コード例 #1
ファイル: glfftwater.cpp プロジェクト: jcayzac/Rocky
void GLFFTWater::computeHeightfield(float t) {
	const int hN = m_params.N / 2;
	const int hNp2 = m_params.N + 2;

	for(int y=0; y<m_params.N; y++) {
	    int nk_x=m_params.N-1-y;
	    for(int x=0; x<=hN; x++) {
		    int nk_y=m_params.N-1-x;
		    int idx = (nk_x)*(m_params.N)+nk_y;
		    float pcos = cosf(m_w[y*m_params.N+x]*t);
		    float psin = sinf(m_w[y*m_params.N+x]*t);
		    // @TODO: check this math simplification ...
		    float ht_r = m_htilde0[y*m_params.N+x][0]*pcos-m_htilde0[y*m_params.N+x][0]*psin+
		    float ht_c = -2.0f*m_htilde0[idx][0]*psin;

		    m_h[x*2+hNp2*y] = ht_r;
		    m_h[x*2+1+hNp2*y] = ht_c;

		    float kkx = m_kx[y*(hN+1)+x];
		    float kkz = m_kz[y*(hN+1)+x];

		    m_dx[x*2+hNp2*y] =  -ht_c*kkx;
		    m_dx[x*2+1+hNp2*y] =  ht_r*kkx;
		    m_dz[x*2+hNp2*y] =  -ht_c*kkz;
		    m_dz[x*2+1+hNp2*y] =  ht_r*kkz;
	m_dx[m_params.N + hNp2*hN] = 0.f;
	m_dz[m_params.N + hNp2*hN] = 0.f;
	m_dx[m_params.N + hNp2*hN+1] = 0.f;
	m_dz[m_params.N + hNp2*hN+1] = 0.f;

	fftwf_execute_dft_c2r(m_fftplan, (fftwf_complex *)m_h, m_h);
	fftwf_execute_dft_c2r(m_fftplan, (fftwf_complex *)m_dx, m_dx);
	fftwf_execute_dft_c2r(m_fftplan, (fftwf_complex *)m_dz, m_dz);

	const float scale = m_params.L / (float)m_params.N * m_params.chop;
	for(int y=0; y<m_params.N;y++) {
		for(int x=0; x<m_params.N; x++) {
			if((x+y)%2==0) {
				m_heightmap[x+m_params.N*y].x = m_dx[x+hNp2*y]*scale;
				m_heightmap[x+m_params.N*y].y = m_h[x+hNp2*y];
				m_heightmap[x+m_params.N*y].z = m_dz[x+hNp2*y]*scale;
			} else {
				m_heightmap[x+m_params.N*y].x = -m_dx[x+hNp2*y]*scale;
				m_heightmap[x+m_params.N*y].y = -m_h[x+hNp2*y];
				m_heightmap[x+m_params.N*y].z = -m_dz[x+hNp2*y]*scale;
コード例 #2
void fft_apply(PluginData *pd)
	int w = pd->image_width, h = pd->image_height,
		pw = w/2+1; // physical width
	fftwf_complex *multiplied = (fftwf_complex*) fftwf_malloc(sizeof(fftwf_complex) * pw * h);
	float diagonal = sqrt(h*h + w*w)/2.0;
	// save current state of the curve
	curve_copy(&pd->curve_user, &pd->curve_fft);
	for(int channel=0; channel < pd->channel_count; channel++)
		//skip DC value
		multiplied[0][0] = pd->image_freq[channel][0][0];
		multiplied[0][1] = pd->image_freq[channel][0][1];
		// apply convolution
		for (int i=1; i < pw*h; i++){
			float dist = index_to_dist(i, pw, h);
			float coef = curve_get_value(dist_to_graph(dist), &pd->curve_fft);
			multiplied[i][0] = pd->image_freq[channel][i][0] * coef;
			multiplied[i][1] = pd->image_freq[channel][i][1] * coef;
		// apply inverse FFT
		fftwf_execute_dft_c2r(pd->plan, multiplied, pd->image[channel]);
		// pack results for GIMP
		for(int x=0; x < w; x ++)
			for(int y=0; y < h; y ++)
				float v = pd->image[channel][y*w + x];
				pd->img_pixels[(y*w + x)*pd->channel_count + channel] = CLAMPED(v,0,255);
コード例 #3
void wavelet_prepare(PluginData *pd)
	int w = pd->image_width, h = pd->image_height,
		pw = w/2+1; // physical width
	fftwf_complex *multiplied = (fftwf_complex*) fftwf_malloc(sizeof(fftwf_complex) * pw * h);
	float *image_temp = (float*)fftwf_malloc(sizeof(float) * w * h);
	float diagonal = sqrt(h*h + w*w)/2;
	pd->image_wavelet = (char*)fftwf_malloc(WAVELET_DEPTH * w * h * sizeof(char));
	// printf("Wavelet layers occupy %lu MB.\n", (WAVELET_DEPTH * w * h * sizeof(short)) >> 20);
	// TODO: keep only the selected part of the image (->save memory)

