bool get_mod_metadata(int fd, struct mp3entry* id3) { /* Use the trackname part of the id3 structure as a temporary buffer */ unsigned char buf[1084]; int read_bytes; char *p; if ((lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET) < 0) || ((read_bytes = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf))) < 1084)) { return false; } /* We don't do file format checking here * There can be .mod files without any signatures out there */ p = id3->id3v2buf; /* Copy Title */ strcpy(p, &buf[0x00]); id3->title = p; p += strlen(p)+1; id3->bitrate = filesize(fd)/1024; /* size in kb */ id3->frequency = 44100; id3->length = 120*1000; id3->vbr = false; id3->filesize = filesize(fd); return true; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *path; int opt; while((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "s:")) != -1){ switch(opt){ case 's': scmcap = filesize(optarg); if(scmcap == -1) exit(1); scm = malloc(scmcap); scmlen = readfile(optarg, scm, scmcap); if(scmlen < scmcap){ fprintf(stderr, "error reading %s\n", optarg); exit(1); } if(jsonparse(&scmroot, scm, scmlen) == -1){ fprintf(stderr, "error parsing %s\n", optarg); exit(1); } break; default: caseusage: fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [-s path/to/schema.json] file.json\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } } if(optind >= argc) goto caseusage; path = argv[optind]; doccap = filesize(path); doc = malloc(doccap); doclen = readfile(path, doc, doccap); if(doclen < doccap){ fprintf(stderr, "error reading %s\n", path); exit(1); } if(jsonparse(&docroot, doc, doclen) == -1){ fprintf(stderr, "error parsing %s\n", path); exit(1); } if(scm != NULL){ if(jsonrefs(&scmroot) == -1){ fprintf(stderr, "jsonrefs: fail for schema\n"); exit(1); } if(jsoncheck(&docroot, 0, &scmroot, 0) == -1){ fprintf(stderr, "type checking failed for '%s'\n", path); exit(1); } } return 0; }
propertiesDialog::propertiesDialog(threadParam *p ,QIcon *icon,QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent), ui(new Ui::propertiesDialog) { ui->setupUi(this); setFixedSize(size()); param=p; if (p->files.size()>1){ ui->nameLabel->setText(trUtf8("(несколько элементов)")); ui->label_6->setText(trUtf8("Размещение: ")); ui->pathLabel->setText(p->source); ui->label_8->setText(trUtf8("Кол-во элементов: ")); ui->typeLabel->setText(trUtf8("файлов: ") + QString().number(p->count_files)+ trUtf8(" папок: ")+QString().number(p->count_dirs)); ui->sizeLabel->setText(filesize(p->total_size)); ui->time1Label->setText(trUtf8("(несколько элементов)")); ui->time2Label->setText(trUtf8("(несколько элементов)")); } else { ui->nameLabel->setText(p->files.first().fileName()); ui->pathLabel->setText(p->files.first().absolutePath()); if (p->files.first().isDir()) ui->sizeLabel->setText(filesize(p->total_size)+trUtf8(", папок: ")+ QString().number(p->count_dirs)+trUtf8(" файлов: ")+ QString().number(p->count_files)); else ui->sizeLabel->setText(filesize(p->total_size)); if (p->files.first().isSymLink()){ ui->typeLabel->setText(QFileIconProvider().type(p->files.first())+trUtf8(" (ссылка)")); ui->label_12->setText(trUtf8("Ссылка на: ")); ui->linkLabel->setText(param->files.first().symLinkTarget()); } else{ ui->typeLabel->setText(QFileIconProvider().type(p->files.first())) ; } ui->time1Label->setText(p->files.first().lastModified().toString("hh:mm:ss, dd MMM yyyy")); ui->time2Label->setText(p->files.first().lastRead().toString("hh:mm:ss, dd MMM