];
        haxes[ii] = (long) maxbin[ii];

        if (amin[ii] < amax[ii])
          if (amin[ii] + (haxes[ii] * binsize[ii]) < amax[ii])
            haxes[ii]++;   /* need to include another partial bin */
          if (amin[ii] + (haxes[ii] * binsize[ii]) > amax[ii])
            haxes[ii]++;   /* need to include another partial bin */

       /* get the histogramming weighting factor */
    if (*wtcol)
        /* first, look for a keyword with the weight value */
        if (ffgky(*fptr, TFLOAT, wtcol, &histData.weight, NULL, status) )
            /* not a keyword, so look for column with this name */
            *status = 0;

            /* get the column number in the table */
            if (ffgcno(*fptr, CASEINSEN, wtcol, &histData.wtcolnum, status) > 0)
               "keyword or column for histogram weights doesn't exist: ");

            histData.weight = FLOATNULLVALUE;
        histData.weight = (float) weightin;

    if (histData.weight <= 0. && histData.weight != FLOATNULLVALUE)
        ffpmsg("Illegal histogramming weighting factor <= 0.");
        return(*status = URL_PARSE_ERROR);

    if (recip && histData.weight != FLOATNULLVALUE)
       /* take reciprocal of weight */
       histData.weight = (float) (1.0 / histData.weight);

    histData.wtrecip = recip;
    /* size of histogram is now known, so create temp output file */
    if (ffinit(&histptr, outfile, status) > 0)
        ffpmsg("failed to create temp output file for histogram");

    if (ffcrim(histptr, bitpix, histData.haxis, haxes, status) > 0)
        ffpmsg("failed to create primary array histogram in temp file");
        ffclos(histptr, status);

    /* copy all non-structural keywords from the table to the image */
    fits_get_hdrspace(*fptr, &nkeys, NULL, status);
    for (ii = 1; ii <= nkeys; ii++)
       fits_read_record(*fptr, ii, card, status);
       if (fits_get_keyclass(card) >= 120)
           fits_write_record(histptr, card, status);

    /* Set global variables with histogram parameter values.    */
    /* Use separate scalar variables rather than arrays because */
    /* it is more efficient when computing the histogram.       */

    histData.amin1 = amin[0];
    histData.maxbin1 = maxbin[0];
    histData.binsize1 = binsize[0];
    histData.haxis1 = haxes[0];

    if (histData.haxis > 1)
      histData.amin2 = amin[1];
      histData.maxbin2 = maxbin[1];
      histData.binsize2 = binsize[1];
      histData.haxis2 = haxes[1];

      if (histData.haxis > 2)
        histData.amin3 = amin[2];
        histData.maxbin3 = maxbin[2];
        histData.binsize3 = binsize[2];
        histData.haxis3 = haxes[2];

        if (histData.haxis > 3)
          histData.amin4 = amin[3];
          histData.maxbin4 = maxbin[3];
          histData.binsize4 = binsize[3];
          histData.haxis4 = haxes[3];

    /* define parameters of image for the iterator function */
    fits_iter_set_file(imagepars, histptr);        /* pointer to image */
    fits_iter_set_datatype(imagepars, imagetype);  /* image datatype   */
    fits_iter_set_iotype(imagepars, OutputCol);    /* image is output  */

    /* call the iterator function to write out the histogram image */
    if (fits_iterate_data(n_cols, imagepars, offset, n_per_loop,
                          ffwritehisto, (void*)&histData, status) )

