コード例 #1
QWidget* QgsRangeWidgetWrapper::createWidget( QWidget* parent )
  QWidget* editor = 0;

  if ( config( "Style" ).toString() == "Dial" )
    editor = new QgsDial( parent );
  else if ( config( "Style" ).toString() == "Slider" )
    editor = new QgsSlider( Qt::Horizontal, parent );
    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "%1" ).arg(( int )layer()->fields()[fieldIdx()].type() ) );
    switch ( layer()->fields()[fieldIdx()].type() )
      case QVariant::Double:
        editor = new QgsDoubleSpinBox( parent );
      case QVariant::Int:
      case QVariant::LongLong:
        editor = new QgsSpinBox( parent );

  return editor;
コード例 #2
QWidget *QgsAttributeTableDelegate::createEditor(
  QWidget *parent,
  const QStyleOptionViewItem &option,
  const QModelIndex &index ) const
  QgsVectorLayer *vl = layer( index.model() );
  if ( !vl )
    return NULL;

  QWidget *w = QgsAttributeEditor::createAttributeEditor( parent, 0, vl, fieldIdx( index ), index.model()->data( index, Qt::EditRole ) );

  if ( parent )
    QgsAttributeTableView *tv = dynamic_cast<QgsAttributeTableView *>( parent->parentWidget() );
    w->setMinimumWidth( tv->columnWidth( index.column() ) );

    if ( vl->editType( fieldIdx( index ) ) == QgsVectorLayer::FileName ||
         vl->editType( fieldIdx( index ) ) == QgsVectorLayer::Calendar )
      QLineEdit *le = w->findChild<QLineEdit*>();
      w->setMinimumHeight( le->height()*2 ); // FIXME: there must be a better way to do this

  return w;
コード例 #3
void QgsRelationReferenceWidgetWrapper::initWidget( QWidget *editor )
  QgsRelationReferenceWidget *w = dynamic_cast<QgsRelationReferenceWidget *>( editor );
  if ( !w )
    w = new QgsRelationReferenceWidget( editor );

  mWidget = w;

  mWidget->setEditorContext( context(), mCanvas, mMessageBar );

  bool showForm = config( QStringLiteral( "ShowForm" ), false ).toBool();
  bool mapIdent = config( QStringLiteral( "MapIdentification" ), false ).toBool();
  bool readOnlyWidget = config( QStringLiteral( "ReadOnly" ), false ).toBool();
  bool orderByValue = config( QStringLiteral( "OrderByValue" ), false ).toBool();
  bool showOpenFormButton = config( QStringLiteral( "ShowOpenFormButton" ), true ).toBool();

  mWidget->setEmbedForm( showForm );
  mWidget->setReadOnlySelector( readOnlyWidget );
  mWidget->setAllowMapIdentification( mapIdent );
  mWidget->setOrderByValue( orderByValue );
  mWidget->setOpenFormButtonVisible( showOpenFormButton );
  if ( config( QStringLiteral( "FilterFields" ), QVariant() ).isValid() )
    mWidget->setFilterFields( config( QStringLiteral( "FilterFields" ) ).toStringList() );
    mWidget->setChainFilters( config( QStringLiteral( "ChainFilters" ) ).toBool() );
  mWidget->setAllowAddFeatures( config( QStringLiteral( "AllowAddFeatures" ), false ).toBool() );

  const QVariant relationName = config( QStringLiteral( "Relation" ) );

  QgsRelation relation; // invalid relation by default
  if ( relationName.isValid() )
    relation = QgsProject::instance()->relationManager()->relation( relationName.toString() );
  else if ( ! layer()->referencingRelations( fieldIdx() ).isEmpty() )
    relation = layer()->referencingRelations( fieldIdx() )[0];

