コード例 #1
ファイル: audicle_ui_base.cpp プロジェクト: ccrma/audicle
UIMenu::UIMenu() { 
	_selected = -1;
    _id = IDManager::instance()->getPickID();
    fillCol(Color4D ( 0.8, 0.8, 1.0, 0.5 ) );
    lineCol(Color4D ( 0,0,0,1.0) ) ;
コード例 #2
ファイル: slam-belief.cpp プロジェクト: animesh-garg/bsp
bool minimizeMeritFunction(std::vector< Matrix<B_DIM> >& B, std::vector< Matrix<U_DIM> >& U, beliefPenaltyMPC_params &problem, beliefPenaltyMPC_output &output, beliefPenaltyMPC_info &info, double penalty_coeff)
	LOG_DEBUG("Solving sqp problem with penalty parameter: %2.4f", penalty_coeff);

	//Matrix<B_DIM,1> b0 = B[0];

	std::vector< Matrix<B_DIM,B_DIM> > F(T-1);
	std::vector< Matrix<B_DIM,U_DIM> > G(T-1);
	std::vector< Matrix<B_DIM> > h(T-1);

	double Beps = cfg::initial_trust_box_size;
	double Ueps = cfg::initial_trust_box_size;

	double Xpos_eps = cfg::initial_Xpos_trust_box_size;
	double Xangle_eps = cfg::initial_Xangle_trust_box_size;
	double Uvel_eps = cfg::initial_Uvel_trust_box_size;
	double Uangle_eps = cfg::initial_Uangle_trust_box_size;

	double optcost;

	std::vector<Matrix<B_DIM> > Bopt(T);
	std::vector<Matrix<U_DIM> > Uopt(T-1);

	double merit, model_merit, new_merit;
	double approx_merit_improve, exact_merit_improve, merit_improve_ratio;

	int sqp_iter = 1, index = 0;
	bool success;

	Matrix<B_DIM,B_DIM> IB = identity<B_DIM>();
	Matrix<B_DIM,B_DIM> minusIB = IB;
	for(int i = 0; i < B_DIM; ++i) {
		minusIB(i,i) = -1;
	//Matrix<3*B_DIM+U_DIM, 3*B_DIM+U_DIM> HMat;
	Matrix<B_DIM,3*B_DIM+U_DIM> CMat;
	Matrix<B_DIM> eVec;
	//Matrix<S_DIM,S_DIM> Hess;

	// sqp loop
		// In this loop, we repeatedly construct a linear approximation to the nonlinear belief dynamics constraint
		LOG_DEBUG("  sqp iter: %d", sqp_iter);

		merit = computeMerit(B, U, penalty_coeff);
		LOG_DEBUG("  merit: %4.10f", merit);

		// Problem linearization and definition
		// fill in H, f, C, e
		for (int t = 0; t < T-1; ++t) 
			Matrix<B_DIM>& bt = B[t];
			Matrix<U_DIM>& ut = U[t];

			linearizeBeliefDynamics(bt, ut, F[t], G[t], h[t]);

			// initialize f in cost function to penalize
			// belief dynamics slack variables
			index = 0;
			for(int i = 0; i < (B_DIM+U_DIM); ++i) { f[t][index++] = 0; }
			for(int i = 0; i < 2*B_DIM; ++i) { f[t][index++] = penalty_coeff; }



			fillColMajor(C[t], CMat);

			if (t == 0) {
				fillCol(e[0], eVec);
			eVec = -h[t] + F[t]*bt + G[t]*ut;
			fillCol(e[t+1], eVec);


		// trust region size adjustment
			//std::cout << "PAUSED INSIDE MINIMIZEMERITFUNCTION" << std::endl;

			LOG_DEBUG("       trust region size: %2.6f %2.6f", Beps, Ueps);

			// solve the innermost QP here
			for(int t = 0; t < T-1; ++t)
				Matrix<B_DIM>& bt = B[t];
				Matrix<U_DIM>& ut = U[t];