yyyy")); showPermissions(); ui->label_11->setPixmap(icon->pixmap(48,48)); } connect(ui->u_read,SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)),this,SLOT(changged())); connect(ui->u_write,SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)),this,SLOT(changged())); connect(ui->u_exec,SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)),this,SLOT(changged())); connect(ui->g_read,SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)),this,SLOT(changged())); connect(ui->g_write,SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)),this,SLOT(changged())); connect(ui->g_exec,SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)),this,SLOT(changged())); connect(ui->o_read,SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)),this,SLOT(changged())); connect(ui->o_write,SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)),this,SLOT(changged())); connect(ui->o_exec,SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)),this,SLOT(changged())); }
char* readfile(const char* filename) { char* ptr; FILE* file = fopen(filename, "r"); if (file == NULL) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); ptr = malloc(filesize(file) * sizeof(char)); fread(ptr, filesize(file), 1, file); return ptr; }
/* Read in the setllar mass bins from the * user-supplied file listed in the hod.bat file. */ void input_stellar_mass_bins() { FILE *fp; int i,j,n; if(!Task.clustering && !Task.populate_sim)goto INPUT_LENSING_FILES; if(!Files.UseStellarMassBinsClustering) { fprintf(stdout,"No StellarMassBins file specified for clustering, using defaults:\nlog(M0) = 9, with 0.5 dex increments up to 12.0\n"); wpl.nsamples = (12-9)/0.5; for(i=1;i<=wpl.nsamples;++i) { wpl.mstar_wplo[0][i] = 9.0 + 0.5*i; wpl.mstar_wphi[0][i] = 9.5 + 0.5*i; } } else { fprintf(stdout,"Opening file: [%s]\n",Files.StellarMassBinsClustering); fp = openfile(Files.StellarMassBinsClustering); wpl.nsamples = filesize(fp); printf("Reading %d stellar mass bins.\n",wpl.nsamples); for(i=1;i<=wpl.nsamples;++i) fscanf(fp,"%lf %lf",&wpl.mstar_wplo[0][i], &wpl.mstar_wphi[0][i]); fclose(fp); } INPUT_LENSING_FILES: if(!Task.lensing)return; if(!Files.UseStellarMassBinsLensing) { fprintf(stdout,"No StellarMassBins file specified for lensing, using defaults:\nlog(M0) = 9, with 0.5 dex increments up to 12.0\n"); wpx.nsamples = (12-9)/0.5; for(i=1;i<=wpx.nsamples;++i) { wpx.mstar_wplo[0][i] = 9.0 + 0.5*i; wpx.mstar_wphi[0][i] = 9.5 + 0.5*i; } } else { fprintf(stdout,"Opening file: [%s]\n",Files.StellarMassBinsLensing); fp = openfile(Files.StellarMassBinsLensing); wpx.nsamples = filesize(fp); printf("Reading %d stellar mass bins.\n",wpx.nsamples); for(i=1;i<=wpx.nsamples;++i) fscanf(fp,"%lf %lf",&wpx.mstar_wplo[0][i], &wpx.mstar_wphi[0][i]); fclose(fp); } }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { int pid; char qactivefile [256]; char *progname = argv[0]; openlog ("mdmn", 0, LOG_MAIL); umask (002); if (argc > 1 && !strcmp (argv[1], "-d")) { ++debug; ++argv; --argc; } if (argc > 2) { fprintf (stderr, "usage: %s [-d] [config-file]\n", progname); exit (-1); } if (! config (argv [1])) { fprintf (stderr, "cannot read config file\n"); exit (-1); } if (! debug) { /* let's fork */ pid = fork (); if (pid < 0) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: cannot fork\n", progname); exit (-1); } if (pid) exit (0); /* now we are a child */ /* catch signals */ sigign (); } /* make temp file name */ mktemp (tmpf); syslog (LOG_INFO, "daemon started"); sprintf (qactivefile, "%s/queueactive", SERVDIR); for (;;) { if (filesize (MAILBOX)) runqueuer (); if (filesize (qactivefile)) runbatcher (); sleep (DAEMONDELAY); } /* NOTREACHED */ }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* Lavora sulla directory corrente se non si forniscono argomenti in input */ if (argc == 1) filesize("."); else while (--argc > 0) filesize(*++argv); return(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