  // If this widget is already embedded by the same relation, reduce functionality
  const QgsAttributeEditorContext *ctx = &context();
    if ( ctx->relation().name() == relation.name() )
      mWidget->setEmbedForm( false );
      mWidget->setReadOnlySelector( false );
      mWidget->setAllowMapIdentification( false );
    ctx = ctx->parentContext();
  while ( ctx );

  mWidget->setRelation( relation, config( QStringLiteral( "AllowNULL" ) ).toBool() );

  connect( mWidget, &QgsRelationReferenceWidget::foreignKeyChanged, this, &QgsRelationReferenceWidgetWrapper::foreignKeyChanged );
コード例 #4
void QgsRangeWidgetWrapper::initWidget( QWidget* editor )
  mDoubleSpinBox = qobject_cast<QDoubleSpinBox*>( editor );
  mIntSpinBox = qobject_cast<QSpinBox*>( editor );

  mDial = qobject_cast<QDial*>( editor );
  mSlider = qobject_cast<QSlider*>( editor );
  mQgsDial = qobject_cast<QgsDial*>( editor );
  mQgsSlider = qobject_cast<QgsSlider*>( editor );

  bool allowNull = config( QStringLiteral( "AllowNull" ), true ).toBool();

  QVariant min( config( QStringLiteral( "Min" ) ) );
  QVariant max( config( QStringLiteral( "Max" ) ) );
  QVariant step( config( QStringLiteral( "Step" ) ) );

  if ( mDoubleSpinBox )
    // set the precision if field is integer
    int precision = layer()->fields().at( fieldIdx() ).precision();
    if ( precision > 0 )
      mDoubleSpinBox->setDecimals( layer()->fields().at( fieldIdx() ).precision() );

    double minval = min.toDouble();
    double stepval = step.toDouble();
    QgsDoubleSpinBox* qgsWidget = dynamic_cast<QgsDoubleSpinBox*>( mDoubleSpinBox );
    if ( qgsWidget )
      qgsWidget->setShowClearButton( allowNull );
    if ( allowNull )
      if ( precision > 0 )
        minval -= 10 ^ -precision;
        minval -= stepval;
      mDoubleSpinBox->setValue( minval );
      mDoubleSpinBox->setSpecialValueText( QSettings().value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/nullValue" ), "NULL" ).toString() );
    mDoubleSpinBox->setMinimum( min.isValid() ? min.toDouble() : std::numeric_limits<double>::min() );
    mDoubleSpinBox->setMaximum( max.isValid() ? max.toDouble() : std::numeric_limits<double>::max() );
    mDoubleSpinBox->setSingleStep( step.isValid() ? step.toDouble() : 1.0 );
    if ( config( QStringLiteral( "Suffix" ) ).isValid() )
      mDoubleSpinBox->setSuffix( config( QStringLiteral( "Suffix" ) ).toString() );

    connect( mDoubleSpinBox, SIGNAL( valueChanged( double ) ), this, SLOT( valueChanged( double ) ) );
  else if ( mIntSpinBox )
コード例 #5
QWidget *QgsRangeWidgetWrapper::createWidget( QWidget *parent )
  QWidget *editor = nullptr;

  if ( config( QStringLiteral( "Style" ) ).toString() == QLatin1String( "Dial" ) )
    editor = new QgsDial( parent );
  else if ( config( QStringLiteral( "Style" ) ).toString() == QLatin1String( "Slider" ) )
    editor = new QgsSlider( Qt::Horizontal, parent );
    switch ( layer()->fields().at( fieldIdx() ).type() )
      case QVariant::Double:
        editor = new QgsDoubleSpinBox( parent );
      case QVariant::Int:
      case QVariant::LongLong:
        editor = new QgsSpinBox( parent );

  return editor;
コード例 #6
void QgsUniqueValuesWidget::initWidget( QWidget* editor )
  mComboBox = qobject_cast<QComboBox*>( editor );
  mLineEdit = qobject_cast<QLineEdit*>( editor );

  QStringList sValues;