				// Fill in lb, ub

				index = 0;
				// x lower bound
				//for(int i = 0; i < X_DIM; ++i) { lb[t][index++] = MAX(xMin[i], bt[i] - Beps); }

				// car pos lower bound
				for(int i = 0; i < P_DIM; ++i) { lb[t][index++] = MAX(xMin[i], bt[i] - Xpos_eps); }
				// car angle lower bound
				lb[t][index++] = MAX(xMin[P_DIM], bt[P_DIM] - Xangle_eps);
				// landmark pos lower bound
				for(int i = C_DIM; i < X_DIM; ++i) { lb[t][index++] = MAX(xMin[i], bt[i] - Xpos_eps); }

				// sigma lower bound
				for(int i = 0; i < S_DIM; ++i) { lb[t][index] = bt[index] - Beps; index++; }

				// u lower bound
				//for(int i = 0; i < U_DIM; ++i) { lb[t][index++] = MAX(uMin[i], ut[i] - Ueps); }

				// u velocity lower bound
				lb[t][index++] = MAX(uMin[0], ut[0] - Uvel_eps);
				// u angle lower bound
				lb[t][index++] = MAX(uMin[1], ut[1] - Uangle_eps);

				// for lower bound on L1 slacks
				for(int i = 0; i < 2*B_DIM; ++i) { lb[t][index++] = 0; }

				index = 0;
				// x upper bound
				//for(int i = 0; i < X_DIM; ++i) { ub[t][index++] = MIN(xMax[i], bt[i] + Beps); }

				// car pos upper bound
				for(int i = 0; i < P_DIM; ++i) { ub[t][index++] = MIN(xMax[i], bt[i] + Xpos_eps); }
				// car angle upper bound
				ub[t][index++] = MIN(xMax[P_DIM], bt[P_DIM] + Xangle_eps);
				// landmark pos upper bound
				for(int i = C_DIM; i < X_DIM; ++i) { ub[t][index++] = MIN(xMax[i], bt[i] + Xpos_eps); }

				// sigma upper bound
				for(int i = 0; i < S_DIM; ++i) { ub[t][index] = bt[index] + Beps; index++; }

				// u upper bound
				//for(int i = 0; i < U_DIM; ++i) { ub[t][index++] = MIN(uMax[i], ut[i] + Ueps); }

				// u velocity upper bound
				ub[t][index++] = MIN(uMax[0], ut[0] + Uvel_eps);
				// u angle upper bound
				ub[t][index++] = MIN(uMax[1], ut[1] + Uangle_eps);

			Matrix<B_DIM>& bT = B[T-1];

			// Fill in lb, ub, C, e
			index = 0;
			double finalPosDelta = .1;
			double finalAngleDelta = M_PI/4;

			// xGoal lower bound
			for(int i = 0; i < P_DIM; ++i) { lb[T-1][index++] = xGoal[i] - finalPosDelta; }
			// loose on car angles and landmarks
			lb[T-1][index++] = nearestAngleFromTo(bT[2], xGoal[2] - finalAngleDelta);
			//lb[T-1][index++] = xGoal[2] - finalAngleDelta;
			for(int i = C_DIM; i < X_DIM; ++i) { lb[T-1][index++] = MAX(xMin[i], bT[i] - Xpos_eps); }
			// sigma lower bound
			for(int i = 0; i < S_DIM; ++i) { lb[T-1][index] = bT[index] - Beps; index++;}

			index = 0;
			// xGoal upper bound
			for(int i = 0; i < P_DIM; ++i) { ub[T-1][index++] = xGoal[i] + finalPosDelta; }
			// loose on car angles and landmarks
			ub[T-1][index++] = nearestAngleFromTo(bT[2], xGoal[2] + finalAngleDelta);
			//ub[T-1][index++] = xGoal[2] + finalAngleDelta;
			for(int i = C_DIM; i < X_DIM; ++i) { ub[T-1][index++] = MIN(xMax[i], bT[i] + Xpos_eps); }
			// sigma upper bound
			for(int i = 0; i < S_DIM; ++i) { ub[T-1][index] = bT[index] + Beps; index++;}