void getfilestats(file_t *file) { file->size = filesize(file->d_name); file->inode = getinode(file->d_name); file->device = getdevice(file->d_name); file->mtime = getmtime(file->d_name); }
/* Inserisce len byte nel file f dalla posizione pos (=sposta avanti una parte del file); o aggiunge, se pos==end */ void insert(FILE *f, ULONG pos, ULONG len) { #define BLOCK 65535 char buf[BLOCK]; ULONG start, end, tomove, blks; end = filesize(f); tomove = end-pos; /* byte da spostare */ start = tomove>BLOCK? end-BLOCK : end-tomove; /* posizione iniziale del blocco da spostare */ if (start==end) goto dontmove; for (blks=tomove/BLOCK; blks; start-=BLOCK,blks--) { fseek(f,start,SEEK_SET); fread(buf,1,BLOCK,f); fseek(f,start+len,SEEK_SET); fwrite(buf,1,BLOCK,f); } /* Sposta gli ultimi byte */ tomove %= BLOCK; fseek(f,pos,SEEK_SET); fread(buf,1,tomove,f); fseek(f,pos+len,SEEK_SET); fwrite(buf,1,tomove,f); return; dontmove: /* Inserisce alla fine del file */ fseek(f,start+len-1,SEEK_SET); fwrite(buf,1,1,f); }
int on_create(const struct inotify_event *evt, const char *src_name, const size_t src_size) { char *dst_name; size_t dst_size; if (evt->mask & IN_CREATE) { /* Check if USB device */ printf("CREATE %s\n", evt->name); if (strncmp("usb-", evt->name, 4) == 0) { dst_name = (char*)alloca(strlen(dev_path) + strlen(evt->name) + 2); sprintf(dst_name, "%s/%s", dev_path, evt->name); /* Check if correct size */ if ((dst_size = filesize(dst_name)) == -1) { perror(__func__); return -1; } printf("Found %s size %lld\n", dst_name, dst_size); if (dst_size == src_size) { copy_usb(src_name, dst_name); return 1; } } } return 0; }
static bool archive_ordinary_file (const char *file_name, int file_fd, int archive_fd, bool *write_error) { bool read_error = false; bool success = true; int file_size = filesize (file_fd); if (!write_header (file_name, USTAR_REGULAR, file_size, archive_fd, write_error)) return false; while (file_size > 0) { static char buf[512]; int chunk_size = file_size > 512 ? 512 : file_size; int read_retval = read (file_fd, buf, chunk_size); int bytes_read = read_retval > 0 ? read_retval : 0; if (bytes_read != chunk_size && !read_error) { printf ("%s: read error\n", file_name); read_error = true; success = false; } memset (buf + bytes_read, 0, 512 - bytes_read); if (!do_write (archive_fd, buf, 512, write_error)) success = false; file_size -= chunk_size; } return success; }
int file_send(char *name, struct xfer_callback *cbs) { int len, flen, slen, total; char buf[1024] = {0}; FILE *fp = fopen(name, "r"); assert(fp); total = flen = filesize(fp); void *arg = cbs->xfer_client_init("", 5555); sleep(1); while (flen > 0) { usleep(20 * 1000); len = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), fp); if (len == -1) { printf("%s:%d xxxx\n", __func__, __LINE__); break; } slen = cbs->xfer_send(arg, buf, len); if (slen <= 0) { printf("xfer_send error: %d\n", cbs->xfer_errno(arg)); break; } if (slen != len) { printf("%s:%d slen=%d, len=%d\n", __func__, __LINE__, slen, len); } flen -= len; printf("already sent %s file %dKB/%dKB = %02f%%\n", name, (total-flen), total, (total-flen)/(total*1.0)*100); } sleep(1); cbs->xfer_close(arg); fclose(fp); printf("file %s length is %u\n", name, flen); return total; }