  QList<QVariant> values;

  layer()->uniqueValues( fieldIdx(), values );

  Q_FOREACH( QVariant v, values )
    if ( mComboBox )
      mComboBox->addItem( v.toString(), v );

    sValues << v.toString();

  if ( mLineEdit )
    QCompleter* c = new QCompleter( sValues );
    c->setCompletionMode( QCompleter::PopupCompletion );
    mLineEdit->setCompleter( c );

    connect( mLineEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged( QString ) ), this, SLOT( valueChanged( QString ) ) );

  if ( mComboBox )
    connect( mComboBox, SIGNAL( currentIndexChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( valueChanged() ) );
コード例 #7
void QgsAttributeTableDelegate::setEditorData( QWidget *editor, const QModelIndex &index ) const
  QgsVectorLayer *vl = layer( index.model() );
  if ( vl == NULL )

  QgsAttributeEditor::setValue( editor, vl, fieldIdx( index ), index.model()->data( index, Qt::EditRole ) );
コード例 #8
QWidget* QgsRangeWidgetWrapper::createWidget( QWidget* parent )
  QWidget* editor = 0;

  if ( config( "Style" ).toString() == "Dial" )
    editor = new QgsDial( parent );
  else if ( config( "Style" ).toString() == "Slider" )
    editor = new QgsSlider( Qt::Horizontal, parent );
    switch ( layer()->pendingFields()[fieldIdx()].type() )
      case QVariant::Double:
        QDoubleSpinBox* spin  = new QDoubleSpinBox( parent );
        int precision = layer()->pendingFields()[fieldIdx()].precision();
        if ( precision > 0 )
          spin->setDecimals( layer()->pendingFields()[fieldIdx()].precision() );
        editor = spin;
      case QVariant::Int:
      case QVariant::LongLong:
        editor = new QSpinBox( parent );


  return editor;
コード例 #9
void QgsEnumerationWidgetWrapper::initWidget( QWidget* editor )
  mComboBox = qobject_cast<QComboBox*>( editor );

  if ( mComboBox )
    QStringList enumValues;
    layer()->dataProvider()->enumValues( fieldIdx(), enumValues );

    Q_FOREACH ( const QString& s, enumValues )
      mComboBox->addItem( s, s );
    connect( mComboBox, SIGNAL( currentIndexChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( valueChanged() ) );
コード例 #10
void QgsAttributeTableDelegate::setModelData( QWidget *editor, QAbstractItemModel *model, const QModelIndex &index ) const
  QgsVectorLayer *vl = layer( model );
  if ( vl == NULL )

  int idx = fieldIdx( index );
  int fid = featureId( index );

  QVariant value;
  if ( !QgsAttributeEditor::retrieveValue( editor, vl, idx, value ) )

  vl->beginEditCommand( tr( "Attribute changed" ) );
  vl->changeAttributeValue( fid, idx, value, true );
コード例 #11
void QgsUniqueValuesWidgetWrapper::initWidget( QWidget* editor )
  mComboBox = qobject_cast<QComboBox*>( editor );
  mLineEdit = qobject_cast<QLineEdit*>( editor );

  QStringList sValues;

  QList<QVariant> values;

  layer()->uniqueValues( fieldIdx(), values );

  Q_FOREACH ( const QVariant& v, values )
    if ( mComboBox )
      mComboBox->addItem( v.toString(), v );

    if ( mLineEdit )
      sValues << v.toString();

  if ( mLineEdit )
    QgsFilterLineEdit* fle = qobject_cast<QgsFilterLineEdit*>( editor );
    if ( fle && !( field().type() == QVariant::Int || field().type() == QVariant::Double || field().type() == QVariant::LongLong || field().type() == QVariant::Date ) )
      fle->setNullValue( QSettings().value( "qgis/nullValue", "NULL" ).toString() );