			// Verify problem inputs
			//if (!isValidInputs()) {
			//	std::cout << "Inputs are not valid!" << std::endl;
			//	exit(-1);

			int exitflag = beliefPenaltyMPC_solve(&problem, &output, &info);
			if (exitflag == 1) {
				for(int t = 0; t < T-1; ++t) {
					Matrix<B_DIM>& bt = Bopt[t];
					Matrix<U_DIM>& ut = Uopt[t];

					for(int i = 0; i < B_DIM; ++i) {
						bt[i] = z[t][i];
					for(int i = 0; i < U_DIM; ++i) {
						ut[i] = z[t][B_DIM+i];
					optcost = info.pobj;
				for(int i = 0; i < B_DIM; ++i) {
					Bopt[T-1][i] = z[T-1][i];
			else {
				LOG_ERROR("Some problem in solver");
				throw forces_exception();

			LOG_DEBUG("Optimized cost: %4.10f", optcost);

			model_merit = optcost;
			new_merit = computeMerit(Bopt, Uopt, penalty_coeff);

			LOG_DEBUG("merit: %4.10f", merit);
			LOG_DEBUG("model_merit: %4.10f", model_merit);
			LOG_DEBUG("new_merit: %4.10f", new_merit);
			approx_merit_improve = merit - model_merit;
			exact_merit_improve = merit - new_merit;
			merit_improve_ratio = exact_merit_improve / approx_merit_improve;

			LOG_DEBUG("approx_merit_improve: %1.6f", approx_merit_improve);
			LOG_DEBUG("exact_merit_improve: %1.6f", exact_merit_improve);
			LOG_DEBUG("merit_improve_ratio: %1.6f", merit_improve_ratio);
			//std::cout << "PAUSED INSIDE minimizeMeritFunction" << std::endl;
			//int num;
			//std::cin >> num;

			if (approx_merit_improve < -1e-5) {
				LOG_ERROR("Approximate merit function got worse: %1.6f", approx_merit_improve);
				//LOG_ERROR("Either convexification is wrong to zeroth order, or you are in numerical trouble");

				return false;
			} else if (approx_merit_improve < cfg::min_approx_improve) {
				LOG_DEBUG("Converged: improvement small enough");
				B = Bopt; U = Uopt;
				return true;
			} else if ((exact_merit_improve < 0) || (merit_improve_ratio < cfg::improve_ratio_threshold)) {
				Beps *= cfg::trust_shrink_ratio;
				Ueps *= cfg::trust_shrink_ratio;
				Xpos_eps *= cfg::trust_shrink_ratio;
				Xangle_eps *= cfg::trust_shrink_ratio;
				Uvel_eps *= cfg::trust_shrink_ratio;
				Uangle_eps *= cfg::trust_shrink_ratio;
				LOG_DEBUG("Shrinking trust region size to: %2.6f %2.6f %2.6f %2.6f", Xpos_eps, Xangle_eps, Uvel_eps, Uangle_eps);
			} else {
				Beps *= cfg::trust_expand_ratio;
				Ueps *= cfg::trust_expand_ratio;
				Xpos_eps *= cfg::trust_expand_ratio;
				Xangle_eps *= cfg::trust_expand_ratio;
				Uvel_eps *= cfg::trust_expand_ratio;
				Uangle_eps *= cfg::trust_expand_ratio;
				B = Bopt; U = Uopt;
				LOG_DEBUG("Accepted, Increasing trust region size to:  %2.6f %2.6f", Beps, Ueps);

			if (Beps < cfg::min_trust_box_size && Ueps < cfg::min_trust_box_size &&
					Xpos_eps < cfg::min_trust_box_size && Xangle_eps < cfg::min_trust_box_size &&
					Uvel_eps < cfg::min_trust_box_size && Uangle_eps < cfg::min_trust_box_size) {
			    LOG_DEBUG("Converged: x tolerance");
			    return true;