vector<int> fImageSource(string filename, int &fileSize) { vector<int> bitsOut; ifstream file; *)filename.c_str()); int bufferSize = filesize((char *)filename.c_str()); fileSize = bufferSize; char * buffer = new char[bufferSize]; // read file, bufferSize); file.close(); // decompose into single bits bitsOut.resize(bufferSize*8+2); bitsOut[0] = bitsOut[1] = 1; // add 2 pilot bits // see comment in fChannelEstimator for (int i = 0; i < bufferSize; i++) { char tmp = buffer[i]; for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { if (tmp & (1 << (7-j))) bitsOut[i*8+2+j] = 1; else bitsOut[i*8+2+j] = 0; } } return bitsOut; }
static char * newregfile( char **pp, int *len) { char *buf; int fd; char *fname; long size; fname = getstr(pp); if ((fd = open(fname, O_RDONLY)) < 0 || (size = filesize(fd)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, _("%s: cannot open %s: %s\n"), progname, fname, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } if ((*len = (int)size)) { buf = malloc(size); if (read(fd, buf, size) < size) { fprintf(stderr, _("%s: read failed on %s: %s\n"), progname, fname, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } } else buf = 0; close(fd); return buf; }
// returns -1 for error int scLoadFile (LPCSTR psPathedFilename, void **bufferptr, bool bBinaryMode /* = true */) { FILE *f; int length; void *buffer; f = fopen(psPathedFilename,bBinaryMode?"rb":"rt"); if (f) { length = filesize(f); buffer = malloc (length+1); ((char *)buffer)[length] = 0; int lread = fread (buffer,1,length, f); fclose (f); if (lread==length) { *bufferptr = buffer; return length; } free(buffer); } ErrorBox(va("Error reading file %s!",psPathedFilename)); return -1; }
static int guess_size (char * filename, ren_vid_format_t colorspace, int * w, int * h) { off_t size; if ((size = filesize (filename)) == -1) { return -1; } if (*w==-1 && *h==-1) { /* Image size unspecified */ int nr_sizes = sizeof(sizes) / sizeof(sizes[0]); int i; for (i=0; i<nr_sizes; i++) { if (size == imgsize(colorspace, sizes[i].w, sizes[i].h)) { *w = sizes[i].w; *h = sizes[i].h; return 0; } } } return -1; }
/* Riduce il file f di len byte dalla posizione pos */ void shrink(FILE *f, ULONG pos, ULONG len) { #define BLOCK 65535 char buf[BLOCK]; ULONG start, end, tomove, blks; end = filesize(f); tomove = end-pos-len; /* byte da spostare */ start = pos+len; /* posizione iniziale del blocco da spostare */ for (blks=tomove/BLOCK; blks; start+=BLOCK,blks--) { fseek(f,start,SEEK_SET); fread(buf,1,BLOCK,f); fseek(f,start-len,SEEK_SET); fwrite(buf,1,BLOCK,f); } /* Sposta gli ultimi byte */ tomove %= BLOCK; fseek(f,(long)-tomove,SEEK_END); fread(buf,1,tomove,f); fseek(f,(long)-(tomove+len),SEEK_END); fwrite(buf,1,tomove,f); /* Come si imposta la fine di un file in modo ANSIsh??? */ chsize(fileno(f),end-len); }
int config_read_fp(config_t* cfg, FILE *fp) { int size, fd; size = filesize(cfg,fp); fd = fileno(fp); if (fd < 0) { config_set_strerror(cfg, "config_read_fp(): %s", strerror(errno)); return -1; } #if WIN32 /* TODO: not supported on Windows */ return 0; #else void* mem; mem = mmap(0, size, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, ftell(fp)); if (mem == MAP_FAILED) { config_set_strerror(cfg, "config_read_fp(): %s", strerror(errno)); return -1; } return config_read_mem(cfg, mem, size); #endif }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int in_fd, out_fd; mapid_t in_map, out_map; void *in_data = (void *) 0x10000000; void *out_data = (void *) 0x20000000; int size; if (argc != 3) { printf ("usage: cp OLD NEW\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* Open input file. */ in_fd = open (argv[1]); if (in_fd < 0) { printf ("%s: open failed\n", argv[1]); return EXIT_FAILURE; } size = filesize (in_fd); /* Create and open output file. */ if (!create (argv[2], size)) { printf ("%s: create failed\n", argv[2]); return EXIT_FAILURE; } out_fd = open (argv[2]); if (out_fd < 0) { printf ("%s: open failed\n", argv[2]); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* Map files. */ in_map = mmap (in_fd, in_data); if (in_map == MAP_FAILED) { printf ("%s: mmap failed\n", argv[1]); return EXIT_FAILURE; } out_map = mmap (out_fd, out_data); if (out_map == MAP_FAILED) { printf ("%s: mmap failed\n", argv[2]); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* Copy files. */ memcpy (out_data, in_data, size); /* Unmap files (optional). */ munmap (in_map); munmap (out_map); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
void mod_info (flux_t h, opt_t opt) { char *modpath = NULL; char *modname = NULL; char *digest = NULL; if (opt.argc != 1) usage (); if (strchr (opt.argv[0], '/')) { if (!(modpath = realpath (opt.argv[0], NULL))) oom (); if (!(modname = flux_modname (modpath))) msg_exit ("%s", dlerror ()); } else { char *searchpath = getenv ("FLUX_MODULE_PATH"); if (!searchpath) searchpath = MODULE_PATH; modname = xstrdup (opt.argv[0]); if (!(modpath = flux_modfind (searchpath, modname))) msg_exit ("%s: not found in module search path", modname); } digest = sha1 (modpath); printf ("Module name: %s\n", modname); printf ("Module path: %s\n", modpath); printf ("SHA1 Digest: %s\n", digest); printf ("Size: %d bytes\n", filesize (modpath)); if (modpath) free (modpath); if (modname) free (modname); if (digest) free (digest); }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // M_ReadFile // unsigned int M_ReadFile (char const*name, byte**buffer) { unsigned int length; byte *buf; FILE * handle; length = filesize (name); if (length) { handle = fopen (name, "rb"); if (handle == NULL) { length = 0; } else { buf = Z_Malloc (length, PU_STATIC, NULL); length = fread (buf, 1, length, handle); fclose (handle); *buffer = buf; } } return (length); }
// returns -1 for error int LoadFile (LPCSTR psPathedFilename, void **bufferptr) { FILE *f; int length; void *buffer; *bufferptr = 0; // some code checks this as a return instead f = fopen(psPathedFilename,"rb"); if (f) { length = filesize(f); buffer = malloc (length+1 + 4096); // keep this in sync with INPUT_BUF_SIZE, since the JPG loader is sloppy ((char *)buffer)[length] = 0; int lread = fread (buffer,1,length, f); fclose (f); if (lread==length) { *bufferptr = buffer; return length; } free(buffer); } ErrorBox(va("Error reading file %s!",psPathedFilename)); return -1; }
PySubStream* CachedObjectMgr::LoadCachedFile( const char* abs_fname, const char* oname ) { FILE* f = fopen( abs_fname, "rb" ); if( f == NULL ) { sLog.Error("CachedObjMgr","Unable to open cache file '%s' for oname '%s': %s", abs_fname, oname, strerror( errno ) ); return false; } uint64 file_length = filesize( f ); if( file_length == 0 ) { sLog.Error("CachedObjMgr","Unable to stat cache file '%s' for oname '%s'", abs_fname, oname ); fclose( f ); return false; } Buffer* buf = new Buffer( file_length ); if( file_length != fread( &( *buf )[0], sizeof( uint8 ), file_length, f ) ) { sLog.Error("CachedObjMgr","Unable to read cache file '%s' for oname '%s%': %s", abs_fname, oname, strerror( errno ) ); SafeDelete( buf ); fclose( f ); return false; } fclose( f ); sLog.Debug("CachedObjMgr","Loaded cache file for '%s': length %u", oname, file_length ); return new PySubStream( new PyBuffer( &buf ) ); }