    QCompleter* c = new QCompleter( sValues );
    c->setCaseSensitivity( Qt::CaseInsensitive );
    c->setCompletionMode( QCompleter::PopupCompletion );
    mLineEdit->setCompleter( c );

    connect( mLineEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged( QString ) ), this, SLOT( valueChanged( QString ) ) );

  if ( mComboBox )
    connect( mComboBox, SIGNAL( currentIndexChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( valueChanged() ) );
コード例 #12
void QgsValueRelationWidgetWrapper::setValue( const QVariant &value )
  if ( mTableWidget )
    QStringList checkList;

    if ( layer()->fields().at( fieldIdx() ).type() == QVariant::Map )
      //because of json it's stored as QVariantList
      checkList = value.toStringList();
      checkList = QgsValueRelationFieldFormatter::valueToStringList( value );

    QTableWidgetItem *lastChangedItem = nullptr;

    const int nofColumns = columnCount();

    // This block is needed because item->setCheckState triggers dataChanged gets back to value()
    // and iterate over all items again! This can be extremely slow on large items sets.
    for ( int j = 0; j < mTableWidget->rowCount(); j++ )
      auto signalBlockedTableWidget = whileBlocking( mTableWidget );
      Q_UNUSED( signalBlockedTableWidget )

      for ( int i = 0; i < nofColumns; ++i )
        QTableWidgetItem *item = mTableWidget->item( j, i );
        if ( item )
          item->setCheckState( checkList.contains( item->data( Qt::UserRole ).toString() ) ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked );
          //re-set enabled state because it's lost after reloading items
          item->setFlags( mEnabled ? item->flags() | Qt::ItemIsEnabled : item->flags() & ~Qt::ItemIsEnabled );
          lastChangedItem = item;
    // let's trigger the signal now, once and for all
    if ( lastChangedItem )
      lastChangedItem->setCheckState( checkList.contains( lastChangedItem->data( Qt::UserRole ).toString() ) ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked );

  else if ( mComboBox )
コード例 #13
void QgsRangeWidgetWrapper::initWidget( QWidget* editor )
  mDoubleSpinBox = qobject_cast<QDoubleSpinBox*>( editor );
  mIntSpinBox = qobject_cast<QSpinBox*>( editor );
  mDial = qobject_cast<QDial*>( editor );
  mSlider = qobject_cast<QSlider*>( editor );
  mQgsDial = qobject_cast<QgsDial*>( editor );
  mQgsSlider = qobject_cast<QgsSlider*>( editor );

  bool allowNull = config( "AllowNull" ).toBool();

  QVariant min( config( "Min" ) );
  QVariant max( config( "Max" ) );
  QVariant step( config( "Step" ) );

  if ( mDoubleSpinBox )
    // set the precision if field is integer
    int precision = layer()->fields()[fieldIdx()].precision();
    if ( precision > 0 )
      mDoubleSpinBox->setDecimals( layer()->fields()[fieldIdx()].precision() );

    double minval = min.toDouble();
    double stepval = step.toDouble();
    QgsDoubleSpinBox* qgsWidget = dynamic_cast<QgsDoubleSpinBox*>( mDoubleSpinBox );
    if ( qgsWidget )
      qgsWidget->setShowClearButton( allowNull );
    if ( allowNull )
      if ( precision > 0 )
        minval -= 10 ^ -precision;
        minval -= stepval;
      mDoubleSpinBox->setValue( minval );
      mDoubleSpinBox->setSpecialValueText( QSettings().value( "qgis/nullValue", "NULL" ).toString() );
    if ( min.isValid() )
      mDoubleSpinBox->setMinimum( min.toDouble() );
    if ( max.isValid() )
      mDoubleSpinBox->setMaximum( max.toDouble() );
    if ( step.isValid() )
      mDoubleSpinBox->setSingleStep( step.toDouble() );
    if ( config( "Suffix" ).isValid() )
      mDoubleSpinBox->setSuffix( config( "Suffix" ).toString() );