		} // trust region loop
	} // sqp loop

	return success;
コード例 #3
ファイル: slam-state-mpc.cpp プロジェクト: animesh-garg/bsp
bool minimizeMeritFunction(std::vector< Matrix<C_DIM> >& X, std::vector< Matrix<U_DIM> >& U, stateMPC_params& problem, stateMPC_output& output, stateMPC_info& info, double penalty_coeff)
	LOG_DEBUG("Solving sqp problem with penalty parameter: %2.4f", penalty_coeff);

	std::vector< Matrix<C_DIM,C_DIM> > F(T-1);
	std::vector< Matrix<C_DIM,U_DIM> > G(T-1);
	std::vector< Matrix<C_DIM> > h(T-1);

	double Xeps = cfg::initial_trust_box_size;
	double Ueps = cfg::initial_trust_box_size;

	double Xpos_eps = cfg::initial_trust_box_factor * cfg::initial_Xpos_trust_box_size;
	double Xangle_eps = cfg::initial_trust_box_factor * cfg::initial_Xangle_trust_box_size;
	double Uvel_eps = cfg::initial_trust_box_factor * cfg::initial_Uvel_trust_box_size;
	double Uangle_eps = cfg::initial_trust_box_factor * cfg::initial_Uangle_trust_box_size;
	double landmark_eps = cfg::initial_trust_box_factor * cfg::initial_landmark_trust_box_size;

	double optcost;

	std::vector<Matrix<C_DIM> > Xopt(T);
	std::vector<Matrix<U_DIM> > Uopt(T-1);

	double merit, model_merit, new_merit;
	double approx_merit_improve, exact_merit_improve, merit_improve_ratio;
	double constant_cost, hessian_constant, jac_constant;

	int sqp_iter = 1, index = 0, shrink_iters = 0;
	bool success;

	Matrix<C_DIM+U_DIM, C_DIM+U_DIM> HMat;
	Matrix<C_DIM,C_DIM> HfMat;
	Matrix<C_DIM> eVec;
	Matrix<C_DIM,3*C_DIM+U_DIM> CMat;

	Matrix<C_DIM,C_DIM> IX = identity<C_DIM>();
	Matrix<C_DIM,C_DIM> minusIX = IX;
	for(int i = 0; i < C_DIM; ++i) {
		minusIX(i,i) = -1;

	Matrix<C_DIM+U_DIM> zbar;

	// full Hessian from current timstep
	Matrix<CU_DIM,CU_DIM>Hess = identity<CU_DIM>();

	Matrix<CU_DIM> Grad, Gradopt;
	double cost;
	int idx = 0;

	// sqp loop
		// In this loop, we repeatedly construct a linear approximation to the nonlinear belief dynamics constraint
		LOG_DEBUG("  sqp iter: %d", sqp_iter);

		merit = casadiComputeMerit(X, U, penalty_coeff);

		LOG_DEBUG("  merit: %4.10f", merit);

		// Compute gradients
		casadiComputeCostGrad(X, U, cost, Grad);

		// Problem linearization and definition
		// fill in H, f

		hessian_constant = 0;
		jac_constant = 0;
		idx = 0;

		for (int t = 0; t < T-1; ++t)
			Matrix<C_DIM>& xt = X[t];
			Matrix<U_DIM>& ut = U[t];

			idx = t*(C_DIM+U_DIM);

			// fill in gradients and Hessians

			for(int i = 0; i < (C_DIM+U_DIM); ++i) {
				double val = Hess(idx+i,idx+i);
				HMat(i,i) = (val < 0) ? 0 : val;

			// since diagonal, fill directly
			for(int i = 0; i < (C_DIM+U_DIM); ++i) { H[t][i] = HMat(i,i); }
			// TODO: why does this work???
			for(int i = 0; i < (2*C_DIM); ++i) { H[t][i + (C_DIM+U_DIM)] = 5e2; } //1e3


			for(int i = 0; i < (C_DIM+U_DIM); ++i) {
				hessian_constant += HMat(i,i)*zbar[i]*zbar[i];
				jac_constant -= Grad[idx+i]*zbar[i];
				f[t][i] = Grad[idx+i] - HMat(i,i)*zbar[i];