	int lower = 0, peak = 1, upper = scale_to_dist(1, diagonal);
	for (int scale = 0; scale < WAVELET_DEPTH; scale ++)
		float above = upper-peak, below = peak-lower;
		for (int i=0; i < pw*h; i++){
			multiplied[i][0] = multiplied[i][1] = 0.0;
		for (int i=0; i < pw*h; i++)
			float dist = index_to_dist(i, pw, h);
			if (dist <= upper){
				if (dist > lower){
					if (dist > peak){
						for(int channel=0; channel < pd->channel_count; channel ++)
							multiplied[i][0] += pd->image_freq[channel][i][0];
							multiplied[i][1] += pd->image_freq[channel][i][1];
						float coef = (1.0 - (dist-peak)/above) / pd->channel_count;
						multiplied[i][0] *= coef;
						multiplied[i][1] *= coef;
					else {
						for(int channel=0; channel < pd->channel_count; channel ++)
							multiplied[i][0] += pd->image_freq[channel][i][0];
							multiplied[i][1] += pd->image_freq[channel][i][1];
						float coef = (1.0 - (peak-dist)/below) / pd->channel_count;
						multiplied[i][0] *= coef;
						multiplied[i][1] *= coef;
		// apply inverse FFT
		fftwf_execute_dft_c2r(pd->plan, multiplied, image_temp);
		for (int i=0; i < w*h; i++)
			pd->image_wavelet[i*WAVELET_DEPTH + scale] = CLAMPED(image_temp[i], -127, 127);
		lower = peak;
		peak = upper;
		upper = scale_to_dist(scale+2, diagonal);
コード例 #4
ファイル: fftw_fft.c プロジェクト: KL-Yang/fft
void fftw1d_c2r(fftwplan_h h, complex float *po, int cdist, int nmemb,
        float *pr, int rdist, int repeat)
    fftwplan_t *t = (fftwplan_t*)h;
    for(int i=0; i<repeat; i++) 
        for(int j=0; j<nmemb; j++) 
            fftwf_execute_dft_c2r(t->c2r, (fftwf_complex*)(po+j*cdist), pr+j*rdist);
コード例 #5
ファイル: fft.c プロジェクト: Starlink/sextractor
/****** fft_conv ************************************************************
PROTO	void fft_conv(float *data1, float *fdata2, int *size)
PURPOSE	Optimized 2-dimensional FFT convolution using the FFTW library.
INPUT	ptr to the first image,
	ptr to the Fourier transform of the second image,
	image size vector.
NOTES	For data1 and fdata2, memory must be allocated for
	size[0]* ... * 2*(size[naxis-1]/2+1) floats (padding required).
AUTHOR	E. Bertin (IAP)
VERSION	29/03/2013
void    fft_conv(float *data1, float *fdata2, int *size)
   float		*fdata1p,*fdata2p,
			real,imag, fac;
   int			i, npix,npix2;