double one_halo_from_file(double m) { static double *x, *y, *z; static int n, flag = 1; FILE *fp; int i; double a; if(flag) { muh(0); fp = openfile("ncen.dat"); muh(0); n = filesize(fp); x = dvector(1,n); y = dvector(1,n); z = dvector(1,n); for(i=1;i<=n;++i) fscanf(fp,"%lf %lf",&x[i],&y[i]); spline(x,y,n,1.0E+30,1.0E+30,z); flag = 0; muh(0); } if(log10(m)<x[1])return 0; splint(x,y,z,n,log10(m),&a); //printf("%e %e\n",m,pow(10.0,a)); if(a>0) return 1; return pow(10.0,a); }
void initiate(char ** argv){ int key2 = ftok("makefile",'e'); //creating if (strcmp(argv[1], "--create") == 0){ createsharedmem(key2); createsem(key2); createfile("story.txt"); printf("INITIATED\n"); } //removing else if (strcmp(argv[1], "--remove") == 0) { //remove the shared memory (we need to remove pointers to memories separately or else shared memory will not disappear) removesharedmem(key2); //remove the semaphore removesem(key2); //display the file if (filesize() >0){ int fd; fd = open("story.txt", O_RDWR | O_APPEND, 0644); write(fd, "\n",2); } //Display the full contents of the story execlp("cat","cat","story.txt",NULL); } else{ printf("INVALID INPUT: Please run control with either '--create' or '--remove'.\n");// } }
// returns -1 for error int LoadFile (LPCSTR psPathedFilename, void **bufferptr, int bReportErrors) { FILE *f; int length; void *buffer; f = fopen(psPathedFilename,"rb"); if (f) { length = filesize(f); buffer = malloc (length+1); ((char *)buffer)[length] = 0; int lread = fread (buffer,1,length, f); fclose (f); if (lread==length) { *bufferptr = buffer; return length; } free(buffer); } extern bool gbInImageLoader; // tacky, but keeps quieter errors if (bReportErrors && !gbInImageLoader) { ErrorBox(va("Error reading file %s!",psPathedFilename)); } return -1; }
/* Load raw binary image. */ int load_raw_firmware(unsigned char* buf, char* firmware, int buffer_size) { int fd; int rc; int len; char filename[MAX_PATH]; snprintf(filename,sizeof(filename),"%s",firmware); fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY); if(fd < 0) { return EFILE_NOT_FOUND; } len = filesize(fd); if (len > buffer_size) return EFILE_TOO_BIG; rc = read(fd, buf, len); if(rc < len) return EREAD_IMAGE_FAILED; close(fd); return len; }
bool get_smaf_metadata(int fd, struct mp3entry* id3) { /* temporary buffer */ unsigned char *tmp = (unsigned char *)id3->path; unsigned int chunksize; id3->title = NULL; id3->artist = NULL; id3->composer = NULL; id3->vbr = false; /* All SMAF files are CBR */ id3->filesize = filesize(fd); /* check File Chunk and Contents Info Chunk */ lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); read(fd, tmp, 16); if ((memcmp(tmp, "MMMD", 4) != 0) || (memcmp(tmp + 8, "CNTI", 4) != 0)) { DEBUGF("metadata error: does not smaf format\n"); return false; } chunksize = get_long_be(tmp + 12); if (chunksize > 5) return parse_smaf_audio_track(fd, id3, chunksize); return parse_smaf_score_track(fd, id3); }
int os_file_exists(const char *name) { #if _WIN32 DWORD dw; int result; dw = GetFileAttributes(name); if (dw == -1L) result = 0; else if (dw & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) result = 2; else result = 1; return result; #elif DOS386 struct FIND *find; find = findfirst(name,FA_DIREC | FA_SYSTEM | FA_HIDDEN); if (!find) return 0; return (find->attribute & FA_DIREC) ? 2 : 1; #elif linux || __APPLE__ || __FreeBSD__ || __sun&&__SVR4 struct stat buf; return stat(name,&buf) == 0; /* file exists if stat succeeded */ #else return filesize(name) != -1L; #endif }
ReadMappingReader::ReadMappingReader(string file) : m_fp(NULL), m_file_name(file), m_total_to_read(0), m_total_read(0) { if((m_fp = fopen(file.c_str(), "r")) == NULL) throw Bio::Bad_file(file, "Failed to open SAM file", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); m_total_to_read = filesize(m_file_name.c_str()); }