			// penalize dynamics slack variables
			for(int i = C_DIM+U_DIM; i < 3*C_DIM+U_DIM; ++i) { f[t][i] = penalty_coeff; }

			// fill in linearizations
			linearizeCarDynamics(xt, ut, F[t], G[t], h[t]);



			fillColMajor(C[t], CMat);

			if (t == 0) {
				fillCol(e[0], eVec);

			eVec = -h[t] + F[t]*xt + G[t]*ut;
			fillCol(e[t+1], eVec);

		// For last stage, fill in H, f
		Matrix<C_DIM>& xT = X[T-1];

		idx = (T-1)*(C_DIM+U_DIM);

		for(int i = 0; i < C_DIM; ++i) {
			double val = Hess(idx+i,idx+i);
			HfMat(i,i) = (val < 0) ? 0 : val;

		// since diagonal, fill directly
		for(int i = 0; i < C_DIM; ++i) { H[T-1][i] = HfMat(i,i); }

		for(int i = 0; i < C_DIM; ++i) {
			hessian_constant += HfMat(i,i)*xT[i]*xT[i];
			jac_constant -= Grad[idx+i]*xT[i];
			f[T-1][i] = Grad[idx+i] - HfMat(i,i)*xT[i];

		constant_cost = 0.5*hessian_constant + jac_constant + cost;
		LOG_DEBUG("  hessian cost: %4.10f", 0.5*hessian_constant);
		LOG_DEBUG("  jacobian cost: %4.10f", jac_constant);
		LOG_DEBUG("  constant cost: %4.10f", constant_cost);

		// trust region size adjustment
			LOG_DEBUG("       trust region size: %2.6f %2.6f", Xeps, Ueps);

			// solve the innermost QP here
			for(int t = 0; t < T-1; ++t)
				Matrix<C_DIM>& xt = X[t];
				Matrix<U_DIM>& ut = U[t];

				// Fill in lb, ub

				index = 0;
				// car pos lower bound
				for(int i = 0; i < P_DIM; ++i) { lb[t][index++] = MAX(xMin[i], xt[i] - Xpos_eps); }
				// car angle lower bound
				lb[t][index++] = MAX(xMin[P_DIM], xt[P_DIM] - Xangle_eps);

				// u velocity lower bound
				lb[t][index++] = MAX(uMin[0], ut[0] - Uvel_eps);
				// u angle lower bound
				lb[t][index++] = MAX(uMin[1], ut[1] - Uangle_eps);

				// for lower bound on L1 slacks
				for(int i = 0; i < 2*C_DIM; ++i) { lb[t][index++] = 0; }

				index = 0;
				// car pos upper bound
				for(int i = 0; i < P_DIM; ++i) { ub[t][index++] = MIN(xMax[i], xt[i] + Xpos_eps); }
				// car angle upper bound
				ub[t][index++] = MIN(xMax[P_DIM], xt[P_DIM] + Xangle_eps);

				// u velocity upper bound
				ub[t][index++] = MIN(uMax[0], ut[0] + Uvel_eps);
				// u angle upper bound
				ub[t][index++] = MIN(uMax[1], ut[1] + Uangle_eps);

			// Fill in lb, ub
			double finalPosDelta = .1;
			double finalAngleDelta = M_PI/4;

			Matrix<C_DIM>& xT_MPC = X[T_MPC-1];

			index = 0;
			// xMidpoint lower bound
			for(int i = 0; i < P_DIM; ++i) { lb[T_MPC-1][index++] = xMidpoint[i] - finalPosDelta; }
			// loose on car angle and landmarks
			lb[T_MPC-1][index++] = nearestAngleFromTo(xT_MPC[2], xMidpoint[2] - finalAngleDelta);

			index = 0;
			// xMidpoint upper bound
			for(int i = 0; i < P_DIM; ++i) { ub[T_MPC-1][index++] = xMidpoint[i] + finalPosDelta; }
			// loose on car angle and landmarks
			ub[T_MPC-1][index++] = nearestAngleFromTo(xT_MPC[2], xMidpoint[2] + finalAngleDelta);