/* Convert axis indexing to that of FFTW */
  npix = size[0]*size[1];
  npix2 = ((size[0]/2) + 1) * size[1];

/* Forward FFT "in place" for data1 */
  if (!fplan)
    QFFTWF_MALLOC(fdata1, fftwf_complex, npix2);
    fplan = fftwf_plan_dft_r2c_2d(size[1], size[0], data1,
        (fftwf_complex *)fdata1, FFTW_ESTIMATE);

  fftwf_execute_dft_r2c(fplan, data1, fdata1);

/* Actual convolution (Fourier product) */
  fac = 1.0/npix;  
  fdata1p = (float *)fdata1;
  fdata2p = fdata2;
#pragma ivdep
  for (i=npix2; i--;)
    real = *fdata1p **fdata2p - *(fdata1p+1)**(fdata2p+1);
    imag = *(fdata1p+1)**fdata2p + *fdata1p**(fdata2p+1);
    *(fdata1p) = fac*real;
    *(fdata1p+1) = fac*imag;

/* Reverse FFT */
  if (!bplan)
    bplan = fftwf_plan_dft_c2r_2d(size[1], size[0], (fftwf_complex *)fdata1, 
        data1, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
  fftwf_execute_dft_c2r(bplan, fdata1, data1);

//  fftwf_execute(plan);

コード例 #6
// buf must be fftwf_malloc'd with size `sizeof(float) * fftLen`
// im should be approx offset from fix by hint.
Point phaseCorr(const float *fix, const float *im, const Size &imSz, const fftwf_plan &plan, float *buf, const Point2f &hint,
				double &bestSqDist, const Mat &mask, Point &maxLoc, float &conf, const ConfGetter getConf, const char *saveIm) {
	unsigned fftLen = getFFTLen(imSz);
	for (unsigned i = 0; i < fftLen; i += 2) {
		float a = fix[i] * im[i] + fix[i + 1] * im[i + 1];
		float b = fix[i + 1] * im[i] - fix[i] * im[i + 1];
		float norm = sqrt(a * a + b * b);
		buf[i] = (norm != 0) ? (a / norm) : 0;
		buf[i + 1] = (norm != 0) ? (b / norm) : 0;
		//printf("wow %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f\n", fix[i], fix[i+1], im[i], im[i+1], a, b, buf[i], buf[i + 1]);

	fftwf_execute_dft_c2r(plan, (fftwf_complex *)buf, buf);

	Mat bufMat(imSz.height, imSz.width + 2, CV_32FC1, buf);
	//	bufMat = abs(bufMat);
	blur(bufMat, bufMat, Size(21, 21));

	if (saveIm) {
		saveFloatIm(saveIm, bufMat);

	minMaxLoc(bufMat, NULL, NULL, NULL, &maxLoc, mask);

	// there are four potential shifts corresponding to one peak
	// we choose the shift that is closest to the microscope's guess for the offset between the two
	Point bestPt;
	bestSqDist = 1e99;
	for (int dx = -imSz.width; dx <= 0; dx += imSz.width) {
		for (int dy = -imSz.height; dy <= 0; dy += imSz.height) {
			Point curPt(maxLoc.x + dx, maxLoc.y + dy);
			double curSqDist = getSqDist(curPt, hint);
			if (curSqDist < bestSqDist) {
				bestSqDist = curSqDist;
				bestPt = curPt;

	conf = getConf(bufMat, maxLoc, bestSqDist);

	return bestPt;
コード例 #7
ファイル: cyclic_utils.c プロジェクト: demorest/cyclic_tools
void profile_harm2phase(struct profile_harm *in, struct profile_phase *out, 
        const struct cyclic_work *w) {
    fftwf_execute_dft_c2r(w->harm2phase, in->data, out->data);