    /* write the World Coordinate System (WCS) keywords */
    /* create default values if WCS keywords are not present in the table */
    for (ii = 0; ii < histData.haxis; ii++)
     /*  CTYPEn  */
       tstatus = 0;
       ffkeyn("TCTYP", histData.hcolnum[ii], keyname, &tstatus);
       ffgky(*fptr, TSTRING, keyname, svalue, NULL, &tstatus);
       if (tstatus)
       {               /* just use column name as the type */
          tstatus = 0;
          ffkeyn("TTYPE", histData.hcolnum[ii], keyname, &tstatus);
          ffgky(*fptr, TSTRING, keyname, svalue, NULL, &tstatus);

       if (!tstatus)
        ffkeyn("CTYPE", ii + 1, keyname, &tstatus);
        ffpky(histptr, TSTRING, keyname, svalue, "Coordinate Type", &tstatus);
          tstatus = 0;

     /*  CUNITn  */
       ffkeyn("TCUNI", histData.hcolnum[ii], keyname, &tstatus);
       ffgky(*fptr, TSTRING, keyname, svalue, NULL, &tstatus);
       if (tstatus)
       {         /* use the column units */
          tstatus = 0;
          ffkeyn("TUNIT", histData.hcolnum[ii], keyname, &tstatus);
          ffgky(*fptr, TSTRING, keyname, svalue, NULL, &tstatus);

       if (!tstatus)
        ffkeyn("CUNIT", ii + 1, keyname, &tstatus);
        ffpky(histptr, TSTRING, keyname, svalue, "Coordinate Units", &tstatus);
         tstatus = 0;

     /*  CRPIXn  - Reference Pixel  */
       ffkeyn("TCRPX", histData.hcolnum[ii], keyname, &tstatus);
       ffgky(*fptr, TDOUBLE, keyname, &dvalue, NULL, &tstatus);
       if (tstatus)
         dvalue = 1.0; /* choose first pixel in new image as ref. pix. */
         tstatus = 0;
           /* calculate locate of the ref. pix. in the new image */
           dvalue = (dvalue - amin[ii]) / binsize[ii] + .5;

       ffkeyn("CRPIX", ii + 1, keyname, &tstatus);
       ffpky(histptr, TDOUBLE, keyname, &dvalue, "Reference Pixel", &tstatus);

     /*  CRVALn - Value at the location of the reference pixel */
       ffkeyn("TCRVL", histData.hcolnum[ii], keyname, &tstatus);
       ffgky(*fptr, TDOUBLE, keyname, &dvalue, NULL, &tstatus);
       if (tstatus)
         /* calculate value at ref. pix. location (at center of 1st pixel) */
         dvalue = amin[ii] + binsize[ii]/2.;
         tstatus = 0;

       ffkeyn("CRVAL", ii + 1, keyname, &tstatus);
       ffpky(histptr, TDOUBLE, keyname, &dvalue, "Reference Value", &tstatus);

     /*  CDELTn - unit size of pixels  */
       ffkeyn("TCDLT", histData.hcolnum[ii], keyname, &tstatus);
       ffgky(*fptr, TDOUBLE, keyname, &dvalue, NULL, &tstatus);
       if (tstatus)
         dvalue = 1.0;  /* use default pixel size */
         tstatus = 0;

       dvalue = dvalue * binsize[ii];
       ffkeyn("CDELT", ii + 1, keyname, &tstatus);
       ffpky(histptr, TDOUBLE, keyname, &dvalue, "Pixel size", &tstatus);

     /*  CROTAn - Rotation angle (degrees CCW)  */
     /*  There should only be a CROTA2 keyword, and only for 2+ D images */
       if (ii == 1)
         ffkeyn("TCROT", histData.hcolnum[ii], keyname, &tstatus);
         ffgky(*fptr, TDOUBLE, keyname, &dvalue, NULL, &tstatus);
         if (!tstatus && dvalue != 0.)  /* only write keyword if angle != 0 */
           ffkeyn("CROTA", ii + 1, keyname, &tstatus);
           ffpky(histptr, TDOUBLE, keyname, &dvalue,
                 "Rotation angle", &tstatus);
            /* didn't find CROTA for the 2nd axis, so look for one */
            /* on the first axis */
           tstatus = 0;
           ffkeyn("TCROT", histData.hcolnum[0], keyname, &tstatus);
           ffgky(*fptr, TDOUBLE, keyname, &dvalue, NULL, &tstatus);
           if (!tstatus && dvalue != 0.)  /* only write keyword if angle != 0 */
             dvalue *= -1.;   /* negate the value, because mirror image */
             ffkeyn("CROTA", ii + 1, keyname, &tstatus);
             ffpky(histptr, TDOUBLE, keyname, &dvalue,
                   "Rotation angle", &tstatus);