    connect( mDoubleSpinBox, SIGNAL( valueChanged( double ) ), this, SLOT( valueChanged( double ) ) );

  if ( mIntSpinBox )
    int minval = min.toInt();
    int stepval = step.toInt();
    QgsSpinBox* qgsWidget = dynamic_cast<QgsSpinBox*>( mIntSpinBox );
    if ( qgsWidget )
      qgsWidget->setShowClearButton( allowNull );
    if ( allowNull )
      minval -= stepval;
      mIntSpinBox->setValue( minval );
      mIntSpinBox->setSpecialValueText( QSettings().value( "qgis/nullValue", "NULL" ).toString() );
    if ( min.isValid() )
      mIntSpinBox->setMinimum( min.toInt() );
    if ( max.isValid() )
      mIntSpinBox->setMaximum( max.toInt() );
    if ( step.isValid() )
      mIntSpinBox->setSingleStep( step.toInt() );
    if ( config( "Suffix" ).isValid() )
      mIntSpinBox->setSuffix( config( "Suffix" ).toString() );
    connect( mIntSpinBox, SIGNAL( valueChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( valueChanged( int ) ) );

  if ( mQgsDial || mQgsSlider )
    field().convertCompatible( min );
    field().convertCompatible( max );
    field().convertCompatible( step );

    if ( mQgsSlider )
      if ( min.isValid() )
        mQgsSlider->setMinimum( min );
      if ( max.isValid() )
        mQgsSlider->setMaximum( max );
      if ( step.isValid() )
        mQgsSlider->setSingleStep( step );

    if ( mQgsDial )
      if ( min.isValid() )
        mQgsDial->setMinimum( min );
      if ( max.isValid() )
        mQgsDial->setMaximum( max );
      if ( step.isValid() )
        mQgsDial->setSingleStep( step );

    connect( editor, SIGNAL( valueChanged( QVariant ) ), this, SLOT( valueChanged( QVariant ) ) );
  else if ( mDial )
    if ( min.isValid() )
      mDial->setMinimum( min.toInt() );
    if ( max.isValid() )
      mDial->setMaximum( max.toInt() );
    if ( step.isValid() )
      mDial->setSingleStep( step.toInt() );
    connect( mDial, SIGNAL( valueChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( valueChanged( int ) ) );
  else if ( mSlider )
コード例 #14
void QgsRangeWidgetWrapper::initWidget( QWidget *editor )
  mDoubleSpinBox = qobject_cast<QDoubleSpinBox *>( editor );
  mIntSpinBox = qobject_cast<QSpinBox *>( editor );

  mDial = qobject_cast<QDial *>( editor );
  mSlider = qobject_cast<QSlider *>( editor );
  mQgsDial = qobject_cast<QgsDial *>( editor );
  mQgsSlider = qobject_cast<QgsSlider *>( editor );

  bool allowNull = config( QStringLiteral( "AllowNull" ), true ).toBool();

  QVariant min( config( QStringLiteral( "Min" ) ) );
  QVariant max( config( QStringLiteral( "Max" ) ) );
  QVariant step( config( QStringLiteral( "Step" ) ) );

  if ( mDoubleSpinBox )
    // set the precision if field is integer
    int precision = layer()->fields().at( fieldIdx() ).precision();
    if ( precision > 0 )
      mDoubleSpinBox->setDecimals( layer()->fields().at( fieldIdx() ).precision() );