			Matrix<C_DIM>& xT = X[T-1];

			index = 0;
			// xGoal lower bound
			for(int i = 0; i < P_DIM; ++i) { lb[T-1][index++] = xGoal[i] - finalPosDelta; }
			// loose on car angle and landmarks
			//lb[T_MPC-1][index++] = xGoal[2] - finalAngleDelta;
			lb[T-1][index++] = nearestAngleFromTo(xT[2], xGoal[2] - finalAngleDelta);

			index = 0;
			// xGoal upper bound
			for(int i = 0; i < P_DIM; ++i) { ub[T-1][index++] = xGoal[i] + finalPosDelta; }
			// loose on car angle and landmarks
			//ub[T_MPC-1][index++] = xGoal[2] + finalAngleDelta;
			ub[T-1][index++] = nearestAngleFromTo(xT[2], xGoal[2] + finalAngleDelta);

			// Verify problem inputs
			if (!isValidInputs()) {
				LOG_ERROR("Inputs are not valid!");

			int exitflag = stateMPC_solve(&problem, &output, &info);
			if (exitflag == 1) {
				for(int t = 0; t < T-1; ++t) {
					Matrix<C_DIM>& xt = Xopt[t];
					Matrix<U_DIM>& ut = Uopt[t];

					for(int i = 0; i < C_DIM; ++i) {
						xt[i] = z[t][i];
					for(int i = 0; i < U_DIM; ++i) {
						ut[i] = z[t][C_DIM+i];
					optcost = info.pobj;
				for(int i = 0; i < C_DIM; ++i) {
					Xopt[T-1][i] = z[T-1][i];
			else {
				LOG_ERROR("Some problem in solver");
				throw forces_exception();

			LOG_DEBUG("       Optimized cost: %4.10f", optcost);

			model_merit = optcost + constant_cost;

			new_merit = casadiComputeMerit(Xopt, Uopt, penalty_coeff);

			LOG_DEBUG("       merit: %4.10f", merit);
			LOG_DEBUG("       model_merit: %4.10f", model_merit);
			LOG_DEBUG("       new_merit: %4.10f", new_merit);

			approx_merit_improve = merit - model_merit;
			exact_merit_improve = merit - new_merit;
			merit_improve_ratio = exact_merit_improve / approx_merit_improve;

			LOG_DEBUG("       approx_merit_improve: %1.6f", approx_merit_improve);
			LOG_DEBUG("       exact_merit_improve: %1.6f", exact_merit_improve);
			LOG_DEBUG("       merit_improve_ratio: %1.6f", merit_improve_ratio);


			//std::cout << "PAUSED INSIDE minimizeMeritFunction AFTER OPTIMIZATION" << std::endl;

			if (approx_merit_improve < -1e-5) {
				LOG_ERROR("Approximate merit function got worse: %1.6f", approx_merit_improve);
				std::cout << "penalty coeff: " << penalty_coeff << "\n";
				//LOG_ERROR("Either convexification is wrong to zeroth order, or you are in numerical trouble");