    /* convert any TPn_k keywords to PCi_j; the value remains unchanged */
    /* also convert any TCn_k to CDi_j; the value is modified by n binning size */
    /* This is a bit of a kludge, and only works for 2D WCS */

    if (histData.haxis == 2) {

      /* PC1_1 */
      tstatus = 0;
      ffkeyn("TP", histData.hcolnum[0], card, &tstatus);
      ffkeyn(card, histData.hcolnum[0], keyname, &tstatus);
      ffgky(*fptr, TDOUBLE, keyname, &dvalue, card, &tstatus);
      if (!tstatus) 
         ffpky(histptr, TDOUBLE, "PC1_1", &dvalue, card, &tstatus);

      tstatus = 0;
      keyname[1] = 'C';
      ffgky(*fptr, TDOUBLE, keyname, &dvalue, card, &tstatus);
      if (!tstatus) {
         dvalue *=  binsize[0];
         ffpky(histptr, TDOUBLE, "CD1_1", &dvalue, card, &tstatus);

      /* PC1_2 */
      tstatus = 0;
      ffkeyn("TP", histData.hcolnum[0], card, &tstatus);
      ffkeyn(card, histData.hcolnum[1], keyname, &tstatus);
      ffgky(*fptr, TDOUBLE, keyname, &dvalue, card, &tstatus);
      if (!tstatus) 
         ffpky(histptr, TDOUBLE, "PC1_2", &dvalue, card, &tstatus);
      tstatus = 0;
      keyname[1] = 'C';
      ffgky(*fptr, TDOUBLE, keyname, &dvalue, card, &tstatus);
      if (!tstatus) {
        dvalue *=  binsize[0];
        ffpky(histptr, TDOUBLE, "CD1_2", &dvalue, card, &tstatus);
      /* PC2_1 */
      tstatus = 0;
      ffkeyn("TP", histData.hcolnum[1], card, &tstatus);
      ffkeyn(card, histData.hcolnum[0], keyname, &tstatus);
      ffgky(*fptr, TDOUBLE, keyname, &dvalue, card, &tstatus);
      if (!tstatus) 
         ffpky(histptr, TDOUBLE, "PC2_1", &dvalue, card, &tstatus);
      tstatus = 0;
      keyname[1] = 'C';
      ffgky(*fptr, TDOUBLE, keyname, &dvalue, card, &tstatus);
      if (!tstatus) {
         dvalue *=  binsize[1];
         ffpky(histptr, TDOUBLE, "CD2_1", &dvalue, card, &tstatus);
       /* PC2_2 */
      tstatus = 0;
      ffkeyn("TP", histData.hcolnum[1], card, &tstatus);
      ffkeyn(card, histData.hcolnum[1], keyname, &tstatus);
      ffgky(*fptr, TDOUBLE, keyname, &dvalue, card, &tstatus);
      if (!tstatus) 
         ffpky(histptr, TDOUBLE, "PC2_2", &dvalue, card, &tstatus);
      tstatus = 0;
      keyname[1] = 'C';
      ffgky(*fptr, TDOUBLE, keyname, &dvalue, card, &tstatus);
      if (!tstatus) {
         dvalue *=  binsize[1];
         ffpky(histptr, TDOUBLE, "CD2_2", &dvalue, card, &tstatus);
    /* finally, close the original file and return ptr to the new image */
    ffclos(*fptr, status);
    *fptr = histptr;