    double minval = min.toDouble();
    double stepval = step.toDouble();
    QgsDoubleSpinBox *qgsWidget = dynamic_cast<QgsDoubleSpinBox *>( mDoubleSpinBox );
    if ( qgsWidget )
      qgsWidget->setShowClearButton( allowNull );
    if ( allowNull )
      if ( precision > 0 )
        minval -= 10 ^ -precision;
        minval -= stepval;
      mDoubleSpinBox->setValue( minval );
      mDoubleSpinBox->setSpecialValueText( QgsApplication::nullRepresentation() );
    mDoubleSpinBox->setMinimum( min.isValid() ? min.toDouble() : std::numeric_limits<double>::min() );
    mDoubleSpinBox->setMaximum( max.isValid() ? max.toDouble() : std::numeric_limits<double>::max() );
    mDoubleSpinBox->setSingleStep( step.isValid() ? step.toDouble() : 1.0 );
    if ( config( QStringLiteral( "Suffix" ) ).isValid() )
      mDoubleSpinBox->setSuffix( config( QStringLiteral( "Suffix" ) ).toString() );

    connect( mDoubleSpinBox, static_cast < void ( QDoubleSpinBox::* )( double ) > ( &QDoubleSpinBox::valueChanged ),
             this, static_cast < void ( QgsEditorWidgetWrapper::* )( double ) > ( &QgsEditorWidgetWrapper::valueChanged ) );
  else if ( mIntSpinBox )
    QgsSpinBox *qgsWidget = dynamic_cast<QgsSpinBox *>( mIntSpinBox );
    if ( qgsWidget )
      qgsWidget->setShowClearButton( allowNull );
    if ( allowNull )
      int minval = min.toInt();
      int stepval = step.toInt();
      minval -= stepval;
      mIntSpinBox->setValue( minval );
      mIntSpinBox->setSpecialValueText( QgsApplication::nullRepresentation() );
    setupIntEditor( min, max, step, mIntSpinBox, this );
    if ( config( QStringLiteral( "Suffix" ) ).isValid() )
      mIntSpinBox->setSuffix( config( QStringLiteral( "Suffix" ) ).toString() );
    field().convertCompatible( min );
    field().convertCompatible( max );
    field().convertCompatible( step );
    if ( mQgsDial ) setupIntEditor( min, max, step, mQgsDial, this );
    else if ( mQgsSlider ) setupIntEditor( min, max, step, mQgsSlider, this );
    else if ( mDial ) setupIntEditor( min, max, step, mDial, this );
    else if ( mSlider ) setupIntEditor( min, max, step, mSlider, this );
コード例 #15
void QgsRangeWidgetWrapper::initWidget( QWidget *editor )
  mDoubleSpinBox = qobject_cast<QDoubleSpinBox *>( editor );
  mIntSpinBox = qobject_cast<QSpinBox *>( editor );

  mDial = qobject_cast<QDial *>( editor );
  mSlider = qobject_cast<QSlider *>( editor );
  mQgsDial = qobject_cast<QgsDial *>( editor );
  mQgsSlider = qobject_cast<QgsSlider *>( editor );

  bool allowNull = config( QStringLiteral( "AllowNull" ), true ).toBool();

  QVariant min( config( QStringLiteral( "Min" ) ) );
  QVariant max( config( QStringLiteral( "Max" ) ) );
  QVariant step( config( QStringLiteral( "Step" ) ) );
  QVariant precision( config( QStringLiteral( "Precision" ) ) );

  if ( mDoubleSpinBox )
    double stepval = step.isValid() ? step.toDouble() : 1.0;
    double minval = min.isValid() ? min.toDouble() : std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest();
    double maxval  = max.isValid() ? max.toDouble() : std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
    int precisionval = precision.isValid() ? precision.toInt() : layer()->fields().at( fieldIdx() ).precision();

    mDoubleSpinBox->setDecimals( precisionval );