				return false;
			} else if (approx_merit_improve < cfg::min_approx_improve) {
				LOG_DEBUG("Converged: improvement small enough");
				X = Xopt; U = Uopt;
				return true;
			} else if ((exact_merit_improve < 0) || (merit_improve_ratio < cfg::improve_ratio_threshold)) {
				//Xeps *= cfg::trust_shrink_ratio;
				//Ueps *= cfg::trust_shrink_ratio;
				Xpos_eps *= cfg::trust_shrink_ratio;
				Xangle_eps *= cfg::trust_shrink_ratio;
				Uvel_eps *= cfg::trust_shrink_ratio;
				Uangle_eps *= cfg::trust_shrink_ratio;
				landmark_eps *= cfg::trust_shrink_ratio;
				LOG_DEBUG("Shrinking trust region size to: %2.6f %2.6f %2.6f %2.6f", Xpos_eps, Xangle_eps, Uvel_eps, Uangle_eps);
			} else {
				//Xeps *= cfg::trust_expand_ratio;
				//Ueps *= cfg::trust_expand_ratio;
				Xpos_eps *= cfg::trust_expand_ratio;
				Xangle_eps *= cfg::trust_expand_ratio;
				Uvel_eps *= cfg::trust_expand_ratio;
				Uangle_eps *= cfg::trust_expand_ratio;
				landmark_eps *= cfg::trust_expand_ratio;

				casadiComputeCostGrad(Xopt, Uopt, cost, Gradopt);

				Matrix<CU_DIM> s, y;

				idx = 0;
				for(int t = 0; t < T-1; ++t) {
					for(int i=0; i < C_DIM; ++i) {
						s[idx+i] = Xopt[t][i] - X[t][i];
						y[idx+i] = Gradopt[idx+i] - Grad[idx+i];
					idx += C_DIM;

					for(int i=0; i < U_DIM; ++i) {
						s[idx+i] = Uopt[t][i] - U[t][i];
						y[idx+i] = Gradopt[idx+i] - Grad[idx+i];
					idx += U_DIM;
				for(int i=0; i < C_DIM; ++i) {
					s[idx+i] = Xopt[T-1][i] - X[T-1][i];
					y[idx+i] = Gradopt[idx+i] - Grad[idx+i];

				double theta;
				Matrix<CU_DIM> Bs = Hess*s;

				bool decision = ((~s*y)[0] >= .2*(~s*Bs)[0]);
				if (decision) {
					theta = 1;
				} else {
					theta = (.8*(~s*Bs)[0])/((~s*Bs-~s*y)[0]);

				//std::cout << "theta: " << theta << std::endl;

				Matrix<CU_DIM> r = theta*y + (1-theta)*Bs;
				//Matrix<XU_DIM> rBs = theta*(y -Bs);

				// SR1 update
				//B = B + (rBs*~rBs)/((~rBs*s)[0]);

				// L-BFGS update
				Hess = Hess - (Bs*~Bs)/((~s*Bs)[0]) + (r*~r)/((~s*r)[0]);

				// take in diagonal of B
				// find minimum value among diagonal elements
				// negate and add to other vals
				double minValue = INFTY;
				double maxValue = -INFTY;
				for(int i=0; i < CU_DIM; ++i) {
					minValue = MIN(minValue, Hess(i,i));
					maxValue = MAX(maxValue, Hess(i,i));

				if (minValue < 0) {
					std::cout << "negative minValue, press enter\n";
					Hess = Hess + fabs(minValue)*identity<CU_DIM>();

				// Do not update B
				//B = identity<XU_DIM>();

				X = Xopt; U = Uopt;

				LOG_DEBUG("Accepted, Increasing trust region size to:  %2.6f %2.6f %2.6f %2.6f", Xpos_eps, Xangle_eps, Uvel_eps, Uangle_eps);

			if (Xpos_eps < cfg::min_trust_box_size && Xangle_eps < cfg::min_trust_box_size &&
					Uvel_eps < cfg::min_trust_box_size && Uangle_eps < cfg::min_trust_box_size && landmark_eps < cfg::min_trust_box_size) {
			//if (shrink_iters > cfg::min_trust_shrink_iters) {
			    LOG_DEBUG("Converged: x tolerance");
			    return true;

			//std::cout << "U" << std::endl;
			//for(int t=0; t < T-1; ++t) {
			//	std::cout << ~U[t];
			//std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
			//pythonDisplayTrajectory(U, T, true);
			//pythonDisplayTrajectory(X, T, true);

		} // trust region loop
	} // sqp loop

	return success;