    QgsDoubleSpinBox *qgsWidget = qobject_cast<QgsDoubleSpinBox *>( mDoubleSpinBox );

    if ( qgsWidget )
      qgsWidget->setShowClearButton( allowNull );
    // Make room for null value: lower the minimum to allow for NULL special values
    if ( allowNull )
      double decr;
      if ( precisionval > 0 )
        decr = std::pow( 10, -precisionval );
        decr = stepval;
      minval -= decr;
      // Note: call setMinimum here or setValue won't work
      mDoubleSpinBox->setMinimum( minval );
      mDoubleSpinBox->setValue( minval );
      QgsDoubleSpinBox *doubleSpinBox( qobject_cast<QgsDoubleSpinBox *>( mDoubleSpinBox ) );
      if ( doubleSpinBox )
        doubleSpinBox->setSpecialValueText( QgsApplication::nullRepresentation() );
        mDoubleSpinBox->setSpecialValueText( QgsApplication::nullRepresentation() );
    mDoubleSpinBox->setMinimum( minval );
    mDoubleSpinBox->setMaximum( maxval );
    mDoubleSpinBox->setSingleStep( stepval );
    if ( config( QStringLiteral( "Suffix" ) ).isValid() )
      mDoubleSpinBox->setSuffix( config( QStringLiteral( "Suffix" ) ).toString() );

    connect( mDoubleSpinBox, static_cast < void ( QDoubleSpinBox::* )( double ) > ( &QDoubleSpinBox::valueChanged ),
    this, [ = ]( double ) { emitValueChanged(); } );
  else if ( mIntSpinBox )
    QgsSpinBox *qgsWidget = qobject_cast<QgsSpinBox *>( mIntSpinBox );
    if ( qgsWidget )
      qgsWidget->setShowClearButton( allowNull );
    int minval = min.toInt();
    if ( allowNull )
      int stepval = step.isValid() ? step.toInt() : 1;
      minval -= stepval;
      mIntSpinBox->setValue( minval );
      QgsSpinBox *intSpinBox( qobject_cast<QgsSpinBox *>( mIntSpinBox ) );
      if ( intSpinBox )
        intSpinBox->setSpecialValueText( QgsApplication::nullRepresentation() );
        mIntSpinBox->setSpecialValueText( QgsApplication::nullRepresentation() );
    setupIntEditor( minval, max, step, mIntSpinBox, this );
    if ( config( QStringLiteral( "Suffix" ) ).isValid() )
      mIntSpinBox->setSuffix( config( QStringLiteral( "Suffix" ) ).toString() );
    ( void )field().convertCompatible( min );
    ( void )field().convertCompatible( max );
    ( void )field().convertCompatible( step );
    if ( mQgsDial )
      setupIntEditor( min, max, step, mQgsDial, this );
    else if ( mQgsSlider )
      setupIntEditor( min, max, step, mQgsSlider, this );
    else if ( mDial )
      setupIntEditor( min, max, step, mDial, this );
    else if ( mSlider )
      setupIntEditor( min, max, step, mSlider, this );
コード例 #16
QVariant QgsValueRelationWidgetWrapper::value() const
  QVariant v;

  if ( mComboBox )
    int cbxIdx = mComboBox->currentIndex();
    if ( cbxIdx > -1 )
      v = mComboBox->currentData();

  const int nofColumns = columnCount();

  if ( mTableWidget )
    QStringList selection;
    for ( int j = 0; j < mTableWidget->rowCount(); j++ )
      for ( int i = 0; i < nofColumns; ++i )
        QTableWidgetItem *item = mTableWidget->item( j, i );
        if ( item )
          if ( item->checkState() == Qt::Checked )
            selection << item->data( Qt::UserRole ).toString();

    if ( layer()->fields().at( fieldIdx() ).type() == QVariant::Map )
      QVariantList vl;
      //store as QVariantList because it's json
      for ( const QString &s : qgis::as_const( selection ) )
        vl << s;
      v = vl;
      //store as hstore string
      v = selection.join( ',' ).prepend( '{' ).append( '}' );

  if ( mLineEdit )
    for ( const QgsValueRelationFieldFormatter::ValueRelationItem &item : qgis::as_const( mCache ) )
      if ( item.value == mLineEdit->text() )
        v = item.key;

  return v;